Anwar Ibrahim / Judiciary / Malay issues / Pakatan Rakyat / Racism / Umno & Barisan Nasional

Tun Abdul Hamid menulis tentang perpecahan melayu dan tuntutan melampau bukan melayu

Berikut adalan tulisan hasil pandangan Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad, bekas Ketua Hakim Malaysia. Penulisan beliau boleh di baca di


Oleh Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad

Pada pandangan saya, hubungan antara kaum di Malaysia masih baik. Rakyat berbagai kaum masih menjalani hubungan seperti biasa. Tidak ada ketegangan di antara kaum dalam hubungan mereka seharian. Hubungan sosial di antara sesama orang Melayu juga baik, tidak kira apa parti politik mereka. Apa yang berlaku semenjak PRU 12 ialah “political divide”.

PAS, melalui janji syurga yang tidak perlu ditepati, mengkafirkan penyokong UMNO dan memburukkan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dan lain-lain, telah berjaya menarik sebilangan besar orang Melayu untuk menjadi penyokongnya, bukan lagi di kawsan pedalaman tetapi juga di kawasan bandar, bukan lagi di kalangan orang-orang yang berkelulusan Syari’ah tetapi juga di kalangan professional. Ini telah melemahkan UMNO.

Tetapi, selagi PAS kekal bersendirian dan tertumpu kepada negeri-negeri Pantai Timur, ia tidak menjadi ancaman yang serius kepada kerajaan BN di peringkat Persekutuan.

Keadaan berubah dengan penubuhan PKR. PKR telah berjaya menarik orang-orang yang kecewa, yang tidak mendapat tempat dalam UMNO, golongan opportunist dan yang marah kepada pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO tidak kira sama ada alasannya munasabah atau tidak. PKR telah membuktikan bahawa ia hanya mempunyai satu matlamat: berjuang untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan BN untuk membolehkan Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Mereka sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk mencapai hasrat mereka, termasuk mengorbankan hak orang Melayu dan kedudukan agama Islam.

Melihat perpecahan orang Melayu, orang Cina khususnya, yang memang pandai membuat perkiraan, telah bersatu di belakang DAP, mengambil faedah daripada undi penyokong PKR dan PAS untuk menjatuhkan BN dan menjadi parti dominan dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang akan memerintah. Perak selepas PRU12 adalah misalan yang baik. Wakil PAS di jadikan sebagai Menteri Besar menyebabkan penyokong-penyokong PAS merasa bahawa mereka telah berjaya menubuhkan sebuah “Kerajaan Islam”. Maka bertakbirlah mereka di sepanjang jalan menunjuk perasaan. Hakikatnya majoriti ahli Exco adalah ahli-ahli DAP dan merekalah yang sebenarnnya berkuasa. Jika dulu “Pak Kadok menang sorak kampung tergadai, sekarang Haji Kadok menang takbir negeri tergadai.” Semua ini orang Melayu, khususnya dalam PAS, mesti sedar.

Melihat keadaan ini, NGO-NGO Cina mula menunjukan sikapnya yang sebenar: tamak dan “kiasu”. Mereka mula membuat tuntutan-tuntutan yang tidak berpatutan yang melanggar peruntukan-peruntukan Perlembagaan khususnya mengenai hak orang Melayu dan kedudukan Islam. Tindakan Gereja Katholik juga sangat merbahaya. Semua perbuatan itu bukan sahaja boleh menggugat perpaduan negara, malah ketenteraman negara. Semua ini tidak berlaku semasa orang Melayu teguh di belakang UMNO.

Perbuatan itu mesti dibendung. Untuk itu Kerajaan hendaklah memikir semula mengenai keperluan mengadakan semula Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Kita tidak patut takut kepada kritikan mengenainya. Singapura dan Brunei mempunyai undang-undang yang serupa. Tidak pula dikritik. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Syarikat di Guantanamo adalah lebih teruk dari penahanan di bawah ISA. (Lihat Conflict of Interests Between Different Basic Rights dan juga Legal and judicial Transformation in Malaysia:

Di samping itu, Kerajaan tidak patut terlalu berlembut apatah lagi takut kepada mereka sehingga tidak berani mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap mereka. Tidak guna mempuyai undang-undang jika tidak berani menggunanya.

UMNO juga mesti berusaha untuk menarik balik pengundi yang telah lari kepada PAS dan PKR malah sanggup mengundi DAP kerana taat kepada PKR dan PAS. PAS dan UMNO perlu berfikir untuk berkerja sama, sekurang-sekurangnya di peringkat Persekutuan untuk mempertahankan Kerajaan Persekutuan daripada jatuh kepada PKR dan DAP. PAS mesti sedar bahawa perjuangan asal mereka adalah untuk Melayu dan Islam; bahawa jika Pakatan Rakyat berkuasa DAP akan menjadi parti dominan, bukan PKR atau PAS; bahawa PKR tidak boleh diharap untuk membela orang Melayu dan agama Islam; bahawa DAP adalah lebih chauvinistic daripada MCA atau Gerakan; bahawa PKR atau PAS tidak boleh mengawal cita-cita DAP seperti UMNO mengawal MCA atau Gerakan. Maka jika PAS tidak mahu hak Melayu dan kedudukan agama Islam digugat, ia hendaklah berkerjasama dengan UMNO.

Sebenarnya, di antara PAS dengan UMNO sudah tidak ada apa bezanya lagi. Demikian juga tidak ada apa bezanya di antara Kelantan yang diperintah oleh PAS selama lebih kurang 40 tahun, dengan negeri-negeri lain di Semenanjung Malaysia selain daipada mengadakan kaunter bayaran berasingan untuk lelaki dan perempuan. Dulu Qari’ah haram mengambil bahagian dalam tilawah Al-Qur’an. Sekarang ia sudah harus! Apa yang menjadi “penghalang” bukan ideology tetapi kepentingan diri. Pemimpin-pemimpin di kedua buah parti takut hilang kedudukan, jawatan dan pendapatan masing-masing, jika bercantum. Soalan: adakah itu asas perjuangan mereka? Masalah ini pun boleh di atasi jika kedua parti berkerjasama untuk menubuhkan Kerajaan Persekutuan, selepas keputusan pilihanraya di isytiharkan.

Anak Negeri Sabah dan Sarawak juga patut sedar bahawa kedudukan mereka dalam Perlembagaan adalah serupa dengan kedudukan orang Melayu. Jika mereka mahu kedudukan mereka selamat, mereka hendaklah bersama-sama orang Melayu, UMNO dan BN. Bahawa sebahagian daripada mereka beragama Kristian tidak pernah menjadi masalah. Mereka boleh terus mengamalkannya seperti biasa dalam Bahasa Kadazan dan sebagainya. Yang dibantah oleh orang Islam, terutama sekali di Semenanjung Malaysia, ialah cubaan untuk menggunakan kalimah “Allah” dalam bible dan upacara agama dalam Bahasa Melayu, kerana motifnya adalah untuk mempengaruhi orang Melayu menganut agama Kristian. Ini jelas dilarang oleh Perlembagaan Malaysia.

Jika PAS dan parti-parti Anak-Anak Negeri Sabah dan Sarawak boleh bersama- sama dengan UMNO dan BN, Kerajaan Persekutuan akan selamat walau pun orang Cina bersatu di belakang DAP. Apabila merek merasa bahawa keadaan itu akan merugikan mereka, mereka akan mula berfikir semula untuk berkerjasama dengan BN. Orang Cina membuat perkiraan mengikut untung-rugi. Itu sahajalah prinsip mereka.

Kita sekali-kali tidak hendak meminggirkan orang Cina. Semenjak PRU 1955, UMNO memberi kawasan-kawasan majority Melayu yang selamat kepada calon-calon MCA dan MIC semata-mata untuk memberi representasi yang lebih kepada mereka. Apa yang berlaku selepas PRU13 pun adalah pilihan mereka sendiri. Pengundi-pengundi Cina yang berdiri sebulat suara di belakang DAP mungkin akan berfikir semula apabila mereka menimbang semula untung-ruginya.

Pengundi-pengundi India patut bertanya diri mereka sama ada Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat akn menjaga kepentingan mereka lebih baik daripada rekod BN selama lebih daripada lima dekad.

Umur PKR terikat dengan umur Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, tidak lebih dari itu.

Kerajaan mestilah bersikap tegas dan tidak melayan tuntutan-tuntutan melampau itu. Malah tindakan undang-undang hendaklah diambil terhadap mereka jika mereka melanggarnya. Di kebelakangan ini, Kerajaan nampak seolah-olah takut mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap aktivis yang menyebabkan mereka semakin melampau. Malah ada aktivis yang menghina lagu Kebangsaan yang bukan sahaja tidak dihadapkan ke mahkamah tetapi diberi bantuan kewangan untuk membuat film yang memburukkan Malaysia. Cuba bayangkan bagaimana Singapura akan bertindak dalam keadaan yang serupa. Seperti disebut tadi, Kerajaan mestilah memberi pertimbangan serius untuk mengadakan semula ISA. Pelampau hanya faham ketegasan, bukan diplomasi.

Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO juga patut sedar diri. Sebenarnya UMNO sebagai sebuah parti Melayu berada di atas landasan yang betul. Yang dipersoalkan ialah pemimpin-pemimpinnya. Mereka, isteri dan anak-anak mereka dilihat sebagi hidup mewah di luar kemampuan mereka yang membangkitkan isu rasuah. Saya dapati, politik wang dan tertutupnya pintu untuk “orang baru” memasuki dan memenangi apa-apa jawatan dalam hierarchy UMNO adalah faktor utama mengapa kalangan professional tidak menyertai UMNO. Mereka lebih mendapat tempat dalam PAS. Jika hal ini berterusan UMNO akan ketandusan pemimpin. Hal ini telah pun dirasai hari ini.


81 thoughts on “Tun Abdul Hamid menulis tentang perpecahan melayu dan tuntutan melampau bukan melayu

  1. Apabila bekas hakim ulung bersuara.Setelah apa yang berlaku di antara mantan Presiden Umno dan institusi kehakiman pada lewat tahun 80-an, saya terkejut hakim ini tidak menyimpan dendam terhadap Umno malah kuat sekali menyokong parti itu.
    Benar seperti kata Tun abdul Hamid. Bersatulah wahai umat Melayu. jangan sampai orang Melayu kehilangan kuasa, Apabila itu berlaku, segala-galanya hancur berkecai, orang Melayu akan merempat dan mengemis di negara sendiri.


  2. Yes Sir, that is exactly what I thought, too.That for the government to remain strong it must be firm with the those that grossly behave against the constitution. ISA is necessary for it is alarming how dissenters from the opposition groups ridicule the law and constitution of the country and question the Malay rights in the name of democracy when it is actually greed for power and money that rule them. The people are not listening to reason anymore no matter how hard the BN government tries to reason with them The opposition groups in this country are not like opposition groups in America or Britain. The opposition groups in this country are venomous. They spew lies, they insinuate, they do all kinds of things to make sure they gain the support of the mainly gullible and innocent rakyat of all ethnic backgrounds, the worst being their sole intention to divide the majority Malays and Muslims. And yes too, high time for UMNO leaders to clean their act if they want to remain relevant to the Malay cause.


    • It’s heartening and refreshing to hear views like yours, in support of the Constitution of the country, and in condemnation of those greedy for power who disregard, even contravene, the Constitutional provisions. And it’s certainly soothing to hear a former Chief Justice taking the trouble to write his views out of concern, surely, for the future of this country.

      Yes, the ISA has been necessary and I shuddered at the thought it was going to be repealed when even the United States has ISA-like detention without trial, until now. Worse than that, they have the Patriot Act, put into place only 10 years ago, restricting freedom of movement into and within the so-called most liberal country in the world. But I’m now comforted to hear the IGP saying, after the arrest of the SAMM chap under SOSMA, that the ISA-replacement laws etc are adequate to combat crimes in this country.

      I now am always anxious that DS Najib not speak any more, let alone take action, on doing away with the Sedition Act. My stand has always been – and I’ll continue to shout and yell this: should Najib talk about doing away with the Sedition Act again, we must demand UMNO do away with him.

      A cursory glance at Tun A Hamid’s write up above does not show him mentioning it. I’d also appeal to Tun Hamid to speak up on preserving the Sedition Act to eternity. We are a multi-racial country and there are greedy fellows out there who’d stop at nothing in their greed for power. Goodness, even a lawyer like Karpal Singh was seditious. Good that he was found guilty and sentenced. Like Tian Chua and others. And hopefully Teresa Kok, too.


    • The only people who ridicule the law and constitution are the UMNO, the religious department and ketuanan malays. They restrict and ban books and prohibit usage of word.never done before any where else in the world. According to them,this is their special privilege to suppress and oppress other malays speakers with different ideas, thinking. And also to restrict malay looking bumiputra Christians from practicing their faith freely and in peace.
      This is a form of injustice which a a BTN malay muslim ex- judge will never understand.then he continues by saying bumiputra in sabah and sarawak will be better protected by these BTN ketuanan malay muslims.

      Hullo! chinese ruled singapore protects minority rights better than Malaysia. Malay speaking christians are allowed to say any word they want. Malays are allowed to believe in any faith they want. Shiites are ahmediyas are not persecuted like in malaysia. They are encouraged to be who they want to be. As long as they obey the law, they can be a buddhist later on or an atheist. No persecution. Civil rights are adhered.
      In malaysia, laws are abused on grounds of malay special privilege. This special privilege overides everything else, including the constitution. In singapore,this is not the case. Malay special privilege means they get to work as lowly govenrment departments because they do not have the qualification.

      Non malays in this country are not asking for much. Equality.justice and fairness. Especially for affordable places in higher education. And employment in government departments,police and armed forces. Plus no discrimination.
      Just last week, there was the news that deputy police chief in KL will be replaced . This deputy,a singh, had served three bosses, all his junior. In the end he was not promoted but transfered to another department.

      No wonder we end up with a haprak HP6 judges and Police Inspecor Generals. Serve God by being just, even if it implicates your relative. But in this country,religion and race comes first before justice.


      • Just wanna shove sora-chan’s words into this tempawan’s face – very fitting, as he conveniently disregarded them when he wrote his reply to sora chan’s comment, showing his dastardly Red Bean bad manners –

        “The opposition groups in this country are venomous. They spew lies, they insinuate, they do all kinds of things to make sure they gain the support of the mainly gullible and innocent rakyat of all ethnic backgrounds, the worst being their sole intention to divide the majority Malays and Muslims.”

        But, they didn’t succeed – by and large, Malaysians are aware of their evil intent and damn their evil deeds, and they lost at PRU13. Whenever trying to do so, they continue to be spitted at.


      • tempawan,

        It’s time you are given doses of your own medicine – told you are nonsense, a useless and lowly being, call you names like a dirty pig full of shit, accuse you wildly without any substantiation or justification.

        You have such a small brain that you do not understand the Constitution. You are so pendatang, thuggish and gangsterish that you refuse to respect and live by the Constitution. For that you are shooed out of the country and told in no uncertain terms to migrate. Most importantly, you are loud-mouthed and seditious. For that, you should be arrested, dragged to the Police lock up, interrogated for days on ends, finally dragged to the court and charged, and join the ranks of Karpal Singh (dead), Tian Chua (found guilty of sedition), Teresa Kok (already charged), etc.

        Or dragged to the seaside, pushed face downwards on the sand, hands and legs stretched, your arsehole shoved with a sharpened bamboo – the treatment for disloyalty and betrayal of the country during the Malacca Sultanate. To be done by Anwar Al Juburi.

        More to come.


      • tempayan,

        You must be a product of Chinese schools, with very poor ability to understand your duties as a citizen of this country (hope you are not a pendatang haram, maybe a PATI from Singapore).

        You have no religion or you are the kind people say practice 3 different religions all at the same time – Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. And a fourth one, too, like being said before – Ultra kiasu-ism. Yet you may practice a fifth religion – Evangelical Christianity. Don’t lah, stupid, you make fun of so many other peoples’ religions, one day they will throw you into Hell on Earth.

        So, you feel jealous of the Malays for having Ketuanan Melayu enshrined in the Constitution in such things as the roles, functions and responsibilities of the YDP Agong, the Malay Rulers, the Rulers Council, etc. Accept it, stupid, otherwise you’ll be found guilty of sedition like Karpal Singh was when he tried to question the powers of the Sultan of Perak.

        And don’t begrudge the position of Islam as Article 3 of the Constitution says “Islam is the religion of the Federation”, no other religion being mentioned. In view of that, a former Appeal Court Judge, said Islam has a position above the other religions. So, no need for you to grudge the Appeal Court decision on the use of the kalimah Allah.

        And you have a completely viable alternative – just pack up and leave the country if you cannot accept and won’t respect those. So, how about it, samseng?

        More to come.


      • This comment should have been here instead of appearing well below this comment –


        The blogging name I use is Tempayan.

        The person I address in my above comment is tempawan.


      • tempawan,

        Like Malaysia Chronicle, you would blame everything on the Malays and UMNO, would you? Including this one? –

        HAUNTED BY EVIL? Umno’s Penang HQ in spotlight again – student jumps from 21st floor
        Malaysia Chronicle – ‎3 hours ago‎

        “Mother… father … please take care. Eldest and second brother, please take care of our parents. I am sorry for being useless. I am sorry that I have to be ‘naughty’ this time. I love you all.”

        The note written in Chinese was found in a Perodua Viva belonging to law student Tieu Hooi Theng, 21, who had earlier fallen to her death from the 18th floor of Menara Umno in Macalister Road here on Monday. (the Star).

        The poor girl. But you are a completely useless bloke, tempawan – why don’t you jump from that building? I guarantee you that you’ll go to Heaven. Many others here will wish that for you.

        More to come.


      • Hahahahahaha

        Lee Hsien Loong says Singapore belongs to everyone, even to the foreigners! The local born citizens can only gag their intelligence over this desperate declaration.

        The 17 year-olds were SWIFTLY arrested for their freedom of thought which criticises the party led by LKY’s son.

        The books ‘No Man is an Island’ and ‘The Singapore Dilemma’ two highly acclaimed intellectual studies ARE BANNED in that red dot.

        That harmless CHEWING GUM is still banned too – the butt of the world’s greatest joke.

        The super elite local citizens HAVE already packed up their bags for US, AUSSIE, CANADIAN passports whose palces were filled up by half-six Malaysians who speaks English like the tau huey chui ah pek and ah mah.

        I believe that tempawan@May 12, 2014 at 2:08 pm is the reincarnation of Rip Van Winkle – an under a coconut shell idiot, sponsored by PAP, fed on expired propaganda era 1959.

        Hullo this is 2014 ………..


        • tempawan,

          You should rebut the above points on freedom of thought and action in Singapore, the banning of the books, of chewing gum, and “the super elite local citizens HAVE already packed up their bags for US, AUSSIE, CANADIAN passports whose palces were filled up by half-(past)-six Malaysians”.

          Kamon, I challenge you. The grass is not greener that side. If you don’t rebut, then you are just a PAP ball carrier.


        • I never knew Singapore banned even chewing gum. Wonder what else they ban – maybe unwanted Malaysian rejects, always frothing at the mouths praising Singapore like nobody’s business, like tempawan.

          Wonder what’s their rationale for banning chewing gum. Simply disliking their people aping the Yanks? Showing a dislike for Malaysian rubber which they use only as condoms – they may have gum made of rubber, hehe.

          Maybe because the gum chewers got the habit of pasting gum under tables and chairs, under railings and bar stools, and … LKY’s women’s private parts, huhu. .


          • ‘I never knew Singapore banned even chewing gum’

            dah lama dah. there’s a phrase for that viz ‘legally insane’


      • Guano mung? Tempawan nok keno tempa dek Pak We’? Nok keno gocoh dek Mak Moh?

        Gggapo dok ghoyak merapuh? Otok mung tak basuh dah berapa tahung? Pigi Hospita sakit otok le wei.

        Nok pekecil Jabatang Agama, Ketuanan Melayu ggapo dio? Mari Hukum Hudud baru mung gigil lutut menggelabar, terbeghok tepi jalang dan dalang seluor. Menghasut punya oghe.


      • Tempawan, you said Chinese ruled Singapore protects minority rights better than Malaysia and you go on explaining about Malay speaking christians, Malays are allowed to believe in any faith they want. Exactly what the opposition over here in Malaysia is trying to do – they want to split the Malays by creating these kind of venomous acts bringing up the ‘Allah’ issues, pluralism, liberalism, LGBT. They want to split the Malays and let Chinese rule Malaysia.

        Singapore was once known as Temasek, a very Malay name. Then it was renamed as Singapura and the preferred name Singapore. Eventually LKY took over Singapore and being Chinese himself you can see the politics began. Malays are kind people with great hospitality. They allowed the Chinese and Indians came to Singapore and live peacefully. The Chinese came over and being foreigners, they have to work hard or they would not survive. The Malays made friends with these foreigners.

        There was dirty politics being played out during LKY’s time. Riots happened during one Prophet Muhammad’s birthday celebration. Then through some neat plot, Malaysia kicked out Singapore and LKY pretended to cry. He could then the Singapore he wanted with more freedom. He created the so-call racial harmony so that the Malays would continue to feel the land belong to them. The Malays are kind and continue to make friends with the ‘foreigners’. Fast-forward now, 74.2% of the population were of Chinese and only 13.4% were of Malays. That was in 2009, the gap is wider now. Strange right? The Malays now can’t even be recruited as high-rank offices in the army to defence their own country.

        Then, people like Tempawan says that Singapore treat their minority well. In the first place, how were the Malays being made a minority in their own country which once belong to them? No one really make noise, the Malays in Singapore didn’t really realise how and when they were beginning to be outnumbered by the Chinese and how they can’t even have the Prayer’s call being heard outside of the mosque.

        The opposition in Malaysia take much heed and hints from there. They learn a lot and now you can see they are trying to apply some kind of venomous plan in Malaysia. They are trying to apply some of the lessons learned from Singapore’s history in Malaysia. Then you have some of the Malays in Malaysia being hypnotised the way the Singaporean Malays were once hypnotised and it would take some years from now to finally realise the true colours of the Malaysia Opposition.

        The Malays in Malaysia would one day be wiped off from Malaysia just like what happened in Singapore if they repeat the same Singaporean Malays’ mistakes.

        JMD, I am actually very concern when Singapore is now befriending Malaysia and you see how Iskandar region is being developed…….. Melayu mudah lupa!!! I hope you highlight this more often in your blog. The Malaysia opposition is injecting this venomous poison into Malaysia making the pathway easier for Singapore to enter. Lim Kit Siang is already in Gelang Patah, very near to Singapore, slowly we would see the ugly plot begin. They are making all round fight attacks in Johor trying to break the UMNO’s stronghold. Melayu mudah lupa……


        • Rainbow,

          Good to hear your views. Very refreshing. Hope you will say more and come in more often.

          Yes, “They want to split the Malays and let Chinese rule Malaysia.” They are already splitting the Malays, aided by the pengkhianat bangsa dan penderhaka negara, Anwar Al Juburi. But the Chinese cannot rule Malaysia. “Over my dead body,” said Karpal Singh to Hudud and he is dead. “over my dead body,” said by me on Malays not ruling this country and I’m still alive and I believe millions feel like me.

          I always try to remind the Malays to remember and never again allow a stupid Tengku A Rahman giving away Singapore FOC to Lee Kuan Yew. Nations go to war to protect their territorial integrity and national sovereignty. But the damn old man did it jut out of anger, whereas years later, when politicians misbehaved again in Kelantan, the then government did the right thing – sent the Army there, declared a state of emergency and ruled it via a Director of Operations.

          Now the Malays have to watch this Najib very closely and get UMNO to do so, too. His so-called liberal-mindedness (which I think is only pseudo-liberalism), liberalization, transformation etc seem to have eroded Malay interests somewhat. His New Economic Model had at first rather muted the NEP, and I think the Civil Service, led by the PTD, which has traditionally been rather conservative in their stance, has not necessarily been “all out” on liberalization policies. Otherwise why have Pemandu and the Chief Secretary to the Government picked from someone a few places lower than the top in seniority.

          I agree with Tun A Hamid on what UMNO should be doing but I fear money politics and corruption in general is the Malays’ worst enemy. Let’s keep on shouting about those and whack the ultra kiasu PELAMPAU BUKAN MELAYU verbally and in writing any time we can.


      • Tempawan said, “chinese ruled singapore protects minority rights better than Malaysia.”

        Hello brother, can you tell us why Singapore muslim girls cannot wear headscarf in their school? Minority rights my foot.

        Muslims there can’t even have the Malay procession marking the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Here in Malaysia, the Chinese are free to gather all out in the public to celebrate Chap Goh Mei with all the lanterns, lion dance, Chinese opera and carry around their big Chingay flags as much as they want freely. The loudspeaker can be louder than the muslims’ call for prayer in Singapore which at most last for 5 minutes only.

        Thaipusam too is well celebrated here and the Malays tolerated all these very well. In Singapore the Chinese call for the ban of the Muslim call for prayers, not to be heard outside of the mosque.

        Simply put, the Malaysian Chinese opposition is trying to destroy the Malay unity through propaganda and sugar-coated freedom of rights. Danger, danger and dirty politicking.


  3. Tun Abdul Hamid juga adalah salah satu dari tiga hakim yang membebaskan Anwar Ibrahim dlm kes liwat 1. Namun beliau juga yang memberi hujah bertulis kehakiman yang mengesahkan kejadian liwat itu benar berlaku.


  4. Tun Hamid kata

    “politik wang dan tertutupnya pintu untuk “orang baru” memasuki dan memenangi apa-apa jawatan dalam hierarchy UMNO adalah faktor utama mengapa kalangan professional tidak menyertai UMNO”

    Mungkin saya songsang pendapat, berbeza dengan dia. Sudah tentu bukan itu sahaja sebab nya. Tapi apa kah itu faktor yang utama?

    Saya fikir faktor yang lebih besar ia lah penjangak Anwar dan PAS telah memecahkan bangsa Melayu, di eksploitasi dek DAP yang rasis dan ultrakiasu. Di godeh dek Red Bean yang tak kira apa saja, menyemai, merebakkan dan memulas perasaan benci terhadap Melayu, UMNO dan segala apa yang berkaitan dengan Melayu dan UMNO. Sehingga Melayu sendiri sudah ada yang tak ngaku dia Melayu, saperti Nik Aziz yang kata, “Aku buke Melayu, Isle je”.

    Anwar pulak kipaskan konsep liberal konon nya, ketepikan Ketuanan Melayu, cakap pasal Ketuanan Rakyat apekebendanya, laungkan kebebasan bermacam termasuk LBGT dan sodomi, anaknya nyata melanggar Perlembagaan mengata Melayu boleh pilih agama, tidak mempertahankan Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu, dan bermacam lagi. Dalam suasana begitu, muda mudi professional yang lulus dari Timur Tengah, atau dari Barat tapi terpengaruh dengan “gelomabang perubahan” di Mesir, Libya dan Syria, mengikuti arus “anti-Establishment” itu, tak sedarkan bahawa keadaan kebebasan di Malaysia lebih jauh berbeza, dan Mesir, Libya dan Syria sampai sekarang masih lintang pukang dan kucar kacir, di Mesir 3 tahun pergolakan belom ada Perlembagaan negara yang di terima majoriti rakyat nya.

    Apa kelemahan yang ada dalam UMNO, parti parti Pembangkang pun ada, termasuk PAS dan PKR. Tapi setuju, UMNO perlu menukar pendiriannya, membasmi politik wang dsb nya, supaya tidak kehilangan kuasa kaum Melayu yang majoriti di negara ini. Saya fikir kalau hilang kuasa itu, akan hilang suasana aman yang ada sekarang ini.


    • I say, no wonder all the HANGs did not survive.if malays got one party,that constitute a dictatorship.a monopoly. Malays will never progress much under one party rule.In UMNO, people see it as a greedy party. They even swallow the bones.
      In PAS they saw an alternative. But PAS is more backward thinking than UMNO. So malays will forever remain unprogressive until somebody leads the malays to liberty. Away from race and religious indoctrination. Free them so that they can be themselves for who they are.Become shiites, or ahmediyas or christians or free thinkers.
      Is that so difficult? How to rule the world if your mental is blocked ?


      • Would you like to try to be HANG-ed? You are a perfect specimen to test Hudud on – on your tongue.

        Accusing the Malays “mental is blocked”, you are a mental case. Take your psychotic pills, man.


      • What the heck, tempawan, what do you now about the Malays to be saying “Malays will never progress much under one party rule.In UMNO”. You are even talking through you hind hole by saying “one party rule.In UMNO”. All you know is to criticize the Malays, demean the Malays, trying to split the Malays. Bugger you.

        Shit talking like that, stupid. What progress has the DAP got other than tearing this country apart, causing the race riots of 1969, pushing MACC witness Teoh Beng Hock out of the window to death, corruption in many forms that even Ronnie Liu complained about at the DAP Selangor Convention when he was Selangor DAP Chief. And now huge commission and corruption in DAP Penang selling land at Bayan Mutiara and Taman Manggis, and an undersea tunnel project whose price went up from RM4 to 6 to 8 billion, well before the project started.

        Cakap tak serupa bikin buggers. Corrupted to the teeth and protected by the secret societies, thugs and gangsters. Many people have the image of DAP being party consisting of those.


      • Quote: “leads the malays to liberty. Away from race and religious indoctrination”


        Oh you mean, lead them to money indoctrination where melanin and garbage oil is the source of huge profits? Where total freedom to reproduce, leads to that one-child policy that had to be ENFORCED to avoid population explosion much like pig breeding??



    Kalau Melayu tak bersatu pun, benteraskan tuntutan melampau. Jangan layan. Kutuk siapa yang melayan.

    Pokok pangkal nya, pegang kapada Perlembagaan negara. Tafsir Perlembagaan berdasarkan sejarah Kemerdekaan. Maksud dan tujuan mana mana perkara yang tidak nyata di Perlembagaan mesti ada di sejarah menuntut Kemerdekaan itu. Perlembagaan negara timbul dari kemerdekaan kita dari penjajah British.

    Jangan merujuk kapada mereka yang mengaku “pakar” Perlembagaan tetapi menggodeh perpecahan bagi pihak Pembangkang. Saperti Pensyarah UIA yang terpaksa meletak jawatan sebab kerusi nya panas akibat penglibatan politik pesong nya.

    Yang menentukan betul tidak nya tafsir Perlembagaan bukan nya “pakar”, tetapi Hakim Hakim Mahkamah Tertinggi di negara ini – orang saperti Tun Hamid di masa dia Ketua Hakim dahulu.

    Yang selalu menuntut melampau selalu nya menghasut. Tangkap, sumbat ke lokap, heret mereka ke Mahkamah. Biar Hakim menentukan penjara ke tidak. Kita boleh mintak, laungkan kuat kuat, dan berdo’a. Supaya naik dari 5 tahun ke 10 atau 15 tahun, contoh nya, di rayuan nya.


  6. Malay polarization disebabkan oleh Virus EOT. Virus ini tidak aktif/dormant pada ketika suasana politik terkawal. Dalam tempoh 5-6 dekad, pertembongan ideologi politik secara gradual jadi semakin turbulent khususnya antara UMNO VS PAS. Virus EOT mula membiak dan merebak dgn suburnya dlm ecosystem masyarakat yg bergolak disebabkan political inclination. Polarisation mula menular dikalangan malay spesies at large termasuk the scholarly ulama, the scholarly intellectuals, the patriotic politicians. Kini generasi abad 21 turut mewarisi rentak polarisation yg diwasiatkan oleh generasi lampau. Inisiatif pelan reconciliation tidak diberi penekanan walaupun ianya merupakan a solution yg diprescribe dlm Quran. Jika pendekatan politik yg diamalkan masakini kekal, then we would expect basically the same results … further evaporation of trust that will lead to prolong systemic disintegration dikalangan malay spesies. On a bigger picture, we will witness a stage of unordnung facing the malay kingdom & finally the nation is heading towards 3rd law of thermodynamics!! NATION AT RISK


    • Me no understand what you say one. Virus EOT, systemic disintegration, unordnung 3rd law of thermodynamics and all.

      No venturing opinion on who are at fault? All Malay “species” at fault? The non-Malays not at fault? No suggestion who to do what?


      • Right…you seem to be experiencing some kind of 3rd order cognitive dissonance…having difficulty in digesting facts in a given text. You may have to reread & rethink using HOT tool available in your left cerebellum. If still not understand, then you might be one of those flibbertigibbet spesies. UNORDNUNG


  7. Bersatu nya Melayu boleh di jangka dengan UMNO-PAS berdua
    Bersatu nya Melayu dengan PKR tidak boleh di jangka selagi Anwar Ibrahim ada
    Sebab nya ada lah nyata
    Pendirian PAS dengan UMNO tidak banyak berbeza
    Pendirian PKR, yang keseluruhan nya berpandukan kapada Anwar, berbeza tidak terhingga

    Anwar sudah demikian terhumban begitu jauh nun di sana
    Hingga ke NeoCons, Yahudi dan Zionis di Amerika dan di Israel dia melanda landa
    Mahukan perhubungan antara Israel dan Malaysia negara kita
    Yahudi Zionis tubuhkan secara pengganas dan umumkan secara unilateral Israel sebagai sebuah negara

    Dalam hal perhubungan dengan Israel, Hudud dll, PAS pun tak di peduli nya
    PAS tak mahu apa apa perhubungan dengan Israel yang mahu melemahkan negara negara Islam sedunia
    Dengan yang demikian biar lah UMNO dan PAS bersatu bersama
    Biarkan Anwar dan PKR bergelomang dengan kotor DAP yang anti Melayu dan anti Islam selama lamanya


    • Kamu kurang pengajaran ekonomi. Kalau umno sama pas bergabung, maka akan tertimbul satu lagi partai politik melayu. Kejadian ini terjadi sebab ada vakum.lain kali jangan belajar di sekolah kampung lagi.
      Apa pasat you sangat benci kaum yahudi? Tuhan suruh you benci kaum yahudi? Kalau tidak, jangan perangai begitu. Kita boleh berkawan dengan orang yang baik dari mana mana bangsa. Kita jugak dilarang membuat ” mischief”. Tuhan tidak suka orang buat ” mischief”. (Niat tak baik – mischief)


      • Woi tempawan, kamu tak sedar ke kamu hampir takda pengajaran apa apa pun. Ha nya pengajaran sekolah Cina di mana kamu di ajar menghafal, mengikut apa guru kata kuat kuat dalam kelas hinga riuh kawasan sekitar – repeating, aping, momocking what the teacher says. And how much can be taught like that each day? Time wasted because every sentence the teacher says, the pupils have to repeat.

        Lu tarak belajar Sejarah, tak mau berlajar Sejarah, DAP bangkang Sejarah di mestikan di sekolah sekolah, mana kamu tahu sejarah Islam dan Yahudi. Bodoh kamu, amat bodoh. Menanya dalam suasana mengkritik, kalau tak, aku boleh beri penerangan berjela hela.

        Dan aku dah kata semalam, nak kasi “doses of your own medicine” – hantam kau dengan wild and unsubstantiated allegations jugak. Buat apa aku beri pengtahuan kapada kau yang kepala bangang dan keras macam batu, cakap pa pun tak masuk kepala kau yang macam udang galah – penuh tahi di kepala, kata orang.


          • Fir’aun tu beribu tahun dulu.

            Tapi yang sekarang ada dan menyebabkan azab sangsara ia lah Tokong Lim. Ahli ahli yang dia tak suka tak di beri notis pemilihan CEC, tak dapat peluang ngundi CEC di tahun 2012 dan 2013, sampai komplen ke RoS, di mintak butiran dan penerangan, marah, nak saman RoS plak.


  8. “Umur PKR terikat dengan umur Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, tidak lebih dari itu”. Saya setuju.

    Sekarang sabelom Anwar masuk penjara pun PKR dah tunggang langgang lintang pukang. Berbagai faction dah keluar di pemilihan pemimpin parti itu yang berakhir hari ini.

    Anwar nakkan isterinya Azizah terus memimpin PKR di masa dia dalam penjara. Supaya senang, beri saja arahan, tak payah bincang lama dalam masa singkat tiap kali bertemu di penjara. Tapi Azmin Ali, pembantunya yang ta’at setia sejak dia di humban keluar dari UMNO, nak tanding sebagai Presiden. Di panggil dek Anwar, berbincang di rumah nya yang di momok ahli ahli PKR sebagai “Istana Segambut”. Keluar dari perbincangan itu, Azmin kata dia mengambil nasihat Anwar supaya bertanding sebagai Timbalan Presiden sahaja lagi.

    Tapi, agaknya Anwar kali ini dapat di pengaruh dek Azizah, Presiden PKR yang di ketahui ramai sebagai “bermasalah” mendapat hormat dari Azmin, Timbalan Presiden. Nampak nya Anwar membuat keputusan menyingkir Azmin yang juga sentiasa menggugat kedudukan Khalid Ibrahim sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor, sehingga Khalid berazam menjatuhkan Azmin dan bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden juga.

    Maka Anwar di katakan telah menyokong Saifuddin Nasution sehingga Khalid di minta tarik diri di sa’at akhir bagi menentukan Saifuddin boleh mengalahkan Azmin. Demikian di laporkan pemberita the Star, Jocelyn Tan, yang biasanya mendapat maklumat yang boleh di percayai di kalangan politik negara ini. Jika benar, bengkok lah Azmin. Dan hogeh lah PKR.

    Saya do’akan jadi begitu. Supaya Melayu dapat bersatu.


    • Salepas Azmin beri tahu pemberita dia akan bertanding ha nya sebagai Timbalan Presiden, nampak nya Anwar tak percayakan Azmin dan takut dia masuk nama sebagai calon jawatan Presiden juga lagi. Itu sebab dia calunkan dirinya sebagai Presiden.

      Nampak bodoh nak tanding isteri nya sendiri. Tapi Anwar pun tak percaya Azizah boleh menang jika bertanding dengan Azmin. Jika dia bersama bertanding dengan Azmin dan Azizah, sudah tentu dia menang, walau pun jadi Presiden PKR dalam penjara.

      Ini pendapat saya sendiri. Kalau betul, nampak lah bahawa PKR akan rebeh jika tidak ada Anwar, namun jika Anwar ada tapi diam di penjara. Demi kepentingan Melayu bersatu, saya berdo’a itu semua betul.


      • Nampak cara ada kesungguhan mendoakan PKR berkubur. Setakat ini belum terjumpa mana-mana ayat dlm Quran yg mengajar wasilah mohon perkenan supaya sesebuah organisasi rebah tersungkur. Mungkin boleh guna kaedah membaca doa sebelum sesuatu majlis bermula atau perhimpunan bulanan/mingguan yg lazim diamalkan dlm agensi kerajaan. Tentang harapan supaya UMNO & PAS reconciliate tu demi penyatuan melayu, yg ni setakat baca doa tak cukup kuat sebab mereka berdua dah bertelingkah lebih dari 50 tahun…malahan sampai tahap kafir-mengkafir. Ini kena solat hajat sama prosesnya spt bila menghadapi musibah alam. BACK to QURAN


        • Jangan le gitu, Mamat. Baca le sejarah UMNO ke, sejarah PAS ke. Kan dulu PAS pernah berkerjasama dengan UMNO. Di zaman Tun Razak, kalau tak silap.

          PAS dapat jawatan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar. Dato Asri Muda pegang jawatan tu. Dapat dia masukkan ramai orang PAS ke FELDA dll. Hingga jadi masalah berpuluh tahun kedmudian FELDA nak lakukan sesuatu, di bantah dek ANAK, pertubuhan anak anak orang FELDA yang kuat terpengaruh PAS.

          Do’a tu mesti dengan sembahayang saja ke? Kalau semnahayang hajat, mesti berjaya ke? Kalau gitu, apasal abang Nik Aziz imamkan sembahayang hajat KO-kan UMNO tapi UMNO/BN menang di PRU13?



        • Ini tanda PAS dan UMNO mula kerjasama. Timbalan Presiden UMNO TS Muhyiddin cadangkan “penubuhan jawatankuasa teknikal di peringkat nasional terdiri dari pakar pakar dalam dan luar negeri bagi mengkaji, menerangkan, mengeluarkan pendapat dan syur syur berkenaan Hudud, termasuk sesuai atau tidak nya Hudud di laksanakan di Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan agama”. Sekarang PAS dah setuju.

          Bukan saja setuju, juga buat keputusan tangguhkan cadangan membentangkan Private Bill ke Parlimen itu. kata

          PAS to postpone hudud bill

          PETALING JAYA: PAS postpones Private Member’s Bill enabling implementation of hudud law in Kelantan after formation of joint technical committee on the issue.

          PAS’s president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang (pic) said this in a press statement on Sunday.

          “Because of the formation, the proposed move to table the Private Member’s Bill in parliament will not be continued. This gives the technical committee some space to go through the proposal and take further action,” said the press statement.

          Nampak nya Allah SWT pandang baik niat dan usaha baik. Kalau akhirnya mengakibatkan PKR terkubur, itu kuasa Nya jugak. Rasa nya tak salah mendo’a.


          • Hasrat PAs dan UMNO bekerjasama adalah untuk “oppress dan suppress” kaum melayu sendiri dengan mengunakan ugama sebagai alasan. Hanya kaum melayu sahaja yang tidak dibenarkan terdedah dengan pelbagai idea dan fikiran kreatif. Kalaukamu pikir ini adalah tindakan yang arif,maka jangan salahkan kaum lain kalau melayu ketinggalan. Malah,buku charles Darwin ” the origin of species” dalam bahasa melAyu pun dibasmikan. Kalau kaum melayu detindas begini oleh puak ulama,maka jangan haraplah nak maju.


            • Bukan gitu, tempawan bodoh, wei.

              Tujuan DAP dan PKR yang “oppress dan suppress”. Itu pasal DAP CEC tipu ahli ahli di pilihan CEC tahun 2012, sekali lagi di tahun 2013, tak kasi ahli notis masa dan tempat pemilihan, Tokong nakkan orang dia saja dapat jawatan dalam CEC.

              Hah, sampai sekarang DAP CEC tidak di sahkan dek RoS – Tokong Lim dll illegal CEC, wei.

              Baru 2-3 hari lalu beberapa orang ahli kena buang/ gantung keahlian sebab CEC “oppress dan suppress”. Cakap melalui bontot saja le kamu.


                • Sokong. Tapi mesti mula dengan DAP Tokong Lim.

                  Pastu Anwar Al Juburi. Nak tau sebab, sila beri tahu. Boleh tulis berkajang kajang. Termasuk pasal bini dia yang ADUN Kajang.


        • Nampak sangat ” back to quran” tidak membaca kuran. Dalam kuran terdapat pelbagai nasihat dan contoh yang kita patut patuhi. Hasrat dengki dan marah tidak di encouraged. Kalau PKR berjaya dalam hasrat mereka untuk membentuk negara harmoni dan maju maka kita patut puji. Kalaukita benarkan UMNO BN bersendirian tanpa kompetisyen, maka naya lah negara.


          • Komen ini meng”deserve”kan kamu kata kata “kepala hotak kamu”. Menuduh liar, mengaku konon nya kamu ada baca dan faham Al Qur’an. Kamu anarkis tak beragama le, cikong. Cakap apa yang kau suka saja. Sekarang aku pun nak cuba.

            Tapi aku ngentam engkau saja, dan Cina DAP saja, Cina yang tak hormatkan dan patuhi Perlembagaan saja, bukan bangsa Cina seluruh nya. Aku tak seditious, tapi kamu menghasut sebab kamu mengata dan menyakitkan hati seluruh bangsa Melayu.

            Sedar lah kamu bahawa PDRM ada Cawangan Khas yang di tugaskan melayari Internet mengawasi mereka yang seditious saperti kamu. Bila kamu di berkas, di heret ke lokap Polis, aku akan volunteer jadi saksi yang pertama kapada hal kamu amat seditious.


            • Saya memang fasih dalam terjemahan Quran.malangnya, ramai yang tidak mengkaji dan memahami. Semua buta tuli ikut ajaran pihak jabatan agama.mereka semua ada agenda sendiri. Jangan terikut ikut. Tanggung jawab kita jangan biarkan orang lain yang memutuskan.hanya segelintir masyarakat yang akan memahami isinya.
              Sekarang, saya sudah mabuk mahu balik tidur.malangnya,jam 6-7 bir percuma. Terpaksa tangguh pulang.


              • Tak “convincing” kamu ngaku fasih Al Qur’an. Bunyi mcm Red Bean ngaku liar mcm mcm. Nuduh liar pun mcm mcm.

                Nasib le kamu ngaku cakap di masa mabuk. Kalau tak, nak kena maki keranah le kamu.

                Bila dah siuman, makan pil yang semua orang suruh kau makan tuh.


          • “PKR berhasrat untuk membentuk negara harmoni dan maju” ??

            Adooiii mak, acara pilihan parti sendiri tak harmoni, macam mana nak bentuk negara yang maju?

            Wahai tempawan. – kamu ni ada bakat yang terserlah – pelawak jenaka tragedi !!


  9. Yang paling nyata sekali TUNTUTAN MELAMPAU BUKAN MELAYU itu ada lah oleh DAP. Mereka memikul sepanduk Malaysian Malaysia, konon nya, yang di reka oleh Maha chauvinis, rasis dan subversif Lee Kuan Yew salepas dia, PAP dan Singapore di tendang keluar dari Malaysia di tahun 1965.

    Mahukan sama rata tapi tak menghormati Perlembagaan negara ini, Perkara 153 menyatakan Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak. Jahat niat dan tujun nya, tidak berterima kasih bahawa pendatang ke negara ini, yang “Stateless” selama 150 tahun sabelom nya, telah mendapat hak kerakyatan di bawah Perlembagaan itu juga salepas Merdeka.

    Maka DAP telah menonjolkan sepanduk itu berpuluh tahun sejak penubuhan nya di tahun 1966, sehingga mereka sedar bahawa rakyat jijikkan mereka, tidak dapat banyak kerusi pun di beberapa pilihanraya. Maka ada ura ura mereka mahu menukar cogan kata itu kapada “Middle Malaysia”. Tapi telah di beri “the Middle Finger” oleh majoriti rakyat Malaysia. Sekarang sepandok dan cogan kata itu mereka simpan di reban ayam, walau pun idea nya di tonjol di sana sini dalam lain lain bentuk hujah dan penulisan.

    Di PRU13, pendatang yang lain lain pun nampaknya terpengaruh dengan DAP dan menimbulkan “Tsunami Cina”. Melampau nya termasuk mahukan kelulusan sekolah Cina di akui, biasiswa di beri kapada kaum yang terkaya di negara ini demikian lama, kaum yang ada berbagai persatuan suku kaum, persatuan berbagai jenis perniagaan, yang sentiasa membantu mereka yang kurang upaya dari segi perniagaan, pelajaran dsb nya. Sehingga UTAR telah menolak sumbangan RM30 juta dari seorang jutawan jurutera Cina untuk biasiswa dll.

    Jadi, apa perlu kita buat berkenaan pelampau bukan Melayu itu? Teruskan kutuk dan keji mereka bertalu talu di sini sana. Suruh mereka pelajari sejarah negara ini dan sejarah kemerdekaan. Supaya sedar kedudukan berbilang kaum dari segi kemajuan eknomi, pelajaran dll. Dan mula berterima kasih dan berpatutan. Dan kita keji Pemerintah yang melayan mereka, asyik membongkok sehingga nak patah tulang belakang. Dan kita desak Pemerintah supaya teruskan dasar dasar affirmatif di bawah DEB. Dan jangan buang Akta Hasutan, kalau tidak mintak UMNO buang pemimpin yang mahu buat begitu.


    • Apa pasat itu olang selawak tak boleh cakap arab kalau semua hak istimewa?
      Saya bingun mengapa australia, taiwan, singapore uk, us semua boleh iktiraf kelulusan sekolah cina (UEC) tapi negara asal ujian ini tidak iktiraf? Tapi budak arab datang entah sekolah sistem mana boleh masuk dan diiktiraf UM ( universiti melayu), utm(universiti terbanyak melayu), ukm(universiti kebanyakan melayu)?
      Kaum terkaya dimalaysia adalah kaum melayu atasan. Mereka mangaut hak istimewa dan jugak membunuh syarikat melayu yang kecil. Mereka dilindungi oleh GLC dan pihak ahli politik. Kamu cuba kaji sendiri. Jangan selalu salahkan orang sahaja. Setengah tidak bayar hutang ” on time” kepada kontraktor melayu. Kotraktor minoriti tak boleh sentuh bidang ini sebab tidak mempunyai lesen bumi.


      • Pemikiran kamu sudah mereng, dah sampai masa kamu makan obat psychotic kamu, cikong. Cakap tak rasional, apa kena mengena cakap Arab dan Hak Istimewa. Makan lah pil kau tu, ok?

        Hahaha, kelulusan UEC. Kau tak tau ke sebab besar tak di akui di Malaysia ia lah orang tahu Dong Zong di ketuai oleh seorang yang pakai PhD tipu. Bukan satu, dua PhD tipu Yap Tian Sin pakai, Banyak sin, woi.

        Kalau dah Dong Zong yang mentadbirkan sekolah sekolah Cina membohong dan menipu, sapa mau percaya apa yang di ajar, apa sukatan pelajaran dan sama ada guru sekolah Cina betul betul ikut sukatan pelajaran. Menjerit saja le hari hari, murid murid repeating what the teachers say.

        Seronok aku ngentam si ultra kiasu nih pagi pagi nih. Nanti ada masa, aku nak ngentam kamu lagi, ok? Tak boleh ultra kiasu di biarkan melanda landa.


  10. Memang betul cainis melampau dan memecah-belahkan meleis ngan kekiasuan depa cam kat tengganu kito sampai mb mat said kena resign. Malah si gemuk fatty low turut campurtangan dalam duit 1mdb. cinasialpuk*m@k!


  11. “Pengundi-pengundi India patut bertanya diri mereka sama ada Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat akn menjaga kepentingan mereka lebih baik daripada rekod BN selama lebih daripada lima dekad.”

    Hindraf kata masa kempen PRU13, selama 5 tahun PR merintah, orang India tak dapat kacang putih pun.

    Pengundi-pengundi Cina pun patut tanya gitu juga. Ramai Cina yang masih merepes. Di kampong tanam sayur, potong getah, boleh cukup makan saja. Di pinggiran bandar penuh mereka juga. Yang rajin kerja kontrek binaan yang bermutu, tukang plaster, tukang letrik, saperti itu. Yang malas, tukang jaga dan bersihkan rumah judi, rumah urut, hotel maksiat. Yang biadap bengkeng jadi gengster, tukang pungut duit “protection money”, duit Ah Long pinjam haram, macam itu. Tapi mencium bontot Tokong Lim. MCA kena ubah keadaan nih.


  12. Berapa baik nya hubungan antara kaum di Malaysia boleh di pertikaikan. Perlu di pertikaikan, dengan tujuan mendapat pihak pihak berkenaan benar benar sedar betapa serius nya masalah ini. Dan mengambil langkah langkah yang sesuai bagi memulihkan keadaan.

    Di sana sini di blog dll ada di sebut pergaduhan kaum 13 Mei 1969. Ini menandakan hubungan antara kaum tidak begitu baik. Mereka yang menghasut nampak nya berleluasa. Termasuk politikus politikus yang sepatut nya bertanggung jawab dan sentiasa memimpin rakyat terhadap suasana harmoni, aman dan sentosa. Tetapi malang nya, ramai yang telah di tangkap, di hadapkan ke Mahkamah di atas tuduhan menghasut, ada yang telah di dapati bersalah dan di hukum. Antara nya, Karpal Singh DAP yang sekarang telah mati, Tian Chua PKR yang masih melanda landa, dan Teresa Kok DAP yang bahru di heret ke Mahkamah.

    Usaha usaha memupuk semangat bersatu di BTN di kritik dan di keji berhabisan dek Pembangkang. DS Najib perlu bertegas. Teruskan usaha begitu tanpa lemah lutut atau longgar gigi. Gigit, teruskan menggigit, melalui PDRM. Jangan cakap fasal nak ganti Akta Hasutan lagi. Itu alat yang amat berkesan. Cukup dengan porak peranda kamu timbulkan akibat pembubaran ISA dll sehingga banduan banduan di lepaskan, berkeliaran di kota kota dan pekan pekan. Tiap hari banyak berita kes tembak menembak dan berbagai lagi. Membawa suasana tegang – tension, membikin manusia cepat marah, meradang, mengeluarkan kata kata seditious dll.

    Dan ambil langkah langkah positif. Bukan sahaja jangan lagi beri bantuan kewangan ke sekolah sekolah Cina, juga biarkan TS Muhyiddin pinda sistem persekolahan. Salepas memestikan Sejarah di sekolah sekolah, sekarang perlu di masukkan pekara ta’at setia dan patriotisma ke dalam sukatan pekajaran Sejarah, saperti telah di candangkan di sana sini. Bila rakyat ta’at setia, mereka akan hormatkan Perlembagaan. Bila patuh kapada Perlembagaan, akan timbul suasana harmoni, aman dan sentosa.


    • Ini masaaalhnya.perhubungan antara kaum baik selagi penindasan kaum minoriti dibasmikan, termasuk hak asasi kaum bumiputra bukan islam malaysia. Masaalahnya, ada golongan fanatik yang sengaja mencari masaalah dengan puak yang tidak bersalah.
      Kita boleh ke pusat hiburan dengan tiada masaalah anatara kaum. Orang melayu sendiri yang patut membasmikan perangai angkuh dan ketuanan atas kaum lain. Barulah adil.
      Masaalah sekarang penafsiran constitution agak berlainan dikalanagan orang melayu dan kaum lain. Intepretasi kaum minoriti menunjukkan constitution agak liberal. Kaum melayu agak konservatif dan kemelayuan dan keagamaan.


      • Kamu nulis masa masih mabuk, jadi mengarut. Tapi aku nak jawab 1-2 hal yang kamu keluarkan untuk masuk rekod –

        Fasal Ketuanan, kamu baca le Perlembagaan. Dari 184 Perkara dalam Perlembagaan negara, ada 19 atau lebihkurang 10% yang menyentuh fasal Raja Raja dan sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen yang di praktikkan di negara ini sejak 57 tahun yang lalu.

        Bukan “ketuanan atas kaum lain” le Mamat. Baca le 19 Perkara Perkara dalam Perlembagaan itu, hormatkan dan patuhi Perlembagaan itu. Kamu tak hormatkan Perlembagaan, kamu boleh berhijrah ke negara lain. Ada orang orang kenamaan di negara ini pun yang telah kata begitu.

        Ingat, tafsiran Peerlembagaan di putuskan oleh Hakim Hakim di Mahkamah Tertinggi di negara ini. Bukan oleh yang ngaku dia pakar atau yang mengarut dan baru sabentar tadi ngaku mabuk minum sebotol beer. Jangan minum banyak, Mamat. Nanti kamu accident, mati, DAP tuduh Melayu UMNO jugak yang buat. Bukan kah ngarut korang semua camtu.


      • Alamak tempawan, kau minum beer sebotol pun heboh cakap kat sini, pahal? Orang minum Chivas Regal bergelen pun diam diam aje. Kau tau ke apa dia Chivas Regal? Tu, yang Ah Chong angkut dari sungai di Scotland tu. Tau ke mana Scotland tu?

        Aku bukan nak jawab kau yang mabuk kendana. Ha nya nakkan pembaca ketawakan kau mabuk dahtu merepek di sini. Cakap “penindasan kaum minoriti” macam kominis aje kau. Kominis dah lingkup di Malaysia, dah pusing U turn di Russia dan China le, Mister. Tak tengok begitu kapitalis China sejak 2-3 dekad yang lalu hingga depa jadi kedua paling besar ekonomi di dunia?

        Apa pulak kau cakap “sengaja mencari masaalah dengan puak yang tidak bersalah”? Tak pasal pasal korang nak pakai kalimah Allah apasal? Indonesia ada pakai gitu, apasal nak ikut di Malaysia? Tak tau ke Perlembagaan Malaysia berbeza dengan Indonesia? Dulu orang Melayu/ Islam tak komplen, tapi salepas DEB ramai yang ada pelajaran tinggi, bantah korang, kenapa nak terus pakai kalimah Allah? Masakan perkataan Tuhan dah cukup untuk korang. Mahkamah Rayuan dah buat keputusan, apa korang nak bising jugak lagi?

        Liberal apekedarah nya Constitution kapada korang? “Agama Islam ada lah agama Persekutuan” di tulis terang terang di Perkara 3, apa korang nak cakap lagi? Agama lain satu hapah pun tak di sebut, apa korang DAP di Penang Red Rock Hotel nakkan Evangelical jugak jadi agama resmi? Nak berpuluh agama jadi gitu ke? Tak ngarut ke tuh?

        Orang Islam tak bantah korang nak praktik agama, ada yang tak beragama, ada yang praktik tiga agama sekali gus, buat patong Buddha besar besar pun takda demo, takda nak letupkan macam Taliban buat di Afghanistan, apa korang nak lagi? Jangan ultra kiasu sangat le. Korang jangan bikin kacau le di negara ini. Hormatkan dan patuhi Perlembagaan boleh aman. Jangan mengarut cakap “penindasan kaum minoriti” konon, “sengaja mencari masaalah dengan puak yang tidak bersalah” pada hal korang yang buat gitu kapada penganut Islam di negara ini.

        Ada orang Islam marah kau minum beer? Tapi kalau kau mabuk telanjang atas jalan, Polis tangkap, kalau menghasut di Internet, MCMC tangkap. Jaga tabi’at dan mulut kau, OK?


  13. Heinrich Himmler would be most pleased with the Malay intelligence here! When you all die, I hope you bring your hatred of the Non Malays with you and be at peace.


    • No, James. No “hatred of the non-Malays”. Only hatred of the DAP blokes who have no respect and don’t abide by the Constitution of the country.

      As far as that goes, the effort to get blokes who have taken the citizenship of this country to respect and adhere to the Constitution will go on forever.

      Heinrich Himmler is dead, like Karpal Singh is dead. But I wanna see you respect and abide by the Constitution, too. Amacam, bole? Heard about loyalty and patriotism to the country? Let me know if you need an explanation.

      I’m not drunk like tempawan. But I wanna watch TV then go to sleep. Gud nite fellow Malaysian – if you respect and abide by the Constitution, you deserve to be called that.


    • James,

      By the same token, Karpal Singh has brought the DAP hatred of the Malays with him and now at peace? But we are not allowed to say “Rest In Peace” to non-Muslims, as ruled by the Fatwa Council a long time ago.

      Nothing about hatred, man, it’s just that our religion says Muslims can comfort relatives of dead non-Muslims in other ways, like saying hope you will be alright. But so long as DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam, caused the race riots of 1969 yet don’t even want to be reminded of those, how to say words of comforts to DAP blokes?

      But, seriously, could you tell us why the DAP and like-minded fellows hate the Malays and the Muslims – other than extreme envy and jealousy that the Constitution provided for their Special Position – which was extended to the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak which includes non-Muslims – the spelling out of Islam is “the religion of the Federation” and, as has been pointed out by an earlier commenter, 19 out of the 184 Clauses of the Constitution deals with the Malay Rulers, the Constitutional Monarchy under our system of Parliamentary Democracy – the roles, functions and responsibilities of the YDP Agong and the Malay Rulers which all citizens must respect.

      Tell them time and again that the Constitution draft was tabled to, debated in and passed by Parliament to become the highest set of laws in the land. And the sensitive Clauses cannot even be discussed, let alone amended, otherwise those concerned will be arrested and punished under the Sedition Act, like Karpal Singh did. And died .. I mean, before he died. Tell them also, and yourself included, that you got citizenship right under the very same Constitution, so it’s only reasonable that you all respect and abide by it fully.

      You fellows, be reasonable lah, ok?


    • Yo James,

      We truly wish Najib is half as intelligent as Heinrich Himmler. Only then can the Malay Muslim Malaysians feel at peace in their own Tanah Melayu, where the descendantss of the kaum pendatangs will be forced to LEARN and ACCEPT the Malaysian Federal Constitution in totality.

      No questions asked!

      P.S. You should visit Malaysiakini where your kindred spew their blatant “intelligence” at will.


  14. It’s an endless exploitation of the Malay race. By the PELAMPAU BUKAN MELAYU. And a few gullible, disgruntled and slappable (with or without RM1,500 reward) pengkhianat bangsa ran to the DAP and like-minded anti-Malay oufits in the country.

    Ex-politicians like the ex-ADUN Pahang and a one-time “budak berhinguih” Khairy promoter, the Ipoh UMNO member emak-tak-ajor-anak’s daughter becoming Kit Siang’s aide (what in heaven’s name is that bait of a title “LKS’s Political Secretary”?) impressionist “budak pompuan mentah” UiTM graduate taken to the persuasion by the DAP Chinese pretending to be a Malay Zairil Khir Johari, joined DAP and now made DAP Teluk Intan PRK candidate.

    And now even an ordinary Malaysian Insider reader, Iskandar Fareez (doesn’t the name tell?), making fun of Malay folklore to hit at the strongly Malay group ISMA and exploited by Malaysian Insider which has adopted the deplorable habit of publishing readers’ nasty, caustic, at times seditious comments as so-called news, the trademark of Malaysia Kini, that the Prime Minister’s lawyers have just issued a notice of court action under his and UMNO’s name.

    And the young punk Fareez says in his article that the Malay folklore stories his mother told him are merely to instil fear, “not teach us to love our mothers (if he doesn’t love his mother, what else can you expect of such brats?).. do not teach us to respect our leaders .. they teach us to fear the consequences of going against them”, that this complex ..phobia that motivated ISMA to label the Chinese as trespassers brought in by the British to Tanah Melayu to oppress and bully the Malays ..seeking to dissolve Malays’ racial construct and bury Islam as the national identity.

    Like the UiTM girl who is fully and keenly exploited by the anti-Malay and anti-Islam DAP, this young punk Fareez has no clue on the socio-economic and political realities in the country now, no real knowledge of the history of this country, the history of the fight for independence, the background of the framing of the Constitution, and of the Constitution itself. These are “the ones who got away” – from History being a compulsory subject in schools, that requires a pass to get a SPM certificate. They got away and are now completely out of the way on the path of life as responsible and discerning citizens. What a great pity.



    • This exploitation of the Malay race by the DAP kind of pendatang must be emphasized, re-emphasized and over-emphasized. With the objective of getting them to stop doing so otherwise migrate elsewhere. Now the Vietnamese are holding demonstrations against them because China put up an oil rig in the Vietnamese EEZ. Thousands of Chinese have left the country.

      The Vietnamese have also been the accomodating kind, like the Malays. Many Chinese have been infiltrating Vietnam from the Chinese mainland, crossing the long border illegally. The same must be happening to Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.

      Heck, the Thais have been holding demonstrations to topple the Chinese Shinawatra “dynasty” for 6 months and more now. They corrupted the poor Thai farmers by increasing indiscriminately the price of rice, the farmers became happy and voted them, then the Government could not find the funds to support the very high rice purchase price, could not pay the farmers at the new prices and the the farmers suffer again. And the billionaire elder Shinawatra walloped tons of money through Telecoms deals, ran away, living abroad avoiding corruption charges in the Thai court.

      So, what do we do about the exploitation? We shout out as much as possible, as often as possible. And tell those who don’t respect and live by the Constitution of the country to migrate. We don’t mind they leave by the thousands like in Vietnam. We won’t lose anything, in fact, would gain peace and harmony.


      • I like the suggestion I read before that the Chinese with all their wealth and improving resources, should bring their people to colonize other planets in outer space.

        That’ll prove true the imagination I had before mankind reached the moon that if ever anyone reached the moon, they might find Chinese there.

        China has been busy with outer space technology testing etc, having sent astronauts to outer space recently. I wish them success in reaching and settling on the moon etc, so that thy will be less of a nuisance on Earth.

        I’ll not grudge them for that success at all. And expect the Chinese in this country not to grudge the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak, NEP etc.


  15. (Continuation)

    These Malays who bit the baits put out by the DAP that has been known for a long time as anti-Malay, anti-Islam and caused the race riots of 1969, should know (or are blinded by the baits and must be given eye operations of some kind) that this Tanah Melayu was at one time a peaceful and blissful land, Melaka renown throughout the world as a thriving entrepot for over 100 years, the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British came and went, but those who came and stayed as “Stateless” people for over 150 years started to create trouble and exploited Malay kindness and hospitality from the time they entered Larut in the mid-19th Century.

    The history of Menteri Larut Ngah Ibrahim bringing the Chinese from Penang and the Ghee Hin and Hai San thugs and gangsters creating Larut Wars I, II, III & IV is the earliest evidence of the “ungrateful ingrates” label given them. The Kapitan Cina and 44 of his gangsters petitioning the British to enter Perak to help them recover tin mines lost to rival gangs, ending in the British intervention in Perak and the Pangkor Treaty of 1874 that started the British colonization of this country, is the first evidence of betrayal and treachery on the Malays by the pendatang. The race riots of 1969 that were caused by the DAP is evidence of the trouble-making behaviour of such pendatang. Any wonder why the DAP does not like history and opposed History being made compulsory in schools?

    Next question is: any wonder why the bate-biting Malays who ran to the DAP are called “pengkhianat bangsa”?

    History, history, history. So damn important for knowing one’s roots, for finding the basis for national integration and the creation of a united, cohesive Malaysian citizenry. Without that, this country would just comprise of ethnic communities going their separate ways, tearing the country apart with Chinese schools, Mandarin insistence despite not being their mother tongue, not respecting and abiding by the Constitution, etc. That’s why the Government made the excellent decision to make History compulsory in schools starting in 2013.

    For 100 years of British colonial rule and even thereafter, the Malays were mostly in the kampungs, the Chinese mostly in the towns. The British colonialists provided only 4 years of education to Malays, only Malay schools in the kampungs and far in between the kampungs such that the poor Malay pupils had to walk even 6-8 miles to and from schools every day, passing by lonely patches and bushes, and many didn’t go to schools. Whereas the Chinese had not only primary and secondary schools, but also schools in the English language, the passport to success at that time, enabling them to get a head start way beyond the reach of the Malays even 100 years ago.

    So why the hell grudge the MRSMs, the residential schools, the UiTM that the DAP-exploited girl complained about, and other facilities for the highly disadvantaged Malays? And why the young and not-so-young punks dislike the idea and bit the DAP’s baits? Ignorance of history.

    The Chinese has a culture of doing business and have been at it for thousands of years. By and large, the Malays, who are largely insular in this Gugusan Pulau Pulau Melayu or the Malay Archipelago, had only a culture of “berdagang” i.e exchange of goods or barter trade, no system of weights and measures, no currency – Professor M.A Fawzy Basri in his book on the History of Perak said that as late as the mid 19th Century, there were Malays in Perak who brought their “pasir hitam” (tin ore) by perahu to the river mouth to “exchange” (barter) with bales of cloth. No culture of amassing wealth – Bendahara (Prime Minister) Tun Mutahir of the Malacca Sultanate in the 16th Century was penalized for attempting to do so, allegedly trying to compete with the Sultan. So, all these led to the Malays being economically disadvantaged compared to the Chinese who became the richest community in this country since many decades ago.

    So why grudge the NEP that was, after all, drawn from the Special Position of the Malays that is enshrined under Article 153 of the Constitution?

    And, again, any wonder why the bate-biting Malays who ran to the DAP are called “pengkhianat bangsa”? And the next question is: Is the DAP “pengkhianat negara”? It’s food for thought.


    • Summary of the exploitation of the Malay race by the pelampau bukan Melayu (jenis DAP):

      1. Even in the mid 19th Century, instead of thanking Menteri Larut, Ngah Ibrahim, for bringing the have-nothing Penang Chinese to Larut, giving them jobs in his many tin mines (expecting help to modernize his primitive, dulang washing kind), later giving mining land leases and even capital to several of them to start new mines so he could tax to build more roads etc, the ungrateful ingrates brought secret societies, thugs and gangsters. The Ghee Hins and Hai Sans started the Larut Wars that lasted years until the Malay tin mines (which, according to the History of Perak, totaled about 250 at that time) disappeared.

      2. The Kapitan Cina petitioned the British in Penang to enter Perak to help recover tin mines lost to rival gangs. This led to British intervention in the affairs of Perak, the British forces whacking the Malays and the British colonizing Malaya under the Pangkor Treaty 1874. This was not just exploitation, this was treachery and betrayal of the highest kind. The Malays in the Pakatoon must realize and remember these.

      3. The Malays agreed to them pendatang being given citizenship right at Merdeka, but they do not respect and adhere to the consideration or quid pro quo for that – the enshrining of the Special Position of the Malays (which the British said “was there since day one”) in the Constitution. They don’t respect and live by the Constitution of the country.

      4. They tried to question that Special Position, made sarcastic and snide remarks, calling for equality under the so-called Malaysian Malaysia slogan without acknowledging the Malay Special Position which was extended to the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak upon the formation of Malaysia in 1963. They caused the race riots of 1969. The good thing that came out of that was the NEP, and more Malays can now stand up and speak up, whacking them back.

      5. Even as recent as 2013, they used biadap Red Bean and seditious methods, spreading hate in the DAP anti-Malay and anti-Islam scheme, and, despite getting financial grants to Chinese schools, scholarships to top students of the richest community in this country, when UTAR even refused RM30 million donation for scholarships etc, they caused the Chinese Tsunami. But the good thing out of that is PAS inclination to work with UMNO and PAS waving the Hudud law on them, shrinking their balls to eunuch-ism.

      The list can be a very long one but suffice for now..


      • 6. Chin Peng formed the Communist Party of Malaya and launched terrorist activities to oust the British colonial government but, after independence from the British, they continued terrorist acts aimed at bringing down the Malay-led Government by use of force.

        7. Clearly CPM, which was mostly Chinese, wanted to set up a Republic, discard the Malay Royalty, bring the then Federation of Malaya under communist mainland China’s suzerainty. This was the second most serious act of betrayal and treachery by the PELAMPAU BUKAN MELAYU against the Malay race.

        And Lim Kit Siang demanded that Chin Peng, who was not a Malaysian according to the official records (he didn’t complete his citizenship application process), be allowed to enter and die in this country. It ended up Chin Peng went dead in Thailand and even his ashes were prohibited entry to this country for the many thousand deaths, huge sufferings and economic losses he caused during the period of “Emergency”.

        Yes, Kit Sang didn’t want History be made compulsory in schools but it became compulsory in 2013. The “Pelampau-ism” continued to this day and must be acted upon endlessly by the authorities.


  16. JMD,

    I enjoyed writing the following comments which appeared elsewhere and hope they can be published here as well. Thinking about them afterwards, I think they fit the subject of your post – these are on the bloke who assists the PELAMPAU BUKAN MELAYU to exploit the Malay race.

    I’ll post them one after another, beginning with the following:

    Sakmongkol Arif Sabri, the DAP lapdog, accuses in his blog that “Umno stormtroopers” say “Malays who join DAP are DAP’s lapdogs.” Stormtroopers? The usual is “cybertroopers”. Thanks setongkol for the higher title.

    He has become fully DAP-ish. Accusing UMNO “will spend a lot on money to buy Malay votes.” Cakap tak serupa bikin. Years ago, no less than Selangor DAP Chief Ronnie Liu complained at the Selangor DAP Convention of DAP money politics. Sure, Tokong Lim saw to it that he lost his post.


    • The Setongkol then went into a non-MP, non-gentlemanly, fully DAP loud-mouth, acidic and caustic kind of gangsterish talk. He said

      “Umno wanita army must be rolling up their baju kurung sleeves and jeepers creepers –I hope not disrobing their sarungs. Children will get nightmares dear ladies.” Lahaulawala, apa dah jadi kapada DAP lapdog ini, Setongkol?

      And insult the men without a full crop of hair, too. He said, ” As to pulling out their hair, I would advise those with balding head, never to do that in your fit of absent mindedness. Otherwise you will be like my colleagues from Segambut and Serdang.” Dunno who he meant – his “colleagues from Segambut and Serdang”? Anwar Al Juburi? His wife Azizah has no hair? DAP botak fellas?

      But why does he have to choose sickly jokes. I thought he was made of sterner stuff. See what DAP can do to you?


    • Hah, the Setongkol bloke who always thinks he is a brilliant economist, laughing at other politicians and government officials in the Pahang Government on economic development when he was a BN ADUN, until DS Najib cut short his ADUNship to just one term, now says DAP is “multiracial party”.

      But can you count, Setongkol? Really? How many ketol of you Melayu in DAP? How many Indians and Bengali? Were you there at the CEC Re Election in September 2013? Or they”forgot” to send you notices of the Re-Election Convention, too? Like they did to hundreds of other members who complained to RoS? You didn’t complain, did you? Because you have already sold your soul to the devil? Tak berani cakap, takut hilang kerusi MP?

      And how many members were there? Did you ever see the DAP Membership List? DAP reported to RoS only about 2,500 members. And not furnishing full names, latest addresses etc fearing RoS would check and verify fully. When demanded, threatened to sue RoS. Very democratic the party you joined and now agongkan?

      And did you observe the actual voting process? And why the hell you, much older than Zairil Khir Johari, with experience as ADUN Pahang and all, and not much less senior than Zairil in terms of membership in DAP – why your name was not even mentioned as a potential candidate? Because you are a true Melayu? Not like Zairil who is a Cina only pretending to be Melayu? And Tokong Lim etc have full trust in Zairil? But not in you?

      “Mullti-racial party”? You must be skewed and squint eyed, Mongkol.


    • Of course the DAP lapdog Setongkol will try to drive a wedge and put in setongkol on the UMNO that he betrayed. He said Dyana will get Malay support even from die hard Umno members, that he has “been told by UMNO friends that they will support Dyana because, however rancid the meat is, it is slowly chewed and eaten in the end.” Is he making fun of the pretty girl, saying very “chewable rancid meat”? That’s his own DAP kind on whom he is making a snide remark, that Setongkol. Gone case with decency and decorum, that DAP lapdog.

      Yes, repeating the accusation “UMNO will try to simply bribe voters to vote in their candidate.” Remember when he was promoting “budak berhinguih” Khairy Jamaluddin in his blog: 1. to be voted Ketua Pemuda 2. to be given a post in Government but never got it and he went Oppo Hippo to DAP? Remember the many comments that he was asking/ expecting rewards/ remuneration? Some pointing out suddenly at one stage he was observed flush with funds, driving a new FWD and a new gufreng? So, bribery always in his mind? But not admitting DAP bribery at party elections and corruption elsewhere?

      He must by now have the brand “Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin” distinctly chopped on his forehead.

      Pssst, to anybody who might wonder why I don’t write these in his Setongkol blog, are you joking? Tokong Lim-brainwashed kind of dictatorship where got democracy and publishing of comments critical of them?


    • Mentioning his uncertainty or at least showing a lack of confidence whether the Malays will vote the Dyana girl (Lim Guan Eng used that word girl yesterday), Setongkol even asked “Is getting support from Malays impossible?” – clearly using the word “impossible”. Isn’t that telling?

      In Raub at PRU13 Setongkol praised the the Malays, who constitute the majority (49%) of the voters, for voting him as a DAP candidate to Parliament. But in Teluk Intan where the Chinese constitute the majority, he is not even urging them to come out to vote the DAP Malay girl. He is hoping for the Malay votes to shore up DAP, the Chinese party. “Multi-racial” did he say? “Economist” did he claim he is? Duhhh, says the comic Jay Leno.

      “DAP lapdog”, did he say UMNO people call the likes of him? Daaa, say the always serious and stoic Russians.


Astound us with your intelligence!