Najib Razak / Umno & Barisan Nasional

Umno without Pak Lah; Is the struggle on the right track?

I am reluctant to write this piece since I know this will not bear well with some people who have become part of the movement that tried to revitalise Umno since PRU12 2008. And of course, I do not think that Umno members will read an insignificant pro Umno blog like this one.

Nevertheless, things have to be said as something had been gnawing at my conscience for the past two weeks. This post is going to be unique because it will be a bilingual post. English and Bahasa Melayu. Ini perlu kerana melalui penggunaan dwi-bahasa, diharap intipati artikel ini dapat memajukan apa yang tersurat dan yang tersirat.

Tun Dr Mahathir

Tun Dr Mahathir had been busy for the past month or so. More busy than usual. He had been invited by many Umno leaders to gatherings, open houses and also to forums to give speeches. This was not always the case before or after the March 2008 elections though.

Then, Tun Dr Mahathir was the man no sane Umno leaders wanted to meet lest their position in Umno or the government be in jeopardy.

Honestly, I do not like the fact that Tun is being used as a pawn in their quest to get nominations. Many Umno leaders had unashamedly clamoured around him like fruit flies in recent weeks. Where were these people when Tun wanted them the most? Nowadays, people are using his name in vain to get support and nominations. Even his presence is being exploited by the very same people who had shunned him much earlier. Tun was avoided like a plague back then.

Bak kata orang Perak, ‘getik’ sungguh melihat gelagat mereka semua. Tergedik gedik mengadap Tun.

When Zaid Ibrahim was criticising Tun by saying that there was no independence in judiciary during Tun’s time and he had intimidated judges all the time, nobody stood up and defended him. Not even Najib whom now had benefitted the most for what Tun had done for the past 2 years since 2006.

Najib, sejak kekalahan banyak kerusi Barisan Nasional tahun ini, kerap kali berkata ‘Saya tetap setia pada Pak Lah’. Berkali-kali kata-kata tersebut terhambur keluar dari mulutnya. Akar umbi merasa meluat dengan kelakuan pembesar-pembesar Umno yang cuma tahu hendak membodek ketua mereka secara keterlaluan.

Siapa yang mempertahankannya Tun sejak dari tahun 2006? Sama sekali bukan mereka di dalam Majlis Tertinggi Umno. Kalau ada pun, kenyataan mereka tidak dilaporkan di dalam media yang sememangnya berat sebelah.

Kini, mereka yang begitu lantang mengkritik Tun, telah menebalkan muka masing-masing dan berlumba-lumba mencium tangan Tun sekali lagi. Bukan setakat ahli-ahli politik sahaja. Bahkan, ahli-ahli perniagaan juga telah dilihat beratur untuk mencium tangan Tun.

Sebagai contoh, Tony Fernandes dari Air Asia. Beliau yang tidak pernah datang berjumpa Tun sejak tahun 2004, telah datang buat kali pertamanya ke rumah Tun untuk berhari raya.

I loathe people who are not ashamed with their past treatment towards Tun. They have no principles. People without principles should never be fully trusted.

Pemilihan calon calon Umno menjelang PAU 2009

A lot had been said about the Umno division meetings currently underway in the country. I find it ironic that many criticisms that had been levelled against the Umno leaders by most of the grassroots members and also by bloggers have been forgotten by the heightened state of euphoria induced through Pak Lah’s probable departure in March 2009.

Many seemed to forget the demands of the majority of Umno members prior to the establishment of the 2010 transition plan. The AGM was slotted to be in December then. We can still remember about the calls to abolish the quota system and the democratisation of Umno elections.

When Pak Lah seemed adamant about staying beyond 2010, we dared to ask him to resign. Datuk Mukhriz sent him a letter asking him to step down. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah planned to challenge the presidency post in the AGM while many of the current top Umno leaders were backing Pak Lah.

Maklumlah, mereka ketika itu belum lagi dilantik menjadi menteri di dalam kabinet. All of them were only thinking about their own survival. Their own. Not Umno’s.

And these very same people are now revelling because Pak Lah intended to step down in the end. They do not deserve any recognition for pressuring Pak Lah to expedite his departure. They did not have the initiative to do that in the first place. Only when there was a massive upheaval at grassroot level and blogospehere did these leaders started to take the cue.

Now, Umno members are presented with a delicate situation where they have to pick and choose those very same leaders who were nothing but sissies barely 6 months ago.

Najib is currently being perceived as his own man. How ironic that is.

Najib merupakan ‘orang’ Pak Lah yang paling besar di dalam Umno. Ini kerana, beliau terus menerus menyokong Pak Lah hingga lah ke saat akhir.

Muhyiddin di anggap hero kerana lantang bersuara. Akan tetapi ramai lupa bahawa Muhyiddin juga, seperti Najib, merupakan orang Pak Lah yang paling kuat menyokongnya, hinggalah pendiriannya berubah sekitar bulan Mei. Sebelum itu, Muhyiddin tidak pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mengkritik Pak Lah sebelum atau sejurus selepas pilihanraya umum 2008.

Jika hendak tahu siapa lebih dulu mengkritik Pak Lah, mereka adalah Raja Petra (sejak tahun 2005), Sang Kelembai, Ku Li, Tun Dr Mahathir, dan anaknya Datuk Mukhriz di mana Datuk Mukhriz telah menghantar surat kepada Pak Lah meminta beliau meletakkan jawatan sejurus selepas pilihanraya 2008.


Pak Lah tidak akan turun ‘takhta’ jika hanya orang-orang seperti Tan Sri Muhyiddin, Rafidah Aziz dan Shafie Afdal sahaja yang bising di dalam mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi. Ada lebih kurang 40 ahli MT ketika ini. Pak Lah menyegerakan tarikh pemindahan kuasa kerana HAMPIR KESEMUA ahli MT menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati kepada Pak Lah. Tetapi berbanding mereka yang bercakap di luar forum Majlis Tertinggi, dan bertindak biadap dengan menempelak Presiden parti di hadapan media, mereka yang ‘biadap’ bertempat tidak mendapat jolokan sebagai ‘hero’.

Umno perlu mendapat pimpinan yang serasi, dimana orang nombor 1, sentiasa dibantu oleh orang nombor 2 yang kuat bekerja dan kurang berpolitik. Seperti gandingan Tun Mahathir dan Tun Ghafar Baba. Seperti gandingan Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Tun Abdul Razak. Bukannya gandingan Tun Mahathir – Tun Musa dan Tun Mahathir – Datuk Seri Anwar.

Orang Melayu mahukan orang yang berani. Orang Melayu juga mahukan orang yang setia. Mereka juga mahukan orang yang berbudi bahasa dan bersopan.

Bagaimana jika seseorang itu berani tetapi tidak setia dan tak bersopan?

Bagaimana jika pemimpin Melayu itu cuma berani ‘menikam angin’ tetapi menjadi kecut dan terpaksa meminta maaf setelah diherdik kerana menjulang keris tradisi?

Siapa yang patut dipilih? Adakah Melayu sendiri keliru dengan apa yang mereka mahukan sebagai sifat utama pemimpin mereka?

Adakah ahli-ahli Umno peringkat bahagian tidak mahu memberi peluang kepada perwakilan untuk memilih pemimpin yang terbaik? Adakah ahli Umno tidak boleh mendapat pilihan dalam memilih Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden mereka?

Kita mengutuk Khairy dan Pemuda Umno kerana membiarkan Khairy menang tanpa bertanding di dalam tahun 2004. Adakah kita menjadi hipokrit sekarang ini?

Apakah kita lupa bahawa kita dahagakan demokrasi di dalam Umno dimana kita sendiri meminta sistem kuota dihapuskan? Siapa yang pernah meminta agar sistem kuota dihapuskan dipersilakan untuk angkat tangan. Saya pasti ada di kalangan mereka ini terdiri dari para pemimpin Umno sendiri.

Mengapa tiba-tiba kita tidak benarkan Ku Li bertanding melawan Najib? Mengapa ada usaha usaha untuk menekan dan membeli bahagian bahagian agar tidak mencalonkan orang lain selain dari Najib? Mengapa ketua-ketua jabatan di dalam kementerian-kementerian tertentu di setiap negeri ditekan kerana tidak menyokong calon-calon tertentu? Mengapa tiba-tiba kita bersembunyi disebalik sistem kuota ini hanya setelah ianya memberi kelebihan kepada kita?

Apakah gah sangat Najib dan juga Muhyiddin di persada politik tanahair dan di dalam pentadbiran negara? Apa yang telah lakukan semasa menjadi menteri besar dan juga menteri di dalam kementerian-kementerian yang pernah dijawat mereka?

Apakah ini membolehkan mereka untuk MENANG TANPA BERTANDING?

Lihatlah secara objektif dan tanpa prejudis.

Kesemua ahli Umno yang anti Pak Lah dan Khairy, telah mengalami ‘blindspot’ yang ketara kerana berpaksikan Najib dan Muhyiddin sebagai bakal nombor 1 dan nombor 2 negara. And this is achieved only through accidental circumstances. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa Najib selalu mendapat jalan mudah di dalam karier politiknya. Cuba baca blog Sakmongkol untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.

Bagi Tan Sri Muhyiddin pula, beliau hanya menjadi calon ‘favourite’ setelah beliau lantang mengkritik Pak Lah melalui media perdana. Setelah beliau melihat angin perubahan melanda begitu hebat di peringkat akar umbi. Jika mengkritik Pak Lah secara terang terangan menjadi ukuran, maka Ku Li lebih layak dari Najib untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

Jika kita hendak menjadi contoh kepada generasi yang akan datang, kita perlu konsisten dengan apa jua yang telah diperjuangkan oleh kita. Wadah perjuangan kita mestilah sentiasa konsisten agar ada kredibiliti. Jika tidak kita juga akan dicop sebagai ‘flip flop’ dan cakap tak serupa bikin.

Mempunyai pilihan untuk memilih adalah intipati sebenar demokrasi. Jika demokrasi ini tidak diberi kepada perwakilan Umno pada hari perhimpunan, maka apabila terjadi sesuatu perkara yang tidak dingini pada masa hadapan, dimana calon yang telah menang tanpa bertanding melakukan perkara yang tidak baik, maka kita juga akan mengutuk diri sendiri kerana tidak berpeluang memilih calon lain ketika waktu pengundian.

If we are afraid that umno might be divided if there is a contest, then why did we ‘terhegeh-hegeh’ wanting Ku Li to challenge Pak Lah back then?

We need to change the culture which I am afraid, is currently being reverted back to the one that we had strongly criticised not so long ago.

Berani berubah hendaklah betul betul berani untuk berubah. Jika tidak, kita nampaknya hanya berpegang kepada semangat setia sesama kawan atau ‘geng’ sendiri sahaja.

Oleh itu kepada Umno, di manakah halatuju parti ini?

57 thoughts on “Umno without Pak Lah; Is the struggle on the right track?

  1. “Kini, mereka yang begitu lantang mengkritik Tun, telah menebalkan muka masing-masing dan berlumba-lumba mencium tangan Tun sekali lagi. Bukan setakat ahli-ahli politik sahaja. Bahkan, ahli-ahli perniagaan juga telah dilihat beratur untuk mencium tangan Tun.”

    i totally agree with you on this. It is good to know that i’m not the only one who thinks that these people have no shame! Funny thing is I told my wife about how these ppl who used to critisized and avoided being associated with Tun now started to tergedik gedik mengadap Tun, and she told me “It’s no surprise lah, they’re politician! They have no shame. They would do anything to jaga their periuk nasi.” and i thought these politicians should fight for the people- yeah i’m naive like that.


  2. Salam JMD,

    Tuan Haji marah ? Jangan marah2, nanti kena jual…:)

    No holds barred article….wow ! just say it as u feel it.. patutlah senyap je 2-3 hari ni, memendam rasa rupanya.

    hmmm.. tak berani nak komen lagi, takut kena tempelak. cuma the 1st paragraph tu saya tak setuju. u are not insignificant, and u shouldnt be reluctant to air ur real thoughts.. ever again. This is what a blog is supposed to be… u have my support !


  3. Susah susah sangat, UMNO kekalkan semula Paklah sebagai Presiden dan PM sehingga 10 tahun lagi, biarlah Paklah saja buat reform sejati dengan beberapa koridor lagi…hahahahahahaha

    Apa yang terbaik untuk UMNO sedang dirintis selepas berombak dan tsunami dalam tempoh 5 tahun ini, hasilnya kita akan lihat 5 tahun juga lagi, kenapa kurang sabar..

    JMD : Umno tidak ada masa untuk menunggu 5 tahun lagi kerana ketika itu, pilihanraya umum akan diadakan. Jika Umno tidak berubah untuk menjadi ‘resilient’ melalui kepimpinan yang bijak dan bersih, maka jangan harap BN akan menang di dalam PRU13 itu nanti. Saya khuatir apabila usaha kita di dalam mengubah Umno menjadi longlai kerana Pak Lah akan bersara. Longlai kerana memikirkan kemenangan sudah dikecapi.
    Yang sebenarnya, tujuan asal kita sejak dua tiga tahun dulu adalah untuk mengeluarkan kanser di dalam Umno agar ia akan menjadi kuat semula. Tidak cukup dengan persaraan Pak Lah sahaja.
    Terima kasih.


  4. Assalamualikum JMD,

    Rintihan on TDM – Masalah orang Melayu sekarang yang begitu cepat bertukar arus, contohnya bila AI melaungkan salakannya, ramai yang mengikut membuta tuli, bila AAB terjaga dari lelapnya, ramai yang mengangguk …. Masalah orang Melayu sekarang semakin tebal kulitnya, semasa kalah sabung menang sorak, menempelak TDM kerana bersuara, semasa DMM bersuara, ramai mencaci kerana terasa terhina, bila AAB surrender, ramai menjilat ludah sendiri.

    Rintihan on Pemilihan Calon – Melayu sepatutnya bertulang belakang, janji mesti dipegang dan suara bukan boleh sebarang. Pemimpin Melayu sekarang lack of quality, minda lebih kepada ekonomi diri.

    Jadi disini Cicit Dang Rombeh ingin memohon supaya Melayu kembali menjadi bangsa yang tinggi, dihormati dan jatidiri. Ingatlah Melayu adalah bangsa yang begitu berbudi bahasa, beradat, tetapi jangan cuba mengambil kesempatan kerana Melayu juga boleh memeranjatkan ….


  5. Brother.

    Ini pun you nak hairan? Bukankah ini cerita lama macam cerita Hang Tuah dan Hang Jebat? Mengapa Hang Tuah tak terus bunuh Raja Melaka? Setia bodoh buta tuli.
    Mengapa Bendahara sorok Hang Tuah. Setia kat depan kat belakang buat lain. Inilah politik Melayu. Melayu do what Melayu does.

    So thats why Jebat Must Die – with many innocent others that he killed.

    JMD : Sila baca

    Terima kasih.


  6. Dear JMD,
    Thank you for saying what I have been thinking and saying at my own small circle ( unfortunately tak fofular) . Memang menyampah tengok yg ‘gedik’ dan terhegeh-hegeh tu. Where were they when Tun M were shunned pegi sembahyang kat Masjid Putra atau pegi ke majlis2 masa 2005/06 ?? Cuma kita rakyat2 jelata dan tak memegang kepentingan je yang berani pergi salam , berkerumun kat dia nak sembang ngan dia.
    Saya begitu sedih bila Tun berkata, “Orang nak jumpa saya pun takut sekarang nie”, This was the man who have headed the country for 22 years and whatever you may say about him you can not deny the overwhelming good that he has done in comparison to very few small blips(manusia mana yg tak buat salah). This is a good man, a GREAT man that has done sooo much for the country, M’sia will never see the like of his caliber for a long,long time and was treated that way and what does that teach our youngs and kids?? That they can discard whatever when the use is gone?? Tak mengenang budi punya manusia!!!
    Sekarang nie suddenly, Tun is soo in baru semua nak gi mengadap. Manusia macam Tony Fernandez dan rakan2 menteri yg perangai sama tu memang macam kata org tua.. kalau jumpa dia ngan ular…pukul dia dulu!! Bosann!!
    On a more urgent note, other than Datuk Mukhriz ( memang tak leh nak gi calon Presiden) and Ku Li(kesiannn dia di perguna masa nak cakap ja..), we the people have not had the exposure to those who have worked and yg lantang besuara due to the media manipulation. So how the masses to understand the situation?


  7. Dearest JMD,

    “I loathe people who are not ashamed with their past treatment towards Tun. They have no principles. People without principles should never be fully trusted.”

    I loathe them too. Once bitten twice shy. Very the lalang.. and these lalang shud be poured “round up” now before it eat up our tanaman…

    I thought I was the only one memendam rasa marah to the politician, I guess many people too… hmmmm

    May Allah bless you and you family always.


  8. It is not the nature of the beast? The victorious hailed and the loser brushed aside. A friend in need is a friend indeed! I guess we have heard all these before but ‘manusia mudah lupa’ and we will always need parents and friend to remind us.

    When TDM stepped down many had suspected that the people will move on to find new patrons. Maybe many did not expect the scale of which it will happen and the manner he was treated. But people to expect that when you relinquish your seat of power, people will leave. This is true not just for TDM. The same is also true for DSAI. When he was up there, everyone kisses his feet (or butt whichever you prefer). When he was sent to jail, very few came. When March 2008 came and he is once again a hero, you see all kind of people lining up to kiss their ‘hero’.

    Yes you can say that these are politicians without principles. The again, even during the time of the prophet PBUH, when he ordered his people not to leave their post in the battle of Uhud, they did exactly the opposite when they thought they had won the battle. Is it wrong or is it just the nature of the beast? My two sens worth, lets not delve too much into it. I’m not saying that we should ignore it entirely, but we should not let it pull us down. Let’s steer our emotion and intelligence more on figuring how best to guide the people to the right path while accepting them as they are. And to do this, we need a leader who understand, take heed of the pitfalls, have a vision and principle to lead the flock.

    I have always been concerned about UMNO and its historical baggage. How do you address the petty bribes at the members level, to mega projects at higher seats? It is sad when we talk about the party we cannot seem to run away from money politics. It is sad and shameful but yet i don’t see and earnest effor to tacle this. And I do believe this is one of the main reason why many young aspiring malays detest the party and prefer PAS for example. If we can even handle this how do we expect a principled mass to vote only the right person, no flip flopping, no double standards? I don’t know the answer and I can understand why TDM said in his interview before leaving the party’s presidency that he had failed to change the malays.

    Some suggest that we have focused to much on matrial development and has overlooked the moral growth of our people. There were people whom had once justified PakLah when he first took office saying that PakLah would do well for us to relook at our softer side. Well we know that that is history whenther he succeded or not.

    I do agree that we should have a more open debate for all the post in UMNO. There should not be a preference of one person over another without having a good debate for everyone to see and know if the candidate do have the mattle to deliver. Everyone should have a fair chance. But how do we achieve this? Realistically with the existing system, can one person change it? Can the member convene a meeting to pas resolutions? We know the naswer to that. All parties (without exceptions) tends to be dominated by individuals. A strong individual will make things happen, for better or worst. It is not ideal but that’s seem to be the way as it is now.

    Yeah we can have a good debate on KuLi and other aspiring candidate. I’m sure TDM would also like that but in my opinion I believe he is also being pragmatic by throwing his support on someone that has the best chance to see it through. For all of us, our contribution should always be hopefully that active minority that influence the party for the better, in every little way we can.


  9. Saw this one after I have submited earlier comments;

    Hopefully they are serious and take some concrete actions for the better. One would have wished that the task force that undertook this kind of effort would go grassroot and meet party members, get their opinion, concensus, mobilized the party members to participate and genuinely believe in what they are trying to do is for the best for the party, peole and this beloved nation.


  10. Dear JMD

    Definitely agree with you. Gejala ‘politik cari makan’ ni memang memualkan. Tak ubah macam lalang. Tengok jer orang semua cenderung hentam Tun, dia orang pun tumpang hentam dan buat komen berapi-api. Tengok orang cenderung support Tun semula, dia orang pun tumpang sekaki nak cium tangan Tun.

    As for PAU, media banyak sangat dimanipulasi dan menonjolkan calon tertentu. Kita disogokkan fakta salah, akhirnya ‘the pussy’ becomes ‘the Hero’ (macam abg hunus keris kita + cousin nyer) and ‘the Hero’ becomes ‘the villain’ (malang bagi Ku Li).

    Hopefully, without Paklah UMNO is really on the right track. Kalau tak, bak kata orang, “keluar mulut harimau masuk mulut buaya.”


  11. dear jmd. i’ll try to be serious this time.

    i agree with you to a certain extent. again taking example from my working environment, i’m the no 2 and i have a no 1 boss. often times he’s the judge and i’m the trusted executioner.

    i’ve carried out his instructions without slight hesitation. why? cause he always discuss with me privately before issuing any orders pertaining to the operation and management of this company. therefore those orders were carried out with consensus.

    most of the times he wins an argument..but i do get my fair share on several occasions when my justifications and deliberations were spot on. especially when it involves the well being of my fellow colleagues.

    i’m very passionate about getting them the best working environment, knowledge on certain subjects and skills needed to perform their job. only when the company gives them what they need to fully function will i have the bullets to whack them when they don’t :). n i do that with my no 2 as well.

    after all..if the big boss is being fair to me, why should i be less than that with others?i don’t think i’m that hypocrite.

    therefore the rest of the subordinates sees me as a strong supporter of the numero uno..and at the same time as someone who can champion their cause and a friend.

    subtlety is the order of the day. we have to be very carefull in respect to how we manage the organization. address any discontent immediately. find a solution to a problem immediately. do branstorming. and don’t forget to hang out with them in mamak stalls or treat them to movies once a while.

    when they feel the boss is approachable trust me, they will perform better. when you respect someone, you wouldn’t even dare to think to let that person down isn’t? you’ll do anything in your power to get the job done.

    but of course some boundaries can’t be crossed. that goes without saying. bak kata jmd..pull pull didnt split and flour didnt spill.

    with that being said..i don’t know whether other commentators or even jmd himself would have agreed, bear in mind that i had, at certain points of time in my long and winding career in business development, somehow or rather touched base with most of these high ranking personnel during my course of work. so my selection of no 2 is with some basis, for what is worth anyway.

    i would have to say DS Ali Rustam is the best candidate for the the post of TPM. although some might question the qualities he has a a leader. tsk. he’s not perfect i know. he’s not known to be exceptionally bright, though i suspect a hint of intelligence underneath that towering exterior. or was i mistaken?heheh

    but for what he lacks in, he surrounds himself with capable and able advisors and working team. i’ve met one of his IT advisors in a mamak restaurant in MITC during those days installing DRC. impressive chap. a bit huge but has a cute smile :). n i thought i was good at what i was doing. humbling experience. heheh. sorry ter’deviate’ a bit.

    So ladies/gentlemen, as for me, the most important quality the prime minister of malaysia sorely needs right now is a hardworking no 2.

    and DS Ali has that.

    time is of the essence people. No 1 must have the brain, but the no 2 needs to be the working horse. i believe DS Ali is that, for lack of a better word.

    he will work himself to ‘death’ and bring along his whole crew with him just to get what should have been done, being done.

    yours sincerely,


    p/s: I’m just exercising my rights to express my thought here. i know someone will remark on a certain dude from india getting a certain recognition from melaka. it’s no longer funny ok? sheesh..

    majority goes for ts muhyidin i know. but i see him well suited for the no 1 post, but i guess that didn’t happen.

    my concern is this. when he becomes no 2, he’ll overshadow the PM and i pray he’ll not become darth vader who is powerful but remain loyal to the emperor, but given the opportunity, will force choke his master without batting his eyelids..if he has them. can’t see underneath the mask.

    remember what master yoda said..strong the darkside is. may the force be with all of us.


    JMD : The roti telur bawang plus its kari kambing in that mamak restaurant near MITC was so good it made me have high blood pressure sometimes 🙂 Thank you for the comment.


  12. Salam sdr jmd,

    Based on your assumption, observation and conclusion which I could not agree more , there is nobody left in the present MT UMNO that can be elected or selected since all of them are known to kau taw to the present PM. Thus may be the old saying is true that the known devil is better than the unknown angel. Or maybe its the best of all devils !?


    JMD : It saddens me that good leaders were left outside the electoral circle during the divisional meetings due to their inability to garner votes. These Umno members can be good leaders. Being good means, they do not want to indulge in money politics.

    Hence, the ravenous grassroot members chose the more wealthy but a lesser version of umno members as their leaders.

    A predicament. This money politics culture cannot be change if the behavior of the umno members from the grassroot levels all the way to the top cannot be turned to the better. In order to change bahaviour, the belief system and attitude need to be altered first. Only then we can see the shifting of behavior and in the end, the overall culture will change too.

    Hopefully, the new elected leader especially Datuk Mukhriz can find a way to change their belief system and their attitude via educating them persistently and rigourously.

    Thank you.


  13. kali ni aku sokong JMD

    kesian kat tengku razali

    nanti orang anggap Dr M tipu Ku Li lagi, silap2 Ku Li join PR

    sistem kuata mesti dihapuskan, kalau itu yang diperjuangkan sebelum ni

    jangan disebabkan kawan rapat / kroni dah dapat percalonan secukupnya maka didiamkan isu ini.


  14. 1.why is that Ali Rustam’s name not mentioned in the posting yet he is the candidate for VP post?
    2. WHy must Muhyiddin get the blame for only “melawan arus selepas mendengar akar umbi” since march/my XX?

    Keep up the good work n honestly enjoy reading ur posting !


  15. Bismillah,

    Bro jmd, ekau ni memang berani lah. Memang ekau ni sanggup menongkah arus. Mano ekau dapek power tu?

    I got the gist of the thread, but looking back at the title I am not sure what you really want to put through. Or is it some kind silat where the moves camouflage the real intention? :).


  16. JMD,

    Pardon my ignorance. Just curious, has the party been this way since the day it was formed?

    What is the struggle really about and why the leadership crises over the years? Is there no other way for a leader to rise or be chosen without all the politicking and feudal patronage.

    If this is business as usual, and part of the cultural heritage of the party and the Malay people in general, then we shouldn’t be alarmed and let things go on and take its course.

    So that the people not directly involved can just sit back and watch the process without getting emotional and all.

    JMD : No. Umno was not like this when it was first established. As you may know, all the problems stem from the corruptive struggle for power. All powerful political parties anywhere in the world, throughout history were afflicted with this kind of disease.

    It is okay if the citizenry is homogenous But in a multifaceted society like Malaysia, this could lead to disastrous outcome.

    Thank you.


  17. Salam JMD

    Do u really think that UMNO could change? Even Tun himself admitted that he failed……

    The struggle to modernise the thinking of the malay will take years or even decades to achieve especially in the rural heartlands but the thinking process of UMNO members must change in the immediately term and this may require a shock theraphy to instill the 10 principles in which u wrote previously….who dares to rise to the occassion……none i see in the current lineup …by simply deducting the number of years they have benefited from the existing system……n extrapolating the numbers of year they would probably want to stay on……

    Are they any serious Malay thinkers to champion the diverse malay needs? What we are seeing is opportunistic fly by night operators such as AI maximising the ‘gap’ for his own (n sponsor’s) agenda…..

    Did we hear any serious intellectual rebuttal to the so called Ketuanan Rakyat ideology from any of the Malay “leaders”? It finally took the Council of Rules to put a plug to the “discussion” under the virtue of national interest…to me it made no sense as its already spelt out in our constitution…unless one plans to rewrite…. (by the way think u did quite a sweet job in providing counter arguments..well done)

    Are we all Malay first malaysian second..or Islam First then the rest follows..what are the great inspirations of the malay race….? or are we to embroiled in our tiny little world to care to look around on the plight of our bangsa…..

    A fren of mine..once went to an UMNO meeting he’s a CEO of a local co, he said as a proffesional you are not welcomed at all into UMNO…..existing power-brokers in the grassroot see an incoming challenge n makes sure u feel unwelcomed……….”Public Malay Forums” are different , people may be able to articulate new ideas in an intellectual discourse…..but after the forum ends.. you’re back to square one into the UMNO meeting…..

    So to the few thousands of UMNO delegates who will decide the incoming line-up….dont sell yourself cheap la please…… actually dont sell your self at all…..get those who want to lead to convince the people you respresent that he/she is the right person to do the job……not just sweet talking rhetorics but a clear plan of action for the plight of the malays…..

    Are gonna get badawied again this time around?


  18. Salam, JMD
    An excellent piece. To be relevant UMNO must really change. This change journey will be hazardous. The incumbents might not even attempt the journey. So what hope do we have? As an example , look at the bodek culture. Is there any shame displayed? Look at what they did to Tun DM. This change is about values. Has UMNO the right value system? Tepok dada tanya selera.


  19. Salam JMD,

    It’s always a pleasure reading your blog. Please do not stop writing just becauase you feel like your views and opinion do not matter. It does to some people!

    I totally agree with what you have written. It’s not gedik… but more of ‘pathetic’..

    btw.. you shouldn;t be too upset lah bro.. after all Liverpool is still joint leader!! hehehe… YNWA

    JMD : In the late 90’s, right before Umno AGM (can’t remember which year), Tan Sri Megat Junid wrote a book called ‘Getik’. Quite a good read. It draws out the destructive culture Umno was having at that time. Thank you.


  20. dear JMD,

    is it not tiring having to deal with people who refused to learn?

    saya hanya cuma bersedia untuk bermandikan darah sahaja. tidak ada apa2 yang dapat menghalang this bloody procession from happening. we’re just buying time.

    najib? muhiyiddin?

    oh my. is that the only good & honest malays we’ve left with?

    anwar? DAP?

    PKR? PAS?

    UMNO? don’t let me get started.

    siapa yg peduli ttg nasib orang kebanyakan spt sy dan terutamanya org2 miskin di seluruh tanahair?


  21. Salam JMD,

    Rasanya momentum started when Tun had had his own blog in May. Prior to that , we could not access his thought . Everything started when he put his thoughts in writing and thus Muhyidin also changed his stand. Most of us were in limbo on what to do. We don’t want Anwar and we could not do anything. Only Tun, managed to change the scenario while only using his blog. He leads us and educate us. That is why Pak Lah and Gang are so afraid of him. From his blog, we could access other blog who are in aggreement with him. This is also how I leant about your blog and so many others. The momentum gets going and Pak Lah and gang are beginning to sense that now

    Pen is mightier than a sword. It is so true if the pen is used articulately by a brave leader such as Tun.

    Thank you JMD.


  22. Wal hasil balik asal, wal asal balik hasil….we are back to square one! This is “TYPICAL UMNO” attitude…sorry guys, bukan nak ngutuk, but then, this term is quite popular among KLiers if someone behave exactly as per what JMD wrote above. Golden opportunities is laid right upon our eyes to right the wrong, to get rid of all those makhluk perosak dalam parti. Tapi belum apa2, ramai yang dah lupa dah?? Tak kesian kah dengan anak-anak dan generasi akan datang? Jangan sampai ini adalah kali terakhir kuasa melayu berada ditangan.
    Look at what are the demands and all those voices that coming out from MCA, MIC, GERAKAN…..they are singing in the same tune with DAP and alikes. Kenapa orang2 dalam UMNO yg berkedudukan dlm parti nie masih tak sedar-sedar lagi???
    Though I’m no more in umno, deep, deep down inside I do still love umno. People don’t hate umno, they just hate those bloody parasite inside umno, the one that thinking about nothing except their tembolok!!
    Nak buat camana en. shaifudin, jangankan kata marah kena jual…kalau tak marah langsung semua tergadai!


  23. Salam JMD,
    Apa yang saudara katakan di sini memang ada benarnya, terutama pasal “blindspot” oleh mereka-mereka yang anti-pak lah. Akan tetapi, secara langsung keadaan demikian turut membuktikan yang UMNO memang ketandusan kepimpinan (terutamanya kepimpinan muda).
    Sekarang ini kebanyakkan kita hanya bercakap tentang politik nasional saja (terutamanya pihak media). Tapi JMD, politik peringkat Bahagian, malah Cawangan sekali pun tak kurang hebatnya (cuma tak masuk surat khabar je). Kalau di peringkat cawangan pun dah ada “politik yang terlampau” macam mana nak menarik orang muda. Di peringkat bahagian dan cawangan pun selalunya “the best men don’t win”. Kalau nak bersandarkan bakat semata-mata.. memang putih mata le. Sebab tu saya rasa ramai anak muda yang “give up” dengan UMNO, ikut parti lain atau yang paling ramai sekali “duduk atas pagar”. Sebenarnya memang banyak anak melayu yang ada bakat kat luar dan dalam UMNO. Jadi saya rasa “akar umbi” pun patut berubah, berilah peluang pada yang berkebolehan dan didiklah mereka.

    Berbalik pada hal Najib dan Muhyiddin, saya tak rasa keduanya paling bagus untuk kedua jawatan tertinggi tu. Tapi siapa lagi yang kita ada?

    Ali Rustam?
    Kalau Muhyiddin bukan antara orang pertama menentang pak lah dan Hishammuddin “menikam angin”…dia ni mulut berkumat-kamit pun tak. Tapi awal lagi dah umum bertanding timbalan presiden.

    Setia? orang yang tak praktikan prinsip rukun negara no. 2 berani kata “utamakan setia”. Menurutnya dia tak pernah lawan bos, tapi pada hakikatnya dia pernah lawan Sultan. Bandingkan pertandingan jawatan timbalan presiden dengan peperiksaan STPM (risau saya dengan pemimpin kita yang tak pandai cakap macam ni, itu baru dalam bahasa ibunda).

    Isa Samad?
    Di dapati bersalah amal politik wang oleh UMNO sendiri. Hmm! setakat ni belum ada yang didapati bersalah politik wang dan berjaya buat “comeback”. Hatta, Chua Soi Lek pun rasanya tak boleh buat “comeback” kalau pasal politik wang.

    Zahid Hamidi?
    Tak pernah jadi menteri sebelum ni, ada problem dengan Dr. M dan bekas proksi Anwar. Kita dah lihat macam mana susahnya hidup orang yang ada masalah dengan Dr. M. Jadi kalau di naikkan pun susah nanti UMNO disebabkan faktor M dan A tadi.

    Hishammuddin, Shafie Afdal?
    Mereka ni semua belum lagi teruji sepnuhnya walaupun boleh dikatakan muda. Tapi kalau ikut umur politik, dah tua juga.

    Hishammuddin memang tak patut minta maaf pasal keris (entah kenapa orang melayu ni suka minta maaf ye?). Tapi apa nak buat, bos-bos dia pun kaki minta maaf; Pak Lah minta maaf pada China (pasal kes video wanita warga China yang kononya dipaksa berbogel oleh polis), Najib minta maaf pasal perkataan “pendatang”.

    Shafie pulak orang Sabah. Tapi bukan orang Sabah tak layak. Tapi boleh ke orang semenanjung bagi sokongan kat dia? Boleh ke dia “earn the support and respect” dari orang semenanjung?

    Harapan saya semuga UMNO kembali kuat selepas era Pak lah.



  24. You did not say anything about Tengku Razaleigh. He is one of the first to criticize AAB. Despite their past, he had neutrally supported Tun Mahathir critism against AAB.

    JMD : You are correct. Thank you.


  25. Dear JMD,

    I totally agree with your view on ‘Pemilihan calon calon Umno menjelang PAU 2009’ topic. Najib is not the best and the only choice we have for PM post.

    However, I cannot fully agree with you when you critisize those people who always change with the wind or so-called ‘no principles’. As politician, one must know and follow where the wind is going in order for one to survive in politics. A good politician also must be able to act before the wind start to change direction. What TSMY did was a good example of good politician. But whether TSMY will become a good leader or TPM depends on how much he is willing to sacrifice for rakyat.


    JMD : You are right when you had differentiated the fact between a politician and a leader. There ARE differences between them. Politicians are mostly selfish. Leaders are mostly righteous.

    But to jumped in the bandwagon and gave Tun a tongue lashing as if he was a little boy was bordering very ‘kurang ajar’ and very crude. There is always a way to go about that. But they never did the right thing. They could see him privately when he started criticising the govt and resolve the matters that troubling him. Tun gave a valid criticisms of the way the govt had managed the country and its weaknesses. They should have heeded them. In the end, PRU12 went by and the lost is due to several weaknesses the cabinet failed to overcome.

    Thank you.


  26. Salaam JMD

    I’m an outsider when come to UMNO. Never understand how the party works and how it manage to “inspire” malays. Regardless of what have been revealed in the past that shows the ugliness of malay’s politic, the malays still wooing UMNO. Macam kerbau dicucuk hidung.

    Tak boleh ke orang melayu ni berperanan seperti Jebat sekali sekala? Raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah?

    Bukan nak bersifat kurang ajar, tapi bersifat mengajar. Pemimpin melayu bukan semua pandai-pandai. Banyak yang bahlul wal bedebah! Yang terlebih pandai pun ada, sampai boleh tutup mata orang UMNO dengan “karisma” dan status menantu. Kerja takde tapi duit berpuluh juta.

    Bak kata periwira mat gila: “Ada duit semua boleh jadi…”

    I was so awed by what Tun Dr, Mahathir said in his blog…: ” Sell your vote today and that will be the end of your UMNO politics.”

    Dear Tun, I tend to like you now, but I despise you then.

    Good job JMD.


  27. Dear Jebat,

    I am, for one, am sympathetic towards Pak Lah. He started off his premiership with full of hope but for one very small mistake which eventually led to his downfall… his decision to acquiesce with certain family members on the composition of officers that were to serve him before his ascension to power.

    Pak Lah is a good guy and I say this based on my personal relationship with him. I have had the pleasure of making his acquaintance just before he supported Team B in that epic battle between Tun Dr Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh. I remembered meeting him at his house after the whole debacle was over. The man was gardening and he plucked a rose and said: “See… how easy it is to remove something beautiful… That is my life for now…”

    Since then, Abdullah became lackluster. During his three years and a few months of political exile, he had an office at Menara Tun Razak, off Jalan Raja Laut. But he was definitely not a businessman. Suffice to say, had he continued to be in business, he would have been a disaster.

    But fortune favoured him when he was returned as the VP of Umno. Tun Dr Mahathir seemed to have acknowledged that Pak Lah is not without a power base and whether it is grudgingly or not, Tun then appointed him as Foreign Minister. I believe Pak Lah was effective as a Foreign Minister, where he succeeded in pushing Tun Dr Mahathir’s agenda on Bosnia and Somalia. Due to credit must be given to Pak Lah who was tireless in his efforts to carry out the orders of Tun then.

    Now, the way I see it, Pak Lah’s failure in administering the country stemmed from the coterie of advisors who themselves were ill-advised. The first time when I had gone to the PM’s Department to visit some friends there, I was shocked to see the number of youngsters holding senior posts. Can you imagine those barely or just past 30 years of age holding post as special officers. Imagine Dato’ Hamidah, Tan Sri Hashim Makaruddin, Dato Zakaria Wahab who had served in various capacities in Tun’s office, these young yahoos were actually doing the same. Probably they are smart but they are not street smart.

    Of course, these coterie of officers, special or otherwise, had in turn formulated disastrous policies for the government. If I am not mistaken, these bunch of yahoos insisted that the Government appointed independent consultants, such as Bina Fikir, McKinsey (correct me if there is a spelling mistake), to advise the government. Strange isn’t it, independent private contractors are given full access to the government. At one point of time, I believe these consultants even have offices within the Prime Minister’s Department. Whether this is right or not, Pak Lah had paid the price.

    Another matter which needs to be raised is the inability of his young advisers to set trends… These ill-advised advisers were reactionary, like a fire brigade. I don’t think they have ever heard of the term “prevention is better than cure”. For instance, take the VW-Proton negotiations. It fell apart after the last negotiation in New York. It makes you wonder doesn’t it, why negotiations between a Malaysian and a German automotive companies must take place in the US of A. Furthermore, negotiations were headed (I must stress on this) by an officer who is a lawyer by training and knows nuts about the automotive industry (except when to buy cars). This person is also in the employ of Pak Lah, prior to that he was serving another minister.

    This has led me to believe that people surrounding Pak Lah were the cause of his downfall. Pak Lah was blinkered and suffering from the Maharajah syndrome… This syndrome was prevalent when many parts of India were ruled by Rajahs, who depended on their advisers on the affairs of their fiefdom. These advisers, more keen to protect their self-interest, would report that everything is ok… until the Rajah went to the ground and found out for himself. I guess you can imagine the fate of his advisers…

    Back to the topic… as you have illustrated, Muhyiddin only became vocal after Tun Dr Mahathir had spoken. To me, this factor alone reduces his credibility. Furthermore, he was in the supreme council meeting which agreed to the earlier transition and again when Tun Dr Mahathir spoke, Muhyiddin found his spine to rail against the issue. As to Muhyiddin qualifying his statement that elections should be held earlier and he had not meant to speak about the transition, that is pure semantics. Does he, for one moment, think that the people are not capable of thinking? If elections are to be in December, then Pak Lah is as good as ousted. What I see from Muhyiddin is that he is reactionary and for want of a better word, the fence sitter who is sitting on the right fence at the moment.

    Is it difficult to ask these bunch of hypocrites to allow Pak Lah a dignified exit? They should remember that if it had not been for Pak Lah, BN would not be in power. Like it or not, Pak Lah led BN to victory in the 2008 elections albeit a reduced majority. I would like to see anyone who can deny this?

    Allow the man a graceful exit. That is all I ask for an old friend. I apologise for taking up space in this lengthy comment.

    JMD : No apologies needed. It was an insightful comment. Thank you so much.


  28. tuan jebat must die, maaf kan saya kerana merasa kecil hati dengan kritikan anda. ini di sebabkan sebelum ini, saya juga agak menyokong pembangkang walaupun saya orang umno. saya mula menyokong umno kembali setelah signal pru 12 dan saya terbaca satu artikel.
    walau bagaimanapun jika kita kembali ke tahun 2003, kalaulah tun dr mahathir mengikut cara abdullah kini iaitu bersandar kepada agm umno, maka dato seri najib lah yang patut menggantikan tun dr mahathir sebagai perdana menteri. bukan abdullah. jadi adakah apa yang berlaku sekarang akan berlaku?


  29. Apabila membaca artikel ini, saya meletakkan diri saya sebagai salah seorang hulubalang UMNO. Dimanakah kedudukan saya. Adakah saya akan menjadi seorang pengkritik Pak Lah ataupun menjadi pembodek ataupun menjadi golongan wait and see (ambil jalan selamat).

    Saya sendiri pun tak tau dimana kedudukan saya. Paling mungkin, saya berada dalam kategori ketiga, yakni golongan wait-n-see. Mungkin ada yang akan kata saya pengecut. Tapi kalau berani tak bertempat pun tak guna jugak. Lagipun adalah mudah untuk kita menyalak sekiranya kita tidak berada dalam kedudukan yang sebenar. Oleh itu, saya secara jujur cuba meletakkan diri saya dalam kedudukan hulubalang UMNO bagi merasa kedudukan kebanyakan ahli politik UMNO.

    Bukan mudah untuk menjadi pengkritik. Silap kritik, kita akan ditelan oleh tindakkan kita sendiri. Saya yakin, ramai dari hulubalang UMNO berada dalam kedudukan demikian.

    Apa yang saudara Jebat tuliskan adalah suasana ideal yang mana ia tidak akan berlaku. Politik ni memang sedemikian. Semua yang terlibat mengatur strategi untuk memastikan survival diri sendiri. Bagi ramai orang, apa guna jadi hero sekiranya kareer politik terpaksa dikorbankan. Munkin ada orang yang akan kata orang sedimikian gila pangkat. Tapi bagi saya adalah tidak adil untuk menghukum sedemikian. Adakalanya kita terpaksa sabar apabila kita tahu tindakan kita tidak akan membawa apa-apa faedah mahupun mengubah apa-apa. Its better to be in the circle than to be out of the circle. Apa yang boleh dilakukan dalam situasi ini ialah walaupun kita tidak mampun mengkritik, sekurang-kurangnya kita jangan jadi pembodek!

    Bagi kepimpinan baru yang bakal muncul, kita tidak berharap mereka ini muncul dalam keadaan yang heroic. Apa yang kita harapkan ialah mereka membetulkan keadaan dan tidak mengulangi kesilapan kepimpinan yang lampau, Jadi bagi saya kepimpinan Najib-Muhiddin is fine, as long as they are willing to correct the mistake of the past.



  30. salam JMD,

    More than 30 responses in less than 24hrs, u always spot on with matters of the heart.

    Torres, i agree with u. No.2 is more for someone with an acute managerial skills. Dari sekolah lagi kita di ajar bila lebih dari seorang bertanding, maka diadakan pemilihan, yang mendapat undi terbanyak menjadi ketua dan yang kedua terbanyak menjadi naib. Kita lupa bahawa yang naib itu niat asalnya ingin menjadi ketua ataupun bos. dah kalau kedua2nya ingin memimpin ..pasti akan timbul masalah. Dalam konteks politik kita, no. 2 akan tetap menyimpan hasrat menjadi PM. Diluar memakai baju supporter, di dalam menunggu masa sesuai untuk mengambil alih…all the while using whatever opportunity that came to show how he could be a better leader. Agak kasar bunyinya tapi lebihkurang mcm tulah cuma ia berlaku secara halus.

    Cadangan saya,
    1-Bertanding cara team/pasukan. Ramai yang bangkang kerana memecahbelahkan parti tapi parti hanya pecah kalau pakai team bola sampai 11 orang, cuma the top 2 posts saja macam cara AS ( uh-oh..)
    2- Cuma jawatan No 1 aja dipertandingkan. Jawatan no.2 dilantik oleh calon Presiden yang menang. sesiapa saja yang beliau yakin dapat membantunya dalam mentadbir parti dan negara. Sekiranya PM tidak dapat meneruskan tugasnya sebelum pemilihan yang akan datang, penggantinya bukan no.2, kerana beliau hanya pembantu, tapi dipilih dari naib2 presiden yang ada. Dan mereka yang menang berhak memilih no 2 mereka sendiri.

    OK back to reality… Hakikatnya Melayu terlalu banyak politiking. Dari serendah2 jawatan di pejabat atau kampung atau surau hingga ke jawatan PM, setiap lapisan Melayu terlibat dalam politik. Kerana terlalu banyak masa dan tenaga diuntukkan pada politik, makanya Melayu akan terus bergantung pada DEB untuk survival…

    JMD : Komen saudara makin hari makin bagus. Terima kasih.


  31. JMD,

    this worries me, but then again they are all politicians.

    Its high time that we need new breed of politicians with solid principles.

    Berani berubah – thats the way to go!


  32. Salam JMD,
    i THANK YOU , thru ur writings i learnt not to be emotional when commenting. The most glaring difference between ur blog and the rest is that urs are more ‘controlled’, informative and has a way of story building…akin to che det.
    This post here is ur ‘ganas’ side yet still controlled but compared to other blogs, urs mcm anak kucing… cute jer ! and kata ganas of the week – ‘getik’ 🙂

    Something to share with the rest, found very good articles written by Tuan Bakri Musa (from ur bloglist).

    ‘The Myth of an Islamic state’ – merangkak nak baca, english class giler, but saya rekomen baca pada mereka yang ‘minat’ topik negara Islam
    ‘Wise decision and a class act’ – Tuan Bakri’s comment on paklah decision not to contest.

    Last…saya tak suka komen orang lain, saya bukannya pandai sangat, but i have to say it nevertheless, pada 2-3 orang yang cuba korek rahsia identiti JMD melalui other blogs … please respect JMD’s privacy. adalah sebab JMD nak remain anonymous, tak payahlah kita busybody. Sori ya tegur …
    ( pssstt.. kalau nak tahu juga, tapi jangan beritahu orang lain, rahsia ni, nama JMD yang sebenar ialah Encik Jebat Bin Must Die )

    JMD : I like most of what Bakri Musa had written. Had been reading his blogs for many many months now. And thank you for understanding about my anonymity. There are reasons behind it 🙂


  33. Assalammualaikum JMD,

    Your analysis of the current situation in UMNO is right on the money.

    Actually, I’m quite annoyed with the so called enforcer in UMNO who tried, albeit unsuccessfully to demonise YBhg Tun Dr. Mahathir. The main culprit is Tan Sri Nazri Aziz. Speaking of Nazri, he has been pretty silent lately. No more thunderous jibe from him.

    From what we can see is that Pak Lah’s administration is riddled with problems; from his personal (Oil for Food, Scomi, KJ, etc) to his mostly inept cabinet members both before and after PRU12. Most of the times they tend to follow the tone set by their lame duck, self serving PM.

    Anyway, back to the essence of your post, it is true that UMNO need a strong and charismatic leader who can bind everybody together in saving the once all powerful party that serves and protect the rakyat especially the Malays. At the moment Malays or UMNO can’t even say anything about Chinese or Indians. Anything that is uttered will always be twist and turn into something racial against them.

    For example, the past convention of Gerakan and MCA witnessed strong words against UMNO. Tan Lian Hoe was still harping on Dato’ Ahmad Ismail issue whilst the out going Ong Tee Kiat blamed UMNO as a whole for being a bully, practice corruption, marginalise the vernacular school, etc. How did the PM who is the President of UMNO entrusted to look after its members and Malay at large reacted, almost nothing that we can be proud of.

    Speaking of proud, there is no pride in the current administration. Almost all of them are bidding their time for Pak LAh to actually step down. Everybody is anxious the arrival of 31 March 2009. Most leaders are positioning themselves to be elected or appointed to a position of power, not to serve the rakyat but themselves.

    This is what the future leader must correct. UMNO must make a concerted effort to rid of corruption, back stabbing and money politics.

    UMNO with Pak Lah is crumbling because the leader is weak and the pillars are like jelly.

    UMNO without Pak Lah may not crumble but may have pillars who are equally inept and useless to support the new leader.

    JMD : Thanks for the comment.


  34. Askm JMD,

    Human feelings are never static. They are influenced by the many variables that get introduced into the social environment as human beings interact with each other.

    Hence, we ought not to be surprised if people choose to be “turn coat”. Generally, politicians are “Machiavellian”.

    The love for a certain leader is nurtured when he gives out “ang pow ” in addition to being with the rakyat, either physically or through their “proxies” or “loyal party workers/lobbyists”.The more you throw money and the more contact you make with the grass roots, the better are your chances of being elected, taking other variables being constant.

    We ask how much has Ku Li done in this respect ? Not much I am afraid. Talk only through the media is not good enough.Muhyiddin has wisely taken up the battle cry very very much earlier.

    Come Mac 2009, Mukhris’s chances of winning Ketua Pemuda Post are threatened. KJ has got 5 months to use these two elements : money and lobby. So Mukhris must not relent or loose steam from now till Mac 2009. But, Mukhris must not throw money. If he does, he will lose votes.He cannot beat KJ. UMNO members will elect him as their leader , his leadership being the overiding factor in beating KJ.

    Persist in the psyops/psywar to win the hearts and minds of the UMNO members.

    Hang Kasturi

    JMD : There is a risk that Datuk Mukhriz might lose the election come this March. And this potential risk had risen quite substantially for the past week or so. This is because, although he (instead of KJ) had received nominations from the divisions, KJ’s men won most of the top posts in the divisional youth level. Come this March, this very same group of people will vote for either him or KJ.

    Thank you.


  35. tenkiu shaifudin..caya la ader gak owang agree ngan gua lepas gua cakap omputih..pasni kene banyak2 speaking london..

    and i like ur idea bro..let the president decides who’s gonna be his wingman..baru ada keserasian..


  36. Are we saying, all those delegates, are not they thier own person?. Why are some people critising the choice made? Are these people`s view more `right` than those of the delegates?

    It is so easy to make sweeping statements!

    We must at all times give credit to where and to whom it is due. At the same time no respect should be gven to TM or any leader who “cakap tak serupa bikin”, who are hypocrites, and TM and some of these `leaders’ are guilty of that.

    JMD : Are you one of the delegates? If yes, please tell the commenter below (Su) on what basis you choose a leader.

    If you are not a delegate, then I think you are entitled to your opinion. No matter how sweeping or ridiculous it may seem.

    Thank you for commenting.


  37. That’s a fierce piece you wrote, JMD. I am especially touched by the comment you wrote about how Tun was neglected first, and now coming back to Tun like “fruit flies” as you aptly put.

    That Tun is obliging to these new supporters only shows his generosity. Malaysians forget, Tun forgives. And those supporters of the then Tun detractors are now swinging back again to Tun. Why didn’t they understand Tun’s quest in the first place?

    As for “bodek” culture, itu perkara biasalah, JMD, terutamanya dikalangan ahli politik, tak kisah Melayuke, Indiake, ataupun Cina. Semua sama sahaja…Kalau kerusi dah mula bergegar, maka lompatlah ke tempat yang lebih selamat. Dia orang bukannya nak turun dan repair kerusi mereka. The laziness has infected most of them up there, no matter which party they belong too.

    As usual, good piece, but disturbingly fierce. Take care.


  38. EXACTLY!

    my most gracious thank to JMD on putting the exact sentiment of Pemilihan Agung Umno this time. i’ve been waiting for this article to come online ever since Pak Lah announced to postpone PAU to March 2009. thank you for putting it right JMD and you have my full support!

    Regarding TDM, when he was first ridiculed by his own ex-companion at UMNO, i know he will retialiate with rather righteous strategy. isn’t he the one who said that, there was a gentlemen agreement between Pak Lah and him regarding one term prime minister? and he did prefer DS Najib over Pak Lah? since majority of Umno prefer Pak Lah at that time, he has to submit to the majority. and that is real democracy. and now,knowing the old man TDM is the man of his word, Pak Lah will be PM for only one term! he did know how to get things done! Pak Lah will be ending his premiership on Mac 2009! one term PM! this just extend my respect to the old man even higher. if DS Najib do get the Umno President post, TDM really is one of a kind leader who could excercise the “power” eventhough he has relinquish the power back at 2003.

    recently he posted one insightful article about Malaysia and Financial turmoil at it was simplified version of economic meltdown at US, which he thinks will effect Malaysia in some way or another. i’m really surprised after reading it since the article is using simple words and sentence structure, which really fits to Malaysian reading range rather well. and he never did use even metaphor to illustrate to me, us, the reader of the criticality of the issue! JMD, you are right about articulating complex issue/terminolgy in layman’s term. it shows how superior your mind is when you could explain complex thing in plain and simple word. and that is what i think professors during my college day can not do, which contribute to the declining factor of my result. haha.. rather cheap attempt to shift the blame of the bad college result. my point is, not everyone can do this thing. it takes a lot of wisdom. and TDM previously offering in giving his wisdom to UMNO for FREE but was turned down.

    On DS Najib, i still stand on my last comment of him at “Glorifying Pak Lah” article. he prefer convinience over challanges. therefore, DS Najib should not be let win easily. i just wish Ku Li got enough nomination to challenge DS Najib.

    on TS Muhyiddin, i do realized that he became more vocal only after BN was defeated at Permatang Pauh. so, he basically has the best political strategy right now. he strike Pak Lah when Pak Lah support was almost zero! strike the enemy when the moral support is down (it Sun Tzu i think hehe..). he did possessed the ability to analyzed the situation, evaluate it, and take appropriate action to his advantage. even DS Ali Rustam does not have this ability. eventhough DS Ali has great track record of developing Melaka, he did lack exposure to the international level. but who knows, the late Tun Ghafar once was not internationally exposed but what he did was undeniably great. maybe UMNO need to look beyond the political strategy per se, but search for a leader who could lead UMNO to greater heights. UMNO not only need a leader with good political strategy, but a sense of good visionary and nation development. (even my Johorians friends who are umno member were not happy the way TS Muhyiddin handle the state previously!).

    i realized in your article, you did not mention Dr. Rais Yatim. i read TDM blog he somewhat implying that the approved more of DR.Rais than other UMNO candidates. so what’s your thought on Dr.Rais JMD?

    gosh it is longer that ever. maybe i should stop writing long comment like this on JMD and start my own blog. haha.. good day mate!

    JMD : I prefer Datuk Rais more than Zahid Hamidi. And in this crucial time (2008 – 2013), Umno even needs him more than Hishamuddin Hussein in preparation for the PRU13 in 5 years time. Thank you for the comment.


  39. Yours is a fair take on what’s going on in UMNO at the moment. I’m actually quite surprised, and disappointed, I might add, that Ku Li has not gotten even ONE nomination thus far. As you’ve pointed out, he was one of the first to be outright in his criticism, not only about the UMNO leadership, but also the direction of UMNO in general.

    Personally, Najib is not someone I trust, and Muhyiddin is just too much of a ‘player’. But then again, my opinion of them don’t hold water, since I’m never going to be an UMNO member.

    It would be interesting to know exactly how the nominations are made, and based on what set of criterias. What do these people consider when they are discussing about who to nominate? Or was Najib already a foregone conclusion?

    I remember reading somewhere that Najib said he hasn’t had to ‘fight’ for any of the positions that he has held so far. And he said that he likes it this way, because he doesn’t like to ‘fight’. But for me, I would think that a leader is someone who doesn’t back away from a good fight, and one who is willing to risk losing gracefully. If Ku Li, by some miracle, gets enough nominations to go against Najib, I think Najib would probably have a hard time, especially considering that Najib used to follow Ku Li when he first started out in UMNO.

    It’s interesting times in UMNO, and it’s good to read your analysis of it.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. Your diagnosis on Najib is quite spot on.


  40. I’ve read this current writings and the comments in it – finally I’ve met a few Malaysians with a level head and some common sense!

    My own two cents is Pak Lah is indeed a genuine person who wants to serve. In all honesty, I think he is a better servant rather than a leader. True, he’s surrounded by useless clowns with their own agenda’s and therefore clouding his vision but I think he is an genuinely honest person, a bit naive perhaps. My only regret is since he announced that he’s stepping down, it seems he’s performing more like a PM that he should be. A bit too late though.

    I honestly the majority of politicians in Malaysia are a useless bunch. Not all but majority. You just have to see how they behave in Parliment to see the standard of debate is even less than secondary school. There’s no discipline, poor arguments, no facts and most of the time are just shouting matches. I bet if you take a form 2 student, he or she can prepare a better debate.

    Most of them are turncoats as you rightly pointed out and most of them are also yes man with no capacity or courage to make their own assessment and comments. Most of the time is just agreeing. How often have you heard “saya serahkan pada pucuk pimpinan party” …Bah!

    Let’s see now what are the background of most of these politicians… one or two were lawyers, one or two were doctors and the rest? exactly, I’m sure you and the rest of the bloggers would have difficulties in coming up with the answers. Don’t give answers of managing directors etc cause most of those post came after their political involvement. So pray tell us, why did we elect these people to run our state and country? Are they really qualified to do so?

    I long to hope that we mature at which our debates and TV news time are filled with comments on how to prop up the nations and build a world class nation….. and all I see now are just insults to this party, insults to that party, defamation this and that…

    Guess I’m just tired!


  41. Kita perlu Najib sebab kita perlu seorang MELAYU yang “deliver”, hard working, mempunyai kepimpinan dan stick to the principle. Ini Hang Tuah.

    Kita sokong Muhyidin sebab dia tahu kedudukan dia dan dia hormat kepada saudara tua dia. Dia teguh dengan prinsip dan sanggup menentang arus. Dia tahu dia boleh lawan Najib tapi dia setia menjadi Timbalan. Ini Jebat.

    Kita perlukan 3 lagi golongan muda yang menyokong kedua pemimpin diatas dengan setia dan bukan kerana kepentingan diri. Kita ada Naib Presiden (Hisham, Shafie, Zahid). Mereka ini Kasturi, Lekir dan Lekiu.

    Tentulah kita ada “Mamak” Bendahara. (Mahathir)

    Jadi nama-nama tersebut diatas adalah tidak penting, yang penting asas kegemilangan empayar Melayu Melaka dulu dijadikan asas untuk kita sekarang. Maka insyallah akan jadilah apa yang Tuan kata, “Takkan Melayu Hilang Didunia”.

    Renongan: Ikut kata Anwar, Melayu jadi Malaysia. Ikut PAS Melayu jadi Arab. Sudah beratus tahun Tanah Melayu dijajah tak pernah Melayu jadi Portugis, Belanda, atau Inggeris. Sudah beratus ribu yang mati kerana mengaku diri sebagai anak Melayu dan berapa ratus ribu lagi akan mati mempertahankan hak untuk berkata “Saya orang Melayu, Adab Melayu dan cara hidup Melayu yang berugama Islam – Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya”

    JMD : Ok. Terima kasih.


  42. Show me the changes!!! The reality is UMNO has not changed. What has changed (if this can be construed as change) is the swithing of their allegiance. That’s why Tun Mahathir until now refuses to rejoin UMNO. Mark my word, Tun will only rejoin if he can add value to UMNO. Otherwise he will prefer blogging and give his piece of mind without fear or favour.

    My fear is not whether Tun will or will not rejoin UMNO but whether UMNO has the political will to reinvent themselves. I have yet to be convinced.


  43. JMD : Umno tidak ada masa untuk menunggu 5 tahun lagi kerana ketika itu, pilihanraya umum akan diadakan. Jika Umno tidak berubah ……..

    Hakikatnya UMNO dan BN sudah tidak berkesempatan mengejar masa yang berlalu dengan pantas sebelum PRU13 ini, terlewat kerana melayan Paklah yang lemah gemalai (lembek dan liat) untuk letak jawatan. Terlewat kerana banyak sangat calar dan luka sesama komponen BN yang kena dirawat dan UMNO sendiri mengalami krisis kekurangan pemimpin yang berwibawa.

    Sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Presiden UMNO, Najib telah menunjukkan kebolehan dan karismanya sebagai pemimpin dalam mentadbir kerajaan dan UMNO tetapi dan secara tidak langsung kita juga sudah tidak boleh mengharapkan sesuatu yang luar biasa dan hebat dari Najib ketika memegang Presiden UMNO dan PM kelak. Keupayaan Najib untuk membina negara terganggu kerna terpaksa memberi penumpuan dan penyusunan semula pentadbiran yang ‘tersalah nasihat’ semasa zaman Paklah.

    Suka atau tidak, inilah realiti. Sudah tidak ada penawar.


  44. jmd,

    can it be that the reason why ku li was not nominated is because of his proposal to set up a bn as a multi racial party – or due to the amount of money floating around this days?

    JMD : I would hazard a guess that 5 factors determine Ku Li’s apparent failure to obtain any nominations (in descending order) :-

    1) Not enough money to outbid for votes 2) Tremendous pressure from the top 3) Not much exposure 4) Lack of support from the current Umno leaders 5) Saying the wrong things to the ears of the majority Umno members.


  45. You end with “Dimanakah halatuju parti ini?
    I wonder: Do you despair?

    If you were asked to point to a place in time, where did it go so wrong for Umno?


  46. Salam JMD,

    Sebenarnya ramai yang sayangkan UMNO, baik ahli maupun bukan ahli. Keluhan dan luahan perasaan marah adalah kerana kecewa dengan keadaan UMNO sekarang dan kerana sayangkan UMNO, ia menyakitkan hati. Makan dalam tu..
    Umpama pasangan suami isteri yang sudah lama bersama, si isteri yang kecewa dengan perangai si suami yang tidak bertanggungjawab,mabuk, suka berjudi, tidak sembahyang, main barang… jenuh dah nasihat, puas dah bertekak, maki hamun tak yah cerita lah tapi kerana terlalu sayang, tidak sanggup mengambil the ultimate risk by giving him the ultimatum – change or we break. Jadi terpaksalah bersabar dengan keadaan begitu, disamping berdoa sisuami berubah. Tak tahan juga kalau pendam sorang2… jadi si isteri masuklah ahli mesyuarat tingkap (blogs), meluahkan perasaan. Sisuami bukannya bodoh, dia tahu baik buruk, dosa pahala, kalau diajak berdebat ugama pun beliau mampu keluarkan 2-3 ayat siap ngan mafhumnya sekali… tapi beliau dah ketagih ngan cara hidupnya. Bila dalam keadaan sedar, beliau menyesal tapi tak mampu untuk berubah..Sisuami juga tahu dilema isterinya yang tak sanggup berpisah, maka digunakan sepenuhnya kesempatan yang ada. Tapi sesekali datang juga takut si isteri termakan hasutan ahli mesyuarat tingkap, atas dasar diri sendiri, siisteri tidak mungkin bertindak lebih. Jadi kadang2 secara senyap sisuami sekodeng gak sesi mesyuarat tingkap, nak tahu perkembangan mental isterinya.

    ( time ni kalau ada pantun sedap gak.. )

    Pada si suami tadi, satu nasihat… ( kot2 tengah sekodeng ), kalaupun duk hanyut, janganlah lupa tanggungjawap pada anak2…ramai giler tuh ! Janganlah sampai Atuk kena masuk campur urusan rumahtangga, jaga kebajikan anak2. Hari tu marah sangat atuk masuk campur… nah, galok ngat kat luar tu, duit belanja anak2 dah lama tak naik2.. sampai atuk terpaksa tegur. dari RM8 sehari nak dinaikkan ke RM12 sehari.. malulah sang suami, itu kan kerja dan tanggungjawap awak !!

    saja nak add some humor to the current situation.


  47. Askm JMD,
    The fight for UMNO Youth post, as current feeling goes, is a three -cornered fight : Mukhriz ,KJ and Khir Toyo but I am inclined to support the theory that the fight is between Mukhriz and KJ.

    In today’s The SUN, there is the full interview with KJ touching on all aspects that are considered critical to his political survival.Of all papers, the SUN which is known to be critical of the PL Administration !!

    The interview is just like a cross examination in a trial. Here, we the Rakyats are the Court/Judge.At the end of the trial, having read his disclosures and relate them to the facts we know about him, we have to decide on the weightage of his disclosures i.e. touching on his crediblity, to believe him or not ??

    But our “verdict” is not important. The UMNO Delegates’s votes matter. And your observation is right. KJ’s men have won most of the top UMNO Youth posts.Mukhriz’s position is in real peril.

    This interview is a PR exercise for KJ so that we accept him as UMNO Youth Chief and a Cabinet Minister probably thence under NTR.

    I believe KJ has very good advisers in Psywar/psyops.

    Hang Kasturi.


  48. Saya bukan a delegate. I would like to think that those thousands of delegates yang terdiri dari pelbagai peringkat dan status, miskin dan kaya, educated and not, whatever, when they put down thier vote, they knew what they were doing.


  49. Salam JMD,
    I do not take the view that AAB was an accidental victim to his effectiveness.
    He is responsible in who he choses to listen to.
    He is responsible to what he instructs people to do.
    The buck stops with him.
    Insyaallah, he stops by March09 or hopefully sooner.

    But we still have the KJ’s and the Nazri’s and the Zahid’s.
    Thank God the Zaid is out.
    But pricking the conscience of UMNO is still a battle worth fighting for.

    Please do not stop writing even as UMNO takes baby steps towards redemption.

    WIth regards on a strong number 2, well maybe there is a Hikmah if Muhyiddin is there, at least he may needle Najib to take the risky option in defending Islam and Malays.

    On Ku Li, sometimes we do not get what we want.
    We have to Redha.
    Hopefully Najib will take TDM and Ku Li as advisors.
    Leave AAB and Mussa Hitam out of this role please!

    Take Care.


  50. Salam Jebat,

    Maybe we could do some brainstorming why Mukhriz could only get 2 nominations from Gua Musang. Tengku is from Gua Musang .Can we trust Tengku Razaleigh as well? I was under the impression that Tengku is a better choice than Najib. After the nominaton scenarion. I changed my mind. Jerlun have chosen Mohd Taib over Mahyudin, it is acceptable as Mukhriz is under Kubang Pasu and he has no influence whatsoever by Jerlun.


  51. If UMNO is a vehicle, it is like Ferrari in F1. Now that AAB @ Rubens Barrichelo contract has been terminated, it is time for true champion to take the wheel. I’m sure TDM @ Michael Schumacher will make sure of that!!!!

    TSMY recent statements gives me hope that he is a Kimi Raikonnen in the making. I just hope that he is more consistent than Kimi who lost the driver’s championship after 1 year!!!!

    DSAI???? He should just retire like Mika Hakkinen and hopefully a good and honest opposition leader @ Lewis Hamilton will emerge from his shadow.

    Long live Ferrari…Long live Manchester United.


  52. Pingback: Isu kuota di dalam Umno « Jebat Must Die

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