Pakatan Rakyat / Politics in general / Tun Dr Mahathir / Umno & Barisan Nasional

The PAS conundrum and why their Hudud is not the answer

Over the course of last weekend, a few of us were discussing about Kelantan and how Hudud has not been implemented in the state regardless the fact that it has been administered by PAS for the past 23 years and on top of that, the state government had shamelessly proclaimed itself as ‘Serambi Mekah’ albeit the statistics that Kelantan has the highest case of AIDS/HIV in Malaysia. Not to mention the state has also one of the highest drug cases and rape cases in the country.

The prevailing myth among the ignorants within PAS is that hudud in Kelantan couldn’t be established because Tun Dr. Mahathir is anti hudud and with that hyperbole, he is automatically deemed as anti-Islam; a label which had extended to all Umno members.

Every now and then, especially during elections, all Umno members are labeled as anti-Islam in the eyes of all PAS members. Consequently, Umno members are kafirs, or infidels. And by extension, working with kafirs is haram and Umno as a whole must be vanquished.

Nevermind the fact that Umno consists more muslims in their fold than PAS’ partners in crime – the DAP and PKR.

All this illogical stand of PAS can only be effective and permeated within the mentality of its members because of one thing and one thing only – PAS members are fanatical. And being fanatics, they are unable to think. Islamic education ala PAS comprised brainwashing its members which  is then compounded by the notion that any questions which run contrary to the core philosophy of PAS is either un-Islamic or sinful.

Which begs the question – what actually is the philosophy of PAS?

Just like its chameleon brother in PKR, PAS has its very own devil it needs to dispose off in order for their existence to be taken seriously. And the devil is the elephant in the room – WHY DOES PAS WORK CLOSELY WITH A KNOWN ANTI HUDUD ENTITY LIKE DAP BUT CHOSE NOT TO  WORK WITH UMNO, ANOTHER MUSLIM PARTY?

Surely there are more common platforms between PAS and Umno than PAS and DAP?

The answer is – market share. The target audience of both Umno and PAS are the malays. But as Umno is working on a moderate Islamic stance, as compared to a more Talibanic views that is PAS, the battle for support from the masses has never been crucial, and mutually exclusive. More market share means more political power.

But as Karpal Singh had again and again showed his contempt and disdain towards PAS and their brand of Islam, the disrespect from DAP members have not gone unnoticed. Behind closed doors,  PAS have been discussing the need to review their cooperation.

PAS can hide behind fancy arabic phrases such as tahaluf siyasi to hide their actual crave for power within the Malaysian political context. But in reality, it is just a smokescreen by their leaders to stupefy their blind followers into thinking that it is necessary to hook up with a very non muslim party like DAP to bring down a ‘kafir’ party like Umno.

Definition of taha

Definition of tahaluf siyasi

In actual fact, PAS is trying to trick its followers that by claiming that working with DAP will benefit PAS more. Are they having this fantasy that somehow, by being disrespected by DAP and playing second fiddle to them will eventually turn Malaysia into a proper Islamic nation under their mould?

Fact is, as far as general elections go, PAS’ seats in parliament had been steadily declining ever since they started to be in bed with DAP. But on the other hand, the tireless workers from PAS had lent an increase in votes and parliamentary seats for DAP.

PAS wanted to ride DAP in bed, but became bedridden instead.

Certainly the intelligence of PAS’ leaders comes into question. How would tahaluf siyasi benefit them in the long term when they are treated like a persona non grata in public by DAP, with diminishing political power in parliament as well as being disrespected by their own disgruntled members?

Importantly, how wise would it be to strengthen a very Christian party like DAP in order to weaken a muslim party like Umno? Is this PAS’ way in strengthening Islam? Do all PAS members sincerely think that Lim Guan Eng or Tony Pua or Hannah Yeoh reveres Islam more than Najib Razak or  Muhyiddin Yassin does?

In sheer desperation that unfortunately beguiles the mind PAS members, their Youth Wing even hope that Lim Guan Eng will embrace Islam! Perhaps the muslims in PAS these days are easily won over by  christians who tirelessly work against their Islamic struggle. To the chagrin of Dewan Ulama PAS, their political leaders can’t even defend the usage of Allah’s name without being chided by DAP. In fact, at the end of every issue that involves Islam, PAS always had to make way for DAP. Truly, the Islamic movement being brought by PAS whimpers out when faced with political expediency.

Can you hear that silence? That is the sound of abject shame and cowardice. All in the name of Islam which PAS always use and abuse.


Coming back to PAS’ hudud, it is astounding that PAS members kept harping on the myth that Tun Dr Mahathir had blocked the implementation of hudud in Kelantan just because they assumed Tun Dr Mahathir is anti-hudud, anti Islam. Shouldn’t they blame their partner, the DAP for being against hudud from the start?

Below is the re-published letter by Tun Dr Mahathir for Nik Aziz back in 1994, detailing step by step explanation as to why hudud ala PAS cannot be implemented (as opposed to the Quranic hudud).


YAB Tuan Haji Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Mat
Menteri Besar Kelantan

Y.A.B. Tuan Haji,


Rujukan : MB(KN)(S)16/6/(26)
Bertarikh 8 Jun 1994

Pihak kerajaan pusat sentiasa berpandukan kepada kebijaksanaan (al-Hikmah) yang telah ditunjukkan oleh baginda Rasulullah SAW. dan juga para sahabat baginda khususnya al-khulafa ar-Rasyidun dalam melaksanakan ajaran Islam lebih-lebih lagi yang berkaitan dengan hukum-hukum jenayah.

1. Jalan yang diambil oleh Kerajaan Pusat ini adalah juga berpandukan kepada kaedah yang terdapat dalam sistem pemerintahan Islam iaitu “tindakan pemerintahan adalah sentiasa bergantung kapada kepentingan ramai (muslihat umum).” Penguatkuasaan kanun jenayah yang digubal oleh Kerajaan PAS di Kelantan, menurut kajian sehingga setakat ini tidak menampakkan dan tidak menyakinkan pakar-pakar perundangan Islam yang tidak mempunyai sebarang kepentingan politik bahawa ia selari dengan ajaran dan kehendak Islam sebagaimana yang telah diuruskan dengan bijaksana oleh Rasulullah SAW. dan para sahabat.

2. Sepertimana yang Amat Berhormat sendiri sedia ketahui, KEADILAN adalah ASAS yang paling utama ditekankan oleh agama Islam apabila melaksanakan sesuatu perkara. Penekanan mengenai dengan keadilan adalah sangat terserlah dalam ajaran Islam lebih daripada penekanan yang terdapat dalam ajaran-ajaran yang lain dalam sejarah agama. Baginda Rasulullah SAW sewaktu mengembangkan agama Islam ialah usaha menghapuskan ketidakadilan yang menjadi sebahagian daripada budaya di zaman itu.

3. Tidak perlu bagi saya menyatakan disini betapa banyaknya terdapat ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang menegaskan tentang pentingnya keadilan dan lebih banyak bagi ayat-ayat yang mencela sebarang jenis kezaliman. Disamping itu al-Quran juga sentiasa menggesa supaya dielak daripada terjadinya huru-hara dan Allah sendiri sangat tidak gemarkan kapada mereka yang menyebabkan huru-hara berlaku. Kita hanya bertindak balas terhadap sikap permusuhan dan serangan yang dilakukan terhadap kita. Di Malaysia, orang bukan Islam bukan sahaja tidak memusuhi kita tetapi mereka memberi kerjasama bahkan membantu kita dalam urusan-urusan yang bersangkutan dengan kegiatan dan amalan ajaran Islam.

4. Khusus mengenai undang-undang jenayah PAS di Kelantan, kajian awal menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa undang-undang itu yang disediakan menerusi perjuangan sebuah parti politik ternyata bukan sahaja menyebabkan ketidakadilan aakan berlaku tetapi, sebaliknya ia akan membawa kezaliman. Kebenaran kenyataan ini adalah berdasarkan kapada keterangan berikut:

(i) Dakwaan bahawa undang-undang ini akan dikuatkuasakan hanya di kalangan orang Islam sahaja dan tidak digunapakai untuk orang bukan Islam akan menyebabkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman yang ketara berlaku. Memang benar di zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW., orang Yahudi biasa dihukum di bawah undang-undang yang berada di dalam kitab Taurat mereka tetapi kitab Taurat mempunyai hukuman yang tidak berbedza dengan hukum-hukum dalam al Quran. Mereka yang berzina umpamanya, akan dihukum rejam sama seperti hukuman terhadap jenayah yang sama bagi orang Islam. Justru itu tidak ada perbedzaan sama ada penjenayah dihukum di bawah undang-undang Islam atau Undang-undang Yahudi di zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW. Tetapi terdapat perbedzaan yang amat ketara di antara hukuman di bawah undang-undang yang ada sekarang dengan hukuman di bawah undang-undang jenayah yang dicadangkan oleh kerajaan PAS di Kelantan.

Menghukum orang Islam dengan lebih berat tetapi orang bukan Islam dengan amat ringan untuk jenayah yang sama atau jenayah dilakukan bersama amatlah tidak adil dan merupakan satu kezaliman, sedangkan undang-undang PAS akan menyebabkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman berlaku, maka undang-undang PAS tidak boleh diterima sebagai undang-undang Islam atau secucuk dengan undang-undang Islam ataupun selaras dengan ajaran Islam. Ia sebenarnya tertentangan dengan agama Islam.

(ii) Masaalah kesalahan merogol wanita, berdasarkan kapada undang-undang PAS, jika seseorang wanita yang belum kahwin melahirkan anak maka ini adalah bukti ia telah berzina dan akan dihukum mengikut undang-undang PAS, sedangkan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku ialah wanita itu adalah mangsa rogol. Mengikut undang-undang PAS jika ia menuduh perogolnya, tuduhan hanya boleh diterima sah jika terdapat empat orang saksi (yang terdiri daripada orang-orang yang baik, yang tidak melakukan dosa besar) yang menyatakan bahawa telah melihat dengan terang dan jelas bahawa yang dituduh telah merogol wanita berkenaan.

Seperti kita ketahui, melainkan dalam keadaan perang seperti di Bosnia diwaktu mana orang Serb merogol beramai-ramai wanita Bosnia, tidak mungkin jenayah merogol dilakukan di hadapan saksi-saksi yang terdiri daripada orang-orang yang baik. Jika saksi ini melihat dan mereka tidak menolong wanita berkenaan, mereka boleh dianggap sebagai bersubahat seperti penjenayah-penjenayah Serb bersubahat dengan perogol daripada kaum mereka. Jika ada pun saksi, dan mereka tidak membuat apa-apa untuk menolong mereka tidak boleh dianggap sebagai terdiri daripada orang yang baik, tetapi disebaliknya dianggap sudah bersubahat. Dengan itu tuduhan mangsa rogol akan ditolak dan perogol akan terlepas.

Keadaan di mana mangsa rogol dihukum salah kerana melahirkan anak di luar nikah dan perogol dilepaskan sebagai tidak bersalah kerana tidak ada saksi adalah sama sekali tidak boleh diterima oleh sesiapa pun sebagai sesuatu yang adil, bahkan aia adalah satu kezaliman yang dahsyat.

5. Hukum Hudud Islam bertujuan untuk memberi keadilan kapada semua pihak. Ia bukanlah bertujuan untuk melakukan kezaliman. Undang-undang PAS jelas menunjukkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman yang ketara akan berlaku. Justeru itu undang-undang yang disediakan oleh PAS bukanlah undang-undang yang menepati ajaran Islam. Ia hanyalah undang-undang ciptaan PAS yang bertentangan dengan penekanan oleh agama Islam yang menuntut supaya menghukum secara adil dan menolok sebarang kezaliman. Kerajaan Pusat akan sentiasa berpandu dan menerima ajaran-ajaran dan amalan Islam dari semua aspek tanpa diheret oleh kehendak organasasi politik yang mempunyai kepentingan yang lain daripada Islam dan kepentingannya.

6. Jika undang-undang PAS yang jelas mengandungi unsur-unsur ketidakadilan dikuatkuasakan dinegara ini, dan jika ia dikatakan itulah Hukum Hudud Islam maka umat Islam dan juga anggota masyarakat bukan Islam akan hilang kepercayaan Islam membawa keadilan untuk penganutnya. Ia juga memberi gambaran yang buruk terhadap agama yang suci ini dan menjejaskan imej orang-orang Islam di kalangan penganut agama-agama yang lain. Ia tetap akan menyebabkan penganut agama lain menjauhkan diri daripada agama Islam dan menyebabkan orang yang berminat memeluk Islam menolaknya.

7. Kerajaan Pusat tidak berhajat untuk bersubahat dengan PAS bagi melaksanakan ketidakadilan semata-mata untuk kepentingan politik dan sokongan oleh orang yang telah diabui matanya. Kerajaan Malaysia yang sentiasa dan terus mempertahankan ajaran dan nilai-nilai Islam tidak dapat membenarkan Kerajaan Pas menjalankan sesuatu yang bercangah dengan prinsip keadilan dalam Islam, maka Kerajaan Pusat akan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya terhadapKerajaan PAS demi menjaga maruah dan ketinggian martabat Islam dan penganut-penganutnya.

15 Julai 1994

So, what is the philosophy of PAS? Opposite attracts? Tahaluf siyasi? Do as you are told, not as what we do? Hudud? Islam? Masochism? Power? Stupidity?

15 thoughts on “The PAS conundrum and why their Hudud is not the answer

  1. Salamum Alaikum

    I am just a simple Muslim, not a religious scholar.

    I note the QRN mentions hudud fourteen [14] times. They are at:

    2:187 [x 1], 2:229 [x 4], 2:230 [x 2], 4:13 [x 1], 4:14 [x 1], 9:97 [x 1], 9:112 [x 1], 58:4 [x 1], 65:1 [x 2].

    None of them have anything to do with stoning apostates to death or chopping off bits of the human anatomy. They are about domestic issues between husbands and wives.

    As I understand it, the hudud so-called ‘religious scholars’ have invented and sinfully attributed to God it is completely different from the hudud found in the QRN. Why is that? Up to to-day I and many of my Muslim friends have still not seen in black and white PAS’ version of hudud. Why not? Where is it? Why not publish it?

    I think it is very important to differentiate between what Allah and the Prophet Muhammad have taught Muslims in the QRN and the false hudud invented by man. It is a choice between what Allah and the Prophet have said in the QRN versus what the religious people say about Islam and about the Prophet. Maybe PAS should not call it hudud, because the Quranic hudud and the PAS hudud are just not the same.

    “Among them are those who twist their tongues to imitate the scripture that you may think it is from the scripture, when it is not from the scripture, and they claim it is from GOD, when it is not from GOD. Thus, they utter lies and attribute them to GOD, knowingly” [3:78].

    “You shall not utter lies with your own tongues stating “This is lawful, and this is unlawful” to fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD. Surely, those who fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD will never succeed” [16:116].

    People believe the Torah. People believe the Bible. People believe hadiths. People believe spiritual leaders. Muslims believe the QRN. So do please read the QRN in a language you understand; it helps, a lot.


    • Txs mo halim, I never knew that – poor religious education I had.

      I guess, like the majority of Muslims in the country, I thought chopping of arms and legs is Hudud Qur’anic truth – would not know it not Qur’anic if not for your telling here.

      Pls tell more, my friend.


    • Can anyone tell me if the PAS concept of Hudud is according to Qur’an or Hadith or both. If so, please quote the firman, if Hadith, please say the reliability or “sahih” they say.

      I read that there are about one million Hadith. Bukhari alone collected about 600,000 Hadiths, remembered only about 200,000 by heart, and his Book of Hadiths contains less than 6,000 Hadiths. So, how to remember so many Hadiths, and which to place more significance beyond those that came from the Sahabah or the Prophet’s friends.

      Is it possible some so-called Ulamas simply say a few things and claim them Hadith? Are the kafir-mengkafir “fatwas” based on Hadith?


  2. PAS talking about implementing Hudud in Kelantan is all rhetoric and hoo haa. The Police is a Federal government body and goes by the existing laws that are contradictory to Hudud in many instances, like cutting limbs and stoning people to death. Until and unless the Federal Government agrees to it, Hudud simply cannot be implemented. Many laws of the country need to be changed if Hudud is to be implemented.

    And how can the Federal government agree to it when DAP, PAS’ own partner, does not agree to Hudud, Lim Kit Siang saying “Never”, Karpal Singh saying “Over my dead body.” PAS should first get DAP to agree, then the other non-Muslims might agree – if Karpal and Kit Siang are dead.

    As I see it, DAP will never agree. It’s their bread and butter issue, the issue they have been banking on for getting the non-Muslims to vote them. Even the MCA and Gerakan, partners of UMNO, oppose Hudud, to get Chinese support. And continuously drive a wedge between DAP and PAS over Hudud.

    But, if PAS decides to join UMNO in the protection of the rights and the promotion of the interests of the Malays and Islam, maybe some things can be worked out.


    • ” if Karpal and Kit Siang are dead”? Looks like Kit Siang and Karpal will be around some more on this earth.
      The good die young, those two will die very old.

      Unless many people sembahayang hajat on them. Then again, God may not makbulkan – Nik Aziz’s brother Imamkan sembahayang hajat mintak KO UMNO, KO UMNO – yet UMNO won 89 seats at PRU13, even better than PRU12, hehe.


  3. what actually is the philosophy of PAS? Do they have a philosophy, in the first place? Looks like they are a confused lot. The Ulamas want Hudud, the Erdogans not. The Uamas want kalimah Allah be used only by Muslims, the Erdogans not. The Ulamas want Hadi as PM, the Erdogans not – they want Anwar.

    The so-called liberals want to follow Anwar but they are scared that LBGT rights that Anwar want might push off PAS supporters. They already got the lowest number of seats among the Pakatan component parties at PRU13. They got even less seats than they had at PRU12.

    How can they be PM if Pakatan gets to Putrajaya? Yet there are fellows at the PAS Muktamar last weekend wanting PAS to be dominant in Pakatan. How to be dominant when you have the lowest number of seats in Parliament?

    Yes, a confused lot they are.


  4. One finds it hard to comprehend the fiasco that looms behind the rhetoric and the reality of the Pakatan realpolitik. For one thing, the coalition is being led by a chronic sodomizer with probable associations to the Lahad Datu invasion, but also PAS deputies who have had publicly-acknowledged illicit sexual relations outside of marriage. I am no scholar but it seems to my meagre intelligence that these so-called stewards of the hudud law themselves appear to be starkly incriminated by the force of sacred religious principles which must underline any just system of law that human beings would presume to enforce.


  5. Tahaluf syasi = berkerjasama menghadapi musuh yang sama? Apekedarahnya? Yang kata “Tidak sesekali” dan “Langakh mayat aku dulu” kapada Hudud tu bukan musuh ke? Cakap macam dah bengong aje aku tengok.

    Itu ikut sesuai politik saja lah. Political convenience, kata Inggeris. Putar belit le macam macam. Pastu ngata orang lain mutar belit pulak. Islam apekebendanya macam tu?


  6. why PAS Hudud is not the answer – especially for Malaysia:

    Yes, Saudi Arabia, uses Hudud, amputate limbs, stoning illicit sex offenders to death, etc. But hardly any other country follows that. The Talibans applied that when ruling Afghanistan but the Talibans got thrown out only after a short rule.

    Often been said – Malaysia is multi-racial. Cannot apply Hudud to Muslims and civil laws to non-Muslims. Where got fairness like that. As it is now already a bit burdensome, got Syariah courts, got civil law courts and in certain cases, civil laws supersede syariah laws.

    To apply Hudud, the whole legal system got to be changed, so many laws got to be amended. Injuring people by cutting limbs, stoning to death etc got to be made legal.

    But most important of all, PAS not been able to persuade the non-Muslims to agree to Hudud used in the country for everybody. They’ll never agree. Even talk of Hudud for Muslims only, they don’t believe, don’t trust. If they will migrate to other countries, fine, but they won’t. Because they believe Hudud will never be used in Malaysia. Even if PR wins Putrajaya, DAP always said Hudud implementation must be discussed first, meaning they will object. So PAS will never get Hudud in Malaysia by teaming up with DAP.


  7. At their Muktamar last weekend, PAS passed a resolution to review the tahaluf siyasi (political cooperation) with its partners PKR and DAP. The resolution was approved without debate. It was was proposed by the Dewan Ulama,

    PAS has appeared to heed the calls from the party conservatives. Whether the Ulama faction within PAS is now in control of the party or not is not important. What is important is what it will lead to.

    Of course the Erdogan faction will try their utmost, backdoor, whatever, to get a review favourable to their wants of continuing the tripartite cooperation, of winning Putrajaya with Anwar at the helm. Interesting to note that it was Husam Musa, the Vice President, who proposed that Hadi be PM candidate for PR. Who exactly will do the reviewing and in what format we do not know. Will someone write a paper, then discuss it at a meeting at their Jawatan Kuasa Pusat is yet to be seen.

    The tone of Hadi’s statements post-Muktamar has been conciliatory, indicating his preference for a continuance of the Pakatan existence, hoping he’d be PM if they ever reach Putrajaya. But, who knows the will of God. Maybe by a stroke of God’s will, those angered by what transpired and were uttered at the Muktamar, whatever, suddenly heighten into acrimonious whacking and wanking leading to a decision to beak up? Wishful thinking, eh? But remember, God sometimes works in mysterious ways!

    Whoever thought Mat Sabu would win the Deputy President post again? The usually chirpy fellow appeared desperate, tersonyap, gigil lutut, quiet and sullen-looking when appearing beside Hadi at press conferences throughout the Muktamar, not uttering a word and reportedly looking down most of the time. And how many in PAS thought he would lose his seat at PRU13?


    • Boleh ke Hadi jadi PM? Ada 2 Timbalan PM ke? Anwar sorang darinya? Anwar buat keputusan, Hadi cap jari aje ke? Atau Lim Guan Eng heboh kesana kesini mengekor Hadi, nak tentukan jangan buat atau kata apa apa selain dari yang DAP mau?

      Nizar Menteri Besar Sekejap di Perak dulu kena buat gitu. Diekor dek DAP Nga & Ngeh ke sana sini.


  8. Hah, “So, what is the philosophy of PAS? Opposite attracts? Tahaluf siyasi? Do as you are told, not as what we do? Hudud? Islam? Masochism? Power? Stupidity?”

    I like that last one – stupidity. The least is cakap tak serup bikin. Yes, you UMNO people are lousy – don’t want Hudud. But we like DAP – only the Advisor Lim Kit Siang and the Chairman Karpal Singh don’t want Hudud. The rest are not lousy – they don’t say they don’t want Hudud. We simply don’t hear them say it. We choose not to hear. So said the stupid PAS people.


  9. Saya pun selalu tertanya tanya apa sebabnya orang PAS memikir dan bertindak saperti yang mereka lalukan selama ini. Mulanya, beberapa orang UMNO yang tak puas hati dengan UMNO memperjuangkan Islam telah keluar dari UMNO, menubuhkan Parti Islam Semalaya, PAS.

    OK lah, nakkan rakyat hormatkan Islam sebagai “Agama Persekutuan ini” diPerkara 3 Perlembagaan. Banyak telah dilakukan. Undang undang mentadcbir agama Islam telah di perkanunkan oleh Parlimen, Jabatan Agama Islam ditubuhkan ditiap negeri, Majlis Fatwa Negara diadakan bagi memutuskan apa apa yang yang tidak nyata dan menjadi isu diantara puak puak agama Islam, Raja Raja Melayu sebagai Ketua Agama di tiap negeri berRaja, kuasa saperti itu diperuntukkan dinegeri negeri yang tak berRaja,

    Tapi apa hal mereka di PAS tak mahu ikut itu semua? Apa lagi mereka mahu? Kalimah Allah pun jadi isu, suatu puak PAS bolehkan bukan Islam gunakan, satu puak tidak. Penghabisnya, timbul isu Hukum Hudud. Macam macam hujah telah dikeluarkan. Mereka diPAS pun ada puak yang mahu Hudud dilaksanakan, ada puak yang tak mahu, malahan buang konsep Negara Islam dan Hudud di Muktamar 2012. Lepas tu puak lain pungut lagi.

    Apa nak kata lagi? Depa dah bengong. Dung dang dung dang, marah UMNO. Saya ahli UMNO pun tak. Ahli apa pun tak. Tapi meluat nengok telagak PAS nih. Cakap terus terang aje di petang Jumaat nih.


  10. Wahai orang orang PAS
    Sedarlah oleh kamu
    Perlu kita usahakan kaum Melayu lebih selesa bernafas
    Sesak nafas kita jika naik kaum ultra kiasu

    Kalau nak merasa Putrajaya
    Lebih cepat kalau dengan UMNO
    Tak begitu teruk nak mendapat Hudud bermula
    Ultrakiasu pujuk camno pun takkan sampai kemano

    Tidak boleh Hudud sampai bila bila, kata Kit Siang
    Langkah mayat aku dulu, kata Karpal Singh
    Teresa Kok azan Subuh pun tak boleh berkumandang
    Lim Guan Eng penggunaan kalimah Allah pun dia nak pusing


  11. The problem of Malay unity now cannot all be blamed on PAS. Anwar Al Juburi, too. In fact, Al Juburi especially. Korek sana korek sini to get votes. Ajak PAS and DAP to team up under Pakatoon. Looks like marriage of convenience only but Malay unity was split by that. Damn Al Juburi.


Astound us with your intelligence!