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The real Umno Warlords

Update 16 September, 11.55am : From the latest news reports, Anwar Ibrahim is seeking a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss the peaceful transition of power from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Rakyat. Please read both links provided. How delusional can he be? If Pak Lah and his advisers have any brain cells left in their brains, Pak Lah must return the ball to Anwar’s court. He should issue out a statement similar like this:

In the wake of Pakatan Rakyat’s claims that they have enough numbers of MPs from Barisan Nasional to form the government, I am therefore also worried with claims of having government traitors currently working actively with the opposition to topple this democratically elected line-up. I would therefore challenge Anwar Ibrahim to reveal these names immediately and let them be known to all the voters that had voted for them under the Barisan Nasional banner, their true intention.

Only if the claims are true, and when I am satisfied that these defectors have truly crossed over, then my cabinet will resign en-bloc to pave way for a fresh general election. As a responsible leader, it is my duty as a Prime Minister to ensure that the country’s leadership be held by a strong government. Not a government made of traitors and hungry power grabbers.

Or something to that effect. See how Anwar will stutter that very instance.

Compare the statement above and his original weak remarks on Anwar’s play acting here.


Original article;

The re-entry of Tun Dr Mahathir into Umno created a lot of buzz among the Umno members. The discontented Umno grassroots are rejoicing at the mouth watering possibility but on the other hand, certain sections within the powers that be are recoiling in abject horror.

His imminent re-entry also had created slight quivers in the Pakatan Rakyat circles. Why? Because Tun Dr Mahathir is endorsing the likeliest candidate to topple Pak Lah. No, it is not their dearest leader Anwar Ibrahim.

The likeliest candidate with the highest chance of success right now is Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah (Ku Li)

Many have not foreseen this turn of event. And the cheering grassroot members have the playmakers behind the scene to thank for.

Two weeks ago, Najib was given the ultimatum by the playmakers – support Ku Li in his bid for presidency and he will become PM after 2013. But if he so choose to support Pak Lah, there is a chance he will be the LAST PRIME MINISTER FROM UMNO after 2013.

Unfortunately, Najib refused to budge. In his mind, why wait till 2013 to be a PM when he can have the leadership by 2010 through Pak Lah? Therein lies Tan Sri Muhyiddin’s delicate position. In my opinion, Muhyiddin should do a Najib and wait till the last minute to either challenge Najib as no. 2, or defend his VP post. If Najib throws his support behind Ku Li, then Muhyiddin should just defend his VP post.

After the announcement by Tan Sri Muhyiddin that he had successfully pleaded Tun to re enter Umno and subsequently endorse Ku Li as the President, Pak Lah was rumoured to have approached Najib and offered him the presidency in June 2009! But that came with a condition. Najib must help him in winning the Umno general election this December.

Najib became desperate. When Tun Dr Mahathir had endorsed Ku Li, Najib knew he was left high and dry by all the Umno veterans. He must choose a path. The Umno Supreme Council meeting this Thursday will be the turning point of his political career.

Najib must have always been aware that he was never Pak Lah’s first choice as deputy. That is why, Najib thinks, if he behave himself well, the threat of Muhyiddin overleaping him will be diffused. But both he and Pak Lah failed to recognise Tun’s and Ku Li’s influence.

You see, Pak Lah’s state of mind as the Prime Minister is always like this;

1) Anwar is not his problem; he is Tun Dr Mahathir’s problem

2) Najib is not his problem; he and Muhyiddin are each other’s problem

3) Ku Li is not his problem; he is a non issue and quite insignificant

Separately, all 5 of them can never topple Pak Lah from his perch. The playmakers saw this. But if any 3 of the individuals above combine forces, then there is a chance. But that was prior Permatang Pauh.

After Anwar Ibrahim won handsomely in Permatang Pauh, the risk of him gaining the advantage in the race to become Prime Minister seems to become even greater. Although his chances are still remote, the underhanded tactics of Pakatan Rakyat in harping the issues of racism have a devastating effect on Barisan Nasional’s morale.

Luckily, Pak Lah was saved by Anwar’s own undoing – the sodomy court case. As we all know, since there is a strong case against him, Anwar will not be an issue in the short and medium term.

Anwar acknowledges this fact. That was why he kept on accusing the government of conspiracies instead of defending himself in the courts. What more with his flip flopping on the crossover date.

Anwar is so worried that Ku Li might beat him in this race that he even plan to meet Pak Lah (under the guise of national security) and offer truce. Throw out his court case and he will not challenge Pak Lah’s premiership. But this meeting has not been scheduled yet.

Tun’s endorsement on Ku Li and Ku Li’s willingness to ask for the favour did not come cheap. Several secret meetings were held in early September. Ku Li, a blue blooded Umno leader had always see himself as the successor of Tun Abdul Razak. Due to Tun Razak’s untimely death, his dream position of power was sidestepped many times by Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Musa Hitam.

His background as an economist and a brilliant financial strategist came at odds many times with Tun Dr Mahathir. On the other hand, Tun Dr Mahathir was more pragmatic in his view on economics as he had advisors among a horde of economists and financial experts in the country.

These two towering figures became bitter enemies during the 1987 Umno general election. When Ku Li disbanded Semangat 46 and return to Umno, his massive ego made him unable to accept any offers in becoming a cabinet minister.

Since his ego is only overshadowed by someone with an even bigger set of ego, it was no surprise that Ku Li and Tun drifted further apart. On a personal level, both men are quite friendly towards each other. The only thing that separates them are their differing point of views.

The playmakers made several attempts to get Tun to work together with Ku Li but each overture was turned down. They pleaded to both of the political giants, in the effort to rid Umno of the cancer that has been plaguing it.

Finally, both relented and the hopefuls among the hopefuls were driven to Putrajaya to meet Tun in one Friday afternoon.

It was a historic moment as one of the playmakers had said. It was the first time, in as many years as he could remember, that Ku Li had finally accept the fact that Tun is slightly superior than him.

Tun asked Ku Li whether he has the necessary numbers to challenge Pak Lah. Ku Li replied, he only would have a comfortable number and the votes to even win against Pak Lah if Tun would support him. Tun, being the decisive political animal that he is, quickly agreed to endorse him.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin then announced the very next day that Tun will rejoin Umno. Najib will be alone at the top if he choose to be in the wrong camp this Thursday. Pak Lah will only look after himself from now on. His cadres of advisers are scrambling in Putrajaya thinking of a way out in all of this.

At the latest count, Ku Li has enough divisions in his hand. More than the minimum number of 59.

If Najib has the backbone to save Umno, he must challenge Pak Lah or throw his support behind Ku Li from now on. Muhyiddin had given his terms of war – support Ku Li or I will have to fight you instead.

Ku Li and Tun Dr Mahathir have given their terms of war too. Umno members especially the divisional leaders must prepare to go to battle beginning this November. The Dream Team of Ku Li and Muhyiddin has began to make their move.

Malaysia is not under siege everyone. We are not on the verge of being colonised by foreign powers.

We HAVE BEEN colonised.

Our national policy is being dictated by another country to the south. It is up to us to eradicate the weak leader and replace him with someone more capable.

Our Lords of War must win this December.

And who has the better chance than this Dream Team?

38 thoughts on “The real Umno Warlords

  1. JMD
    your analysis caught me by surprise. I was told that something big is coming this october but i was appalled that it is sooner.
    Who is this playmaker?

    JMD : It should be sooner rather than later. To my knowledge, it is an open secret already. One of the playmakers are the one that announced Tun M’s return to Umno and the other one is Tan Sri Sanusi Junid. There are two others but quite inconsequential at this moment. Thank you.


  2. Askm JMD,

    It is admitted that great leaders have great egos. Their ego is the driving force that makes them want to excell in whatever they do for the sake of the rakyats.

    We should rejoice when told that TDM and Ku Li have agreed to join forces to topple PL for the sake of the country. The malignant cancer must be stopped from spreading.

    We ought to salute these great leaders of our country. To me neither one of them is superior to the other. They are just diferrent from each other and they are great in their own rights.

    Let’s all pray that after DEC 2008, a new era of peace, harmony and stability will return to our beloved country.

    Hang Kasturi.


  3. Oh…what a tangled web we weave! Interesting turn of events. With all this in fighting, how again is this country moving forward? Which one of the 3 (Najib, Ku Li and Muhiyiddin) would be the charismatic leader that the nation needs?
    May the FORCE be with them.

    JMD : Tehre will always be infighting in any political parties in any counrty. It is politics. But the infighting this time is different. It is for the good of the country. If we have infighting between 2 good leaders, then we could safely say the infighting is useless and a waste of time and not benefitting the country. But right now, we are trying to replace a bad yet stubborn leader.


  4. well done jmd. a fantastic analysis. fully share your prognoses. najib is already trapped. he will try to salvage the plan power transfer after realising that much of the ground has already been covered by trh and muhyidin. now with the backing of tdm, he and pak lah will be in the same boat.

    JMD : Thank you. While Pak Lah and Najib were lulled with the transition plan in June, Ku Li was not complacent. He continued visiting the grounds. That is why, Ku Li managed to secure more nominations.


  5. Firstly, my apology for using your comment’s section to voice out on this but I just had to. I’m perplexed reading some of Shar101’s comments in your previous postings but yet reading his words elsewhere, like at Harris’ and Zorro’s especially, it’s like coming from 2 different personalities altogether. Unless I was wrong but I’m pretty sure over here in your blog, he seemed to be chidding on Anwar but not over there somehow.

    Dont’ just take my words, go and read them. All things said, yours is the most refreshing blog ever since. Very well articulated with strong and solid argument counter points used in your rebuttal. Keep it up Jebat and stay true with your writings.

    JMD : Thank you.


  6. JMD,

    If there were many secret meetings in September, how could they turn to public knowledge and not secret anymore? I guess you are keeping yourself very close to the playmakers.

    While Dollah is now being pushed to the corner, it is possible that he’ll ultimately turn to Anwar as his political savior? As you did mention, Anwar’s dream is also eventually fading if the combined forces succeed in December’s election. If Dollah does turn to Anwar, it may be the scariest political nightmare Malaysians can’t afford to dream for.

    UMNO division leaders cum Dollah asskissers are now busy hunting and “shopping” for branch representative to secure their position. With this shameful money politic still going on, quite difficult task for Ku Li to get enough nominations, plus there’ll be few spins orchestrated by the 4th floor.

    May the force be with us.

    JMD : Kalimullah is already spinning the news. Especially on the outcome of the meeting between Najib and Pak Lah yesterday. Thank you.


  7. Askm JMD’

    One word to describe the Zaid Ibrahim Saga : ‘dayus’. If ZI does not resign, he is ‘dayus’.If PL does not sack him, PL is ‘dayus’.

    What is the equivalent of ‘dayus’ in English ? If a person is fit to be called a “dayus “, then what honour does he have as a human being !! He belongs to Orang Utan community.

    Hang Kasturi

    JMD : I believe Zaid is trying to salvage his political career. With nominations from Kota Bharu is not forthcoming, he needs to be seen detaching himself from Pak Lah. Only then he can garner enough nominations to win as Division Leader of Kota Bharu.


  8. The Tun slightly superior than Ku Li? Well, in terms of political skill, definitely.

    In terms of administration? Well, who’s to know? Ku Li never ruled.

    The Tun can be highly unpragmatic. Remember the massive losses sustain due to a misguided attempt at statist industrialisation back in the early 80s?

    I doubt many remember. It’s a story suppressed and never to be brought up again, lest one raise the ire of Tun Mahathir’s fans.


    JMD : Well, nobody is perfect. Even Tun admitted he had made many mistakes. Probably he was given the wrong advise or maybe his vision could not be implemented efficiently and effectively by the people trusted to managed it. I too could not remember which said losses you mentioned (because there are quite a few) Anyway, the ire of Tun’s fans is never that great when compared to somebody else’s fanatical loyalists 🙂

    ‘In terms of administration? Well, who’s to know? Ku Li never ruled.’ That’s precisely why Ku Li finally acknowledge Tun is slightly superior. And this comes from the people who saw the meeting.

    Thank you for commenting.


  9. Jed Yoong,

    Apologies JMD for using this space but I can’t help but ask Jed, ” is that salty pop-corn or the caramel flavor?” I best like the salty flavor. That is real pop corn 🙂


    Back to the issues, did you read the STAR bit about the Kedah government? This is crazy. There is no stability. When do this people actually work really? This is bloody joke.


  10. Why not Muhyidin contest for the primier post? After all he is proven a very capable leader, more likeable and definitely cleaner than the rest.

    JMD : He was asked about this by the playmakers. He doesn’t hold that kind of ambition. To him the premiership is too much responsibility and ‘amanah’ that he could handle. Thank you.


  11. Jebat

    You sound like the MSM newspapers and a most likely UMNO agent

    JMD : Haha I thought I sound like Raja Petra? No? How sad… 🙂

    Anyway, an Umno agent will not diss Pak Lah like how I diss him in this blog. Also, an agent is usually under a payroll. I’m not.

    But thank you for the comment.


  12. JMD,

    Talk is flying around Kuala Lumpur that the PM is increasingly stressed out and beleagured. Since yesterday the TV news has been showing the PM with an increasingly worried and tensed appearance. Even when he was safely in slumberland, the PM did not do any work. Now with all this stress, you can forget about him focussing on anything at all.

    Yesterday the PM had a 3 hr meeting with Najib. The Cabinet meeting tomorrow may discuss the resignation of THE PM instead of the resignation of Zaid Ibrahim. Muhyuddin’s wish may come true. Before Hari Raya we may have a new ‘leadership’. I dont think the new PM will be Najib.

    Ponder this : a high level commitee will be formed in UMNO which will run the country until December. The Commitee will be headed by Tun Dr Mahathir.

    It is not likely that Ku LI will be able to play a role as Interim PM. Ku Li is past his prime, is no great economic or financial genius and is definitely not a visionary.

    But lets take things one step at a time. The first thing is to get the PM to resign and be gone. Lets not worry about all the racial talk too much. The ones who are talking are the Malays. The Chinese are just going about their business as usual.

    First things first. Lets get the PM to resign and leave us alone. Lets save the country.

    JMD : Thank you for commenting. Honestly, I do not think this high level committee is feasible at the moment.


  13. I strongly feel that this dream team is indeed UMNO’s dream team that can bring UMNO out of the blues. May all members support this team. Need any Pom-Pom girls?


  14. on latest note :
    i still dont get it. why would anyone who wanted to take over the government want to discuss smooth transition of power? and what they were thinking that present government would give up its administration of the country or so easily? its mesmerizing fact though.. and please la do not give reason of smooth transition of power because of rakyat. chit poodah!

    about UMNO warlods:
    heehee. eventually, this year umno general assembly will be the most exciting ever. or maybe second exciting ever after 1987(right?) when Ku Li was trying to wrestle the umno primier post from TDM. evenso Ku Li has good chance of winning, lets not to forget that Pak Lah also has good backup strategies. undoubtedly, the 4th floor goons will do something cunning to snap up Ku Li popularity. after all, they are well educated right? but enganging wars with 20++ years veteran will be a formidable one. and yet, everyone is waiting for the outcome.

    interesting enough, today’s entry did not discuss the race for Ketua Pemuda post. young blood supports also could be the determining factor. if Ku Li’s team could get one fresh blood to lead Pemuda, then definitely the war will settle on his side. either way, i cannot help it to see somebody good and brave enough to shut KJ down. seriously, someone from Pemuda should shut that monkey down.

    about najib, he is almost none existant. after his true colors were revealed by TDM, plus his undying support to Pak Lah after GE2008, and Mongolian Murder adventure, i’m afraid he will lose out in the race. who would vote for someone who has rather kinky scandals? i must say, right now, najib reputation is not in a good shape. thanks to rumor-spreading internet and sms. rumors says that the rumor start from opposition side just to tarnish najib reputation. i dont know. i dont know.

    for now, i’d say its better for Ku Li and Muhyiddin team to lay the ground work quietly. when the hunter want to strike a prey, did they do it quitely, or announce it all over the jungle first before they strike? or maybe Anwar also could not strategically think like the hunter, always on defensive side. announce all over the jungle, gather all the army, and do it with style, and pride after we convince them to jump ship.. poor him, he should be PM 10 years ago or maybe 10 years later after this..

    so, Pak Lah or Ku Li? KJ or some other guy? or maybe JMD himself should contest for the primier post, no?

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. I cannot contest because after Pak Lah steps down, I will cease to exist 🙂



    First time ever, in the world most probably. And the reason was to avoid the government from hiding the untruth and any defaulting document is totally unacceptable. Dear Mr.Anwar, if the government wanted to burn of bury the document, they could have done it today, before your stupid press conference. Even now they are burning them out from their office, so what is the point of telling this publically?

    Weird. Totally weird. They want to meet the Prime Minister before meeting the YDPA. How could that be? Do you think that the PM will give a damn attention to your submission? Unless the PM himself involved in this conspiracy, your say could be considered. If we look into the previous cases for instance in the case of Stephen Kalong Ninkan v Tun Abang Haji Openg and Tawi Sli (1966), Tawi Sli went to met the Governor, which was Tun Abang Haji Openg during that time, and induced the Governor to give his consent and appoint Tawi Sli as the new Chief Minister of Sarawak. Tawi Sli did not went to meet Stephen Kalong Ninkan for purpose of discussing the raw material that needs to be disclose before futher meeting with the Governor.

    This press conference was totally mean for stupidity and off sound-mind! Anwar needs to stabilize the emotion of his supporters who are relying too much and believe that the new government would take place. It would be a very dissapointing moment to tell his supporters that the said government has failed its accomplishment, so this press statement will at least cure the wounded supporters, although I believe that many of his supporters are now questioning about his sincererity and covenants he made before the election to take over the throne from the Barisan Nasional.

    Anwar, what is next? Your statement today is predictable and we all knew that you will come out with this some sort of excuses. After this you may want to delay the date until you get caught for sodomising Saiful, then you will have the biggest excuse ever and that will be the BN government is afraid of you so the new government could not be formed since you are in-jail now.

    Mr.Anwar Bin Ibrahim! Please stop making things worse! Your fairy tales story could derive this country into valley of chaos than ever before. The investers will becoming more afraid to invest in Malaysia. The ongoing progress of the country will be distrubted. The racial unity will become hopeless as it is already now. What CHANGE could possibly mean to you? You only want to become the Prime Minister as that is what you are born for. Stop riding this country on stake, you have now become the added factor leading towards this country’s instability after Pak Lah and lame UMNO!

    Anwar Ibrahim, what is next for you??….

    JMD : Thank you for the comment.


  16. From the scenarios given above, is there is by any chance PL might jump to PKR, join AI. Quite “brutal” to me, but just wonder…?
    Since the way he behave and react, looks to me like anwar is controlling him with a remote.

    JMD : I really doubt it. But who knows! Politics make strange bedfellows.


  17. Its put up or shut up time for DSAI….Ku Li as PM sounds an attractive proposition…surely a person of his intellect would be able to recognise the institutions that require immediate “medical” attention and take appropriate action…either way, next week “spin” will only go so far..

    JMD : I hope he will take appropriate action.


  18. I think Paklah or one of his advisors is reading your blog. He just issued a statement similar to the one you suggested about revealing the names of the ‘frogs’ MPs.


  19. hi JMD,

    “JMD : Thank you for the comment. I cannot contest because after Pak Lah steps down, I will cease to exist :)”

    You should consider yourself lucky being blessed with your critical thinking, analytical capability, good control of language and writing skills. You shouldn’t stop here. If every gifted person think humbly like you, then we would never have saw Tun becoming PM. Come on, I would hope to see you on the national political scene and directly contribute to the country, prolonging the visions of our past leaders (minus the fifth), even though I wouldn’t be able to recognize you if you do go on TV.
    Don’t let your talent be wasted by being behind the scenes. Take the lead, you have the substance, I can see it from your thought perspectives and command of the language. If you do become important on the national scene, I suggest you keep writing on this blog and share your views.

    by the way..nice article, again. You would not be able to write this if you hadn’t the access to an insider. I think you are involved together in this set piece. haha.


    JMD : Thank you for the vote of confidence. I truly appreciate it. But honestly, although I have been blessed with being able to be privy of the going ons of the playmakers, I am still just an insignificant bystander in this whole event. Nevertheless, it was a humbling experience to hear the political giants putting aside their self interests and political differences for the sake of the greater good. Wallahualam.


  20. JDM

    It is quite release to read ur story. After this while seem that no action taken to oust this PM. The strategy look well, hope can be realized soon. Sooner the better but must be think the resistant and counter from the other side.


  21. ha’ah..smalam pak lah tiru line jmd..tu pon cam tegagap2 trying to remember his lines..but atleast it was sumthing..kudos!

    now if only jmd can make him read the part where we want him to resign..

    JMD : Dear readers, will start moderating more of your comments tonight. Thank you.


  22. Hi JMD,
    I check this site twice a day to see if you have any new posting.
    Now I can put into words what I like you for: Your clear-sightedness. And a calmness in your writing.
    When you’ve finished reading a good book, don’t you wonder about the author? Reading your blog has the same effect. You wonder about the man behind the writing: what does he do, what books does he read, what sort of a childhood has he? (He? I”m presuming here.)

    To a query, you replied that when Pak Lah goes JMD will cease to exist.
    Please, no. Or I would be put in that strange position of praying for Dollah to stay so I could go on reading JMD. lol
    Warm regards

    JMD : I am but a normal human being trying to make sense in this confusing world 🙂 Thank you for the kind remarks. And yes, I am a he. And my favourite kuih raya is bahulu and wajik [ okay I just gave away some useless info there.. 🙂 ]


  23. Pingback: Dream Team Semakin Bersiap Bersedia | Malaysian News Blog

  24. seruling senja a.k.a duskflute,

    paklah will only hear wat he wants to hear dude..sad innit??ignorance is bliss is his mantra rite now..

    and what’s this about paklah and najib switching portfolios??any ulterior motives besides convincing najib dat he’s definitely gonna be pm since he’s managing MOF??maybe jmd can give your thot on this one.


    JMD : Initially I was perplexed on Pak Lah’s move of giving away the Finance portfolio to his deputy. This act will only neutralise his son and son in law’s influence in the ministry. But then again, most probably the Treasury is dried up already. So, not worth holding on, especially when all contracts for this year and next year have been snapped up by his cronies.
    A good move I reckon, especially in tasking Najib to invigorate the weakened economy. He can just wash his hands.
    Obviously, concessions have been made by Pak Lah in order to get the support of Najib this December. Najib also, after being induced with ‘sweets’, have no choice but to support KJ too in his battle to become Ketua Pemuda.
    However, in politics, even a week is a lifetime. We shall see what other moves the people involved will make in the next couple of weeks.

    There are a few more reasons but I guess everyone has analysed them correctly.


  25. Salam JMD,

    Dalam semua kemelut ini, bagaimana peranan rakyat ? maksud saya, sepertinya rakyat tidak dapat berbuat apa2, semuanya hanya menjadi percaturan beberapa pemimpin utama. Padahal kesannya pada negara dan rakyat !

    saya tidak bersetuju pada demo seperti indon atau thai, it will be a very bad precedent, but other than that, what can we do ? Or just leave it to UMNO members to decide on our fate ? yalah, presiden UMNO secara otomatis juga adalah PM kita ( i really hate this fact ), but i don’t trust UMNO members. i mean from what i’ve seen and heard about people who are supposed to represent UMNO ( like JKKK, Ketua Bahagian etc ) , they don’t deserve my trust ! so….i feel so helpless, like a bystander, while these political giants clash, with the winning prize – leader of my country 😦

    ps – i guess you must’ve been an editor of one of the leading dailys, right ? kalau tak nak ngaku di sini, u can email me ! 🙂

    JMD : Kita merasa sebegini kerana kita tahu Perdana Menteri kita adalah tidak sehebat yang kita hendak gambarkan. Dahulu, tidak ramai yang berperasaan begini apabila Umno mengadakan pilihanrayanya sendiri (kali terakhir jawatan presiden dipertandingkan adalah dalam tahun 1987 dan tahun 1978 – Sulaiman Palestin menentang Tun Hussein Onn). Apabila pencabar terdekatnya di dalam Umno adalah orang yang sama saja dari segi kehebatannya (or lack thereof), maka, perasan cemas akan menghantui kita.

    Strategi jangkamasa pendek adalah dengan mengembleng ahli ahli yang akan melakukan perubahan di peringkat akar umbi di dalam mesyuarat bahagian nanti. Alternatif kepada kedua dua pemimpin teratas Umno telah disediakan. Mereka hendaklah jangan berputus asa.

    Terima kasih.


  26. Salam JMD,

    Thanks for the immediate reply. saudara pun lambat tidur juga ya. (dah retired, tak perlu nak pegi kerja esok 🙂 right ? )
    from ur reply – maknanya masih sama …rakyat tidak dapat berbuat apa2 ? bukan saya tidak sokong usaha TDM, saya akui saya ‘orang Mahathir’ tapi saya bukan orang KuLi ! mungkin tidak ada pemimpin UMNO lain yang dapat menyatukan majoriti ahli menentang paklah.
    Ditakdirkan semuanya menjadi seperti dirancang, what guarantee KuLi does not be another paklah? here i would appreciate if u could come up with an article of KuLi, of what u think of him and his visions for our country.

    ps – baru tonton wrestling di astro811, reminds me of DSAI ! he would be a great ‘story writer’ for the show 🙂 guarantee lots of sideshows, twist and turns, cliffhangers…

    JMD : Will do someday. Thank you.


  27. pehh jmd..bahse melayu awak pon tidak kurang mesti 1119 dapat a1 n spm bm a1..

    anyways..respectfully i would like to beg a differ with En Shaifudin..we became the pawns and getting sidestepped only if we let ourselves to be swept aside..believe it or not..the power we have in the electorial ballots is good enough to change the exercise your rights and choose wisely..



Astound us with your intelligence!