Anwar Ibrahim / MUST READ / Pakatan Rakyat / Politics in general / Racism

The morality of Malaysian politicians

As a ‘mukadimah’ of this article, I would like to take us back in time to 1970 when Tun Abdul Razak, as the Director of the National Operations Council, was in charge of a disarrayed Alliance Party. In June 1970, Tun Abdul Razak, the then Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, had said these words to the Umno leaders during the 24th Umno general assembly;

“Saya suka terus terang, jika parti kita sentiasa sanggup menjadi PEMEGANG AMANAH RAKYAT DENGAN IKHLAS, saya tidak bimbang akan cabaran dari pihak lain. Tetapi jika kita tidak ikhlas dalam menjalankan peranan kita sebagai pemegang amanah rakyat, sifat itu dengan sendirinya akan menghancurkan kita. Sebaliknya jika ahli-ahli menjadi pemegang amanah rakyat secara ikhlas, tetapi pertubuhan tidak mempunyai pemimpin-pemimpin yang ikhlas, kekuatan kita akan menjadi pentas pergelutan kuasa sesama sendiri dan ini akan merugikan kita.”

He had stressed on the unity of Umno members and the sincerity of its leaders in lieu of the tumultuous year they had before. I wonder if Pak Lah still remember those words. After all, he was the committee member of the NOC.

Being the trustholder of the rakyat’s aspiration is imperative in today’s political landscape. After all, they are voted in by the people to do their job. Judging from the actions of most Umno leaders, I just had to feel quite relief that the good Tun didn’t got to live to see the damage they had done to the coalition that was created 35 years ago.

Due to the instability of Barisan Nasional, it’s not surprising that the news on the imminent crossovers are quite rampant. Many had analysed and discussed, up to the point of nausea, regarding the news of potential crossovers of MPs from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Rakyat. The perpetrator of this news is non other than Anwar Ibrahim.

To digress a bit, let’s look at his grand objectives in claiming back his political manhood.

After Anwar Ibrahim won the Permatang Pauh by election, he was reported to have shouted his political manifesto below to his jubilant supporters.

Rockybru posted this;

“This victory is due to the commitment and the support and the conviction of the people, not only the people of Permatang Pauh but of Malaysians in general. We demand change. We want freedom. Freedom from injustice. We demand an independent judiciary. We want to give a real meaning to the spirit of Merdeka. In terms of the economy, we demand a fairer distribution of wealth for the majority. Not for the corrupt few, (not for) families, sons and sons-in-law.”

Basically, Anwar is advertising;

– Freedom from injustice;

– To have an independent judiciary; and

– To have a fairer distribution of wealth for the majority.

To me, this is just a form of REBRANDING from what the BN government had been doing all this while.

Think about it.

Are there any gross injustice being commited onto the rakyat since 1957? Of course, we cannot deny that there were pockets of dissent and sporadic unrest in several occasions. But in a multi racial government of Malaysia, realistically, it can never be 100% perfect. If Anwar Ibrahim wishes to lead an utopian government where everyone is happy and satisfied, then perhaps, he will be the first man in 8,000 years to achieve that.

Actually, all these calls of injustice stemmed from his belief that an injustice had been occurred due to his failure in becoming the Prime Minister in 1998. How dare they prevent him from his God given right to become PM! Heck, he had coveted that position the instance he joined Umno in 1982. After all, although he was a close buddy with all the PAS leaders at that time, PAS was never a viable vehicle in realising his orgasmic dream.

After that, the people were swayed and enticed by him and led to believe that his thwarted grand ambition is also an injustice done to the people. That was where it all started. A purely selfish reason mutated into something akin to a national agenda.

“Save Anwar Ibrahim, save Malaysia”. That is the story arc for the Ketuanan Anwar idealogy. Damn, that’s a catchy tag line. Hopefully Pakatan Rakyat will acknowledge me if they use that tagline during Anwar’s sodomy trial next week.

As for the judiciary, his PERSONAL opinion on its non independence really does not makes sense because he was freed by the same court of law in 2004. Independent judiciary according to him, is only applicable when the judgment goes his way. Although his strongest supporters had praised the judiciary on their freedom to exercise their independence, Anwar Ibrahim suddenly claimed the judiciary is not independent anymore in 2008. By the way, if he is also supporting the idea of independent judiciary, then he is echoing Pak Lah’s sentiments. Since both want the judiciary to be more independent, then what’s new anyway? Oh yeah, both seem to be quite clever in the art of rebranding too.

As for the fairer contribution of wealth for the majority, well, who are the majority? I assume he was referring to the non Umnoputras. Obviously he was twisting the knife on Pak Lah’s reputation as the biggest offender of corruption. But who are the majority of the non Umnoputras? I assume they are the Malays.

In this instance, since Anwar Ibrahim and PAS are also championing the special rights of the Malays, then shouldn’t all this promises made by him are actually a form of rebranding of the Barisan Nasional policy and also the provisions in the Malaysian constitution?

Therefore, since Anwar Ibrahim has called on the MPs from Barisan Nasional to crossover into Pakatan Rakyat, we have to question, what else does he have to offer?  Anwar Ibrahim had denied any form of bribery in order to entice the MPs. No money or ministerial positions are offered to the potential traitors (so he says). If Anwar’s ‘carrot’ to the MPs are just those areas that were mentioned above, then what drastic difference could they make for their constituency? Assuming they are selfless and people oreinted MPs in the first place of course.

If everyone in Pakatan Rakyat thinks that Ezam is a traitor, then what should we call the so called 30 MPs that will jump ship to the fold of Pakatan Rakyat? Won’t they be called traitors as well by the 51% voters that voted for them in March 2008? The point is, it does not matter from which party you’re jumping to. The fact that you change your political principles and aspirations to the tune of a populist movement, will definitely degrade your credibility.

To supplement the article in Sakmongkol, where it argues in terms of numbers regarding the potential cross overs, I would like to offer the morality issue behind it.

Historically, any political leader who changed their political aspirations by jumping parties from one spectrum to the next (from government to opposition and vice versa), will fail as a leader. Why? Because they have lost their credibility. People will not see you as an honest person because ‘changing stripes’ as they say, is clouded with an underlying agenda. Be it personal or otherwise.

An honest leader has integrity. When you have integrity, you have credibility. When people see you as having credibility, automatically you will become trustworthy. A leader trusted by the rakyat WILL become a great leader. A leader trusted by all of the people, will move a mountain if he wanted to.

That is why, Datuk Onn Jaafar, Umno founding father and a very much respected leader amongst the Malays, did not fare too well when he drastically changed his political stand. Ibrahim Ali, with all the gung ho attitude he showed in parliament or during political campaigns, is very much seen as a non person. Tun Lim Chong Eu is quite lucky when he jumped ship from MCA and founded Gerakan. But that was only because Gerakan has similar political aspirations like the MCA albeit with a slight multi racial mix. The party he founded that preceded Gerakan, the United Democratic Party, went into oblivion due to its unappealing party manifesto (most leaders were from the left wing Labour Party).

Meanwhile, After a long hiatus, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah had only now could reclaim back some of his credibility. But don’t let this fool you. If in the future he holds power, many of his detractors will dig up his colourful past and play it ad nauseam.

You will not go far if your credibility is in doubt. You will not go far if the people you are leading do not trust you. This will be the dilemma of those so called ‘traitors’. Even Anwar Ibrahim, with all his pomp and splendour, is still not trusted by majority of Malaysians. Why? Because his credibility is tainted. It is hard to portray oneself as having the political clout to lead Malaysia when you have a lot of past political baggage to contend with. He knows this too well. That is why he is banking on the tactic of playing the racial card towards the BN government.

By making the BN much less attractive than the PR, hopefully he could entice the party hoppers to join him. But these MPs should remember that they are the trustholder of their constituency. Any wrong move they make will quickly erode any credibility they have. Having moral obligation and sincerity was what Tun Abdul Razak had been advocating 38 years ago. Without it, even nations will fall.

If Anwar Ibrahim and Pak Lah don’t have it, then what will become to the fate of this nation?

39 thoughts on “The morality of Malaysian politicians

  1. What will happen to the fate of this nation? It would go to the dogs if a worthy and fearless leader don’t stand up for this nation. We would need a person like Mahathir to govern this land. A person who can whoop everyone to place.
    For now we can only hope…


  2. I think, the statement you produce of Tun Razak, says it all. For all the years since independence, yes UMNO/BN had done lots of good. All things that are good should not be denied.

    However, as we can see, now this had change, and since UMNO/BN forgot the people who put them there, the people decided for change. So, even if we would have to agree that they voted anything except BN, the opposition are quite enticing for once.

    For UMNO/BN to continue to harp on the past glory, they might just regret a little bit to late. Offer us the people, new form of leadership, something clean, really clean, new policy worth reconsidering.

    It doesn’t matter if 916 materialised, if not now GE13 is only 4-5years away.


  3. Dear JMD,

    Well said and perfectly put bro!

    Morality wise, the frogs who will jump and crossover will be seen as betraying their voters. The voters elected them as MPs based on the party’s manifesto and promises. Also, the voters picked them based on what they have delivered through their respective parties supported by BN.

    If and when they jump, do they think of themselves or the voters. Even animals won’t be lured that easily unless they know there’s food! Likewise, to jump and side Anwar, I would presume there’s something promised and waiting for them on the other side!!!

    Technically, yes, it’s a good strategy to bait current MPs to change sides. But then, would the YDP Agong, dissolves the Parliament as the current govt no longer holds the majority and a fresh election be held? I would think so as it would be the legal way of changing the govt.

    In the light of the current weaknesses of UMNO, UMNO must first regain the trust of the Malays. The corrupt leaders MPs, Aduns should give their Ketua Bahagian posts to new fresh and clean faces to show that UMNO is indeed reforming itself. Withdrawal of controversial leaders definitely be the first step to achieve the trust of the malays.

    Secondly, UMNO must go back to the basic i.e. the original purpose of forming and fighting under UMNO; that is to represent the voice of the malays and defend the malay rights. UMNO cannot be treated as a stepping stone for those wanting to be successful in business a.k.a ‘cari makan’. UMNO members must revisit the statements made by its founding fathers, embrace and champion them.

    Thirdly, with new fresh strength, UMNO can face Anwar and PKR without much a problem. Tan Sri Muhyiddin gave a caution sometime before Permatang Pauh by-election that Anwar’s threat should not be taken lightly. Sadly, this was not taken serious enough. UMNO had a chance to win PP if controversial figures were not there. Their presence surely gave the impression of the leaders not preaching what they teach.

    The BN fragile unity must be reaffirmed by upholding the spirit of 1957 which is the foundation of the Federal Constitution. It has been successful for the last 51 years. The Chinese are making tons of money peacefully, the malays and indians do get a small slice each and we do live within the same neighbourhood harmoniously. The formula works! Its only Anwar and PKR who fired up the issues to get support for his own personal ambition as a PM!

    Pakatan is seen as successful as their unity is based on hatred towards UMNO. I do not see their unity is based on common interest. PKR’s interest is to champion Anwar’s personal agenda, DAP’s interest is to make it even for all and PAS wants its version of Islamic state. It’s like kari + rojak buah + bubur lambok in a single bowl!!

    JMD : Thank you for the suggestion Klonetrooper.


  4. Jed yoong, bravo for being such a prick and gatecrasher to someone else’s blog. For god’s sake give us an evident or else just shut your gap. At least JMD has facts & figures to back up his claims. Read his ‘kill with a borrowed knife’!

    JMD : I am somewhat confused at the moment. Maybe because of the subtle feeling of hunger I have right now…


  5. A’kum!

    haters.. we can say whatever we wish… the people hath spoken through their votes… no one cares… democracy rules again through the ballot box… i mean who really cares about how he did it? The people already voted and latest poll showed that 65% and slowly increasing want change. And change shall they get!

    honest politicians that jump? See the words “honest politician”? Isn’t that an oxymoron? even ayahanda said that the BN MP’s won’t jump because they have been bought over.. yup that coming from ayahanda… have you guys woken up yet? and let’s not even get started about him… yeah yadda yadda peace for 50 years yadda yadda.. yup i agree there was peace and harmony… you know why? check for the word ‘oppression’… that’s why… democracy in the wake of globalisation is what you’re looking at today.. and 4 years or more from now when all of you have come to your sense, you’ll be looking back and say hey, “the voters did make the right decision.. and they were smarter than me”… you know why? …. well they didn’t buy the bull with regards to losing their rights, didn’t want a handicap for their golf game and neither did they want an imbalance which created inferiority amongst their own kind because at the end of the day…………………… …………..IT’S ALL ABOUT THE ECONOMY STUPIDS!! …..

    .. and here’s a hint on who’s jumping and who’s not.. see the quiet ones.. the one’s that don’t comment at all and remain neutral in the media? they jump.. the radical and the ones who make a fool of themselves.. they sit.. and everything behind that little dacing badge or PR badge that they wear is a man voted to do one thing and only one main thing; improve the lives of the constituency… what else.. it’s just a badge and the notion on ‘integrity’ is irrelevant amongst most Malaysian politicians as we can all attest to.

    n.b you guys need a lesson on economics…. opening up or embracing globalization does not equate to ‘going to the dogs’…

    JMD : There you go.. If you believe all politicians are not honest, then why should you have faith in the next one? When you said the people already voted and 65% people from poll the latest wanted change, I just had to ask, since when do voters in a local by election decide the fate of the whole nation?

    65% of people in a ‘poll’ doesn’t constitute the actual feeling of the people as accurately as a general election can. Like I said in my earlier post, “One of the flaw that the Pakatan Rakyat has which they themselves do not see is that, when they speak, they think they are representing every Malaysian in this country.”

    And yes, I will learn more about the economy. Thank you for the reminder.


  6. Great piece. Keep it coming, JMD. I think the way you portrayed our forefathers like Tun Siew Sin and Tun Samabanthan and now, Tun Razak is really thought provoking and well presented. I think your writing skills are exceptional among other Malaysian blogs. I add new vocabulary each time, for e.g this time, ad nauseam. (studying engineering doesn’t give me much time on literature)

    Anyway, we realized this nation is quite screwed. But nothing much we can do though. As for me, the only thing that I can think of is to study hard and become a great polymath.. So when Im 60+ years old, I wont be like AAB or AI.

    Really hope that your articles could reach many other right-thinking Malaysians. Have a pleasant Ramadan. Keep on ‘thinking’ and awaking others.

    JMD : Thank you and have a good Ramadhan to you too.


  7. I agree with beauideal – we need worthy, fearless and decisive leadership. Like Allahyarham Tun Razak and Allahyarham Tun Dr Ismail during their era when this country was in grave uncertainty.

    Our clown politicians have failed us in the last six months. Now things are moving very very fast. The longer it goes on like this, the greater is the risk to this country and its people, especially the Malays, Muslims, bumiputeras.

    Our last fall back is the Agong.


  8. I agree. Jumping ship on grounds of morals and a “better” Malaysia and not because of $$$? Puhleez.

    DSAI is a traitor to the Malaysian people, not just the Malays. For so long we’ve lived in harmony and now race has become a sensitive issue again thanks to him.


  9. Dear JMD,

    It is known fact that politic is dirty.

    But it doesn’t really reflect the intention of a truly honest politician. Its just that you have to play dirty to win in a dirty game.

    Sept 16 wont be materialized. Because the MP is not the ones that holds the government. ‘Rakyat’ is the key. No matter how many MP will jump, the government shall be represented by the one that majority have elected.

    PR itself is not credible. Anwar, LKS, KS, Hadi, they all also flip-flop. Remember who is the one that say Anwar is sodomiser!!! His current good friend KS. Remember who is the one that have ULTRA-chinese mentality and now ‘konon2nya’ championing Malaysian , LKS.

    I believe other bloggers have their bits of flip n flop that PR have done.

    I lost all respect of Anwar. His credibility, integrity and so call honesty is no more. I’ve seen BBC interview, Indonesia Tv Interview and Al Jazeera interview. It hurts me when Anwar propagate issues in Malaysia just to justify himself. I do not want to see his ‘ceramah’, it is all his ‘kata2 manis’ and no sincerity.

    Yes, traitor is the right word for Anwar

    It is sad that an organization that are well established and have been shown the right paths by previous leaders (TAR, THO, TARz and TDM) are now being misguided and corrupted.

    Maybe we should not blame Pak Lah alone, we should blame all of UMNO present members as they themselves failed to uphold the right path.

    ‘setiap masalah, mesti ada jalannya’. And there is no such thing as ‘jalan terakhir’.

    Let make sure that PR wont use their racial card by uniting RAKYAT together and at the same time acknowledge each race existence and privileges .

    Let make sure that PR wont be the government. We can prevent this from happened

    Let make sure that Pak lah step down in Disember.



  10. politicians jump ship to PR will not be surprise matters though. either way they will get screwed. if they stay in BN, that means they support pokleh and his minions to run the country like a rocker on good mary-jane.. half awake and sleepy as usual. if they do jump ship, they will be labeled as traitor to the voters. hate to say it, but its rather only selfish objective will save their time in decision making. in other word, only direct offer of money will they decide to jump ship, or decide to stay.

    it is just matter of personal choice that the MPs will jump ship to PR. and we, the rakyat will eventually look at this “event-of-the-century” like a stupid cow. these politician will eventually screw us all good. they simply jump to wherever they see fit, or might as well stay to get more offer of wealth from the weak PokLeh. as much as Malaysia wanted a strong and visionary leader, present leader could not offer more than running the country management like headless chicken. they country is drawing more deeper into recession with high rate of inflation and cost of living despite stagnant income. and where are the Malay leader, UMNO, or even Nuar Berahi who claim to be champion for all? oh wait, they are busy strangling each other throat for the country driver’s seat, the PM seat. neither PR nor BN paid much attention to the actually suffering of rakyat presently. sadly, none of these leader come forward to voice rakyat concern. just sad state of Malaysia.. just sad bro..

    and to the MPs who intentionally want to jump ship, no one will blame you. either way who could resist the temptation of casanova Nuar Berahi, who has the reputation of seducing male into his lap. oh wait, almost all the MPs that what to jump ship is male. damn it, it will happen! the PR will form new gomen on 16 sept! haha..


  11. tonistuck, DSAI maybe a traitor to you, but to most, he is bangsa malaysia’s savior. U’re still blinded by BN propoganda and i will pray for you.

    Can’t wait for Sept 16 where demokrasi will once prevail. DSAI my whole kampung, my entire office staff and my family wishes to see you as the new PM to bring hope and change soon. You have our fullest support with the majority of the rakyat as well.

    Selamat berbuka puasa to all here on JMD’s blog.

    JMD : Thank you for the berbuka puasa wish.

    But to say come Sept 16, democracy will once prevail is such a distorted statement. What kind of democracy were we before this? Indonesia during Suharto’s was much ore prosperous than today. Thailand is rocked with demonstrations that will eventually cripple their economy in the long run, all in the name of democracy. The US, the biggest democracy in the world, is plagued with high unemployment, high illiteracy rate and high crime rate.

    To say Anwar seizing power in Sept 16 is equivalent to democracy spirit left me quite flabbergasted. This approach is no different from Julius Caesar who crossed the Rubicon to take control of the democratically elected Senate. As history puts it, he then later became the Dictator of Rome for life. His nephew became the first Emperor of Rome.

    To say DSAI has a full support from the majority of rakyat is so premature. We can only know during a general election. Please don’t think you whole kampung and office represent the whole legitimate voters. Ask yourself this. If DSAI becomes PM eventually, won’t you feel sick to the stomach if anyone tries to usurp his power using the same tactic of buying MPs? If you don’t, then you really do not understand what democracy is really about. To your psyche major, democracy is Ketuanan Anwar. No?


  12. JMD, If we study the historical landscape of the country, we should not continue allowing the politicians to stoke racial sentiments.

    Malaysia is where it is today due to the economic policy of the Brits long before the second world war. By the 1940s, Chinese and Indian immigrants began to make Tanah Melayu their home. The Malays were accommodating enough to accept the policy.

    However there was no attempt by the our colonial masters to integrate the immigrants with the locals’ way of life. The process of integration did not take place, so the immigrants were not absorbed into the larger community. They did not lose their characteristics, customs, language, ethnicity and self-identity.

    The Chinese’ political leanings gravitated towards developments taking place in China, and in 1912, Kuomintang established a branch in Tanah Melayu and the numbers multiplied over the years. Following the Shanghai Massacre in 1927, extremists in Tanah Melayu began to form their own party. There was little nationalistic pride among the Malays then.

    The seeds of discontent however were already sown. When MPAJA was formed, the majority of its members were of Chinese ethnicity. MCP (Malayan Communist Party) and MPAJA emerged from the woods to and went on rampage, killing Europeans on estates and mines and many innocent Malays in the process. Thet felt betrayed by the British after the latter returned the sovereignity to the Sultans, enforced more restrictive citizenship rules and gave special privileges to the Malays.

    On June 20, 1948, a State of Emergency was declared. Using the forest as their base and Chinese rural squatters to supply provisions, the communists wrought havoc until the death of Henry Gurney on Oct 6, 1951.

    Between 1949 and 1951, the British tried to persuade the non-Malays especially the Chinese to join the police force. When National Service was enforced in 1950, only 200 Chinese youngsters were enrolled. From Feb to Aug 1951, more than 100,000 Chinese avoided the national service by returning to China. Gurney was quoted as saying: “The other communities were offended by the Chinese’ reluctance to extend their assistance. They live in prosperity and channel their energy towards accumulating wealth…”

    In 1952, MCA offered 50 to 300 ringgit to Chinese recruits to entice up to 2,000 youth but to no avail. However it must noted that there were thousands of Malayan citizens of Chinese ethnicity from all walks of life and among the civil service who stood behind and remained loyal to the government.

    in 1964, a Malay market helper was assaulted by a 15-year old Chinese boy at Bukit Mertajam. When the trader reported the matter to his employer, 40 Chinese men were already outside the office, and three of them entered the office and attacked the poor chap.

    The next day a commotion took place. One Malay and one Chinese were injured, the malay man succumbing to his injuries the next day. For 10 days from July 14, a curfew was imposed.

    In 1967, there was a Sino-Malay clash in Nibong Tebal, Penang on Nov 24, and a 24-hour curfew was imposed. Police seized communist documents, pictures of Red Guards and slogans urging people to follow Mao.

    In mid-1968, 13 traitors, 11 Chinese and two Malays, were condemned to the gallows after the Confrontation and racial sentiments were raised, drawing sympathy from the world community, leading to the sentence being reduced to life-time imprisonment.

    The may 13 tragedy is a black day in our history that cannot be forgotten. Prior to the incident, a funeral procession had taken place in KL. The six week long election campaign allowed the communist elements to make their move, while members of the Labour Party were provocative in their speeches aimed at causing uproars, even to the point of urging voters to boycott the 1969 elections.

    On April 24, 1969, an Umno worker in Jelutong was killed. Encik Kassim Omar saw a group of youth gathering. He thought an accident had taken place and stopped his motorbike. He was suddenly assaulted and later died. His body was painted red. The authorities asked his family not to create a commotion.

    On May 6, a group of youths were in Keping painting the road signs red. When questioned by police, they threw pieces of iron, wood and sharp objects at them. A fight ensued. The police fired shots to defend themselves. Lim Soon Heng, 24, died. His family did not bring the body back to Kepong, instead it was taken to a busy lane in Chinatown.

    On May 7, the deceased’s family asked for permission to hold a procession on May 10, which was the polling day. Permission was finally granted on condition it was held on May 9. On May 9, a funeral procession began from Jalan Sultan and started at 9.55a. Thousands of them exceeded the number permitted by law and the procession broke a rule by entering Jalan Petaling rather than taking the road leading to the Merdeka roundabout. Posters were scattered about bearing slogans insulting the police and proclaiming Tunku Abdul Rahman’s regime is cruel and Mao’s Thoughts can be practised here”. The procession quickly changed from a funeral procession to that of a political one.

    The procession arrived in Kepong, the burial area at 5.0pm.

    JMD : Thank you for the chronology of events which was not brought up in Dr Kua’s book.


  13. Its strange whenever I visit TDM’s blog and read the comments of certain people that accuses him of being the reason why the country is in such a state it is right now. Really mind boggling.

    Personally and I know a number of others feel the same, it is after TDM stepped down and after DSAI was released that we hear and see race being an issue. Oh yeah…plus a few UMNO idiots too 🙂


  14. Sometimes i feel that most of you here are confused yourselves. You realise that the NEP does not benefit us in the long run and yet here comes a politician (i don’t really admire him but he’s all there is currently) who would like to ‘uplift’ us and to take us away from the crutches syndrome gradually and yet you still scream away. Make up your mind please everybody? Don’t confuse yourselves, makes you look like hypocrites really.

    Of coz race is a sensitive issue again. put yourselfes in the shoes of those who do not benefit from the NEP then consider this, the non NEP privileged contribute almost 85% of tax to the nation to us; they have kept silent for so many years, how long can this unfairness last? Or do we still want to argue n say that we are the founders or this land and they should be grateful? how long do we want to defend this? goodness! and let’s not generalise and be so naive to think that all chinese or indians are filthy rich even if they control 70% of m’sia. Are we that naive? Maybe you should go to smaller parts of KL or other states of kampungs which have chinese and see if they are rich. Can we blame them for feeling unfair or should we lambast them with the tipical UMNO guerilla rhetoric “be grateful, we gave u citizenships”?? last i checked the only ‘developing’ or 1st world country’s out there who still practice race based policies are us Malaysia… the other 2or 3 countries who practise this are worst than 3rd world countries and are not even fit to be called a country. do we really want 2 head there?

    and last i checked also, no non bumi that i’ve met since the last GE has made a big issue about AI removing the NEP. I don’t think they care because they have been on self-sustaining mode for ages, not only in Malaysia but in the East and West. they all seem to be harping about the unfairness and unbiasness as a msian citizen. i mean come on, i travel overseas (due to work commitments of course.. damn) on a monthly basis to almost 60 countries in my line of work and iv’e been thrown questions about the biasness towards our race… do u know how embarrasing it is to answer them? or y-o-u tell me how to answer them without making myself look stupid. and even the arabs i meet feel for the other races and wonder how they can tolerate the race based policies. in fact it makes me look even more stupid cos they seem to know that even without the privileges, the other races turned out better than us. gosh! i rest my case here.

    i don’t know about u fellas here but i’m all for meritocracy that is not only healthy but is beneficial to all of us and our generations to come in the long run. think about it. i’m sure some of you here share this same sentiments with me. i read somewhere the latest talk in mt kiara with Tun and i agree with him wholeheartedly on this issue. as usual, he was spot on with his advices.

    tq jebat for giving me the opportunity to rant here.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. I accept all kinds of comments and opinion as long it is done in good taste. Regular readers can testify that I would try my best to reply to any comments that needed to be discussed further. Here, eventhough you do not agree with any of my opinions, I would still approve them as I respect your thoughts as well. Other readers may agree or disagree with you too, and discussions can run into several comments and several readers can took part in it. It’s a good setting to gain new perspectives and knowledge I reckon.

    Firstly, I congratulate you for being successful in you career. Due to hard work and perseverance, to be able to travel around the world and love what you do is a priceless experience that many could only dream of.

    Initially, I am a little surprise that you as a Malay do not feel that the NEP which was implemented in 1970 was a good and appropriate measure to address the critical issues during that time.

    But then, probably you do not know history that well and the events that led towards the introduction of the NEP. Frankly, I am also somewhat confused whether you had been living in Malaysia at all. Because, the NEP had permeated in the very livelihood of all the Malays that is would be very difficult to disassociate oneself from it. To say that a certain Malay had not directly or indirectly benefitted from the NEP would be a fallacy indeed. Even the non Malays had benefited from the NEP somehow. I will divulge on this later.

    Before I argue further, I would like to stress my stand that I do not want the NEP to be running in perpetuality. It is counter productive to the survival of the Malays. And, if the Malays cannot survive economically, this will prove hazardous to the whole nation and the rest of its citizens. Can you understand that statement I just mentioned?

    However, at the other end of the spectrum, the birth of the NEP cannot be looked just from the 1970 point of view. We must look several decades earlier to understand the reason for its existence. Your foreigners friends may not understand about our rich history. Their limited knowledge is only based on the current word of mouth and of course news flash in the media. But international news reporting about our local issues may not cover the whole aspect of the situation. Reason being, they are not Malaysian and therefore, may not capture the true feeling of the common people. Therefore, it is your responsibility to educate your foreign friends on the true picture and the history of our multi racial country.

    I beg you to read 3 of my previous articles to fully understand the issue of the NEP before you read on my reply :


    If you already have read those, then to summarize, NEP is a positive affirmative action created in 1970 as a means to address past discrimination and to enhance representation of racial or ethnicity in the economy. It was the British who had practised blatant discrimination among the locals and the immigrants at that time (late 19th and early 20th century). The people of the then Malaya were segregated according to economical factors. When the British left, and when meritocracy run unchecked, the majority of the people suffered the most as they did not have the chance to get the opportunity to alleviate their financial wellbeing. The majority poor continued to become poor while the minority rich became richer.

    You have to stress that our country and its social mix is not the same like your foreigner friends’ country. True, the NEP discriminate the minority. Affirmative action should discrminate the majority. But here is where logic should apply. When in 1969, the minority has greater wealth than the majority, should meritocracy and unabated capitalism be continued? When the majority had no opportunity to alleviate themselves, should they continue to wrestle with poverty?

    Because you see, in the 50’s and 60’s whenever the Malays wanted loans or business licenses, the main criteria required by the meritocratic government was ‘Do you have any experience?’. And of course, most Malays didn’t have one. Thus, the vicious cycle of being poor continues. Imagine the frustration of a Malay back then when they have the land to mine tin, their application to acquire license to mine were turned down due to lack of experience. Thus, the Malays suffered the downspiral in their economic standing.

    This is because, the chance to excel were never given. NEP is just that = to create opportunities when they are no opportunities.

    You have to understand and accept the disparity among the majority Malays and the other races at that time.

    To catch up with somebody, they need to run faster than the preson ahead of them. If they run at the same rate, then they can never catch up.

    To correct the imbalances, we need to be unfair. If not the disparity will be even bigger. The rich will be richer, the poor will be poorer.

    NEP was a risk management action plan created to mitigate another major catastrophe in the future – Ethnic strife. Economic disparity between races is a dangerous thing. It will harbour illwill between the races. Without the NEP, could the majority of the citizens increase their 2% shareholding of the Malaysian wealth to a respected level?

    NEP was implemented as a soft approach, to enlarge the economical cake so that everyone can have a bigger slice. No existing wealth of the non Malays were reduced or taken from when the NEP was implemented. Participation of the bumis were included in the widening economical cake. That is all. Rather than the dominant political party at that time (Umno) introduce a hard approach (say, tax the non Malays more or confiscate their wealth and distribute it among the poor), they introduce a more mild yet effective approach that will not cause resentment to anyone.

    Is it very wrong for the Malays to come up at the same level as the chinese? Just like what the NEP had wanted to achieve, it aims for the bumis to have 30% of the country’s wealth. 30% only. If the NEP was not in placed, then not even 10% would be achieved. Even the poor people from other races will remain poor if meritocracy was put to place. As it says in the Misi Nasional (later form of NEP) – “Menangani masalah ketidaksamaan sosioekonomi secara membina dan produktif tanpa mengira kaum.”

    Now, currently the problem of Malays not wanting the NEP is quite prevalent these days escpecially among the Malays in the urban areas (the well to do Malays). The NEP idealogy had helped thousands, maybe millions of Malays since its inception in 1970.

    It is sad that the Malays that had reaped its profit decided that the other Malays that came after them is not good enough to receive its benefit. Or, in other aspect, they feel that since they had became successful via the implementation of the NEP, they feel that all Malays can be successful WITHOUT it.

    It is like crossing the river using a bridge, but once you get to the other side of the river, you decided to destroy the bridge and ask the Malays on the other side to swim instead.

    This problem is certainly new. No Malays or Malaysians were uncomfortable with the NEP before. Majority Malaysians kept on electing the progenitor (BN) of this affirmative action in every elections since 1974.

    Before 1970, the wealth of the Malays are less than 2%. The shareholding of the Malays are also around 2%. Professional Malays such as doctors are less than 2%. Who had the whole chunk of wealth in Malaysia at that time?

    Obviously at that time, the Malays were not getting the share of wealth and education.

    In a country of even a single ethnic population, there would be a conflict between the rich and the poor. Economic conflict between races is even worse. Even the British recognised that. That is why, during the British rule, they would also send a handful of Malays to be properly educated in universities. There were some examples of young Malays among the numerous non Malays who were sent to good universities during the pre independence time. Among them were Raja Tun Mohar and Tun Sardon Jubir.

    Other such example was Dr Mahathir. Eventhough his Senior Cambridge result was not as good as the other chinese students at that time, the British found it imperative to send 7 Malays including him to study medicine in Singapore. There were 77 students at that time. If the British practices meritocracy, then no Malays will be doctors. In the end, the Malays would probably be like the Malays in Singapore these days.

    Study shows that human brains need proper food in order for it to function properly. Since the Malays were so poor at that time, it is not by coincidence that they had poor results. Their results were hampered by the environment. No light, no good food, diseases like Malaria was rampant amonbg the poor at that time.

    But if they were given the opportunity to excel, they might prove that they too can become successful. They probably were late developers which they may become good if given the chance. One such example, Dr Mahathir, who upon entrance the university with an average result, had the highest score in his Physics paper in the entire class in the university.

    Hence, by giving opportunity, the Malays may overcome the income disparity. This opportunity was not available before the creation of the NEP. Is this not a good intention?

    The NEP was not intended to run forever. It was originally to run only for 20 years (a generation). Because when a Malay who had become successful, their children will inherit their traits. For instance, a doctor may have offsprings who are doctors as well. Thus, when all Malays are successful, the next generation will be better off and the NEP may be phased out little by little.

    Just to digress a bit, the Malays had been, for nearly 500 years been under the colonial rulers. What are the characteristic of the people under colonial masters? There are all almost the same in any countries subjected under control of foreign powers. When the ever resourceful immigrants came, the local people could not compete with the influx and the sheer productiveness of the immigrants. This is because the local people, in this case, the Malays were getting lazier due to being spoon fed, protected and subsidised by their colonial masters for the past hundreds of years. Their ability to strive for greater achievements were curtailed by their masters. In the end, they became more and more contented by their stunted life. Since then, this destructive mentality had been fully embedded in the minds of the conquered. This is the same in any other countries, be it Trinidad and Tobago, South Africa, etc.

    The only difference, in Malaysia was the setting up of NEP which enabled a more equal distribution of wealth. As I said before, the intention was good. But the enforcement was seriously lacking. As the result, only a few Malays were getting super rich whereas the original objective was only to enlarge the middle class Malays. Thus gave rise to cronyism and ‘Umnoputras’.

    In the mid 80’s, the govt embarked on a privatisation exercise whereby, in order to speed up the redistribution of income (objective of the NEP), some of the government entities (read: inefficient, slow just like ordinary govt offices) are privatised (read: efficient, fast just like how private sectors are run). This gave rise to the GLCs. The concept was mooted out by TDM since the progress of the core objective of the NEP, which is to increase the equity wealth of the Malays from less than 5% pre-1970 to 30% by 1990 had been very slow. TDM felt that the goal may not be fulfilled by 1990 if we expect the generally ‘lazy’ Malays just to increase it on their own.

    Hence, the govt stepped in to help fasten the increase before the deadline in 1990.

    How could the setting up of the GLCs increase the wealth of the Malays? Through the pro bumiputra policy each of these companies going to practice (tender and procurement process, sub cons etc). Through this, it is hoped that the GLC will help other bumiputra companies like the suppliers, contractors make money and thus, through the spin effect, other Malays will benefit too.

    But, the opposite thing happened. As only natural to those close enough to power, the management people of the GLCs, the ones entrusted by the government to help the Malays, had backstabbed their own race and began to profit themselves and their cronies.

    Soon, even the Malay contractors began to make quick bucks by sub contracting the project they received from the GLCs to the highest bidder. Who are the highest bidders? They would be the Chinese owned contracting companies. Thus, ‘Ali Baba’ companies began to appear everywhere. This is what I meant by stating the non Malays too had benefitted bt the NEP.

    So here lies the conundrum. The intention was pure and genuine. But along the line, people entrusted to run it went corrupt and forgot the main objective.

    It saddens me that with all the genuine help from the government to increase the per capita income of all of the Malays via the privatisation project went unsuccessful. Although the intention is to create bigger middle class income Malay, what had emerged was a few richer upper class Malays. Thus, the term Umnoputra was conceptualized. Only a few received the benefits. What’s worse, these cronies were not willing to share their new found wealth. Instead they monopolized all the contracts within their own circles. In the end, the non – Umnoputras class B, C, D and E Malay contractors suffered.

    Do you remember the issue brought about by Dr Lim Teck Ghee, a researcher from ASLI? He said that the current Malay equity was not 18.9% but around 40 plus percent. He included the GLCs into the equation. He and his advocate, Khoo Kay Peng said that since the GLCs are bumiputra owned and the inculcate the pro bumiputra policy, then it is only natural to include it in their calculation. Hence, the 18.9% is wrong, so they argued.

    It received severe intimidation from the government. In the end, ASLI had to retract the report.

    My opinion is, although what the good Dr said was correct, we must look at the bigger picture and several aspects of it. One such aspect is, the importance of substance over form.

    The argument that GLCs are bumiputra because of their pro bumi policy is partly correct because, eventhough it favors bumi participation in procurement and tender activities, the ones that benefit the most are the non bumi companies (through the Ali Baba companies) and the Umnoputras. Therefore it does not entirely reflect the true situation. This is only my opinion. This is different in huge companies belonging to other races such as YTL, Genting, IGB, Multi Purpose etc. When the bumi GLCs benefits the Ali Baba companies and Umnoputras, the non GLC huge companies benefits directly to the Chinese since the Chinese take good care of themselves. The majority Malays continue to be left behind. Thus, the stagnant below 20% rate since the 80’s. All because some have Malays forgotten to be Malays.

    Secondly, the 18.9% also do not really reflect the true situation. This is because, it also take into account the Trust companies’ fund such as MARA, PKNS, and state Yayasan. If these haven’t been included, then the percentage of Malays wealth is much lower than the 18.9%.

    This is why I said earlier, the non Malays indirectly benefitted from the NEP. That is also why, as you had correctly mentioned, even without the priviliges, the non Malays fared better than the Malays. Although I am not blind to the fact that there are poor people among the non Malays. Currently, there are about 55,000 indians households that fall under the poverty line. Among the chinese, there are about 42,000 households. Do you know how many Malay households that fall under the poverty line? 1.4 million.

    Since you have been the smaller parts of KL or the kampungs, didn’t you notice the bigger numbers of Malays remain poor?

    That is why, through the spirit of the NEP and now Misi Nasional, we have the Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, PTPTN, and the latest, SJKP – (Skim Jaminan Kredit Perumahan) whereby even the poor can own houses regardless of race.

    Stop listening to your foreigners friends when they run down your own country’s policies. At least Malaysia is friendly to its own people. Everyone can retain their own identity. They can have schools to teach their children their own mothertongue and and have political parties based on ethnicity.

    The US, the biggest democracy in the world, do not allow vernacular schools or political parties of certain communities. At least over here, they get what they wishes. In the US and Indonesia for example, everyone is assimilated.

    Do you think the afro americans in the US had american names 200 years ago and speaks only English as their first language? Do you think the chinese in Indonesia can go to chinese schools there? Here, the government was so tolerant, they let everyone retain their racial identity (which was the wishes of each race). Can you imagine what the chinese would say if the government abolish all vernacular schools and absorb everyone into National schools and everyone has Malay names?

    The americans did not assimilate to become the Red Indians last time. Why? Because, the red indians were not the majority of the people. Christianity was made the national religion and English became the lingua franca. These days, the white americans see themselves as the founders of the nation and not the red indians. Same concept being applied here.

    Okay, this summary of mine is becoming more and more like a thesis. Bear in mind anis, I abhor having the NEP running forever. I agree with TDM too. I hope the NEP will be dismantled gradually. Not abruptly like what the DAP and PKR had proposed. But we need to do it tactfully so not to aggravate the feelings of the majority Malays. 17 million Malays feeling aggravated is not a clever thing to do.

    How to dismantle it? Just like what I wrote to TDM last time –

    “We should start afresh with the new batch of Malay children born today. Proper education, balanced support from government, fair rewards for success and punishment for failures should be installed. Then, in 20 years time, they are ready to compete in an equal playground.”

    I hope you can now argue your points to your overseas friends successfully. You have the right to be patriotic and proud of your country. No matter how pitiful you think your country is, it is your duty as a citizen to uphold its name in the best possible way you can. Through this, other people from other countries can see that Malaysia has a feisty little citizen who could defend its name no matter how bad the situation is. At least, in that way, all is not lost. Malaysia can still survive and progress through the future because it has a citizen like you who could weather any adversity thrown at us.

    Thank you so much.. 🙂


  15. JMD,

    Well done on your reponse to Sarahani. I felt like standing up and applauding after reading it.

    On an unrelated note, you might be aware that there is some hullaballoo going around regarding BTN camps. It saddenned me to read it since I only have fond memories of my time attending one at Balik Pulau (more than a decade ago though), despite the fact that we had to wake up every morning at 5.30am and all links to the outside world were severed. I don’t remember being lectured about anything remotely close to racism, if anything I felt myself becoming more patriotic. Granted things might have changed now, hence the letters complaining about racism in current BTN camps. My view is that the camp is a good concept in promoting nationalism and self-endurance but current implementation might not be up to standards. Again, I put the blame on our Numero Uno leader for indirectly allowing something like BTN camps being perceived as a shambles. What say you?

    JMD : LKS and Jeff Ooi fits prefectly on my last two articles. They try to publicly instill resentment among the non Malays through unverified claims instead of directly asking the BTN to explain itself. And to call Najib as Bapak Racist? How low can you get when they themselves would fight tooth and nail for the existence of chinese schools. They need to learn how to tolerate instead of sowing social dishamony.


  16. Dear Jebat.

    As I am writing this, I had just finished watching the press conference by that Bukit Bendera Umno guy who has been found guilty and crucified by the Courts of Public Opinion.

    I had just also finished reading Che Det’s postings on the apologies (Part 1 and 2) and it makes me wonder, who is the real racist…

    It saddens me to see how quick such matters can be sensationalised and any persons who had the misfortune to utter politically-incorrect phrases can be grilled, shamed and vilified.

    Is this the new Malaysia that everybody is hoping for? Where the process of law is disregarded and the person alleged to have commit wrongdoing is crucified, without even having his defence being called for? Whatever happen to the process of inquiry? I would have thought that this Bukit Bendera person would have to be subjected to due process of an internal inquiry… but then again, never mind the findings, it is tough being a Malay in a Malaysia, especially when I proclaim Malaysia to be the tanah tumpah darah ku.

    I had the privilege of working in one of the offices of governments and at that time, under the leadership of Tun Dr Mahathir, what appears to be clear is that there was only one captain on board, not two. Now, I am not even sure whether there is a mutiny in the ranks.

    I had also often pondered during the times of 13th May 1969, where the Chinese and the Indians sought refuge at the place where I used to stay. I also remembered my younger sister shedding tears when we were hiding under the bed… her fears was caused by helicopters overhead. I also remembered having to seek refuge at the Police Depot in Jalan Gurney and that was the first time I experienced tear gas.

    I also wondered how did we arrive to where we are now. How could have the situation degenerated that it is no longer “safe” to say anything that is politically incorrect. Where facts are dismissed and assumptions rule the day.

    Jebat, the way you expressed yourself shows to me that you well-read and probably a keen historian. Perhaps you can shed some light over what is going on right now. I am sad over the fact that suddenly after 51 years of independence, the Alliance and Barisan Nasional had never done any good for the nation. Is this so?

    Perhaps the people are not able to see what is really happening in the country. Perhaps the people are not able to see what they have enjoyed so far in life ever since the country had gained independence. Right now, it appears that the whole country is blinkered on this Ketuanan Melayu issue… But they somehow have forgotten about Ketuanan Anwar. Does the people really believe Anwar can bring good to the country?

    To me, he is only good at getting advice which can lead the nation asunder. Perhaps Michel Camdessus can reason with him, perhaps Dick Cheney, Al Gore or whoever foreign leaders who support him can make realise of his follies… But do the people care about this? I am also sad that several Malaysians had denigrated the name of this country to Malangsial… Google the word and see what it gets you.

    What this country need right now is leadership, pure and simple. A leader must lead, not manage the country. Perhaps that is the biggest difference between Tun Dr Mahathir and Abdullah… one led the country while the other manages the country by committee… and in the end they managed to step on so many toes.

    Then again, what do I know? I have best friends of who are non-Malays. In fact, my best friends, the one that I can count on is a Chinese guy who is more Malay than any other Malay that I have met. I had also mourn the loss of another good friend who happened to be a Punjabi. He died of a heart attack when he was 36. The Malays in the outfit that I used to work in were busy backstabbing one another.

    As again, I apologise for rambling. Just my thoughts and hope it does not cause any offence tp anyone. To me, the Ketuanan Melayu died when the Portuguese invaded Malacca. Now we just have the continuance of the British divide and rule policy and we are certainly getting good at that.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. This is a guerilla tactic of the Pakatan Rajyat. Strike the BN in order to usurp power. And strike them at the very heart of their existence – the harmonic and symbiotic relationship between the races. To create discord between this very fabric of unity, and fragment it further, will enable their minority voice to be stronger than the fragmented majority. Thus when the minority becomes more appealing, the divided majority will lose out.

    That’s why I said, to gain power through this process is heinous. They are willing to sacrifice the racial harmony just for the sake of power. A dangerous game they are playing. Which many will lose in the end.


  17. JMD i was not finished yet when my finger inadvertently tapped on the submit comment.

    The eight mile long procession attracted the attention of the people by the roadside. The police told the organisers to begin from Jalan Sultan, proceeding via Jalan Petaling, Jalan Kuching, Jalan Maxwell and Jalan Ipoh and on to Kepong. The deceased’s representatives wanted to begin from Jalan Sultan, moving to Jalan Kinabalu, Jalan raja, jalan tuanku abdul rahman, Jalan Ipoh and on to Kepong. This was the biggest procession in Malaysia and it was clear the police became the group’s target.

    On May 12, Gerakan’s Dr Tan Chee Khoon wanted to hold a victory procession in his constituency, Batu and jalan Ipoh and it was to begin from 4.30pm and end at 7.0pm with almost 500 participants. The police suggested 5.30 instead due to the rush hour. However Tan’s followers did not keep to the designated route, some exposing themselves indecently and some shouted “Menteri Besar must go back to the village” and “the position of Menteri Besar must be given to non-Malays” before they were diverted to Kampung Baru. The leaders later issued a press statement seeking pardon for what had taken place during the procession!!!!!

    On May 13, a meeting was held at the residence of Ahmad Razali Ali, the then political secretary of Datuk Harun Idris. The discussion centred on the behaviour of the opposition party in the funeral procession and the procession around Kampung Baru. by 5.0pm a huge crowd had gathered at Datuk Harun’s house. They wanted to show the public UMNO was still in control of the Government and the State Legislative Assembly. While preparations were in progress, news came from Setapak that UMNO members there had been attacked. The situation went out of control in Kampung Baru thus causing a fight to break out. Naturally there was food shortage the next day as shops and the markets were closed.

    The anger of the Malays had reached a boiling point. The Malays were annoyed as the opposition called them belacan and mere peasants as opposed to Chinese towkeys.

    On May 16, the National Operations Council was formed, with director Tun Razak given absolute power to administer the country. The NEP was formulated in 1971 to correct the imbalance and unequal distribution of the economic pie.

    The reason I’m sharing this with JMD is because I believe today’s web-savvy generation have not fully grasped the issues that snowballed into the racial riots in 1969. I sincerely hope history does not repeat itself. The politicians who accuse their rivals of being communal practise racial politics. My fellow Malaysians, beware…

    principal sources:
    tun razak prince of titiwangsa (by shariff ahmad)
    Before and After May 13 (tunku abdul rahman)
    tragedi 13 mei (satu laporan majlis gerakan negara)
    Chronicle of Malaysia
    Malaysia – a pictorial history 1400-2004


  18. Anwar Ibrahim is a orator, an actor and a hypocrite ‘extra ordinary. Listen to him and in no time , you will be mesmerised to him. His oratory skill must have come from his Indian blood-line.TDM said ” Even a devil can follow him”

    To judge a person ‘ Judge him not based on his words or his promise but his deeds and to judge a leader, judge him when he was at his peak .

    Judge Anwar with his track records if he has any.


  19. The system of government we have is such that we have no choice but to elect politicians. Its just a question of whom and why. Are all politicians dishonest or racist? From time to time to get particular votes, I suspect the majority of politicians would say what the people want to hear regardless of convention or ethics or plain ole human decency. I would venture to say that to the majority of Malaysians the identity of the executive is irrelevant. Would a non-bumi prefer a derelict party representing his race as opposed to an honest, just and efficient UMNO governing Malaysia (note I do mean UMNO and not BN)? Surely not (I hope!). Would the Malays prefer the now seemingly corrupt to the core and lost in the wind UMNO that professes to champion Malay pride to an amalgam of disparate bodies who are saying all the right things? Apparently not either. From my few visits here, I do see a strong anti DSAI approach in this blog. Which is fine. I believe that based on past action the jury may be still out on him. But frankly to bemoan what will become of Malaysia should he take over or the means he adopts to take over misses the point altogether. I gather from the majority of the comments here that many of your readers may be from UMNO or apolitical. BN is in power. Any incumbent government knowing the sentiment of the people has the machinery to strengthen its position by addressing those sentiments. They are choosing not to. Surely the movement should be one to force UMNO’s hand (what is obvious is that MIC, MCA and Gerakan are irrelevant to the equation) to do what is necessary. Do they not see the need to support the reforms needed? Does anyone anywhere in Malaysia think the judiciary or the police or any number of institutions are not in need of an overhaul? Not a single action from UMNO towards that course but plenty of lip service from the top. Does it remain lip service because UMNO members (not sure how many millions) all believe that such reforms should just remain as lip service and the PM is therefore serving out their collective wish (i.e. to do nothing and keep things as they are)? Does UMNO at all other levels think everything is hunky dory in this country and the people’s about turn in their support is the reaction of a recalcitrant child when told he cant play with his friend? Nothing from the DPM, nothing from MY, nothing from anyone who seems ready to take up the gauntlet of leadership. Perhaps those more wise in the ways of UMNO will tell me there is plenty going on behind the scenes. Is there? Can you afford to alienate the people whilst the protagonists tango behind the curtains? A few sure signs that things will get better is all that is required…Is there no will in UMNO or in UMNO’s followers to force such signs? Are those who oppose DSAI’s seemingly inevitable elevation not willing to meet him head on in taking the steps required (he can just talk about it since he has no power at the moment but more will be expected of the ruling party) to raise confidence and assure the people that economic downturn or not, we are assured of good government, powerful institutions and effective policies? There are plenty who do not trust DSAI but support him nonetheless and that is due to the feeling of desperation and helplessness fed by current times. Someone needs to step up to the plate as the system of government we have is such that we have no choice but to elect politicians, however little we trust them.

    JMD : That is what we call democracy. In simpler terms it ultimately means, people will not stupidly elect a corrupt or a bad leader. But throw in political manouvers, money politics, racial politics, divide and conquer tactics, lack of credible alternatives, misperceptions or foreign support, we will have bad politicians as our leaders.

    Thank you for commenting.


  20. People! the way to move forward is to put the racial issue away from politic. The Non Malays must realised that the Malays were not greedy to control 90% of the Malaysian economy. The Malay must realised that todays politic is sickening to hell – those in politics will answer in the after life.

    The point is, we must realised that for the past 20 year or so we are living in peacefull culture without anybody being victimised. Please understand that no matter whatever modern development is – there is no substitute for the peace that we had here in Malaysia.

    As per the current situation, every Malaysia is began to understand each other. Unlucky to us, PR is now playing the racial card by attacking BN with racial issue. Think about it! Without the racial issue, they are nothing. If they are in control they could not resolve the religion issue which will divide us further.

    It is also unlucky that the current political environment is lacking the maturity because the PM is simply not qualified enough. As simple as that. In difficult times today we shall muddling through and not to fooled by these clown politicians.


  21. JMD,

    The good that I can see out of the present chaotic political scenario is that it will expose the true loyalists and turncoats from either side. If it has not already ( Tan Kee Kwong, Ezam, Tan Yee Kew etc)

    Jumping ship, for the unimaginable to materialise, would be mostly from those in East Malaysia, especially Sabah.

    The state has a history of lalang and desperate politics. Remember Pairin’s switch to Ku Li’s camp or Tun Mustafa’s interpretation of nominated assemblymen?

    Those familiar with Sabah politics can recount how fractious Sabah had developed with divided loyalties and power struggles upon the demise of Tun Fuad Stephens.

    Making the state from one of the richest to one of the poorest.

    Since Sabah UMNO was borne originally out USNO members, they do not share the ideals of Peninsula UMNO, having being formed only in 1991. Sabah UMNO was established for the very same problem that the present Govt is threatened with, cross-overs.

    As for Sarawak the situation is less problematic. Its political mindset, if one were to trace back to the Brooke administration, is a predilection towards loyalty to authority while eschewing instabilty.

    Moreover the BN State Govt seems as popular as ever.

    Jumpers here would likely be from the SUPP or SPDP but the odds are indeed very slim.

    Again and again we come to the root cause to the situation that the BN finds itself in, from a landslide in 2004 to a limping 2008.

    That of an inept and incompetent leader who underestimated the wrath of the rakyat and the extent of disatisfaction among TunMM’s supporters.

    On another note, the price of fuel is likely to be reduced but will the price of goods? I doubt it. Could not the decision to increase the fuel price wait for just 3 months?

    If he had a genuine welfare of the rakyat he would not have done so , no matter what.

    Weak willed, lost credibility and ill advised again.

    Best regards

    JMD : Thanks Freddie


  22. Kroni & Racist Modal utama PR:

    Pasal Kroni:
    Masalah kroni, muncul ketika regim Anwar dalam UMNO. DRB sapu bersih projek Proton, Honda, Intrakota sampai sampah pun dikebas- Alam Flora.

    Lepas tu Media TV#, UTUSAN, NST dikontrol Nuar nak jatuhkan Mahathir. Melayu, Cina, India mudah lupa @ ingat nuar dah insaf???

    Inilah dulu yg sapu bersih nak cakap pasal kroni!!!

    Pasal Racist:
    Masalahnya bermula daripada PKR yang terdiri dari orang melayu, menolak hak istimewa yang dipersetujui oleh kaum2 pendatang kepada orang Melayu.

    Mereka ini asalnya pokai, miskin dan kini kebanyakkannya menjadi profesional yang dilahirkan melalui DEB.

    Kerana politik dan fikiran sempit, tampa memikir nasib sebangsa yang majoritinya miskin, golongan Profesional ini menuduh UMNO rasis. Maka DAP & Hindraf mendapat peluang baik mempersoalkan.

    Jika Melayu rasis, dah lama India & Cina tak boleh buka kedai, kilang & sekolah2 rasis mereka. Racism kulit putih membakar orang2 kulit hitam disamakan dgn orang Melayu.

    Adalah tidak bertanggung jawab dan bodoh jika Melayu PKR meneruskan kempen yg merugikan diri sendiri dan nasib rakan sebangsa yang masih mundur.

    Saya bukan penyokong UMNO, tetapi UMNO melalui Mahathir berjanji pada 2020, masyarakat Malaysia akan lahir. ‘Merit’ adalah ukuran baru, dan racist bukan lagi rujukan dlm kerjaya.

    ‘Jangan jadi bodoh, memperjuang nasib orang kaya-sedangkan nasib bangsasendiri adalah macai yang hina, kuli dibumi sendiri kepada pandatang yang rasist”

    Ikutlah Wawasan 2020-bangsa Malaysia Merit yg tak rasist. sabarlah. PKR jayakan Wawasan 2020 kalau benarlah Paklah lembam.


  23. I don’t agree with blaming things on politics like some have resorted to.. Politics are politics, we need politics to create a system of government. In fact, our lives are politics when it comes to engaging and dealing with people, especially on more serious purposes. To say politic is dirty is simply to straitjacketing a term with impulses propagated by sentiments.. Then it won’t be fair to politicians who mean well, because they have been inadvertently subjected to such sentiments. No matter how open our society is intended to become, we are still bogged down eventually by emotions rather than the ability to question and research carefully over allegations, remarks, or the nature of such and such remarks are made. Funny though it seems today.. to submit oneself to the “court of public opinions” is easier than seeking truths..

    One criteria and it is the criteria that a leader must have; Articulation. Most pf these leaders don’t fair well when it comes to Q and A or communicating intentions or facts to people.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment.


  24. Hi JMD

    My my u’ve been busy counter-commenting….the size of a blog entry…

    Back to your last line…..either Pak lah or Anwar? neither i hope….
    On the morality of our politicians…..aiyoo where to start…..the quality of leaders we had in the 60’s n 70’s are hard to come by these days….full of substance….

    My take….we need a white knight… a true reformer of sort….someone not poluted by the current system……if people are sick of the whole system and how the game have been played …we need to change the players, the ball n the court itself……

    something along this line…

    1. MP’s in Parliment…let them fight it out for the benefit of our nation, only proper/well debated policy should be approved – this requires MP to be able to vote independently ..long shot with the whip system in place…
    2. Give more decision making power back to civil servants – Ministers should only focus on policy matters, civil servant should stand-up to crappy/corrupt ministerial policy n protect public interest
    3. More Parlimentary committee….greater power n more accountability..PAC was crap
    4. As for BN, PR or party level politics….let them evolve and find a new form, dinosours should follow natural path… jurassic park like remake…they’re full of politicians….as we all know they can adapt to survive in the game..

    And who ever who can deliver..n manage n guide malaysia forward in our so called “brave new world” shud be given the chance of 1 term to prove…but NO BACKDOOR ENTRY PLEASE…….its no difference than a military coup with a gun pointing at your head

    Got one question for u , if a cross over happens can the Agong over-rule n not approve the “new Govt” and demand for a Fresh Reelection?

    Wass n Selamat Sahur Bro….i miss malaysian food….n the ability to go to a mamak stall at 3 am

    PS: Race n Citizenship r 2 different animal….our affirmative action is applied to race not citizenship…hence my 50% inter-marriage question still remain…

    JMD : I believe the Agong shall use his discretion to dissolve the Parliament to pave way for a fresh general election IF he sees the executive is not stable. That would be his first criteria in dissolving the govt. In order to have a stable govt, DSAI need at least 50 MPs to cross over to achieve 60% of the parliament. To have less than that would prove disastrous to the progress of the nation.


  25. Just read the latest on AM Ubaidah’s and Matthias Chang’s. What a great news it is. Welcome back Tun, hand in hand with Ku Li.

    During this absolutely critical time, we need a powerful and credible option to confront the real problem before us…

    It’s “emergency” time. Let’s not dilly dally anymore.

    Let us be united again; the way we beat the Brits in 46.

    Semoga Berjaya InshaAllah.


  26. An honest leader has integrity. When you have integrity, you have credibility. When people see you as having credibility, automatically you will become trustworthy. A leader trusted by the rakyat WILL become a great leader. A leader trusted by all of the people, will move a mountain if he wanted to.

    Can Mahathir,Rafidah,Samyvelu, and many more in the cabinet fit the description stated above? They are all top class white collar robbers….

    JMD : Yes. Anwar is the only leader with credibility and great track records. No other leaders past and present can even come close to his greatness. Thank you for commenting. Have a good Ramadhan!


  27. JMD,

    May I perceive cross over from the legal perspective. The MPs are trustees to the rakyats to fight their cause in Parlaiment.They were elected on a certain legal relationship. So when they cross over, they commit breach of trust, not criminal in nature.

    Action lies for equitable remedy.Seek Court Declaration that their election as MP is now null and void and the Constituency has now fallen vacant.

    What is your reaction ? Can we form an action group to initiate such court in the public interest, in safeguarding the sanctity of our Constitution. There has already been talk of promulgating law to make party hopping unlawful.

    JMD : We shall see when the time comes. Sept 16 is less than 7 days away. There will be some chaos if it really happens. But I reckon the possibility of 30 MPs crossing over is slim.


  28. Someone once said that democracy is tyranny by the majority.

    I had a shock when I read that Asif Ali Zardari will be taking oath as President of Pakistan. To think that the mad man has his fingers on Pakistan’s nuclear weapon is indeed a morbid thought.

    Nothing against democracy. It is strange, isnt it.

    I’ve almost resigned to believe that Anwar will somehow land his hands on the Office of Prime Minister. It may not be September 16th but until and unless Badawi vacate the Office and BN does some miracle to transform itself, it would be at some date in not so distant future.

    Looking at the high rate of poverty of Bumiputras, embarassing as it may sound, the need for affirmative action is a necessity. It has got to do with survival than anything else.

    To say that only third world countries practices affirmative action is incorrect. The United States practices affirmative action as well. Although its philosophy is different than ours, but its objective is the same which is to allow a fair representation of various races in the economy.

    Some Bumiputras may feel that they have done well in life and therefore there is no reason why others are not able to do the same. Despite the fact that we are all the same, our experience in life and our surrounding greatly affects our ability.

    It is also very disheartening to know that those Bumis who have reaped benefits of DEB in one way or the other often forgot the high percentage of Bumis out there living in poverty.

    Like my boss once said to me, DEB is a matter or survival to most Bumis and not an instrument to become rich, although some like Khalid Ibrahim has benefitted and forgotten.

    I have a friend who objected strenuously to DEB until I told her that her employment in the public listed company owe very much to the PLC’s policy of taking up a certain percentage of Bumi employees.

    But most urban Malays are very confident of their ability to compete and often forgot the rural Malays who rely on subsidies and soft loan from Government to go by. Without MARA’s involvement and Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia’s effort in providing soft loan, I cannot imagine the number of Malays left behind.

    Without housing developers being forced to allocate Bumi lots and Bumi discount, we’d probably see areas where housing areas will be segregated along racial lines.

    In actual effect, the Bumiputras being the biggest population in terms of numbers and the highest percentage of the poor, the removal of affirmative action would actually cause the racial fault lines to be more pronounced. You’d see segregation in housing areas and the economy.

    Just out of curiosity, in case Anwar runs the country, do you think he would liberalise the economy and allow goods from abroad to be brought into the country without the usual trade restrictions?

    In one way, it would allow goods to be brought into the country cheaper although it would be at the expense of the local producers.

    I know a client who would be very happy if livestocks and frozen food can be brought in without the need for APs and I know another friend who is car crazy who would be throwing a party if there is removal of the high tariffs and taxes for importation of cars from abroad.

    It would also be interesting to see how PAS interacts with its other coalition partners who swears by democracy in all its splendour.

    Interesting times ahead indeed.

    JMD : Thank you for commenting. I’m quite curious to know what was her reaction when you told her about the hard truth? 🙂


  29. Racism or Affirmative action

    Even when the skin color and religion is the same people fight over sect (catholic vs protestant, sunni vs syiah),
    when people are from same race and tribe they fight over religion (nigeria/ Lebnon/ Serb Bosnia- christian vs muslim),
    when evreything is equal (skin, economy)
    peolpe fight over tribal difference (Hutu Vs Tuttsi)
    political differences- Yamen, ..just some examples, have not even gotten to the gulf arab dilemma-drem on on foreigners being accorded the same right as the local just talk to the expat Egyptian, Lebenese and Palestinian…
    my naive conclusion people or rather politician will use any oppurtunity to use differences for their own political milage- otherwise who would vote for them.

    (sic: reminds of Whoopy Goldberg comment, who should she vote for as the Democrat presidential candidate- she is black (Barack) and she is a woman (Hillary)….)

    I am of mixed parentage, and my better half is of a mixed race too. I tell my friends that my kids are true Malaysian- they have a bit of all 3 major races of Malaysia and more.

    I did gain from the NEP, if not for NEP today I’d be a fisherman or a rubber tapper- Great grand dad was bringing in dates from Yamen, Grandma was not versed with business with her husband’s passing Kedah and Penang properties just passed on to the managers and nobody wants to account for it…- wealth without education=nadda

    Look at the manssions and Kwangsi in KL; Loke Yew, Yap Ah Loy- choice properties where are the malays wealth- Malay reserve land in the kampongs akin to the native american reservation of Custer- Felda settlers, those peolpe that ventured into the fringe and remote areas to build a lively hood- did all of them “native” owned wealth/ land not for the lack of hard work mind you!-there is no petrol guzzing from the ground to put petrodollar on the natives hand either ( you can tell the Emiraties). Even the tin minning that was being done by the likes of Long Jaffar didn’t end up in natives hand.

    If one is to advocate the Ketuanan Rakyat is the non Malay races willing to be assimilate- no more vernacular school, cultural or religous, identity or racial heritage. You only have a singular identity neither Malay, noir Indian , nor Chinese-no black, no sawo matang, no yellow- all of bleed red, Will there still be Peace and Harmony. For those NEP grads that want throw away the crutches put food on the table of the poor, give the the equal oppurtunity for education ( can’y afford tuition/broadband) because without the same you would not be tapping the keys on this blog. Jangan jadi Kacang lupakan kulit dan jangan biadap macam melepaskan anjing yang tersepit!!!

    JMD : Thank you for the comments.


  30. JMD, I dont know why but I somehow agree with you, yet again.I think we share the same thoughts but my capability of explaining and put it in writing plus the supporting facts are way below yours,heheh.can i suggest you post ur reply to Anis as the “morality of msian politics 2”?..hehe like chedet.otherwise ppl might miss that impressive piece

    The main question is ‘why all of a sudden?’ well i guess the answer is there is a loophole and it is the best time to grab the one thing they don’t have, power.Money? Hell we’ve been holding it since they brought us here.(Oops am I being racist here?shame on me!) personally i dont see that much poverty other than my parents siblings and those people in Bersamamu tv3.but is there a country out there that has 100% equality or 0 poverty?

    I agree with a comment up there i dont remember which one that said w/out the NEP he might be a fisherman.very true as all my dads siblings are either fisherman or farmers.the opportunity given to my dad really brought out the best of him.the two person in the kampung made it,and they instill it into their childrens to strive and work hard.Thank god i made it,although just well as my siblings too.

    Im guessing Anis falls in this category too.But if he really had no help from mara or scholarships at all,just working all day by themselves saving up,had to mortgage things and all that to further studies than i’m very sorry for you.but if not, dont be a kacang lupakan kulit,or habis madu sepah dibuang.the NEP is not particularly for you only, its just a mere mechanism or tool to narrow down the economic gap between races.

    well youve been travelling monthly and to over 60 countries?good on you.but still makan gaji?(just guessing).the NEP is trying to narrow down not just the middle class people but also the super rich guys.hell just take a look at M’sia’s top 20 richest man,and w/out the NEP, maybe all 20 of them will be of one race only.these guys if only 1 or 2 can help like 4-5k workers below them of their race,so its a win win situation.this is because if you are talking about equality,the dominant economic holder of our country doesnt practice that much either,just yapping around when there is opportunity.a quick example, open jobstreet or star jobs,i bet theres a hell lot of specific requirement:req. language:mandarin, and so far its hard to find a job requirement to be:Bumi’s only.Well i rest my case.(sorry for that)why am i apologizing?heheh…but i meant it

    now i realize this is a personal attack and nothing to do with the topic(no holds barred). politics and politicians are a very big responsibility.that’s why in Islam it is emphasized to manage oneself first,their siblings,then their wife and children,then their relatives, and if up to it goes to the community and so on(i think this is wrong but the concept is there).we live in a world that finds other peoples faults w/out looking at ourself(including me).so that makes the road bumpier,even more so to i must say there is a very thin line between good and bad moralities in matter how good you try to make people will try to find the flaws and for sure theyll find one, if not many.

    anyway selamat berbuka,back to work,ramadhan kareem..can’t wait for 16th september

    JMD : Thank you Amat. I do not think my explanation was that impressive. I just write what was in my mind. But I do hope it will help people to comprehend my opinion regarding the NEP and the social relationship between the people in Malaysia. It is a precious thing to be able to live in a peaceful country. We may take all these for granted. But ask the people in other countries where internal conflicts are day to day occurences, we should be grateful to God that we had been lrelatively ucky.


  31. Hello JMD

    I was led here after a commentator left me a link over to your blog. I have to say that I’ve only read a couple of random posts, and perhaps you have touched on this issue before, which I’m not aware of. Perhaps you can lead me to them, if you have written prior to this.

    You have pointed out in this post that “essentially”, what Anwar, or Pakatan Rakyat, and BN are fighting for, are basically the same principles. They both call for an independent judiciary, better economy, and what have you.

    I agree.

    However, there are a couple of questions that I would appreciate your views on. FIrst, is why do you think that Anwar’s call for “independent judiciary, free media etc etc” has such a huge impact on so many people? I don’t say all, because obviously not everyone sees things in equal light. But surely there must be a reason why they find Anwar’s call more appealling than BN’s, because, like you’ve pointed out, they’re basically the same.

    Second. You’ve also pointed out in one of your previous posts that the Ahmad Ismail saga has been blown out of proportion. That one man in UMNO made such a statement, does not mean that the entire UMNO is made up of people equally the same.

    That too, I agree. Not everyone in UMNO deserves to be skewered for what one man said. However, if they did not agree with what Ahmad said, and found it equally as insensitive and idiotic, why then did they not stand out to “put him in his place”, so to speak? Surely they are not “guilty” of the statement, but somehow they have to assume responsibility for not “disassociating” themselves from the statement, and make it clear that Ahmad and UMNO are not one and the same.
    (I’m not talking about apology here.)

    In the same breadth, perhaps I could point out that if it is unfair to paint the whole of UMNO with the same brush simply because of one fella’s mistake, how is it that Pakatan Rakyat and Anwar are one and the same?

    ps: I’ll be up-front with you, and say that I’m a supporter of Pakatan Rakyat. Not a big fan of Anwar though..

    JMD : Thank you for visiting this blog. I would appreciate if you could read all my posts. I know it’s a tall order but that way, you could understand my point of view thoroughly. Nevertheless, I am thankful that you had spent some of your time in commenting this article. As for your questions, well i think, in my very limited wisdom, the reason why Anwar is perceived to have more appeal even though he and Pak Lah are basically fighting the same issues more or less;

    1) Pak Lah lost his credibility when entering the March 08 general election. Too many issues on corruption and nepotism were weighing his integrity. That was why he nearly lost his premiership back then. From thereon, coupled with the incessant internal and external criticisms from BN and PR, his leadership became an anathema to the public. Anthing he says or tries to do from that point, will not be taken seriously, eventhough the intention is noble.

    2) Pak Lah made himself as a lame duck Prime Minister when he announced to handover the premiership to Najib. However since 2010 is a long way to go, and the public cannot wait for him to leave the scene, they opt for Anwar. It would be different if Pak Lah had said he will resign after the disastrous general election or the Permatang Pauh by election.

    3) Anwar, although he is not trusted by the elder generation, does command an impressive following among the younger, IT literate people as well as te urbanites. Their thoughts and opinions are very much highlighted in the media, especially the blogosphere.

    4) Pak Lah, in this context, Umno and Barisan, do command a bigger slice of support from the rural community and the elder generation. We, living in the urban areas, will be very much surprised at how the people in the rural areas are still putting faith in Pak Lah (or rather Umno et al) than in Anwar. Lim Kit Siang, eventhough he had slightly tone down his ultra chinese approach is still considered a bogeyman for the majority 3.5 million Umno members and a few more millions elsewhere in PAS and other apolitical Malays. In addition, in order to control the Malay minds, Anwar needs to control Utusan Malaysia. And he has a long way to go.

    5) PKR supporters always think that whatever their opinion is, they think they are representing Malaysians as a whole. But if you go to most parts of the country, the situation is somewhat different from the sentiment being portrayed in the blogosphere. I have travelled in some Malay heartland and the feeling I got is, they are quite jittery with who Anwar is rubbing shoulders with.

    6) Anwar has more appeal for some Malaysians because he is a known factor. He is recognisable. And for now, he is a more viable alternative for the fencesitters due to the lack of options Umno can put through. But to have him having the support of every Malaysian to lead Malaysia can be quite a difficult task because of his tainted credibility. Umno need just produce a more attractive figure than Pak Lah as the leader in order to quash Anwar’s rising popularity. Hence, the effort in getting Ku Li as the challenger to Pak Lah’s lethargic leadership has begun. All this while, the talk of transition of power had nullified Ku Li’s intention. But since the most powerful vice president – Muhyiddin had openly shown his support for Ku Li as President, then the chances of Anwar to become the PM will be even slimmer.

    7) Ku Li just need a dozen of Umno divisions to announce their intention to pick Ku Li as a presidency candidate within this couple of weeks and you will see a shifting of power will take place. Pak Lah’s, Najib’s and Anwar’s. The potential froggies from BN will see this as something to contemplate with and naturally, since Pak Lah is leaving anyway, the politicians will gravitate towards the better option.

    Secondly, you have to read Dr M’s recent post – especially his para 8 and 14;

    8. I am not defending nor do I like what Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera said. It does not contribute to lessening the tension between the races. But I feel disgust at the inability of the present Malay leadership to manage racialism. It is degrading for the second highest leader in the Government to be apologising for every instance of improper behaviour by UMNO members.

    14. Perhaps people should wonder why during the time of the previous four Prime Ministers, who were also Presidents of UMNO, there were no such utterances by UMNO members. And there were practically none from the non-Malays either.

    I would like to point out that if you read my articles here and here, I was implying to the extremists in Pakatan Rakyat. Not everyone as a whole. Playing racial politics to usurp power is a very heinous act.

    Thank you so much for reading. I respect your stand to support Pakatan Rakyat. Afterall, people have their own point of views. I hope my writings will not deter you to visit my blog in the future.


  32. JMD,
    Just heard from a friend that Mahyuddin has made a press release that Tun Dr. Mahathir (TDM) is considering rejoining UMNO !!

    I have a big question : What makes TDM to rejoin UMNO. He has said he will only rejoin if PL is no longer the President.

    Can I advance the following answers :

    i) There is already a revolt in UMNO. TDM is to lead the coup d’etat to topple PL. At the DEC 08 AGM, there will be a tumultuous approval of the move that PL should step dowm;

    ii) TDM cannot bear any more the pain and suffering on seeing that UMNO is surely going to die if no drastic rescue programme is done NOW. He is the surgeon to lead the operation to remove the malignant tumor;

    iii) No other UMNO leader has the charisma and leadership qualities such as TDM to lead UMNO at this very difficult times.I really appreciate his militancy in the pursuit of his lofty principles.Will the component BN members behave the same way as they do towards PL? Remember what Lim Kheng Yaik said about UMNO durign the premiership of TDM? Maybe it does not matter now. GERAKAN is dead politically. Even Dr. Tan Kee Kwong has joined PKR.I would advise GERAKAN to leave BN and marry PKR;

    iv) Now TDM knows who are his true and loyal friends. Those Ministers who have shown their true colours as being ungrateful and rude towards TDM must have cold sweats at the thought of TDM making a come back and leading the country.TDM will appoint the right Ministers with credibility and integrity. TDM knows which the Ministers to be guillotined;

    vi) Only TDM will command the respect of leaders from other countries. They know the calibre of TDM. He is of world class; and

    vi) Only TDM can match Anwar Ibrahim(AI). I admire the courage of Sabery Chik in taking up the challenge in a debate with AI. The ratings are well documented as to who was the better person.

    If TDM really rejoins UMNO, it will be the greatest landmark in the history of our country. It is a rebirth of a great country.Pick your brains what will be the scenario?.

    Can I suggest that you be appointed as a special assistant to TDM ? But do not give up your blog.

    Hang Kasturi

    JMD : Thank you for commenting Kasturi. I think the reason why Tun is rejoining Umno is because he will endorse Ku Li as the challenger. The immediate concern is to give Umno members an option besides the Pak Lah + Najib team. The other concern is to address the rising popularity of Anwar. I do not think Tun will be active in politics in the magnitude you mentioned above. The most he will opt to be is a member in a presidential council which may be set up by Ku Li should he win the election this december. I do know that Tun is very much disappointed with Najib’s stand not to demand Pak Lah’s resignation right after the general election. Najib’s lack of courage had cost Umno a lot.


  33. Saudara JMD


    Walaupun saya bukanlah penyokong UMNO dan BN, namun hujah dan pembentangan fakta dalam tulisan saudara saya kira boleh dijadikan sandaran untuk rakyat Malaysia memahami politik negara kita dalam erti kata mencari kebenaran dan membina negara. Begitupun, suka juga saya menyampaikan pandangan saya, sebagai tambahan (jika relevan) kepada tulisan tersebut. Terima kasih.

    Matlamat utama demokrasi electoral ialah untuk mengundi seseorang dari kalangan sekelompok untuk mewakili kelompok itu sebagai Ahli Parlimen (dalam konteks kerajaan Persekutuan).
    Mereka yang dipilih untuk dijadikan calon mewakili sesuatu kelompok (atau disebut pengundi di sesebuah kawasan Parlimen) adalah:
    i. seorang yang kepadanya diberikan kepercayaan oleh partinya untuk memikul apa juga tanggungjawab membabitkan kelompok yang diwakilinya dan juga tanggungjawab terhadap parti yang telah memberikannya kepercayaan dan peluang untuk menjadi calon, dan jika menang, selanjutnya menjadi Ahli Parlimen;
    ii. seorang yang dipilih oleh pengundi dalam kelompok berkenaan adalah kerana parti dan dirinya, yang mana kedua-dua ini saling bertindih (mutually exclusive).

    Oleh itu, mana-mana Ahli Parlimen yang melompat parti atas apa sebab sekalipun adalah sebenarnya telah mengkhinati kepercayaan parti yang telah memberikannya kepercayaan dan peluang serta mengkhianati sokongan yang telah diberikan oleh kelompoknya (para pengundi kawasan pilihanraya yang telah mengundinya).

    Ketika berbincang mengenai isu ini, seorang wartawan akhbar sebuah parti pembangkang menghujahkan hal seperti ini pernah berlaku dalam pilihanraya umum yang diadakan pada 1974 ketika mana PAS menganggotai dan bertanding atas tiket BN untuk pertama kali (dan terakhir dalam sejarah). Namun, perlu diingati, betapa ketika itu soal lompat parti tidak timbul dan Tun Razak, dalam usaha membentuk BN bagi mengukuhkan perpaduan kaum (sebagai langkah mengelakkan Peristiwa 13 Mei 1969) berulang kembali, telah mengadakan rundingan dengan Dr. Lim Chong Eu (Gerakan) dan Dato’ Asri Muda (PAS) seawal 1973 lagi. (Lihat Tun Razak: His Life & Times oleh William Shaw).

    Dan apabila Gerakan dan PAS bersetuju menyertai BN maka kelompok yang lazimnya mengundi Gerakan dan PAS telah turut sama mengundi BN pada pilihanraya umum 1974 itu. Maka dengan yang demikian tidak ada apa-apa pengkhianatan yang berlaku di antara wakil parti yang dicalonkan dan kemudian menang terhadap parti dan penyokongnya.

    Kerajaan demokrasi berparlimen bermaksud pemerintahan demokrasi yang dijalankan secara perwakilan dan melalui proses pilihanraya. Oleh itu sebarang usaha membentuk kerajaan menerusi kaedah lain selain daripada perwakilan dalam Parlimen menerusi pilihanraya, maka ia adalah satu pencabulan ke atas konsep demokrasi berparlimen.

    JMD : Terima kasih. Hujah saudara amat menarik. Boleh dijadikan landasan untuk mempertahankan konsep demokrasi berparlimen.


  34. Thanks for the reply. Have read your post “killing with borrowed knife”.

    Anyway, regarding Dr M returning to UMNO to throw his support behind Ku Li, I can’t say that it’s a bad thing. In fact, I’m sort of happy that Ku Li is getting the support that he badly needs. If anything, Ku Li is probably the best man to pull UMNO back up. Have always thought so. (Both Najib and Pak Lah are frustrating a lot of people..)

    And no worries about me being deterred from your site. We may have differing views, but that’s what make people unique. No two people think alike. Your writings may give a second perspective to the same issues at hand. I always like to think that we should all agree to disagree, in civilised manner. Healthy discussion, no?

    JMD : Thank you Su. Read your blog too. Very interesting.


  35. I have quite a similar view on those MP’s crossing over. The question is what guarantees that they won’t do the same once they have crossed and have been found wanting? Can they just hop back? It look’s like the rakyat are being played the fool either way.


Astound us with your intelligence!