Malay issues / Pakatan Rakyat / Racism / Umno & Barisan Nasional

1Melayu 1Bumi in Barisan Nasional

This is the article that caused DAP to run riot and frothing in the mouth by saying that Utusan Malaysia is racist and a harbringer of doom to the 1Malaysia concept.

Ayuh! Gerakkan segera 1Melayu, 1Bumi

By Datuk Zaini Hassan

ORANG Cina telah bersatu. Keputusan Pilihan Raya Negeri Sarawak telah membuktikannya. Malah, sebenarnya orang Cina telah pun bersatu sejak dulu lagi.

Perkembangan politik muaasir (kontemporari), selepas era-Mahathirisme dan semasa era-Abdullahisme telah membuktikan ikatan orang Cina lebih utuh dan berpadu. Hubungan kekitaan, kekeluargaan serta brotherhood dan ukhwah orang Cina lebih erat, tanpa boleh ditandingi oleh mana-mana kaum di atas muka bumi Malaysia ini. – FACT

Walaupun antara mereka berlainan haluan politik, tapi apabila sampai masa menentukan arah untung nasib kaum Cina – mereka akan bersatu atas pangkahan undi yang sama. – FACT

Dalam ekonomi, mereka membantu antara satu sama lain. Dari sekecil-kecil ekonomis kepadalah yang sebesar-besarnya, mereka akan tolong-menolong antara satu sama lain. – FACT

Budaya telah berjaya menyatupadukan orang Cina. Dalam masyarakat Cina tiada istilah bidaah yang boleh memesongkan mereka daripada soal budaya dan adat resam bangsa. Bahasa Cina diangkat tinggi, malah ada yang kata orang Cina yang tidak boleh membaca Cina pun akan turut membantu membeli akhbar Cina. Maka itu, akhbar Sin Chew Jit Poh – suara keramat orang Cina, menjadi antara akhbar yang paling tinggi edaran dan keuntungannya di Malaysia. – FACT at more than 400,000 copies daily

Sekolah Cina terus dijadikan sebagai cagaran politik utama – yang tidak boleh dikompromi sama sekali. – FACT

Pendek kata, orang Cina sebenarnya amat beruntung sekali berada di bumi Malaysia ini. Mereka telah menguasai segala-galanya. Sepuluh teratas orang mereka adalah bilionaire Malaysia. Sebahagian besar kedai yang ada di atas muka bumi Malaysia ini milik mereka. Hampir semua pelajar yang belajar di universiti swasta dan IPTS ternama dan mahal-mahal di negara ini rata-ratanya orang mereka. – FACT

Saya telah nyatakan perkara itu dalam Cuit bertajuk Apa lagi orang Cina mahu? tahun lepas. Tulisan itu dipetik sepenuhnya oleh akhbar Straits Times Singapura dan surat pembaca yang saya terima dari republik itu menyokong penuh tulisan itu.

Apa yang saya katakan ini adalah hakikat atau fakta.

Hanya kuasa mutlak politik yang belum dikuasai sepenuh oleh orang Cina, yang lain semua sudah. Kini DAP membawa slogan yang cukup hebat di kalangan masyarakat mereka iaitu Undi untuk Ubah, Enough is Enough (Cukuplah) dan Selamatkan Malaysia. – FACT

Slogan itu sebenarnya bukan ditujukan kepada orang lain, tapi khususnya kepada orang Cina. Terpapar megah di dada baju penyokong dan calon DAP dalam pilihan raya Sarawak supaya diubah kepimpinan Melayu Malaysia ini. – Maybe not Melayu but Melanau as asked by Violet Yong here.

Terus terang saya katakan, saya amat menyanjungi orang Cina. Mereka mempunyai matlamat dan masa depan yang cukup jelas. Walaupun tindakan itu berbau politik atau bukan, soalnya mereka cukup bersatu. Politik digunakan sebaik-baik mungkin untuk menyatupadukan kaum itu.

Kita jangan salahkan DAP. Apa yang DAP lakukan itu amat betul untuk masa depan kaumnya. Jika Pas dipergunakan oleh DAP untuk memecahkan bangsanya sendiri, itulah operatif licik DAP. – An astute observation about the DAP

DAP telah berjaya menjadi parti Cina yang telah menyatupadukan orang Cina. MCA gagal dan SUPP pun gagal. Itu hakikat atas kertas. Malah seorang sahabat saya berbangsa Cina, pengarang sebuah akhbar ternama bersetuju bahawa orang Cina kini ke arah menyokong pembangkang. Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 akan digunakan sepenuhnya untuk menyatukan kuasa mereka.

Sebaliknya apa yang orang Melayu buat? Tiada apa-apa. Mereka ialah satu bangsa yang cukup selesa, komplesen, alpa dan tidak peduli. Malah pemikiran mereka cukup bercelaru. – An astute observation about the Malays

Apa yang harus UMNO lakukan? UMNO harus berfikiran seperti DAPkah?

Pandangan saya, apa yang UMNO harus lakukan sekarang, di masa yang amat terdesak sekarang, ialah melancarkan gelombang perpaduan bangsa – 1Melayu, 1Bumi.

Lancarkan segera 1Melayu, 1Bumi dalam lingkungan UMNO dan parti-parti Melayu yang lain. – A call for all malay political parties to unite

Jika Pas degil dan tidak mahu ikut serta, gabungkan dengan puluhan NGO-NGO Melayu yang kini tumbuh bagaikan cendawan di atas bumi Malaysia ini. Perlu diingat NGO-NGO itu wujud kerana mereka dahagakan wadah perjuangan untung nasib bangsa semakin ditinggalkan. UMNO harus tarik pertubuhan sukarela ini ke hadapan dan menjadi juara semula dalam soal ini.

Persetankan Pas yang ternyata telah menggadaikan perjuangan bangsa Melayu untuk kepentingan politik totok mereka. Hairan sungguh, para penyokong Pas akan menjadi lebih kuah daripada sudu semasa berkempen, dan mereka tidak pernah sedar bahawa secara senyap-senyap DAP cukup strategik mempermainkan mereka.

Saya kira, sekiranya lima kerusi Pas di Sarawak itu ditandingkan di kawasan Cina sudah pasti mereka akan menang dan ada wakil dalam dewan undangan negeri. Tapi DAP telah mempermainkan mereka. Pas diletakkan di kawasan kaum bumiputera, bagi membolehkan kaum bumiputera terus berpecah. Pas seperti biasa, tidak sedar semua itu. – An astute observation about PAS

Dalam usaha meniupkan gelombang 1Melayu, 1Bumi, tidak salah 1Malaysia diteruskan kerana ia adalah dasar jangka panjang negara. Parti komponen Cina dalam BN pun tidak akan marah jika UMNO melancarkan gagasan 1Melayu, 1Bumi kerana bagi mereka orang Cina telah pun bersatu. – That means all malay parties unite in BN alongside MCA, MIC and other parties.

Tidak salah bagi orang Melayu melancarkan seruan 1Melayu, 1Bumi kerana orang Melayu sendiri belum bersatu. – Incorrect. Malays were united under Datuk Onn Jaafar but became fragmented when PAS was established.

Dalam tulisan-tulisan saya sebelum ini, saya ada mengatakan orang Melayu berpecah kepada enam golongan. Melayu UMNO, Melayu Pas, Melayu PKR, Melayu DAP, Melayu Liberal dan Melayu Atas Pagar.

Orang Melayu cukup berpecah. Orang Cina tidak akan marah sekiranya orang Melayu bersatu kembali. Mungkin DAPlah yang tidak selesa kerana matlamat mereka untuk memecah-belahkan lagi orang Melayu akan gagal. – FACT. If Malays are united in BN, DAP as the opposition will lose political power.

Bagi DAP, selagi konsep Malaysia Malaysian mereka tidak berlaku, selagi itu mereka akan berusaha keras untuk menjayakannya.

UMNO harus meniupkan gagasan 1Melayu, 1Bumi ini segera. Orang Melayu harus disatukan segera bagi memastikan mereka menguasai semula politik yang semakin terhakis daripada tangan mereka.

Walaupun Melayu berpecah, namun ada lagi suara-suara segelintir yang amat sayangkan bangsa. Seorang sahabat umpamanya, menghantar SMS semasa tulisan ini ditulis berbunyi: “Tolong tulis…BN jangan lagi bagi kawasan majoriti Melayu kepada wakil MCA, Gerakan dalam PRU akan datang… cukup sudah pengorbanan UMNO yang dibalas dengan tuba. MCA dan Gerakan WAJIB akur kerana kalau mereka kalah dengan DAP, wakil mereka tak perlu dilantik dalam kerajaan…”

Itu ialah suara marah. Orang Melayu marah. Tapi kita harus rasional. Susun semula barisan dan gelombang satukan orang Melayu.

Saya bercakap bagi pihak bangsa saya. Gagasan inilah yang turut dimainkan oleh sahabat saya, saudara Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, seorang mualaf Cina yang cukup kental jiwa ultra-Melayunya. Orang Cina amat tidak menggemari beliau di atas semangat assabiyah Melayu beliau itu.

Namun bagi Ridhuan, dan orang Melayu yang lain, mereka amat khuatir dengan perkembangan mutakhir yang berlaku di negara ini sekarang.

Namun, penghargaan harus diberi kepada kaum bumiputera Sarawak yang telah melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka dengan begitu betul sekali.

Saya angkat topi kepada kaum bumiputera Sarawak yang dilihat lebih matang daripada orang Melayu di Semenanjung. Sekiranya mereka tidak bersatu dalam pilihan raya 16 April lalu, maka Sarawak sudah tentu akan jatuh ke tangan orang lain.

Orang bumiputera Sarawak telah memberi satu petunjuk yang amat berharga supaya diikuti oleh kaum Melayu di Semenanjung.

Namun, orang Melayu Semenanjung berpecah enam. Mereka masih lagi berpecah enam.

Oleh itu menjadi kewajipan UMNO; atas nama pejuang-pejuangnya yang terdahulu; dan sebagai parti induk orang Melayu; lancarkan segera slogan 1Melayu, 1Bumi bagi menggerakkan semula gelombang kebangsaan bangsa itu.

Melayu harus dan wajib disatukan kembali sebagaimana kita mahu satukan orang Malaysia di bawah semangat 1Malaysia. Tiada makna adanya 1Malaysia, jika orang Melayu sendiri pun berpecah.

Kini terletak dalam tangan UMNO untuk menentukan hidup atau mati bangsa ini.

Orang Cina sudah ada 1Cina dalam erti kata tersendiri. Orang Melayu pun perlu ada 1Melayu, 1Bumi. Ayuh gerakkan!

There you go. If all Malays are united and joined Barisan Nasional alongside the MCA, MIC, and several other component parties, what is there to lose? This was the gist of the formation of The Alliance back in the early 1950’s.

This was the power-sharing, multi racial harmony that help built this nation. Those who think this is bad should rethink the way they see the Malays. Perhaps, they would be happier when they see the Malays disunited? When it is good that a particular community be united, why would there be anyone who want it to be fragmented?

The article by Utusan clearly has no ill will towards other races and it certainly did not advocate any racial retribution towards other races.

But because of this article, the DAP has labeled Utusan Malaysia as racist. I fail to see the logic in this. DAP is trying to keep racial inflammatory statements alive in order to gain more votes by playing with racial sentiments.

Just look at how Lim Guan Eng played the issue to pit the chinese against the Malays when in his Easter Day message, he said:

“We should move away from the mindtrap of fear based on hate, racism, extremism. We should not be taught to fear diversity. We should not be brainwashed with Hitlerian ideas that one is superior to another merely because of the colour of our skin.”

Yes Guan Eng, you can oppose Hitler. But Hitler is long dead. Where is the current Hitler you are opposing? How on earth could you become a Chief Minister if this country had imposed Hitlerian ideas?

Why did you lie amongst the so many surrounding facts that could rebut your malicious remarks? The real fact is, the DAP is being run by despots that cling to nepotism and dictatorial tendencies.

Yet, DAP has the cheek to defend themselves as innocent of all racial and hateful politics.

How shameful.

In all this fiery and divisive background, it is a welcome relief that the Prime Minister is calling PAS to join Umno in Barisan Nasional.

Najib Invites PAS To Join BN

KUALA TERENGGANU, April 30 (Bernama) — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak invited PAS to join the Barisan Nasional (BN) in efforts to champion the agenda on race, religion and the nation.

He said the time had come for PAS to break off from the DAP which had clearly not fought for the cause of Islam.

“Why be friendly with the DAP? Can the DAP champion the cause of Islam?

“Hadi (PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang), enough of the DAP, leave the DAP, join BN,” he said in his speech before an audience of about 15,000 at a gathering with the people in the Manir state constituency, at Kg Pulau Bahagia, near here, Saturday.

It is a timely suggestion by the Prime Minister although this particular call had been suggested by past prime ministers all through the years. The level playing field of politics here in Malaysia had been bulldozed to dangerous heights by the DAP.

While the Malays’ quest for survival post Independence and through the NEP years did not deny the rights of other races to prosper themselves, the DAP seems to be playing the destructive zero sum game.

Their relentless power hungry ambitions to usurp power through whatever means necessary is alarming.

92 thoughts on “1Melayu 1Bumi in Barisan Nasional

  1. Jebat,

    So in the interest of Malay unity, why can’t UMNO join PAS?

    JMD : Hi Jabba, PAS joining Umno and be in Barisan will be more beneficial for Malays as a whole rather than Umno joining PAS outside Barisan. PAS right now is outside Barisan and not part of government. What kind of malay interest can it serve if Umno joins PAS? It is better if PAS joins Barisan. Any calls for Umno to join PAS is just political rhetoric. The most pragmatic call is for PAS to join Umno in Barisan.

    Thank you.


    • Jebat,

      It is not rhetorical IMHO. If UMNO joins PAS (who says it has to be in BN or PR) than you have one single entity fighting for the Muslims which outnumbered the non-Muslims (if that’s the reason for the call by Najib). Unless I’m wrong, quite a number of non-Muslims also supported PAS. So what you have is a win-win situation. You get to form a government where the major race is in command and you have a bunch of people from the minorities who can tolerate that arrangement. Isn’t this pragmatic?


      • Salam,

        You are working on a premise that PAS is better than Umno in terms of resources, membership quantity and political strength. That in itself is already an erroneous position to take. Secondly, if Umno joins PAS (and it is neither BN nor PAS), how can it form a government? Besides, Umno in Barisan is not about exclusivity. That is why the government is inclusive of all other component parties that represent other races. It is a multi-racial platform. Why should Umno and PAS rule over the whole Malaysia without any cooperation from other races? What win-win situation are you talking about? Politically, it is not even workable. Your suggestion is not even practical and pragmatic. The government is BN. You want Umno to exclude itself from BN and form a pact with PAS? You need to destroy the whole political platform and do another massive general election and another newly formed alliance. Can you imagine the repercussion? Even then, they cannot get enough seats to gain two third majority in parliament. It is more practical and certainly easier if PAS joins Barisan. They did that before in 1974.

        Unless of course, you want a government that do not have any representative from other races in the cabinet (UMNO + PAS = Federal government, whereby no MPs of other races in government).

        Thank you.


      • While waiting for Subuh, a few short jabs at jabba and the likes of him.

        It’s not pragmatism but skewed thinking and warped mentality, jabba.

        It’s always the younger and smaller entity going to the older and bigger one. Haven’t you realized that the Malay adat (tradition) and adab (good behaviour) is respect the senior and the older? Or are you non-Malay carrying a Malay-sounding name?

        Haven’t you read that UMNO has existed well before PAS and that PAS originated from UMNO members who left to form PAS? Haven’t you heard that UMNO has over 3 million members and that PAS has less than 1 million?

        What non-Malay support has PAS got? Is DAP supporting PAS or isn’t it the other way round, DAP saying “Never” and “Over my dead body” to Hukum Hudud, and such? What has non-Malay support got to do with Malay unity anyway? Didn’t I say skewed thinking and warped mentality, earlier?


      • jabba,
        Your idea of UMNO joining PAS is understood.

        I can consider your opinion after you consider what is this logic..

        On current standings and situation, if UMNO joins PAS now, Barisan Nasional will be led by non-UMNO organisation. It can be MCA or MIC or any other Barisan component parties. If Najib is longer heading the Barisan Nasional, can he (and other UMNO based leaders) work for the people easily, efficiently and effectively?

        Have you taken this into consideration and logic? Please provide your rationale for your further suggestions.

        Thank you


      • Why would a party that is already the current ruling Government abscond and become an Opposition? This makes no sense unless one is a hardcore member of PAS and is driven by riya’ (“kita tak join depa, depa yang mai join kita – we don’t need them, they need us”).

        It should be the other way around, viz Lib Dems in the UK, as the Opposing party is the one that stands to make a gain.


    • I cannot but seriously wonder why the hell there were reports that DS Najib said at a press interview after the Manir state constituency address that he did not invite PAS to join BN, but that he merely asked PAS to leave DAP and PR and work or co-operate with UMNO/ BN.

      Yet Bernama’s report as printed by JMD above has the heading “Najib Invites PAS To Join BN”. And at least three other reports I read carried the same heading and content, viz,, and

      Did the press interview allegedly denying the invitation actually take place? If so, why was there a denial or a clarification by Najib that he was merely asking PAS to work together instead of joining BN? If not, why were the denial or clarification reports made? And why the many news reporters were hard hearing and their editors so dumb as to print such starkly different facts?

      It would not have mattered much if many Malays have not been expecting Najib to announce a change in strategy or tactics after the Chinese have shown clearly their racist card in the PRN Sarawak. And the Malays were and still are anxious to know what serious moves Najib is taking to bring about Malay unity in the face of the Chinese ganging up with the DAP.

      No doubt the idea of PAS joining the BN would pose all sorts of problems and even resistance by the non-Bumi component parties. But Najib could at least let the news wires and the papers report the “invitation”, perceived or real. Allow a little time for the Malays to digest what appeared as welcome news, then make the clarification the next day or so. If he did deny or clarify what was reported that very afternoon, is it another reflection of his being so sensitive to Chinese feelings to the point of being utterly tiring and no longer tolerable to many of us?

      For goodness sake, the Chinese have not been sensitive to our feelings, man. If otherwise, why the hell did Lim Kit Siang and the DAP goons keep hogging their so-called malaysian malaysia idea that has been subversive to the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak? And the Chinese came out in support of the DAP at PRN Sarawak. And why the hell did MCA come out with asking the Bumiputera equity target be abolished, to the extent that many Malays asked that their citizenship right be abolished, too?


    • For the record, I think those thumbing up up there are for JMD’s comment, not for what Jabba said.

      Those who think so can thumb up my comment now – though a bit late in the day as two new posts have come out.


    • Goodness, my comment submitted just now came out too far from Jabba’s first comment that was intended at.

      Am trying again to emphasize that what I wrote referred to the 21 thumb ups for Jabba’s first comment here. That it was pointing out that PAS should join UMNO, not the other way round.

      I repeat:

      For the record, I think those thumbing up up there are for JMD’s comment, not for what Jabba said.

      Those who think so can thumb up my comment now – though a bit late in the day as two new posts have come out.


  2. I don’t agree.

    That the Chinese Cina should be highly admired. That they have a clear direction and future in this country. That they are fully united. That we cannot blame DAP because they plug the racist line endlessly.

    Yes, their business skills should be admired. That they have unwavering determination to accumulate wealth. To the extent of being ultra kiasu. So bloody selfish. To the extent of being racist. Not only unwilling to part with their huge wealth but also wanting to deny wealth distribution to the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak. Despite the Constitution Article 153 on the Malay and Bumiputera Special Position.

    Other than business skills and dogged determination, they have their fair share of political differences. No doubt PRN Sarawak shows the Chinese there rallying behind the DAP racist sloganeering, it’s till unclear who the sizeable proportion of other Chinese would vote for. PRK Tenang, Merlimau etc indicated that.

    So long as MCA and Gerakan are still within BN, the DAP Chinese and their supporters do not have a clear future. They don’t have even enough funds to develop the economy in Penang and Selangor where DAP play a significant role. They may decide on policies but where the administrators are mostly Federal Officers, the Chinese are not assured of maximum benefits during policy implementation. True, the Officers have to serve the government in power. But they have discretion in many cases and at various levels. That’s why DAP is very anti the Civil Service.

    But it’s damn good that DS Najib has started making overtures to PAS. The Chinese must be made aware of the need to be grateful for the 1 million Chinese given free citizenship by Tengku A Rahman at Merdeka. Tun Dr Mahathir pointed this out at Perkasa Kedah rally in Alor Star this afternoon. Now the 1 million figure has multiplied many times. They need to appreciate that they can make money undisturbed in this country and that they must not try to deny the Malays and the Bumiputeras their special position and privileges.

    I believe getting PAS into BN would make them aware of that one way or another. I hope PAS will respond favourably and such overtures would come to fruition.


    • Correction:

      “So long as MCA and Gerakan are still within BN, the DAP Chinese and their supporters do not have a clear future”

      should read

      “So long as MCA and Gerakan are still within BN, the the Chinese are not fully united and the DAP Chinese and their supporters do not have a clear future”.


  3. Salam JMD,

    Is it any wonder that Karpal Sink is fighting tooth and nail to save or prolong DSAI from being prosecuted, until the next GE. Once the link is broken DAP would not have the support of the Malays courtesy of PAS.

    The DAP can only convince the gullible that they are multi- racial. Unker Lim explained by saying that they have Indian MPs. What a joke. This chauvinist biaDAPs exploited the Hindrafians and fielded the Indians.

    He fail to mention takde Melayu MP pun. The Indian all won in Chinese majority areas maybe except Sungai Siput. You know who lost lah. Ni kor Unker Lim ho panglai ngak. and

    They are experts at exploiting. Hindraf, Ketuanan, TBH, Allah/Alkitab and the ex-con.

    Now that the BN is slowly but surely getting the confidence of the Indian back, they will exploit and attack anything and everything deemed “ultra bangsa Melayu”.

    And tomorrow is the anniversary month for them to exploit May 13 again. Thats an odds on bet.

    Divide and rule. Divide the Malays, the Chinese rule.

    Best regards


  4. PS

    PKR won three state seats in the Sarawak SE.

    “Chief Minister” designate menang by 473 votes. Krian, exploiting the Allah/Alkitab in 96% Iban majority Christian area and Batu Lintang 83% Chiinese majority area.

    “The Ibans were traditionally animist, although the majority are now Christian, some of them Muslim and many continue to observe both Christian and traditional ceremonies, particularly during marriages or festivals.” Wikipedia.

    Podah lah Unker Lim.



  5. Looking back, we do have an opportunity not to reach such polarization when PM put forward the 1Malaysia. Its meant for unity and the inspiration come from racial harmony in Sarawak. I have to admit, all this efforts has not been appreciated judging from the way the Sarawakian Chinese community cast our votes in the just concluded state election. To be fair, some chinese cast their vote out of their disapproval of certain state leaders. But a vote to DAP has been trumpeted as everything DAP championed. DAP ride on the sentiments but some Chinese is not aware of what DAP represent in the eyes of Malays. I do not blame the Bumi community for wanting to have a united front, after all if we Chinese can rally behind DAP, why can’t the Malay united under UMNO. But really, I don’t see any sense for my community to sit in the opposition bench and find faults with everything that the government do. In the long run, we only buried ourselves in bitterness, frustration and confrontation mood. And mind you, such negative emotion is really bad for the future of Chinese. We do have opportunity not to come to this stage but it is a pity that a lot of us choose to be confrontational. There goes our future, 1Malaysia, 2Sentiments. Cakap pun tidak guna. Salam 1Malaysia from one of those 20% Sarawakian Chinese.


    • Your views about 1Malaysia and the Sarawak Chinese not appreciating it is laudable. Similarly, your saying not to “blame the Bumi community for wanting to have a united front”. And saying “it is a pity that a lot of us (Chinese) choose to be confrontational.”

      This is good morning news to me. You have expressed responsible views there and hope there are more of you and the likes of you.


  6. Rasanya dah tak boleh dah nak di ubah sikap kecinaan yg begitu tebal yg telah di serapkan oleh DAP di kalangan masyarakt cina di negara ini. Kita juga dah tak mampu utk membuka mata dan hati pengikut2 tegar PKR utk melihat siapa sebenarnya Anwar Ibrahim. PAS nampaknya 50:50 dan masih boleh dibawak berunding.So what to do? Orang Melayu kena terima hakikat ini dan bergerak ke arah menanganinya dgn bijaksana, bukan secara emosi. Rambut jangan putus dan tepong jangan berserakkan.Macam doktor merawat pesakit kronik, ada kalanya ada angguta badan yg perlu dipotong utk selamatkan nyawa pesakit. Memang lah perit utk membuang mana2 angguta badan tersebut tetapi badan tersebut akan menjadi lebih kuat dan sihat selepas pembedahan penyelamat ini.Tak susah rasanya utk mengenal pasti angguta badan mana yg selama ini menjadi duri dalam daging ditubuh Orang Melayu sekarang.Pembedahan dalaman ini penting dalam persiapan fizikal dan mental bagi Orang Melayu utk menghadapi ancaman yg pastinya akan dilancarkan oleh DAP dan kuncu2nya terhadap kepentingan Orang Melayu. However, the Malays must be prepared to accept some losses which will invariably occur.But for the good of many, those few must go.


  7. hi JMD

    saya memang dah muak dengar cerita-cerita melayu-cina ni. dah berdekad-dekad dan berdekat-dekat pun tak habis-habis. Saya tengok orang melayu ni tak akan berbunyi kalau tak perlu, tapi sekarang dah perlu sebab orang cina tak pernah berhenti berbunyi (rumah dah siap 55 tahun, pahat belum berhenti berbunyi) termasuk jugak kepala-kepala mereka macam chua soi lek dan menteri kesihatan bangang yang nak bataskan penjualan nasi lemak (dia tak cukup kerja).

    orang melayu pun memang patut bersatu dah lama dah. yang bantutkan penyatuan melayu ni 2,3 hal saja – obsession dengan anwar ibrahim dan obsession dengan nik aziz dan melayu yang dah lupa diri dan dah tak ikut adat (melayu mengaku liberal).

    Najib offer PAS, dan apa yang dia cakap memang betul banyak. PAS dah (mintak maaf) buta hati sebab suka berangan-angan tinggi macam PKR jugak. DAP pun mengigau jugak. Orang Melayu rakyat Sultan. Jangan lupa.

    Saya tengok Najib ikhlas in making the offer; sebab politik sikit-sikit tu adat le.. orang politik, siapa tak tahu. MCA dah tak yakin, apa lagi BN nak buat. Najib kena masuk gear cepat-cepat, tak boleh lalai macam Abdullah. Kalau tak masuk gear sekarang, nanti takut tak cukup undi. MCA ni pun satu bahalol, siang0siang dah tunjuk tak yakin. Najib tak pening ke ?

    Jalan yang sebaik-baiknya memang supaya Melayu bersatu dalm Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu macam dulu-dulu.

    Terima kasih


  8. wahai si tuah…. di manakah gerangan tuan hamba sekarang? mengapa tuan hamba biarkan si jebat bermati-matian mempertahankan kata-kata keramat tuan hamba “takkan melayu hilang di dunia”?. di mana pula gerangan sahabat-sahabat tuan hamba yang lain, kasturi, lekir dan lekiu….?

    keadaan orang melayu pasca kegemilangan melayu melaka kian pudar… semangat perjuangan melayu pasca merdeka juga sudah luntur… sangat-sangat menyedihkan. hanya si jebat berseorangan meneruskan perjuangan. jika Tun Dr Mahathir adalah si tuah, mengapa tidak kita sahut cabaran untuk bersatu… jika si jebat kembali setia, mengapa tidak kita bersama-sama bersatu dan bersetia kepada raja, agama dan bangsa.

    Ya Allah… hamba berdoa dan bermohon rahmat Mu, agar semua orang melayu kembalilah bersatu demi perjuangan agama, bangsa, raja dan negara… Amin…



  9. JMD,

    In the link you provided, Lim Kit Siang says “Call for “1Melayu, 1Bumi” by Utusan Malaysia final confirmation that Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign is big vote-getting circus”. It may be vote-getting but it’s legitimate, non-racist and a responsible line of action.

    Certainly not DAP’s so-called malaysian malaysia. It’s racist as it is an attempt to erode the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak. Asking for equal rights without acknowledging that Special Position is plainly and simply subverting that Special Position. It is not only racist, it’s irresponsible. The stuff that made Tengku A Rahman kick out Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore out of Malaysia in 1965.

    It’s the stuff that they plugged, couched in different words and tone, during every elections, including in 1969 that led to the race riots. They did the same during the Sarawak PRN that led to the Chinese ganging up with them. That led to Utusan’s call for 1Melayu, 1Bumi movement. It’s not “the final confirmation that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia campaign is not a serious nation-building concept” but a final confirmation of the need for the Malays to stand up and stop the racist tendencies of DAP and their goons. It’s them who have been irresponsible and carrying out “anti-national politicking at the gutter worst – trying to pit race against race” in a country whose history and Constitution they don’t even want to respect. Lim Kit Siang’s statements, thoughts and actions are confirmation of the need to put him behind bars or incacerated in Kamunting ISA Detention Centre like he has been for some 18 months before.

    He still speaks about “race tensions in the country” when he and his ilks have been and are the ones who have created them. What a gullible and irresponsible fellow he is. Now in that blog post he blames “a small coterie of Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans and Kadazans camouflaging under the guise of race champions merely to feather their own nests.” How warped and skewed his thinking can be. How gullible those followers and supporters of DAP are.

    And he claimed “DAP had never been a political party for the Chinese”. Yet only Karpal Singh, his sons, Tengku Aziz and a smattering of others are members. And he’ll twist the fact that in the 1969 general elections, there were Indians and Malays elected on the DAP ticket as “confirmation” that DAP is not Chinese! He never uses the word puppets, preferring only to put hem up to “confirm” DAP is not Chinese. And, apart from the Karpal dynasty, there are hardly any non-Chinese MPs and ADUNs now.

    He blames the 1Melayu 1Bumi concept as “irresponsible anti-national”. Yet his so-called malaysian malaysia concept has been irresponsible and anti-national since the day Lee Kuan Yew introduced it when Singapore joined Malaysia in 1963 and picked up by Lim Kit Siang when they were kicked out in 1965.

    Instead of blaming 1Melayu and 1Bumi, Lim Kit Siang should dump his “malaysian malaysia” stand, acknowledge the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumuputeras of Sabah and Sarawak, change his racist approach and seditious election campaigning methods, and talk about genuine unity based on the Constitution of this country.


  10. MCA and Gerakan are not likely to leave BN regardless what the PRU 13 outcome is.
    They will not depart but shall remain with BN for an unknown length of time. However,once and if ever, the coaliton of UMNO/PAS come into realisation, the whole ideal, principle and cause of the very purpose of Alliances’ existence requires reconfiguration. This is so because the ethnical characters of the Malaysia society have indeed undergone a radical and extreme change.
    Every Malaysian is concerned about the future direction of this nation. Most people feel deeply affacted by fearfulness , suspicion and lacking of trust. This will create the passage for the old coalition to dismantle and a new political system order has to step in.
    Assuming PRU 13 see the mass withdrawal of chinese voters leaving BN, MCA and Gerakan, nevertheless, remain helpless. All they can say is” we have done our best” and they simply cannot make demands which UMNO plainly are not able to fulfil.
    MCA and Gerakan thus, readily accept the chinese non-representation in the government and not least worried about the situation but chinese-based political parties will grow from sterngth to strength resulting with tense sarroundings. Peace is threatened looking at how things go presently.
    Malaysia needs good and stable government. We cannot have good and fair govt without the the presence of morally respected opposition. We need them too. I suspect
    PAS, UMNO and Keadilan can transfigure with the departure and in-coming of new leadership.
    We need rational thingking community and citizens.


  11. Today Rafidah Aziz said in the news 1Melayu, 1Bumi will jeopardize 1Malaysia. To me, the hell with 1Malaysia. The hope to build one nation in this beloved land is second to none and assimilation has failed a very long time ago. What objective does 1Malaysia want to achieve that cannot be achive with 1Melayu, 1Bumi? Integration has failed, national language agenda has failed, education system has failed very badly, distribution of wealth has no luck either, etc, etc. Do najib really think his 1Malaysia can change all this? I bet my left arm it will not.

    It’s time to take action and unite. Is there no people in power dare enough to stop being a politician for a second and think like a negarawan? Nobody have a soul to save our future generation and stop thinking about how many vote they get in next GE? This is desperate time and desperate time need desperate measure.

    Only by force, we can unite Malaysian. Not tolerance and definately not 1Malaysia. Don’t get me wrong, by force doesn’t mean we have to go to war but if the next goverment doesn’t have any representative from another race, doesn’t it easy to bulldoze SRJK? Also, of course we can deal with the demo on the street swiftly by then.

    Hopefully, all our children will go the the same school, speak the same language and at last play together.


    • I share your sentiments and support what you say, brother.

      I don’t think assimilation has been tried in this country like that
      done in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines where the pendatangs
      have to adopt local names, speak the local language, dress like the
      locals and follow many of the local ways. To achieve that, we need a
      firm, courageous and aggressive leader, perhaps backed by the military
      like during Emergency Rule when Parliament was suspended immediately
      after the 1969 race riots. But integration, i.e via persuasion, has
      certainly failed a very long time ago.

      1Melayu, 1Bumi will certainly create unity among the Malays whose
      disunity has been exploited by the extremist DAP Chinese to the extent
      the non-extremist Chinese have ganged up with them in the Sarawak PRN.
      With that unity we can hope to avoid the depressive feeling – and the
      fact – that “integration has failed, national language agenda has
      failed, education system has failed very badly, distribution of wealth
      has no luck either, etc, etc”.

      Indeed, it’s time to take action and unite. But personally I don’t
      think we can expect Najib to “dare enough to stop being a politician
      for a second and think like a negarawan”. That he wants votes I can
      understand, though I do not condone the excessive length he goes to.
      But I hope he is not thinking of leaving a legacy of being a liberal.
      One cannot be a liberal, at best only a pseudo-liberal, if one does
      not appreciate that the premise for national unity in this country
      must be the leveling of the playing field. One cannot expect to see
      the eradication of grudges, envy, jealousy – that breed racist,
      antagonistic and confrontational tendencies – for so long as there is
      a vast gap in the wealth and educational well being of the largest
      community compared to the 23% Chinese in the country.

      I also think that if the next government doesn’t have any
      representative from the Chinese, the implementation of the
      single-stream schooling or Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua (SSS) can be done
      without much fuss and protestations at Cabinet level. True they,
      especially the DAP, will make noises, but what the heck, they have
      been making noises even against the breeze that blows, and the Chinese
      choose not to be represented anyway.

      Yes, all our children must go the the same school, speak the same
      language and at last play together for the sake of long-term unity,
      peace and prosperity. Sooner or later, but it damn better be sooner
      than later.


  12. This is classic JMD up to his mischief again. Always insisting that others should abide by his whims and fancies, whether it is issues in naming the “sky father” and now, it seems, it is wrong for certain people to vote for a particular political party. Why is the author of the blog insist in dominating other people’s thoughts and beliefs? Why can’s he mind his own business? You go your way, and I go mine.

    1) On 1bumi policy, competition is good and should be encouraged, but then, I suppose, this is not part of UiTM Economic syllabus. Incompetents normally hide behind race based or religion based politics. More bumi/malay dominated parties should be encouraged to be forrmed.

    1. “沉着应付、韬光养晦、绝不当头、有所作为” – 邓小平

    “Religion is regarded by the common man as true, the wise man as false, and the rulers as useful.”

    ~Seneca the Younger 4 b.c.- 65 a.d
    2) The only thing holding back the malays is freedom to express themselves. So malays with evolving ideas, are held back either by religionist, or racial conformity. Malays should learn from their ancestors before they converted to islam, i.e. freedom to decide their faith, and with that, freedom to express and speak. And to protect those who wish to speak freely, and not threaten them with harm, even if your opinion differs. It is this issue that is holding back the malays.

    3) Even with all chinese voting for DAP, the most they will gain is 20% of the seats in parliament, and win one state, i.e. Penang. So why is everyone making a big deal out of this?
    The fact is, many rakyat are fed up with race issues and race based policies.Many voted DAP to counter UMNO’s arrogance.

    4) Over zealousness in implementing the NEP, contributes to incompetents holding positons beyond their capability, and this is holding back the country. The term ketuanan melayu does not resonate with the modern and evolving person.
    As an example, four decades ago South Korea was markedly poorer than Malaysia, South Korea’s per capita income is now three times higher than Malaysia.
    So where is the great performance of BN/UMNO?
    The british. They, know how to formulate and manage a multiracial country such as malaysia in a neutral and just manner that benefits all. My personal belief is that a neutral party should manage a multiracial entity.

    5) It is unfortunate that malaysia is cursed with useless nimcompoops malay politician leading both sides of the divide. Best we select a competent one from other races to take us on to another dimension, not only in wealth and might, but also thoughts and expressiveness.

    6) Why is JMD harping on private educational centres of higher learning. Education should be encouraged and should be made available to any who wish to pursue, as cheaply as possible. Merdeka University should be allowed if there are people willing to invest in such an institution. This is, after all, a PFI (Private fund initiative) that will provide jobs for the capable.


    • Firstly, nobody put a gun to your head and ask you to believe whatever I write here. You have a choice. If I ask you to jump in front of a speeding train, will you do it? But the fact you even wrote the way you did implied that you are slightly rattled and disturb with what I had written. The truth scares you is it?

      1. Nobody said anything about having only one malay political party. You can have as many as you want. PAS was not asked to be disbanded by Najib. Nor the 1Melayu 1Bumi policy asked for one political entity. They just ask for a common goal. Please read carefully.

      2. I believe the malays already have freedom to express themselves. Just read the internet and blogs. Most of them are Malays. Just look at facebook. Why even I can say whatever I want here. But the one that don’t like what I said was you. Are you curtailing my freedom of expression? It looks like it.

      3. You are wrong. DAP gets Penang with the help of PKR and PAS. IN the last GE, they garnered nearly 50% popular votes nationwide with the help of PKR and PAS supporters. Please do not downplay DAP’s strategy by citing 20%. I am not that foolish. Lim Guan Eng’s easter message is equally if not more arrogant than any other politicians in Malaysia. Have you ever heard PM’s speech before a particular holiday calling for such negativity? It is always filled with message of goodwill and unity. Lim Guan Eng’s message was filled with hate. The same message Hitler will always do in front of his audience when he was talking about other races he didn’t like. Always focusing on hatred and bad things about other races. Get the parallels?

      4. British impoverished our lands, sucked our resources dry to finance their Empire, unfairly stratified our society according to classes and reigned with iron fist and yet you call them managing us in a way that benefits all? You must be joking. Study history carefully.

      5. Please suggest who is this one politician from other race (than Malay) who can take us to another dimension of wealth, might, thoughts and expression. Please enlighten us.

      6. What on earth are you talking about here? When did I discuss about private educational centres of higher learning in this article?


      • abang jebat

        saya memang suka bila abang jebat hunus keris. best.
        mesti berdarah.

        melayu besatu memang bagus; Malaysia bersatu lagi bagus.
        saya ingat tempawan faham logiknya, tapi dia berpura-pura tak faham sebab tempawan bangsa yang defy logic for their own convenience

        memang pemikiran buang karan; buat semak malaysia aje orang macam tempawan ni

        agaknya tempawan nak beli green card belum cukup duit la tu


    • Just realized there’s another Anon at 10:12 pm up there. The two further up is me, now calling myself Anon 1 to distinguish the two different personalities.

      And this one asks why the hell is the nincompoop tempawan writing Chinese characters up there, knowing that this a Malay-owned blog, frequented mostly by Malays, and he can always take his Chinese characters to Chinese language blogs. And trying to preach religion to Muslim Malays.

      This is the Chinese school, DAP mentality, who cares not the sensitivity of others, who would have joined the unruly and rude election victory parades in Kampong Bahru KL in 1969 that exploded in the 13 May race riots.

      While Sarawakian Chinese above has a responsible and likeable stand, this bloke is a nono in Malaysian society. Even says complete untruths as JMD has pointed out above. Goes to the extent of putting words into people’s mouth and the like. Disgraceful, terrible and unacceptable son of a so and so.


      • Is that what the tempawan fellow wanted you to know in Chinese characters?

        It’s part of the communist strategy. Like Mao Zedong’s “Two steps forward, one step backward”. It has sinister intent. Sounding subversive as well. After all, anything communist, especially Mao Zedong-ist, is often subversive. That has always been the communist way, the anarchist and anti-Establishment way.

        This tempawan is a dangerous character. Certainly no decency, rude like DAP goons, maybe a DAP goon himself. Purposely talking in their own language even in front of those who do not understand it. Imagine what he and the likes of him have written in the vernacular Chinese blogs. He dares to do it even in this blog. He couldn’t care a damn. Damn him.

        We must counter each and every comment of his. Reply in like comments. When it’s kurang ajar, the same in reply. He must be told in no uncertain terms when his comment is not acceptable. Not just for his own knowledge, but also for the readers of this blog as a whole. That we cannot allow blokes like him to say anything they like, any way they like, without being challenged, without being told off, and demeaned.


    • tempawan

      since when you cannot mind your own business ? does any melayu poke a keris on your back to stop you from minding your own business ?
      brader, bila cakap jangan buat nama cakap aje;
      jangan buat pernagai lim guan eng
      you are making up things, man

      “incompetency normally hides behind race”
      what are you suggesting ? they teach you this in vernacular school ?
      if malaysians don’t vote for competent government, this country would have now been in ruin. i have lived reasonably peacefully in this country
      show me what you mean by competent. so that i can begin to understand you
      we are not talking religion in this forum.
      were you sober when you wrote this comment ?

      hei look here , the malays are free to express themselves any which way the want
      don’t speak for the malays when you don’t have authority over it, will you
      before “malays converted to islam”, no chinese lived on this land, indian maybe
      you are either not sober or plainly without adequate knowledge from attending vernacular school
      you have to support 1 school system, else future generations of yours will be as uninformed as you are
      the faith of the malays have been decided and they are not complaining
      who are you to put forth complaint for the malays ? you are melayu ?
      nothing holds the malays back in this country
      you live in illusions my friend

      you make generalization again my friend. you obviously have a word choice problem. you did not pass SPM or what ?
      “everyone” you say… that does not include me and i am sure many more those non-bumi are not included in your “everyone”
      i don’t give a damn who runs penang or selangor or kelantan or perak
      one of the actual problem in this country is that DAP is promoting race-based and hate politics more than any other political parties; PAS is promoting Islam by way of “undi PAS masuk syurga”, PKR is fighting for Adil when they already have avenues to fight and they have been using it effectively too
      yes some umno fellows are showing arrogance but not all, and you make generalization again
      i live in selangor and work in perak; i can tell the level of efficiency and arrogance between BN and PR; forget about KJ, he is a piece of shit. Let’s look at nga kor ming and ngeh koo ham, they not arrogant to you ?
      who play up issues until rakyat fed up; it that not PR and its supporters ?
      we didn’t have this problem in 1995. semua orang sibuk cari makan itu jam

      we live on this land
      this is how things are on this land
      why are you asking something you cannot have
      korea has higher per capita income, please go and live in korea
      let’s see what income you make compared with the reported per capita
      i think you make more in this county unless you are lazier than you all say the malays are
      brader, in this land we don’t measure performance by per capita income alone.
      that is economic measure only, there are many other measures which majority of the population are more interested in. if we don’t have peace, do we have economic progress to measure ? ask yourself this honest question, man
      the british ripped us of our resources for hundreds of years before giving it back to us and left us a ruptured society and you call that managing ! they didn’t give a shit about what we were to become as a country after coercing the rulers of the land into agreeing to irresponsible and irreversible plan for independent malaya. ask your grandparents were the sultans fair to their british subjects then when they yielded to the british plan and having to accept “invited” british subjects as having the same right with their own subjects with only a promise of provision of special rights to their subjects ! you bloody call it ketuanan today ? personally i don’t even like the bloody term coined by some umno smart ass some years ago. it sounds bloody racist to me i am sure you agree. there can be better word to describe it.
      we need not be managed by neutral party, man. how stupid can you be letting that happen to you. if you want it that way, you may go apply a british citizenship.
      i think will welcome you with open arms. why don’t you give it a try.
      may i ask what benefit do you not draw from this land ?
      i am sure man, if this land doesn’t provide you and your ancestors with adequate benefits, your grandfather would have been long gone to another land and you would have never assumed the name tempawan in this forum today
      the people of the land has always welcomed anyone to come and stay in this land. and they were and are and always will be courteous to whoever that may be dropping by for a while or for good. this has been true for thousand of years when we were pirates ? some say…

      you talk about race, race, race, among the other races…
      what is it with you man ? nothing else in your head ?
      what curse are you talking about tempawan ?
      the only curse there is was when the british started to meddle into rulers’ administrative business. they saw the opportunities and they seized it.
      the people of the land then were disunited as a result of several hundred years of foreign meddling. that’s factual history, man. difficult to swallow ?
      what “competent one from other races to take on another dimension” ?
      you blind or what ?
      mahathir mohamad is the best man we have had to administer the country. i know you and many will disagree. he labored himself more than 3 decades to bring to us the way you and i communicate today in this forum. this is not expressive enough for you ? then join anwar ibrahim and his goons and take to the streets la. where were we before mahathir ? when he took helm, it took a good 8 hours to drive to penang from kuala lumpur not including the waiting at the ferry terminal. this is one convenience we have enjoyed. you and your likes hammer the man all the time.
      you think lim chong eu would have taken the job if it was given to him ?
      he was handed penang, and he came crawling back into the alliance for the benefit of the people he fought for. that’s political wisdom !
      even lee kuan yew was shocked in disbelief but he was and still is a fighter and that deserve admiration despite my disagreement with his ideologies.
      you and your likes talk about have and don’t have, right and wrong and ideals.. please stop for a second and think what has worked and will continue to work for the land and her people and develop acceptance for it. you will feel better i bet. give it a try

      many of my ancestors and yours came ashore this land to find greener pastures. the difference between mine and your is that mine became fond of this land, its people, its cultures and they assimilated well and they didn’t complain unlike yours who continue to complain until kingdom come.

      JMD writes and he writes well. if you dislike what he writes, please read uncle kit’s blog only or you may go to visit din merican’s.
      jobs for the capables… you are capable but without a job, man ?
      sorry i am just tickling you… we must tickle one another and laugh at both ourselves. that will make us all better malaysians, don’t you think i got a point there ?

      i rest my case


  13. If PAS & UMNO united, I’m the most happier person in this world.

    But first, we have to stop bashing and condemning PAS in national newspapers. Let’s start a good relationship from there.


    • No, they do not breed a lot. But from my observation, there are a lot of Chinese from mainland China migrated here using social passport and student visa (not to forget illegal immigrant). In most cases, immigrants came through Sarawak and Kalimantan where the security is breach-able . Do you know currently in Kalimantan, the population is made up by 50% Indonesian and almost 50% Chinese. Wadehek? Try asking those working class Chinese in Sarawak whether they even have Malaysian IC or not. What do you think the answer would be?


  14. Salam JMD,

    1M1B ditolak oleh semua pemimpin2 parti politik baik Umno, Pas dan Pkr. Saya rasa mereka semua anggap gerakan 1M1B sebagai satu ancaman kepada political base mereka.

    Bagi saya pemimpin2 Melayu yang ada semua hipokrit dalam laungan Melayu Bersatu mereka. Semua mahukan penyatuan melalui parti mereka. Kenapa tidak atas platform Bangsa supaya SEMUA orang Melayu boleh ikut serta tanpa mengira dari parti mana pun ?

    Bukankah ini ( Melayu Bersatu ) yang sering dilaung2kan oleh setiap pemimpin Melayu selama ini …… jadi kenapa bila telah muncul satu gerakan yang benar2 berasaskan Bangsa Melayu, kedengaran suara2 bantahan dari pemimpin2 Melayu baik dari UMNO, PAS dan PKR ? Mana keikhlasan mereka mahu melihat Melayu Bersatu ?

    Ada saya nukilkan dalam artikel terbaru saya –


  15. I dont care .anymore….take a dagger and cut me i will bring as much down with me….. tried with you Malay when u guys are not united and make chinese as a scapegoat , we chinese just dont have confident with BN because of your dearest Badawi and PKR because of your BABI , so do we have choice beside vote for DAP. Sometime u people use your brain to think not just rape a woman but tackle the heart


    • This Chinese Apek is another unacceptable kind. Despite being an old man (Apek), saying harsh, irresponsible words. Pity his children and grandchildren. What kind of upbringing can one expect of his offspring and those after them.

      We really should not have such characters in this country.


  16. What a fcuk ultra kiasu punya comments. Please on the fact that why I and others(beside Chinese) reject UMNO because they are No:1 corrupted leader, fcuking racist and what I want is simple as that. I not even care what the fcuking race leader they are as long they honest no corrupted fair to all and you understand JMD…….. this is fact what the rakyat like me and others want simple as like faham……


    • tsk tsk tsk

      Better the devil you know than the ANGEL you just met. Yo lee, the dirt about DAP corruption will soon be made known thru the TBH case. Let’s practice some patience and wait for the details to be exposed.

      Ronnie Liu, Teresa tok ketampi kok + other DAP icons will be mentioned soon enough. Akan datang …


  17. Non bumis who say that the malays are divided are quite right. But push them (the malays) to the wall and see what happens. If you are still alive, that is.


  18. Heh.. Just look at the comments from the chauvinist supporters. Where the fuck do u get the idea that chinese being made a scapegoat in this issue? Nobody harp on you, we are discussing about malay unity/disunity in current political environment. Please enlighten us about you being scapegoated. Have you been blame because of our disunity? But those bloody stupid comment you made have shine us your true color. There is no sincerity or honour anywhere in your blood, just the right blood to be leak with a dagger. Blame Badawi and at the same time curse PKR. Last I check, PKR is in the same ship as DAP, yet you scream BABI. Why, because the leaders are malay too? Who is the fucking racist? There is not even a miliseconds we can trust these bastards. They are opportunist, roam freely with two faces.

    I’m damn tired of hearing corruption and racist coming from your foul mouth. The old same excuse to justify your deeds? Do you think your DAP does not corrupt? You already has a dynasty up there, is that not corrupt? Even DAP political strategy is corrupt, harping on racial issue all the time and recently with “corrupted” manner, take Hitler as an example on easter message. What kind of “corrupted” mentality is that comparing malaysian who ever he is/they are to Hitler? You’re corrupted to the teeth, I’m sure we can find corruption which involved money by the rate things is going.

    Fair leader? Let me first remind you of the word “fair”. This what happen when you go the the low quality school which teach in foreign language. You just can’t grasp the “difficult” concept like fair. Fair is NOT one for you and one for me. Fair is when you give what right to the person who has right for it. That’s how the word fair is working. Now, do you think DAP’s malaysian malaysia or whatever is fair? Is it fair to abolish malays special position which state in constitution? Which has been forged by our forefather, which has been agreed by all in return for free citizenship? DAP ultimate goal is totally unfair all these time, yet you think you’re fighting for fairness and even demand for it? Idiot!

    But still, sincerity in Najib’s invitation is not to much to be proud of. Please try again for the sake of future generation.

    Thanks JMD for the space.


  19. Jmd, you very well know this has nothing to do with Malay unity and everything to do with UMNO’s survival. But i guess when you have simpletons as readers it’s easy enough to spin. It is not for lack of reason that the moniker ‘bodoh’ is closely associated with your kind.


    • Thank you for this comment Idiot. I believe you would think that when DAP, PKR and PAS joined together to form that loose coalition called Pakatan Rakyat is was not because of political survival. They were sincere in their struggle to gain political power and become the Federal Government. When KeAdilan merged with PRM to form PKR, it was also not about survival but about justice. Recently, when DAP wanted SNAP to join them I guess that too was not because of survival to gain more votes.

      I was just being sarcastic. But then again they could be sincere. And if you believe they are sincere, why can’t you believe PAS joining Barisan as unity effort? Don’t be a racist idiot and calling people stupid when you are exposing your flanks that can be rebutted with your own medicine. Thank you again Idiot.


      • If you must write in just to call people names please don’t be stupid enough calling yourself idiot lah…crazy would be a better choice. Or suicidal. Or maybe pig…you know, its that moniker closely associated with your kind.
        But i guess JMD calling you a racist is by far the best name for you.


  20. Perhaps a precursor to my take, can I seek a common agreement to keep thing civilised.My dad teaches me that manners are paramount when you wish to put your point across. So keep it clean and decent..JMD has put across his points and his views. We may agree on it or agree to disagree, please do not label anyone as stupid, ignorant or idiotic just because one does not subscribe to the views. Ok guys?

    Alright, now on to my take. 1 melayu 1 Bumi to me is fair. I dont see anything wrong with it. In Malaysia, each political party roles is to champion its members cause. This is how it is in Malaysia since independence. We are unlike other countries where political parties are based on idealogies. Here, its based on race..period. So what is the big deal asking for the Malays to united. If the united party can be fair to all means go for it.

    I just want to perhaps “provided an alternative view” of some of JMD’s so called facts.

    1. Dalam ekonomi, mereka membantu antara satu sama lain. Dari sekecil-kecil ekonomis kepadalah yang sebesar-besarnya, mereka akan tolong-menolong antara satu sama lain. – FACT

    This is not true. The basis of Chinese business is motivated by 1 factor. Profit. Simple as that. If I can source my goods from the lowest and best supplier I’ll do it. Hence to say that the Chinese cartle themselves is not completely true. IMHO the same practice is carried by the non-chinese. So with respect, I disagree with this fact.

    2. Budaya telah berjaya menyatupadukan orang Cina. Dalam masyarakat Cina tiada istilah bidaah yang boleh memesongkan mereka daripada soal budaya dan adat resam bangsa. Bahasa Cina diangkat tinggi, malah ada yang kata orang Cina yang tidak boleh membaca Cina pun akan turut membantu membeli akhbar Cina. Maka itu, akhbar Sin Chew Jit Poh – suara keramat orang Cina, menjadi antara akhbar yang paling tinggi edaran dan keuntungannya di Malaysia. – FACT at more than 400,000 copies daily

    This again is inaccurate. High circulation does not mean that non reading chinese buys Sin Chew or China Press just to support them. I for one have not bought a single chinese news paper for myself, but I do so for my dad. The reason for the high circulation is simple. Its due to the older Chinese reading generation like my dad. They dont read news from alternative sources. So they rely on the chinese press for news.That is why u see mostly uncle and aunties at kopitiam, sipping their coffes or teas reading the papers. By saying that people like me who is a “banana” will buy Chinese papers just to support it is pure hearsay. All my non reading Chinese friends that I know of dont, period.

    3. Sekolah Cina terus dijadikan sebagai cagaran politik utama – yang tidak boleh dikompromi sama sekali. – FACT

    I am quite dissapointed with JMD on this. I have all this while supported the 1 school, and so as some my chinese friends. I believe 1 school is the correct approach as it lays down the very foundation of national intergration in this country. So to say non compromise on this, to me at least is a blatant lie.

    4.Pendek kata, orang Cina sebenarnya amat beruntung sekali berada di bumi Malaysia ini. Mereka telah menguasai segala-galanya. Sepuluh teratas orang mereka adalah bilionaire Malaysia. Sebahagian besar kedai yang ada di atas muka bumi Malaysia ini milik mereka. Hampir semua pelajar yang belajar di universiti swasta dan IPTS ternama dan mahal-mahal di negara ini rata-ratanya orang mereka. – FACT

    Fact, the Chinese in this country are a lucky lot. Not a fact, is that they control everything. Tell me which sectors which are monopolized by the chinese, and I will retort with similiar sectors. Whilst there are a lot of Chinese billionaires, are they politically active?. Please these people dont care who runs the country. They just want to make money. So why point fingers by saying this? What is the relevance? Some of them are not even based in Malaysia. And the point that most private IPT is riddle with Chinese, I mean where is the logic? Fact is that most high school top achivers are Chinese. But most of them would not be offered places in local universities. This is the fact!! So what is the solution? ITP to cater for these so called rejects. Is that wrong? ITP famous? Of course..because the base student are high achivers..naturally you will have top scorers..getting into prestigous universities around the world. So why point fault at this? Is the writer saying that…ok if you dont get into local just abandone your education?? That is the conclusion I get from the passage quoted.

    OK. Time to let other people retort to this. Once again thank you JMD for sharing your views and letting me to share mine.


    • gladfly,

      My dad also taught me to speak nicely. What do I do when people don’t do that to me? He said, it’s up to me. So I hope I don’t run across people like that. Coz I can’t guarantee what I’ll do. Even the Christians don’t turn the other cheek when he gets slapped on one cheek.

      You disagree that “mereka akan tolong-menolong antara satu sama lain” and said “The basis of Chinese business is motivated by 1 factor. Profit.” I disagree with you. I say profit plus some other things.

      We all know the Chinese have an established system, if not a long-rooted tradition, of helping one another through the multitude of clan and sub-clan associations and business guilds of all sorts. Exclusive, not accessible to others.

      The Chinese being already the wealthiest community in the country have hardly invited others to join or participate with them in the production and distribution chain of the economy. See the Pasar Borong as a simple example. The Bumiputeras get into only the lowest end of the chain – the smallest retailer, at prices entirely controlled by the Chinese wholesalers.

      And FAMA Pasar Tani has been neither here nor there in terms of really uplifting the plight of the bumis in the distribution of their agricultural produce. And we even come cross Chinese who don’t speak a word of Malay or English selling at the Pasar Tani.

      And have you not heard about one price to Chinese, another to others? At the hardware stores, sawmills, etc?

      And even the small time Class F Chinese contractors want to Ali Baba the Malays. Read what the DAP Ean Yong’s associates and others testified of the DAP guys Ali Baba-ism at the TBH Commission of Inquiry.

      And you think the genuine Class F Bumi contractor can get much profit when each and every item he needs to execute his contract is controlled by the Chinese?

      And you haven’t heard about the Chinese cartels?

      Perhaps we’ll talk again another time.


      • Dear En. Abu,

        Many thanks for your kind retort. Perhaps I did not make myself clear on the issue of cartels. I did not say that the Chinese dont cartel. I said “not completely true”. The reason I said so is in each industry you have main players and each have a tedency to “close door” to outsiders. An example- Construction industry is predominated controlled by the Chinese (Cement, steel players). But on the other end of the scale you have certain industry which the Chinese has little interest, eg telecommunications, utilities, O&G, Civil structural, food (eg rice, sugar dan flour). So to draw an inference based on certain sector may not be so accurate as evidence of cartel. Of course, the best way forward is to have non-monopoly regulations, (Anti-competition Act) which the current government has imposed to ensure fair play to everyone. But I wonder that itself may be viewed as an attacked on the quota system. I do not wish to engage on the the issue of quota as I think it is out if topic on what we are discussing here.

        On the issue of different price to different race, I believe it cuts both ways, tic for tac, ie all races in Malaysia practice this appaling practice. That is from my personal experiance. But the issue is do we need to continue it? I can proudly say I dont. I’ve mentioned in previous threads in this blog that I believe in fair practice. If you wish to be treated fairly, the you first have to act fairly. Simple as that. Dont discriminate just because you feel discriminated. The change always starts from us..never expect people to change to suit our whims and fancies.

        Finally on the point of your class F contractors. I dont deny that a lot of the Chinese ali baba projects from class F contractors. But it is a funny thing isnt it? If the class F contractors are competent, then why ali baba it in the first place? If you say that class F contractors are not competitive due to the reason as laid out in En Ikhwan below (eg supply constrains) the competition is only between bumis only. Correct me if I am wrong, Class F contractors are 100% bumi owned and thus projects tendered is 100% bumi restricted. What is to prohibit them from factoring in these so called “expensive materials” into the tender? Its not like a Chinese Class F contractor will bid for the project which undercuts the bumi class F contractor like 30%.

        Honestly we all know the issue of ali baba scheme. Just to make a quick buck. Get the tender, sub it out to someone else dan get a cut from it. How difficult is that?

        Of course I am more than happy to talk to you again on this. Perhaps over a cup of teh tarik?


        • Unable to get in here until now. A new post on a subject that interests me has come out, but will I not allow 1-2 statements by gladfly above go unchallenged or unrebutted.

          Good that you acknowledge the Chinese practice different prices to different races. But it’s absurd to suggest a tit for tat for tit or tit situation considering the Malays sell only goreng pisang and the Chinese sell everything under the sun in this country.

          Saying “If you wish to be treated fairly, the you first have to act fairly” and “don’t discriminate” shows a disregard for the history of this country and the the Constitutional provision on the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak. You people are pendatang in this country, were encouraged in business, given all sorts of tongkat, became the wealthiest community and occupy the most number of professional positions in the country, and you want the Malays treat you fairly first? “Simple as that”? Just what kind of people are you? You must be one of those who they call ultra kiasu. What the hell are you talking about “never expect people to change to suit our whims and fancies”?

          On the class F contractors, didn’t you read the Teoh Beng Hock Commission of Inquiry witness, himself a Class F contractor, testifying the practice of the Chinese looking for Bumiputeras and arranging with them to use their Bumiputera license? And now again you say the Malays first look for the Chinese and hawk their license? Again, what kind of a fellow are you?. I dDon’t you know the general practice of Chinese contractors looking for Malays with the appropriate class licence, from F to Super A, to agree that they prepare prices for tenders and implement them in the name of the Malay contractors, and notthe Malays looking for Chinese contractors? Did you say your job is advising contractors. Do you also advise the Chinese contractors to ali baba and then use the Ali Baba-ism to laugh at the Malays?

          You are again ultra kiasu, and sadistic, when saying “it is a funny thing”, laughing and talking about the lack of “competency” of the genuine non-Ali Baba Malays at the lowest rung of the contractor chain, who have just started to do the contracting business, yet facing competition with those Ali Babba-ed by the Chinese (read: those of the kind stated by the Chinese contractor at the TBH COI) who wll definitely quote lower prices because their Chinese Babas get lower prices from any Chinese construction material suppliers.

          When previously I said perhaps we woud talk again, I meant that I might hear your views some more. But withthiskindofviews, I’m not interested to hear them again. Because, being ultra kiasu and the kind who wants to laugh at the less fortunate, those who do not have a culture or experience in doing business, you are not likely to change. I’m now writing this merely for the record so that anybody reading this will see how ultra kiasu and a regrettable Malaysian citizen you are.


          • Dear En Abu,

            Have been away. Felt that I have to reply to your post. Now, you can call me anything you like, because that is your pregogative. Ultra kiasu, monyet atau lembu ke saya tidak kisah sebabnya ia adalah pandangan saudara.

            The problem with your post is that you looked at my post with a pre-conception. It always about the nons trying to get a consession from the bumis. But if you look closer at my post, it is clear as crystal that I am not seeking such consession.

            Perhaps the “change” I was referring to is best described by the late Micheal Jackson in his “Man in the Mirror” song. I wasnt asking that the bumis change to fit the nons. Unfortunately, your mind and soul is so tainted with biasness you automatically assumed that I was asking for the Malays to be fair by abolishing NEP, removal of special positions and amending Article 153.

            Sorry to burst your bubble mate, I meant “change” as in I will buy Malay stuff, I treat my Malay staff fairly (my 6 Malay staffs will be more than williing to testify to this), I will speak Malay when I am spoken to. This is the “CHANGE” which I referred. Dont be a bigot En Abu. Dalam ertikata lain, cubalah lihat daripada sudut pandangan seorang yang tidak ada pre-konsepsi.

            I am still open to having a teh tarik my friend. Have a good day.


    • Mr Gladfly

      You are chinese “banana”?

      So most probably only half of our attack point will hit you. You only need to work a bit more to transform yourself from being “banana” into full Malaysian 🙂 And make sure that your BM is good too! Not just on paper!

      I work in construction industry; I am not sure about others, but 80% of the supplier of construction materials e.g. ducting, raw steel, brick, ventilation equipment, fire fightings equipment, lighting etc etc……..guess who control?……yes it is the chinese. You can quote the Malay dominance example; It is most probably the public sector right?…….emmm we can go on and on forever like this……the Malay will blame the chinese dominance on the private sector and the chinese vice versa on the public sector…..

      Or maybe you can quote another example as in the transportation sector…That is the wonder of affirmative action. If not it would be controlled by your people as well.

      But one thing for sure, in construction industry, the bulk of the money goes to the supplier. Yes the award of government contract would normally goes to Bumiputra but the bulk of the money goes to the chinese supplier because as I said above they controlled the supply and the supplier is the most profitable in construction industry.

      And not to mention of the “Ali Baba” tongkat to the chinese as well.

      And as you may already know; there is no profit in public sector. All the profit goes back to the government.

      So end of the day, who get more money?

      Chinese? Bumiputra?

      I dont mind other races get more money but the problem is mr gladfly, this people keep asking for more and more eventhough they are the richest of all and what they are asking encroach other races portion like bumiputra!

      Simply getting money when other bumiputra being “lazy” or dont even bother to work for it is to me an oppurtunist which is fine with me however keep asking for more when it compromised other races portion while you yourself has more and has been doing just fine is just plain greedy which I truly have a problem with.

      I will continue to refute your claim on re: public university….


    • Gladfly

      Now with your other retort;

      You said:
      Perhaps a precursor to my take, can I seek a common agreement to keep thing civilised.My dad teaches me that manners are paramount when you wish to put your point across.

      yes, not just your dad mate, other people dad would have taught the same thing to their children. And plus my dad also taught me that when you go to other people countries, you must respect their native, culture and customs. And by respect he said is to observe and adapt to their social and culture norm. Not the opposite i.e. asking for them to adapt with us!

      I am not sure of others “daddy”. But it seems for the majority Chinese – Malaysian; the message has been lost somewhere along the lines when their ancestors first migrate here.

      You said:
      Of course..because the base student are high achivers..naturally you will have top scorers..getting into prestigous universities around the world. So why point fault at this? Is the writer saying that…ok if you dont get into local just abandone your education?? That is the conclusion I get from the passage quoted.

      I think you missed the point here;

      You must read the whole of Datuk Zaini article. He is just pointing the fact, he is not pointing fault. See.. where is the fault?

      Nobody is blaming you people (chinese) the high achiever!? from filling those private university, college, but the problem arises when you people also ask for the abolishment of the education quota to the Bumiputra in the public university. See where the problem lies!?

      The fact is, he (Zaini) is trying to convey to the target reader (Bumiputra) that majority of “good things” has been achieved by the chinese Malaysian in comparison to the Pribumi and Malay. Now they still ask for more and more and more and they are united behind the DAP.

      Of course they dont monopolized or control everything, but a mere 20% population controlling even more than 50% of Malaysian commercial sector is a pretty damn big. and the 60% population participating only 20% of the same “cake” is pretty hopeless. You dont need to be an economic expert, to see that if you improve this 60% people, Malaysia would propel further.

      So he (Zaini) is asking for the Melayu and Pribumi to unite themselves as well. If you are truly “chinese malaysian”, dont you worry, we will accomodate you as well but not the Ultrakiasu – cina totok type!. If they (Bumiputra) dont unite, all “hell” will break loose if DAP win the election. Things that you people (chinese) most wanted would be realised i.e. kesamarataan – sama rata – sama rasa. If that happen, sadly the only thing that wont be achieved is the KEADILAN dan KESIMBANGAN KAUM!

      Perhaps if I could guess on your misunderstanding, I would say that it is because we talk about chinese but not all chinese is the same and you think that we think that all chinese are the same. like yourself, I guess is still “save – able” compared to those Cina Totok.

      I praise you for supporting SSS that is for sure. One thing that you have to note is that when we talk about Chinese; we totally understand that not all chinese-Malaysian are the same. But the majority is and are united behind the DAP. This is clear from the Sarawak election.

      Looking at the MT, MI comment section and the election result, people like you are certainly “dwarf” by the racist and Cina totok type. I bet that no more than 10% chinese are like you.



      • Dear En Ikhwan,

        Thank you for you reply. A refreshing insight of a no-nonsense person and elequently said.

        First and foremost, while my Bahasa may not be outstanding, I would say that it is pretty good and not on paper only. (to be frank I got a C6 for BM in my SPM). Pada masa itu, saya tidak tekun belajar dan telah mengaibkan mata pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia. Namum demikian, amat bersyukur kerana masih berjaya mendapat C6 dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Saya menulis perenggan ini dalam Bahasa Malaysia bukan kerana ingin berlagak ataupun sombong. Saya hanya ingin menegaskan bahawa ada sebilangan orang Cina yang dapat berbahas ataupun bertutur dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Haruslah diperingatkan bahawa Bahasa Malaysia merupakan Bahasa Kebangsaan negara ini, maka ia merupakan salah satu ciri utama sebagai seorang warganegara untuk bertutur dan menulis Bahasa Kebangsaaan. Sekiranya seorang itu enggan bertutur Bahasa Kebangsaan, maka kesetiaannya terhadap negara ini harus dipertikaikan. Janganlah kita hanya harapkan perubahan di mana kita sendiri tidak ingin berubah. Jom ubah… minta maaf itu slogan politik, benarkan saya menarik balik ungkapan tersebut.

        Ok, funnies aside. Contruction industry. We have something in common then, because in my job I advise contractors. I conceed your point that many of the suppliers in the contruction industry is controlled by the chinese. And you were being frank that not all industries are controlled by the chinese. But the point is, as I explained to En. Abu above, you cant just draw an anology from a particular sector and treat is as the general consensus. Private or public, at the end of the day money is money. Of course you would also know some bumis have made money even in private industries (Tan Sri Al-Bukhary stands out). I can only say that it is a matter of wealth distribution. If the wealth of this country is shared evenly, I guess me and you wont be having this conversation. But alas it is not so, you have the perception that the Chinese is encroaching and bullying the bumis in the share of economic pie. I can honestly tell you that most Chinese is asking for the same thing, abit in a different manner. I dont speak for all the Chinese, but I will say this, corruption is the mother of all evil. The Chinese feels like being treated unfairly. The cronies make their life difficult. They see wastage, corruption, rent seeking like ali baba projects? Why must it be like that? There must be a paradigm shift, to spur a better delivery system in sharing the nation’s wealth. I dont think the Chinese is asking for more, it is a wake up call for the bumis to clean up the house and to purge all the negative traits.

        I am all for the affirmative action for the needy Bumis, NEP has been here since 1970s.Did it occur to you that the Chinese never made an issue when NEP was drawn up? After 30 years, you must feel the frusfration of the Chinese when the objectives of the NEP have yet to be realised. The real benefactors of the NEP are the cronies, many of whom failed to trickle down the benefits down to the needy bumis. Many projects implemented but most failed to live up to the hype. Like the saying goes Gajah Putih. All these wastage is not good for the country. The Chinese just want a stop of such incidents.

        While I am honoured that you deem me saveable, but I think you missed the critical point. It is about harmonizing each race, understanding each other through dialog. Its no point for you to say I am saved but to dismissed the rest of the 90% unsaveable. What is paramount is to actually save the 90% which are deemed unsavable. Explain and not have pre-conception. Discuss and wear your heart on your sleeves. No one is ignorant to logic. Jom…berbahas.

        Thank for taking your time to read this and have a good day ahead. Perhaps if fate has it, maybe one day we can sit down have a teh tarik and converse as friends rather than antagonist.


        • Mr Gladfly

          You said:
          you cant just draw an anology from a particular sector and treat is as the general consensus

          My comment:

          Who is treating it as general consensus!? It is certainly not me. Is it like the pakatan rakyat who has not even won the majority of the “rakyat” vote but yet claim that they are the voice of the rakyat and rakyat want this and that, and the rakyat menentang this and that….. :). They even got the catchy pakatan “rakyat” name as if the general rakyat as a whole have given them the consent to use it!? One thing for sure is that majority rakyat “Cina” does support them.

          If this is the line that you want this discussion to head then nothing can be discussed. When people here said about chinese, they really mean the majority chinese, they really dont mean all chinese. When they said that the chinese controlled the business, what they mean is the majority of the business and they dont mean all business. Similarly with Melayu, they say Melayu is not rich, Of course what they mean is the majority of melayu is not rich but not all; for example Tan Sri Syed Bukhari that you mention. The key thing here is “majority” or “more than”.

          I know it is technically incorrect, but it just easier to say and write rather than saying everytime “majority” chinese…”majority” sector etc etc. This my friend, you have to understand before we even begin our discussion. I cant waste my time arguing whether it (whatever the claim) is for all or none or not.

          I wonder why this government havent produce such statistic/records so that it is clear what sectors, the chinese are controlling and at what level of control. This will obviously make it easier for everybody to make a more objective debate. It will also soothed the chinese who perceive them to be “unfairly” treated.

          And with you comment re: NEP, better delivery, corruption, cronies and the rest………..How I wish that this is true for all chinese and behind it you people (chinese) dont intend for the SAMA RATA and SAMA RASA concept.

          But sadly this is not true, it may be true in your case but not if you scroll down the comment section of MT and MI and read the article from DAP, MCA and other chinese newspaper. Most of them are pure racist and rabid anti Malay. All that they really want…really is equalization in everything. To me;This will be good and does look good at face value but sadly not to the outcome if it is implemented….

          I totally agree with you, with the corruption problem and may be there is something wrong with the delivery of the NEP etc etc…..but sadly this not what you people been criticizing about. Comment like this you normally get from the opposition Malay like PAS and PKR. They dont comment on the Malay position and the affirmative action itself but they comment on the delivery of the system and how the system is implemented.

          I totally have no problem with this. But Sadly this is not true (I have said this three times or more now). You people (Chinese) cries of injustice for anything that is Malay, from the wearing of Songkok, Papan tanda issue, the Bahasa Melayu position, Sekolah Vernakular issue. Coomunist Chin Peng, History of Malaya etc etc. (sighs)……Namewee is the clear example in this regard and just look how many fans he has now including the Malay minister, Nazri Aziz :). It just show the mentality of chinese in “majority” and what they actually want.

          Honestly, I will not be here wasting my time writing in this comment section had that (what you said) been the case.

          And you said:
          While I am honoured that you deem me saveable, but I think you missed the critical point. It is about harmonizing each race, understanding each other through dialog. Its no point for you to say I am saved but to dismissed the rest of the 90% unsaveable.

          Whether it is saveable or not, it is up to the individual themselves. There is no saving a person that doesnt want to save themselves. What more important is to save Malaysia from it sick people. They are like malignant tumor. One of the effective method of curing for such sickness is you operate and remove them totally from the system. You know what I mean.

          What I mean is get this people together (the ultrakiasu chinese) and just ship them back to China or whatever their country of choice is.

          And you further said:
          Explain and not have pre-conception.

          Mr Gladfly

          You can claim me having “pre-conception” if I write the same thing more than 15 years ago under the rules of Dr M. But not now. Nowadays, it is not PRE CONCEPTION anymore, it is evidence based “post-conclusion”. That is more appropriate term looking at the things that you people been asking, comments from your people and the latest election result.

          Sekian dari saya.


        • There’s nothing wrong in the terminology pendatang. The Chinese is a pendatang race. It is a historical fact. Those who are born and bred here may refer to themselves as descendants of the pendatang.

          The Chinese did not complaint when the NEP was formulated. That was because it was formulated during the Emergency Rule assisted by the Army immediately after the race riots of 1969. The underlying cause of the race riots was the economic disparity between the majority Malays who then had less than 2% of the wealth of the country and the minority Chinese who had already controlled the economy. Let’s hope there won’t be another such ghastly event breaking out to get the full co-operation of all concerned to level the playing field in this country. All parties must co-operate to prevent that from happening.

          Corruption exists everywhere, among all political parties. We must not condone corruption but we must not lose our perspective. That after 30 years the Malays still have not achieved the NEP target is not due only to corruption. The Malays don’t have a culture of profit taking or doing business and wealth accumulation. The Malays have a culture of berdagang or barter trade. Even late in the 19th Century the Malays of Perak were still exchanging tin ingots or “pasir hitam” with bales of cloth at river banks etc. Weights and measures, pricing and the like were not known in Malay culture.

          The Chinese control the economy. Would some one tell me the sectors that the Chinese are not in control and those that the Malays are in control? One way or another. Production, distribution, retailing, construction, housing development, etc.

          The Chinese have all sorts of clan and sub-clan associations as well as business guilds of all kinds, existing as a tradition, established since ages ago. They are exclusive, no Malays can join or learn the tricks of the trade in all kinds of businesses. If the Chinese are not prepared to assist the Malays, show the ropes a little as they say, help level the playing field, not grudge, envy and sabotage the Malays trying to reach their target, give them the same prices as to the Chinese, etc, then it doesn’t auger well for the future of this country.

          When the wealth and the professional positions in the country have been equitably distributed, the word pendatang will by itself disappear and not used to refer to the Chinese. The Chinese may not need to even refer to themselves as descendants of pendatang even though that is a historical fact. There will be practically no grudges, envy, jealousy and unhappy feelings between the majority Malays and the minority Chinese. We can then all be proud Malaysians.


  21. The difference if you can only see beyond your blinkered eyes, is that political survival should not come at the expense of creating enough tension to cause real damage. Which you assholes are doing now. You know it’s easy to spin and convince the simple man and you’re doing it. Let’s not talk about flanking when anyone worth 2 cents can see through you. You will most probably success though because, once again it’s simpletons you deal with. Seriously, f*** off with your rubbish.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment Idiot. Feel free to drop by. Don’t be nervous. By the way, don’t think PAS joining BN will create tension. The ones that will feel it are the racists and the paranoids.


  22. JMD,

    Your article emphasizes on the importance of Malay unity—between UMNO and PAS. Basically Pas is made up of pious Muslims who are god fearing and they don’t indulge in corrupt practices, if there is only a very minimal level..But can I say the same of UMNO, the majority of them are corrupted to the core. The exposure of numerous scandals is testimony of their actions. The Global Financial Integrity report had reported that over a 10 year period RM888 billion was laundered out of the country. Who do you think the culprits were, are they not the Umno/BN politicians. There was one MB who was caught carrying RM1 million in cash in Australia —is he not an Umno politician. Barry Wain an independent international journalist wrote in his book The Malaysian Maverick, Mahathir stole RM100 billion together with his cronies. Was Mahathir not the president of Umno who is accused of stealing in the billions. Till today he has not sued Barry Wain—WHY. In short Umno is made up LANUN LANUN DARAT. Hence is there any logic for PAS to integrate or cooperate with a Lanun Party—Umno. They are aware Umno politicians are only interested in enriching themselves at the expense of the rakyat.

    The educated masses especially the youngsters are with PAS. Most university students and lecturers are with Pas. They are aware how corrupt are the Umno leaders. I am sure they don’t condone such nonsenses. So its natural for them to reject the PM’s call to join or cooperate with Umno.

    Now I would like to touch on the recently concluded PRN Sarawak. From my observation, the DAP which is basically a Chinese party managed to win majority of the urban seats. This I presume is because of their level of education and their ability to rationalize issues. They are exposed to various local and national issues thru the alternate media—the internet. The candidates who stood in the urban areas were all Chinese. But the DAP managed to convince the voters that the BN candidates were part of the corrupted BN regime. Their best example was the CM himself who has been accused of stealing the timber wealth of the state. Hence literacy played a very vital role in disseminating the truth. It is not a case of uniting the Chinese against the non Chinese, simply because all the candidates were also Chinese but they managed to differentiate the corrupted and non corrupted Chinese. But on the contrary, BN won all the rural seats and managed to continue ruling Sarawak . So who are the rural voters, most of them are illiterates who lead a life akin to “kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang”. What do these people know about the various scandals, the GFI report and Barry Wains book. They are not in a position to identify the LANUN LANUN DARAT who sit in positions of authority and steal in the billions . So it is easy to brainwash these illiterate poor who dont know that their life will continue like the proverb above.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. Really appreciate it. Basically in all the ramblings above which we have discussed and I have rebutted in our past conversation, you are saying that PAS shouldn’t cooperate with a party that allegedly involved in corruption. The repercussion of the example you gave in the case of Mat Taib was, he had to leave the office of Menteri Besar because of that Rm1million.

    The fact is, PAS is cooperating with other parties such as DAP and PKR. How about PKR which is so mired with allegations of vote buying and corrupt election practices in their just concluded party elections? Do all the ‘pious Muslims who are god fearing and they don’t indulge in corrupt practices’ condone those acts. Mind you, the allegations and evidence of corruption were provided by PKR members themselves. As the results, many of prominent members left the party.

    And how about the DAP. Don’t tell me you have not heard any of the corrupt practices involving the DAP in Selangor and Penang? Is PAS okay cooperating with similar corrupted parties that are prone to abuse of power within and without their ranks? The only reason why this look minimal is precisely because they are not the Federal Government yet. Imagine if they are really in power? Do you think our elections going to be smooth running given that even their own party elections are riddled with controversies? And this is before they attain real federal powers!

    You base your entire argument above on the piety and attitude of PAS members in order not to see the malay political parties cooperate together. I assume you do not have any superpowers to read all the minds of all the PAS members therefore, looking at your piety angle and my rebuttal of your argument, I guess that the only reason you writing this comment is that you actually fear PAS leave Pakatan Rakyat and join Barisan Nasional.

    May I know what is really bothering your mind? You dislike Umno. That is all. I understand. But never ever try to arrogate from a position that you clearly have no knowledge of. For all we know, there are possibly many PAS members who really want PAS to be in Barisan Nasional! Purely because of they cannot bear to be with their Pakatan partners anymore.. due to the reasons I stated above.

    Thank you.


    • anti lanun2 darat,

      I am not an UMNO member or member of any political party. Just wanna have some say about the larger party of Malays as a whole.

      No problem you saying Pas is made up of pious Muslims, god fearing, etc. JMD has pointed out PAS is not saintly and you yourself admit to corrupt practices among them. Why quibble about extent. Perhaps proportionate to membership size and role in administering the country. No guarantee that PAS corruption would not be to the level of UMNO if PAS ever gets to Putrajaya.

      UMNO has long ago admitted that they were corrupted to the core and had taken steps to reduce money politics and corruption drastically. They have changed the party constitution on the nominations system.

      Now, who produced this Global Financial Integrity report that reported “over a 10 year period RM888 billion was laundered out of the country”? What organisation are they? Why assume the the culprits were Umno/BN politicians? “one MB caught carrying RM1 million in cash in Australia” is proof of that?

      That Mahatir did not sue Barry Wain is proof of stealing billions? What are you talk, man? Obviously you are spinning anti-UMNO propaganda here.

      Now, who says “The educated masses … Most university students and lecturers are with Pas”? You, you and you? Obviously you are a PAS member or supporter. It’s OK if you don’t want PAS to join UMNO. But it’s unfortunate that you use all sorts of claims and wild allegations to say “its natural for them to reject the PM’s call to join or cooperate with Umno”. Wild, unproven and unsubstantiated allegations.

      You presume wrong when you said the DAP urban seats wins was due to the Chinese level of education and ability to rationalize issues. Being PAS minded, you would of course not admit the racist politics the DAP campaigned on. All what you said are clearly DAP propaganda. The Chinese bought the racist line, so be it. But I do want to tell readers here that you are propagating DAP propaganda here. Calling others lanun darat, sounding lanun yourself. And I, no party, no nothing, call myself Anti-Lanun Full Stop.


    • JMD,
      Its really mindboggling when you said Pas cooperates with DAP and PKR which are also corrupted. Is there any sense in your inference. The level of corruption in PR and Umno/BN are poles apart. For your information I will list some of the mega corruption that have been exposed to the public:-
      Bailout of Bank Bumiputera sebanyak 4 kali – rugi RM10.4 billion.
      Kerugian Perwaja Steel – rugi RM10 billion.
      Bailout Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) – rugi RM200 juta.
      Bailout Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad – rugi RM1.7 billion.
      Hicom (Proton) kerugian sehingga Kerajaan terpaksa menggunakan duit Petronas untuk membeli saham Proton -rugi RM1 billion.
      Membeli semula saham MAS daripada Tajuddin Ramli dengan harga RM1 billion lebih dari harga pasaran.
      Menggunakan Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen (KWAP), Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP), Danaharta dan Khazanah untuk membeli saham-saham Timedotcom yang tidak laku – rugi RM3.3 billion.
      Bailout LRT PUTRA dan STAR – rugi RM6 billion.
      Bailout Renong/UEM – rugi RM12 billion.
      Pampasan pembatalan Projek Empangan Bakun – rugi RM950 juta.
      Hutang tertunggak InventQjaya – rugi RM228 juta
      Pampasan Jambatan Bengkok – rugi RM257 juta
      Pampasan pembatalan Broga Incinerator – rugi RM500 juta
      Kerugian membeli saham Agusta – rugi RM510 juta
      Skandal Port Klang Free Zone – rugi RM4.6 bilion
      Skandal Offshore Petrol Vehicle (PSC-NDSB) – rugi RM6.75 bilion
      Blok L dan M – RM 380 billion
      Sime Darby – RM 1.6 billion
      Pos Malaysia – RM 546 juta
      Felda – RM 8 Billion
      Can the above list be compared to any of PR’s list of corruption

      Hundreds of government-linked companies (GLCs) have been established in Malaysia , but their performances have been mediocre.
      So declared Auditor-General Ambrin Buang, who added, “sometimes, I question if they (these companies) are even relevant in the 20th century”.
      “It is this sphere of government that is very loose, where people are awarded for not doing anything,”
      Mismanagement in GLCs have featured prominently in the many reports of the auditor-general. In 2009, for example, the report to Parliament highlighted RM1.45 billion in losses incurred by Keretapi Tanah Melayu Bhd.
      UiTM professor of law Shad Saleem Faruqi said corruption in Malaysia had become “institutionalised”. “The tender system, for example, is the mother of all corruption… he noted that several instutitional safeguards of good governance in Malaysia were weak, including the judiciary, which he described as “having become part of the problem”.
      The evidence on corruption against Umno/BN is so enormous but you have the cheek to say PR is equally corrupted. What is the rating of Malaysia in the Transparency International Index on corruption–no 54. Who is responsible for this poor rating–Umno/BN or PR.


      • True. BN or the people entrusted to manage the GLCs were involved in a lot of corruption. It is good that you had used the auditor’s general statement’s to drive your points. Since you are using his statement, then I assume they must be true. Now let us look at his statement in totality which he made where some of other points you had deliberately left out. Yes most literate masses are internet savvy so you cannot fool everyone all the time as what you are trying to do:

        ‘However, Ambrin said today that it is “not fair” to say the government wasn’t doing much to curb excessive spending, particularly in GLCs, as the cabinet had instructed that all those responsible be brought to task.

        “But action by the heads of department has been lacking. (They) condone or kesian (feel pity) because they are retiring, etc. That must change,” he said.’

        So the cabinet are doing all it can to curb the excesses and instructed all those crooks to be brought to task. I didn’t say this. Your Auditor General did. The ability to recognise the problem and doing what it can to mitigate the situation is what the Pakatan Rakyat is lacking. To PKR, DAP and PAS it is business as usual even when the evidence of corruption broughtforth by their own members were left unheeded.

        In the same statement as the Auditor General, a panelist and Umno disciplinary board member Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas, had criticised the system. He said the size of the bureaucracy made corruption difficult to police.
        “We have one federal government, 13 state governments and more than 100 local governments. We have too much government that is becoming ungovernable. There are many layers of power, overlapping half of the time,” Megat Najmuddin said.
        However, good public governance, the former Kelana Jaya assemblyperson said, could not take place without political governance.
        “Funding for political parties is totally opaque and this is where the problem starts, it creates corruption… Our political system is built for corruption,” he said.
        Megat Najmuddin added that Malaysia’s system of reward and punishment was “upside down, for we punish the good and reward the crooks”.
        “That is the general view, if you look at who gets a datukship or becomes a Tan Sri,” he said.

        We are heartened to see that even Umno recognise the problem. This is the main crux of the matter. The ability to recognise the problem and make efforts to repair itself. If Pakatan Rakyat who is not even in power yet had already immersed itself in corruption and abuse of power as given in the examples I stated earlier and did not even make any effort to control it and worse, denied anything amiss, I surely had the cheek to say that PR is equally corrupted. No, I think PR will be more corrupted than BN if they come to power.

        That is why PAS should leave Pakatan before they become worse.

        Thank you.


  23. we should be united because we have similar values and believes..

    to be united solely on the basis of skin colour is very primitive and shallow and shows that you don’t think, but you just see.

    we are so absorbed in how different our skin colours look, but we don’t realize that like it or not, we are the same on the inside because we all grew up in the same country.

    send a malaysian chinese to china, see how well he or she fits in? do the same to an indian and send him/her to india. only skin colour is the same, mentality and personality (the stuff that really makes a person) is different. we have stopped being chinese/indian a very, very long time ago and now we are malaysian indian and malaysian chinese.

    so yes, like it or not, we aren’t that different after all, and i wish everyone would wake up and realize that we are all in this shit together.


    • Malaysiangirl


      It is funny actually…..when you look at the choice of nickname of the un”malaysian” citizen…it always goes with something like; Malaysian, Saya anak bangsa Malaysia, true Malaysian, malaysiangirl and all sort of other Malaysian as if those “Malaysian” name bears any weight at all in determining how Malaysian those people are…..and as an example of how they need to put Malaysia in front of their name to reassure that they are indeed a Malaysian 🙂

      Now let me answer some of your comment:
      you said: “to be united solely on the basis of skin colour is very primitive and shallow and shows that you don’t think, but you just see.”

      Hmm…agree…Then who are the one that insist on keeping a school that is based on one skin colour e.g. the chinese scholl!? It is indeed as I agreed; very primitive and shallow thinking

      Then you said: “send a malaysian chinese to china, see how well he or she fits in? do the same to an indian and send him/her to india. only skin colour is the same, mentality and personality (the stuff that really makes a person) is different. we have stopped being chinese/indian a very, very long time ago and now we are malaysian indian and malaysian chinese.”

      hmm…that is weird eh!? You have stopped being chinese and Indian!? Those people from those countries (chinese/Indian) does not even recognized that you are one of theirs………err……then why on earth would you still insist on your mandarin based and tamil based vernacular school!? Why do you still insist on your mandarin based university? Why do you people insist on “mandarin speaker only” in your work advertisement? Why does all sort of “papan tanda” from you people still bears the official language of Rep. of China!?

      You yourself admitted that those people in those countries (China) does not even recognize you as one of their own, have you got no dignity whatsoever by still insisting in emulating them!? That mandarin is not even your “mother tongue” but yet you defend the use of the mandarin all your life. Infact you are defending the use of official language of Rep. of China against the use of official language of Malaysia.

      But yet you said that you are Malaysian and not Chinese!?

      Have you not heard what Prof Lim Kitty Siang said: Are you Malaysian first or Chinese first!?

      FYI, Your nickname and your says has no bearing at all in determining your Malaysianness….


      • wow somebody got their panties in a twist. Anyway, it is pretty hilarious how you jump to the conclusion that I’m Chinese and that I emulate people from China..

        just so you know, I’m not Chinese. What made you think I’m Chinese?

        and hey, I’ve always been against vernacular schools.


        • One people opposing the vernacular school doesnt mean the community will agree. Enjoy your day girl. Perhaps when we were dating together we can start with speaking bahasa, eating nasi lemak, and watching Malay movie. We will see how Malay….sian you are.



          • ‘when we *were* dating we *can* start’? You have a time machine or something? coz that sentence doesn’t make sense..

            anyway, once again, yet another person jumped to conclusions. I can speak bahasa, nasi lemak is my favourite food and I enjoy watching Malay movies.

            you seem to have concocted an imaginary person in your head and are replying to that person, since your replies don’t match who i am..


        • malaysiangirl

          I sort of anticipated this response. You are not a chinese or Indian? A sympathizer of those two? Whatever. But your nickname is certainly common for those two ethnic Malaysian.

          And your comment is also typical of theirs comment also.

          Aiseh… tak pasal pasal aku pakai twisted panties pulak hehe…twisted panties pun no problem, mana ada orang nampak sebab aku pakai kat dalam…No worries…Fair Enough!

          As Ray said, please champion the SSS campaign to whatever you and your people are and convey my message to those that claim to be Malaysian but are still acting and insist for everything that is un-Malaysian.

          Thank you


    • Yeah

      Since you feel strongly about being Malaysian, you should perhaps be the first to campaign for the abolition of vernacular schools NOW.


  24. A decent comment from malaysiangirl albeit a bit naive. That one is nice to read but the reality is far more stretched than that. It’s very difficult to realize that kind of perspective in our society today. Whenever you try to convince yourself to look beyond the skin color and race, you will realize that it’s almost impossible to achieve in our current state of affair. The divide and rule strategy inherit from colonial age has tainted our land. The only unity that can be achieve now is sadly only through race. That’s the rationale of the Najib’s calling. Although the objective is to strengthen the malays sadly DAP has played the racist card again. Do you not see how difficult is that to achieve unity? Even between the same race it’s never went smooth. Now, do you want to talk unity among malaysian? Only in your dream.

    I’m not against unity among malaysian, instead i’m a strong supporter of 1school system which I believe is the right step to take to unity BUT just take a moment and look around, for example; there’re people who defend the vernacular school, their language and everything to the point of insanity. That’s only a tiny part of our society, you don’t even have to look deeper into others social and economic factors, how race and skin color has divide us further.

    Believe me, keep it like this and we’re approaching another point of no return.

    Thanks for the space JMD.


  25. Hi Orang Melayu di Malaysia

    Bersatulah kamu semua .. Kalau tidak confrim akan jadi macam melayu di Singapura. Menteri Cina kutuk bangsa melayu dan agama islam pun, orang melayu singapura tak boleh buat apa apa.. Malah, menteri melayu di Singaoura mempertahankan lagi menteri cina yang mengutuk itu..

    Cina ni senang jer koranag nak attack..First step is Melayu mesti bersatu dulu..

    Melayu yang merana di kota Singa


  26. Sometime I feel my own race has lost some of the virtues that our ancestors brought with them when they steep their feet on Malaysia. Things were tough then but I never hear my grandfather complain. They just grit it out and slog ahead. The present generations is better educated and more affluence but the volume of whines and cries is also unprecedented. Sometimes I look at the chinese newspaper columns and I was told about of erosions of this and that, I was told the system is failing and the future is bleak. I look around me and see most of my race are doing better financially but yet most of us think this country is not right , left right center. I don’t know how this country can be so teruk, when economically my race is doing well. I was told this is due to our own diligence but if the system reward diligence then this system is a good system.

    Another thing I find about chinese is becoming more arrogance. When DAP criticizes the government, DAP always make it sound like they know the best and everything the government do is not good enough. The older generation chinese has always been polite and avoid hurting other races feeling, humility is a virtue then. Nowaday, to be a hero in chinese community , one just need to be vocal and voice all the grievances and beat one’s chest. We talk about what the government did not give to us but none of us talk about what we can contribute to this country. All we talk about is what is not fair lah.Chinese who leave this country is termed as brain drain, a loss to the nation. But if you offer the same chinese double what he get in Singapore, I am quite sure the brain would drain back. Its a economic decision as we are economic animal.

    Maybe as a group we are getting smarter but collectively I think we are not as wise and as tough as our grandfather.


    • Dear Sarawakian Chinese

      I just need to add 1 thing.. dipetik daripada Sasterawan Negara Usman Awang


      Jangan takut melanggar pantang
      Jika pantang menghalang kemajuan;
      Jangan segan menentang larangan
      Jika yakin kepada kebenaran;
      Jangan malu mengucapkan keyakinan
      Jika percaya kepada keadilan

      Status quo cannot be maintained. The fact remains that this country is facing one of its most difficult period since independence. The problems faced by this country needs to be resolved, not by sweeping it under the carpet. You said Chinese are predominately well off. True, I can attest to that as I am one of them. But look, just because most Chinese are well off, are you saying that the everything is honky dory? Issues like corruption, integration, injustice , abuse of power and so on can be solved by economic wealth? Look at Taib Mahmud… is that not a problem? So by your rational, as long we are ok, i.e have money we should just let such problem manifest? How narrow minded are you? You are actually saying that it is ok, money can cure all social injustice as long it doesnt happen to you.

      The problems faced by our forefathers are different from the current generation. Most of us are born and bred here, thus we are Malaysian and not immigrants. Hence the feeling that we dont have to keep quiet because Malaysia is our home. Perhaps you think that we Chinese who are critical of the government is just a pain in the a$$ that contributes nothing to the improvement of this country. So, are we then are to swallow everything that are shoved at us? Are we not allowed to question the government’s actions? You are mistaken when you draw the analogy” what can u do for you country than rather asking what can the country do for you”? My friend, the government is not the country… the goverment’s role is to serve the people whom elected them there. If we are not allowed to pointout the mistakes of the government or being critical of them, then one day I am telling you we will end up like Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya and so on.

      On your point of brain drain, your analogy is incorrect. Again you just emphasize on money. But is all that it takes? Look deeper and ask yourself. Is there such an opportunity in Malaysia? Recognition ? How about promotion? Support? Living condition? Quality of life? All these are pivotal considerations plus money. If you say if Malaysia pays 2 times more…the brain drain will cease is nothing short of fantasy. It much more complicated than that. I know cause I came back! Do I regret it..? No because this is my home where I was born and where I wish to be laid to rest.

      Therefore, dont fault anyone for being critical of the government, as long it crticism is fair. Read the stanza from Usman Awang again if you fail to see my point.



      • with all due respect gladfly, perhaps YOU may need to read the stanza again. the very first line: jangan takut melanggar pantang, jika pantang menghalang kemajuan has contradicted what you said. because whatever whinings, jibber jabber, armchair pundit commentaries are NOT helping the progress of this nation at all. If anything it hampers it, by dividing our unity. I don’t even need to continue on the rest of the stanza, esp the part jgn takut menyuarakan keyakinan jika percaya kepada keadilan. Because try voicing your convictions in so called ‘free speech’ sites like MI and MK and see it gets censored/ cut out. Bagaimana keadilan hendak dituntut, jika suara sudah disekat?


        • Dear Wani,

          The reason why I quoted the stanza is to highlight the importance to hold true to your principles and beliefs. You have not disproved it otherwise. Are you angry because I quoted from a Malay, one whom I have utmost respect for?

          The whole purpose of this blog is to share views and have a meaningful discussion. So how does the first line contradicted my views? Would appreciate it if you could enlighten me. Further at no point did I touch on the freedom of expression, i.e if MK or MI deleting posts. That is not my pregogative nor do I support such a actions. Nevertheless, I believe JMD will also edit/delete my post if it is deemed as seditious. That is why I take great care not to throw unsubstantiated claims or calculated statements to incited hatred.

          If we are to supress everything, then one day things will come to a boil and a more sinister repercussion is in store for all of us. If you hold the view that its better just to STFU, well that is your opinion which you are well entitle off. But I hold otherwise, so I guess we can only agree to disagree.

          Have a good day.


      • Mr/Ms Gladfly

        Thank you for your opinions. There are truths in what you say.

        Pantang bisa dilanggar asalkan bersopan
        Kemajuan sanggup dicapai tanpa telagah
        Jangan segan menentang pagaran kaum
        Jika yakin kepada perpaduan
        Jangan malu mengucapkan 1Malaysia
        Jika percaya kepada keharmonian

        Salam 1Malaysia.


  27. Apa guna Melayu bersatu bila Anak Sultan Kelantan kononya defender of Islam -melayu Derharka Bapak Sultan Curi Taktha sekaligus Hina Islam dan Maruah Melayu?? Usah cakap lagi pasal Sultan Perak, Johor dan Pahang…. Malulah kalau begini Maruah orang melayu yang curi hak istimewah Orang Asli nak jadi bumiputera…. Sekarang baru sedar melayu BUKAN bumiputera -…FACT!!


    • FACT??

      Which fact do you use? Based on your argument? Is that a sign it is useless for malay to unite??? I amazed with your the way of arguing…

      If using your kind of logic, I supposed that you are implying if there are any other similar cases, anyone should not be united? Is this what you mean?

      ~ OnDaStreet


    • 1. tak pernah aku dengar sebuah negeri dan tamaddun org asli di semenanjung ni. yg pernah aku dengar gangga negara dan langkasuka di bumi melayu ni.
      2. baru pulak aku sedar jika anak sultan dan sultan yg lain tidak bergaduh sesama ahli keluarganya maka perpaduan ummah melayu akan tercapai.
      3. mungkin sekarang patut diadakan sebuah negara dengan slogan 1orang asli 1bumi.
      4. aku juga heran bagaimana melayu mencuri hak istimewa org asli. mungkin kerana kebencian, bermacam cerita rekaan akan timbul.
      5. aku pernah dengar melayu melanau, dayak iban dan kadazan dusun sebahagian dari exco negeri yang membangunkan negeri itu. tapi banyak resources dan kekayaan diambil dan tidak dikongsi bersama oleh kaum yg lain. mungkin kerana ingin disimpan dan diagihkan semula dinegeri asal masing masing. mungkin.


    • baru keluar hutan ke?

      nampak sangat tak tau orang asli pon dok dalam kategori bumiputera..ish ish ish
      nasib baiklah melayu yg baik hati ni include sekali hang jadi bumiputera kalau tak, sama bahlol dgn cina kiasu tak sedar diri…
      siapa yg establish kerajaan kat tanah melayu nih?
      org ko? org ko tahu duk hutan tangkap kera je…
      cina? cina tahu datang sapu semua tinggal tahi(itupon tak cebok)


  28. Following on my discussion with Mr Gladfly;

    I would like to share some of my own quick “crude” research on the construction industry;

    By experiences, I will no doubt draw my own conclusion that the Chinese is indeed in control of the majority sectors in the construction industry. But some may say it to be otherwise and perceived to be unfairly treated themselves, as Mr Gladfly stated. So without hard fact and evidence it become like your word against my word kind of thing.

    Because of that, I think it is pertinent for us to look at the actual figure. Well, I admit that I don’t have the actual figure nor that I have the sufficient resource and time to get or produce one. So to the relevant government sectors or university, please start doing the appropriate study and share with the public.

    However, it may be possible to infer the level of control of a certain race in a certain sector by looking at their number of representative in the industry association.

    Here is the percentage of the numbers of representative in accordance with race in some of the industry related to construction.

    First of all, let us look at the Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM). 83% are Chinese, 16% Malay and 1% others. And then the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM): 50% Chinese, 31% Malay and 18% others and lastly the Malaysian Institute of Architect (MIA): 52% Chinese, 43% Malay and 5% others. All of these, you can count yourself at the relevant association website.

    Just look at the stark differences of the percentage between Chinese and Malay representative above. This is already looking to be very large imbalance, now if we add the Malaysian population ratio of 65% Malay/Bumi and 20% Chinese into the picture we start to get the sense the level of disparity among the races.

    Specifically, if we look at the MBAM figure which represent most of the construction industry, what conclusion (if possible) can we draw with regards to who is getting the bulk of the money??? (Again I am not saying ALL THE MONEY but the BULK OF THE MONEY)

    The consulting and the architect figures to the Malay has obviously been boost up because of the government affirmative action i.e. that most of the government design work goes to these people. But if we look at the award given by the private sector; still the Chinese, I would say far exceed the Malay. So it is a double whammy. They got both.

    Please note, that I am not saying that this conclusion that I just made up as conclusive. However it is indicative of what is going on in Malaysian commercial – construction sector.

    Hence I totally don’t understand where this “injustice” or “discrimination” is coming from.

    And there are plenty more example; If you go to the agricultural sector……Just take a look at who control the Cameron Highland? Yes these are the millionaire “petani” folk. FYI, there is only one Kg Melayu up there and many more Kg Cina!

    And then, go on and look at the various Malaysian building standards and guides. Look at the advisory panel. You will find that nearly 7/10 of them are Chinese. Normally there would be one Malay as a chairperson and this Malay got chosen not because of his knowledge but because he/she is the one in power, authority representative i.e. those Ketua Pengarah JKR, Bomba etc.

    This is really pathetic and hopeless. WHERE ARE THE MALAYS???


  29. Untuk memperkuatkan melayu, ada beberapa langkah tidak semestinya kena PAS join UMNO.
    1) Belilah barangan buatan Melayu atau dari pekedai Melayu sahaja. Ini orang melayu jugakla yg ramai pakai Maxis, pakai Astro, makan kat kopitiam cina, shopping kat giant, seng heng, hardware cina, dan lain lain. Pakaila Celcom, beli barang kat Mydin, makan kat kedai melayu.
    2) Gabungkan semua NGO melayu menjadi satu. Sokong sekolah melayu, bahasa melayu, pekedai melayu, penubuhan kawasan penempatan melayu.
    3) Hukum mati perasuah/penjenayah/penagih golongan melayu.
    4) Reward sesiapa dari bangsa melayu yg cemerlang dengan ganjaran >RM1 juta.


  30. Tuan JMD

    The issue is Melayu Bersatu. BERSATU IN WHAT? Surely in improving the welfare and well-being of the Malays and Bumis. Count the number of practicing accountants. The Malays number less than 10 %. The same situation with other professionals – lawyers, doctors, dentists, engineers, architects, managers, senior executives, etc., etc. So we must be berastu in pursuing the common objective of improving the lot of the Bumis.

    UMNO/BN had dome a lot to improve the lot of the Bumis and Malays. Pas cannot claim they have dome the sam or to the same extent. So what pas has done in joining with DAP defies logic?

    Did PAS joined the Pakatan because DAP has vowed to improve the lot of the Malays? DAP had openly opposed any special rights of the bumis. Not just recently. It was founded on the chauvinistic Malaysian Malaysia concept. If PAS wants to improve the lot of the Malays and bumis, they must insist DAP renounce their Malaysian Malaysia policy.

    Did PAS joined the Pakatan because DAP supports the establishment of an Islamic state. DAP is so against the idea of an Islamic state that its Chairman Karpal Singh vowed it could only be dome OVER HIS DEAD BODY !!

    So why did PAS joined DAP and PKR in Pakatan? In fact we are interested to know why did PAS formed that loose electoral pact with DAP even before Pakatan came into being?? Did PAS not realize that DAP does NOT and will NOT support any programs that will assist the Malays and Bumis to improve and catch up with the Chinese nor in the establishment of the Islamic state? Why, why dod you do this?

    Did PAS hate UMNO so much that it is willing to do anything to destroy UMNO? Is this Islamic to hate another this way? PAS disagreed with UMNO/ fellow Muslims and then embraced non-muslims to fight its battle with with Muslims / UMNO, is this Islamic?

    SO PAS need not join UMNO. But PAS must not turn its back on Malay/Bumi muslims. PAS must also not embrace DAP and at the same time yell it wants to establish an Islamic state.

    PAS leave the Pakatan is GOOD ENOUGH for the 1Melayu 1Bumi. If not, why should any Melayu / Muslim give his/her vote to PAS?


  31. Pingback: Masa Untuk Bersatu? | Blog No 1 In Google

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