Anwar Ibrahim / Pakatan Rakyat

Anwar Ibrahim’s petty lawyers

Anwar, peguam perlu minta maaf kepada Utusan

KUALA LUMPUR 10 Feb. – Minta maaf kepada Utusan Malaysia.Demikian saranan Peguam Cara Negara II, Datuk Mohd. Yusof Zainal Abiden terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan pasukan pembelaannya yang mendakwa Utusan Malaysia membuat laporan tidak tepat pada perbicaraan kes liwat beliau.

Menurutnya, berdasarkan rakaman audio dan nota prosiding mahkamah, Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan semasa memberi keterangan pada perbicaraan kes itu memang ada menyebut perkataan ‘lagi’ dan ia bukan disebut sekali sahaja tetapi dua kali.

Jelas Mohd. Yusof, ketika disoal olehnya apa sebab dia (Mohd. Saiful Bukhari) berhenti kerja dengan Anwar, saksi itu menyatakan ”Sebab sebenar saya tidak rela lagi…” dan bagi soalan ”Apa respons kamu?”, pemuda itu menyatakan ”Saya tidak sanggup melakukannya lagi…”.

”Karpal Singh dengan mudah lupa segala tuduhan yang serius terhadap Utusan Malaysia. Ini adalah serius. Dalam afidavit saya ada menyatakan ‘saya rasa saya dengar dia (Mohd. Saiful Bukhari) menyebutnya’. Sekarang ia menunjukkan memang ada perkataan itu disebut. Asas kepada aduan Karpal telah terhapus sama sekali,”

Mohd. Yusof menyatakan demikian ketika berhujah bagi membantah permohonan Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) itu supaya Hakim Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd. Diah menarik diri daripada mendengar kes itu kerana didakwa berat sebelah.

Anwar mengemukakan permohonan itu setelah hakim tersebut menolak permohonannya agar Utusan Malaysia dikenakan tindakan menghina mahkamah berhubung artikel dan tajuk ‘Tak rela diliwat lagi’ pada keluaran 4 Februari lalu.

Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh itu juga tidak berpuas hati dengan tindakan mahkamah yang menolak permohonannya supaya Utusan Malaysia diberi peringatan berhubung penyiaran kapsyen gambar di muka hadapan akhbar itu pada 5 Februari lalu.

Anwar, 63, sedang dibicarakan atas tuduhan meliwat Mohd. Saiful Bukhari, 25, di Unit 11-5-1, Kondominium Desa Damansara, No.99, Jalan Setiakasih, Bukit Damansara antara pukul 3.01 dan 4.30 petang, 26 Jun 2008.

Perbicaraan masuk hari keenam hari ini tetapi ditangguhkan bagi mendengar permohonan oleh pihak pembelaan itu.

Terdahulu, Karpal menyatakan Hakim Mohamad Zabidin ‘bersalah’ kerana tidak memberitahu perkara yang benar dan menunjukkan bahawa beliau tidak layak untuk duduk di kerusi hakim serta meneruskan perbicaraan.

”Bagaimana Yang Arif boleh membuat kesimpulan bahawa Utusan Malaysia tidak mempunyai niat jahat. Niat itu datang dari Utusan Malaysia, bukan dari mahkamah ini.

”Yang Arif perlu menebus kekhilafan diri. Seorang hakim tidak boleh menipu atau memperkatakan sesuatu yang tidak benar,” hujah peguam itu.

Mengenai aduan terhadap gambar tersebut, Mohd. Yusof berkata, keterangan gambar berkenaan adalah ‘kabur’ kerana perkataan ‘tempat’ dalam kapsyen itu tidak menyatakan secara spesifik ia adalah katil atau bilik.

Menurutnya, beliau tidak melihat sebarang masalah berhubung kapsyen tersebut kerana Utusan Malaysia tidak menyatakan ”katil di atas di mana kesalahan itu dilakukan”.

”Perkataan merujuk kepada katil atau bilik? Jika ia bermaksud bilik, maka ia adalah betul. Bilik dan katil ada disebut di mahkamah terbuka. Jadi, Yang Arif adalah betul,” katanya.

Dalam keterangan Mohd. Saiful Bukhari, katanya, saksi itu ada menyatakan ”Beliau (Anwar) arahkan saya ke bilik tidur utama…” dan ”Anwar berada di hujung penjuru katil”.

Sementara itu, Mohd Yusof turut sempat menegur tindakan Karpal yang menggunakan perkataan ‘berbohong’ terhadap hakim tersebut yang disifatkan terlalu kasar.

”Untuk mengatakan Yang Arif berbohong adalah terlalu kasar. Walaupun kita boleh berhujah sebaik manapun untuk anak guam kita, tetapi menggunakan perkataan kasar adalah tidak wajar. Kita boleh berbuat demikian dengan sopan dan beretika,” katanya.

Karpal ketika berhujah telah menyatakan Hakim Mohamad Zabidin ‘telah menipu dan telah terbukti menipu.’

Disebabkan ‘penipuan’ itu, hakim tersebut, ujar Karpal, tidak mempunyai alternatif lain selain menarik diri daripada perbicaraan.

Read more here.

Will Anwar Ibrahim and Karpal Singh apologise to Utusan Malaysia even after both of them are caught lying?

Of course not.

It is beneath them to apologise to anybody and anyone.

Besides, these petty arguments brought forth by Karpal Singh and his gang are just to delay the trial.

They will move on to find other petty technicalities so that this trial will not show Anwar’s true colours.  And it is odd that Pakatan Rakyat leaders, who claim to be the champion of transparency wants this trial to be hidden behind cameras.

I really do not understand why would the judge be changed just because he did not find any faults with a newspaper. It is beyond Karpal and Anwar to ask the judge to remove himself because he failed to cite  contempt of court over something which is based really on facts obtained from proceedings.

This what happens when a lawyer is also a politician who is a lawyer that can be seen as a politician who acts as a  lawyer for a politician. Karpal should wear one hat at a time please.

In fact, Karpal should exclude himself from being Anwar’s legal counsel for this blatant conflict of interest.

Karpal’s political survival greatly hinged on Anwar’s political survival. Thus, Karpal may find it hard to maintain the required professionalism because political expediency may overwhelm that professionalism. We all know that politics can be a crappy business.

Hence, all the crap we see so far from the defence team.

64 thoughts on “Anwar Ibrahim’s petty lawyers

  1. Salam JMD,

    Got to respect Karpal in this ! Benda mcm tu pun dia boleh guna buat delay kes …so petty and irrelevant, yet they got almost 2 weeks out of it.

    Bukan ke ia sesuatu yang subjektif apakah artikel Utusan itu menghina kes atau tidak….. Karpal dan anwar rasa hina tapi ramai yang lain termasuk hakim tak nampak ada apa2 yang perlu dikomen, biasa je… Apakah semua perkara kena ikut persepsi karpal ?

    Kalau betul pun salah lapor, karpal boleh bawa ke mahkamah lain. Tak perlu ganggu proceeding. Salah lapor atau apapun pastinya tidak memberi kesan pada Hakim kes anwar.

    Umpama lembu dipakaikan tuala – orang lain tengok biasa je, mungkin pelik sikit tapi anwar tengok boleh stim ! Adakah anwar nak marah orang lain kerana tak ikut stim sama ??


  2. Its really sad to see this whole episode. From the time Mahathir accusing Anwar till now the story has not end. So much public money and time has been wasted on all these. Though I live in a country controlled by Chinese but I felt blessed that our public money are not wasted on all these dirty politics. Instead of focusing the future you all malaysian are busy trying to prove the truth and the lies of Anwar and Saiful. Najib should copy LKY macam mana nak get rid of opposition party or people yang menganggu kerajaan….without sexually humilating them.
    What a shame and waste of time:(((((

    JMD : Dear Kaksu,

    Mahathir did not accuse Anwar. The trial of 1998 came about from a police report not made by Mahathir. Mahathir disbelieved the accusation at first eventhough Karpal Singh and Mohd Sabu had accused Anwar in parliament months before he was sacked.

    Yes, LKY used public funds, other dirty tactics and even the judiciary to cajole, threaten and eventually eliminate the opposition from Singapore’s political platform. Good for Singaporeans I guess.

    It is Anwar who is sexually humiliating himself when he immerse himself in homosexual activities. Mahathir even wanted him to go quietly a few months after the police report was made.

    The one that should be shameful is Anwar. Not Malaysians, nor a Malay Singaporean.

    This is not dirty politics. Somebody buggered another person and made a police report, investigations has been made and justice must be served in a court of law. Unless of course Singaporeans condone homosexual activities among top politicians of their country.

    Thank you.


    • Dear Kak Su,
      I really can’t stand people like you who likes to take this ‘tak ape’ attitude. Please get yourself educated ye.. before you make yourself sound more foolish next time.



    • Dear JMD…

      Being homosexual is a personal choice but definately as a muslim we do not condone it neither do we want our children or family to be one.

      As a prime minister doesnt Mahathir has to power to sack his deputy? Does he has to tell the world his reasons for sacking anwar becos of him being homosexual? Maksud akak tak boleh ke Mahathir dgn cara baik & diplomatically drop him from deputy?? Basing on Polis report made by the andartu Umi….??? (the andartu’s brother, si azwan ali….artis sasau tiga suku ????)

      I’m sorry JMD. Walau pun akak bukan orang malaysia but we malay singaporean are very much attach to malaysia. The chinese singaporean were laughing at you all esp when the tilam was brought in and out of court. Somehow it does hurt us, the malays.

      When one of our minister has a second wife, LKY drop him from paliament and transfer out and slowly the LKY freeze him out from politics. What ever dirty tricks he use, he doesnt shame his minister.
      And look at your ministers busy hunting and counting wives. (and also money) Boleh ke bimbing rakyat???

      oh ya….why doesnt Saiful tell Anwar’s wife on what Anwar did instead of going to Najib or public??? Or he did but they didnt listen to him???? I’m really confused. I feel very sad to see a Muslim stabbing another muslim.

      Thank you….

      JMD : Dear Kaksu, thank you for being here. I guess it is time we set the record straight. Let us go through your comments paragraph by paragraph.

      As a Muslim, being a homosexual is a sin where we cannot and never should label it as ‘personal choice’. Muslims do not have a ‘choice’ to either be heterosexual or homosexual. If you’re ‘cukup sifat kelakian’ or ‘cukup sifat kewanitaan’, it is a sin to be involved in homosexual activities.

      The Prime Minister indeed has the power to sack his deputy of any of his ministers. It is his prerogative. In fact, the position Deputy Prime Minister is not even mentioned in the Malaysian Constitution. Hence, he can hire and fire any member of his cabinet.

      For the record, Mahathir did asked Anwar to leave quietly. I mentioned this in the previous comment. I do not know how it is done there in Singapore but when a police report is made, the police has the obligation and is required by law to investigate it.

      Regardless who the complainant is. We also have a law that would severely punish those who make false police report to deter just any Tom, Dick and Harry to make one.

      Upon investigations of the police report made by Azizan and Umi Hafilda (after being adviced by Karpal Singh back in 1997), the police discovered some elements of truth in it.

      At the same time, Anwar Ibrahim used his power to stop the police investigations and directed the police to threaten the complainants. This is the charges of his 1st trial presided by the late Agustine Paul which found him guilty of abuse of power and was sentenced for 6 years.

      Do you now understand?

      Mahathir wanted to drop him diplomatically. But Anwar Ibrahim arrogantly said that he will fight. Hence all the fuss of him creating the Reformasi movement just to put a smokescreen on his own alleged sodomy trial.

      He shamed the country at the advent of the Commonwealth Games in 1998 just to highlight his so called ‘victimisation’.

      The bed was one of the evidence brought into court during the first trial. Agustine Paul ruled it as irrelevant because the trial was about abuse of power, not sodomy.

      But that piece of evidence was brought again in the second trial of 1998 which was presided by Ariffin Jaka. The chemist wanted to show the trace of semen for the judge, prosecution and defence counsel to see.

      The bed was not purposely paraded by the government for all to see. It was the local and foreign media that published the pictures.

      Why would the bed be such a contentious issue to you in the first place? Trials of rapists had brought in various evidences to courts before. If it is part of the evidence, it will be brought to court. Are we clear?

      If you want to go on the racial path by stating that the chinese in your country are laughing at your own brethren here in Malaysia then it is up to you to defend your brethren! You even said it yourself, that you are very much attached to Malaysia. This attachment would entail some sort of affection wouldn’t it?

      If you had studied the whole story and did not succumb to the propaganda of your country’s government’s mouthpiece – The Straight Times then you would have no difficulties in telling them the truth – that first, it was an abuse of power trial, and secondly, the following case was the sodomy trial. It was purely a trial to judge a sexual misconduct. A misconduct that Anwar himself had done.

      And like any other crime and misconducts, it must be punished.

      I am not sure how it is done in Singapore, but a crime committed should be punished, as a deterrent for other people.

      There is no element of shame in it as ANWAR WAS THE WANT WHO ASKED FOR IT.

      Berani buat, berani tanggung.

      If an average Malay stood in a trial for sodomy charges, the Malaysian public may not even blink an eye over it because the case may not be highlighted in the media.

      But since Anwar is a public figure, how could you stop the media from airing such news?

      It was not Mahathir or the government that shamed Anwar.

      Anwar’s the one that shaming himself and shaming his family as well.

      And yes, our ministers are not perfect. Even the opposition MPs are involved in marital and sexual misdemeanours.

      Of course, the Singaporeans politicians are God’s gift to Singaporeans. They are so perfect, even when the wife of the Prime Ministers is appointed as the boss of Temasek Holdings, nobody there in Singapore dared to make noise.

      Imagine if Rosmah Mansor is appointed as Khazanah Nasional’s CEO.

      The last paragraph of yours are your assumptions. Wan Azizah is a politician. Who knows what Saiful went through. Since you are assuming, I might as well give my assumptions too – Saiful went to Najib because he just got buggered by a popular Opposition leader of Malaysia and as a kid at the age of 23, he wants to know his options. Since he claimed he was sodomised by Anwar, Najib’s aide gave him the opportunity to meet the Prime Minister as any actions he will do afterwards, will somehow impact the political environment of the country. Maybe he asked for advice? In which Najib would say, make a police report because that would be the most sensible thing to do. If you were raped Kaksu, what would you do? Keep quiet because you do not want to shame your person who raped you?

      It is certainly not about a Muslim stabbing another Muslim. This is about a Muslim, not following the teachings of Islam, and sodomised another Muslim and hoped to get away with it (just because he is Anwar Ibrahim).

      Thank you.


      • kaksu

        please speak for yourself and NEVER ever speak for all Malay Singaporeans

        your opinion I feel is based on “perceptions” created by your local newspaper

        you would do well to read extensively before expressing your biased views

        and it is not polite to call another person andartu.

        Umi should be respected and regarded as the nation’s heroine for her guts to espose something she felt is critical to Malaysia’s well-being.


        • Ray…I’m not representing all the Malays in Singapore. I’m representing myself. As a Singaporean houswife expressing my thoughts. Siapa kata yang I’m speaking for all the Malay Singapore???


          • Hey kaksu

            How about the part where you insulted Umi and her brother? Any justification for that???

            It is disgraceful to call people derogatory names. It is a reflection of one’s upbringing.

            While you are entitled to your biased views, no one is entitled to hurling insults at others.

            And I agree with JMD with regards to the BILLIONS of singdollar loss in investment.

            Does that denote some bad judgement?


      • Dear JMD…Thank you for your explanation.

        Yes…I agree its a sin to be homo. Di haramkan ugama.
        Drink beer pun haram. But how many malays drinking at the night club. Go to look at the photos artis2 bersocial. Megah pegang botol beer.

        The moral of the story….we cannot force them but maybe we can only educate them. Once they sudah ada ilmu yang betul they will stop doing the wrong things.

        I have some questions to you…

        1. If Saiful can prove that he has tried to inform Anwar’s wife, daughter or even PAS leader but they ignore him then it will be more convincing. Saiful niat is the most important. What is his NIAT??? But when he went to see Najib…thats where Anwar has a point to say it Conspirary Theory.

        2. Anwar was oreadi in Jail. Kenapa dia di-lepaskan and his sodomy charge was drop? (correct me if I’m wrong as I only read thru singapore media) Now he is out he is getting stronger.

        Karpal Singh…he use anything to gain for his party. He sees the opportunity in Anwar so he grap it. What ever dirty trick you call it but it was a smart move by him. The opposition is now using him to gun down the government and BN.

        3. In Singapore, when there is a police report on the minister…1st his job is freeze until the investigation is over.

        JMD…I’m sorry but what I’m trying to say is that its the way the situation handled by the government that allow Anwar to gain support and sympathy. Itu je….

        Thanks JMD once again for tolerating my ignorant.


        JMD : Saya tidak nampak apa kaitan antara sodomi Anwar Ibrahim dengan perangai artis artis di Malaysia. Kaksu ada lihat sendiri moral artis artis singapore? Bagaimana dengan kes Rima Melati dan Marcell? Sila jenguk sendiri kawasan rumah sebelum ingin berkhutbah mengenai laman rumah orang lain. That is the moral of the story.

        1) Saiful dosen’t have to prove he tried to inform Anwar’s wife about anything. Informing somebody else does not mean anything. He can inform his family members, Najib or even Barack Obama and that won’t mean a thing. What is more important is the evidence that he had. So what if he had met Najib? That doesn’t extinguish the fact that he was SODOMISED by Anwar. How to confirm this? Now that’s the job of this trial. Anwar tries to create a diversion by saying it is a conspiracy theory.

        But a theory does not eradicate the fact that Saiful and Anwar were there at the condominium and traces of Anwar’s semen was found on Saiful’s body.

        Hope you are not blinded anymore.

        2) Anwar was in jail for abuse of power. His sodomy charges was overturned due to technicality. The Federal judges stated that the have no doubt Anwar is involved in homosexual activities but they let him go because they could not agree on the date of those acts had happened. A friend said “DS Anwar managed to get himself free of his last homosexual rape charge because of the prosecution messing up the dates, but all 3 judges agreed HE DID SODOMISE! If the system cared less about the time DS Anwar sodomised and more that HE DID IT, perhaps Saiful would have been spared from being a victim!”

        3) I agree with you on this one. That is why Anwar was told by Mahathir to leave quietly. But Anwar resisted. When the whole fiasco erupted in Parliament, Mahathir had no choice but to sack him as there is no way the Malaysian Government would keep an alleged homosexual rapist as deputy prime minister with police investigations going on while the opposition is making a lot of noise in Parliament.

        Thank you.


        • oh ya JMD…regarding Rosnah handling your Kazanah Holding. Well if she is qualified and show good records holding the post why not??? Jangan la dok atas jadi CEO, education level takde. Experience pun takde.

          Our PM wife is qualified. Just look at her….do you think she is expensive to maintain??? Look at Rosnah….her hair, her baju and her jewellery. Kalo dia jadi CEO Kazanah Holding definately all the glitterings on her will silaukan mata orang. Again we cannot compare your ministers wife with our minister wife. Two different culture. But since you mention it…I pun sebutkan je la.

          Again its back to square one….education and niat di hati. Bukan hanya orang islam saja yang iklas dan jujor. Bangsa lain pun ada juga yang iklas dan jujor. One thing for sure no body is perfect.

          JMD : Even if Rosmah is more qualified than Alan Greenspan pun, she must not hold the post of Khazanah Nasional because of this thing called conflict of interest. For, how could the husband hold the highest executive power in the country while the wife is holding the investment purse?

          I am not sure whether Ho Ching is more expensive to maintain than Rosmah. But certainly Ho Ching caused SGD50 billion loss. That is definitely more expensive than Rosmah’s annual shopping spree.

          Conflict of interests caused Ho Ching to be appointed into Temasek. And conflict of interests caused the Singaporean government to close one eye over her disastrous investment decisions. Are they being ‘ikhlas dan jujur’? Tepuk dada tanya selera.

          Finally, please do not comment of people’s appearance. It is rude.

          Thank you.


      • Since you are a housewife, and are quite absorb in this issue, I am sure you will have ample time to spare.

        Singapore is not too far away, why don’t you make an effort to be here and observe the proceedings first-hand.

        From here you will have a clear picture of what is going on, and will definitely be able to follow the case better.

        Depending on which media you are reading, it can be quite confusing.. if they are for Anwar or against Anwar..


    • Dear Kaksu

      Guess its easier to run a small country compared to Malaysia..

      Though they are neighbours, there’s a vast difference in many areas..

      So what fit or work for Singapore, doesn’t mean it will work for Malaysia too..vice versa.

      Anyway, Malaysia is really practicising democracy here. Anwar has been given opportunities to defend himself, to go on a “road show”prior to his trial, to “influence” foreign diplomats regarding his sodomy charges and many more.

      Do you think that can happen in ermmm…your country?

      Best regards


    • kaksu,

      Fikirkanlah betul2 hujah JMD pasal Anwar. Melayu Msia Islam kebanyakkannye nak tahu betul ke Anwar ni homo. Itu jer. Kali ni ramai dah sangsi sebab asyik nak tangguh. Padahal ini lah masanya peguam2 dia gasak Saiful untuk membuktikan yang Anwar tak bersalah. Sekarang? Tunda lagi. What does that mean? Lagisatu hal, dia tak nak sumpah atas Quran. Why? Susah sangat ke? You know what? Although masa Saiful sumpah di masjid haritu ramai yang sceptical, now, it is the other way round. Sorry kaksu, sebagai orang Islam yang bertanggungjawab, we can’t let him lead the this country. Besides, we are Msian, you are not.



      • Adiksu…akak pun nak tahu siapa yang betul dan siapa yang bohong. Akak hanya expresskan persaan akak yang sedih bila melihat situation ini. Sampai mengunakan masjid, bersumpah walilla and yet the truth is still out there. Belum jumpa.


        • Kaksu,

          Semua orang sedih dan semua orang nak tahu kebenarannya, kak. Itulah gunanya proses perundangan. Tapi kalau macam kes Anwar ni, dah susah kita nak mencari kebenaran sebab orang yang dituduh tak mengaku salah dan tuduh orang lain pulak nak jatuhkannya secara konspirasi. Yang tambah susah lagi bila orang macam akak kata mahkamah kat Msia ni tak betul, dan cara handle kes ni salah. Saya tak tahu nak cakap mahkamah tak betul, atau macam mana kes ni patut dihandle. Orang yang simple macam saya ni kata kita tunggu bicara. Mahkamah Msia tak la sekoro mana. Tapi saya frust, asyik tunda sebab hal remeh. Kalau betul kita tak salah, kita mesti yakin dan pasti berani. Mesti kita nak cepat2 buktikan diri tak bersalah sebab kita nak teruskan hidup. Betul tak?

          Saya dulu sokong PR, kak. Saya kesian kat Anwar (esp. kak zizah tu) dan risaukan negara, sampai pegi umrah pun saya berdoa kat depan kaabah supaya Allah tunjukkan kebenaran dan bantu Anwar jika dia dijalan yang benar. Sampai sekarang pun, kalau saya sedih dengan berita2 macam ni, saya terus berdoa. Kalau DrM jahat biar Allah balas kat dunia jugak, kalau Anwar jahat pun sama. Nah, sekarang macam Allah nak tunjuk jer.

          Terus-terang saya dah was-was pada PR. Dalam Islam, kalau was-was baik ditinggalkan saja. Saya was-was sebab ketuanya, Anwar tak nak bersumpah di masjid dan sekarang cari helah lengah2kan perbicaraan, lepas tu cakap ada konspirasi. Lebih tak best lagi, asyik dapat support daripada US dan negara asing. Tambah lagi bila ahli parlimen Australia yang gay siap buat petisyen suruh perbicaraan ni dihentikan. Apa ni, kak? Malu saya. Saya tak nak pemimpin yang asyik meminta sokongan negara-negara luar daripada group gay lak tu. Tak malu betul.

          Lagi satu, kaksu. Masjid bukan tempat untuk solat, ceramah dan mengaji je tau. Masjid tempat orang nikah, bayar zakat, mahkamah dan tempat dijalankan hukuman. Kat Saudi masih macam tu. Kaksu mesti lebih arif. Masjid kan diibaratkan sebagai rumah Allah. Jadi sebenci2 saya kat Saiful tu, saya rasa tersangat lega bila dia bersumpah di Masjid sebab saya yakin kepada kuasa Allah. Dia Maha Bijaksana. Tak kira la apa Nik Aziz atau apa2 ulamak lain cakap. Pada saya, saya yakin pada Allah. Bila dia bersumpah dikhalayak ramai macam tu, jangan main-main, pasti Allah akan tunjukkan kebenaran. Cepat atau lambat jer. Insyaallah.


      • kalau anuar pun buat sumpah hari tu, siapa yang kau nak percaya. bagi dalil kau sekali siapa yang kau nak percaya? boleh kah kau bagi dalil? apa langkah kau seterusnya?
        muslim yang menggunakan sumpah sewenang-wenangnya perlu dilihat dengan mata yang lebih kritikal. manusia sekarang senang saja menggunakan sumpah…tonton semula filem P ramlee, eg. madu Tiga dan harapnya kau memahami isu menyalahgunakan sumpah.

        JMD : Akan tetapi, Anwar tidak bersumpah manakala Saiful sudah melakukannya. Oleh itu, berdasarkan hujah saudara di atas, kita harus mempercayai Saiful bukan?

        Menggunakan contoh cerita lawak P. Ramlee untuk menguatkan hujah saudara memang agak pelik dan tidak cukup kuat untuk menjelaskan lagi apa yang saudara hendak sampaikan. Terima kasih.


        • Sri hartamas,

          Itu la yang aku nak tengok. Kalau Anwar bersumpah maknanya dia memang tak bersalah dan berani. Aku adalah diantara orang2 yang akan bahagia kalau dia bersumpah sebab aku sokong PR. Aku, sekolah agama tak tinggi, jadi aku tak tau nak bagi dalil kat kau. Kau tanyalah orang2 yang lebih pandai. Yang pasti, aku nak pemimpin yang berani, bersih dan patuh kepada Islam. Tapi sekarang aku dah tak nak sokong Anwar lagi. Dah was-was. Kalau was-was, kita disarankan oleh agama untuk meninggalkannya. Takut subahat. Ni aku nak share skit pengalaman aku. Mungkin relevan, mungkin tak. Terpulang. Aku ada la sorang kawan yang luarnya alim, sembahyang tak tinggal, mengaji, pandai azan, jadi imam… tapi sayangnya…. tak suka perempuan, suka kaum sejenis. Aku tanya dia sendiri untuk kepastian tapi dia diam. Macam mana tu? Yang bestnya, dia sama sekolah dengan Anwar. Sekurang-kurangnya dia tak kawin lari dengan anak dara orang untuk cover perangai sebenar la kan. Jadi, itu la., memang mengejutkan tapi tak mustahil. Benda2 camni Allah jer yang tahu, jadi aku ni sebagai rakyat biasa, yang mampu aku buat ialah berdoa kerana doa itu bagaikan senjata bagi orang2 Islam.


        • Sumpah yang di lakukan adalah semata mata utk menghentikan fitnah.
          Kalau Anwar bersumpah, saya, peribadi akan berhenti berkata sehingga menanti keputusan mahkamah.
          Itu sahaja….thats what Saiful did.
          Nothing more, nothing less.


  3. Salam JMD…

    Is this a ploy by KS to have himself disqualified as AI lawyer? He doesn’t want people to see him as abonding AI thus implying AI is guilty but subtly position it like it was ethically impossible for him to continue? We all know that KS wouldn’t apologize to the judge which leave him with only one choice and to quit the defence team… 🙂

    To KakSu… good luck to you, hope Singaporean treat you well… but we don’t actually need your advice. See, we Malay still govern the country but you are governed by imigrants, so who do you think really need an advice? And I bet you are a regular visitor to JB too… 🙂


    • Dear kingbrutal…

      Thank you for your wish. No dear…i’m not advicing you all on what to do. This is a forum kan??? Kan kan kan???
      So we are just expressing and exchanging our minds and thoughts.

      I feel blessed with our goverment walaupun they are imigrant. I felt secured with them. They give my children good education. I think kalo not because of them the malays in Singapore mesti banyak jadi drug addicts. Those were the days in 60s and 70s. Half of malay youth are on drugs. If you go Geyland….semua mata merah macam dracula!

      Oh yes…we love to shop in JB. Tat is why I said that I very much attached to Malaysia. The shopkeeper pun love Singaporean. They all are very happy to serve us. But I know there are some malaysian who dont like us to shop there.
      Do you know that once when we were holidaying in Malacca we bought durians. The apek said all the good durians are send to singapore. Yang ada di malaysia semua tak brapa bagus. I felt sad to hear that….honestly.

      Oh ya… I also watch your TV station. TV1/2/3/7/9. Sandiwara nya semua best best.


  4. JMD,

    Teringat saya kata-kata hikmah Kapal Singh kepada Anwar Ibrahim pada tahun lepas:-

    “Anwar Ibrahim has created enough trouble for the country, Anwar Ibrahim harus bertaubat!”

    Rasanya Anwar Ibrahim sudah pun bertaubat, tapi bertaubat kepada Kapal Singh sajalah.



    Filed Under ( anwar kantoi, bukti liwat, karpal king ) by

    Sejarah tidak menipu. Fakta juga tidak menipu …

    Orang yang mula-mula membangkitkan isu liwat Anwar Ibrahim semasa beliau menjawat jawatan TPM adalah Karpal Singh. Beliau bukan bercakap di kedai kopi, tepi jalan atau atas pentas ceramah. Beliau bangkitkan perkara ini di Dewan Rakyat, iaitu satu intistusi tertinggi di negara ini. Semua ucapan dalam Dewan Rakyat,akan dimasukan ke dalam hansard.

    Di bawah ini saya sertakan bersama hansard ucapan Ahli Parlimen Jelutong 1997,iaitu, Karpal Singh. Hansard ini saya petik daripada laman web MYKMU, yang dihantar oleh seorang forumer yang memakai nickname Zaiton Sameon.


  6. Dear JMD,

    Agreed. If the judge recuses, they have bought time. I f he does not, they will appeal and get more time also.

    However, whether the judge had erred or not, the words used by this “learned” counsel is totally unbecoming and unpardonable.

    Was I shocked,yes. Was I surprised, no.

    Mentioning the foreign press in the motion is also laughable and contradictory.

    This is what I say,

    ‘He has made a reference to the foreign press in this motion. What the foreign press has to say about our judiciary, vis-a-vis Anwar’s trial, is this not interference in the independence of our judiciary in order to influence the outcome of this case?

    Shall we now cite all these foreign press for contempt as well?’


    JMD : We all know their antics already have we not? 🙂


  7. Teman rasa pelik lah dgn si Karpal Singh ni.Dulu dia jugak yg beria-ia tuduh Anwar mensodomi orang hingga sanggup bawak si Azizan ke Parlimen (ada bukti dlm hansard 1998) tapi sekarang si Karpal ni beria-ia pulak nak pertahankan kata Anwar tak tibai pungkok si Saiful walau pun pihak pendakwa kata ada ‘direct evidence’ jumpa air mani si Anwar dlm jubor budak tu. Does this means Karpal lied in 1998? Pihak pendakwa tak boleh buat apa2 ke kes si pembelit bersiri ni? Mahkamah pun nampak mcm layan sangat kes dia, asyik defensive jer…Teman setuju Karpal dah tak layak jadi Lead Council kerana jelas berlaku ‘conflict of interest & ada elemen mala fide’ dipihaknya. BTW,whats the point of Anwar delaying the trial anymore when all the bad beans have been spilled?


  8. I won’t call it conflict of interest in the case of Karpal for ABI. In fact, it will appear more as ‘converging interest’ whereby ABI survival begets Karpal’s own. Shamefully, that ‘survival’ sometimes makes a person forgets about professionalism, and despite all the previous accusations and ridicule, he would come back and licked whatever that was spewed. It goes to show truly what kind of character he takes. Hope all Malaysian is watching and taking heed.


  9. Dear Kaksu,

    1. Let us see this whole episod in different ways . Katakan Tun M tidak memecat DSAI and he become PM now . What will happen?

    -Karpal Singh dan Mat Sabu akan terus membangkitkan hal ni di Parlimen berterusan dan Anwar terpaksa menepis segala tohmahan.

    -Pihak yang menuduh DSAI akan terus membawa perkara ini ke mahkamah dan apabila keputusan mahkamah menyebelahi DSAI .Karpal Singh and LKS ,TGNA akan mengatakan mahkamah tidak bebas dan UMNO dan kerajaan Malaysia akan terus dihina. Retorik yang sama akan keluar ‘this is the saddest day of democracy’ ‘democracy is death’.

    -Sekiranya benar DSAI melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti tidak bermoral dan sebagai seorang PM tidak kah beliau senang di blackmail oeh orang asing seperti LKY.

    Janganlah melihat rakyat Malaysia sebagai dangkal dalam melihat isu ini . pemimpin kerajaan tidak sedikit pun ‘distract ‘ dalam menjalankan tugas mereka bila perbicaraan bermula cuma DSAI trying bring everybody to be involve in his case.



    • Dear yem…
      I didnt say that it was wrong for Mahatir to sack anwar. I only say that the way it was done has created so much comotion to your country.

      Ok when at that time the opposition accuse Anwar in parliament, should not mahatir let the opposition do the job. While the investigation and accussation in process freeze Anwar’s job till he can prove himself.
      Its the way Mahatir humilate him that has made him won alot of sympathy.

      And now Karpal Singh is siding him?? This is what you call politics. As long as you are my oposition we will paint you black but once you are in my court I’ll paint you white.

      After so many years and so much public funds spend (the police force, the court, the judges,) and 3 prime ministers….we still dont know the truth. Like you said yem…this case will not end here.

      Well the part black mailing by LKY….
      Did you notice that when LKY visit malaysia he personally visit Najib’s wife?? How about that??

      Yem…i’m only expressing my thoughts and mind. I’m sorry should I offend any of you Malaysian. I just find that your country nya politic macam cerita2 artis…yang slalu di-gossip.



      • Hai kaksu

        My honest opinion is that Malaysia allows more freedom of speech.

        To quote you – “politic macam cerita2 artis…yang slalu di-gossip” confirms that Malaysians are given SPACE to voice out their views.

        There is not much suppression comparatively. Malaysaians also are spoilt for choice when it comes to a range of newspapers. The choice is not limited to ONE major english newspaper.

        LKY also wanted to meet with the great statesman Tun Dr Mahathir. But guess what, it was turned down. How about that?? heh heh


      • Quote: “Its the way Mahatir humilate him that has made him won alot of sympathy.”

        Tell us: What humiliation?!

        As JMD has explained earlier, Mahathir had given Anwar the opportunity to resign peacefully and have his sodomy and power abuse cases closed. But Anwar instead insisted to fight, called for street demonstrations, and staged smear campaigns against the country. hence Anwar got to face the music. Tell us again, what humiliation? If it is also deemed as a humiliation, then I don’t know what isn’t!


      • Apa yang Kaksu cuba imply? Bahawa Rosmah dan LKY ada affair?

        Saya pun selalu jumpa isteri kawan saya kalau ada pekara yang nak disampaikan.

        Dan kaksu pun juga tentu pernah jumpa suami kawan kaksu kan?


  10. Dear Kaksu

    I guess you find Malaysia politics more challenging and interesting right?You cant find this kind of politics in your country where only one parliamentary seat is occupied by an opposition?

    But by you being concern regarding Anwar’s trial, it shows that Anwar’s antics is working…Why?cos he love attention..He want people from all walks of life regardless of where you are from to be involve in his trial.

    Dont you think Anwar is an idiot? When he was release from prison after 6 years, isn’t it best for him to just sit and watch rather than get politically active again and get himself into trouble again.

    He should be grateful that Malaysia gave him real democracy. If there were to be an Anwar in Singapore, where do you think that particular Anwar will be now? Im sure you know the answer.

    So Kaksu, what work well for your country doesnt mean it will work well for another. And i dont think you know Singapore politics that well except from the “only media” in Singapore.



    • Dear flyingman…

      Yes my country politics are not challenging and interesting as yours. No opposition. I dont denied it.

      But personally, I dont mind. I would rather have my goverment busy thinking about my children’s education and future. (remind you ya… i’m not representing all the malays in singapore …i’m representing my ownself. A malay singaporean houswife) We have no natural resouces. We cant afford to go the street and tunjok perasaan. We have to work and find food.

      Yes…Anwar is getting sympathy and attention becos the way your government handle it. He was in Jail…your government kasi dia keluar. The court drop his sodomy charges. Then now start all over again. And like Yem said it will not end here.

      Yes dear…I only get info from the media. And now getting to know the internet. Macam macam conspiracy till I get more confused. Macam macam cerita dalam nya. Macam artis nya gosip.

      I must thank JMD cos he is patient in explaining things to me. He also tolerate my ignorance. Thanks JMD….


      • Dear Kaksu

        “I would rather have my goverment busy thinking about my children’s education and future”

        And the government is busy increasing the number of PRs and foreign talent in Singapore and giving so many privileges such as good job,houses etc whereas you the citizens of Singapore feel leftout… Im sure there is a huge debate regarding this in the Singapore forums. And your government have to step in and assure you people that their priority is still you. Haha..

        And Kaksu,guess you have to eat your words regarding this – “Go to look at the photos artis2 bersocial” Are you trying to say that Malaysian malay artiste are a rotten lot?

        So what happen to your local actress, Nadia Fazlini? A sex video!! It doesnt matter if the video was leaked or hacked or whatever you call it. The fact is she is just a “small role” actress and yet she is already so wild. Imagine if her acting role is bigger in Suria..

        And Kaksu, i dont think everyone in this forum is from Malaysia..


  11. Dear JMD,

    Do you not feel this blossoming of democracy in Malaysia is getting a little out of hand and moving almost towards anarchy?
    Do you think we will ever find the middle ground of freedom with responsibility?

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. We have discussed this subject here and here. Would be my pleasure if you can visit those links.

    Thank you.


    • Dear glassman…

      No matter what light…headlight ke, torch light ke….the truth is till out there.

      Ringan2 or berat2 you all semua masih belum jumpa the TRUTH. Tak tau sampai bila boleh jumpa ya???

      Kong Xi Fatt choy.


      • belum jumpa truth ke, dah jumpa the truth ke, tak nampak the truth ke, apa yang jelas ketara sekarang ialah Anwar itu sendiri yang berdolak-dalik menghalang usaha menggali kebenaran. kalau tidak, kenapa mesti sekejap minta tangguh, minta disqualify hakim, minta itu minta ini?


      • Or is it just a case of don’t want to see the light?

        Dah la, dah la.. Spore best, Msia poor cousin. Itu je in the hearts and minds of 1st world country cam they all ni. Buat apa pun tak sama standard as compared to the all mighty Sporean govt, economy, lifestyle etc.

        Ini lah perangai 1st world countries biasanya. Kain sendiri compang camping terkoyak sana sini, sibuk lagi nak mengintai kain orang.


  12. The Public Prosecutor should in the first place filed application to disqualify Karpal Singh in persuance to specific Rules in Legal Profession Act as it is a blantant embarrassment to legal profession due to special political relationship between him and the accused.

    Singh is Not King! Just another cunning lawyer.


  13. Salam JMD

    Saya terpanggil untuk menyampuk sedikit berkenaan topik tampalan JMD ni.

    Pertamanya saya rasa Sistem Perundangan Msia harus dikaji semula. Kita masih menciplak Sistem Perundangan British.

    Oleh itu tidak hairanlah kalau peguam defenden boleh memutar belitkan keadaan semata-mata untuk kepentingan anak guamnya.

    Sudah jelas peguam defenden bukan hendak cari kebenaran tetapi cuma hendak menang sahaja.

    Lain ceritanya kalau Msia mengguna Sistem Perundangan Eropah seperti yang terdapat di Indonesia.
    Pada hujung tahun lepas ketika saya dan keluarga saya bercuti di Jakarta saya terkejut menonton seorang saksi utama dalam kes pembunuhan disoal jawab dalam satu rancangan TV tempatan. Kes bunuh ketika itu masih berjalan di Mahkamah.
    Macam mana agaknya kalau senario ini berlaku di Msia?

    Kita harus mengkaji semua aspek Sistem Perundangan yang ada di dunia ini dan mengguna pakai yang terbaik.
    Kerajaan BN masih ada lagi ke jawatan Menteri Undang-Undang?

    Jangan jadikan pembicaraan kes liwat Datuk Anwar Ibrahim macam siri cerekarama TV3. Menghabiskan wang rakyat tanpa sebarang faedah.
    Terima kasih.


  14. You can have 13 lawyers or even 313 of them manipulating the law for you. You can have your supporters twisting the facts in the foreign media for you. You can have your roadshows to misinform the public. But please remember that Allah is great. One day, justice will prevail. Don’t use this postpone-the-trial tactics. We only want the truth.


  15. I add “cekik” fact…..

    1. Now seems like Anwar being black mailed by Karpal. 2. Nobody in this civilised world has two (2) contradicts on the same person at the same time. Unless, Karpal already declared or open apologize and make a clear stand or Statutory Declaration, SD on his first accusation that Anwar is misbehave. Has Karpal?….
    3. If never…. something weird Karpal is acting now… Black Mailing?… Gangsterism?… Mafia?…

    Somebody out there know better?…. Must do homework!…


  16. Dear Jebat.

    I wonder, at times, why Karpal is onboard and not his son. I also wonder what the defence team is trying to achieve by getting adjournment after adjournment, appeal after appeal… Is it that it is the legendary AI’s tactic to mislead the public?

    At times, I get into arguments about AI’s case with my dear dad, who somehow is sympathetic towards AI in this case. Like questioning why AI’s team should not get all the evidence which was to be used by the prosecurion (which I find was a bit strange. If I can relate this in a business sense, it is like a company suing its rival to disclose its marketing strategy, I might be wrong.

    Also, AI’s penchant for suing everyone for everything. I am amused that he had sued Dr M for wrongful dismissal. Correct me if I am wrong, but the Deputy Prime Minister serves at the pleasure of the Prime Minister, and not the King as claimed by AI. Last I read the Constitution, it makes mention of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers. There is no mention of a DPM post. Should you notice, any DPM currently serving also holds a ministerial post. Or did AI’s defence team is trying to subvert this as well? I mean the Constitution?

    JMD : Yes, there is no provision for the post of Deputy Prime Minister in the Malaysian Constitution. He, as the PM has the sole prerogative to elect anyone as cabinet members. Note that Mahathir, as President of Umno has no power to sack his deputy Umno president as that position was voted in by Umno. Hence, he had to convene an Umno Supreme Council meeting. Only this council can sack a deputy. Thus, Mahathir was following the rules of the party to dismiss his deputy. Thank you.


  17. Biasa la tu…suratkaba kerajaan,mesti la dpt pembelaan…dah lupa mcmana utusan meloya padam lambang dacing BN kat gambar payung tu? hahaha…memalukan sungguh org2 BN ni! Biase la,kerajaan BN ade misi utk membodohkan org2 melayu….supaya diorg bleh rembat lg harta2 kita…hahaha

    JMD : Hairan sekali apabila Harian Metro tidak memadam gambar dacing walhal, ianya adalah dibawah payung Kumpulan Utusan juga.


  18. Kaksu,
    i have to agree that some way or the other, the way he government dealt with the whole AI case is a bit carca marba but the carca marba was because AI created a perception that he is innocent even before pergi court and bagi evidence tht hes innocent. Deceiving the people at the highest level.

    Muslims esp Malays find it kinda hard to believe the act of SODOMIZING esp orang-orang kampung. Anwar capitalizes on that ‘denial’ fact. He knows if he goes big on ‘denying’, people will tend to believe him. Who would believe a muslim (AI pulak tu) can sodomize others when the perception is that everyone are supposedly straight, esp Melayu yang memang di Malaysia adalah muslim.

    Anwar knows by creating an innocent persona, he will be innocent in the eye of the people’s court.

    This is all about perception. Anwar is playing a perception game. And he won waktu 1st time but not this time.

    We all (maybe not all) heard rumours wayyyyyyyyyyy back 1992-1993 about anwar and boys. I was shocked and i mengucap banyak kali and brushed it off as simply rumours. We were talking about AI then. Suppossedly a good muslim ec. But when the case keluar (97-98?), i donno what to believe. Then dengar karpal & mat sabu bashed anwar. OMG!

    Panjang kalau nak crita.

    All in all, this is a straight forward case. Like jebat said, a guy buggered another guy. The victim asked for justice. Let’s listen to both parties first. Let the law deal with it. But of course we know AI wont let this to happen. He prefers the public’s court.

    Pasal sumpah tu, he knows Melayu muslim kat Malaysia ni believe in sumpah – set aside benda ni ada dalam quran ke tak, ulamak still arguing about it. ANd yet dia x nak bersumpah. Why cant he just angkat sumpah and gain the trust of the skeptics? I’m sorry, as a typical Malay muslim, i tend to believe people yg angkat sumpah dari yang x brani. Pasal sumpah laknat ni orang islam, terutamanya orang-orang kampung, jahat macam mana pun tau bahayanya main-main sumpah. Kalau tak berani angkat sumpah, the perception is, dia salah.


  19. Askm JMD,

    A very invigorating discourse between Kak Su and you and your bloggers.I am sure Kak Su is wiser now after having read your explanation of the relevant events that surround Anwar and KS. Kak Su is no longer confused but clear in her mind concerning the justification of the charges preferred against Anwar, in 1998 and now.

    To delay the trial is a good strategy adopted by Anwar. It is a war of atrition in court battle.It is aimed at demoralising Saiful and the prosecution. I am sure the Judge and Dato’ Yusoff know this but their hands are tied in certain respects, lest they will be accused of being not fair to Anwar. They must be very careful not to fall into the trap laid by Anwar and KS.

    The full battle will be viewed by the whole world when Saiful is cross-examined by KS and his lawyers. Saiful is made of sterner stuff and can withstand the onslaught by KS. 25 Mac 2010 is set for continued hearing of the case.

    Anwar’s friends in Australia do not want the trial to continue. Anwar knows a lot of their secrets. They cannot bear to let the whole world know about his antics.


    • Greetings JMD,

      Hang Kasturi

      Correct, about the hands being tied. Also, as you said the trial judge has to tread carefully. My sentiments as well.

      Just take a look at his battery of lawyers as well. Param Cumarasamy?

      The matter being before the courts and even though I am not trained in the legal profession, I hesitate to comment on his guilt lest I get into a legal hassle.

      Who knows? KS could cite all we bloggers posts and comments as another point of appeal of undue influence on the judge. 🙂

      That being said, what convinced me was his demeanour prior to being charged, ie the flight to the Turkish Embassy thingy.



  20. Breaking News!!!

    Anwar Ibrahim just made a sensational announcement from the High Court:-

    Pak Lah to quit as PM on 16 Sept. as I have the numbers…and the numbers keep increasing by the hour….

    ….the 50 Australian MPs are set to jump out from their parties in Australia and join Pakatan Rakyat on 16 Sept…

    helloo brader Anwar, Pak Lah dah retire lah…

    …dah berapa kali 16 Sept daa! but we guess Saiful has the numbers, not you…


  21. Kita mahu kes ini dibicarakan sahaja dalam mahkamah supaya diketahui kesahihan segala bukti atau “konspirasi laungan Anwar”.

    Bukan ditunda ditangguh atau dibatalkan sepertimana kemahuan pihak pembela.

    Dan jika Anwar mahu Rakyat Menjadi Hakim, maka biarkan lah kes ini dibicara dengan terbuka luas, akhbar2 dibenarkan melaporkan dengan sebebasnya (kebebasan bersuara rakyat pakatan le katakan), supaya rakyat sekurang2nya boleh menilai.

    Kalau Anwar mahu dibicara secara tertutup, bagaimana rakyat nak menghakim/menilai kes ini?

    Maaf le, saya sudah tidak percayakan Anwar lagi sejak beliau enggan bersumpah dan lebih banyak kerenah remeh-temeh untuk mengelakkan sumpah. Sungguh kecewa, kerana dulu saya dan ramai rakan2 saya menaruh harapan kepada beliau.

    Rupanya, beliau hanya mempermainkan sokongan oleh bangsa Melayu.

    Terasa bodohnya kami.


  22. After reading few of the comments above then I realise that last time Karpal Sigh have a role in prosecuting Anwar for sodomy, now he become the defense lawyer. Conclusion, its all about power, not truth.


  23. Salam JMD,

    Thanks for highlighting the rudeness of this housewife lady from Singapore called KAKSU. Your reply to her is very clear and concise but she doesn’t seem to get it. Doesn’t she knows who is Tun Dr Mahathir and Puan Rosmah? Who does she think she is to openly comment about them ?

    kaksu, you are both ignorant and arrogant in your comment. Maybe being a housewife for too long make you behave this way. Try goin out to work again, mix around and who knows your ADAP and SOPAN can improved.

    Where does learning lead you ? Ignorance ?
    I think our JMD been kind to you.
    Oh ya kaksu, there’s this malay saying,




    • alah macam tak biasa pulak… singaporean malay memang begitu, dengan siapa lagi mereka nak tunjuk berlagak kalau bukan dengan melayu malaysia, padahal mereka sendiri super-ignorant contohnya macam si kak su tu…


  24. Dear kaksu !!!! apa kabar singapora …
    You remind me of my late mother when she accused Mahatir of being inhuman in siANU A case!!! I remember she told me how shameful it is to carry the mattress into court… when infact she’s being carried by certain quarters who tried to influence her into beleiving that si ANU A is infact innocent… you know la ,, orang kampung,, easily influenced,, for lacking of information… I guess kak su too .. merely relying on ST singapores story.. my advise kak su.. dont argue further.. just listen to those bloggers clear explanation so as to not hammering kak su’s head. Kak su said as to why not Mahatir settle quitely but at the same time kak su said let Kapal Sink do the damage.. apa ni kak su……. negara you negara you,,, negara I negara I.. kalau tak berani bersuara di neara sendiri jangan la pula bersuara dinegara orang.. ibarat orang yang dah bercerai… jangan rasa gila talak… oh btw how’s Jayaratnam Kak su.. still selling book to pay his debt…


  25. Pingback: Here comes Anwar Ibrahim’s alibi! «

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