Pakatan Rakyat / Socio-economy

The AG Report 2011, as unreported by opposition portals

Update 18 October 2012:

It seems that the Auditor General himself never said such things. Have a read here.


Original article:

The opposition portal, Free Malaysia Today, gave a sterling review of the Pakatan Rakyat’s states by arrogating that the Auditor General had given the states run by Pakatan ‘top marks’.

Although the words ‘top marks’ or its malay equivalent of ‘markah tertinggi’ were never mentioned in the report itself, Free Malaysia Today felt the need to embellish their story in order to satisfy the opposition’s agenda of giving false information to the public.

The fact is, the AG report gave a blanket approval of ‘memuaskan’ in other states as well. But Pakatan Rakyat through all their mouthpieces gave the impression that only the Pakatan states did well.

Although the overall content of this article was somewhat fair by giving an instance of several weaknesses, the title itself is misleading;

AG report: Top marks to Pakatan states

KUALA LUMPUR: The 2011 Auditor-General’s report indicates good fiscal management by all four Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states with revenues improving.

DAP-held Penang led the way in terms of revenue collection, recording a RM192.19 million or 46.8% increase compared with the RM410.70 million made in 2010 while Selangor, Malaysia’s richest state, increased by RM62.50 million or 4% for the same period.

Kedah, on the other hand, saw its surplus drop when it recorded an increase in operating expenditures despite boosting its revenue, but the report noted that the PAS-led state government had more or less maintained a “satisfactory” balance sheet.

But the rice-bowl state, considered as one of the country’s poorest, is still far from achieving its debt target, said the report.

“The state government’s commitment to the remaining public debt now stands at RM2.60 billion compared with RM2.61 billion in 2010; it is still high,” it read, adding that Kedah must do more to improve its revenue collection.

Oil-rich Kelantan, too, was rated satisfactory due to the increase in its consolidated fund by RM86.17 million or 58.1% to RM234.47 million as compared with the RM148.30 million recorded in 2010.

The PAS-conrolled-state also saw investments in 2011 increase by RM95 million from RM16.33 million in 2010 to RM111.33 million in 2011.

The state’s overall financial performance statement, whereby revenue as compared to total management and development expenditures for 2011, recorded an increase from total deficit of RM171.70 million in 2010 to RM141.53 million in 2011.

But the AG report highlighted poor debt management by Kelantan.

“Public debts increased by RM27.85 million from RM1.11 billion in 2010 to RM1.14 billion in 2011. The arrears of debts repayment to the federal government also increased from RM121.57 million in 2010 to RM179.81 million in 2011″.

Meanwhile, the report noted marked improvements in the performance of state agencies with most rated “excellent” compared to 2010, although it recommended Kelantan and Kedah to provide more training for its officers to improve.

Selangor and Penang were praised for their initiatives to bolster their financial management performance.

As the result, Pakatan Rakyat went to town with this poster:

Did the AG really said this? Or was it a spin by Pakatan Rakyat?

Coming from the back of Scorpene debacle where all the opposition organs of Malaysian Insider, Suaram, MalaysiaKini etc were back pedalling and tripping over their own lies about the trial that wasn’t, Pakatan Rakyat are really trying hard to disseminate lies in order to prop up their performance which in actual fact, is lacklustre or average at best.

There are several instances of millions of money have been lost via loss making state agencies and other types of omissions that didn’t appear in any of the opposition websites or in any of their leaders’ blogs such as:


– Projek Penghutanan Semula Di Hutan Simpan Rantau Panjang Dan Hutan Simpan Bukit Tarek

Pengauditan yang dijalankan antara bulan Oktober 2011 hingga Januari 2012 mendapati pada keseluruhannya, sasaran Projek Penghutanan Semula oleh PKPS tidak tercapai sepenuhnya, di mana hanya 66.3% daripada 10,000 hektar kawasan telah dibangunkan dan ditanam semula. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa kelemahan dalam pengurusan projek yang diperhatikan antaranya:

  1. Rancangan lewat disediakan.
  2. Penanaman jenis pokok tidak mengikut kelulusan.
  3. Tanah lewat dipajak.
  4. Pokok lewat ditanam selepas perjanjian ditandatangani.
  5. Tunggakan hutang syarikat pemajak yang belum dikutip.
  6. Pelantikan syarikat pemajak tidak teratur.
  7. Kekurangan pemantauan.


– Pengurusan Skim Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor

Skim Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor (TAWAS) yang diwujudkan pada tahun 2008 merupakan salah satu projek penting dalam agenda Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES). Melalui skim ini, sejumlah RM100 dalam bentuk Sijil Simpanan Tetap (SST) diberi kepada setiap anak kelahiran Selangor. Pada usia 18 tahun, anak ini berpeluang menerima RM1,500 seorang hasil daripada caruman di dalam pelaburan dana ini. Skim TAWAS diuruskan oleh Yayasan Warisan Anak Selangor (YAWAS) iaitu sebuah organisasi yang diperbadankan di bawah Akta Syarikat 1965 dan secara khusus di bawah bidang kuasa Menteri Besar Selangor (Pemerbadanan) [MBI]. YAWAS mula beroperasi pada 5 Februari 2009 dengan dana peruntukan daripada Kerajaan Negeri berjumlah RM13.50 juta. Daripada dana tersebut, sejumlah RM8.50 juta adalah diperuntukkan untuk pemberian SST berjumlah RM100 seorang bagi maksud pembukaan akaun TAWAS peserta manakala baki RM5 juta untuk kos operasi YAWAS. Setakat bulan Disember 2011, sejumlah RM7.82 juta daripada peruntukan dana yang diluluskan telah dibelanjakan. Perbelanjaan ini meliputi perbelanjaan pembukaan akaun TAWAS berjumlah RM2.92 juta dan kos operasi RM4.90 juta. Bagi tempoh kelahiran dari tahun 2008 hingga 2011, sebanyak 60,972 daripada 74,212 permohonan yang layak telah diluluskan. Daripada pendaftaran yang diluluskan, 21,918 akaun ahli TAWAS telah dibuka. Tempoh matang pertama bagi peserta yang didaftarkan adalah pada tahun 2025 iaitu 18 tahun dari tahun pertama Skim TAWAS pada tahun 2008.

Pengauditan yang dijalankan antara bulan September hingga Disember 2011 mendapati sungguhpun sasaran pendaftaran dan kelulusan keahlian Skim TAWAS sehingga akhir tahun 2011 telah dicapai namun terdapat beberapa kelemahan yang perlu diberikan perhatian. Antaranya ialah:

1. Liputan faedah program ini tidak menyeluruh iaitu hanya 19.4% anak kelahiran Selangor telah diluluskan menjadi ahli TAWAS.

2. Aktiviti pelaburan bagi pembiayaan pengurusan skim yang telah dirancang belum dilaksanakan.

3.  Sijil Simpanan Tetap juga lewat dikeluarkan.

4.  Garis panduan atau Standard Operating Procedures YAWAS/Skim TAWAS tidak lengkap.


– Pendidikan Industri YS Sdn. Bhd.

Pengauditan yang dijalankan antara bulan November 2011 hingga Januari 2012 mendapati secara keseluruhannya, prestasi kewangan PIYSB adalah tidak memuaskan kerana mengalami kerugian sebelum cukai, kerugian terkumpul dan jumlah liabiliti PIYSB telah meningkat pada tahun 2010 berbanding tahun 2009. Sungguhpun nisbah bilangan pengajar berbanding pelajar mencapai nisbah yang ditetapkan dan prestasi akademik pelajar adalah memuaskan, namun terdapat beberapa kelemahan aktiviti lain yang perlu ditangani antaranya:

  1. Pengambilan pelajar tidak mencapai sasaran.
  2. Tunggakan yuran meningkat.
  3. Sebahagian kemudahan universiti tidak disenggarakan dengan sempurna.
  4. Aspek tadbir urus korporat seperti Audit Dalam tidak berfungsi, Jawatankuasa Audit Dan Pemeriksaan tidak ditubuhkan, Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan tidak dijalankan, Standard Operating Procedures tidak diluluskan oleh Lembaga Pengarah serta kelemahan dalam pengurusan kewangan.

Pulau Pinang

Penang Global Tourism

Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang (PDC) dalam mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah PDC Bil. 2/2008 telah membuat keputusan untuk mengaktifkan semula DCT Consultancy Services Sdn. Bhd. iaitu sebuah anak syarikat PDC yang dorman dan menukar nama kepada Penang Global Tourism Sdn. Bhd. (PGTSB) bagi mempromosi dan memasarkan aktiviti pelancongan negeri Pulau Pinang. Penubuhan PGTSB juga bagi menggantikan fungsi Majlis Tindakan Pelancongan Negeri (MTPN). Modal yang dibenarkan Syarikat adalah berjumlah RM500,000 dan modal dibayar adalah berjumlah RM100,003 yang keseluruhannya dipegang oleh PDC. PGTSB merupakan sebuah syarikat yang tidak bermotifkan keuntungan di mana keseluruhan pembiayaan kewangan adalah daripada Akaun Amanah Jawatankuasa Induk Industri Pelancongan (JIIP) Negeri Pulau Pinang.

Objektif Syarikat adalah untuk membentuk imej negeri Pulau Pinang menjadi destinasi pelancongan bertaraf antarabangsa. Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh PGTSB adalah program promosi, pengiklanan, pameran perdagangan, penajaan, aktiviti perhubungan awam, menjalankan program penyelidikan dan pembangunan pelancongan serta menganjurkan program dan acara pelancongan negeri.

PGTSB dianggotai oleh 13 orang ahli lembaga pengarah termasuk seorang wakil dari PDC dan dipengerusikan oleh YAB Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang. Pengurusan PGTSB diketuai oleh seorang Pengarah Urusan dan dibantu oleh 9 orang kakitangan.

Pendapatan utama PGTSB adalah bantuan geran daripada Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang melalui Wang Amanah Jawatankuasa Induk Industri Pelancongan. Bantuan geran Syarikat yang diterima pada tahun 2009 adalah berjumlah RM3.47 juta, RM2.75 juta pada tahun 2010 dan RM6 juta pada tahun 2011. Keuntungan PGTSB pada tahun 2009 adalah berjumlah RM0.79 juta dan kerugian berjumlah RM1.88 juta pada tahun 2010. Manakala kerugian terkumpul PGTSB sehingga tahun 2010 adalah berjumlah RM1.09 juta.

Pengauditan yang dijalankan antara bulan Mei dan September 2011 mendapati pada umumnya prestasi kewangan Syarikat adalah tidak memuaskan.

PDC Nusabina Sdn Bhd

Syarikat Nusabina Pulau Pinang Sdn. Bhd. telah ditubuhkan pada 24 September 1980. Nama tersebut ditukar kepada PDC Nusabina Sdn. Bhd. (PDCN) pada 12 Ogos 2004. Syarikat mempunyai modal dibenarkan sebanyak RM5 juta dan modal dibayar adalah berjumlah RM3.05 juta. Daripada keseluruhan modal berbayar tersebut sebanyak 95% saham syarikat dipegang oleh PDC Premier Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (PDCPH) iaitu sebuah syarikat milik penuh Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang dan 5% oleh Syarikat Nusantara Pulau Pinang Sdn. Bhd..

Visi Syarikat adalah untuk membina bangunan-bangunan yang terbaik bagi memenuhi kehendak pelanggan-pelanggan Syarikat. Manakala misi Syarikat adalah untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja pembinaan dan perkhidmatan pengurusan pembinaan yang cekap melalui inovasi dan mempraktikkan pembinaan yang kos efektif agar dapat memastikan produk pembinaan berkualiti tinggi, menyiapkan produk-produk dalam tempoh masa yang telah ditetapkan dan kerja-kerja penyenggaraan yang efisien.

PDCN dianggotai oleh 4 orang ahli lembaga pengarah yang terdiri daripada pegawai PDC dan dipengerusikan oleh Pengurus Besar PDC. Pengurusn PDCN diketuai oleh seorang Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dan dibantu oleh 15 orang kakitangan daripada 5 unit iaitu Unit Pembangunan Perniagaan, Unit Kawalan Keselamatan, Unit Pentadbiran Dan Kewangan, Unit Kualiti/Projek dan Unit Perolehan.

PDCN telah mencatat kerugian bersih bagi tempoh 3 tahun berturut-turut iaitu RM1.79 juta bagi tahun 2008, RM1.69 juta bagi tahun 2009 dan RM288,629 bagi tahun 2010. Sehingga bulan Disember 2010, kerugian terkumpul PDCN adalah berjumlah RM5.16 juta.


I guess they did not really get top marks after all. These are just samples. There are many, many more examples of weaknesses you can read in the report. And I didn’t publish Kedah and Kelantan’s reports too otherwise this article would be quite long.

But as always, there are many Pakatan supporters who will turn a blind eye or justify that the losses are insignificant to them. But these type of people have already been misdirected by the opposition and their portals. Their ignorance and hatred are key to Pakatan Rakyat’s survival.

To them, Pakatan Rakyat is God’s gift.

Thank you.

17 thoughts on “The AG Report 2011, as unreported by opposition portals

  1. Reminds me of that Hanna Barbera cartoon, a conversation between Muttley and his master Dastardly during a race with another team, a two car race. When they were left behind, Muttley said to Dastardly, ” we are last Boss”, “Nope” said Dastardly “We are second” . When they overtook, Muttley laugh…”hahaha they are second now”, Dastardly turned to him with a mischievous look..”Nope..they are last Muttley” hehehe


  2. Well PR should now be renamed PTR – “Pakat Tipu Rakyat”

    The Opposition had published the book ‘Clean Sweep’ on Bersih.

    The 428-page pictorial coffee table book is impressive, with photos of Anwar Ibrahim, Ambiga, Marina, A Samad Said, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh and other supporters of Bersih demonstrators taking to the streets of major cities – from New York to London, Paris to The Prague, Singapore to Tokyo and Sydney to Jakarta.


    • Wonder who will buy that “impressive” and sounding expensive coffee table book. I seriously doubt the busloads that Nik Aziz admitted he gave money to attend the Bersih 3.0 Rally can afford them.

      Maybe the Aussie bloke with a Xylophone sounding name who joined the march would buy some copies. But is it that kind of buggers the book was aimed at?

      Wonder if the glossy, high-class, coffee table magazines like Tatler published by Antah or NS royalty group last time still being published.

      Maybe Anwar and Ambiga published the pictorial book to send abroad as proof to their financiers of their money being spent and now asking for more.

      Quick, legislate laws requiring them to declare any foreign funding they receive from now on.


  3. I like your calling them “The opposition portal, Free Malaysia Today”. Some have unjustifiably called them a news portal. They are not so when they don’t “report news” but twist, spin and slant what they make out of events going on in the country and elsewhere. They are just a blog.

    They were not sued for libel by former MAS Chairman Tajuddin Ramli for nothing. Until they went weak in the knees, shivering, not producing new posts for several days. And later on printing apologies repeatedly in their blog as well as paid a lot of money to advertise their apologies in the mainstream newspapers.


  4. Good of you to put out the other side of the coin, JMD. Opposition spinning and twisting of the Audit Report must be countered as much as possible so that the public is not deceived and misled by them.

    They did it last year when the Auditor General’s Report touched on NFC. They went to town with it, exploiting every weakness, digging every wormhole they could find, until two PKR blokes were brought to court breaking the Banking laws and sued for libel by Shahrizat. RM100 million suit, no small matter.

    If Shahrizat wins – and I’m sure the embattled and bruised woman would fight to the highest court of the land – sure the Rafizi fellow and the PKR Ampang woman would be bankrupts and unable to stand for elections. Unless Anwar Al Juburi can arrange for the Neocons, Jews and Zionists to pay the sums adjudged by the Court. Or pay from his own pocket. He should have the funds if what his former Personal Assistant said is true – that he amassed RM3 billion as Finance Minister.

    Judging from his RM8 mill house in Segambut, RM5 mill house in Bukit Damansara, and several others in other people’s names – including a few in PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali’s name that his sister Ummi Hafilda said exist – what the PA said is believable.


  5. “the AG report highlighted poor debt management by Kelantan.”

    Malaysian Insider tak suka PAS ke? Puji Selangor dan Penang, kondem Kelantan, tak sebut pun Kedah.


  6. Oooo, saya tak sedar Pakatan Rakyat Selangor ada skim kasi duit tunai RM100 dalam bentuk Sijil Simpanan Tetap (SST) diberi kepada setiap anak kelahiran Selangor.

    Habis, apa nak bising bila BN buat serupa nak tolong orang yang susah? Cakap tak serupa bikin ke? Tak semenggah punya maanusia.

    Pulak tu, apasal perbelanjaan pembukaan akaun TAWAS berjumlah RM2.92 juta dan kos operasi RM4.90 juta? Sebenarnya nak kasi mereka yang jalankan operasi makan lebih ke?

    YAWAS dan TAWAS, siapa yang akhirnya TEWAS? Rakyat ke?


  7. Hi could you please email me the full report? Or at least email me the link to the whole report? I want to know the truth bout the Pakatan states. I hv reservations that they are doing well. Thank you.


  8. The rakyat must be made to understand clearly that the Auditor General Department is a full-fledged government department whose purpose is to check, comment and suggest ways to improve the administration of any government in power. It is not an independent body. Certainly not in any way influenced by PR or PKR.

    It is given the powers to do investigations and submit reports and recommendations like private audit firms may be asked to do, sometimes to the extent of doing what is called “due diligence”, meant to identify culprits of wrong doings and what rules and regulations are being flouted.

    Just listen to what the Auditor General said:

    “THE Government is mulling over the possibility of taking civil action against National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) to recover the RM250mil soft loan given to the company, according to the Auditor-General’s report.”

    Of course, Malaysian Insider is the first to exploit it. The above is taken from them. They will be quick to highlight this sort of statements without pointing out that the loan is recoverable, anyway – only a small portion was utilized and could be recovered from the assets of the borrowing company which have been frozen.

    While, as a government department, the Auditor General’s Dept is ultimately responsible to the Prime Minister, it is not restricted to saying only good things but is free to spell out the weaknesses of errant government departments and the agencies under them. They tell the facts as they found them, no frills, no pussy footing.

    But we certainly can do without the twists, spins and slants of the Opposition blogs, party organs and pro-Opposition newspapers. In fact we abhor, censure and condemn them.


    • I wonder how long the Auditor General’s Report would be on a PR Government in Putrajaya – if PR ever reaches Putrajaya. Maybe in many volumes, ha.


  9. Actually it’s a complex of sorts that the Opposition has. Inferiority complex. Unsure of themselves. Unable to show much to the rakyat. Their failed promises, cakap tak serupa bikin and all have been exposed. So, they try to claim all sorts. Others are no good, they snort.

    There’s no limit on the extent they go to. The facts are clear. They tried hard, frantically at times. But not much experience, so much bickering among themselves that the results have been dismal. Tried to save money on garbage collection, for example. From something that’s been going on smoothly under Alam Flora, they terminated that arrangement, called out so many tenders, gave out so many small contracts that many contractors didn’t have the means, even the appropriate garbage trucks, to collect garbage. Ended up in a lot of hoo haa and endless complaints from the rakyat. Until now.

    And how much saving is still not known. Also not known what happens to the many three-quarter-million-Ringgit-per-piece garbage and landfill compactors said to have been bought. With the rakyat’s money. Maintenance, repair costs and all. Looks like penny wise and pound foolish.

    Then the Talamgate debacle. I haven’t read what the Auditor General said about this yet. But I don’t expect it to be glowing. It may glow in the opposite direction. So, to cover all their wrong doings and weaknesses, they’d make all sorts of claims of good deeds. Not enough to cover their so many misdeeds, they’d find every adverse comment the Auditor General makes on the Government administration, twist them and spin them. A pathetic, insecure and complex stricken Pakatan Rakyat.


  10. The rakyat must be made aware that the alternative media is not objective at all. it is an alternating media. it moves from A to B to C and then back to A to B to C to D and so on. or in other words its call spinning a.k.a putar belit.
    is it any wonder why those frequent patrons and consumers of the alternative media are so good at spinning and twisting the facts ?


  11. “I guess they did not really get top marks after all.” That’s an understatement, JMD. You are being polite.

    Pakatan Rakyat cannot be anywhere near top marks. Despite having a Civil Service that has existed before they came into power. That had the experience. That could move even without any direction from the political masters. That happens many times. Example – during general elections, a maximum of 2 months each time.

    In fact, in the Pakatan Rakyat led states, the political masters may have contributed to the situation of low marks. Wanting things done their way. Changing this and that. Trying to be smart Alecs. Wonder what the Auditor General’s comments on the garbage collection system in Selangor is, for example. (No time to read the Report yet).


Astound us with your intelligence!