Khairy Jamaluddin / MUST READ / Pak Lah

A friendly reminder to whom it may concern

Since 2004, Umno is permeated with a culture of being ‘biadap’ to its illustrious former president. This culture of running down their own former leader was one of the factor Umno lost the support from many of its own members. When Pak Lah and followers were rude to Tun Dr Mahathir, many were turned off by their diatribe. The 4th … Continue reading

MUST READ / Pak Lah / Politics in general / Tun Dr Mahathir / Umno & Barisan Nasional

The real Umno Warlords

Update 16 September, 11.55am : From the latest news reports, Anwar Ibrahim is seeking a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss the peaceful transition of power from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Rakyat. Please read both links provided. How delusional can he be? If Pak Lah and his advisers have any brain cells left in … Continue reading

Umno – The Sick Man of Malaysia
History / Pak Lah / Umno & Barisan Nasional

Umno – The Sick Man of Malaysia

31 July 2008 We remember once when Pak Lah said sarcastically, “mereka kata saya lembik… tapi orang takut kat si lembik seolah-olah dalam kabinet bodoh belaka”. Then, we had an epiphany. Most people in Umno who have the power (Ministers, Supreme Council members and division leaders etc) wanted him to stay on not because they are afraid of … Continue reading

Entertainment / Pak Lah / Socio-economy

Don’t worry, Government understands the hardship we face!

The Star today reads; IPOH: The Government understands the hardship the people will face following the fuel price increase, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan said. Ong said the Government had no choice but to increase the price due to the rise in global crude oil prices. “Even with the increase, … Continue reading

Pak Lah / Tun Dr Mahathir

The CEO and the Pegawai Tadbir explored further

Pak Lah’s administration continuously trying to fight the criticisms hurled at them with much disarray. Supplementing the mistakes with weak and sometimes illogical excuses, one has to wonder whether who are the brains behind this malignant administration. It is a no-brainer (pun intended) that KJ runs the show. And lately, people from all walks of life are questioning the wisdom … Continue reading