Najib Razak / Socio-economy / Umno & Barisan Nasional

Hutang 1MDB berjumlah RM50 billion; apakah hasilnya?

Di dalam Laporan PAC yang diedarkan pada bulan April lepas, kita dikejutkan bahawa hutang 1MDB setakat Januari 2016 berjumlah RM50 billion!

Ini bermakna sejak dari tahun 2009, Najib Razak telah meluluskan 1MDB untuk mengambil sehingga RM50 billion hutang dari bank-bank di Malaysia dan di seluruh dunia.

Jika kita mempunyai seorang Perdana Menteri yang bijak, dengan menggunakan wang RM50 billion, Malaysia mungkin dapat:

  1. Sebuah lagi KLIA (RM8.5 billion)
  2. Sebuah lagi KLCC ( RM6.4 billion)
  3. Sebuah lagi bandar pentadbiran seperti Putrajaya (RM12 billion)
  4. Sebuah lagi jambatan seperti jambatan kedua di Pulau Pinang (RM4.5 billion)
  5. Memberi biasiswa kepada 20,000 pelajar untuk belajar di universiti terkenal di luar negara (RM6.5 billion)
  6. Membina 50 buah hospital di bandar-bandar kecil dengan kos RM100 juta setiap satu (RM5 billion)
  7. Membina 100 buah sekolah di seluruh Malaysia dengan kos RM50 juta setiap satu (RM5 billion)
  8. Memberi bantuan pinjaman perniagaan kadar faedah rendah sebanyak RM210,000 kepada 1,000 orang peniaga di dalam industri kecil dan sederhana.

Malang sekali, duit yang 1MDB dapat sebanyak RM50 billion itu telah disia-siakan kerana Perdana Menteri kita bernama Najib Razak ini bukan sahaja tidak cerdik, malah dia mengaku lebih suka bermain game ‘hangman’ jika merasa bosan di dalam mesyuarat!

Seperti anak kecil yang mendapat duit yang banyak tetapi tidak tahu menggunakannya dengan betul, 1MDB sekarang bukan sahaja tidak mendapat apa-apa dari RM50 billion tersebut, tetapi untuk membayar semula hutang-hutang itu, mereka sudah terpaksa:

  1. Menjual tanah di Bandar Malaysia dengan harga RM5.28 billion
  2. Menjual IPP Edra dengan harga RM10 billion
  3. Masuk angin, keluar asap
  4. Sedar bahawa mereka sudah tiada aset lagi untuk dijual
  5. Mengaku harta milik rakyat Malaysia sudah tergadai, tetapi tiada satu pelaburan yang dijanjikan mendatangkan hasil

Yang mereka cuma sempat buat adalah menambah baik Masjid Kampung Baru dengan kos RM20 juta, itu pun dengan gunakan duit hutang. Ataupun mendabik dada menghantar 1,000 orang kampung ke Mekah untuk menunaikan haji dengan menggunakan wang hutang.

Itu lah sahaja kebaikan yang dibuat oleh 1MDB. Itu pun daripada hasil duit hutang yang tidak mampu terbayar.

Sebaliknya, duit hutang yang di ambil itu sebenarnya sudah digunakan oleh Najib dan rakan-rakannya untuk:

Syukur juga dalam masa yang sama 1MDB telah menghanguskan RM50 billion duit rakyat, Najib Razak telah mendapat sedekah berbillion-billion ringgit kerana dia sememangnya seorang yang miskin dan layak untuk menerima derma dan sedekah jariah.

Penerima sedekah nombor satu dunia

Penerima sedekah nombor satu dunia

Apa yang yang terjadi kepada wang itu, tiada seorang pun yang boleh memberi jawapan yang benar dan tepat kerana wang itu adalah wang yang diambil dan dibelanjakan secara haram dan menyalahi undang-undang.

Yang mendapat hasil dari RM50 billion hutang bukanlah rakyat Malaysia. Malah rakyat Malaysia terpaksa menanggung malu kerana salah satu syarikat antarabangsa sudah mula menuntut wang RM26 billion seperti yang disebut di dalam perjanjian yang dibuat oleh 1MDB pada bulan Mei 2015.

Siapakah yang akan membayar wang ini? Jawapannya ialah kita semua, siapa lagi?

Anda mungkin ingin membaca:

1) IPIC Tuntut RM26 Bil Hutang 1MDB – Apakah Ini Jaminan Najib Konon Isu 1MDB Akan Selesai Akhir 2015?

2) Something’s seriously wrong: Ipic seeks arbitration for disputed RM27bn with 1MDB

3) Now it all makes sense…(updated)

4) Whatever happened to 1MDB’s Cayman Islands funds?

5) Berhentilah Memberi Jawapan “Saya Tak Pernah Guna Dana 1MDB Untuk Peribadi”

6) Arul for Sungai Besar. Steve Oh for Taliban

7) ‘Dulu raja-raja, sekarang PM pula masalah’

8) Desakan rakyat

9) Najib’s Stepson Bought House in London With 1MDB Funds

33 thoughts on “Hutang 1MDB berjumlah RM50 billion; apakah hasilnya?

  1. Jangan terperanjat jika tiba masanya nanti setiap isi rumah akan terima invois untuk tolong langsaikan hutang 1MDB. RM50 bilion bahagi 6 juta isi rumah bersamaan RM8,000 setiap keluarga. Kalau tak boleh bayar, kerajaan akan potong biasiswa untuk anak2 dan cucu, potong bajet hospital dan ubat-ubatan, potong peruntukan tadika, sekolah dan lain-lain perkhidmatan sosial untuk pakcik dan makcik. Terima kasih 1MDB, serta orang2 yang bersubahat dengannya.


  2. What a misleading post! Trying to insinuate there are wrong-doings here. This is malicious!! Brainless zombies will be misled, but not those who are intelligent.

    1MDB had taken on debts – and what is the issue here? Most businesses have debts. Some, lots of it. This isn’t a problem because 1MDB has assets.

    Go open a burger stand if you are so keen to avoid any debt.

    Ronnie Wurm – Fighter of Truth


    • What a misleading comment! Trying to insinuate there are no wrong doings in 1MDB. This is so stupid! Brainless zombies trying hard to mislead, but not to those who are intelligent!

      1MDB had taken on debts – and they misused them and created nothing out of it. Most businesses have debts, and they used those debts to generate more income and their business grow without loss of assets. This isn’t a problem for them. But 1MDB in the end lost all her assets and saddled with a huge amount of debts on its lap.

      Go open a small burger stand first Ronnie, if you are so keen to copy 1MDB’s business model. So you won’t be losing that much money.

      Ronnie Wurm, – the Golden Dildo Award recipient


      • What do you expect from a zombie like Medusa. Sounds like a desperate pervert too, with PMS. These are among the deceitful people who are spreading lies against Najib.

        But they are near the end of the road. Thinking people now realise these are all just lies. They will send a strong message in the by-elections. It will clearly say: “Mahathir and his zombies, GET LOST!!” Medusa will go back full-time to Jalan Alor.

        Ronnie Wurm – Hated by Liars; Loved by Truth-seekers


        • He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; avoid him.
          He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a student; teach him.
          He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep; wake him.
          He who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man; follow him.

          Attributions: Persian apothegm, Sanskrit Saying

          The first description is dedicated to Ringworm.


          • What a load of irrelevant nonsense from Ray Zombie. The poet wanna-be (but no talent). Ray Zombie does have some talent……. spreading malicious lies against Najib. But he and fellow zombies won’t come here next month. When Mahathir’s cronies fail to transfer money to their account.


      • Most businesses have debts? Oh really?? What kind of business they’re up to with only a million as start up capital and went on to borrow 50 billions? With all the monies they have got, could you please single out which one of its businesses that have got off the ground and get underway. Please state just ONE. That’s 50 billion question for you.


        • Watimaka Walking Dead,
          You can’t see when you shut your eyes. There are MANY good businesses by 1MDB. Including very valuable power-generating companies. I can go on but I’m not going to waste time with zombies. Try use your head and think occasionally. Instead of being led like a buffalo by liars with vested interest.

          Jalan Birah to Tokyo to Singapore to Germany… And ALWAYS fighting to reveal the Truth!


          • “You can’t see when you shut your eyes. There are MANY good businesses by 1MDB. Including very valuable power-generating companies.”

            You mean the IPPs they bought for above market rate, less than 5 years before they could just snap them up at firesale prices after their contracts run out? IPPs that were so valuable, they couldn’t even go for IPO because the whole accounting was so screwed up, TWO international auditors were sacked when they refused to sign off on the audits? And then sold the IPPs at a loss? And now they no longer have these IPPs? And these IPPs – a strategic national asset – now belong to a foreign power?

            Thanks for bringing up the IPPs to demonstrate just how thoroughly stupid and ignorant you are. And that’s just one example. Please, bring up another example so we can trash you further, you eater of worms. Mwahahaha.


    • A sitting Prime Minister of Malaysia who admitted he has/had billions in his account. That’s not a wrongdoing? A sitting Prime Minister of Malaysia who admitted he had spent millions without pausing to think how could he, a sitting Prime Minister of Malaysia, have millions in his personal account to spend willy nilly. That’s not a wrongdoing?

      What truth are you fighting, idiot. Mwahahaha.


  3. 1MDB? Apa business 1MDB? Business buat hutang!
    Harta pemberian “rakyat” semua dah lupus…Apa yang tinggal?
    Kepada yang “bijaksana” ringworm…tolong bagitau macamana nak bayar hutang?
    Jangan kata bayar hutang…bayar BUNGA hutang pon tak mampu.

    Penghujungnya sape bayar? Najib?..paloi!

    Hoi ringworm!…ko punya otak tu dah berulat….
    aku tau lah ko cari makan…tapi tak kan sampai bangkai pon ko bedal jugak.

    Pemimpin borek pengikut rintik….rakyat tetap warna warni.


    • PetraToyol,
      Apa Ringworm??? Mulut jaga sikit, okay? Nanti aku terajang kang! Bila ada orang berani untuk persoalkan dusta terhadap Najib, terus dituduh dapat duit. Mentaliti zombie macam ni lah. Aku 5 sen pun tak dapat. Dan tak minta. Tak macam dengan puak zombie yang terima duit dari Mahathir dan kuncu.

      1MDB ni ada perancangan yang baik. Tapi pengkhianat-pengkhianat negara telah sabotaj. Sanggup bersekongkol dengan orang asing untuk cuba hancurkan negara. Punya gila kuasa!

      Awak tak faham lah bisness antarabangsa. Duduk diam sudah lah!


      • This person is just a troll. Acting stupid. But he knows he is paid. That’s why he accused other people as being paid. He knows Najib did a lot of wrong. But have to cari makan mah. End of the month, he print out all the comments he did, then ask for payment.


      • “1MDB ni ada perancangan yang baik.”

        Kepala hotak kau.

        Business yang guna harta (asset) & wang sendiri (atau milik emak-bapak) tidak boleh disamakan dengan business Kerajaan yang dimiliki RAKYAT/Negara.
        Begitu juga berhutang atas nama diri-sendiri, tidak boleh disamakan dengan berhutang bagi pihak Rakyat. l
        Lagi pun, buat apa berhutang untuk tubuh 1MDB bila kita sudah ada Khazanah?

        Syarat utama dalam ‘Perancangan yang baik’ dalam urusan (bisness) apa pun :-

        – JANGAN guna ‘orang-tengah’ kelabu-asap dalam sebarang urusan.

        Bukankah KPDNKK sudah lama berjihad memerangi ‘orang-tengah’ untuk elak bayar komisen sia-sia?

        Siapakah Jho Low kepada Rakyat? Pegawai Tinggi Kerajaan?
        Pernahkah Ronnie Wurm lihat photo Najib sekeluarga bergambar bersama Jho Low & dua Pak-Arab diatas Kapal-mewah?

        Yang nyata, Najib mempunyai tabiat cukup pelik, suka guna ‘orang-tengah’ dalam urusan Kerajaan sejak menjawat Menteri Pertahanan lagi. (Setakat yang saya tahu; Razak Baginda, Deepak Carpet & Jho Low).

        ‘Jasa’ Razak Baginda kepada UMNO & BN masih tidak ‘terbayar’, walaupun sudah hampir 14 tahun berlalu. Setiap kali menjelang PRU, bahana guna orang-tengah Razak Baginda masih boleh digunakan pembangkang untuk kempen memburuk-burukkan UMNO dan Kerajaan. Dari Razak Baginda ke pembunuhan Altantuya, sehinggalah kehari ini, sipembunuh pula yang menjadi igauan-ngeri UMNO-Najib, Isteri dan penyokong Kerajaan.


  4. Pingback: The Origins: 1MDB Fraud, By-Election Odds | 書 政 shuzheng

  5. Ronnie wurm is a wind up merchant. He’s just taking the piss. Medusa addressed his post and he came up with some small-timer comeback which didnt even addressed what was addressed. Cant hold a meaningful conversation with guys who just like to wind people up. Anyways seeing that he has all the time in the world to address everyone that brings him up, the guy is obviously someone who benefits. Could he be a close family of bugisman? I think he is salleh ketiak.


  6. Looks like this is where the conspirators trying (but miserably failing) to seize power from Najib through LIES and EXAGGERATIONS gather. Actually it is they who are receiving money to do the dirty work. They are angry with truth-seekers like me who reveal their lies. They try to intimidate people like me by hurling abuses. But the truth is my strength. Always have been, always will be. I won’t be intimidated, ZOMBIES!!

    Ronnie Wurm — the Jon Snow of the internet who fights against evil people and liars.


    • “……truth-seekers like” you, Ronnie?

      How could you be a ‘truth-seeker’ when you could not even differentiate a crook or a conman with a legitimate middlemen, hired by Najib on behalf of the Rakyat?

      Lets take the Scorpene purchase as an example.
      Don’t you think a team of Naval Officers would be more suitable to negotiate with the Submarine maker, than a lone civilian, Razak Baginda?
      A team of Naval Officers would have made it impossible for Altantuya to sexually infiltrated the negotiation. No need to pay hundreds of million of taxpayers money as commission too. The Government could also, sort of, held them on tight-leash whenever they have to work in France. Military secrets too would securely be safeguarded.

      Who’s Jho Low to the Rakyat, anyway? A Government civil servant?


  7. The level of your posting have suffered severely. You sensationalise your posting with gutter politics headline. You make unsubstantiated accusation based purely on hearsay and speculations made by devious third party media source. You nitpick on minute issues and expand on it.

    Very opposition tactic. PAN has available membership form for you to fill up. You can suitably fit in well with the intelligence of MCE 3rd grader and 1st year Applied Sciene flunkie Mat Sabu.

    JMD is no more honest in his postings. One glaring example is your allegations of RM50 billion liability. That number was plucked up by Tony Pua from the PAC/Audit report at the snap shot of time. It serves to coverup the lying old man for his RM42 billion lesap boo boo.

    You have brought yourself down to be as stupid as Outsyed, Putera Merdeka dan Apanama to not know the various phases of restructuring have brought the numbers substantially lower.

    Maybe you are just not smart enough to read into the details of the various IPIC/Aabar collaboration with 1MDB to know that it is a non issue and friendly dispute settlement avenue long agreed by the parties.

    Game is over. Ready for the bigger embbarassment!


    • Your intelligence must have suffered tremendously for defending 1MDB. Are you saying the PAC Report page 75 & 76 which listed down the liability of 1MDB at RM51.157 billion as at 31st January 2016 serves as a cover up? Yes, apparently it’s not RM42 billion that had gone down the drain with nothing to show for, it’s actually RM51 billion!. Do us a favour, astound us with your intelligence, not stupidity. If restructuring RM51 billion of debts that was needlessly taken and squandered; is considered a success without any real result to show for (lost our assets along the way too), and not embarrassed when a Government owned company couldn’t pay up the amount they had borrowed and went into dispute, then Mat Sabu will actually seem a tad bit smarter than you. Thank you.


    • Yo JDM

      Quote: “JMD is no more honest in his postings.” Oh yeah?? and your beloved Najib is as honest as the day??

      Whenever Najib did not run away, he had been PROVEN to lie so many times even in parliament, that it is tough keeping track.

      Why quarrel about absolute numbers when the thievery is as clear as crystal.

      The greastest embarrassment is reserved for Najib. Insyallah!!

      Psst … do check your spelling – it’s atrocious.


    • This is among the best comments that I have read here. Not just under this post but in the whole blog. Thankfully this writer has done a great job in explaining things as they really are. Salute to you, Sir!

      The zombies don’t like it, of course. They will stick to all the lies and exaggerations about Najib because they have deceitful motives. Their response is, the writer is Pemakan Dedak. But they won’t address his points. Because he has written the truth. Be responsible, use your brain and see things as they really are!


      • the only thing that johnny mille ‘explained’ was the RM 50 b liability. and that was crushed by jebat. he gave the relevant pages on pac report some more. are you blind or faking acting stupid? your level of commenting is the same like rahman dahlan – incoherent and futile. or salleh keruak – totally miss the mark. or rpk – outrageously stupid.


  8. this is n apt epitaph 4 ds najib- ” a probable statesman that some how lost his way thru greed”. isn’t it sad ? in d mean time d country is almost administered by ‘auto pilot’ while Najib is busy scheming 2 save his skin.

    I simply can’t imagine Najib standing beside Pres Jokowi n PM Lee. both hv very clear n strong views when it comes 2 corruption n dereliction of public duty.


  9. Ini orang johnny dengan ronnie sebenarnya kena tulis untuk divert dan bagi orang lain buang masa je melayan. Patut buat tak tahu je. Sebab mereka ni sengaja tulis benda benda bodoh dan tak masuk akal.

    Duit USD681 juta masuk dalam akaun najib tak cukup bukti ke untuk kita masukkan najib dalam court sebab terima duit billion billion senyap senyap? mana pergi integriti?

    Laporan PAC sendiri cakap auditor kena sack sebab tanya banyak soalan. Dan duit USD700 juta masuk akaun Good Star tanpa persetujuan BOD. Dan bila BOD mintak balik, mgmt tak hiraukan. Itu tak cukup bukti salah laku duit rakyat malaysia kena songlap? Kalau nak jadi bodoh, jangan masuk blog macam ni. Masuklah blog penjilat najib.


  10. It’s quite tragic, really – you would have thought that billions of unsolicited ringgit in one’s account would be able to buy better quality minds. Instead we get these two idiots. Mwahahaha. That’s just sad.


  11. dear ronnie ringworm and john de dildo,
    hey guys, i like your posts. teach these pansies how to man up yeah?
    ada kerja kosong tak ?
    i mean, i can be more stupid than you guys. like dumb and dumber? i can even be nastier, ikut arahan you lah. depan boleh, belakang boleh. like really low, mah
    bagi sikit lah. share dedak tu. share the love.
    pls email me


    • Mangkok Mat,
      YES, there is a very suitable job for you! It is with one guy who was from Bukit Segambut. Now staying in Sungai Buloh.

      Your job is very easy! You can take a bit of pain, no? One benefit is, you save time. Just sit on the toilet bowl and Whoosh! All done because your outlet is serviced MUAHAHA!


Astound us with your intelligence!