History / Pakatan Rakyat / Politics in general

Every year it’s the same tired game plan by Pakatan Rakyat

One of the peculiarity of Pakatan Rakyat is their predictability in raising issues for the consumption of Malaysians at large.

With an absence of any real issues coupled with their own glaring weakness in portraying themselves as a good alternative for the current government, the Pakatan Rakyat rely only one thing that could garner votes for them; creating hatred towards the government.

It is an opposition’s job to criticise the government where it is concerned. In a democracy like ours, the opposition’s role is very important.

But surely there comes a point where even history of the nation, which is considered sacred and goes beyond politics are politicised just to create hatred towards the current government.

The recent Mat Sabu furore where he consciously labelled a known communist, Mat Indera as a hero and denigrated the fallen police officers and their family members that died while protecting the police station in Bukit Kepong, was a new low for the Pakatan Rakyat front and their supporters.

The event that happened more that 60 years ago was used to create hatred towards the present government.

Inadvertently, surfing through the many tweets from the timeline of Pakatan Rakyat’s supporters, we ultimately see the hatred had permeated through their psyche and shown unabashed towards the government.

What is more sad, the lies that Mat Sabu had created had caused all this ignorant souls to express their wanton detestation towards the fallen icons of that event. Surely one could draw a line between political expediency and sense of propriety.

But all this repudiation of history had been Pakatan Rakyat’s tired game plan since 2008. Come August and September, Pakatan will maliciously raise issues of our independence day and Malaysia day and how they will drive a wedge between the East Malaysians and the people in West Malaysia.

Come October, they will again, year after year raise the issue of Operasi Lalang.

Sometime in May every year, they will raise the spectre of 13th May 1969 citing bogus claims that Tun Abdul Razak masterminding the riots.

All these was made in the hope to create ill will towards the current government. Arguably, this government had been the continuation of the very same government from the start of Merdeka. But the players had changed many, many times over.

We can now recognise the method these Pakatan Rakyat had hoped to raise their attractiveness among the would be voters.


Not by telling people they are good, but by telling people that events that happened long time ago were misleading. Nevermind the fact that they had completely falsify history just to vilify the contributions our forefathers had made. This vilification is important because the forefathers of Malaysia today invariably were the past leaders of the present government now, specifically, Barisan Nasional.

The result of this unfair and hurtful vilification would almost always be an extra vote for Pakatan Rakyat. It is hurtful because the family members, friends and those who are generally grateful to the contributions paid by blood and tears for the creation of this nation, would feel the brunt and disrespect.

It is unfair due to the fact that just because it is beneficial for Pakatan Rakyat’s, our history is ravaged by these unscrupulous people.

The absurd mentality of the Pakatan Rakyat leaders had created dim witted, instant historians parachuted just to create more damage to Malaysians’ psyche.

Not only just Pakatan Rakyat’s leaders, but also their coterie of sycophants also had took part in parroting and expanding the lies and fallacies even further.

Below are the links this blog had written in the past few years everytime Pakatan Rakyat raised the same tired issues just to cloud the mind of Malaysians.

Surely this strategy is getting more abhorrent to us all.

Thank you.

Raja Petra and his history lessons

The atrocities of the ‘freedom fighters’

Independence Day and Malaysia Day

Behind the formation of Malaysia

Inclusive history in our children’s education

Confusing history with racial prejudice

15 thoughts on “Every year it’s the same tired game plan by Pakatan Rakyat

  1. Indeed sir. Walaupun saya masih lagi muda dan mentah [i consider 30 as young n my friends feel annoyed :)] tak dapat tidak, saya dapat rasa marah yg amat pedih dan terganggu dgn pemimpin PR dan penyokong2 mereka yg amat bencikan negara kita dan mengapi-apikan kebencian dikalangan rakyat. govt hesitation in taking any firm action against them doesn’t help either.


    • Pemimpin PR dan penyokong mereka bukan membenci negara ini. Mereka juga rakyat negara ini macam sdra. Kalau mereka inginkan perubahan pemerintah, mereka juga ada hak sama seperti sdra yg ingin terus diperintah (dan dibodohkan berterusan?) oleh kerajaan yg ada sekarang. Kalau itu pun sdra tidak faham, memang sah sdra patut terus diperbodohkan oleh kerajaan sekarang.


  2. Democracy 101:

    1. democracy is choosing the one u hate less,not the one u like most
    PR know they’re hated, day by day. what else to do? make people hate government (BN) more.

    2. dont do any development, esp building things, u’ll screwed anyway, just like what selangor and penang’s pakatan did. be like kelantan PAS, do nothing, then blame everything to BN. you’ll succeed. 20 years and still counting. ” 🙂 “


  3. bro,
    amatlah malang bagi negara Malaysia yg saya cintai ini apabila mempunyai pembangkang yg tidak berkualiti.. Saya bersetuju bahawa kerajaan sekarang ini secara amnya perlu menambah baik sistem pemerintahan mereka akan tetapi wajarkah saya menyerahkan negara ini kepada pembankang seperti mereka? Over my dead body!!!


    • Saya nasihatkan sdra jangan berdoa untuk mati cepat. Its not worth trading your life over a mere change of government, IF it happens. The sun will still rise and life goes on as usual even IF PR takes over the government. Life will not get any worse for you as long as you have not unfairly benefited from any form of cronyism dished out by UMNO/BN. The only countries in the world where governments continue for over 40 years have been dictatorial regimes and brutal dictators. All developed countries see regular changes in government.


      • There is no government in this world that is perfect. BN is not a good government, its a common sense. But PR is not that good either, which is also a common sense. Hatred will just breed hatred. And its what PR playing now.

        Rakyat suffers day by day because of this cheap political thing. Toppling a present government doesnt make us prosper just like that.

        PR use the same excuse everytime they screwed: It’s PM (or PM’s wife) fault. It’s BN fault. It’s UMNo fault. Will they become way better government than BN if they hold Putrajaya? I dont think so. It’s like asking a monkey to watch over your kitchen.

        p/s: Singapore have the same government since her divorced with Malaysia (its PAP, none other than a big brother of DAP..get it? get it? no?).


  4. Pembangkang di Malaysia sebenarnya tak banyak perkara yang mereka perlu bangkang. Sebelum 2008 pembangkang ni tolong penuhkan kerusi dewan saja dan buat bising tak bersebab selalunya. Sekarang ni mereka ni dah ramai dan mereka berpendapat dah boleh lagi besar suara. Kita rakyat Malaysia yang dah jelak dengan pe’el tukang bangkang ni patut berterima kasih kepada ahli politik BN (UMNO terutamanya) yang meloyakan ! Masih lagi ada banyak mereka yang meloyakan ni yang harus disingkirkan segera. Ni kita kena berterima kasih kepada YB KJ. Dia pun layak disingkirkan.

    Lagi satu sifat tukang-tukang bangkang ni suka berangan macam Mat Jenin. Nak rampas Putrajaya lah, nak buat negara kebajikan lah. Nak buat negara Islam dah tak jadi ! Dah tak cakap lagi dah ! Negeri-negeri yang mereka perintah pun tak tertadbir. Ranap Malaysia ni kalau mereka kuasai Parlimen. Yang buta hati pun ramai, yang buta Sejarah pun ada. Kita tahu siapa dia nasionalis awal Tanah Melayu ni. Waktu tu segala bentuk perjuangan adalah menentang kekuasaan tuan british. Kita semua kenal siapa dia Dol Said, Mat Kilau, Tok Janggut, Rentap, Datuk Bahaman, Dato’ Maharaja Lela dan ramai lagi sebelum bangkitnya nasiaonalis-nasionalis macam Dr. Buhanuddin Helmi. Dan kita tak sangkal permulaan ini membawa kepada kejayaan usaha Datuk Onn MENYATUKAN banyak persatuan Melayu bagi membina kekuatan menentang british secara diplomasi. Itulah pasalnya UMNO tu nama penuhnya Petubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu. Parti Komunis Malaya ni lain sifatnya walaupun antara matlamat perjuangannya membebaskan Tanah Melayu dari pemerintahan british dan juga berlainan cara perjuangannya. Mat Indera mengkhianati bangsanya sendiri dengan membenarkan kekejaman komunis. Apa yang susah sangat orang Islam Parti Islam SeMalaysia ni nak faham. Mereka ni orang Melayu dan beragama Islam. Kalau terlanjak cakap, minta maaf. Habis cerita. Kalau tak pun, bertaubatlah macam yang disaran Karpal Singh. Sekarang kita tahu Islam apa PAS ni. Buang saja lah ketayap dan serban tu. Buat berat kepala aje nak buat apa.

    Mat Indera ni cerita pengkhianat 60 tahun dulu. Masa tu duit tak mewah macam sekarang. Kemewahan yang kita ada hari ini kita nak bersyukur kepada siapa ni ? Sekarang pengkhianat bangsa terima duit dan bayar duit untuk kekal berpengaruh. Ada duit semua boleh jadi. Tapi duit dah tak boleh beli undang-undang lagi. Jadi duit digunakan untuk menabur fitnah secara besar-besaran sebagai pelaburan bagi mendapatkan kuasa dan lebih banyak duit lagi untuk disalahgunakan bila berkuasa. Kepala pembangkang jenis ini pulak dah tak kenal jantan betina dan pandai main silap mata. Boleh membela keadilan ke macam ni kalau diri sendiri pun jahil.

    Ahli politik seharusnya berpolitik untuk kesejahteraan rakyat dan kebaikan sejagat. Tanpa kuasa pun mereka boleh dapat mencapai matlamat ini kalau betul caranya dan bukannya memperjuangkan isu-isu sempit dan tak berfaedah. Malaysia ni sekarang disegani dunia kemakmurannya. Kalau ada apa yang kurang pun, kita masih lagi ada banyak kelebihan berbanding banyak negara lain. Jadi singkirkanlah politik maki hamun tepi jalan yang menghimpun dosa dan bermatlamat merebut kuasa ini dan berusahalah kearah memakmurkan Malaysia untuk kesejahteraan generasi masa depan. Inilah politik yang lebih afdal.


  5. Dear JMD

    To counter these lies, perhaps the govt should document the personal sacrifices of “Pejuang Bangsa” through interviews of those still living and/or their relatives. There is mass grievances presently, so this is a good opportunity to let the whole of Malaysia see and feel for the survivors and the relatives of those fallen heroes.

    To witness personal accounts of what happened through their “lenses” – the audience especially the youth, will perceive it as REAL incidents of the HEROIC ordinary rakyat as opposed to an “UMNO/BN” propaganda.

    Interspersed within their personal experiences, there should also be factual data presented, to put it in its proper perspectives. These documentaries will be EVIDENCE against hatred peddling by the subversive elements in Malaysian society.


  6. PR please raise issues like the MAS jersey sponsorship of TF owned club Queens Pekak Rangers, and the Sime Darby E&O obvious insider trading deal out in the open, that will be of interest to me and being a fence sitter might have some influence to me.


  7. yes, once in a while the people will speak up against the injustice of may13th and kampung medan etc and why the perpetrators are allowed to get away scot free instead of brought to justice.
    yes, once in a while, right wing malay neo cons will threaten harm to those who dares to question the injustice of malay special rights and islamic laws.
    until justice is brought to those who created mayhem under the guise of race and religion, the spectre of another strife will remain. everybody must be under one law which should be strictly enforced. only then can issues be debated openly with no threat to peace and security.


  8. well basically, if there are faults to be shown in government means .. THERE ARE FAULTS… if there are faults that are legitimate towards the opposition, then THERE ARE FAULTS….

    ofcourse an opposition party would say whats wrong with the current government, thats how parties work, if not you want just ONE government ruling you? who will be there to point out whats going on, all the corruption and stuff.. are you saying the government now is perfect and needs no room for improvements? no billion dollar or million dolalr bills going from our pockets into other politician pockets???

    so basically waht we need, is a clean electorial system, one that cannot be bought or cheated.. freedom of press to tell the truth, and not be paid by parties to publish what they want…

    then the public will get to see both sides clearly , and decide who they want…
    the best part is, with this transparency both parties will fight for our favors like they aare trying to do now.

    and who benefits? we do, things are apparently gettign better in malaysia, Najib wants to be cooler now, wants to be more open, he did slip up abit with taking away the bumi rights… haha but anyway penang is booming, see change can be good.

    so stop being afraid and holding on to old ideologies , give new ones a try, or repair bad ones present.

    no need for race hating, name calling.


  9. oh yes, and hang tuah and hang jebat, according to historians, are actually CHINESE??? haha thats funny, back to the school books i guess, we need to re organize our countries education and mentality towards things.


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