Socio-economy / Umno & Barisan Nasional

Shahrir : Kita bukan negara kaya (kononnya…)

KUALA LUMPUR 11 Jun – Kerajaan terpaksa mengambil langkah tidak popular dengan menaikkan harga petrol sehingga 40 peratus demi memastikan kehidupan rakyat tidak terjejas pada masa akan datang.

Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad berkata, semua pihak harus sedar dalam fenomena kenaikan harga minyak dunia yang kini hampir mencecah AS$140 setong, bebanan kewangan negara turut bertambah.

”Apa yang berlaku ini, seluruh dunia turut menerima kesan termasuk Malaysia. Kita bukanlah sebuah negara yang kaya, jadi mahu tidak mahu kita perlu berhemah dalam menguruskan kewangan kita.

”Oleh itu, kerajaan terpaksa juga menaikkan harga petrol sehingga 78 sen dan harga diesel RM1. Ini bukannya satu keputusan yang popular tetapi kita terpaksa juga melakukannya kerana kita merupakan kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab,” kata Shahrir.

What is wrong with this fella? He thinks he can hoodwink us easily? I have proof that what he said is a lie through and through. They are;

1. Launching of economic corridors totalling a trillion ringgit.

2. Spent a billion ringgit on Monsoon Cup and Crystal Mosque.

3. Bought/lease a private airbus costing millions.

4. The PM has a house in Perth costing millions of Aussie dollars.

5. Organising expensive lavish ‘soiree’ in Seri Perdana just for fun’s sake (unheard of in previous administration)

6. More than a billion ringgit was paid to compensate the cancellation of the Scenic Bridge; more than the cost of actually building it.

7. Has millions of ringgit to buy a yacht in Turkey.

8. Ministers and deputy ministers in Malaysia are rich; 10% cut of their allowance can save up to RM2 billion. Imagine if they cut it 100%? We can save RM20 billion! RM20 billion per year just to pay their entertainment allowances? We sure is a rich country…

9. Renovating Seri Perdana costing millions of ringgit. Bear in mind that Seri Perdana is off limits to public since 2005. Shhhh… Be quiet. Sultan Abdullah is sleeping.

10. Didn’t bat an eyelid when we sold MV Agusta for only €1.

11. Wang Ehsan totalling RM7 billion ringgit went to Terengganu. But had Terengganu really benefitted from it?

So there you go Shahrir. Are you sure you were telling the truth? The fact is, this government had not been responsible with the nation’s wealth. And the rakyat are left paying the mistakes for Pak Lah’s mismanagement. Ministers making this kind of statement would only anger the public even more. Do not think the people are as stupid as before.

Update (5.15pm) : Here is what being read today;

Cukai pendapatan individu mungkin dikurangkan dalam Bajet 2009

PUTRAJAYA: Kerajaan mungkin mengurangkan cukai pendapatan individu dalam Bajet 2009 bagi meringankan beban rakyat berikutan peningkatan kos sara hidup akibat harga bahan api dan makanan yang tinggi.

Menteri Kewangan II, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, berkata kerajaan menerima banyak cadangan seumpama itu daripada pelbagai pihak dan akan memberi pertimbangan sewajarnya.

“Memang ada cadangan supaya kita kaji untuk mengurangkan cukai pendapatan, ada dan kita kena lihat sama ada ia dapat dilaksanakan dalam bajet kali ini,” katanya pada sidang media selepas sesi Konsultasi Bajet 2009 Bersama Kelab Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BNBBC) di sini, semalam.

Sesi itu dipengerusikan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

As I said earlier, this would be a deadly catch 22 situation. The income of the nation will be further reduced. Anyway, the big question is, how would a decrease in personal income tax will help the ordinary folks in Malaysia? People earning less than RM2,500 per month are already exempted from paying income tax. So there is no real change from their already shrunken pockets.

What they should do regarding this tax issue is to increase the personal income tax of the real rich people (say those earning more than RM30,000 per month) and strengthen the enforcement of income tax collection (to plug any leakages or any tax evasion/avoidance). Corporate tax should be lowered especially for manufacturing companies producing food products. Have they thought things through about reducing the personal income tax? I really hope so. If not, then they are really providing the wrong solution to a particular problem.

18 thoughts on “Shahrir : Kita bukan negara kaya (kononnya…)

  1. salam…

    kalau kita miskin, naikkan minyak bererti kita memiskinkan lagi atau memufliskan orang miskin…

    kalau bertanggungjawab, kita bagi subsidi atau alternatif lain. sharir tak boleh buat apa kerana dia budak suruhan PAK LAH.


  2. One thing keeps coming to my useless mind when i saw the solutions and comments given by shahir….
    “Wayang Kulit..yeahh.”


  3. Bro JMD,

    Yet anothr spin to divert d rakyat’s anger, heheh…as mention by TS Nor, d govt will have to study it…yet jst anothr proposal and knowing PLah, he can alwiz create excuses if d times comes..reason will be its not practical as u said…heheh..wat can i say..(“,)

    Beware of PLah as he is d Messenger of d Illuminatus!!



  4. Dear JMD,

    Got this whilst googling

    The Tun Salleh Saga – an open reply to Dr Mahathir

    Checkout this comment…what do you think?


    JMD : As always, the coin has 2 sides. We shall wait for any new revelations from both sides. But please bear in mind, that article was so filled with hatred and unprofessional language that it has lost the meaning of ‘professional’ in the professor’s esteemed role as a ‘law expert’. His whole basis of argument is to put forth the notion that the Agong would have never found both letters as insulting. In my opinion, he should not based his facts as if he knows the mind of the then Agong. Sultan Iskandar is famous for following protocol and a stickler of propriety and good conduct in front of royalty. This is the Sultan who allegedly beat his caddie to death with his golf club for just chuckling when the Sultan missed a putting shot! It is unfair for the professor to just simply assume that the Sultan should not feel insulted and that TDM acted on his own and smeared the Sultan’s name by dropping his name here and then. We do not know what had happenen back then. Furthermore, the professor lamented that TDM’s article concerning the Tun Salleh Abas did not answer many more questions. To me, TDM’s blog of Tun Salleh saga may not be complete to answer all questions. If you want him to answer all questions, then the article that TDM wrote could be long and tedious to read! TDM is a simple man. He would write only the pertinent things and when he does, he would do it in a simplified and straightforward way. The rest, people should just read between the lines or use their own logic to answer any otehr questions.

    Thank you.


  5. Dear Bro;

    We’re in a deep sh*t! (sorry) What a mess.

    BTW, like your comments in saka bangsa. You’re chedet in the making. Keep it up.

    JMD : Thanks Wham. Although I don’t think I’m chedet in the making. That’s too much of an honour. When he was at my age, he had already been a doctor and an MP. While I am just a small time blogger! 🙂


  6. Pak Lah the magician, I can’t agree more. He can make things disappear. Ever wonder almost all of cabinet ministers have no balls, Dollah makes them disappear. It is amazing even the loud mouth Shahrir during Mahathir era has become a LADYBOY.


  7. Memang saya akui, negara kita mungkin tak sekaya mana.. Tetapi kenapa menteri-menteri dan Perdana menteri nak berlagak macam negara kaya..

    Kalau dah tahu negara tak kaya, pakailah proton saga aje jadi kereta rasmi pejabat, tak payahla nak beli kereta mewah… Kalau dah tahu tak kaya, kenapa gaji+elaun menteri sampai berpulu-puluh ribu? Kalau dah tahu negara tak kaya kenapa semua pegawai-pegawai kerajaan asyik berkursus dihotel-hotel mewah? Kalau tak kaya janganlah bukak aircond dalam pejabat… Macam-macam benda boleh dibuat, tetapi kenapa cuma sorang Menteri aje sedar negara tak kaya? Habis Menteri-menteri lain pulak, buat deeek aje..

    Kalau negara tak kaya, pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan kenala berusaha lebih untuk memastikan ekonomi negara terjamin, bukan setakat nak joli katak aje.


  8. JMD,

    Tujuan utama PM memilih Shahrir, MatTaib, Zaid, Nazri dan lain-lain dalam kabinetnya adalah sebab mereka-mereka ini boleh membuat kenyataan-kenyataan akhbar seperti ini. Jadi jangan lah hairan dari masa ke masa anda akan baca kenyataan – kenyataan di media massa yang berbunyi seperti budak ting 6 rendah ni. ( Saya ceduk panggilan “budak ting 6 rendah ” ni dari blog sukj ) .


  9. I think what happened to the country’s lush funds inherited from the previous administration can be summed up in the old adage “A fool and his money are soon parted”.


    Btw JMD, Is Art Harun really a professor? I may be wrong but I heard he is some sort of a consultant and/or motivational speaker. The title “professor” could be tagged on by those who had been his clients/audience.

    He didn’t correct those who used it in his comment box though. Perhaps it’s because he really is one. Such a title, whether deserved or not, naturally adds credibility to his writing since many people tend to equate academic titles with authoritative knowledge. So he may be doing an “elegant silence”. 🙂


  10. I agree with u.. there are no benefits to rakyat when government is planning to reduce income tax. People with low-income already exempted from paying income-tax. What’s the difference? Only will benefit the rich. Again, Pak Lah is making a fool decision to “reduce” rakyat’s burden especially for the poors. Thank you Pak Lah!

    Spend some times to visit my blog


  11. I read TDM’s blog every day and now I’m hooked on this one too – I appreciate how you add on details to issues at hand. Brilliant writings – keep up the good work!

    JMD : Thank you for the kind remarks. But I must confess, this kind of attention adds a wee bit of pressure on my part! 🙂 But then again, I would be more than happy if my writings can make a little difference.


  12. JMD,

    It IS making a HUGE difference.

    I love TDM like my own father. I love bangsaku, negaraku and umatku. Like you, I am absolutely sedih to the core with what’s going on back home. But I know that I have to play my part (now, more then ever and no matter how minute it is!)

    BANGUN the silent majority! BANGUN!!


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