Malay issues / MUST READ / Racism

Stevie Chan blames Muslims for all the social ills in Malaysia

Update 5 December 2013:

Bloggers Seademon and Helen Ang’s articles relating to the issue:

Jebat Must Die Identifies A Chauvinistic Racist

Dangerous trend of evangelistas lecturing Malays on Islam

The overweaning presumption of the evangelistas


Original article:

The Malaysian Insider has become a centre for malay bashing and the mecca for malays who agree and love the bashings they are getting, especially from the non malays. The latest one is the article below which was pin pointed by a friend last night on how spiteful the tone it connotes.

A writer by the name Stevie Chan, a non muslim (a Malaysian chinese who probably is a christian or perhaps an atheist), had the audacity to blame the social ills and the problems in Malaysia on the shoulders of all muslims. But as always the case of these type of racists who pose themselves as intellectual and liberal, he had disguised the apparent racist condemnations under the pretext of comparing the muslims in this country, to another country that is seemingly perfect to his eyes – Denmark.

What is astounding is the fact that Stevie Chan, is talking down on all muslims and lecturing us on the values of Islam which according to him is currently absent in all of the Muslims here in Malaysia.

Below is the excerpt of his article. Our comments in blue:

Di antara Islam dan ke-Islam-an – Stevie Chan

Pada tahun 1882 seorang cendekiawan Islam negeri Mesir yang bernama Muhammad Abduh dibuang negeri selama enam tahun oleh pentadbiran penjajah Britan. Beliau bertumpang di Lubnan selama lima tahun diikuti setahun di kotaraya Paris.

Kalau bukan sebab dibuang negeri, dizaman itu memang tidak ramai yang berperluang pergi melancong menaiki kapal laut yang besar besar. Pasal itu bila Muhammad Abduh pulang ke Lubnan dari Paris, ramai peminat-peminat beliau sibuk tanya dia pasal Eropah.

Muhammad Abduh pun jawab, “saya pergi ke Barat dan nampak Islam merata, tetapi tiada muslim; saya pulang ke Timur dan nampak muslim merata, tetapi tiada Islam.”

This is just an introduction to warm us up and to the prepare the malays that they will be lectured and talked down to like a child. Nevermind the fact that this first few paragraphs are plagiarised from another blogpost which was first written in October 2011.

Apa yang saya akan tulis berikutnya mungkin bersifat sensitif kepada para cendekiawan Islam tanahair seperti ahli-ahli puluhan NGO seumpama PERKASA, PEKIDA, dan sebagainya; tidak lupa juga guru-guru dan idola-idola agama yang hebat seperti Azhar Idrus, Fathul Bari, Nasrudin Hassan, Dr. Maza, dan lain-lain.

Sebab itu saya ingin meminta maaf terdahulu jika apa-apa yang saya tulis disini menyinggung perasaan mereka atau pengikut-pengikut mereka.

Oh, dan  juga MCMC, PDRM, JAKIM, dan sebagainya.

Stevie Chan is wrong. What he had written will not be a sensitive subject but a very offensive affront towards ALL muslims in this country. Do read on.

Perasaan saya begini: selagi saya masih seorang rakyat Malaysia yang berkongsi nasib dan masa depan bersama semua rakyat jelata, saya rasa rencana ini wajib saya tulis.

Baru-baru ini saya dan isteri saya telah pergi ke negeri Denmark, sebuah negara berfalsafakan social-demokratik, atau suatu demokrasi yang bersifat socialis.

Walaupun juga sebuah negara monarki berpelembagaan dengan raja permaisuri sebagai ketua negara dan gereja-gereja Kristian, Denmark, pada pendapat saya adalah sebuah negara yang amat Islamik, atau sekurang-kurangnya jauh lebih Islamik daripada Malaysia.

Biar saya bagi sedikit contoh.

Kaum Minoriti dan Imigran Denmark: Musim sejuk di Denmark amat menyeksakan, mungkin sebab itu ia bukan destinasi utama bagi imigran-imigran. Tetapi sistem kebajikan dan polisi imigresen yang sangat pemurah telah menarik ramai ‘asylum seekers’ dari negara-negara muslim kurang aman seperti Syria, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, Pakistan, dan lain-lain.

Stevie Chan is juxtaposing the minority muslims in Denmark to the minorities in Malaysia. Since he is chinese, the treatment of chinese in Malaysia by the majority of Malaysians (incidentally the malay muslims) is the main point he is trying to tacitly imply.  

Pada masa ini bilangan warga muslim di Denmark tidak melebihi 3% daripada jumlah penduduk seluruh negara. Ia satu minoriti yang amat kecil.

Warga muslim di Denmark mepunyai kebebasan membina masjid-masjid, surausurau, dan sekolah-sekolah agama sendiri yang berbahasa pengataraankan bahasa ibunda masing-masing. Ini satu hak mutlak.

Anak-anak imigran yang masih berada di negara asal juga diberi sokongan kewangan seperti warga negara Denmark yang lain.

This is a redundant statement trying to blame the muslims here in Malaysia that the minorities do not get any chance to build their own house of worship, could not build their own vernacular schools, and trying to show us muslims here that hey, the majority christians in Denmark treat their minorities muslims way better than the muslims here treat their minority. UNFORTUNATELY, and we typed that in capital letters, judging from the commentary section of this article in Malaysian Insider, many muslim malays agreed with Stevie Chan! 

It seems that Malays these days are so timid and pitiful with such low esteem that they will believe every misplaced criticisms this chinese throws at them. Oh as his article suggests, do we want to financially assist the children of immigrants here in Malaysia who are still living in their own country? Why should we? Stevie Chan is beginning to sound like a belligerent hater as we move on below.

Masa saya berada di Denmark, satu issue yang tengah rancak dibahaskan diseluruh negara itu adalah samada hanya makanan halal sahaja patut dibekalkan kepada murid-murid dan kakitangan di tadika.

Walaupun belum selesai pembahasan itu, adalah penting kita mengetahui fakta fakta ini:

1. Denmark adalah negara pemakan daging babi per capita yang paling besar didunia. Dari sarapan ke makan malam ada saja daging babi. Itu satu gaya hidup yang sudah beratusan tahun.

2. Warga muslim hanya 3% daripada jumlah penduduk negara itu. Malaysia: Penganut agama Kristian di Malaysia adalah lebih-kurang 10% daripada jumlah penduduk,  dibandingkan 3% warga muslim di Denmark, mereka merupakan satu blok miniriti yang agak besar.

From the above few paragraphs, we would think that it was the majority christian Danes who tried to put only halal food in the menu of that kindergarten. But here is where Stevie Chan became malicious, and a liar.

Not only does Stevie Chan is condescendingly lecturing us muslims, he also had lied to us about the above facts. What he had cleverly omitted was that it wasn’t the Danes who magnanimously trying to put only halal food in a kindergarten. It was actually a tussle between a muslim community in a local council where they are the majority and the minority christian danes. Below is the real news:

“When some Muslims recently obtained a majority on the council running a government-financed daycare centre in Denmark, they proceeded to vote to ban serving pork to all children in the daycare (whether they were Muslim or not). This Muslim group, Dahl said, seemed to think that majorities are not responsible for protecting minorities’ rights.” – SOURCE

Of which, there was an uproar from the majority of christian Danes in Denmark!

Was Stevie Chan really serious in extolling the virtues on muslims in Malaysia should treat the chinese by feeding us muslims with lies about porks and halal food in Denmark? We wonder if Stevie Chan couldn’t get any pork for the last few years here in this muslim infested country of his, hence this malicious article of his. What about his fellow chinese who had berated the azan in Puchong recently? That is permissible? In the name of tolerance? Chinese and christians in Malaysia are blameless in all misbehaviours and social ills?

Tetapi warga Kristian di Malaysia sudah lama dinafikan pembinaan gereja baru, gereja-gereja yang kita lihat sekarang kebanyakan (kalau bukan semua) adalah yang dibina dalam zaman penjajahan. Kebanyakan warga Kristian di Malaysia berjemaah di tingkat atas rumah-rumah kedai. Bukan mereka tak mampu nakbina gereja, mereka mampu, tetapi diberi perbagai masalaah ‘tape merah’ kerajaan.

Cerita pasal kuil-kuil Hindu yang dirobohkan tanpa setitik hormat dan belas kasihan sudah muak kita dengar.

Ramai warga asing yang mengahwini warga Malaysia tidak diberi kewarganegaraan walaupon sudah berdekad menubuhkan keluarga disini.

Ke-tidak-pastian sebegini menyebabkan ramai yang tak mampu berancangan panjang untuk keluarga mereka dengan elok.

Baru-baru ini ada cerita tentang murid-murid bukan muslim di Malaysia yang disuruh makan didalam bilik salinan di bulan ramadan; ada juga cerita pasal seorang murid bukan islam yang dipukul cikgu di negeri Sabah sebab murid tersebut membawa makan tengahari yang mengandungi daging babi kesekolah.

Banyak lagi contoh-contoh jauh lebih buruk yang saya boleh tampilkan mengenai cara kita “mistreat” kaum minority dan imigran di Malaysia, tapi cukup lah.

Maybe Stevie Chan is mistaken. As far as we know, there were no changes in any of the government ruling since the day of independence about the rights of minority religions – christians, buddhists, hindus, others (except for deviant teachings) here in Malaysia. They are always allowed to have a proper place to worship their Gods. If there are any rules that were broken (encroachment of private property, irregular infrastructure etc), proper action will be taken. And prove a point, if the majority muslims are evil and mistreating the minorities here, all proper churches built before independence would’ve been razed and destroyed. But did it happen?

And to put matters into perspective, there are only around 100 mosques in Denmark. But these are not proper mosques. Denmark will only opened it’s first proper mosque soon. Therefore, what Stevie Chan wrote above is again, erroneous and meant to mislead.

Biar kita tanya soalan ini: dari segi kaum minoriti dan imigran di Denmark dan Malaysia, siapa yang lebih bertimbang rasa, lebih berperikemanusiaan, atau lebih Islamik nilainya?

Another racist and seditious statement to provoke the liberal malays into agreeing with him, that yes, the muslims and the christians in Denmark are way, way better and way more Islamic than the muslims in Malaysia.

Worse, they are malays who think that when this particular chinese is degrading the malays, this doesn’t affect them as they are not the same malays as the majority. This type of malays have lost the communal pride and become individualistic. Some call themselves liberal although in reality, they are an undignified apologist.

Alam Sekitar, Idolisasi, dan Rasuah

Deanmark: suata pagi saya dan isteri saya menaiki satu daripada puluhan bot lancongan di kotaraya Copenhagen, melalui rangkaian air dan jambatan yang cukup mengkagumkan. Tapi apa yang benar-benar mengkagumkan adalah kebersihan pengairan di Denmark, dalam masa satu jam kami berlancong diatas air, kami hanya nampak satu bag plastic di dalam air canal yang jernih. Satu jam, satu bag, air jernih.

Seminggu kemudian kami pergi ke sebuah perlabuhan besar yang sibuk, air disana sama juga jernihnya.  Bayangkanlah, air jernih di perlabuhan!

Dalam masa dua minggu di Denmark, kami telah memandu dalam kereta di bandaraya utama dan menengah,  suburbia, kampong-kampong dan kawasan gudang perlabuhan.

Selain daripada mengangguh diri kami dari A ke B dan menikmati permandangan yang indah, saya dan isteri saya berazam mencari lubang atas jalanraya di sepanjang 800km yang kami lingkumi.

Lubang dan ‘manhole cover’ yang tidak serata permukaan jalanraya. Akhirnya, sepanjang 800km, tiada satu pun yang kami jumpa. Di kawasan gudang perlabuhan dimana lori-lori besar berkeliaran pun kami tak jumpa.

Saya tidak akan cerita pasal penghutanan dan binatang liar dalam rencana ini sebab bab itu terlalu panjang.

Tapi ada satu lagi benda yang tidak kami jumpa disepanjang jalanan atau dimana-mana pun di negara yang aneh ini: iklan billboard barang-barang komersial mahupun ahli politik.

Malaysia: saya percaya para pembaca pasti boleh buat perbandingan bagi bab ini tanpa saya bercerita panjang lebar, kecuali mungkin ada yang fikir keadaan buruk jalanraya kita adalah kerana teknologi pembinaan kita ketinggalan zaman.

Tapi ia bukan, ia disebabkan rasuah yang berleluasa. Di Denmark, hampir semua dokumen-dokumen kerajaan adalah terbuka kepada rakyatnya; di Malaysia hampir semua dokumen-dokumen kerajaan telah dijadikan rahsia pemerintah.

Eloklah kita tanya soalan ini: di antara Denmark dan Malaysia, siapakah yang menjaga alam sekitar yang dikurniakan tuhan dengan lebih sempurna, lebih penuh hormat dan sayang? Siapa lebih Islamik? Di antara Denmark dan Malaysia, siapa yang lebih gemar memuja barang-barang komersial, siapa yang lebih gemar memuja idola-idola politik? Siapa yang lebih Islamik nilainya?

It is astounding that Stevie Chan is blaming solely the muslims here for not taking care of the environment. Is he saying that only the muslims do not know about cleanliness,  only muslims immerse in corruption and only the muslims had ravaged the forest and abuse all the wild animals here in Malaysia?

Stevie Chan must be suffering from misguided chinese supremacy to think all this up and put it in a writing! We are guessing all the illegal poaching of endangered species in our forest in order to eat their paws, animal brains or snake blood are done by muslims. Not to mention the majority of illegal loggings are done by the chinese. And it is beyond reason to say that the chinese never bribe nor given any bribes in this country. But in Stevie Chan’s mind, his chinese brethren are bribe-free.

Blaming everything above on the muslims without looking at the faults of your own race is just smack of arrogance and racism. Was he dropped on his head as a baby and became a racist because of that? 

Jenayah dan Hukuman

Denmark: walaupun saya tidak ada data-data yang sah ditangan, secara am negara ini saya rasa sangat selamat. Budak-budak kecil menaiki bas seorangan; bayi diparkir diluar kedai sementara ibunya membeli-belah adalah perkara yang amat biasa.

Walaupon kes-kes pencurian (property crime) ada didengari dan dilapurkan, tapi jenis yang ganas (seperti rampasan) hampir tiada.

Mengapa begitu? Sebab mereka tidak perlu melakukan jenayah ganas tahap itu.

Contohnya bila seorang warga Denmark kehilangan kerja, kerajaan akan membayar dia lebih kurang RM8,000 sebulan bagi jangkamasa tidak melebihi dua tahun. Dalam dua tahan tersebut orang berkenaan perlu mencari kerja baru, atau pulang ke institusi pelajaran untuk mengaji bidang lain yang lebih sesuai.

Pengajian sebegini dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan.

Biasanya jenayah-jenayah di Denmark adalah yang kecil-kecilan, atau jenis misdemeanor (kacau).

Tempoh penjara bagi jenayah-jenayah sebegitu (jika dipenjarakan) biasanya sangat pendek, antara seminggu ke enam bulan.

Yang paling pelik adalah penjara untuk jenayah sebegitu ada penjara terbuka, penghuni boleh keluar masuk sesuka hati (tapi yang tidak pulang akan dibawa balik oleh polis).

Sebabnya begini: masyarakat Denmark percaya bahawa manusia tidak buat jenayah jika bukan dipaksa keadaan semasa, atau mereka mengalami kekeliruan sementara. Sistem keadilan mereka bukan untuk menghukum seseorang tetapi mengubah sikap atau keadaan mereka supaya mereka tidak mengulagi jenayah.

Sukacita saya dimaklumkan bahawa Denmark mempunyai rekod “jenayahulang” yang paling rendah didunia.

Malaysia: perlukah saya buat pembandingkan untuk bab ini?

Yes, Stevie Chan is blaming the muslims for the crime in this country. As we all know by now, Stevie Chan without putting so much in a sentence is telling us muslims that this country is unislamic because the muslims are involved in crimes and the punishment method of this country is certainly unislamic. 

His argument inevitably has two facets – one, that only muslims are criminals and two, and this is ironic, would he rather have us impose hudud laws to make us more islamic?

Mungkin ada diantara kita akan berkata, “oh, cukai pendapatan di Denmark tinggi, mereka mampu membiayai semua itu.”

Adakah kita sebuah negara yang miskin? Atau kekayaan kita disalahgunakan?

Saya tanya seorang pemilik kedai kopi di Copenhagen apa perasaan beliau tentang membayar kadar cukai yang tinggi untuk mendapat sebuah masyarakat yang aman dan adil. Jawapan beliau, “bahu yang lebih besar pikul beban yang lebih berat.”

Bukankah itu nilai Islam, wahai pembaca yang dihormati?

The racist Stevie Chan, who probably tells all his friends that he is not a racist, condescendingly telling us muslims that this country, a country where the majority and the minority had lived peacefully (before he came into the picture probably) is actually not peaceful and unjust. All because the muslims here have abused the rich natural resources of this country. Mind you, only the muslims are doing this. Not him nor his kind.

Ada baiknya jika saya mendedahkan satu “rahsia” warga pelik negara Denmark ini: tidak ramai yang pergi ke gereja. Malahan banyak gereja-gereja sudah dijual dan dijadikan kedai-kedai ataupun perpustakaan.

Saya rasa ini tidak ada apa-apa perkaitan dengan agama,  tapi hanya nilai kemanusian atau humanism.

Kita diMalaysia amat taksub bergaduh pasal makzab, hukum, anjing, babi, sehingga kita lupa apa nilai asas agama-agama yang kita cintai.

Walaupun zaman sekarang sudah jadi perkara biasa kita melancong menaiki kapalterbang yang besar-besar ke tempat yang jauh-jauh, dan tiada sesiapa pun yang tanya saya pasal Denmark, saya tetap nak kata:

Saya pergi ke Denmark dan nampak Islam merata, tetapi tiada Melayu; saya pulang ke tanahair dan nampak Melayu merata, tetapi tiada Islam.

Denmark menghayati nilai Islam tanpa mengetahui Islam. Melayu mengetahui  Islam tapi gagal menghayati nilai-nilai asas Islam yang murni dan indah.

There you go, a clear statement of him blaming the malays and admonishing us that the malays here in this country is not only unislamic but also intolerant of the minority, and had aggressively ill-treated all the non malays and mistreated them in such ways that they can’t live peacefully in their own country. Stevie Chan must have felt living in Palestine, being bombarded by Israeli bombs as he wrote this article of his – eating dust and had to work three work shifts a day just to earn minimum wage. 

Selamat menyambut hari raya Aidil Fitri, saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk meminta maaf, zahir dan batin.

Wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

This is perhaps the final nail in the coffin by the racist ‘holier than thou’ Stevie Chan. Citing an arabic phrase which generally meant – “may Allah give us guidance and success”. Since he does not believe in Allah, he is generally saying to all muslims – “may Allah give YOU guidance and success.”

What right does a disbeliever like Stevie Chan to invoke our God’s name in order to chastise us? If he believes in Allah, then he should have embraced Islam already. Does he think by writing an arabic phrase after branding all the malays as the source of social problems here in Malaysia will endear him to us more?

If he had written an article to advice the muslims in a non-offensive way, that is perhaps permissible, even welcomed. But to condescendingly blame the malays of all the social ills in Malaysia while expunging any blame from non malays is just too much to take. This is perhaps the most racist article ever printed by Malaysian Insider, written by the biggest racist around.

And it is sad that the apologists among the malays are cowering in front of Stevie Chan. He spat on top of your head and you just clapped your hands in glee. This is  just like the days before independence. When conquered mentality are too coward to fight back and all insults are just taken by the mouthful.

(P/S: saya mengambil tanggungjawab penuh untuk rencana ini, ibubapa saya tidak tahu pasal tulisan saya mahupun pendapat saya atau agama saya (yang saya telah rahsiakan).

Yes, Stevie Chan, whoever he is, should be fully responsible for his article. And if he does not want his parents to know he wrote this article then maybe he should not have put his real name.

112 thoughts on “Stevie Chan blames Muslims for all the social ills in Malaysia

  1. If you guys could say and write a lot on condescending articles on them, then it is fair if they too want to have it, right? Please play fair JMD.


  2. A real racist will always blame others as racists….just to cover their own doings.
    What the bloke is doing is an act of provocation……….maybe ISA like law, can take care of him.


  3. Racism is blaming just one race for all the social problems. Should cover everyone since the problems exist among other races too. Then only it is not racism. But too bad it is in bad taste. I bet he thinks he is not racist at all. With a chip on his shoulder. Strutting the streets thinking the malays owe him.


  4. ironicallymit isnthe scandinavians who scientifically declared Jews as non humans.

    people like stevie chan are typical chinese that I meet everyday, behind us they talk band about their own coumtry. Yours truly have literally heard them tell rubbish stories about Malays to Australians in class in the same vile double speak as Stevie Chan.


  5. Hmmm…why so sensitive. Stevie Chan should have just wrote in English as well. His point of view is his point of view. Everybody has a point of view – Ridhuan Tee has a point of view and is now talking about ethnic cleansing but I dont see you hammering him.

    And by the sound of it, I can only say that you “terasa”. If it does not apply to you don’t need to get so sensitive.


    • Just like Riduan Tee got hammered by people, please do not say Stevie Chan cannot be criticised. Why so defensive? This blog has been verbally attacked so many times but it never ask people to stop attacking it.

      Perhaps you are equally surprised by how racist Stevie Chan is? Maybe you should argue on why what he had written is not racist at all. Telling us all that it was only his point of view did not debunk the fact that his views are indeed racist in nature.

      Why are you defending a racist?

      Thank you.


    • Aaaaaaaaaa, the so-called Shadow Banker who said in one blog he is from Sitiawan, communist terrorist leader Chin Peng’s home town but where even his ashes are not allowed to be.

      Of course his point of view is tainted even by the very association of hometown with Chin Peng. Justified opinion? Why should I justify – he doesn’t.


  6. Pingback: Jebat Must Die Identifies A Chauvinistic Racist | The Crap In Between SeaDemon's Ears

  7. I don’t agree with him. Actually, I don’t agree with Ridhuan Tee either.
    But I think what is really missing in Malaysia for too long is a civil debate. I notice that in Malaysia when one disagree, it became a partisan one-upmanship sort of debate. Unfortunately, too, race/religion is too often involved.
    I don’t close my eye/ear at these things. I don’t pretend I’m not hurt …because im a muslim. But i always think that perhaps someday we can come to a real understanding in this ‘bumi bertuah’ once more.


    • Alamak farha, kalau debate mesti nak menang punya. Ask the ultra kiasus lah.

      Don’t just ” think that perhaps someday we can come to a real understanding in this ‘bumi bertuah’ once more.”, my dear. Do something. Praising or whacking the relevant parties concerned.

      God expects you to not just hope and pray, God expects you to make an effort also.


    • Yes indeed, but civil debates come with the responsibility of understanding the subject being debated, or at least deferring to those who are authoritative about the subject:

      “Growing social problems may be on the horizon for the “world’s happiest country”. Although Denmark’s welfare model seems on paper to provide a sufficient safety net for its citizens, in practice, conditions today threaten to reveal the celebrated welfare state as having effectively been a mere illusion. The official website for Denmark describes its national welfare model as a system which aspires to make this the sort of country described by writer N.F.S. Grundtvig: a country in which “few have too much and fewer too little.” Denmark continues to serve as an admirable model of an effective welfare state; however, its welfare system is undergoing substantial and fundamental changes that have yet to be adequately addressed. Although Danish society claims to uphold the basic principles of a welfare state – solidarity among citizens and provisions for the needy – in practice, public discourse and government policies have been creating a more Libertarian, Individualistic model that strays from its founding principles. Until the Danish people stop moralizing about solidarity and acknowledge the changing nature of their welfare system, Denmark’s poor and excluded will grow in number to fill this dangerously widening gap between perception and practice.”

      excerpt from:

      Stevie just can’t write public criticisms on the spur of his euphoric honeymoon in Denmark, pick and choose, compare and condemn without a sense of propriety and humility: Respect others and others will respect you, says Confucius and also this: “When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.”

      Danish society is changing, Malaysian society is also changing. Hopefully, Stevie has converted his religion for the better.


    • Farha selalunya debat2 ni hanya inginkan kemenangan bkn inginkan kebenaran. Jika sudah terangbenderang byk kebenaran mereka tidak akan/mahu menerima.


    • Stevie Chan’s first few paragraphs were plagiarised from a blog with the link provided. Muhammad Abduh did say those sentence. So what is the point of your comment then? Thank you.


  8. i am a malay , and a muslim. i enjoy reading his observation and i agree to most of it, there is a long way ahead for muslims and malays , to realize that the highest state of our being is being a human, insan. a servant, to serve fellow humans. look at those malay/muslims who are in power in this country ..they are more busy serving themselves, than doing their work and carrying the amanah on their shoulders.


    • Even when his observations and comparison using Denmark as a benchmark is wrong and his racist tendency to denigrate muslims here as the cause of the problems he mentioned without even mentioning that other races are involved in those social ills as well such as crime, mistreating the environment etc? Yet you still agree to his assertions and accusations without taking stock and step back to say – “wait a minute, why is he only blaming the malays for this?”

      Like this article had said – it is permissible to criticise, within means, with facts and with justification. But to exonerate the non malays of blame and apportion all of it to the muslims malays is smack of racism.

      Do you even understand what you have typed vis a vis this article? There is a long way ahead for muslims like you who have no qualms when your own race is humiliated is such way through lies and unfair accusations. And after being presented with facts from veritable sources you still agree to his wrong observations in Denmark?

      Have you taken your medicine today?

      Thank you.


    • riza, I perhatikan you such a pathetic being, I nak sebut human being pun susah.

      Siapa cakap “the highest state of our being is being a human, insan. a servant, to serve fellow humans”? You look at Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng etc, see if they are so.

      And don’t look with squinted eyes, ok?


  9. |


    Stevie [europeanised chingkie name ] Chan might

    as well call himself Omar Chan. After all one

    Onekie called himself Omar Ong!

    I believe this chingkie Omar Chan is a young boy.

    A man would have known that it takes 2 to corrupt.


    CHAN THE GIVER! Both parties are equally guilty!

    Chingkie chan obviously sees the world thru a melayu

    [brown] filter- so he did not see the chingkies who

    are giving money, their wives, cousins and girlfreinds

    as gifts to the melayus in power!

    I have always maintained that the chingkies are a

    cheating lot. I have personally experienced a

    chingkie trying to pass a faulty tire [pasted

    with mastic] passing it as a brand new. This

    is from a tyre shop in Jalan Besar Seremban.

    A year ago I went to the aid of my widowed sister

    -in- law whose car overturned near tg Malim .

    Guess what ? When the tyres was changed one

    of them [ recently replaced secondhand ] was

    found to be a fractured tyred , repaired by a

    sticking mastic on the inside of the tire.

    On the outside the tire had a respectable

    depth of tread so the defect was not seen.

    My sister in law being a typical melayu,

    does not keep the receipt of purchase. And

    if she did , she did not want the bother of

    reporting the case to the police. And what

    is worse our JKJ [Road safety Department] does

    not seem to gather statistics on causes of

    road accidents! Tireman are not the biggest cheats.

    The people [chingkies] who sell vegetables , clothes

    on the streets even complexes of Singapore cheat too.

    If one has read the book , the “Drifters” one would

    have been exposed to a cheating scam popular in the

    fun fair environment. If one pass through the

    kajang toll and you gave the toll girl RM 1 you may

    not receive in your hurry the balance 10 sen. The

    scam is just like in the toll. If you pay pay Sin100

    for an item that cost Sin 49.50 the salesgirl and her

    associates delay the returning the balance to you

    and enticed you with more attractive items. Soon

    after that you forgot about the balance owed to you.

    That incident happened with my mother shopping at the

    Penisula in singapore!

    This is a typical fun fair scam in US and shopping centres

    in Singapore. Would you believe that this scam was

    popular in Pudu Market when I was growing up. Fancy reading

    about this scam taking place in Kuala Lumpur.

    Interestingly , just last week my niece telephoned me

    from her regular tire shop. she asked if RM 150 for a

    second hand tire is reasonable. I told her not to buy

    them becoz of bad experience. Instead I got her a

    new one [ she was in a hurry ] for rm 240 which was

    expensive. The tire for the Perdana is 205/55R16

    could be got for rm 190 if time is available!

    A tireman puts at least 20 per cent markup if a

    melayu buys it and could even sell a dangerous

    tire to a melayu. Fucking bastard chingkies!

    On a parting shot, after I had revealed that

    it is against catholic diktat to say that

    their god is One [that would put them in

    the Unitarians zone] and beome a heretic

    there is a sudden disquiet about the Allah

    issue from purveyors [chingkies and kolings

    alike] .And Chingkie Chan too did not raise

    about this issue . How come?


    • How come? Because he cannot come other than the times he is with a piece of soap, in the toilet, especially when Anwar Al Juburi is around. Syiok sendiri or brought to ecstasy by the Al Juburi.

      Thanks for the ample arguments, mate, I don’t have to say more than just the above 2 lines.


      • Ooops, just realized you are a lady. Sorry, dear, no offence intended to you, but a lot is intended for the Stevie watever his name – he doesn’t even know that one may be called Stevie by others when talking but one never calls oneself Stevie.

        Must be Cinatopek from a back lane somewhere. Hope I’m a worthwhile “Pemerhati”.


    • Hanana,

      Yes. cHINA cibais will cheat if given a chance. In Malaysia, cHINA cibai hairdressers told me my hair was dry or my hair was thinning and needed treatment. I was gullible and succumbed to their tipu- helah that had caused me to part with thousands of ringgit. I have been living in the US for quite sometime now but none of my American hairdressers have ever told me that my hair is dry or thinning. In fact, they often tell me my hair is healthy and doesn’t require any treatment. This is just one example. I have had many other experiences of being cheated by these CHINA cibais.

      So the Malays should be more careful when dealing with cHINA cibais. If possible, practice ABC, BBC & ABCD.


  10. just one glaring fact that this racist chinese lied: the biggest church in SEA – isn’t it not in Malaysia? amd is it not NEW? and didn’t Malaysia host a big congregation of Christians just a few years back? and next question i wanna ask him; in Denmark, are there any of these minorities really given the chance to rise and hold important posts such as ministers and as heads of the biggest corporations there? how many of those minorities are elected as top ranking police officers? or how many of those minorities there are on the list of millionaires in Denmark?


  11. Pingback: Dangerous trend of evangelistas lecturing Malays on Islam | Helen Ang

  12. Apa daa ! Constructive critism di pusing jadi penghinaan / Malay Muslim bashing..
    Apa orang bukan Muslim tak boleh critcise Muslim ke.???
    Islam apa ko pakai, kalau orang lain tak boleh kritik Muslim.???
    Macam mana Muslim nak berjaya kalau sikit kritik pun tak boleh.???

    Haqiqatnya Muslim telah tuhankan Ulama mereka. Allah dan Quran telah di tinggalkan.
    Oleh kerana itu lah Muslim tercorot, macam telah di tinngalkan/lahnat oleh Allah.
    Baca lagi rencana “Kenapa Muslim tercorot pt1 dan pt 2”..@..


    • Duh!

      Apa daa…Malay Muslim Bashing disguise as constructive criticism pun you said the other way round…

      Nobody here said Malay/Muslim cannot be criticized…The point of contention is the fairness of the criticism…

      Ko baca ke tak apa yang JMD tulis tu? and Ko paham ke tak?


    • Pak Yeh, kalau kamu masuk sini nak advertise blog kamu, tulis dengan bijak sikit le. Kalo tak, sape nak peduli ko, lebih lagi nak buang masa nekan link ko beri tuh.

      Muslim tercorot, macam telah di tinngalkan/lahnat oleh Allah? Ko ni Muslim ke, atau penjangak makai nama Melayu/ Muslim, menyamar. Ingat, kalo dimedan perang, orang yang menyamar ditembak mampos jam tu juga.


  13. I have read the whole article by Stevie Chan. There maybe some error here and there, but the fact still remains, we are nowhere near Denmark in terms of economy, technology, safety/security, education and many more.

    Also he pointed out, being Muslim does not mean you carry Islamic values.

    The reason why he associated Muslim and the problems that we have in this country is because, we have branded our country as a Muslim country. Same reason you name your children arabic names like Mohammad and Aishah, because you wanted everybody to know that they’re Muslim and carries Islamic values. But unless you nurtured them with good islamic value, the name is just a name.

    Like any other Muslim nations in the world, I could not find one that is comparable to Denmark. Danish has given the world Lego and Maersk (largest container ship operator). They’re also the leading way for wind turbine technology.

    What does Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, Indonesia, Egypt, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Libya has given to the world? If somebody today created a free and clean energy, they will go back to the stone age, and sand.

    Back in Malaysia, we are doing ok, but still your house and my house need to have steel grille for every opening that it got. You could not walk to the nearest shop without thinking “am I going to get mugged along the way?”.

    And the most scary thing about this is, we are ok with this. Ok having our house secured like a prison, and drive to the shop which is 200 meters away. Because we have become accustomed to this way of living for far too long, it was never an issue.

    The point that I’m trying to make here is, Stevie shared his travel experience and hoping we could improve and be at the same level as they are, if not better. What you have done and shown here is showing him, we’re doing just fine, no thank you. And the commentators here are worse, bashing the guy because he want to have a good life.

    Like every other human being in the world no matter from which country you’re from. We must learn to live peacefully with each other. Even the great USA could not sustain its country without depending on countries like China, Japan, India and others.

    If we really values the Islamic brotherhood among Muslim countries, we would only trade with Muslim countries. But like I said, they have nothing significant to trade with us other than oil. This also applies domestically. If I were to depend on muslim/malay economy alone, I could not get things done and could not move on with my life.


    • You are as racist as Stevie Chan for turning a blind eye to the gist of his article – that it is all malay muslims’ fault that you don’t feel this country is at par with Denmark.

      To summarise it for the consumption of your racist mind – those who are trying to mug you may possibly be chinese or indians too.

      Yes this country is not perfect, but it is a responsibility of everyone – not just muslims to improve it. Are you saying christians or buddhists or hindus here are living up to the respective values of their religion?

      You must feel good for writing all the patronising comment above. Are you looking down on muslims here thinking we are all backward, stupid, unable to think, not educated unlike your race? Certainly we don’t hear you or Stevie Chan admonishing your own race. Is your race living here in Malaysia perfect already?

      Why are you behaving like a colonists? Looking down on the locals? Are you not a fellow Malaysian too? Worse, why are you behaving like a supremacist? Lecturing muslims on the values of Islam when you yourself is not a muslim. Are you arrogating to be our discipline teacher?

      And you say ‘there are some errors here and there’?

      Those errors which Stevie Chan called facts are the whole basis of him chastising us muslims here. If those facts are errors, then his whole article has lost credibility and what is left was just malicious intent to deceive and insult.

      And yes, being muslim does not mean carrying islamic value – which Stevie Chan and yourself who are neither a muslim nor professing to any of the islamic values have the right to lecture all muslims here in Malaysia.

      You got that? Let us know if you don’t. That you feel that we muslims are not behaving to your own standard of Islam. Maybe you should tell us how to behave around non muslims and non malays, so that we all can be your good little puppies.

      And one more thing, how do you know Stevie Chan agreed to your contention that Malaysia is a muslim country? If this is a muslim country, do you think a non muslim like Stevie Chan dared to insult muslims here in Malaysia like that?

      No. To Stevie Chan, Malaysia is not a muslim country. His writing just showed us that he thinks this country is infested with muslims. And that line of thinking is racism.

      No we are not doing fine. Until the day people like you or Stevie Chan come to terms and senses that insulting muslims while portraying yourselves as perfect is not the way to improve cooperation between one another in order to make this country great.

      Yes muslims here have their imperfections. But writing an article filled with erroneous travel experience based on incorrect facts just to lecture us muslims here is very offensive. Don’t be a stupid racist.


    • hahahaha

      MUSLIMS and their lands give the world that precious BLACK GOLD without which the whole world including Denmark will dwindle to a screeching halt.


    • “having our house secured like a prison” is the price you pay for focusing on material wealth.

      BTW this scenario is never ever associated with the traditional kampong lifestyle that has been robbed by greedy materialistic industrialists.


    • tsyhll,

      “And the commentators here are worse, bashing the guy because he want to have a good life.” He can want all the good life there may be, but why the hell does he have to comment derogatorily on the Muslims. The point is: his criticism is not balanced, not fair to the Muslims – you didn’t see that?

      “We must learn to live peacefully with each other.” Precisely, man. So, Stevie, you and others must do so. When wanting anything for yourself, make sure you don’t trample, nay, even touch, on the well being, the image and the interests of others, d’ya hear?


  14. What Stevie Chan said is the truth. Other Muslims especially Outsyedthebox also said more insulting things about Muslims.Refer…

    Malay Muslims and all Muslims are tercorot / backward. That is a fact.!!! No need for JMD to deny, taichi and be emotional about it.!!!

    Just find out the root cause of why the Muslims all over the world are 3rd world countries and are still being colonized.!!!

    The truth is Muslim have thrown away their brains when they throw away Allah/Quran for the Ulama/Hadis.!!!
    Have you read my root cause analysis “Kenapa muslim tercorot pt1 & 2” yet.???

    Unlike Outsyedthebox who bash Malay/Muslims like he is a kafir, without giving a remedy, I am giving the root cause of why Muslim are backward and also giving its remedy.


    • What Stevie Chan said is the truth IF he change all the word ‘muslims/malays’ into Malaysians. This is nothing more than an insult and and making muslims a scapegoat in this country. Worse all his assertions were based on erroneous facts.

      On another issue, it is ironic that most of your articles criticise muslims who have forgotten the teachings of Quran and lay more importance on hadith rather than the Quran and also science. Ironic because that is exactly what Syed Outside The Box is propagating.


    • Pak Yeh

      I think your type is the precise reason why Muslim are “tercorot”. You don’t use your Brain!

      JMD has painstakingly point out and laid down all the erroneous “fact” of Stevie Chan’s writing but yet here you are with such a sweeping statement saying: “What Stevie Chan said is the truth”!

      Do you really read AlQuran? Didn’t the Quran ask you to use your Brain and look for evidence.

      Those Rasuah, Alam Sekitar issues partly are Malay problem but evidently not all…Those worshipping place issue (gereja, kuil) etc is highly exaggerated not to mention that he forgot to mention that Surau pun kena roboh!. They (the Danish) are no more accommodating compared to Malay…

      Please list down those “truth” just like how JMD has listed those “error”.

      If not here then put it in your blog. Jangan jadi pemalas..itu bukan ajaran Islam…

      Then we can have more objective debate.


    • What Outsyedthebox says, you, Stevie and others can also simply say? So, Outsyedthebox gets bashed, you get bashed, too.

      Muslims all over the world are 3rd world countries and are still being colonized? That’s talking stupid, innit? Again, you advertise your blog in this comment, too. You are a cheapskate, aren’t you?

      What remedy you taking about, man? If you are not prepared to say it out here, let your thought be buried in your blog. Which, judging from your sickly pleading for visits, must be a God forsaken one.


  15. This chap should visit Singapore during Ramadan when Muslims have to perform Terawih in void decks with only plastic screens enclosure for privacy. Sad state of affairs.


    • Yes…and come to Australia as well, where we were told every single week after Jumaah prayer, not to park our car near the Masjid nor congregate outside the Masjid so that we dont upset the local white and nons.

      So that they dont complain to the council and get us closed.


  16. Mdsabu.
    Stop kissing JMD’s but lah.
    .The truth is all Muslim countries are corrupted. or at least more corrupted than a kafir country. That is the basis of all comparisons between countries. If Stevie Chan said that it does not make him a racist.!!!
    Why is Malaysian ringgit with all its rich resources equal to 1/3 of Singapore dollar which was the same Malaysian ringgit.???
    The answer is that Malay Muslims in UMNO/BN are damn bloody corrupted lah.!!!
    UMNO being the majority in the BN government, so blame no other races except UMNO Malay Muslims.!!!.
    If Stevie Chan said this would he be a racist.???
    If I say I am a Mongolian athiest would I be a racist and anti Islam.???
    Stating a truth is never being racist.
    You dont even know what racist mean.


    • Blaming only one race/religion as corrupt as if other race/religion do not immerse themselves in the same act and based all his observations on made up facts is certainly racist and malicious.

      Guess this debate is over since you purposely chose to ignore the gist of this article and fail to comprehend that this article is trying to expose how intensive the effort unjustly pinpoint and apportion all blame to malay muslims in this country.

      If you think Stevie Chan is not racist, then that is how your intelligence has judged this issue. Have a nice day.

      Thank you.


    • Pak Yeh

      Are you laughing at your own statement?

      Instead of arguing my point, you started to name calling me JMD’s butt kiss? How lah? I thought you read Quran kind of guys…

      Anyway I rather kiss JMD butt than kiss Steve Chan butt as you just did.

      Indeed, stating the obvious or the truth does not count as a racist..I agree…

      But did he state the obvious or the truth??? …ermmm…not really…This is where the deceive is….

      The fact that this specific country is corrupt is no fault of the Malay Muslim UMNO alone…it is a collective Malaysian fault…

      People only hear about this government corruption….what about corruption in private sector? by the way who is corrupting the government? What about corruption outside UMNO by PAS, PKR DAP?


      • Who started corruption in this country in a big way? Must be the pendatang Chinese.

        Corruption was rife in China since over 2000 years ago – Pak Yeh Yeh, read my lips .. OVER 2000 YEARS AGO. Written in the book on The History of China by Professor C.P Fitzgerald.

        Corruption was made rampant by the eunuchs – male servants in the Emperor’s Palaces whose genitals were literally cut off to prevent them from molesting the hundreds of concubines. The eunuchs became the link between Chinese people and the Emperors who over the centuries became lazy even to meet their own Ministers, let alone to visit the outlying provinces to check on the development of the empire. Imagine, hundreds of concubines each successive Emperor had to attend to.

        So, the eunuchs, being form the uneducated class, exploited every opportunity – they demanded gold for any favours the ordinary Chinese wanted of the Emperor, even from the officials who wanted decisions on administrative matters be “favourably” relayed to the Emperor.

        With a “tradition” of corruption of over 2,000 years, it is only logical for the Chinese pendatangs to this country from the 19th Century onwards to also engage in bribing and corruption.

        And stupid Stevie Chan and stupidier Pak Yeh blame the Muslims/ Malays. I presume the Yeh Yeh chappie is a Chinese, must be a corrupt bloke but wants to run down the Muslims/ Malays in this country. Damn him.


    • Quote: ‘all Muslim countries are corrupted.or at least more corrupted than a kafir country’
      pak yeh you are ranting from emotions rather than convincing thru intellect. do yourself a favour by studying this website –

      Malaysia is ranked 53 definitely FAR better than China 80, Philippines 94, Thailand 102, Cambodia 120, Russia 127, North Korea 175.


    • Malaysian ringgit versus Singapore dollar comments is Oppo hippo lah. And your next sentence alleging Malay Muslims in UMNO/BN corrupt is yet another of the usual Oppo hippo’s “wild, unsubstantiated and unjustified accusations”.

      Do you really know what being racist is, old man? (Pssst, you really an old man using the name Pak? The nasty old man kind?) Didn’t read the earlier comment up there saying being racist is when you antagonize other races, and in this country, antagonizing Muslims means antagonizing Malays coz the vast majority of Muslims are Malays?


  17. If Stevie Chan or Lee Kuan Yew said Singapore Chinese are smarter than Malysian Malays. Would that make Stevie Chan a racist.???
    Stating the obvious does not make one a racist especially when Malaysia is soo corrupted compared to Singapore.!!!


    • Of course that is racist.

      You are beginning to sound like a troll.
      Just would like to remind you to ‘astound us with your intelligence’, not with racist stupidity.



      • You ask us to astound us with our intelligence while you astound us with your ……???

        Check out 1) what you infer that Stevie Chan said and 2) what Stevie Chan actually said…
        1) What JMD said :
        Yes, Stevie Chan is blaming the muslims for the crime in this country. As we all know by now, Stevie Chan without putting so much in a sentence is telling us muslims that this country is unislamic because the muslims are involved in crimes and the punishment method of this country is certainly unislamic.

        His argument inevitably has two facets – one, that only muslims are criminals and two, and this is ironic, would he rather have us impose hudud laws to make us more islamic?

        2) What Stevie Chan said :
        Jenayah dan Hukuman
        Denmark: walaupun saya tidak ada data-data yang sah ditangan, secara am negara ini saya rasa sangat selamat. Budak-budak kecil menaiki bas seorangan; bayi diparkir diluar kedai sementara ibunya membeli-belah adalah perkara yang amat biasa.

        Walaupon kes-kes pencurian (property crime) ada didengari dan dilapurkan, tapi jenis yang ganas (seperti rampasan) hampir tiada.

        Mengapa begitu? Sebab mereka tidak perlu melakukan jenayah ganas tahap itu.

        Contohnya bila seorang warga Denmark kehilangan kerja, kerajaan akan membayar dia lebih kurang RM8,000 sebulan bagi jangkamasa tidak melebihi dua tahun. Dalam dua tahan tersebut orang berkenaan perlu mencari kerja baru, atau pulang ke institusi pelajaran untuk mengaji bidang lain yang lebih sesuai.

        Pengajian sebegini dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan.

        Biasanya jenayah-jenayah di Denmark adalah yang kecil-kecilan, atau jenis misdemeanor (kacau).

        Tempoh penjara bagi jenayah-jenayah sebegitu (jika dipenjarakan) biasanya sangat pendek, antara seminggu ke enam bulan.

        Yang paling pelik adalah penjara untuk jenayah sebegitu ada penjara terbuka, penghuni boleh keluar masuk sesuka hati (tapi yang tidak pulang akan dibawa balik oleh polis).

        Sebabnya begini: masyarakat Denmark percaya bahawa manusia tidak buat jenayah jika bukan dipaksa keadaan semasa, atau mereka mengalami kekeliruan sementara. Sistem keadilan mereka bukan untuk menghukum seseorang tetapi mengubah sikap atau keadaan mereka supaya mereka tidak mengulagi jenayah.

        Sukacita saya dimaklumkan bahawa Denmark mempunyai rekod “jenayahulang” yang paling rendah didunia.

        Malaysia: perlukah saya buat pembandingkan untuk bab ini?

        3 ) Comparison of item 1 and item 2.
        3.1) JMD said: Yes, Stevie Chan is blaming the muslims for the crime in this country.
        Pak Yehs reply: Where did he say that Muslims or Islam is to be blamed for the crimes in this country..???
        3.2) JMD said: As we all know by now, Stevi e Chan without putting so much in a sentence is telling us muslims that this country is unislamic because the muslims are involved in crimes and the punishment method of this country is certainly unislamic.
        His argument inevitably has two facets – one, that only muslims are criminals and two, and this is ironic, would he rather have us impose hudud laws to make us more islamic?
        Pak Yehs reply:
        Where in item2 di Stevie Chan say only Muslims are criminals.???
        Where did Stevie Chan say he would rather have Hudud Law.???
        Did you dream out those charges against Stevie Chan.???


        • Wow Pak Yeh, you must be a village simpleton. His whole article is about how malay muslims committing social ills in Malaysia. Don’t you read what the underlined paragraphs? You must not have the ability to comprehend a whole article. But it is okay Pak Yeh, you are trying to defend the indefensible. And that makes your motive a suspect. Truly this particular line of argument is laughable. Fact is, Stevie Chan is chastising the malay muslims here in Malaysia and we also have you here, bereft of common sense. Mind you, the destruction and abuse of environment and wildlife here in Malaysia is also your fault (if you are a malay muslim Pak Yeh). And you probably take bribes too (Stevie Chan said).

          Perhaps you need to sit back and do some quizzes or something instead of defending something which make you look more like and idiot


        • Duh! Dont be so naive…

          You dont even have the mental capacity to understand what was implied in Stevie Chan’s writing and thus the point of JMD’s article. so how could you write a blog and shared your “intellectual” piece with others? It baffle me.

          Stevie Chan’s article open up with this statement “Muhammad Abduh pun jawab, “saya pergi ke Barat dan nampak Islam merata, tetapi tiada muslim; saya pulang ke Timur dan nampak muslim merata, tetapi tiada Islam.”

          With this single statement, we know that the intend of the rest of the piece is invariably for the muslim not the others.

          so subsequently when he compared the criminal of the Danes and Malaysia what did he inferred to ? That the Malaysian (including chinese, indian others) have more criminal tendency or just the Malay Muslim? Can you see the fallacy here?

          Then Stevie Chan closed his article with this remark “Saya pergi ke Denmark dan nampak Islam merata, tetapi tiada Melayu; saya pulang ke tanahair dan nampak Melayu merata, tetapi tiada Islam.

          Denmark menghayati nilai Islam tanpa mengetahui Islam. Melayu mengetahui Islam tapi gagal menghayati nilai-nilai asas Islam yang murni dan indah.”

          Clearly making his intention obvious with regard to the connection of Malay Muslim with the ills of this nation. Why wouldnt he instead said “Saya pergi ke Denmark dan nampak Islam merata, tetapi tiada MALAYSIAN; saya pulang ke tanahair dan nampak MALAYSIAN merata, tetapi tiada Islam.????

          Denmark menghayati nilai Islam tanpa mengetahui Islam. MALAYSIAN mengetahui Islam tapi gagal menghayati nilai-nilai asas Islam yang murni dan indah.”????

          The answer is simple, the guy is racist to the core and the main intent of the piece is to degrade the Malay Muslim!

          I just replace Melayu with Malaysian….the one above by Stevie Chan is only half truth but the one that I modified later is actually the whole truth!


        • First I want to say I read twice the blog post and am satisfied that what JMD wrote is fair, reasonable and agreeable.

          Then I want to say that what Stevie Chan said is at least casting aspersions, in fact, more of downright denigrating the Muslims/Malays in Malaysia.

          Finally I want to say that you Pak Yeh don’t seem able to see the bush for the trees. Kamon Pak Yeh, don’t be so narrow minded, so limited in your comprehension and vision. Don’t be naive, open up, and learn to read people’s intentions, and whack the bad ones.

          And what are you trying to get by saying Muslims tercorot and the reason being otak bonsai, di bonsaikan penjajah dll? It’s so narrow thinking that you’d be pooh pooh-ed for talking the way you do. Like many have already done that to you in here.


    • Mohd Hassan, 61, yang juga bekas Presiden dan Ketua Eksekutif PETRONAS, kini sedang berkhidmat dengan beberapa firma antarabangsa seperti syarikat berkaitan Kerajaan Singapura iaitu SembCorp Industries Ltd, SembCorp Marine Ltd dan Singapore Power, selain menjawat jawatan sebagai Pengarah di Sarawak Energy Bhd dan gergasi minyak dan gas Amerika Syarikat, ConocoPhillips.

      Beliau diiktiraf sebagai peneraju dan penggerak utama yang berjaya membawa PETRONAS ke pasaran luar negara dan dapat bersaing dengan syarikat minyak gergasi lain.

      Pak yeh, chinese singapore GRABBED a Malaysian Malay because he is smarter than the chinese.


        • Kah,kah,kah. Menegak benang yang basah lah. Marican is employed by Singapore for spy infomation on Petronas and not becuz Marican has any brains at all. Wahahaha.

          The truth is Muslim countries are tercorot, while kafir countries like Singapore are smarter than Malaysia. Proof Ringgit dropped from 1 to 1/3 of Singapore dollar.
          That makes Malay Muslims specifically UMNO Malays 1/3 the IQ of Singaporeans.

          If Stevie Chan said this you definitely will say he is a racist.
          But if a the whole world says it ,what can you say. It is the truth isnt it.
          You guys are Muslims in denial about your tercorotness lah.

          Nobody would take a Malay UMNO seriosly becuz of their stupidity and corruption.
          Fortunately I am not a Malay but a Melayu, which UMNO is not.They called themselves Malay and their country malaise. No wonder Lee Kuan Yew laughed at UMNO politicians.


          • Becoming clearer that this bloke is non-Malay. Just whack him. Hard headed DAP kind who is incorrigible, won’t change his opinion one bit despite how much counter-arguments put out to him. Just whack him.


          • So singapore is spying on Malaysia huh? Wonder why?

            Is it because the chinese finally realised that they are weak in the IQ department. Or perhaps they are painfully discovering that “hard work” is no longer the key to success – that the real key to success is GENUINE TALENT, which is abundant amongst the Malays.

            And that the increasing pool of Malay graduates will dilute chinese head start!


          • “You guys are Muslims in denial about your tercorotness lah.” And you practicising three different religions all at the same time, like said by Professor C.P Fitzgerald in his book on the History of China – Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism? As a “triple insurance against calamity”, ultra kiasu, not wanting to lose out, be left behind?

            More and more indications you are not a Malay but a wretched non-Malay kafirun masquerading as a Malay. That’s the most damned thing to do. At the battle front in war, you’ll be shot dead on the spot.

            You are likely to be a DAP Chinese, trying to put down the Islamic religion, belittle the adherents and demoralize the Malays. The following c&p fits you well –

            “You have a foul mouth and incorrigibly bad manners. You are biadap and kurang ajar. Commenting without decorum and decency. You are descended from a mixture of races, including the non-Chinese races in China that history Professors have written about, the bad aspects of which manifest in you –

            Mongol (hugely polygamous Genghiz Khan invaders and colonizers of China in the 13th Century), Tungus, Turk, Tai, Miao, Tibetan, Manchu (invaders and colonizers embedding themselves in China for several hundred years, ruling from the 17th until the 20th Century – from Manchuria, a foreign country until after World War II), Yueh, Yao, etc. And the hill tribes of southern China – the Cina Bukit.

            Only you and your DAP kind are like that. Biadap (like DAP Vice Chairman Tunku Aziz said of Lim Guan Eng when he bolted out of the party) and kurang ajar, the Cina Bukit kind.”


            • Pure syiah believer. Pak yeh yeh pak yeh yeh. In the other life you will b walking with your face on the ground. Ajar2 anak isteri baik2 tulus ikhlas dan jujur kpd agama bangsa dan negara.
              Klau tidak anda tidak layak tggl d negara yg msia yg penoh dgn keberkatan. Manusia2 yg bertopeng mcm anda yg membuat kerahmatan d tarik semula sbb bukan milik anda.


              • Saya tak pasti dia ni Syiah believer and I haven’t read about Syi’ah followers talking about the universality of their kind – they are still Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Pakistani Syi’ah, etc.

                I even doubt if this bloke is a Malay. I agree with the opinion that he is a non-Malay masquerading as a Malay. He despises the Malay so much that, if he is found out to be a non-Malay talking like he does, I think he’d be skinned alive.

                He is even worse than Mat Sabu who said communist terrorist Mat Indera is a hero. And Mat Sabu has been accused bu the Home Minister Zahid to be a Syi’ah follower – we’ll await Zahid’s press conference giving the proofs that Mat Sabu is that.

                Pak Yeh and Mat Sabu have one common denominator – ignorance, bordering on stupidity, loud-mouthed, publicity-seeking. Mat Sabu, being a Pakatoon politician, is perhaps understandable though not condonable. But Pak Yeh is simply and plainly incorrigible and damnable.

                If he thinks his purpose was to distract us from the post topic, he is sadly mistaken. We are on the subject of whacking an attempt at belittling Muslims and whacking him is indeed what we are doing.


  18. Lets put it simple. Chinese is the root of evil in this country. Agree or not? Lets fill in the blank
    1. Drug trafficking : who: _______________________
    2. Prostitution ring: who: _______________________
    3. Ah long: who: ______________________________
    4. Organized crime: who: _______________________
    5. Bribing the official: who: ______________________
    6. Massage Parlor: who: ________________________
    7. Gambling (legal and illegal): who: ______________
    8. Smuggling: who: ___________________________
    9. Human trafficking: who: _____________________
    10. Kongsi gelap: who: ________________________
    11. Alcohol and Liquor: who: ___________________
    12. Various business scam: who: _______________
    13. Cetak rompak: who: _______________________

    If you fill up the blank you will know which race top the list. No doubt that there are other races involve, but they are merely small fish who follow the example set by these people.


  19. For naive Malays who think that Hassan Marican is employed becuz of his brains. Think again.
    There are many Chines of Malaysian citizen who were Managing Directos of Shell who are far smarter that Hassan Marican. Why did not Singapore employ them.???
    Answer : Becuz Singapore wants Petronas knowledge and not oil and gas lnowledge.!!!
    Itwith a picture of Altantuya and Najib is not supprising that Malays are employed in Singapore for Spy purposes.
    Defence secrets had been leaked out to France in the Altantuya case. Singapore alsa has these Defence secrets. All they need to do is press Najib’s balls bt thretening to reveal Altantuyas photo with Najib and viola the KTM land and Pulau Batu Puteh belongs to Singapore. There was a report of CIA agents in the AGs department. You think there are no Singapore intelligence in the AGs dept and the Police.
    You Malays in UMNO are soo low in IQ compared to Singapore Chinese.
    Fortunately I am not a Malay but a Melayu.
    Melayus are smarter than Malays. Malays are the “civil servants” or slaves of the British.!!!


    • Ooooooo. laughing like that ha? Now I know you are am immature bloke just out for some cheap publicity. Using this blog to advertise your cheapskate blogs, giving the links and all.

      I agree with the opinion that the kind of arguments you put out in here are not worth for people to even have a peek into your blogs.

      Think some more, stu. As JMD said, astound us with your intelligence. Me? I’m just here to whack the funny sounding comments.

      Heard the 3 kinds of funniness? Funny haha, funny strange, and funny stupid. Yours is the last kind of funny.


  20. Aku cakap orang puteh kamu maseh tak faham.!!!
    Jadi aku cakap Melayu pulak. Korang boleh faham ke.???
    Lihat berapa bodoh dan lemah Melayu/Muslim berbanding dengan Cina Singapore.!!!

    1) Ekonomi Singapore 3 kali lebeh besar dari ekonomi Malaysia.RM3.00 = S$1.00.
    Ini bermaana China Singapore 3 kali lebeh pandai dari Melayu/Muslim Malaysia.

    2) Peralatan perang Singapore 10 kali lebeh besar dari peralatan perang Malaysia yang kapal selam nya tak boleh selam dan pehuang jetnya tak ada engine. Kalu Singapore serang Malaysia, tentu Malaysia teretakluk..
    Jnj bermaana Cina Singapore 10 kali lebeh pandai dan kuat dari Melayu/Muslim Malaysia.

    Apa Stevie Chan kata adalah kebenaran dan nasihat untok Melayu/Muslim, tapi korang ni “in denial” / tak sedar diri.
    Kalau Mewlayu / Muslim maseh tak sedar /”in denial” dan tak nak berubah,,nanti Singapore akan taklukj Malaysia.!!!

    Ini bukan kenyataan racist oleh Pak Yeh tetapi kebenaran.!!!
    UMNO pun sudah ambil Pak Yeh sebagai penasihat bila guna slogan “satu Melayu”(rujuk ,…
    jadi korang dengarlah nasihat orang tua kamu bernama Pak Yeh.


    • heh heh

      Musuh singapore hanya perlu alat pecah cermin mata – sebab askar mereka semua potek belaka, pakai cermin mata tebal

      kalau dah tak nampak apa guna peralatan canggih

      tsk tsk tsk kesian pak yeh rupa rupa nya dia cina menyamar sebagai Melayu

      ish ish ish sedih teramat sangat


    • Pak Yeh,

      You are not answering the questions put to you by various commenters here, both in English and Malay. Looks like you are the bloke tak reti bahasa. Mungkin sebab kamu keras kepala, Cina ultra kiasu DAP menyamar sebagai Melayu, cuba mengelirukan dan melemahkan semangat Melayu dengan berbagai hujah bodoh kamu.

      Jika begitu, kamu perlu diheret ketepi pantai, sebamkan muka kamu ke atas pasir, panggil Anwar sula lubang bontot kamu dengan buluh tajam. Cara zaman Kerajaan Melayu Melaka.


  21. So shallow kind of arguments lah Pak Yeh. Pulak ekonomi Singapore 3 kali lebih baik dari Malaysia, jadi Cina Singapoua 3 kali lebih baik dari Melayu? Pak Long aku tentu kata kat kau, “Kepala hotak engkau.”

    Nih, cuba kau baca ni logik ke tak?

    2 + 2 = 4
    2 x 2 = 4

    Jadi, 2 + 2 = 2 x 2
    Jadi, 3 + 3 = 3 x 3

    Oleh itu, 6 = 9.


  22. Damn the evangelistas for trying to lecture us Malays on Islam. The key word is “trying” – they haven’t succeeded. I have not read any one of them, not in full, if ever. It’s fairly easy to tell the attempted non-Muslim lecture – sometimes even accompanied by Firman Allah SWT they get from translations of the Qur’an, and Hadiths, which they can google. It’s in the arguments they use that betray their mindset, that of kafiruns.

    I switch my my off the moment I feel it’s an attempted lecture and quickly exit that post going to a different blog or comment. Good of Helen Ang to have identified “The popular WWJD – “What would Jesus do?” – phrase, the personal motto for adherents of evangelical Christianity and popularized in America in the 1990s, and to relate it to the attempt by the evangelistas in Malaysia to apply it here by twisting it to the parallel – What would Prophet Muhammad do?.

    There may be the odd 1 or 2 who have sincere intention e.g of bringing about unity in this country, but, they being non-Muslims who are not really conversant with what Prophet Muhammad said or did during his life time, should not attempt at lecturing at Muslims at all. The risk of misquoting or quoting out of context is ever present and a good intention may translate into a misdeed. And I think, overall, those doing so do not have any good intention. Especially in the atmosphere of enmity arising from the kalimah Allah issue in recent times.

    And there are some 1 million pieces of Hadith – sayings, acts or omissions that Muslims are expected to emulate. Bukhari alone collected some 600,000, remembered by heart only 200,000, yet there are hundreds of thousands others collected by others like Muslim, Sayuti etc. So, who is to say what “Hadith” quoted by the evangelicals is accurate or put out sans any intention to mislead, trying to get Muslims to think and act in ways they want.

    Stay clear of such evagelistas, condemn them whenever there is any doubt as to their intention in quoting Hadith etc.


  23. Encik ray dan Azman.
    Jangan belit macam ular sawa..
    Kamu belum pertahan kenapa Malaysia di bodoh urus oleh Malay/UMNO hinng ringgit merudum hingga 1/3 duit Singapore yang dahulunya sama nilai.???
    Malaysia kaya balak,petrolium, tanah,ayer,letrik, timah ladang tapi 3 kali lebeh miskin dari Singapore yang tak ada semua itu.!!!
    Muka Melay macam kena taik ayam berbanding Cina Singapore.!!!
    Usah lah jadi defensive. Ko dah memang kalah di mata seantaro dunia.
    UMNO telah malukan Melayu bila bodoh urus ekonomi Malaysia.!!!


    • Dasyat betul Pak Yeh…hehe…

      sempat lagi buat cheap shot: “Muka Melay macam kena taik ayam berbanding Cina Singapore.!!!”

      Ini memang lagi racist dari Stevie Chan….

      Tak habis habis dengan UMNO…..FYI sebahagian dari org kat sini bukan penyokong UMNO pun including me….so nak buat apa pertahan UMNO? Biak pi lah UMNO yang menjawab…the point being now is about Stevie Chan article…..

      Ada faham?


    • Pak Yeh,

      “Malaysia kaya balak,petrolium, tanah,ayer,letrik, timah ladang tapi 3 kali lebeh miskin dari Singapore yang tak ada semua itu.!!!”

      Nak tahu kenapa? banyak faktor faktornya dan tak semestinya hanya kerana IQ…ramai org yang IQ nya tinggi tapi “ekonominya” tak berapa tinggi…ramai yang kaya tapi tak semestinya mempunyai IQ tinggi….

      Salah satu sebabnya aku rasa sebab ramai pemimpin Malaysia (terutama yang kebelakangan ni) yang otaknya sama macam Pak Yeh. Masing masing Syok sendiri.. ingat dah ada resolusi untuk selamatkan UMMAH…

      Bila bincang sesuatu isu…tak paham pun sebenarnya apa yang dibincangkan..lepas tu melalut merepek pegi tempat lain…..


    • That’s it.

      Pak Yeh is just another political animal yang trying pass himself off as the new “you-can-bash-us-up-because-we-are-actually-stupid-corrupted-Open- Minded-MusLim”, sedangkan he is just another, “Blame-it-all-to-UMNO” guy

      First and foremost, this article here is not about “nilai-ringgit-jatuh” nor it is about “malaysia-kaya-dgn-hasil-bumi-lebih-miskin-dari-singapore-yang tak-ada-apa-apa”

      Ini tentang si Steven putting all the blames pada vices di Malaysia pada org Melayu/Islam di Malaysia..
      tanpa sedikit pun melihat segala maksiat dan jenayah yang di lakukan oleh Org bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam di Malaysia.

      Tahu tak? Rakyat Malysia yang selalu di tangkap di luar negara kerana scamming di luar negara adalah dari bangsa apa??

      P/S :
      Pak yeh,

      Yang pasti nya kami lebih cerdik dari anda.
      kami paham apa isu sebenar yang di bincangkan di sini.


      Its about Si Steven, blaming all the the VICEs in the Malaysia kepada org Melayu?islam


      • Txs Hero Tamil for defending the Malays/ Muslims. And for bashing Pak Yeh the joker.

        I’d like to say more but some personal emails need answering before knocking off for the night.


    • Apparently 2 weeks definitely not enough. He doesn’t know shit about denmark. If he stays another week or so he might end up puking all over his new bride. To ilustrate by way of a counterexample among many, I would just copy paste some remarks made by a swede Muslim about denmark which I found in one forum in the internet. Its about how the West is being hypocritical with regards to the war in syria, and this guy’s ire was specially focussed on denmark. I would just say that this guy would be much more credible vs stevie boy, being a scandinavian and all:

      […] ….but these idiotic Westerner jihadist are flocking like dogs to Syria, specialy from countries like Denmark, the UK, etc. Maybe it’s time to invade the UK, or Denmark, or any European country that can not take controll or full responsibility? These Western jihadist dogs can not just simply fuck off. The entire UK and Denmark is crawling with them. These countries are good for nothing really, all they produce are mass-jihadists and idiots. None of them are Syrians, but bunch of trash from the entire West. Pretty much western trash! I say this as a Swede!…….Do you think that these countries miss the people that leave for Syria? :rotfl: Not just no, but no hell no! They’d probably give them free transportation if they could get away with it! DENMARK is a good example of this.

      Denmark IS GARBAGE. It’s good for nothing really – It’s complete useless. Just take a look on the news here in Scandinavia, everyday we get to hear about how Danish Jihadists pigs are leaving Denmark to fight somewhere else where. Denmark has to be nuked or invaded atleast for its stupidity. Denmark is such a great country at begging the NATO for help. Really, that country can be destroyed in less than a second before it knows it. So why does it keep sending Jihadists? I hope Denmark gets invaded. They don’t care about the people living on the other side of the world. That’s why the Europeans in the European union are hypocritical and stupid. The EU give the jihadists weapons and after 10-minutes, they will be saying “Oh, we might be arming Al-Qaida!” although they knew all along. They’re doing it on purpose.

      And why do people complain about the Russians? They are still atleast ten times better than the Danish – I confirm this as a Swede. Let’s be honest, they could easily destroy Denmark and turn it into a pile of rubble in a second. ::) If Putin wanted Europe destroyed, he could have done so given that the Russians are strong when it comes to military (Infact they’re ranked #3) and soon they are about to come up with a 4++ generation jet fighter which is better than all European Jets. The Russians are intelligent people, even if that idiot Putin keeps them under his religious primitive conservative view. The Russians have makes one of the best anti-aircrafts in the world (The S-300s)

      Russia over DENMARK anyday. Come to think of it, I really hope Russia destroys Denmark. It will only make the world a safer place, atleast for us living in other European countries and outside Europe too, right? No more jihadists jumping from that garbage country. I support a no-fly zone in Demark. Let’s bomb that country already, it’s good for nothing, and it only keeps sending terrorists away….[…]



  24. Hmmm barulah kami faham kenapa tsunami cina berlaku. Rupa rupanya ramai cina saperti pak yeh yang cetek fikiran. Senang kena tipu oleh Lim dynasty.


  25. Pak Yeh

    what are you trying to advocate hear ,Malay / UMNO are not Melayu ,just beacouse you don’t belong to UMNO that made you Melayu.
    If Chinese are more intelligence than Melayu ,means to admit that you are stupid too.
    Intelligence Chinese also can’t understand your twisting .


  26. lufang said:
    If Chinese are more intelligence than Melayu ,means to admit that you are stupid too.

    As a whole,comparing Singapore Chines an Malysian Malays,and comparing the kafir countries to the Muslim countries, yes the Malays/Muslims are all stupid for allowing stupid UMNO politicians to bodohurus/mismanage our economy. Howeve I am a Melayu,so I am not as stupid like Malays. Wahahaha.
    As an individual people who admit their stupidity/mistakes are more intelligent than those who deny their stupidity/mistakes. Why dont you guys do that and try to improve yourselves.
    Apa daa.!!! In denial punya Malays.!!!


    • 1. Lufang – the bloke Pak Yeh is not a Malay. He is a chauvinist, racist non-Malay trying to insult the Malays and the Muslims, intending to lower their self-esteem

      2. When he says, “Howeve I am a Melayu,so I am not as stupid like Malays,” his madness shows – he missed taking his medicine and starts being incoherent, contradictory and nonsensical

      3. He should be taken only for his humour value, good as a butt of jokes. But his statements need to be rebutted as they are deregatory to the Malays and the Muslims. There are times when we have to layan madmen.


    • @ pak yeh,

      In your blog and your posts, you rightly described yourself. The person with the bongsai brains is no other but yourself. I hope this bongsai stuff it is not hardwired in your head. Else, the only adaptable place for you is Tanjung Rambutan.


  27. Pak yeayh.

    you must learn from Anuar very well ,Malay are stupid / Melayu are not stupid ,only the stupid one will agreed with you ,even the stupid Chinese will not believe it.


  28. “The Malaysian Insider has become a centre for malay bashing” –

    When they bash, we bash them back. That’s the only thing to do under the circumstances. We cannot take things lying down, like we had to before the NEP bore fruits when there were not many of us able to counter-argue them meaningfully. Now this post has nearly 100 comments. Meaningful counter-arguments.

    Very sad situation these days. Racial harmony is far from reality. Najib’s 1Malaysia has now been put aside and 1Malay is the new slogan bandied about after the Chinese tsunami. Yet the Government’s kongsi kuasa spirit is still there – the 2 posts allocated to the others have not been taken up. Why should we Malays worry? We have done the right thing on this matter, if they don’t respond appropriately, let it be.

    If the situation gets out of control, I’m counting on the Police and the Army. Before the Bersih 2.0 and 3.0 rallies, the Army said they were ready to assist the Police in maintaining order any time they are asked. I hope it’ll not get to that but bastards like this so-called Pak Yeh sounds like a masquerader with a communist or anarchistic agenda trying to cause friction and a flare up even among the Malays/ Muslims. But there are those – me included – who think he is not a Malay, thereby veering the attempt to cause resentment among the Malays/ Muslims to Chinese-Malay racial sentiments.

    Whichever way, it’s bad for racial harmony. We have to go on preaching harmony but we can take comfort that, if necessary, the Police and the Army can handle any given situation.


    • The Malaysian Insider may be Malay bashing because the mastermind, the so-called Riong Kali, a former Tun Dol’s hatchet man called Kalimullah (whose name Tun Dr Mahathir said sounds like an Indian God Kali and the Muslim God Allah) is not a Malay. I read he wrote somewhere that he tried to get his daughter registered as a Malay in Muar but was disallowed by the Registration Office, much to his chagrin, as he can appear a Constitutional Malay. Naturally, he won’t mind that the Malaysian Insider is anti-Malay.

      Tun Dol is, after all, no longer in power. He was said to have been in contact with the Son-in-Law (capital letters intended) Khairy but the not-so-young young man himself has a strange view of being a Malay – believing himself a liberal Malay, maybe. He has Indian blood by his mother’s side and doesn’t feel strongly Malay.

      The Editor of the MI may also not be a Malay. Like Riong Kali, his name, Jahabar Saddiq, does not sound an ordinary Malay. He was photographed wearing a beret, Taiban-like headgear, and is possibly from the Pakistan tribal areas bordering Afghanistan. He went overboard by publishing a libelous article on ex-MAS boss Tajuddin Ramli, was sued, gigil lutut, published unreserved apologies repeatedly in MI as well the mainstream media.

      Yes, we need to bash those Malay bashing blokes.


      • It is said that in love and war, anything goes. I disagree. In love, got to treat the other party tenderly.

        But with the Opposition goons, going personal etc may be permissable. Especially when they have no qualms of doing the same. Look at what they say of Najib and Rosmah. Fat is almost an automatic adjective for Rosmah in their minds, words and deeds..

        Machiavellian? Well, let’s not go into philosophy. Politics is politics. As the anti-Clinton Americans will say, “Watch my lips ..I did not sleep with that woman Monica.” And indeed he did not. Let’s not go into what he actually did. He’s a lawyer, damn it.

        Pak Yeh, where are you? Did Mat Sabu sleep with Norma or not? And will all Muslims die off to-morrow, corot, barot, or borot, if the PAS fellow did?


    • Txs for the implied compliment on the comments by the others, my friend.

      But like one or two others, I enjoy laughing at the bloke – he’s really comical in many instances, and txs JMD for allowing us to bash him and Stevie Chan, and laugh as well.

      Do join us in the bashing if you can spare the time. .


  29. Pingback: Anak buah J-Star kata Umno umpama “babi yang pakai gincu” | Helen Ang

  30. Pingback: The Malay is Dead, Long Live the Melayu | 書 政 shuzheng

  31. So he blame malay for not taking care of environmental issues here in Malaysia.
    Well, well, well, I wonder who the fuck herding pigs and let all the shit straight to the river?
    Then causes JE deceases and poisoning the water? Malay don’t eat pork neither do Indian?

    Who the fuck owning the factory which thow the waste directly to longkang? Have u ever been to the residental area where it is full with Chinese? Did you notice how bad their longkang and surrounding?

    Have you follow the river up to it sources? Have you notice that the clear water from the sources suddenly become bad quality whenever there is Chinese industry and resident along it’s way from the water sources to the sea? Let’s visit Cameron highland for the sake of proof of what I’m saying.

    Do I need to tell more? Seek for yourself the evidences then answer it for yourself.


Astound us with your intelligence!