Malay issues / Umno & Barisan Nasional

Umno dan konsep budi

Budi bahasa adalah antara perkara penting di dalam jatidiri seseorang Melayu. Ia menjadi satu intipati yang tegar kepada sifat semulajadi kaum Melayu itu sendiri.

Melayu bukan Melayu tanpa budi bahasa.

Mengenang budi dan berbudi sesama insan adalah sifat terpuji kaum Melayu sejak zaman berzaman.

Adalah menjadi suatu perkara yang menyedihkan apabila peribahasa indah orang orang Melayu berkenaan budi telah semakin dilupakan oleh orang Melayu sendiri.

“Orang berbudi kita berbahasa, orang memberi kita merasa”

Jika Umno itu sinonim dengan kaum Melayu, maka Umno semestinya sinonim dengan semangat berbudi dan berbahasa. Oleh itu pemimpin agung Umno ketika ini, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sepatutnya mengetengahkan contoh terbaik di dalam perlakuannya.

Perjuangan Umno adalah perjuangan berbudi kepada rakyat dan berbudi kepada kaum Melayu. Inilah yang menjadi kekuatan Umno di dalam politik tanahair.

Walaubagaimanapun, Datuk Seri Abdullah telah mengabaikan konsep budi tersebut. Dan oleh sebab itu, punca kekalahan teruk Barisan Nasional di dalam pilihanraya umum ke 12 boleh dijuruskan kepada lupanya presiden Umno untuk meneruskan penerapan nilai nilai budi pekerti di dalam kepimpinannya.

Para pembaca sekelian, berikut adalah sebahagian dari ucapan seorang bekas pembesar Umno, yang mengkritik kepimpinan dan karakter Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yang tidak tahu mengenang budi. Tan Sri Sanusi Junid telah membuat ucapan ini apabila menjadi tetamu jemputan di dalam sebuah majlis Umno yang dianjurkan oleh akar umbi pada bulan April yang lepas;

Bila dah naik ke atas sampai ke peringkat menjadi menteri, sudah mula menyombong, menunjukkan diri tak mengenang budi.Yang kita perlu ingat ialah, Umno ini hidup ialah kerana budi. Umno ini hidup kerana budi dan (berbudi) bahasa.

Kerana  anak kecil tadi dipelihara oleh ibulah maka dia kenang budi ibu. Si ibu kenang budi bapa kerana melindunginya. Anak anak mengenang budi ibu dan bapa yang memeliharanya. Jiran menjadi lebih akrab kerana budi.

Apalah manusia tanpa budi.

Budi antara jiran, budi guru kepada murid, budi antara suami dan isteri, budi ayah dan ibu kepada anak, budi pemimpin kepada rakyat.

Inilah yang menyebabkan rakyat menjadi kasih dan cinta kepada pemimpin. Apabila rakyat tidak lagi kasih tidak lagi cinta kepada pemimpin, dan pemimpin itu hanya tersangkut dalam kuasa kerana perundangan, maka pada waktu itu, bermaknalah, budi itu sudah tidak ada nilai lagi.

Kerana rakyat kecewa. Kerana pemimpin tidak berbudi kepada merekalah, malah (hanya) berbudi kepada kuncu-kuncu, kepada saudara mara, kepada keluarga. Kalau pemimpin hanya berbudi kepada sesama sendiri, maka pada waktu itu rakyat jelata akan menolak pemimpin itu.

Betapa tepatnya beliau di dalam menzahirkan kekusutan yang menimpa Umno sekarang ini.

Izinkan saya mengkiaskan analogi berikut.

Lembu jika dibela dengan baik dan diberi makan satu guni rumput setiap hari, akan menarik beban kereta lembu hingga berdarah darah lehernya. Anjing jika dipelihara dan diberi makan setiap hari akan mengenang budi tuannya dengan menjaga keselamatan rumah tuannya. Apabila tuannya tidur, ia akan berjaga.

Lihat betapa rendahnya budi Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi kepada orang yang mengangkatnya ke atas. Jika tahap mengenang budi Perdana Menteri kita terhadap bekas tuannya lebih rendah dari tahap anjing dan lembu, apatah lagi tahap budi Perdana Menteri kita terhadap rakyat bawahannya.

Bukan sahaja Perdana Menteri kita leka terhadap tanggungjawab besarnya, malah pemimpin pemimpin Umno yang lain juga telah lalai di dalam tugasan mereka. Lalai dan leka terhadap kuasa dan kekayaan.

Alexander Fraser Tytler telah dikatakan menulis perjalanan sesebuah demokrasi yang saya rasa amat tepat untuk disamakan dengan keadaan demokrasi di dalam Umno dewasa ini;

A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

  • From bondage to spiritual faith;
  • From spiritual faith to great courage;
  • From courage to liberty;
  • From liberty to abundance;
  • From abundance to complacency;
  • From complacency to apathy;
  • From apathy to dependence;
  • From dependence back into bondage.

Kaum Melayu pernah melalui zaman penjajahan. Ini diikuti dengan kesedaran dan semangat percaya kepada diri sendiri. Diikuti pula oleh keberanian di dalam melawan penjajah. Setelah itu, kemenangan telah memberikan kebebasan untuk memutuskan hala tuju kaum Melayu. Dengan sifat percaya kepada diri sendiri, kekayaan datang melimpah untuk pemimpin pemimpin kaum Melayu.

Tun Dr Mahathir pernah berkata di dalam artikel beliau yang lalu ‘the Malays could not handle their wealth as good as they did with poverty’.

Akibatnya, pemimpin kaum Melayu dan Melayu sendiri menjadi lalai dan leka dengan kemewahan. Tanpa dipimpin oleh pemimpin yang berkaliber dan berbudi pekerti, kita sekarang telah berada di zaman kelalaian dan kelekaan. Yang getirnya, kita sekarang sudah berada di ambang zaman lupa diri dan sikap tidak peduli.

Apakah nasib kaum Melayu di masa yang akan datang jika pemimpin tertinggi yang sedia ada tidak ditukar segera? Adakah kita akan menjadi terbelenggu dengan sifat buruk kita sendiri? Adakah kita akan kembali ke zaman semasa kita dijajah dahulu? Penjajahan minda adalah amat dahsyat sekali.

Kelalaian dan kelekaan kita hendaklah dihakis semasa mesyuarat bahagian Umno yang akan bermula pada 9 Oktober nanti. Pilihlah pemimpin yang baik, yang mengenang budi dan yang merendah diri. Bukan pemimpin yang akan membawa kita ke ambang kehancuran budi pekerti dan semangat jatidiri.

Berani Berubah!

57 thoughts on “Umno dan konsep budi

  1. Salam JMD,

    waktu baca artikel ni, bagai terdengar lagu Fatwa Pujangga mendayu2 di latar…:)

    CANTIK ! menepati luahan saya sebagai seorang rakyat biasa, yang tidak mampu berbuat apa2…cuma bergantung pada saudara2 di UMNO untuk bertindak bagi pihak rakyat.


  2. Ha Ha Ha..
    So sorry man. But budi bahasa is not synonymous with UMNO.
    The budi bahasa fellas like Ku Li are buried.
    Having said that PKR ain’t so hot on budi bahasa too.
    Neither is DAP.
    I really think race has very little to do with manners.
    “Education” too rarely breeds “culture”/”manners”. A taxi driver educated up to Form 5 can behave much better than some of these “aristocrats”.
    It’s not only Malays that get spoilt with wealth. Just look at the mostly “useless” rich children of the Chinese tycoons. It’s a symptom of a pampered life that such creatures would be crushed under adversity.
    Yet, with God all things are possible.
    Funny post. Budi Bahasa, UMNO. HA HA HA HA. You must be joking. What a bunch of TYRANTS.

    JMD : Thanks for the comment Jed. True, most Umno leaders these days do not conform with the budi bahasa concept. Just look at how arrogant KJ was when announcing his candidancy as Umno Youth leader. That is why I was articulating that Umno should emulate the Umno of yesteryears like as you mentioned, the likes of Ku Li and many others.

    People generally should be wary of the vicious cycle wealth will ensue.


  3. nice piece..apart from the word mengetengahkan..i tink the right word is mengenengahkan..maybe i’m wrong..heheh..

    quick are we now in ‘From abundance to complacency’ stage?

    JMD : I believe right after the big win in 2004, complacency sets in. Now we are already on the verge of apathy. If Pak Lah still is the PM after December, then we are truly apathetic towards our own fate.

    Thank you.


  4. Dear JMD

    With all this issues and worst still, when AAB and his goonies administrations, decided only to raise the price of petrol at a pittence of 10 cents per liter, they are actually making Anwar and the PKR looks good!
    The saving of Malay agenda now depends on the UMNO grass roots that is going to vote and select electives to voice our concern after Eid.
    If, by then, there is no change, then I am sure the slide of UMNO will be buried for ever.
    It is really sickeing to know that AAB has called upon special meetings with several key leaders with agenda of keeping the timeline maintained in 2010.
    It is as if they are no other important things to do other than to keep own interest as priority.


  5. JMD, a little melodramatic this one! 🙂

    Just to diress a little, it seems to me that we can be a little over dependent on our leaders. Maybe it is just the way of the east. The way we treat our leaders sometimes goes way above just mere respect. When we start believing in someone, we whole heartedly submits our mind and faith. This behaviour can be observed the way PKR’s supporters blindly having their faith in DSAI, PAS to his Tok Guru, PakLah’s supporter that still insist on him to stay on, and many many BN/UMNO supporters that aligned themselves to that specific person that they have accepted as their leader of the day.

    So maybe when we talk about values such as Budi, it has to be looked at in a bigger perspective. As TDM aptly put it “budaya itu adalah himpunan nilai nilai sesuatu gangsa”, and Budi is but one of the nilai daripada budaya melayu itu sendiri.

    Really cannot comment much on ‘nilai Budi’ PakLah. Personally I try not to judge a person as we can never truly know their inner thoughts. Maybe it is fair to say that based on his performance he has not shown the tendency to menegal budi TDM, if that was what TanSri Sanusi tried to suggest. Then again, when you get very detail and personal, then everyone will have their short comings.

    What is more worrying is the Budaya that has since developed within UMNO in particular. The practice of giving Kain Pelekat, throwing functions to celebrate the leaders, free trips overseas, .. slowly being accepted way down to the grass roots level. This is what I believe that is causing more harm than good. On the one hand you could argue that that is what berbudi is about, equivalent to participating in a tahlil and given a pelekat.

    Taking this budaya in a bigger scale, the pelekat is grown to became projects and what have you to please the masses. Little we know, the leader in time become the prisoner of its own game. The only way to garner support is to keep feeding the lower rungs with whatever necessary. It is not surprising if this would only lead to a situation where the leader’s role is to serve the supporter and not the promise of the party to its country, religion and race.

    If ultimately god willing that we manage to salvage the situation we are in now, I feel that the new leader have to dig deep to correct the budaya within the party, Budi will be only one of them!

    JMD : Thank you for the comment.


  6. sorry folks i have to wikipedia apathy to truly understand the word..sorry my england not that good..

    Apathy (also called impassivity or perfunctoriness) is a state of indifference, or the lack of (or suppression of) emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation and passion. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest or concern to emotional, social, or physical life. They may also exhibit an insensibility or sluggishness.

    Yes i do believe that if we are concern enough about our fate we will be motivated and have the passion to make the necessary changes. exciting times innit?if paklah still the pm after december than y bother?

    btw..i just heard from my boss that anwar’s meeting up with DYMM Agong to get that special parliament session..correct ka?

    JMD : DYMM just left to perform his Umrah today (so I’ve heard). Anyway, why bother to see the Agong? To me, Anwar made several key constitutional mistakes in his effort to change the government. Please read further at

    Thank you.

    p.s : Pakatan Rakyat believes that the Agung will be on their side in their struggle to usurp power. In my reading, they could not be more wrong. They can sign hundreds of petitions and send them to the Agung. But they will not succeed in realising their twisted dream. Why? Because, intrinsically, Agung/Sultan has one most paramount role. And that role will not be given away just like that.


  7. Pulau Pandan Jauh Ke Tengah,
    Gunung Daik Bercabang Tiga,
    Hancur Badan DiKandung Tanah,
    Budi Yang Baik Di Kenang Juga.

    Begitulah bagaimana anak2 melayu ditanamkan sifat2 mengenang budi itu sedari kecil2 lagi.

    Orang dulu2 ada berkata, “Kalau nak kenal asal bangsanya, lihatkan pada tutur bahasanya”…maknanya, kalau elok budi bahasanya, menunjukkan eloklah asal keturunannya. Namun molek bahasa, belum tentu tinggi budi pekertinya.

    Bahasa orang-orang di blog JMD nie menunjukkan juga tinggi minda dan pekertinya.

    Berkaitan dengan tulisan saudara JMD diatas, bagaimana pula keadaannya bila Badan Gabungan NGO Malaysia yg mengatakan adalah biadap bagi sesiapa juga yang menggesa PM berundur diri dgn segera…! Utusan Malaysia m/s 2 25/9/08.
    Terutama yang menggunakan alasan atas kehendak akar umbi tetapi hakikatnya ada tujuan peribadi.

    Bagi saya, bagaimana akar umbi nak mengenang budi, sedangkan tiada budi yang nak dikenang!

    Dasar manusia jenis muka tembok, atau lebih halus bahasanya “hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong-sorong” (synonim to one haram species).

    I’ll be there at PWTC….but most of the time busy tawar-menawar!

    JMD : We can take heed in what Datuk Mukhriz said today in his interview in The Sun, page 18 –

    “I am one who believes in reality as a virtue. But there are other virtues also, one of it is to speak up when there is something that needs to be rectified, as long as your heart is in the right place and you are sincere about it. Honesty is another one.”

    So I do hope you know where your heart is when you’re in PWTC then.

    Thank you.


  8. Artikel yang menarik dan bertambah menarik kerana JMD jarang-jarang disampaikan dalam Bahasa Melayu. Mungkin kerana ‘budi bahasa’ lebih sedap dan indah kedengaran dalam Bahasa Melayu.

    Mungkin kerana ketamakan kuasa tanpa memikirkan soalanNya di akhirat kelak (memandangkan watak-watak utama politik beragama Islam), budi bahasa kurang nilainya (tidak berani nak sebut iman, kerana kita bukan hakim amalan mereka). Mungkin konsep “niat menghalalkan cara” menjadi pedoman untuk memastikan kepentingan terus terjaga.

    Harap budi bahasa yang cantik dan bertunjangkan amanah dan tanggungjawab yang dilaksanakan kembali mekar di kalangan pemimpin kita, bukan terus hanyut dibawa keseronokan dan kemewahan ‘hasil faedah’ menjadi pemimpin tanpa memikul amanah dan tanggungjawab.

    “Yang kurik itu kundi, yang merah itu saga, Yang cantik itu budi, yang indah itu bahasa”

    JMD : Terima kasih.


  9. erm, makanya..
    bila pemimpin x berbudi, rakyat juga x berbahasa..
    bila pemimpin x memberi , maka kami juga x merasa..
    yg ada rasa cuma rasa sakit hati..
    sedih yg amat..


  10. guess pkr will do anything to be in power…last skali kalu agung pon takleh kowang buat la smayang hajat mintak pade Allah..usehe dah..sampai ke taiwan peginyer si tian tinggal doa je la..kalu Allah makbulkan then jadik la brader nuar kowang tu PM..


  11. JMD, an intersting speculation;


    sometimes it makes you wonder if this roller-coaster ride will even going to stop!


  12. what paramount role is dat?

    JMD : The supreme role of the Agung which is enshrined in the Constitution, Article 153. Which reads (among other things) :

    1. It shall be the responsibility of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

    2. Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, but subject to the provisions of Article 40 and of this Article, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall exercise his functions under this Constitution and federal law in such manner as may be necessary to safeguard the special provision of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak ….

    And how does this relate to Anwar should he comes to power? I’m sure you can hazard a guess what Agung will do if Anwar has his way.

    Thank you.


  13. Tak susah nak ambik hati orang melayu. Berbudi bahasa walaupun tiada berduit.
    Bila NAK masuk RUMAH, berilah salam. Bila merasa, TERIMAKASIH
    lah jawabnya.
    UMNO telah lama lupa apa itu budi bahasa. Bukan berkata kata sahaja tetapi gerak langkah juga kena diambil kira. Pakaian dan pemakanan juga perlu ketelitian.
    UMNO, ketua nya pelupa, gerak langkah kepada rakyatnya, tak payah cerita. Keputusan yang berpusing pusing macam tak ada bahasa.
    Pakaian cantik, pemakanan sempurna, bila bukak mulut cakap macam lakhanat.
    Ini lah dia Pak Lah.

    Dua tiga kucing berlari
    mana nak sama sikucing belang
    dua tiga pemimpin UMNO kucari
    semua nya busuk , bila pecah tembelang.


  14. Agong can sack PM?

    JMD : He doesn’t have to sack the PM because, here’s my theory, when Pak Lah has to step down after losing the majority in Parliament, due to a no confidence vote or after several MPs crossed over to Pakatan Rakyat, the Agung has to appoint another leader as he sees fit to run the nation. In normal circumstances, the Agung will choose a leader that he THINKS hold the majority, AND, he will select this leader through the advise of the Prime Minister.

    This procedure had always been redundant because, historically the incumbent PM of each general election will always be the subsequent PM in the new parliament. So basically, after each general election, the caretaker PM will advise the Agung to appoint himself as the PM.

    But since the Prime Minister seat is vacant and there is no prime minister at that moment of time, it is up to the Agung to use his own opinion to select a leader with the majority.

    I hesitate to divulge more on this matter because it would be speculative on my part. But suffice to say, a responsible Agung will not select a leader that has only a razor thin majority in parliament as the prime minister.

    Even if Anwar gets 40 MPs in his list, the government will not be strong enough. If BN is very unstable with 138 MPs (less two after SAPP wihtdrew their membership), more so when PR has only 122 (82 + 40) MPs.

    Agung I foresee will declare state of emergency (remember, he can do this in the absence of a prime minister. DSAI cannot swear in without Agung’s consent even after he has the thin majority).

    And he will establish an NOC. And the leader of this NOC may not necessarily be Anwar or Pak Lah. This person, in the Agung’s mind, must be a person that have the respect from everyone and can command the parliament effectively.

    The NOC is a powerful body. In my opinion, when parliament is suspended, it does not matter whether you’re an MP or not. An MP in a suspended parliament does not have any say. This NOC will dictate how the country will be run. Military will be used to maintain order.

    I think I should end this analysis here. No point pondering too much when in reality, it is hard for Anwar to be the Prime Minister.

    Thank you. By the way, too many questions la Torres, I think you should concentrate on scoring goals against Everton this weekend! 🙂


  15. jmd,

    yes, budi bahasa was practices by :

    1) my malay neighbours who rented a room next door

    2) the malay policemen whom we call encik who always had the smile for us

    3) my malay cikgu who taught us more than the language

    4) Tunku Abdul Rahman – in his dying breath, he never uttered one swear word against dr m after ops lallang. he just said ‘we are on the road to dictatorship….”

    i do remember that anwar was famous for denying statements he made to reporters in the mid eighties. in 87, he denied a statement he gave to a tung pao reporter about teh chinese schools (which raised a hiatus after it was printed the next day), which landed the reporter in hot soup. after that incident, the political reporters decided amongst themselves taht it was imperative to bring not one, but two tape recorders at anwar functions.

    that’s how unbudi bahasa ai was, even back in those days…………

    but thank goodness i have more good memories than bad ones about malays and budi bahasa.

    JMD : Thank you for commenting and visiting this blog. Berbudi bahasa is indeed very important.

    Out of curiosity, were you there when Tunku uttered those words? You mean to say, Tunku as a Muslim, would utter those words as his dying breath? Better get your facts right mate. It was not his dying breath. It was a statement he said in 1987. Tunku passed away in 1990.


  16. Minda seseorang itu mudah berubah mengikut situasi dan persekitarannya. Untuk melakukan anjakan minda, ia memerlukan seseorang atau sekumpulan yang berwibawa untuk membawa perubahan yang ketara.
    Antara pemimpin-pemimpin yang sedia ada, siapa akan menjadi pembawa anjakan minda yang sedemikian?
    Hanya masa akan menentukan…


  17. I believe that when someone berbudi bahasa, it induces the person to be more rational, thoughtful and filled with a sense of humility. It helps one argues better, albeit the vulgarity thrown in the face.
    I don’t understand why UMNO leaders’ behaviors are so unbecoming… I get the feeling that when someone is so ‘kurang ajar’ or ‘biadap’, it is a tell tale sign of insecurity or perhaps inferiority complex.. Maybe the inability to articulate properly can also lead to unbecoming behaviors (throwing tantrums, irritable, and name calling)..?

    JMD : Actually, when wealth gets in their tiny heads, all semblance of humility and self respect goes out the door. Thank you.


  18. nice answer to Lallang exile. another andipool genre? you are superb historian JMD. one of a kind. i read your hikayat hang tuah several times and it was so realistic as if your were there reporting live from the ancient days. keep up good work JMD. yes mr lallang exile. better get your facts correct. this is not the movie making. i’ve mitnessed few dying breath moments and none ever said about money or politics.


    JMD : I apologise if I sound too harsh to Lallang Exile. I agree with his comments except for point number 4 which was slightly distorted. Was trying to correct something which I assume, an honest mistake.

    Thank you.


  19. ok bro…i’ll score a goal and set up another one for kunyit in tribute to tdm…YNWA!

    have a good holiday everyone!

    selamat hari raya. maaf zahir batin.

    JMD : Yes selamat hari raya and maaf zahir dan batin.


  20. God forbid, if Anwar ever comes to power I strongly am against the monarchy taking overt acts to “safeguard the special position of the Malays”.

    Over the last few months there have been a growing trend of trying to draw parallel between the Thai Monarchy and the Malay Sultanate and it is simply wrong.

    Any secondary school book on history have shown that those two monarchies are different by a mile. As much as I would love to indulge on the subject, for fear of certain Act of Parliament, I shall cease and desist.

    I’d chance my future on a trampled Malay rights and what have you than bet my future being “safe guarded” by some blue blood.

    JMD : I too hesitate to promote the idea of military rule. In the hands of the wrong leader, businesses will suffer and the nation will definitely crumble. But emergency rule is not new to Malaysian politics. We been through that in May 1969 for about a week. The then NOC was established and proclaimed by the Agung at that time which incidentally the current Agung’s late grandfather!

    Luckily, the director of NOC at that time (Tun Abdul Razak) was not a megalomaniac.

    Thank you.


  21. This refer to Torres’s comment on Anwar take over-bid. (I have posted this comment on my blog earlier. I think I should post it here too). :

    For me, all the talks about gaining power through the back door is just rubbish and should be stopped! We just had an election 5 months ago and now Anwar is claiming that the rakyat wants change of govt. For me, it is rediculous, an insult to all the people that voted for BN and disrespect to democracy and rule of law.

    So what happen if PKR take over? After 5 months, BN might come with the same tricks of buying MPs and here we go again, another round of take-over buzz.

    If there any change to the govt, it must be through election process, NO other way! We shall not set a precedent whereby a government can be overthrown by coup d’état. Allowing such thing to happen will be very dangerous and the country will become very unstable. Threats will come from everywhere since everyone knows that the govt of the day can fall anytime, anyday as democracy is no longer respected in this country.

    JMD : Thank you Ismail for commenting.


  22. Interesting comment by Tunku Abdul Aziz:
    “Corruption is not just about money changing hands. If you bend the existing system, you are corrupting it.”

    JMD : We do know that DAP does not condone crossovers. This official statement by its vice president is a moral blow for Anwar Ibrahim and his dream. Another proof that PR is not as strong as it wanted to portray itself.


  23. i’m sorry to use your blog as a mean to express my disgust to UMNO. seriously, it already gone to the next level. i don’t know what the MT member discussing in the meeting, but they came out with out unreasonable conclusion : UMNO general assembly will be postponed to Mac 2009.

    did MT already being forced under Badawi regime? if not, why they are not interpreting the message right ; we want Dollah Badawi to step down as soon as possible, not another postponement! or did the MT owed so much to PakLah under malay concept : termakan budi? seriously, the flip flopping virus already infected UMNO to the worst level. hopefully we can find one good doctor to cure this sickness. and indeed, this postponement make me sick …

    Minta maaf jika response saya tidak ada kena mengena dgn budi. mungkin berkenaan “termakan budi”, tapi saya amat sedih dgn penangguhan ini. UMNO yg dulu berbudi kpd melayu tidak lagi melakukan apa yg terbaik utk kaum mereka sendiri.

    JMD : Tidak mengapa. Terima kasih.


  24. Dear JMD,

    Just wondering why the issue of moral mis-conduct of the Perak exco have not been on air so much….
    Funny isn’t it…didn’t heard that the guys are going to be spank by PR? No action?
    Got to admit that they have gut by admitting that they have sex with other women than their wife but…….

    Maybe they are too ‘berbudi bahasa’ that they can easily have one….

    doped to have sex by another guy….funny clearly show that they do not have any moral standing at all…..’tak tahan dugaan’


    JMD : This episode will be put in the archive section within my brain so that in the future will be used as cannon fodder should the PR and PAS are trying to be holier than thou with the rest of us… 🙂


  25. Saudara JMD


    “Selamat Menyambut Aidil Fitr.”

    Sewaktu menunggu bas untuk ke pekan (which seemed like forever), saya membiarkan minda mengingati dan merenung kembali tulisan/entry terbaru saudara mengenai konsep budi dalam konteks UMNO. Pantun empat kerat, “Pulau Pandan Jauh Ke Tengah, Gunung Daik Bercabang Tiga…” dengan sendirinya menjelaskan betapa “budi” sudah menjadi semacam ciri dan indentiti bangsa Melayu yang melalui proses pembudayaan zaman berzaman. Malah pantun empat kerat ini membayangkan bagaimana pemimpin membalas budi rakyat dan rakyat membalas budi pemimpin dalam konteks sejarah politik negara (Sila lihat
    Dengan demikian, tulisan saudara mengesahkan betapa unsur budi ini kian terhakis dalam UMNO dan berada di tingkat terbawah di zaman Abdullah (sebagai pantulan kepada nilai budi yang ada pada diri beliau dan cara beliau membalas budi orang yang membawanya kembali ke dalam Kabinet selepas percutian sabatikal ekoran Perhimpunan Agung 1987 dan kemudian mengangkatnya ke kedudukan tertinggi).
    Selesai kembali dari pekan sesudah menunaikan solat Jumaat, saya mengikuti klip video (NST Online) sidang akhbar yang diadakan oleh Abdullah di akhir mesyuarat tergempar Majlis Tertinggi (yang kesupremaannya, maaf kerana mencemarkan bahasa, sudah tidak lagi sesupreme dulu).
    Aneh, dalam keadaan paling tertekan Abdullah masih mahu memperjelaskan betapa dia tidak pernah keluar dari parti dan menggunakan platform pembangkang untuk menghentam UMNO (mungkin sebagai sindiran kepada Tun Dr. Mahathir, tokoh yang telah berbudi ke atasnya).
    Tentu sekali Dr. Mahathir, pada bila-bila masa pun melihat politik dalam gambaran lebih besar dan menyeluruh dari sekadar UMNO. Tapi bagi Abdullah, tak ramai rakyat tahu atau faham, gambaran bagaimana yang dilihatnya.
    Dalam pada kita berbincang mengenai perihal budi ini, saya sudah agak lama memikirkan, tidakkah kerajaan UMNO sepatutnya menganugerahkan secara posthumous darjah yang membawa gelaran “Tun” kepada Dato’ Onn Jaafar. Saya kira budi yang telah dilakukan oleh Dato’ Onn terhadap orang Melayu, terhadap perjuangan kemerdekaan dan terhadap UMNO mengatasi jasa Tun Adam Malik atau Tun Thanat Khoman (sekadar menyebut dua contoh).
    Sekiranya kita boleh menganugerah darjah bergelar Tan Sri kepada P. Ramlee (secara posthumous) dan S.M. Salim, mengapa tidak dengan Dato’ Onn? Apakah bagi UMNO dan kerajaan, jasa Dato’ Onn tidak sebesar mana?

    JMD : Pak Lah is so myopic that he did not even appropriately asnwer the question posed. Instead he sidestepped the question and gave completely irrelevant story. He said;

    Asked if he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for Umno and step down if it would help the party, Abdullah pointed out that he loved the party and even under the most difficult times he never left the party.

    “I did not join (now defunct) Parti Melayu 46. I did not join any other political party. I have never been on the platform of the opposition party to speak against Umno. I have no record of going against the party at any time,” he said.

    To sacrifice oneself towards the betterment of the party as a whole is very different in stating one’s loyalty to a party. If he is the root cause of the problem, the very notion of ‘love for the party’ must be illustrated by handing over the leadership to somebody more able.

    Berkenaan darjah kebesaran untuk Dato Onn Jaafar, saya merasakan cadangan saudara amat bernas. Agak malang apabila semua pemimpin Umno sejak zaman Tun Razak tidak mengetengahkan idea ini.

    Thank you.

    [Sorry for the previous sentence and grammatical error. Sometimes my thoughts are faster than my typing! 🙂 ]


  26. malang bagi generasi baru, politik kebencian penjajah telah beralih kpd membenci bangsa sendiri.

    Kempen Ala -Hitler (sila rujuk ceramah2 Hitler) menyamai cara kempen2 benci Nuar. Ada fakta ekonomi, statistik (tetapi adakah benar?) yang tujuannya membangkit perasaan beruk dlm manusia menjadi buas, kurang ajar dan merusuh.

    Inilah sebabnya saya tidak akan menyokong Nuar ini. Perlakuan manusia dari hati. Buruk hatinya-buruk tuturkata. Sebab itu, 80% kata2nya adalah keburukan. Orang bijak berkata2 tidak boleh dinilai dgn kata2nya krn menipu & memutar permainan mereka.

    Saya menilah berpandukan bagaimanaAllah menilai Manusia:-
    Mulut tidak berkata (diakhirat), anggota badan (=body language) & amalan (budi yg diterjemahkan) akan ‘bercakap’. Dan budi itu juga dihisab-mesti melebihi keburukan yg ada. Sebelum, seseorang diiktiraf ahli syurga.

    Begitulah saya menilai Nuar & KJ ketika ini sbg gagal.

    JMD : Terima kasih Rocco.


  27. Yes, berbudi bahasa is a beautiful thing.

    Unfortunately, I doubt if many in UMNO know the meaning of the word. Especially Sanusi Junid. Of all the hypocritical hogwash that has ever spewed forth from UMNO politicians, his speech really takes the cake!!!

    Maybe he was practicing Javanese budi bahasa when he kicked the airport employee some time ago? He was the worst MB Kedah ever had. He dares to speak of “kuncu kuncu”?!?! Ask him how much he made from the Paya Pahlawan Resort project near Jitra?

    JMD : I offer no apologies on behalf of Tan Sri Sanusi over his transgressions at the airport. Be as it may, he was sentenced in the court of law and paid the penalty. Since then, he had apologised to the party affected.

    Nevertheless, a story has two sides. So here they are;

    Oh by the way, Tan Sri Sanusi is not javanese. His paternal ancestry can be traced back to Acheh.

    You seem to know so much about his stint as MB of Kedah. Since I am not familiar with that Paya Pahlawan Resort project and in no way I have the direct connection to ask him how much he made from that project as you alleged, why don’t you amuse us with your own version on what exactly is the project, what is it for, and how could he benefitted from it and exactly how much he had made.
    I’m sure all of us is curious to know. We will take it from there.

    Thank you for commenting.


  28. alangkah bagusnya kalau pemimpin di atas boleh menghayati konsep budi ini…

    adalah malang sekali sekiranya yang di akar umbi faham akan konsep ini tapi semakin naik ke atas…semakin kurang kefahamnnya (atau mungkin buat2 tak faham kerana kepentingan lain)..

    sekarang adalah masa yang amat…amat…amat kritikal untuk berubah. Jangan nanti melayu berkubur di tanah sendiri…

    JMD : Terima kasih kerana dapat menghayati initpati artikel tersebut.


  29. salam jbd,

    you are right. i was there when tunku uttered the sentence in 87. and you are right, he was sickly then but did not pass away until 1990. i think i had mixed up the dates since i was already away and pretty busy in my career at that time.

    in my haste, i had written a factually wrong statement in trying to describe how the Tunku ascribed to be budi bahasa despite what was happening around him in 87. oops………….

    and, you are right to point it out. it is imperative that u point out factual errors in your blog.

    i respect u more that u are a meticulous scribe , the hallmark of a great historian.

    JMD : Thank you. Hopefully there’re no hard feelings? Oh by the way, I’m not a historian. That title carries a lot of weight which I myself am not even near its vicinity. I am just an ordinary history buff. I am fascinated by it.


  30. salam JMD,

    just a suggestion – have a another heading under ur archive categories. can call it ‘Must Read’ or ‘ Reader’s Choice’. with 87 articles under ur belt, in no time it will reach 100. for a first timer, itll be a daunting task to read all, mostly will just scroll the categories and pick titles that interest them. Some are real gems and would be a pity should they miss them.

    My own personal top 10 ( not necessarily in that order ):
    1- There’s something about Anwar alright dated 30/4
    2-The two sides of a Coin / the crisis of 87-88 dated 16/4
    3- The CEO and the Pegawai Tadbir explored further dated 9/5
    4- Oh my God is this PM stupid ( the financial crisis 0f 97-98 by Nor Md Yakcop) dated 5/6
    5- Tales of Hang Tuah dated 25/7
    6- Malaysian Roadmap for the Malays dated 29/8
    7- Pakatan Rakyat- Kill with a borrowed knife dated 25/8
    8- Matters of the Malaysian heart dated 9/8
    9- The real UMNO warlords dated 15/9
    10- The one where Anwar Ibrahim raised more questions dated 2/7

    Yang last no 10 saya agak ragu2 nak tulis, agak kontroversi kerana melibatkan kes mahkamah yang belum selesai walaupun ia hanya berkisar reaksi anwar sewaktu mula2 laporan polis dibuat but its a good read.

    Bukan nak kata yang lain tak bagus tapi buat mereka yang tak punya banyak masa nak baca semua, kategori seperti ini banyak membantu. I myself, would have appreciate it the first time i came in here.

    Just a suggestion.

    JMD : Thank you Shaifudin. Cadangan yang bagus. Will make the appropriate changes in due time.


  31. Would like to expand a little and look at the root of it. Kindness, generosity or goodwill, there’s no English synonym for budi isn’t it, which is more like seeds of goodness, anyway, exists across all races.

    I believe it has been gradually lost to a certain degree when Malays came into contact with other cultures. Where is your own stand on things? Adopting Arab practices whether or not it is suited to the local scenario, aping Western culture whether in music, dressing, etc. Happened in the past with the ‘Britishness’, now America mainly by the youths.

    There is the Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Borobudur in Indonesia, Ayutthaya temples in Thailand. What do we have here? Malacca was supposedly the greatest in the region at its peak. Are there anything left behind that is still standing?

    I think if anything, one of the obvious trait of the Malays is kindheartedness/patience or too much of it, or rather the ‘okayness’ of the Malay people. When people make mistakes, heads don’t roll. Children not pressured to excel. A lot is attributed to the will of God, even when clearly it is human error. And we see this okayness in the leadership and in the people in demanding for quality leadership. The okayness is prevalent everywhere, the acceptance of houses with poor workmanship, of food not hygienically prepared, the unreliable public transport, the bureaucratic civil service and the slow processing of applications, the wild goose chase from one department to another, of morning and afternoon tea breaks, of idle chatter while the customer is waiting, the average entry requirement for scholarships, the hand me down premiership, … and the list goes on.

    The okayness has got to go.

    JMD : Very good and astute analysis. In other words, the ‘tidak apa’ attitude. If we follow the basic principles of Abraham Maslow’s in his theory of human motivation, if a society lacks the final tiers of their needs (achieving self esteem and self actualization), they cannot excel to greatness. Incidentally, that theory is somewhat similar with the Islamic concept of ‘jihad’. To better oneself and the community in all areas. Jihad against poverty, against oppression, to fight for greater achievements etc. It’s ironic that some Malays refuse to follow the very basic of this principle. To them, being lazy, weak and corrupt is the ‘in thing’ I suppose these days.

    Thank you.


  32. Shirzad,

    Itu adalah satu cadangan yang sangat baik. Sudah sepatutnya Dato’ Onn Jaafar di anugerahkan pangkat “Tun”. Now, why in the world didn’t the powers that be in UMNO think of that !!

    Cakap pasal budi, kalau saya pergi cuti ke Utara untuk kerja, I’m always humbled by the good natured people di sana. It would seem that in our hurried life in KL, courtesy for our fellow human beings is lost.

    I was at a restaurant yesterday for buka puasa and overheard a guest at a restaurant hailing the waiter for service as “hello” or “oi”. Would be nice if the guest would treat the waiter with a little bit more respect. Not only that, the word “thank you” and “please” is completely absent from the guest’s vocabulary.

    I felt bad for the poor waiter. Dah lah dia puasa, lapar dan penat lagi lepas tu kena layan guest yang tak reti nak hormat orang lain.

    Not exactly about politics though, my bit of rambling.

    JMD : No worries Lekiu. As for me, saying ‘Thank you’ in the most basic form of courtesy. If a human being cannot even say that, then there will ultimately be a degradation in society.

    Sejak kecil anak anak diajar supaya bercakap terima kasih. Apabila menerima sesuatu, kita diajar agar sentiasa berterima kasih dan mengingati budi yang telah diberi. Supaya suatu masa nanti ianya akan dapat dibalas. Budi yang tidak diingati inilah yang membuatkan seseorang itu lupa daratan dan menjadi sombong tak bertempat.

    Terima kasih.


  33. This blog is what I been looking for all this while, a good political review full with facts, no biases and truthfully very frank. Not like others, wasting their time and money posting idiotic respond and getting their stinking arses in trouble. This kind of people is what we call COWARD.. Why?? Ask them why. Dumb and blinded I guess or to afraid to face the truth about their supreme leader.. pukul curi dari belakang. One of them seem to be the champion of all the COWARD.. Now he couldn’t celebrate the Raya with his beloved ones cause by his own cleverness on delivering his ideas.

    UMNO, now is headed by a weak and incompetence leader.. It is a must for the party to revamp itself and the leader should have a dignity to step-down. Majority all the people don’t like you.. And in my opinion is because of your crap that you put all of us into it. You might never encounter with hardship juggling with life especially in this moment where as we all know that he is comfortable sleeping in aircon room while doing his job.. Hey that great for a leader with a lot of corridors.

    I am not a member of any political party.. That is for sure.. And I am not willing to support a liar, unmoral and a two face as the leader of my country. Never in my mind to picture would my country be a slave to a foreign supremacy again in order to fullfil a person desire in which is lusting on power and vengeance. All the people who supporting this type of leader is having their own agenda.. Kaya mah lepas ada kuasa… only fool could not see this. JMD keep up the good work. Selamat hari raya to you and family.

    JMD : Thank you and selamat hari raya to you too.


  34. Dear JMD,

    I have been following few of your blogs and the comments. I especially liked the response to Andipool on his allegatsions against TDM. One word: Awesome!

    You are a true rationalist…putting your brain first before emotion. I note that most of Anwar supporters are emotional bunch. They hardly check the facts, often reacting emotionally and many, sadly, resort to name calling. It hurt me terribly when one such supporter called TDM a b*****d. How ungrateful. She is an Indian Malaysian. I told her that it is because of him that Indians like me have gotten out of the plantation and earning a decent pay and living a decent life. Of course, she chose to ignore that statement.

    On another note, I feel said for Hindraf supporters. Not that I am a sympathiser as you note from my name. It’s because these people have been used and abused by their own leaders and leaders of PKR. No thanks to the fact that Indians are extremely emotional people.

    Now the opposition got five states, what have they done to this people? Nothing. Back to square one. Hindraf leaders has conveniently forgot that TDM has been responsible in taking many Indians out of the plantation, and went on pounding issues that they should have taken up to MIC first. They should have revolted against Samy Velu, get him to step down and reform the party themselves, instead of the mess they created.

    I am sorry, this has no relevant to this particular blog…but I would like your comment on the issue of organisations like Hindraf and Bersih. Maybe you have a blog already. If so, can I have a link.

    Keep up this great work, I am sending your blog’s link to many of other rational minded friends.

    Take care and thank you.

    JMD : I have not written anything specifically on Bersih or Hindraf. But I have mentioned them a few times in some of my commentaries. Thank you for reading this blog.

    When all else fail, Samy Vellu whacks his former boss (while other Umno leaders lost their balls)


  35. dear JMD,
    I agree very much with Serulingsenja’s “Bahasa orang-orang di blog JMD nie menunjukkan juga tinggi minda dan pekertinya”

    One of the main reasons why your blog is my favourite is the high quality writings, responses and language used by your readers and published here.

    I found most of your readers are very matured, highly intelectual, emotionally stable and very rational & balance in their comments. I enjoy these intelectual exchange very much.
    They dont ‘melatah’ or use vulgar & racist remarks like in some other blogs.

    This is really cool!

    JMD : Thank you so much for the comment. A great thanks to all readers who had commented brilliantly in this blog.


  36. Seronok baca artikal dan komen-komen di sini tentang budi bahasa. Apa bezanya sikap kurang ajar dengan sikap tidak berbudi bahasa?

    JMD : Yes, fikir fikirkan la ye. Terima kasih.


  37. Oddly, I have always thought that the malay “budi” was one of the key reasons why even as a non-bumiputera I had no qualms about Malay leadership. Not a quality one would associate with a mainstream politician’s arsenal but one I think is perhaps the most integral to good leadership. Sadly, like most virtues and morals across all demographics, it is less obvious (in Malaysians generally) these days as compared to my childhood or youth. I see it in Ku Li but really not in any others in UMNO’s or PKR’s top echelon. Am a little gutted at the postponement of the UMNO elections cos it would seem to have snookered Ku Li. AAB or Najib?…reminds me of a liverpool fan faced with the question of whether he preferred man utd or chelsea to win the champions league final last year (the sudden unexplained floodlight failure wished for never happened)…really, this country deserves better than the choices it is being offerred….

    p.s does this post automatically qualify me as mature, intellectual, rational and emotionally stable…if so..could i get a reference to forward to some ex-s who might beg to differ…

    JMD : Haha. To whomever it may concern, Counterintelligence is indeed very mature, intellectual, rational and emotionally stable. Thank you.


  38. Salam JMD,

    Hampir semua blog yang saya lawati beri komen tentang perkembangan terkini paklah menangguhkan Mesy. Agung UMNO ke Mac. Izinkan saya berikan komen 20sen saya disini. Saudara tak perlu siarkan kalau rasa tak relevan atau tak sesuai. Macam2 teori dikemukakan seolah2 paklah begitu hebat dalam permainan politik. Im not going to give him that much credit. Bagi saya simple je, paklah buying time. Tekanan makin meningkat, semakin hari semakin berani pemimpin2 UMNO lain bersuara mendesak peralihan kuasa secepat mungkin. Kalau tak dilakukan sesuatu sekarang, gelombang semakin kuat menjadi tsunami memungkin paklah tak cukup undi bertanding mempertahan kerusinya sendiri !

    jadi nak meredakan keadaan, paklah umumkan penangguhan. Semua ahli MT setuju, suka sangat. Tapi sekurang2nya beliau ada lagi 6 bulan tanpa di’kacau’. dan paklah masih tidak beri apa2 komitmen tentang jawatannya. 6 bulan itu amat panjang dalam dunia politik, macam2 boleh terjadi dan mungkin keadaan akan bertukar menyokong dirinya. in that sense, kira paklah menang ! 😦

    My point – sebagai rakyat saya ingin memohon ahli2 UMNO jangan layan sangat paklah. Walau ditangguh, ahli2 UMNO masih mampu mendesak diadakan Mesyuarat Agung seperti asal, bulan Disember. Mereka perlu tahu hak dan kemampuan mereka dalam hal ini. Semak perlembagaan semula.. pasti ada dinyatakan dimana2 kalau majoriti melebihi 50%, MA masih boleh diadakan bulan Dis. Keep up the pressure !

    I dread the prospect to hear paklah addressing the rakyat sempena menyambut tahun baru 2009. Biarlah Tahun Baru bermula dengan suasana baru …PM baru.

    maaf JMD, saya permisi…:)

    JMD : Terima kasih.


  39. Don’t think the ‘okayness’ is equal to ‘tidak apa’, which is a whole state of not caring at all, and a different case for debate altogether. More like accepting things as they come, as they are and not being demanding enough or aspiring to higher standards in the sense of jihad as you put it.

    And what’s worrying with that is, no matter who leads, if the culture is still one of okayness, we would still not go far.

    To quote a song, it’s time to be cruel to be kind, in the right measure.

    JMD : Thanks mate.


  40. Dear JMD,
    What do I tell my children and grandchildren about this episode in our nation history – it is because the ‘budi’ that we let us, the Malays be debased and be displaced as a proud race; that we cannot find ourselves to speak what is right or truth because of this ‘budi’. Or what?

    JMD : In my humble opinion, to be a better person, one must have these qualities;

    1) Disiplin
    2) Amanah
    3) Rajin
    4) Setia
    5) Berani

    These qualities are a must haves in order to scale heights and achieve greatness. A Japanese Prime Minister (can’t remember which one – perhaps was Ryutaro Hashimoto) once visited Dr Mahathir’s office. Behind his desk was a plaque which was engraved on it those 5 qualities in Jawi. The japanese prime minister asked him what it was and Dr Mahathir translated to him.

    The Japanese PM was surprised because those qualities are akin to the Samurai code (Bushido) which the Japanese had practised and learned since small. Dr Mahathir quipped that those qualities are in fact the Islamic qualities which the religion deemed as good virtues Muslims should have.

    Perhaps we could draw some lessons from them.

    Thank you.


  41. Dear JMD and shaifudin,

    the ‘best’ entry from JMD must be Tales of Hang Tuah…… it so beautiful written (by my standard-laa…dun know what other think) that we should proposed that schoolers have to read for reference……

    Second shall be Pakatan Rakyat- Kill with a borrowed knife dated… very educative

    JMD, finally found a blogger write-up on the Perak guys…. couldn’t find any other blogs….. even PR

    “We did not ASK for the women”.. BAH!

    somehow i feel ashamed of these guys…. maybe because they are Malays and talk that way …. really show their mentality (low side)

    Didn’t they know that adultery is one of the greatest sin all…..

    And UMNO guys are too berbudi bahasa and letting them of the hook…. if it is other way around, surely PR will howling at maximum…..

    p/s: maybe i should with a new hobby… hehehehe collecting PR blunders …dun know something tell me that PR will be history in near future… so it will be a great memoir along the years….

    JMD : I am honoured that somebody would find my articles beneficial to them. I just hope they had made an impact in some ways or another. Thank you so much for the support.

    As for the PKR men and their ‘sexcapades’, I think they should have emulated Nabi Yusof a.s. whom had turned down Zulaikha and her sexual advances. Instead, they had gleefully accepted the offer and then blamed somebody else for their sins.



  42. dear jeb,

    stopping by to wish you and yours, and fellow visitors to your blog who celebrate this holy day, a heartfelt Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf lahir dan batin!

    JMD : Thank you Mekyam! Selamat Hari Raya to you too. And MAaf Zahir Batin jika ada terkasar bahasa. May you have a good one there in the US.


  43. Salam Sdra JMD,

    Aunty sujini tidak akan menyentuh tentang UMNO dan Budi, tetapi cuma
    sekadar nak mengucapkan ,

    Selamat Eidul Fitri Al-Mubarak kepada JMD sekeluarga.
    Maaf dipinta jika ada tersalah kata dan bahasa.
    Balik kampong ke ?

    JMD : Thank you. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to you and family too. Have a good one this year. Maaf zahir dan batin jika ada terkasar bahasa…


  44. bro jmd..did i or did i not tell u i wld contribute two goals??pretty awesome eh??hehehe…

    JMD : I must say Torres, your second goal was really awesome. Well done. 🙂


  45. Salam JMD,

    Selamat Hari Raya untuk JMD and sahabat di alam maya ini. Walaupun tak pernah berjumpa tetapi niat kita semua sama. Dapat berjumpa dengan sanak saudara dan membajai semula ukhwah antara satu sama lain. Dan yang paling utama… menganjur pengunduran Pak Lah yang bertanggungjawap kepada perpecahan antara sahabat dan kaum yang telah lama terjalin sekian lama. Semoga bila di kampung, dapat kiranya sekalian dapat menyemai sahutan di antara satu sama lain untuk Pak Lah mengundur diri segera. SEBELUM TERLAMBAT.

    As for us in London, most definately say Pak Lah Must Resign Immediately and No to Anwar.


  46. saudara JMD,
    Tahniah atas artikel yang mengembalikan ketamadunan bangsa Melayu. Jelas membezakan bangsa melayu dengan bangsa yang lain. Namun masyarakat sekarang telah jauh menyimpang dalam mendokong Budi sebagai sebahagian dari kehidupan.
    Terkenang kepada ungkapan ‘berbudi pada tanah’. Ungkapan jelas untuk golongan petani yang sabar, tekun menunggu hasil. Menanam budi disertakan ikhlas insyallah ada hasilnya mengikut ketentuan yang Maha Kuasa. Budi bahasa amat penting untuk membentuk ‘cultured society’. Semoga kepimpionan baru akan lebh menunjukkan elemen berbudi yang jelas menunjukkan kematangannya dalam segala aspek.

    Selamat Hari Raya JMD and family.


  47. pergi ****** la ko dgn umno

    (comment moderated by JMD)

    JMD : Saya percaya, konsep berbudi bahasa dan budi pekerti telah memberi maksud yang mendalam pada diri kamu. Terima kasih.


  48. did u watch me dat nite marleena?pretty awesome eh??when we were 2 goals down i though to myself during half time..i can’t let marleena i can’t..i must win this game for her..i must!!! and voila! 2 gol wa balun..seb baik tak hetrik..

    oi jpm..bodo ker?pegi sembah patong dewa anwar brahimi ko tu lagi bagos..wanker..peliwat..


  49. Salam JMD,

    Selain dari tidak mengenal konsep budi, antara faktor lain yang hampir menjahanamkan negara adalah sifat ‘ego’.
    EGO dalam merasakan diri kita adalah lebih baik dari orang lain, makanya sebarang nasihat dan teguran dari mereka yang dipandang ‘rendah’ akan di pandang sebelah mata dan secara sepet melampau…. bagi orang yang otot keningnya dah lemah, kesannya boleh menyebabkan tertidur.

    EGO dalam mempercayai kebolehan sendiri adalah yang terbaik, sekiranya diberi peluang. Makanya bagi yang diberi peluang akan jadi lupa daratan. Segala projek yang menggunakan nama orang terdahulu akan di biarkan tanpa perhatian (putrajaya, cyberjaya), yang masih dalam pelaksanaan akan dibatalkan (jambatan indah, W2020, lama dah tak dengar perkataan Multimedia SuperCoridor). Semuanya akan diganti baru menggunakan nama sendiri. Dan bagi yang tidak diberi peluang, dek EGO yang melampau, akan mencanangkan bagaimana beliaulah yang terbaik dari yang terbaik, mencari kesalahan dan kekurangan mereka yang tidak memberinya peluang, dan merayu diberikan peluang kepadanya membuktikan caranya lebih baik. EGO menyebabkan beliau berasa misinya untuk diberi peluang itu adalah suci, maka matlamat menghalalkan cara.. kesucian perjuangannya menghalalkan kejelekan caranya.

    EGO juga menyebabkan mereka tidak mengakui punca kekalahan adalah diri sendiri. Ada saja alasan yang diberikan sebagai punca kekalahan. Semuanya salah kecuali diri sendiri.

    EGO yang menyebabkan kita sering berkata, tiap kali melihat wajah sendiri di cermin – ‘ Hello Hensem …’ ! 🙂

    JMD : Thank you for the comment


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