
My 100th article!

I had a nice little break from blogging for the past 5 days or so. I was cut off from the internet for the whole weekend. But I had a fulfilling weekend nevertheless – visiting the hardcore poor in some remote parts of Malaysia and overseeing the repairs of their homes over the weekend.

As this is the 100th article in Jebat Must Die, I would like to share a couple of pictures (with permission from the house owners) of the things we had done to help alleviate their plights. Hopefully, they will lead a more comfortable life soon after. 





The people that we helped fall under the hardcore poor group whereby their household income is less than RM500 per month.       









Incidentally, while I was parking near one of the houses, I noticed something peculiar about my car’s odometer and tripmeter. My old trusted car had breached the 200,000 km mark about 6 months ago. Luckily, I managed to snap a picture of both meters right on the dot of the 222,222 km!

An Alfa fan through and through

An Alfa fan through and through

This 7 year old bella is still very comfortable and rewarding to drive and I must say, it has been an exhilarating experience.

Thank you for the support and the participation with this blog. It started with nothing more than a simple and insignificant avenue to vent out my frustrations over the political and economical landscape of Malaysia early this year. Didn’t realise it would have quite a number of readers like in current times.

I also realise that the ever popular Rockybru today had linked my previous article in his latest posting. If I were a journalism student, I would certainly put this pleasant honour in my CV as one of my accomplishments hehe. Thanks Rocky!

Now excuse me everyone, I have to stave of rabid pro Khairy blogtroopers! 🙂

Thank you again everyone.

82 thoughts on “My 100th article!

  1. Salam JMD,

    TAHNIAH ! honestly, i feel so lucky to have stumbled here a few months back. Since then, have eagerly waited for any new articles and ur replies to readers’ comments.

    Keep it up bro, u will always have my support !


  2. Good work man.
    Send these pics to Dewa Anwar who is telling everyone that UMNO only help the elites…Then what was he doing in the party for 15 years? Also ripping the poor Malays off as he alleges now?


  3. Congratulations JMD on your 100th article. I wish I could spend time maintaining a blog but time doesn’t permit.. oh well, excuses, excuses eh? If one is committed, one should be able to.. anyway it’s more fun reading other people’s stuff!

    I would also like to commend you on your noble deeds, seeking out the hardcore poor to help them out. May i know where these pics were taken? And did you go to seek them out yourself or did you join a mercy mission who actively provides assistance to the needy? I’m sure many of us would like to be able to contribute in some way or another.. perhaps this could be an activity that JMD fans could embark on? 🙂

    Keep on writing! Your 5 day break was an agony for us who eagerly wait to read more of your thoughts!

    Congrats again.

    JMD : The photos were taken from a village in Johor. Yes, we seek out the hardcore poor because we feel that to wait for them to make proper application on better housing will not be as effective as compared to us seeking them out in full force. This is just part of a CSR program of my organisation which in turn is being supported by several government agencies.

    Thank you.


  4. Salam JMD

    Nice work bro…..saw some bikes in d pics…kids must b around 3+ to 5 ….glad that they’ve got a new home …it must have been such a great feeling for both u n team as well as the folks being helped……so pure…

    Luv d speedo pics…..

    When something is so right n hit d strategic nerve points…..they react….this boy n his goons r so predictable…….

    Keep it coming…..sooner or later…the pattern emerges…..n they’ll run out of counter-arguments….keep it simple fact based…..as the one with the best data shall win d argument/debate……

    Keep it up JMD….n hang in there…..no serious arguments there….more like missing d point all d way……n before long they’ll begin attacking on your mispelling…… 🙂


    JMD : Yeah they totally missing the point when arguing about KJ’s reputation. Their arguments centred mostly on his aesthetically enhanced good points. But the substance of the matter is, KJ, along with Pak Lah led the team of ‘bete noirs’ of Umno which caused it to lose respect from the masses.


  5. JMD,

    Congratulation on your 100th article. May the next 100 be as thought provoking as the previous.

    You unselfishly maintain a blog of this standard and yet have the time to do charity work.

    Makes me feel a sense of guilt on my over indulgence in spending my free time pursuing selfish interest.

    JMD : Thank you Lekiu. You had also been a part of this blog too 🙂 Regarding the charity work, I’m sure you had done a lot in your own way. Thank you for the support.


  6. hey what you did was great

    the feeling of having helped improved someone’s life must have been fulfilling

    puts me to shame

    i hope too that UMNO and their detractors get to see these pictures

    and stop squabbling for once


  7. congratulations on a century of blogs!

    thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and giving us space to participate.

    great work with those repairs. you are not just words, you are also actions. salute, jeb!

    JMD : Thank you Mek Yam. It had been quite a journey thus far. Don’t know how I had even managed to do all those writing. There are a lot more better bloggers out there and they had written a lot more. From my stand point of view, I just hope that people had benefited something out of this.

    As long as I have some opinion on certain matters, I hope I can write a few things more. I am humbled by this experience actually. Thank you Mek Yam.


  8. JMD,

    Congratulation and please please please, keep the writing coming. I do not agree most of the time with you, but freedom of opinion is very important, I do get enlighten with your interesting reasoning at times.

    Keep up the good job.



    JMD : Thank you Woody. You were one of the first to frequent this blog. I thank you wholeheartedly.


  9. congrats on your 100th article! It is always interesting to read your articles. I am a faithful follower of your blog. Keep on sharing your thoughts with us. Keep on blogging young man!


  10. Congratulations on your 100th Article. I can only wish I have the same determination and resources to keep up with your pace and quality of articles.

    By looking at the number of followers , you have set a benchmark for blogging, since most of your entries are actual articles and not comments on news articles first published elsewhere.

    As for your charity work, I wish everyone can do the same. I did write an article long time ago on how KLcentric we have become and forgot that there are many who need assistance out there in rural areas.

    Your organisation’s CSR work is an example of what needs to be done by government and political parties, and not wasting time haggling over some road names, Datukship to Shah Rukh, sodomy and murder trials etc which has no impact to ordinary folks.
    These are the initiatives that will live forever in the minds of ordinary folks.

    Another example is my 18 floor apartment had both lift broken for two days. The MP for my area came and promised to look into this issue 2 weeks ago, when one of the lift broke down for months.

    Imagine what would have gone into the minds of thousands of residents at my area when they saw the same MP haggling rudely over the right to ask questions when DPM was presenting his speech, despite DPM’s assurance that he will take questions after he finishes his speech. The MP was expelled or rather kicked out immediately from Parliament. T

    The residents, with the meeting with MP fresh in their minds, would be thinking now that they would rather see the MP solving their problems than getting himself kicked out of parliament.

    If he would have solved the lift problems before yesterday, he would have left a mark with the residents and the resident would have felt he was unfairly treated.

    Now, the residents (having to walk up to 18 floors) only have not so nice things to say about him, prefering him not to be in parliament at all. They are increasingly irritated by the MPs attitude in public as compared to him in person.

    It’s all about prioritisation, perception, timing and all the small things that we (MPs included) do that makes a difference.

    Regards and Keep up the excellent work.


    JMD : Thank you for the comment Balan. At least now we know the calibre of the opposition yeah? Now we know the priorities of the ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ opposition. Give them power and they will be even worse I reckon.


  11. Salam JMD,

    I knew and I felt we have something in common, but then I couldn’t figure out what it is, until today after reading you 100th articles (congratulation on this by the way..). ALFA ROMEO..I’m also hard core Alfatis. You have 156 eh? I know that tripmeter very well…love to see the needle past 200km..ohhh!

    However due to family requirement, I have to let it go (I was riding 156 with WDV 98 plate number..if you ter-notice and I ter-over take you on the highways) with a very heavy heart and I almost cry that day. I pray that one day I may able to own a bella once more (been waiting for 159 from local distributor..hampeh).

    Anyway, your good deeds to the poor is something you can be proud of, InsyAllah your actions will gain berakah as I always beleive if you make someone happy sincerely, you will get happiness yourself.

    If I am interested to contribute in the form of monies to this group, how I can do that? Please let me know the detail.


    JMD : Thank you for the comment. Will let you know on the details.


  12. before


    Change.. yes we can…!!

    .. NOT.. NOT in Malaysia, land of cowards and hypocrites… you know who u are..

    Congrats on your 100th article….


  13. Salam JMD

    Congratulat U for your 100th article. Keeping on writing. U have my support. Anyway, wish to know how you do that, I mean.. helping the poor. Is it came from your own pocket ? m thinking to do the same … hope to get to know some platform .

    warmest regards

    JMD : No I am not a philantropist like Zaid Ibrahim or Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar 🙂 But I contributed my time in seeking out and helping the poor to repair their dilapidated homes but most of times, I too got involved in giving out a few tid bits to those who need them. Sometimes, seeing their living conditions can be very overwhelming. What I had shown were the slightly better ones. I had come across poor people who had been living in small huts and even tents. One diabetic granny with one leg had been living in a run down hut on her own for the past 15 years. She depends on her faraway neighbours to bring food because she cannot move.

    As I had said, doing this kind of work had been one of my passion. Luckily, the organisation that I work with have a good CSR practice. Apart from that, I am also part of a foundation to help the poor in Melaka. Anyway, the reason I posted the pictures because I just wanted to share the plight of the poor and also some sense of hope I had when a little bit of joy was brought to them.

    Thank you.


  14. JMD
    Congrats on your ‘Diamond Jubilee-th’ article.
    Hungry for more..
    After reading your article on KJ, dislike him even more. Hope for some writings on the other two calon Pemuda – should love or loathe them.


  15. Congrats on your 100th post!

    Obama 08!! Yes we can! We want change, no discrimination, no race based policies! A new dawn has emerged!

    Change! Yes we can!

    What say you Jebat? Or are you a McCain loyalist har? 🙂

    JMD : Honestly, I do not care if either one wins. What is important is their foreign policy and how Obama will tackle the middle east issue. My verdict is still out there. Thank you.


  16. Salam.
    Congrats on your new milestone. Pray to God that there will be more coming. In our own small way we want to make the world better. We analyse ,we uncover, we digest and then we opine. This is what is required. Amal makruf nahi mungkar.
    Where , how, when and what went wrong with the DSAAB administration will be an interesting case study for budding politicians. I am sure that there will be many analysis conducted in future. I congratulate you in playing a part in the turnover.


  17. Salaam JMD

    100th? Wow.

    Just read 5 or 6 of it. Duh..

    Should have got to know you earlier. Anyway, keep up the good job. There’re a lot of people that politically open-minded. Like me.

    Good luck.


  18. the best article i ever read in this blog. goes deep into my soul. you are so lucky to have been blessed with a company that have good social responsiblity awareness. and whos saying that government left the poor in pursuit of development? you have shown them that this government indeed a prihatin one. it is the leadership that cause much stirred among the harmony. congratulations JMD on your 100th article and hopefully we can read your 1000th article sometime in not-too-distant future.

    ..and, Alfa eh? niceee… maybe next picture we will be seing the needle of that meter touches 240.hahaha ..welcome back JMD.

    JMD : Thank you sir.


  19. Congrats.
    keep it coming bro.
    been addicted to your writing.
    a few of ur relevent posting were cut & paste my yahoogroups : ansaragolf, ansarakb and mrsmkb74


    JMD : Thank you for linking some of my post to your yahoogroups. I hope some meaningful discussion had taken place there.


  20. 100 articles? I know that I am one of the late-comers in this blog but I didnt know that I missed that much. Judging from the quality of the writings and the convincing reasonings and the facts and the figures presented in the last few months, I know that I should have been a follower much earlier.

    And you made me feel guilty just by looking at all those good things that you had done.

    Keep it up and may be some day I’ll be able to catch up with you. But not in Alfa lah…


  21. JMD,

    Just want to congratulate you on both the blogging and the deeds.

    Your articles and deeds just remind me that inspite of the differences in Malaysia, the Malaysia we live in is still the best country on earth. We need more reminders. Please continue to blog. At times like this when many people are trying to highlight the differences and creating disharmony, blogs like your is what we need. ( I check your blog daily)

    Thank you.


    JMD : Thanks Su, you’re the best.


  22. Friend,

    I can hardly wait for Kalimullah Maseerul Hassan and Brenden Pereira to be charged with espionage and put away for good.

    Espionage is an offence punishable with life imprisonment.

    Brenden, through his own admission briefs Lee Kuan Yew every month.

    Its only a matter of time, it’s only a matter of time…



  23. syabas JMD, keep up the good work !
    If only half the number of the people we put in the parliament were able or are
    willing to reason and present their case like you, and, to WALK their TALK, we
    wouldn’t be so bad.


  24. Dear JMD

    Congratulations on your 100th articles. Keep up the good work. May God bless you always. I will perform my Haj end of this month and will pray for you and all the readers in JMD.

    JMD : Thank you very much for the good gesture sir.


  25. Dear JMD,

    Congrats on yr 100th posting…

    Can you check on what’s happennig to your fellow blogger SAK AK47?

    Sudenly becoming a KJ apologist….maybe getting a datukship got something to do with it?


    JMD : Datuk Sak? Well, I do think the battle for Umno Youth is not in the same level of his usual political sphere (him being much more senior than the Umno Youth wing). But I find there is nothing wrong for him to comment on it. Nevertheless, I do sense that Datuk Sak is trying to play fair from his stand point of view (being the more senior observer). We will see how it goes in the near future.

    I have not met him in person. I do not even know how he looks like! 🙂 But I love reading his materials. Very precise and intelligent. He can articulate any particular issues very well. Not like some other Datuks we know! 🙂


  26. As a reader of the blog, I’d like to join the chorus of congratulations on your blogging as well as for sharing with us your good work with the community.

    Ismail N mentioned Casa Impiana and just wondered if you could do more by perhaps expanding what you’ve been doing into a reality tv show to attract big sponsors. Help more people.

    Kudos! Looking forward to more insightful articles.

    JMD : Thank you Msleepyhead! Will bring this suggestion up to the big bosses 🙂


  27. Salam Bro,
    Congratulations on your 100th articles. I believe, someday in near future, there will be from various party that will take some of your precious gems here which is very original to be disect and studied for good purpose. Istiqamah with your good nawaitu and amal, Insyaallah, you’ll be on the right path.
    From what I see, your tetamu and repliers, in general love to be here is because you know how to respect and respond in a very well manner beside the originality of your writings and reasoning…and that’s cool!

    JMD : Thank you so much bro. And thank you for the support.


  28. “From my stand point of view, I just hope that people had benefited something out of this.”

    I know i have.

    Congrats on your 100th article!


    JMD : Thank you. Actually I am quite amaze that I can actually manage this blog. I realize I am nearing the 100 mark (a very low number as compared to the more prominent political blogs) about a week ago. Had been quite an awesome journey to moderate and reply most of the comments. Last time I saw, this blog has more than 2500 comments! And nearly all are very, very insighful and worthy to be read over and over again. Thank you for this comment and the previous ones.


  29. Congrats on your 100th post. I have enjoyed and learned so much from your writings and always look forward to more. Keep going ya!


  30. congratulations on ur 100th article and ur good deeds. Allah bless u. next time u do charity work in melaka, u can count on me bro 🙂


  31. Dear JMD,

    It has been quite some time since I first read your article. I like reading them as well as all of the comments and your replies to them. It has come to my conclusion that probably three quarter of your readers had at least studied in Colleges. We have the capabality of thinking rationality and most important of all we can make changes. I guess many are not in any political party. I know I’m not. Nevertheless, I want to help the Malays. I’m sure that I am not alone.

    JMD, reading your 100th Article made me realise that while your main subject of interest is politics, social obligation can be greatly discussed here. It has come to an era that we should help the poor. We must accept that while DEB is scrapped a bit by bit, we as the generation which reapt from it must help others especially the needy. Why don’t we discuss on how we can help the needy without the government help. I for one, had helped one student from a poor family at college by giving his yearly tuition feesvas well as montly assistance of RM200. Before that, we had made an agreement by holding the Kitab Suci Al-Quran that he will helped others as I helped him. It was done and to tell you the truth, his attitude has changed for the better. His result is so much better compared to his schooling days. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be a good in keeping his promises. Moral of the story is… we must help our people and do not rely too much on the government. The attitude of helping each other like this will create society that relates to each other .

    Thank you


  32. Thanks for all your articles.Some I agreed, some I’m not (especially about the VI boys). To look at the pictures remind me of my uncles and grandma who live in that kind of houses and a true PAS supporters. I think being a PAS supporters has hindered them from getting the help they should have.
    Again sadly PAS/UMNO/PKR have malays as their majority members. Where did we go VERY wrong JMD.
    I heard one of Obama speech about americans, he said “YES , WE CAN!” and a song was also written (top 40 now) about the “YES, WE CAN” phrase. But our malay mind has been advanced than the americans when we put “Malaysia Boleh or Malaysia Can” long time ago. So our intelligence superseed american people long before Obama, but our sentiments and attitude towards our own race, is disgraceful. Where did we go wrong?

    I bet with RM10.5 millions, we can built and help more underprivelliged and hardcore malays and other races alike. but if government have RM10.5 mil, you can guess what they do with it. Make the rich becomes richer.

    “Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mohd Nazri Aziz revealed today that RM10.5 million was paid out by the government as ex-gratia payment to six ex-top judges, including sacked Lord President Salleh Abas.
    -RM5 million to Salleh
    -Judges sacked during 1988 crisis ”

    p/s they also spent thousands of dollars dinner to present the payment.Where did we go wrong?


  33. congrats on the 100th article. alot of good deeds youve done there friend, moga2 dapat balasan yang baik di akhirat kelak

    sorry, im about to go off topic here, but from your previous article, after reading some of the comments, i was surprised to see khairy fans being visible in the blogosphere, hell i was surprised the species ever existed!

    keep up the good work


  34. bro,

    set up the new kg baru concept with much more organise ala malaysian chinese kg baru this is better than pprt plan . you can put all the peoples irrespective of the color of the skin in this kg baru . you can also reorganise and expand the existing kg baru there are so many malaysian chinese kg baru established in the ’60 and ’70.


  35. Dear JMD..congrats and great job.As for Dato’ sak; you both may differ in your opinions on many occasions but he respects you a lot!What a wonderful blogosphere!

    JMD : Thank you very much Datin. You and Dato’ Sak honour me too much.


  36. Dear JMD,

    Congrats for your 100th articles!!! Well done Bro and keep on writing. If I can give my helping hand to help the needful, please do contact me. Hope to know you in person and have a cup of coffee … lets say in Malacca?

    Your Buddy,



  37. Hi JMD,

    Congratulations on your 100th article. I want to take this opportunity to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed your blog. Your thinking is strong, clear and focused and you write in a purposeful manner. I’ve learnt a lot and gained new perspectives from reading your blog. I’ve only been following your blog for a few weeks and have not been able to make time to read all your posts yet. But I’ve made your blog, along with chedet and deminegara as my top 3 favourite blogs.

    Thank you for taking the time to write all these insightful articles.

    Pink Shades

    JMD : Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Really appreciate it.


  38. Cam,

    I tell you where we went wrong. It was when the NEP was abused. It made most of us lazy, too demanding and too dependant. I know tons of people who have left and never wanted to return because other races did not want to hire us. Or maybe their eyes have opened and think that life is indeed better abroad than home.

    But then again, looking at both sides of the coin, why did the other races not want to hire us? Is it because they had been discriminated that now they think we deserve this same treatment? Can we blame them? Or is it because they think we are all lazy and will not be able to work as hard as them? Who are we to blame as we are in the same ‘flock’ as the rest?

    Only a fool and a naive person would retaliate by telling us that we shouldn’t complain because we benefited from the NEP too in a way. That’s not the argument; the argument is what are the social or racial implications and impacts to our lives in society for being the beneficiaries of the NEP system?

    Even half of the whites voted Obama as President. They wanted change, they got it. Here, we’re still too easily manipulated by our political masters when they bring up the race and NEP issue before election. NEP is synonym with UMNO and UMNO is synonymous with us. That is the general perception out there like it or not. Question is, how do we distinguish ourselves from these perceptions so that others can look up highly towards us.

    Congratulations on the one hundredth post. Jebat, I’m from Malacca and i’m totally disgusted by Ali Rustam’s latest sexist remarks. RM1,000??????????? What on earth is he thinking? I remember he used to have a blog late last year and i was indeed surprised with the number of haters he had on his blog. Out of 10 comments, 10 were attacks 🙂 And he made a police report after that, i don’t know what for… lol ..


  39. JMD
    Congratulations, 100 articles!

    On behalf of the poors, it is an honour to have someone like you highlight their plight for all to see and share. There are so many out there living in such conditions, kais pagi makan pagi, even that, if they manage to have a pot of beras to masak nasi for the day.

    I know of a family who spent their Hari Raya with just a tin of cracker biscuits and Teh O, which apparently to them, was a huge luxury, at least something different to celebrate with the children.

    I dont understand how so many RICH RICH ones cannot see all these. If one can just adopt ONE poor family in a state, it would really make a difference.

    Once again, thank you… and congrates!!


  40. Hi JMD,
    Congrats. And bless you for doing the good work. May your tribe increase.

    I’d love to do charity work too and so do many others here too judging by the comments. Perhaps you can tell us about it via your blog and we can decide for ourselves where/if we can fit in.
    I like the sort of charity work that you do. I mean, if it’s some kind of tragedy like a fire or floods, we can count on a lot of help (maybe it’s a photo op for those whose priority it is to remain in the limelight). If we talk about poverty, it’s the poor’s daily grind that often goes unremarked.
    Also I hope your organistation is also giving some of your attention to education for the rural/small town kids. Especially computer literacy.

    Thank you and once again, best wishes

    Ps, an Alfa? What, no Proton? My 12-year-old Wira still humming along nicely too.

    JMD : I drove Protons for many years before I switched to an Alfa. It’s good that your Wira is still serving you well. Good and responsible owners will have good cars in their hands.


  41. A few years back, I had thinking in same way with how u describe the meaning of jebat must die till now I still hold this, in new enviroment and landscap, there are more jebat borned..
    my wish to see you will expose all these jebat.. not only 1 or 2 jebat.
    last word, congratulations and god bless you.. insyallah..


  42. Your YAB Ali Rustam qualified. Congratulations 🙂

    JMD : I came back from Jakarta and discovered that there are three-way fight for the no 2 post! At least now the delegates can discuss and compare between the three on who should take up the no 2 post come next March. Like DS Najib said, the more the merrier (too bad he will win the no 1 post uncontested. I doubt he would have the same sentiment if he were to merrily slug it out with Ku Li for it).

    Thank you.


  43. keep up the good work.congrats.
    i’ve been following ur postings since i hv been introduced by my bro-in-law.

    May ALLAH bless you with ganjaran for the deeds u hv done, and the eyes of the netizens that u have “opened”. cheers!


  44. JMD, I would like to congratulate you for the 100th artcile but at the same time wish to say that the journey is far from over. To slow down just because PakLah is leaving if i may say is not the solution.

    You see people from the other sides blogging on and spreading all kind of twisted stories. RPK still ridicules ‘malay with crutches’, glorifying zaid, Din Merican, Haris Ibrahim, … many that i don’t think need further introduction. Like it or not, blogging is here to stay, and we need everyone of fair minded person to saty their course and maintain fairness i their assessment of facts. Not some wild allegations and misleading the people with their god knows ulterior objectives.

    So, ya please do keep up with the good work. We need everyones sanity to save us from drowning in this madness!


  45. i just start reading ur blogs.. && i dont think i can write such great articles like urs & Chedet..

    about social responsibility…

    i just join a pkr charity project.. i teach kids at low-cost flats for free… && im not good at teaching too…

    i also join my Cristian-indian frens.. on street feeding… we invite people on the street && give them free food…

    huem, only small stuffs i able to contribute now… =))

    umno fan


  46. Wah, Jebat. You got mentioned in The Star sunday, in their Starmag (I think) talking about blogs. And you were mentioned by Rocky…and Jebat Must Die was listed first, then only chedet!

    Congrats again. Does that make you a celebrity now? Nah, that word has been misused…you get dimwit blondes, whiners, youtubers…..

    JMD : Yeah? Rocky must have been drinking too much coffee to mention this blog in the same breath with Chedet 🙂


  47. Dear JMD,
    Congratulations on your 100th article, even if I just started to view your blog this few weeks.

    Hari ini saya ada masuk “Susan Loone” blog. She extracted speech by Raja Nazrin’s last week on Rulers ……

    Not sure whether they are Malay or not, but obviously, almost all commentators talk bad about these Malay Rulers.

    Sedih rasanya kalau kita Melayu berpecah belah. Kalau kita tak jaga Raja kita siapa lagi?.


  48. What an accomplishment indeed!! 100th! i can’t even get one right. It is one thing blogging responsibly with objectivity and facts, but what you are doing for the hardcore poor and the needy are just awesome. After reading your 100th article I promise and remind myself to do the same thing, and after reading the comments, i’d say you never cease to amaze us! Keep up the good work (err what’s next?), give la some snippet or teaser of what to look forward to..


  49. Jebat, keep on writing! Reading stimulates the mind and your blog is definitly in my “things-to-read” list everyday. Always look forward to your mind-boggling article.


  50. congrats on your 100th article.
    Where are you?? I’ve been checking your site everyday since… I don’t know when. Keep writing! Please la… don’t stop at 100. (I am having withral syndrome already!!)

    Good work there helping the poor! I’m more into giving space, money or time to people who want to help themselves e.g Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia. I try to get AIM account number a few times so that I can just drop RM 10 or so to their coffer but a bit difficult to get. I even ask a bank officer but she gave me three account numbers. Don’t know which one is the coffer to help the poor.

    I keep MAKNA account number so that if I have some extra money I can just drop a ringgit or two through the Cheque Deposit machine.

    Would appreciate it if you know any organization that operate like Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia and their account number to put some money into. No need to list them here if you don’t want to. Can just email me. TQ

    Sometimes I think Baitulmal money was being misused. When they ask for help, they will tell you lots of sob story. But when they get it… different story altogether. I’ve seen people who are ‘miskin’ (under Baitulmal) who have latest… well not so latestla… camera handphone. Emas bertapuk kat lengan dan leher bila keluar jalan. Stop working and depending on Baitulmal’s money and other charity organization money. Kasi pakaian sekolah tapi tak gi sekolah pun, dok melangut kat komplek. I even ask the some of the officer in charge… ‘Tak geram ke tengok sesetengah diaorang ni? Bila minta tolong macam-macam cakap.” What we need is… Perubahan minda.

    For my children, I let them feel how to be independent by solving their own mistakes. I am always there to guide them on. Give them pointers. Then they solve it the best way they know how. Cara belajar setiapnya berlainan bergantung pada cara mereka menagkap isi pelajaran. But each and everyone of them excel because they themselves want to excel. To me … susah nak usung orang ke sesuatu destinasi bila dia tidak mahu bergerak dan harapkan kita untuk tolak dia ke situ. Lagi baik sedarkan dia supaya dia boleh berdiri sendiri, berjalan, berlari atau melompat dan kalau boleh terbang ke destinasi yang nak dituju. Kita tak penat. Malah gembira melihat mereka berjaya.

    TQ JMD for your writing. I ask my children to read it. They are in English debating team in school. Good work. God Bless!!

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. I feel that our very own poverty eradication model is not perfect enough to really eradicate the poor people in Malaysia. Books written by Jeffrey Sachs and Muhammad Yunus’ Banker to the Poor give a lot of insights in alleviating the lives of the hardcore poor.

    I think a good rule of thumb is the dollar to dollar disbursement of money/aid to the poor. Meaning, if a dollar is allocated to the poor, then the very same dollar should be disbursed to them. The world average amount that had actually landed in the hands of the poor is less than 10 cents per every dollar.

    Than means, the operating costs and the leakages amounted to more than 90% of the amount allocated.

    This is unacceptable.

    In Islam, according to Surah At Taubah (ayat 60), a benchmark on how much should we spent on operating costs are provided. In it, it says that there are 8 group of people that can receive zakat (tithe);
    1) the poor
    2) the needy
    3) those employed to administer the (funds) – amil zakat
    4) the converted
    5) for those in bondage
    6) for those in debt;
    7) in the cause of Allah; and for
    8) the wayfarer

    As we can see, no (3) can also be construed as the operating cost (12.5% or one eighth out of a dollar). Therefore, a maximum of 12.5% should be the benchmark on how much we can take out of a dollar.

    But does our Pusat Zakat or other organisations giving aid to the poor follow this benchmark? I doubt it. Instances of money being siphoned to other parties are occuring everyday.

    Thank you for reading this blog. Really appreciate it


  51. JMD comments on our king`s trend now, kahwin campor, dont you think it will effect the king blood line?? hehe

    JMD : I think there is nothing wrong with it. Since the royalty’s blood are the same with us. It’s all red anyway 🙂

    Actually, most royalties we have in the world now came from ordinary people elevated to the position of monarchy by their peers and the people after having won a war or through other political manouevering.

    The Selangor Sultans came from seafaring warriors in Sulawesi, the Melaka Sultans who were the progenitors of many sultans in Malaysia today came from a minor prince of Palembang of the Srivijaya Dynasty of which, was a descendant from a Minangkabau general of an army.

    Queen Elizabeth II ancestors came from Germany where the first King of this Dynasty (King George I) could not utter a single word in English. George I in turn was the great grandchild of King James I of England, son of Mary Queen of Scots. Her ancestors can be traced to one man – Alan Fitzflaad, a Briton Knight.

    Sorry to digress 🙂

    As a conclusion, it does not matter whether who the royalty is married to. What is more important is not the blood, but the conduct of the monarchy. Too many of them are embroiled in incidents unbecoming of a royalty. Thank you.


  52. Dear JMD,

    Congrats for the 100th post. So far your articles are my daily doses. You are not updating your blog for quite sometime now. Why? I hope that everything is ok and keep those articles coming.


  53. Bro hav u read kijangmas behind d accidental border??…..simply amazing it should be the required text book for all wanting to understand Malay deeper

    JMD : Yes I have. A good read indeed.


  54. Angka-angka yang dibentangkan oleh Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk S.K. Devamany semasa menjawab soalan ahli Parlimen Sungai Siput, Dr Micheal Jeyakumar Devraj (PKR) di Dewan Rakyat cukup menyentuh hati.

    Angka itu menyebut terdapat 495,500 isi rumah yang berpendapatan di bawah RM1,000 sebulan dan 301,000 atau kira-kira 60.7% daripadanya adalah Melayu.

    Bagi 235,300 isi rumah yang berpendapatan antara RM10,001 hingga RM20,000 sebulan pula, hanya 85,700 Melayu, manakala Cina pula 118,700 dan India 23,400

    Bagi 49,500 yang berpendapatan lebih RM20,000 sebulan, Melayu 16,500, Cina 27,900, manakala India 3,600.

    Melayu menguasai golongan yang berpendapatan antara RM1,001 – RM10,000.

    JMD : Ayat terakhir saudara sedikit salah. Jika lihat kembali income bracket RM1,000 – RM10,000 Melayu tidak menguasai golongan ini kerana jika dilihat dari segi peratusan populasi, kaum cina juga menguasai kelompok ini.

    Melayu menguasai 15.6% dari kelompok gaji ini manakala Kaum Cina menguasai lebih kurang 20.6% dari kelompok ini. Ya, jumlah Melayu nampak besar. Ini kerana populasi mereka lebih besar dari kaum Cina.

    Terima kasih.


  55. Askm JMD,

    Your response to Emma49’s comment about the royalties is daring,especially the last paragraph, to say the least!!! Since you are from Malacca, there is no Sultan who can disown you.

    You amaze me Jebat for your courage… true to the blood of Hang Jebat.

    Hang Kasturi

    JMD : Haha. I still have the King to disown me though! 🙂


  56. Truly, doing anything with your pure heart that never a bit your mind questions your heart or vice versa is something extraordinary for a general human being. No doubt there still exist such humans being but the very truth again is that they are hard too reckon with. Only pure heart can see things without being the mind victims. I wish to congratulate you with your 100th articles and those articles of yours as given me another kind of perspective looking at things that surrounded me and most of my friends who do not have the kind of intelligence to ponder for. Regardless, either one agrees or otherwise but there is always something in it that make one mind’s start to get dizzy in search of:- “Are we are walking in the truthful path in the name of democracy”?

    May God bless you Dear Bro. Thank you again for giving us such a precious “halwa” thought for our brain and mind too chewed and assimilate nothing but the very facts and facts.

    JMD : Thank you so much for the comment.


  57. Pingback: Middle Class Malay Perspective? « On da street

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