Pakatan Rakyat / Socio-economy

When exposed, Lim Guan Eng will continue to deceive

I would like to ask the person who always had the propensity to tell lies, a few questions. That person in Lim Guan Eng.

In his statement lambasting Umno and Utusan Malaysia today (which can be read here), he mentioned that his Pulau Pinang has allocated RM500 million to build affordable houses (rumah mampu milik) for the people.

The whole of that article is to justify why Lim Guan Eng didn’t use any money from the Akaun Amanah Perumahan Bumiputera amounting to RM33.6 million to build affordable houses. This was reported in the AG Report 2011 where monies from this account was left unused. As the result, DAP was rebuked by Umno Pulau Pinang for reneging on their responsibilities to build affordable housing for the bumiputeras there.

One of the paragraphs Lim Guan Eng said:

Sungguhpun adalah tanggungjawab kerajaan pusat untuk membina rumah mampu milik, kerajaan negeri PR Pulau Pinang telah mencatatkan rekod yang tidak pernah dilakukan dengan memperuntukkan RM 500 juta untuk membina rumah mampu milik di seluruh negeri Pulau Pinang, termasuk di kawasan pulau. Usaha mengumpulkan wang RM500 juta bukanlah mudah dan perlu 4 tahun untuk mencapainya. RM500 juta hanya cukup untuk membina 18,000 yunit rumah mampu milik kepada semua rakyat pada 5 tahun yang akan datang.

So the story is:

a) RM500million has been allocated by the state to build 18,000 units for the next 5 years

b) As the result, each house costs about RM27,778. One wonders how could he build an affordable home for less than RM30,000.

Anyway, in order to tell the public why the money wasn’t used to build the homes, the manipulative Lim Guan Eng gave the excuse that it takes more than RM33.6 million to build 350 units.

Lagipun wang akaun amanah tidak mencukupi kerana untuk membina 350 yunit rumah kos sederhana rendah, kos pembinaan tanpa kira kos tanah menjangkau RM35 juta.

If to build an affordable home costs only RM27,778 then for 350 units, it will only cost RM9.7 million in total.

Is he saying that to build affordable homes, even without the cost of land, it requires RM100,000 for each unit?! (RM35 million divide by 350 = RM100,000)

What kind of mathematical stunt is he trying to do?

Truth be told that in AG Report 2010, it was discovered that Lim Guan Eng did not even build a single unit of low cost house since he took over the state in 2008!

Lim Guan Eng wants us to empathise with him that RM500 million was very difficult to obtain and it took him 4 years to get that amount. But this is another lie that he tries to sell.

If we look at the AG Report 2011, there was no allocation provided at all. There is no money in the coffers exist to actually finance this venture. 18,000 units of affordable housing would have been made from thin air.

In AG Report 2011, the development with this magnitude would have come under Rancangan Malaysia ke10 (RMK10) which started in 2011 and for the period of 5 years. But as can be seen in the report, no such allocation were made to build affordable housing for the next 5 years.

From the report:

Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh (RMKe-10) Negeri Pulau Pinang untuk tempoh 5 tahun bermula pada tahun 2011. Rancangan ini digubal bagi menjelaskan strategi, program dan projek yang akan diperkenal dan dilaksanakan untuk mencapai objektif pembangunan Pulau Pinang iaitu untuk mencapai pembangunan mampan dengan jaminan bahawa rakyatnya dapat menikmati urus tadbir yang baik, kualiti hidup yang tinggi dan tahap keperkasaan yang tinggi. Ia adalah signifikan ke arah menggerakkan Negeri Pulau Pinang mencapai status negeri maju pada tahun 2020.

Jumlah siling peruntukan bagi RMKe-10 adalah RM810.29 juta dengan 2,489 projek yang dirancang untuk dilaksanakan tidak termasuk bilangan projek bagi Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam.

Here is the table:

Do you see any allocation for housing?

page57image33896All this money for RMK10 have been approved in 2011 where as the allocation of RM500 million was only announced in March 2012 after the revelation that Lim Guan Eng never built any low cost housing surfaced.

In fact reading the 2011 AG Report, most of the projects (98%) have started in 2011 and will complete before 2015 while there is no mention of development of affordable housing in the list of projects provided.

We all know that any extra projects beyond what is agreed in RMK10 must get approval from the EPU. Is Lim Guan Eng embarking on a mega project development without seeking approval from federal government? Where is he going to put all this 18,000 units property? The amount of land to be provided would be huge!

Secondly, does Lim Guan Eng have this kind of money? From the financial standing of 2011, there is no indication that he has it. Let alone accumulated for the past 4 years.

Where is that RM500 million being saved since 2008?

There is no evidence that RM500 million have been saved since 2008 as what he said earlier – “Usaha mengumpulkan wang RM500 juta bukanlah mudah dan perlu 4 tahun untuk mencapainya”.

Who is he trying to lie again? He must got all the money via quit rent he collected from Ambiga’s phantom voters.

Nevertheless, I am sure the DAP supporters will give him the benefit of the doubt that he actually did collect enough money to top up the shortages after the 2011 accounts was closed. From 1 January 2012 till March 2012 (the month where he made the announcement of that RM500 million allocation), RM500 million was  probably collected.

This can only be shown in the 2012 year end accounts. Hopefully, Lim Guan Eng can shed a few things now, rather than when the 2012 AG Report comes out next year.

By the way, the rest of his press statement were excuses and finger pointing back to Umno and calling them racist.

Thank you.


If you feel Lim Guan Eng is God’s gift to mankind, you will not like reading this.

47 thoughts on “When exposed, Lim Guan Eng will continue to deceive

    • Berkenaan kenyataan Lim Guan Eng di DAP.Org –

      Sungguh pelik dan angkuh maanusia Guan Eng ini. Dia di tuduh tidak membina rumah murah di Pulau Pinang – oleh Utusan Malaysia dan UMNO, katanya. Bila menjawab dan membuat kenyataan resmi itu, dia tidak langsung memberi senarai projek perumahan kos rendah yang di katanya telah di bina di masa DAP merintah.

      Dia hanya mendakwa ada membina beribu yunit melalui Penang Development Corporation(PDC). Dengan yang demikian, dia nampak becakap “crap” dan membohong.

      Pada hal bukannya susah benar baginya mendapat butir butir lanjut projek projek perumahan yang di katanya ada rumah kos rendah itu. Dia ada setafnya, Pembantunya boleh dengan senang saja minta senarai itu dari PDC, atau di Pejabat Pejabat Tanah, yang mesti berteraburan menyediakan itu semua.

      Sekurang kurangnya dia boleh sebutkan lokasi, nama tempat, bandar atau pekan, supaya yang menuduh boleh periksa betul tidaknya. Atau paling tidaknya, sebutkan di pulau itu atau di tanah besar Semenanjong. Mungkin tak mahu sebut sebab nampak pekongnya tak ada buat rumah murah di pulau P.Pinang, sebab mahu tolak keluar Melayu dll yang berpendapatan rendah dari pulau itu.

      Atau dia sengaja tak mahu sebut butir butir projek perumahan itu sebab dia “sombong, angkuh dan tokong”, kata Mansor, Ketua PKR Pulau Pinang merangkap Timbalan Ketua Menteri. Dan, bila di desak, dia terus memesong dan menipu.


      • Mana dia orang nak beri butiran terperinci. Dah jenis tuduh liar, tak beri alasan, justifikasi atau penerangan pun.

        Pemikiran kusut punya maanusia. “Arrogant, cocky and tokong”, kata Mansor, Ketua PKR Penang & Timbalan Ketua Menteri Penang.


    • And the Penang people will still vote in this arrogant, compulsive liar brainless twit as most Penangites are similar in breed. They prefer rejects from other states as opposed to their committed Penang born leaders…anyway, just confirmed what I have been thinking all this while…DAP is full of hopeless, brainless racist….Penang loved these kind of people as their leaders….halelujah


      • Not just Penangites, Sir. Also some in other states who follow the arrogance, cockiness and tokong behaviour of the secret societies, thugs and gangsters that their kind has been known for.

        But they can’t make much headway. Some may be cowed by them but the majority resent them, reject them and will vote them out.


      • The majority of Penangites are Chinese. Sure, there are those voting BN. But those DAP members and supporters were assisted by the Malays and Indians who hold grudges against the BN government, or who were taken in by DAP or Pakatan Rakyat propaganda.

        But now, after Kg Buah Pala and similar cases, and the exposes on their undeclared but clear intention of pushing the Malays and the Indians out of Penang island, there is a strong chance that the DAP and PR government would be voted out at PRU13.

        They are quarreling among themselves anyway. DAP wanting to field their candidates in some of the PKR areas. The announcement the previous day of DAP supporting Hudud may be an eyewash to placate PAS after the endless Hudud bashing by Karpal Singh. PAS has only 1 seat anyway.


    • Dia bukan saja cakap “crap”, dia juga bodoh mengatakan

      “Lagipun wang akaun amanah tidak mencukupi kerana untuk membina 350 yunit rumah kos sederhana rendah, kos pembinaan tanpa kira kos tanah menjangkau RM35 juta.”

      Mengapa dia di katakan bodoh? Kan Kerajaan DAP punya tanah (sebelom di jual 100 lebih ekar di Bayan Mutiara). Kan Penang Development Corporation (PDC) boleh bina rumah itu. Kan PDC ada wang sikit sebanyak – dah berpuluh tahun berniaga, perniagaan tradisi PDC ada lah pembinaan rumah. Kalau tak cukup pun, kan PDC boleh pinjam bank.

      Kan PDC boleh cagarkan tanah untuk pinjaman bank nak bina infrastruktur. Kan PDC dah boleh jual, sign Surat Jual Beli, kutip 10% walau belom buat infrastruktur pun. Kan PDC ada nama, ada rekod, ada pengalaman membina perumahan, bank boleh senang kasi pinjam wang. Kan boleh pungut bayaran mengikut jadual kemajuan, selepas bina infrastruktur saja – ratakan tanah, buat longkang, lorongkan jalan. Kan bayaran dari pembeli boleh berterusan ikut kemajuan pembinaan rumah.

      Kan, kan, kan , kan. Aissshhh, menyampah aku, benci aku dengar apa dia cakap. Putar belit, menipu macam macam. Pergi jahanam lah kamu semua, DAP penipu.


      • Jangan benci DAP. Mereka bukan kekeluargaan yang kaya raya. Bencilah keluarga-keluarga yang menaklukki Malaysia supaya dapat membina kekayaan keluargaan diri. Inilah jenis ketua-ketua yang harus dibencikan oleh semua rakyat Malaysia dan jangan lupa siapakah mereka ini!


    • That LETTER: From Calvin Sankaran published by FMT in the link provided by JMD above –

      Isn’t that Calvin Sankaran who was once a District Officer In Penang and later the State Secretary there? If so, he should know what he’s talking about when he lambasted the DAP Government in Penang for no low cost housing etc.

      Isn’t FMT an opposition blog? If so, they appear to want to show liberalism by publishing comments walloping the DAP Government in Penang. I sure don’t mind it.


    • If it’s true, that’s great. Not likely they deceive the rakyat like Lim Guan Eng does in Penang.

      Surplus doesn’t mean they don’t do enough development projects. They have the annual Budget and must have worked based on that Budget. But perhaps income turns out to be higher than projected. Good for them, can do more projects next year.

      And announce them loudly across the border to Kelantan. Nak Aziz must be fuming mad, maybe heart attack and drop dead. Sori, but possible.


    • Hehe … Dear DAP Ah Lian or Ah Beng,

      Your “jibbynand” could be a typo error but it just shows your “hasty rush to judgement” mentality and also “a critical failure to check your facts” psyche which leads to “your erroneous conclusions”.

      In a nutshell, you have zero influence due to your lack of integrity in the absence of intellectual argument and deliberation.


  1. One wonders no more as to why he’s a failed accountant and has to hide behind daddy’s name. Know how to bark on other people’s achievements but himself can’t contribute in building a functioning carpark nor in building affordable public housings. What a waste of oxygen.:-)


    • Waste of spit, too. His spit reaches only the spittal container. But his opponents’ spits
      reach his face, his colleagues, his party and all.

      His wife also spitted at him, didn’t she? By throwing the ash tray or using her fingernails whatever that people have written in blogs when his photo appeared with a plaster on his forehead during the alleged spat over the alleged gufreng called Rainbow. He earned a new name – Plaster Lim.


  2. Cakap macam lidah bercabang. Apa bukti mengumpul RM500 juta? Boleh percaya ke orang macam dia?

    Mengapa tak bina rumah murah walau pun ada ha nya RM20 – 30 juta setahun di kumpul? Mengapa jual tanah Kerajaan di Bayan Mutiara 100 lebih ekar? Bukan kah Perbadanan Kemajuan Pulau Pinang (Penang Development Corporation) yang berpuluh tahun di tugas membina rumah murah boleh buat begitu di atas tanah itu? Sepatutnya rijabkan lah sekurang kurangnya 30 ekar untuk rumah murah.

    Tak guna punya gomen. Tak ada fikir langsung untuk rakyat pedapatan rendah. Pada hal bangsa dia pun ada yang pendapatan rendah. Tiada ma’af bagi mu. Rakyat akan keluarkan gomen kamu di PRU13.


  3. I thot LGE was an accountant? Simple math also cannot do meh?

    Very good! PR leaders… 1 Pengajian Melayu graduate who wants to play Economics… the other is an accountant who can’t count… Very “promising” indeed!


    • Careful about being sarcastic. Those fellows may not understand sarcasm. They may not even appreciate what words in inverted commas mean.

      I know, Tun Dr Mahathir also likes to talk sarcastically. But I hope he goes to the point, hit those DAP fellas etc directly, hard and solid. Nik Aziz may say thank you if told he has done great things like bringing sunshine to Kelantan! Forget about dirty water.


  4. Lim Guan Eng said, “wang akaun amanah tidak mencukupi kerana untuk membina 350 yunit rumah kos sederhana rendah, kos pembinaan tanpa kira kos tanah menjangkau RM35 juta.”

    As JMD pointed out, If to build an affordable home costs only RM27,778 (as one calculation of his indicated!) then for 350 units, it will only cost RM9.7 million in total.

    Is the man daft? Did he get a genuine qualification in Accountancy or was it a fake degree like the Dong Zong Chinese Schools Yap Tien Sin had – he used 2 fake PhDs.

    It’s very funny that he can’t calculate properly. Not funny ha ha but funny strange, even funny stupid – it’s so stupid that it’s funny. Maybe he’s just plain stupid.

    Otherwise, he’s out to mislead and deceive.


  5. Yes, the question is valid: Is he saying that to build affordable homes, even without the cost of land, it requires RM100,000 for each unit?! (RM35 million divide by 350 = RM100,000). It’s ridiculous. Nonsense.

    It’s just his excuse. It is said that he has in mind of turning Penang into Singapore, pushing the Malays out to the mainland – after all he and the father worship and idolize Lee Kuan Yew. Tengku A Rahman made the stupid mistake of giving away Singapore FOC to LKY but even now there are already people talking about taking Penang back under Kedah in disgust with his LGE’s intention. That may not be necessary but LGE and DAP must be ousted from Penang at the net GE.

    He cannot be a national leader, even a local leader for long. He can’t even count and do simple arithmetic. He ignores the low-income Malays, Chinese and Indians on the island. He has no time for these people, thinking only of high class bungalows, condos and apartments for the higher income, not of low-cost houses for the struggling, only-small-savings rakyat who also dream of a place on the island sun. Sure they’ll damn him at PRU13.


  6. what did you expect from him ? like his father, he too is a serial liar, when pushed to a corner, all he does is cry foul, claiming conspiracy by the government etc. but as always, his fans will praise him to the heavens, like he can do no wrong. he is to a particular ethnic group what PKR’s Anwar is to the Anwarinas. no wonder these 2 are in the same camp. they are made for one another.


    • No, not in the same camp, bro. Just tumpang each other. In boarding schools’ term, tenggek on the other. Incidentally, in this case, the term may fit literally and metaphorically.

      It’s not difficult to fathom but difficult to accept the mentality of these people. Always in denial. Then adopt the stand that offence is the best form of defence. When cornered, accuse others. All sorts. Usually wild allegations.

      People have pointed out that a lot of the press statements have been prepared by the Press Officer, the female Cheong, a young punk on the 28th Floor of Komtar. Said to be dictatorial like the boss, riding rough shots even on Executive Councillors, wanting to make sure that Lim is always deified as Tokong or whatever. That could account for the many lies, deceits and outright mistakes in calculations reflected in the statements made in the name of the boss. Nanyang Siang Pao even admonished her for scolding one of their reporters reporting unfavourably on a DAP poorly-attended function. Only that the particular reporter named by Cheong was not present at the function!

      No doubt, DAP/ the State Government can afford to pay for a much better qualified, more experienced and decent PR personality to be LGE’s Press Officer. But, no, he wouldn’t have anyone else. Because the all-important criterion is having the same mentality as he has and the willingness to butter him up every day of the week in any communication to the press, written or verbal. Chooooooot.


  7. Interesting to note from Calvin’s article that the RM500m People’s Affordable Housing Scheme in Bandar Cassia is located on the mainland and not on the island itself. Plus, there was no date mentioned on when the project will be completed. No wonder he was so pissed off and accuses Penang state government of undertaking ethic cleansing and practicing apartheid policy on poor Malays and Indians. I agree with him that there are grounds to believe the state government might want to evict the poor minorities from the island (which is mostly the malays and Indians).

    But then again, it is the previous administration’s fault. They should have build more low cost houses in Penang when they were still in power. Those people staying there are the ones who will vote for them! Too late though…..


    • Alamak, kawan, you should have stopped at the 1st paragraph.

      The previous (BN) Govt had built low cost houses already. On building more – if they had expected to lose the elections in 2008, I think they would have built even on the spot where Lim Guan Eng’s rented house is. I read many comments about him having a fishy link with the landlord in connection with a 3/4 acre land the previous BN Government had earmarked for low-cost housing – balance of what they had built, in fact. They call it Taman Manggis or something.

      Not too late, my friend. Whacking LGE, that is – for not building low cost units on the island and lying, deceiving and misleading the rakyat about it.


    • I agree with you, Ismail. Lim Guang Eng wants to push out the poor, who are mainly from the minority communities (the Malays and Indians), out of the island. Consciously or otherwise. I think the bloke wants to emulate Lee Kuan Yew, who has succeeded in making the “Little Red Dot” (title given by Indonesian President Habibie) down below now has 72% Chinese. The rich, the well off, the comfortable living and so-called hard working ones. Though quite a number have in recent times started to be sengkek and protesting this and that against the Establishment.

      Like his father, LGE idolizes Lee Kuan Yew. When LGE is called Tokong (one of many gods), LGE thinks LKY is the one and only God. He’d like to be recorded in history that he has made Penang a 2nd Singapore. We must never allow that and must do what we can to get him lose Penang at PRU13.


      • This grouping up of the Chinese in planned-to-be high class areas is done in other places also. Look at Kota Kuning or Kamuning whatever south of Shah Alam in Selangor. They say 85% Chinese there. Only 15% Malays and Indians.

        That’s the problem lah when the gomen says want to liberalize. Throw away the 30% Bumiputera quota in housing projects and the Pakatan Rakyat gomen adopts that. And the damn housing developers don’t care, happy. Wonder if the Management or sales staff purposely limit the Bumis buying units in such projects. They can do that by saying this section sold out, that section sold out.

        So how to get fostering of national unity like that? Maybe Lim Guan Eng kind in the housing developer’s management? Show them that’s no good. Boycott them or vote them out from Selangor etc.


  8. Not just deceive, but often threaten to sue, bro. What the ….

    He had the audacity to shout “I will sue, I will sue, I will sue” to the reporters. This is shown in one video where Lim Guan Eng went into a frenzy on 22 May when reporters from Penang asked him to respond to an expose that he had an affair with his former Special Officer.

    He threatened the reporters with suits if they even dare to write a single line on the sensitive subject. He continuously kept shouting “I will sue, I will sue, I will sue” to the reporters.

    He denied having an affair with the Special Officer but he told reporters that his denial was off record. Very strange thinking. If not true, why say off the record?

    This is the kind of thinking of people who get elected largely on their politics of hatred, deceits and lies. Dangerous trend.


  9. “This can only be shown in the 2012 year end accounts. Hopefully, Lim Guan Eng can shed a few things now, rather than when the 2012 AG Report comes out next year.”

    Aiseh, don’t give him next year lah. AG Report comes out only October next year. I want him out by May – June at the latest. Dissolve Parliament in March, EC has up to 2 months to call for GE13 and I want Guan Eng gone by GE13. I work hard on that and pray.

    Where got can allow deceiving, cheating and lying fler stay long as CM Penang.


  10. Saya nak tahu:

    1. Dimana ada tulis, perjanjian ke, tugas ke, yang mengatakan “adalah tanggungjawab kerajaan pusat untuk membina rumah mampu milik”?

    2. Siapa yang mencatat rekod yang mengatakan “kerajaan negeri PR Pulau Pinang telah mencatatkan rekod yang tidak pernah dilakukan dengan memperuntukkan RM 500 juta untuk membina rumah mampu milik”? Guinness Book of Records ada ambil kira propaganda politik macam ini ke?i

    3. Kenapa hanya “memperuntukkan RM 500 juta untuk membina rumah mampu milik” tetapi tak buat, tak bina? Berapa wang dah ada sekarang dah 4-5 tahun merintah, kenapa tak sebut?

    4. Beberapa yang dah di kumpul tak boleh bikin ke? Tanah Kerajaan di Bayan Mutiara tak boleh di gunakan untuknya ke? Kenapa di jual semua 100 lebih ekar?

    5. Cakap nak bina “18,000 yunit rumah mampu milik kepada semua rakyat pada 5 tahun yang akan datang” – apasal untuk “5 tahun yang akan datang”? Ingat rakyat bodoh ke nak pancing undi PRU13. Kalau nak pancing pun kenapa tak ada umpan? Apa umpannya kalau dah 4 hampir 5 tahun tak bina pun? Boleh caya DAP ke? Ramai orang kata cakap tak serupa bikin, janji tak di tepati, macam mana nak caya?


    • Politik murahan. Nak kata ada kerja belom siap konon. Bahru kumpul duit sikit saja dulu. Nak bina rumah murah lepas PRU13 konon. Mintak pengundi undi depa lagi, konon.

      Tapi dah 4 tahun lebih tak buat apasal? Korang lenyap lah di Penang selepas PRU13.


  11. Excuse me for being a bit out of topic in this post discussing DAP Penang and Lim Guan Eng but it concerns the the Auditor General’s Report and the following report on the PAS Kedah Government is linked to the DAP Penang Government by membership of the same Pakatan Rakyat and by its proximity in location.

    Kedah state govt must clarify audit report
    The Sun Daily – ‎2 hours ago‎

    ALOR SETAR (Oct 22, 2012): The Kedah government must explain to the public the Auditor-general’s report on the numerous leakages and losses by state government-linked companies.

    Whoever says Kedah is properly run by PAS? There has been a lot of talk about PAS going back to BN at PRU13. I am hoping that will be a reality. As much as Penang being re-captured by BN. I note with keen interest that LGE has said not long ago that DAP chances of winning Penang at PRU13 are only 50:50.


  12. Deception is a matter of course, a natural reaction of the DAP, all their people, including Lim Guan Eng. Not just deception but the whole gamut of spinning half truths, twisting facts and slanting news and statements.

    That’s what they have been made of. Since their party formation over 40 years ago. That’s one reason they did not get far. And will not get far because they haven’t changed and will not change. Just look at their party organs, opposition newsletters and blogs supporting them. Malaysiakini is full of their kind. Only some months ago Dato Seri Hishamuddin warned them for reporting what he said wrongly. It has been said often and needs be said again and again. Untrustworthy buggers.

    And of course they’ll twist and spin what they did and what did not as far as building low cost houses in Penang is concerned. They don’t have the facts to prove what Lim Guan Eng said in the statement published by JMD. If not, they would surely jump at getting the detailed facts, project names, locations and so on that they claimed to have built. Not on Penang Island, they don’t. Even the 3/4 acres in Taman Manggis, a remainder of the previous – BN – government project, that BN had planned to continue the constructing after PRU12, but DAP/Lim Guan Eng won, ruled for over 4 years, sold it to alleged cronies of theirs at half the market price. And not for low cost housing for the low income voters of Penang.


  13. They are all like that, aren’t they? Those DAP fellows. No details in Penang, no details in Selangor.

    Now DAP Tony Pua got told to provide details on affordable housing in Selangor. Even the term low cost has been changed to “.affordable”, perhaps to accomodate them. Yet, no details. Make noise only. So now got challenged –

    Provide details on affordable housing in Selangor, Tony Pua
    Sin Chew Jit Poh – ‎5 hours ago‎
    KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 24 (Bernama) — Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua has been challenged to furnish details to support his claim that the Selangor state government had built 23,637 affordable homes, costing under RM100,000 each, in the state.

    When they accuse, always wild and unsubstantiated. When they claim to have done things, also wild and unsubstantiated. Terrible these DAP fellows.


  14. You say, DAP supporters would give the benefit of the doubts. Hell no! They are jumping for joy up and down, that their TOKONG is able to HALAU Melayu BODOH out of Penang, with the help of the likes of Malik itik and Salleh Man penjaga kubur. Why should Kim Guan Eng worries about the plight of the poor which majority are MELAYU. The DAPsters would sembah the TOKONG for his arrogant and cockiness esp towards MELAYU BODOH. Sial…..


  15. More than the propensity to tell lies, the man was born with those tendencies. The father was making wild and unsubstantiated allegations since his days following Lee Kuan Yew and the PAP and later the DAP, which he and group formed after Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore were kicked out of Malaysia. Unsubstantiated allegations = lies.

    The son Lim Guan Eng clearly also adopted the chauvinistic and racist attitude – racism is defined as wanting to promote the interest of his own race but being antagonistic to other races at the same time. Pushing the Malays and Indians out of Penang island is indeed that.

    It is clearly in the interest of unity and long-term stability and peace in this country to have him and his kind stopped and thrown out of government. In Penang and elsewhere.


  16. Not building low cost houses and claiming of decreasing prices of bungalows. Again, trying to attract high income people to reside in Penang. Throw out of the island the low-income, who are mostly the Malays and Indians.

    But Lim Guan Eng got whacked by the real estate agents who rubbished his claim that the price of a detached residential unit in Penang had decreased to RM415,000. This was reported in the

    Malaysia Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) Penang chairman Danny Ooi said the figure quoted by Lim was far below the actual market price of detached property on the island which is about RM2mil on average.

    The Star had reported that property prices shot up three-fold in Penang because of an increase in surcharges imposed by the state government.

    Even the cheapest single-storey link house in Bayan Baru is above RM450,000. And that is leasehold land.

    How can a low income rakyat afford that? LGE and DAP don’t care. They want Penang to be a 2nd Singapore. 72% Chinese on the lsland like Singapore. Push the Malays and the Indians to the mainland. The Malays and Indian voters in Penang must realize this evil, chauvinist and racist thinking. And throw them out at PRU13.


  17. Hah, “Lim Guan Eng is God’s gift to mankind”? The world will get blown to smithereens, everything topsy turvy, mankind may no longer believe in God, if the fellow is God’s gift to mankind! God forbid. None of the Oppo hippos are, including Anwar Al Juburi. Only a God-forsaken, long suffering and miserable wife like Azizah will call him “anugerah Tuhan”. I sometimes wonder what kind of Tuhan she believes in.

    Deceiving and lying, how can he be God’s gift. I know JMD’s sarcasm in there and it has not escaped me. But I wanna highlight that by denouncing loudly that Guan Eng is never God’s gift. Far from it.


  18. Good of you to put out the Penyata Kewangan Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Sir. And pointing out there was no mention of the RM 500 million said to have been collected for low cost housing.

    Goodness, how brazen is Lim Guan Eng in claiming what is not even shown in the State Government’s Financial Statement. Surely he cannot be thinking all the rakyat are fools like his DAP members and supporters. He is making an outright lie. Officially, by way of a statement, carried in the news media.

    What kind of people are these DAP people made of? It often amazes me that there are some people voting them. They must be the rough and tumble, poorly educated, or may be having high-level education but the kind with a thinking moulded by the secret societies, thugs and gangsters culture. No decency and decorum even when holding public office..


  19. Astound us with your intelligence?!?!?!

    Hey Jebat, why don’t you write about the 38 million ringgit saving of the PM’s wife to buy a diamond ring.
    Or explain about why Shahrizat recently claimed that if UMNO does not retain power, that we should be prepared for another 13th May? If UMNO had nothing to do with the incident, and if it was instigated by whoever i dont give a shit. ” the point is UMNO was not the instigator, they were merely defensing themselves ”
    So why make it look like, the could be a repeat of the same incident due to the same circumstances??? Are the opposition going around shouting derogatory lines to us the “malays”


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