MUST READ / Pakatan Rakyat

The demise of PAS’ resoluteness

Every Sunday, I will always grab a copy of News Straits Times just to read Shamsul Akmar’s column. In my opinion, his column delivers accurate analysis on current political issues that are plaguing the nation.

Last Sunday, he produced a great piece chastising Karpal Singh, Nik Aziz and the whole gamut of political hypocrisy institutionalised in a loose term we call ‘Pakatan Rakyat’. All in one simple and brief use of facts.

Pasted below is the article in full.


It seems Democratic Action Party chairman Karpal Singh’s favourite word when chastising Malay leaders who cross him is asking them to taubat or to repent.

Insisting that others taubat in the context of the Malay language places the person on a high moral ground. The person on the receiving end is nothing less than a sinner.

If such a demand had come from a respected Muslim it would have been an attempt to salvage a lost soul but from anyone lesser, it would be a tad arrogant if not outright uncouth.

Given that Karpal is not a Muslim and would only allow an Islamic state over his dead body, his demand for the taubat of Malay leaders should be nothing more than a choice of word by a politician seeking maximum impact in the public sphere.

Ironically, his latest demand for taubat from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is over the issue of Pas’ reneging on its struggle to form an Islamic state. Dr Mahathir had commented on the recent Pas elections that the biggest winner in the party polls was Karpal because Pas had decided to drop its pursuit for the formation of the Islamic state that would ensure the implementation of the hudud (Islamic penal code that includes amputation of limbs and stoning to death). The statesman had written that Karpal did not have to die for Pas to walk over his body to realise their Islamic state since Pas has decided to drop it.

Obviously Dr Mahathir’s posting had chagrined Karpal who did not only demand that the former repent but also spewed vitriol that Dr Mahathir is in the twilight of his years and over the hill.

While the same could also be said of Karpal, this is not the first time he had asked a Malay leader to taubat.

In 2009, Karpal had asked for opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to taubat for creating trouble and to stop betraying the people and their trust. He went further to state that the opposition pact needed another leader, a good leader and Anwar had to go.

Whether Anwar has taubat or not, with the knowledge of Karpal or otherwise, it is not on public record.

But Anwar is still the opposition leader and Karpal is still his lawyer. As such, Karpal’s demand for Malay leaders to taubat is probably something that should not be taken too seriously, as in his case with Anwar; it is merely an outburst, out of frustration or maybe a cry for attention. But in the case of his outburst against Dr Mahathir, it should be taken that the former prime minister has touched a raw nerve.

His postings had drawn not only strong reactions from Karpal but also from the staunchest advocate of Islamic state and hudud previously, Pas’ Mursyidul Am (spiritual adviser) Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

Nik Aziz went on to state that Dr Mahathir was the one who opposed Pas’ implementation of the hudud and wrote a letter to the Kelantan state government against it.

Sarcastically, Nik Aziz said, Dr Mahathir and not Karpal signed the letter. The Kelantan menteri besar gave a new twist to the whole issue; accusing Dr Mahathir as being anti-Islam.

Dr Mahathir’s reply to it was consistent: “What I oppose is Pas’ hudud.”

Given the recent development where Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang declared that the Islamic state is not specifically stated in the Quran and that hudud is not a priority, such inconsistencies underscored what Dr Mahathir had been saying. If Pas today says that the Islamic state is not a requirement and hudud is not a priority, then why were they so bent in demanding that the government accede to their implementation then?

If then it was tantamount to be kufur or unIslamic to not pursue or support the hudud and Islamic state, does dropping the struggle for them today not tantamount to the same?

Is Pas today going to admit that its interpretation then on the need to pursue the Islamic state and hudud was flawed? Or is Pas today going to admit that their interpretation of the Islamic state and hudud was flawed?

Whether Pas admits it or not, or comes up with some new religious-sounding justification to their reneging from their earlier pursuits, Pas can be questioned on whether their earlier pursuits are Islamic requirements or otherwise.

If Pas says today that it is not stated in the Quran, then it means that what they had insisted on earlier was a Pas thing.

All this brings to the conclusion that the religious edicts on the need to pursue the Islamic state and hudud by Pas in the past were wrong and misleading.

So which is which? Maybe Karpal can help the Pas leaders. After all, Karpal seems to be an expert on taubat for Malay leaders. But there’s no need for it. After all, Karpal and the Pas leaders are now of one mind.

I have always stated that PAS is never serious in their Islamic Agenda. What you see  about PAS; the kopiahs, the jubahs, the arabic phrases thrown here and there, have always been skin deep.

I find it ironic that Nik Aziz defended Karpal Singh in this matter. We must not forget that Karpal Singh had openly rebuked PAS’ goal for an Islamic state.”Over my dead body” was the famous line uttered by the DAP man.

Nik Aziz, Karpal Singh, Hadi Awang

It came about when PAS, in the effort to win the malay votes had promised to set up Hudud Laws should they become Federal Government. This had irked the DAP and in order to appease their non-Muslims voters, Karpal made that statement.

Nik Aziz and his ilk had always maintained that, failure to implement Islamic laws in Malaysia, will make you un-Islamic and become infidels. The apparent insinuation towards Umno is not lost there. Until this day, PAS deems Umno as un-Islamic and all of its members and supporters are not true Muslims.

Thus when the highest spiritual leader of PAS bent over backwards in defending Karpal, who is not only a non-Muslim but also one who is hostile towards PAS’ goals and objectives, one can safely assume that PAS’ raison d’être was never about Islam or Hudud. It is about attaining political power.

Nik Aziz, in protecting PAS’ belligerent political partner had overtly condemned his nemesis, Tun Mahathir Mohamad stating, illogically that it was Tun Mahathir Mohamad who had opposed PAS’ Hudud laws. Instead of chastising Karpal, he chided Tun Mahathir.

Tun Mahathir did not oppose the Islamic laws, what he opposed was the PAS’ version of the Hudud laws. This can be read in the letter sent to Nik Aziz back in 1994 as produced below:


YAB Tuan Haji Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Mat
Menteri Besar Kelantan

Y.A.B. Tuan Haji,


Rujukan : MB(KN)(S)16/6/(26)
Bertarikh 8 Jun 1994

Pihak kerajaan pusat sentiasa berpandukan kepada kebijaksanaan (al-Hikmah) yang telah ditunjukkan oleh baginda Rasulullah SAW. dan juga para sahabat baginda khususnya al-khulafa ar-Rasyidun dalam melaksanakan ajaran Islam lebih-lebih lagi yang berkaitan dengan hukum-hukum jenayah.

1. Jalan yang diambil oleh Kerajaan Pusat ini adalah juga berpandukan kepada kaedah yang terdapat dalam sistem pemerintahan Islam iaitu “tindakan pemerintahan adalah sentiasa bergantung kapada kepentingan ramai (muslihat umum).” Penguatkuasaan kanun jenayah yang digubal oleh Kerajaan PAS di Kelantan, menurut kajian sehingga setakat ini tidak menampakkan dan tidak menyakinkan pakar-pakar perundangan Islam yang tidak mempunyai sebarang kepentingan politik bahawa ia selari dengan ajaran dan kehendak Islam sebagaimana yang telah diuruskan dengan bijaksana oleh Rasulullah SAW. dan para sahabat.

2. Sepertimana yang Amat Berhormat sendiri sedia ketahui, KEADILAN adalah ASAS yang paling utama ditekankan oleh agama Islam apabila melaksanakan sesuatu perkara. Penekanan mengenai dengan keadilan adalah sangat terserlah dalam ajaran Islam lebih daripada penekanan yang terdapat dalam ajaran-ajaran yang lain dalam sejarah agama. Baginda Rasulullah SAW sewaktu mengembangkan agama Islam ialah usaha menghapuskan ketidakadilan yang menjadi sebahagian daripada budaya di zaman itu.

3. Tidak perlu bagi saya menyatakan disini betapa banyaknya terdapat ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang menegaskan tentang pentingnya keadilan dan lebih banyak bagi ayat-ayat yang mencela sebarang jenis kezaliman. Disamping itu al-Quran juga sentiasa menggesa supaya dielak daripada terjadinya huru-hara dan Allah sendiri sangat tidak gemarkan kapada mereka yang menyebabkan huru-hara berlaku. Kita hanya bertindak balas terhadap sikap permusuhan dan serangan yang dilakukan terhadap kita. Di Malaysia, orang bukan Islam bukan sahaja tidak memusuhi kita tetapi mereka memberi kerjasama bahkan membantu kita dalam urusan-urusan yang bersangkutan dengan kegiatan dan amalan ajaran Islam.

4. Khusus mengenai undang-undang jenayah PAS di Kelantan, kajian awal menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa undang-undang itu yang disediakan menerusi perjuangan sebuah parti politik ternyata bukan sahaja menyebabkan ketidakadilan aakan berlaku tetapi, sebaliknya ia akan membawa kezaliman. Kebenaran kenyataan ini adalah berdasarkan kapada keterangan berikut:

(i) Dakwaan bahawa undang-undang ini akan dikuatkuasakan hanya di kalangan orang Islam sahaja dan tidak digunapakai untuk orang bukan Islam akan menyebabkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman yang ketara berlaku. Memang benar di zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW., orang Yahudi biasa dihukum di bawah undang-undang yang berada di dalam kitab Taurat mereka tetapi kitab Taurat mempunyai hukuman yang tidak berbedza dengan hukum-hukum dalam al Quran. Mereka yang berzina umpamanya, akan dihukum rejam sama seperti hukuman terhadap jenayah yang sama bagi orang Islam. Justru itu tidak ada perbedzaan sama ada penjenayah dihukum di bawah undang-undang Islam atau Undang-undang Yahudi di zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW. Tetapi terdapat perbedzaan yang amat ketara di antara hukuman di bawah undang-undang yang ada sekarang dengan hukuman di bawah undang-undang jenayah yang dicadangkan oleh kerajaan PAS di Kelantan.

Menghukum orang Islam dengan lebih berat tetapi orang bukan Islam dengan amat ringan untuk jenayah yang sama atau jenayah dilakukan bersama amatlah tidak adil dan merupakan satu kezaliman, sedangkan undang-undang PAS akan menyebabkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman berlaku, maka undang-undang PAS tidak boleh diterima sebagai undang-undang Islam atau secucuk dengan undang-undang Islam ataupun selaras dengan ajaran Islam. Ia sebenarnya tertentangan dengan agama Islam.

(ii) Masaalah kesalahan merogol wanita, berdasarkan kapada undang-undang PAS, jika seseorang wanita yang belum kahwin melahirkan anak maka ini adalah bukti ia telah berzina dan akan dihukum mengikut undang-undang PAS, sedangkan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku ialah wanita itu adalah mangsa rogol. Mengikut undang-undang PAS jika ia menuduh perogolnya, tuduhan hanya boleh diterima sah jika terdapat empat orang saksi (yang terdiri daripada orang-orang yang baik, yang tidak melakukan dosa besar) yang menyatakan bahawa telah melihat dengan terang dan jelas bahawa yang dituduh telah merogol wanita berkenaan.

Seperti kita ketahui, melainkan dalam keadaan perang seperti di Bosnia diwaktu mana orang Serb merogol beramai-ramai wanita Bosnia, tidak mungkin jenayah merogol dilakukan di hadapan saksi-saksi yang terdiri daripada orang-orang yang baik. Jika saksi ini melihat dan mereka tidak menolong wanita berkenaan, mereka boleh dianggap sebagai bersubahat seperti penjenayah-penjenayah Serb bersubahat dengan perogol daripada kaum mereka. Jika ada pun saksi, dan mereka tidak membuat apa-apa untuk menolong mereka tidak boleh dianggap sebagai terdiri daripada orang yang baik, tetapi disebaliknya dianggap sudah bersubahat. Dengan itu tuduhan mangsa rogol akan ditolak dan perogol akan terlepas.

Keadaan di mana mangsa rogol dihukum salah kerana melahirkan anak di luar nikah dan perogol dilepaskan sebagai tidak bersalah kerana tidak ada saksi adalah sama sekali tidak boleh diterima oleh sesiapa pun sebagai sesuatu yang adil, bahkan aia adalah satu kezaliman yang dahsyat.

5. Hukum Hudud Islam bertujuan untuk memberi keadilan kapada semua pihak. Ia bukanlah bertujuan untuk melakukan kezaliman. Undang-undang PAS jelas menunjukkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman yang ketara akan berlaku. Justeru itu undang-undang yang disediakan oleh PAS bukanlah undang-undang yang menepati ajaran Islam. Ia hanyalah undang-undang ciptaan PAS yang bertentangan dengan penekanan oleh agama Islam yang menuntut supaya menghukum secara adil dan menolok sebarang kezaliman. Kerajaan Pusat akan sentiasa berpandu dan menerima ajaran-ajaran dan amalan Islam dari semua aspek tanpa diheret oleh kehendak organasasi politik yang mempunyai kepentingan yang lain daripada Islam dan kepentingannya.

6. Jika undang-undang PAS yang jelas mengandungi unsur-unsur ketidakadilan dikuatkuasakan dinegara ini, dan jika ia dikatakan itulah Hukum Hudud Islam maka umat Islam dan juga anggota masyarakat bukan Islam akan hilang kepercayaan Islam membawa keadilan untuk penganutnya. Ia juga memberi gambaran yang buruk terhadap agama yang suci ini dan menjejaskan imej orang-orang Islam di kalangan penganut agama-agama yang lain. Ia tetap akan menyebabkan penganut agama lain menjauhkan diri daripada agama Islam dan menyebabkan orang yang berminat memeluk Islam menolaknya.

7. Kerajaan Pusat tidak berhajat untuk bersubahat dengan PAS bagi melaksanakan ketidakadilan semata-mata untuk kepentingan politik dan sokongan oleh orang yang telah diabui matanya. Kerajaan Malaysia yang sentiasa dan terus mempertahankan ajaran dan nilai-nilai Islam tidak dapat membenarkan Kerajaan Pas menjalankan sesuatu yang bercangah dengan prinsip keadilan dalam Islam, maka Kerajaan Pusat akan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya terhadapKerajaan PAS demi menjaga maruah dan ketinggian martabat Islam dan penganut-penganutnya.

15 Julai 1994

There is a term where people can change their principles just to suit their objectives. Do you know what it is? PAS had always told its audience that the party is not about protecting Malay rights. The philosophy of politics by race is shunned by PAS. In doing so, they had actually labeled any effort to uplift the standard of living via racial identification as ‘assabiyah‘.

For them, this is against the teachings of their version of Islam. For them, Islam should be the number one cause in any of your political struggle.

But only recently PAS had made resolutions to protect Malay rights and championing the Malay cause. In other words, they are becoming more like Umno.

Gone were the struggle to have an Islamic state . It has been diluted into ‘Welfare State’.

Best friends forever

All in the name to appease your partners and not losing the non-muslim votes. All in the name of attaining power.

To further confuse its supporters, PAS is saying that they had to retreat into this style of politics so that they can easily achieve power as the Federal Government. Once this is achieved, only then they will implement the Islamic state manifesto.

This sort of trickery is not only unfair to their non-muslim voters, it is also malicious on the fact that Islam do not teach its leaders to be deceitful. Just like how Tun Mahathir reprimanded PAS on the unjust approach of its Hudud laws, this abuse of justice in the name of religion  has been the modus operandi of PAS all these years.

Recently, PAS’ President, Hadi Awang lambasted Anwar Ibrahim’s sex video saying that in any sexual allegations to be brought forward, Islam requires 4 witnesses.

To me it is simple. If he wants 4 witnesses, then thousands upon thousands of people who had seen the video are deemed as witnesses. I am sure CCTV can be used as evidence. Unless of course, Hadi Awang wants the impossible. Whereby any sexual acts will automatically have witnesses standing by.

This merely the case of political survival. If a wrong has been committed, then PAS must condemn it. What Hadi Awang should have said in order to protect PAS’ integrity and Islamic credentials was to leave the matter to the authorities to investigate and opt for a wait and see attitude. After all, Islam do not condone punishment before any investigation has been made. Nor should it absolve anything prematurely.

Not only had PAS abused justice in the name of religion, now they are abusing religion in the name of power. I find it hard to believe that PAS, where the name itself signifies an Islamic party, would actually be so unIslamic in its effort to attain power.

Who would believe that PAS, who is fighting so strongly in the name of Islam could be so irresolute when it comes to a fleeting, temporary, worldly thing we call ‘politics’?

34 thoughts on “The demise of PAS’ resoluteness

  1. Salam Bro,

    Its obvious all these time PAS uses religion to pursue its poltical agenda. Yeah its true PAS is morphing into UMNO and DAP morphing into MCA…PKR, well its morphing into DSAI.

    Perversely, PAS and DAP is not a marriage of convenience. It is strategically potent. Each has their rabid support, Malays for PAS and the Chinese to DAP. When one condemns the other, they get stronger, by nature of their racial base. And when they complement each other, the supporters buy the ‘unity’ show. Perverse, no?

    Opposites do attract.

    Best regards always


    • I have only this to say:

      To please the DAP crowd, PAS even dropped their Negara Islam target. What else are they prepared to drop?

      Can they be trusted to protect the rights and interests of the Malays and Islam that they claim to represent, even protect and promote their own party interests and, more importantly, the interests of the nation, Malaysia?

      I don’t think so.


    • For the life of me, I can’t understand – more accurately, I can’t accept the fact – why PAS went to the extent of shedding their Negara Islam target.

      Yeah, yeah “time not right to pursue now”, want negara berkebajikan, blah blah. But doesn’t that show they are a party prepared to abandon a long-declared party objective merely for political convenience? Doesn’t it mean kowtowing to DAP whose leaders Lim Kit Siang said “Never” and Karpal Singh shouted “Over my dead body” to Hukum Hudud?

      I know this Kit Siang and Karpal thing has been beaten up like a lame horse, but lame or not, PAS new leadership is to blame for showing they have been tamed into shame.

      PAS must be so desperate in wanting to taste Putrajaya, want to hitch a ride in the Anwar-driven bus, not realizing the prospect of him being driven to Sungai Buluh in a Prison bus after Sodomy II trial, and that Lim Kit Siang will then be at the helm. Don’t they realize what sort of bloke LKS has been and will continue to be for the rest of his life? Anwar said LKS is the DPM candidate, without mentioning what important post for PAS, and LKS just proudly acknowledged that “appointment”, also without suggesting anything for PAS. Don’t those tell them the kind of future they have with PKR and DAP?

      I’m perplexed as to the thinking of the so-called Erdogans, those referred to as the professional group in PAS. Are they Engineers, Surveyors and the likes who merely see figures and equations, not quite the overall political picture, the end result of their actions?


      • Perplexed,
        Is it so difficult to understand why PAS went to the extent of shedding their Negara Islam target. Over time they realised it is not easy to implement Islamic law–especially the hudud law. Since they are a member of Pakatan Rakyat, hence the change of strategy. What ever it is they are a god fearing and non scandalous party. They feel the negara kebajikan slogan will be more appealing to all the rakyat–irrespective of race and religion.
        More of the non Malays have received Pas with open arms–they know Pas is 100 times better than the highly corrupted and scandalous Umno.
        As for your comment “PAS must be so desperate in wanting to taste Putrajaya, want to hitch a ride in the Anwar-driven bus, not realizing the prospect of him being driven to Sungai Buluh in a Prison bus after Sodomy II trial” it is a foregone conclusion that the corrupted Umno want to see Anwar jailed like in 1998. They know if Anwar is left a free man, than Umno and BN will be dumped into the dustbin. They know it was Anwar who created the 2008 tsunami. And what a coincident that the sodomy2 came up just before he wanted to contest in Permatang Pauh. Then just before PRN Sarawak the sex video scandal erupted. You all think we are bladdy fools to accept your blady conspiracies. The
        whole world knows the Altantuya killer Najib is the conspirator who invented all these scandals to survive politically. But anyway, he will know his fate once the case commences in France–he swore on the Al-Quran that he doesnt know Altantuya–it will expose that he is the biggest liar who can use the quran to lie to the whole world.
        If Anwar is imprisoned and PR comes to power, then DAP and PKR will magnanimously appoint Dato Sri Hadi Awang as the PM of Malaysia


        • fairplay,

          Shallow. Very shallow interpretation of the situation.

          You don’t get it, do you? It is not a matter of realizing the difficulty in implementing Islamic law/ Hukum Hudud. It’s the extent they went – even be seen as kow tow-ing to DAP and appearing being dragged by the nose in the face of Lim Kit Siang’s “Never” and Karpal Singh’s “Over my dead body” to Hukum Hudud. They dropped the Negara Islam/ Hukum Hudud thing out of the blue and like a bomb at the Muktamar, no indication of such a plan to their own supporters who have been hoping for those for many years.

          No “trial balloon”, no “testing the market”, no discussion or tossing the idea among members, many of whom must have been shocked to read the decision made at the Muktamar. It only showed the kind of democracy, if any, in PAS. As it was, the leadership appeared to have just rammed the proposal to drop Negara Islam down the throat of the delegates to the convention and to the members nation wide. No time was given for the “reluctant delegates” to organize resistance to the proposal. It became a fait accompli.

          Hahaha, “god fearing and non scandalous party”?. Where have you been mate? haven’t you heard of PAS Deputy President Mat Sabu caught with a woman in a room (khalwat) in Hotel Perdana? The greater scandal was that, being an acclaimed religious party, ruling an acclaimed “Islamic state”, the Kelantan religious authorities just wished the case away.

          And in that connection, haven’t you heard the Kelantan Menteri Besar, Nik Aziz, assuming higher powers than the Majlis Fatwa Negara (the highest religious authority which advises the YDP Agong on Islamic matters) on kafir mengkafir (declaration of infidelism)? Some people even suggested that Nik Aziz has a special line to God – he can provide Godly redemption to sinners – he has been quoted as saying “Sudah ampun doh (the fellow has been pardoned of his sin)”.

          “More of the non Malays have received Pas with open arms”? Well, what d’ya know! Last I checked it’s not so, mate. You are biased aren’t ya? Especially when you said “they know Pas is 100 times better than the highly corrupted and scandalous Umno.” But that’s a subject for another occasion, man, as I don’t wish to be seen as hogging JMD’s comment space here.

          Of course “Umno want to see Anwar jailed like in 1998.” But you are wrong saying it was Anwar who created the 2008 tsunami. It was Tun Dol who did it. So many people voted the Opposition not for the love of Anwar, Lim Kit Siang etc but as protest votes against Tun Dol. Yes we think you all “are bladdy fools” when you said it the way you did.

          And who told you “If Anwar is imprisoned and PR comes to power, then DAP and PKR will magnanimously appoint Dato Sri Hadi Awang as the PM”? Didn’t you read Anwar announcing Lim Kit Siang as DPM candidate? Seriously, where have you been?


    • Freddie,

      I know you said “perversely”, but want to argue out your statements in the second para – to highlight it, lah. Also to ensure no one mistakes your meaning, as I myself was not sure of the word until I checked the dictionary, hardly using it in the past.

      PAS and DAP are not only a marriage of convenience, it’s a marriage of people with differing long-term objectives, one wanting Hukum Hudud and the other detesting it. But more importantly, it’s a marriage between unequal partners because one seems to lord over the other – DAP says no Hudud, PAS drops Negara Islam which envisages Hukum Hudud, though only for the time being, they said somewhere.

      Rabid is the right word for their supporters, and sometimes they bark at the wrong tree like in the so-called Bersih thing, bite at the Police who refuse to give them a permit for a rally to avoid a disturbance of the peace that the rally is expected to lead to. More importantly in this respect is the adoption of the gangster tactic that DAP has been used to – trying to ignore Police warnings etc. And the subversive tactic of bringing in communist literature as found by the Penang Police several days ago and by the Petaling Jaya Police two days ago.

      But ignore they’ll do no more. As the IGP has said at his press conference at Bukit Aman yesterday that they would use all available laws to deal with the nasty fellows – the Police Act, the Penal Code, the Sedition Act, the Internal Security Act etc. And, more importantly here is that the PM has said yesterday, as reported in thestaronline, “The Government will leave it to the police to consider measures, including imposing Emergency, to ensure public order is not jeopardised by the planned July 9 illegal rally.” Note the words “including imposing Emergency”.

      Sorry for the “more importantly” here and there, Freddie – I can assure you it’s not an attempt at one-upmanship! It’s just highlighting some points lah!


  2. Hear! Hear! I asked a PAS supporter regarding the about-turn. His reply was it is merely a muslihat in their strategy to overcome the enemies namely UMNO & DAP. I asked him ‘was this really discussed?’. He said not openly but it was implied. OMG!!!


    • Actually, without him realising it, he has gotten it spot on with the `muslihat’ word for this is what PAS is! It’s not about or for Islam: EVERYTHING is just a muslihat… Hudud, Negara Islam and whetever else lofty matters that PAS purports to fight for.

      This supporter is yet another one of the typical zealots who have succeeded in manipulating even themselves. They will NEVER acknowledge or admit any wrongs or faults of the party: there is always a justification, excuse or convoluted `explanation’ for these.

      Previously, they had harped on PAS “being led by ulamaks…unlike Umno”. But even with Mat Sabu’s elevation as deputy president, they have “an explanation”… that “the president is an ulamak” (and conveniently ignoring the fact that two ulamaks who had competed had lost). What if Mat Sabu were to become the president? Don’t worry, they’ll justify it as: “Walau pun dia bukan ulamak, namun Mat Sabu ni BERJIWA ulamak” Heck, they’ll also say that even if Karpal Singh becomes PAS president! HAHA!


  3. i’ve said the same the thing (more or less) to some of pas’s supporters but ignored as if a bunch of mindless zombie. pity them..


  4. A real gud piece of read,..heheh,..a very enlightening article fer d hard core supporters of truth, hopefully more ppl will realized d politics of PAS/PKR and DAP..its all about power & wat will happen wen dey r in power we all know by jst looking at d state of affairs fer d state dey rule now,..hampaeh..sedar lah wahai anak2 Melayu,..perbetulkanlah UMNO bkn menukar dan cuba yg baru,..heheh,..apo nak dikato,..(,”)


  5. In my opinion, pas is modernising, re-branding and making itself more relevant for the masses.
    If pas is turning more and more like umno, it is due to voters demand. but i think, this is misleading.
    In order to survive, whether the entity is a political party or business, or a country, it has to evolve, or perish.UMNO and its supporters does not understand this simple logic. It is beyond their mental capability.


    • You are extremely correct here about PAS re-branding. From the lofty “Islam/Islamic State/Hudud”, it is now “Negara Kebajikan”. Previously, it had successfully manipulated many Malays with its manipulation and abuse of Islam… and it has all those state and federal seats to show. It’s now time for PAS to modernise: why stop at manipulating only Malays when there are all those delicious non-Malay voters to also deceive and make use of?


    • tempawan,

      If only you comment in this tone always, I’d be a happy man. Your views may be agreeable or disagreeable, but no problem at all in reading them.

      Well done, mate.


  6. JMD, thank you for this very good piece. I just came back from Umrah last week. It was my trip to the holy cities of Mekah and Madinah, and what a visit it was. It opened up my mind about Islam and made me more confident on being a muslim. What caught my attention though was the varieties of Islam in this world. The people that I interacted in Mekah and Madinah performed their their prayers with slight variation. When they tawaf, the subscribe to diff rile, albeit slightly. Same thing during saie. Also how they dress during prayers….and many more. BUT, all of them, and me accepted that we are all muslim. No ambiquity here.
    Now….we have people here in Malaysia that call some other muslim kafir just because of their political differences? Amazing.


  7. Obviously they are using each other. PAS says we will convert DAP into good muslims. DAP says we will convert PAS into secular Malays meaning less Islamic. PKR says they will converge on both Muslim and chinese vehicles to arrive at putrajaya via the numbers, on sep 16 of year (whenever).


    • “Convert”, they say? Up to now, it’s DAP converting PAS. PAS even dropped the Negara Islam thing and, by that, Hukum Hudud that Kit Siang arrogantly said “Never” and Karpal harshly said “Over my dead body” to.

      And the PKR bloke couldn’t care a damn about PAS Muktamar, choosing to be in Hong Kong, looking high and mighty having declared Lim Kit Siang a DPM canndidate, not mentioning any important post for PAS if they ever get to Putrajaya. And yet PAS continued to defend him at the Muktamar. What skewed political thinking and terrible greed for power.

      This is the kind hoping to take over from UMNO and BN which have been ruling for 53 years with more pluses than minuses, compared to PAS, DAP and PR which have not been free from all the accusations they made in the shorter period of time they rule in a few states. A huge risk for our future if they are given votes, folks.


    • Ray,
      You forgot the Indians.
      Let’s not do a Hannah and avoid the Indians.
      I thought PKR was doing the Indfian thingy.


  8. PAS is a GREAT political party. Really. Many people don’t realise how flexible and agile it is, including its supporters. And neither do most of its leaders too, believe it or not!

    How flexible is it? Well, it can easily turn to become ANYTHING with just a few deft touches… to anything that will help to retain supporters and financiers, big and small (hey, a RM10 `derma’ isn’t to be sneezed at… when multiplied by a million dermawans!) Its biggest `modal’ is Islam, of course. Or, to be more precise, “the hijacking, misuse and abuse of Islam”. And Hudud was PAS’ “main breadwinner”: spinning and twisting an issue which helped to maintain and sustain the party for a few DECADES. Over the years, it became clear that PAS-the-party (not to be mistaken with “PAS supporters”) wasn’t really sincere in fighting for it, as this post and Shamsul Akmar’s article show.

    So now it’s “Negara Kebajikan”: PAS has been very successful with many Malays in the past. But now they want to move into the big time. To do that, they must expand their market. They must gain the support of more suckers: the non-Malays.


  9. Wait a minute – Has PAS morphed itself into Abuya’s ARQAM? Isnt Al-Arqam’s tenets are all about ‘kebajikan’ esp.for their menfolks? Wow….wow..!!


    • Hahaha, I like that one, Cucu Tok mahmud. “kebajikan’ esp.for their menfolks”!

      They have started such “kebajikan”, mate. The Kelantan Government has announced plans to give incentives to the menfolk to take an additional wife. Offering RM100, hahaha. Seriously, it’s out in the papers.

      Only condition is that they must “inform” the first wife. I didn’t see the word “consent” in the reports I read so far. How lucky the Kelantan menfolk!!!!!

      I suppose the next incentive will be that if the husbands are too scared to face the first wife, the Kelantan Government will do the job for them. They’ll recruit more Religious Officers who’ll do that job rather than catch khalwat blokes like PAS Deputy President Mat Sabu who was caught with a woman in a Hotel Perdana room some time back.

      Like that wanting to be in Putrajaya ka? Where got one. Kennot la.


  10. Sorry, brader, that word “resoluteness” does not exist in PAS vocabulary. Not now under the so-called Erdogans’ influence. Who some say are not Erdogan but Ataturk. Who are held by the nose by the highly unprincipled, immoral and often-wrongly-coupled Anwarul Jalan Belakang.

    The catchwords now are “convenience” and “political expediency”. Who the hell cares about principle, resoluteness and so on, said they. Sodok sana, sodok sini, korek sana, korek sini, campak Negara Islam sana, pungut Kebajikan sini – much more convenient to do these than get scolded “Never” and “Over my dead body” to their Hukujm Hudud.

    PAS must show being closer to DAP. After all, Anwarul has declared Lim Kit Siang as DPM candidate. Anwarul won’t be around Putrajaya but in Sungai Buluh residency when Sodomy II is completed. So Lim Kitty Siang will be PM if they ever hit Putrajaya. It’s therefore convenient to sebantal with DAP than with Anwar, who after all, is dangerous to sebantal with, considering his Sodomy I and II shit.

    Stop them, folks. It’ll be damn smelly if they ever get to Putrajaya.


  11. When PAS took over Terengganu sometime in 1999 (?), I met a relative of mine who was a ‘believer’ of PAS. It must be called a ‘believer’ since people who support them can only do so purely on faith and all reasoning abandoned. He said “now gian kita”. A literal translation would lose its real meaning. “Gian kita” is more like “habuan kita”. The sentence meant something like, we have been waiting for this for too long and now it is our turn to plunder…..!!!! A PAS believer does not act alone; it is always a herd. We have always known that they use religion really only for personal gain. Otherwise how could one explain, sometime in the 70s when the late Tun Abdul Razak made that historic visit to China, PAS printed a photo with Tun being feted with a suckling pig!!! Yes PAS is like that since the dawn of time. But afraid not. Times have changed. Those masjids that are run very well, function as they are supposed to, are mostly run by imams who do not wish to be associated with PAS. I am muslim but by god, I would almost always “wretched” (near vomit) whenever I had to enter a masjid or surau in Kelantan. They are filthy. And there are many simple kampung folks who have been asking if Anuar is right or Tok Guru is right, how come they continue to be in difficulties and yet the disasters that PAS have been asking God to bring on UMNO do not seem to be forthcoming. Therefore PAS is like communism, it is a political party with unnatural system; one that goes against human nature. When facts are more widely known and perhaps some hardships have befallen the people, reasons will return and PAS will die away or morphed into something like what happened to communism in China. MY POINT IS HOW DID THE COUNTRY DEAL WITH COMMUNISM? THAT IS HOW WE SHOULD DEAL WITH PAS. It really not that scary.


  12. Just proves that PAS is truly a POLITICAL party!

    Wouldn’t PAS’s morphing into UMNO be a good thing, after all UMNO is the numero uno and best political party in Malaysia all these years. That would just help with the Malay unity thing that’s been discussed in recent years.


  13. Agree with you, msleepyhead.

    I like to think that now it’d be easier to MCA and Gerakan if PAS were to work together on whatever basis with UMNO and the BN – PAS has discarded the Negara Islam objective.


  14. Why are you idiots so scared of a moderate pas and DAP? It shows really. The panic is so obvious. You are nothing but a bunch of dumb f***s who continue to get used…. Because u are too stupid to realize it.


    • Your choice of a name always baffled me. Have you heard the expression living up to your name?

      Who says PAS and DAP are moderates? They have always been known as extremists. Religious extremists wanting to have Hukum Hudud in a multi-racial country. Racist extremists not respecting the sensitive aspects of the Constitution regarding Islam, Bahasa Malaysia, the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak, etc.

      PAS dropping their long-held belief in Negara Islam does not mean they are not extremists. They are extreme in the extent they are prepared to go to get votes. DAP co-operating with PAS does not negate their extremist tendencies. Look at their election campaign posturing at PRN Sarawak.

      What “panic” are you talking about? You just accuse without justifying what you say. Isn’t that living to your chosen name of Idiot?

      And why are you coming out with expletives and rude words? Are you an idiot as well as a bastard? You see, Mister Idiot, one bad deed begets another, comprende?.


  15. What “assabiyah” is PAS talking about? What Century AD are they living in? Are they blind to the disparity among the races that has been the latent cause of the race riots of 13 May 1969? That the disparity is still there today and expressed in so many newspaper articles, reports, blog posts and comments?

    Are they so backward educationally that they didn’t notice that the Malays had only about 1% wealth in 1970 when the New Economic Policy was promulgated? And Malays in the professional field were less than 5% then. And now the Malays have only 18% corporate wealth at the last count. Not counting other forms of wealth. And Malays are still lagging far behind in the professional field. If they are so backward, why are they not supporting the need to uplift the standard of living and educational opportunities of the Malays via scholarships and places at universities, etc?

    Are they like the Arabs in Palestine and elsewhere. Tall in rhetoric but short on realities. Do they want to fight their own kind like between the PLO and Hamas? Exploited, humiliated and dissipated by the Zionist Jews? As represented by the DAP in Malaysia. To the extent of dropping their Negara Islam in the face of the harsh, arrogant and humiliating shouts of “Never” and “Over my dead body” to their Hukum Hudud. Woe betide the Malay race and the Islamic community in this country.

    We need to bring these people to their senses. One way is to keep on talking about them, exhorting them, advising them and their followers. Like the DAP, the hardcore PAS members may not be persuaded. Our hope is on the others who may have seen in the dropping of the Negara Islam as clear proof of the too political minded, vote hungry and Putrajaya crazy the new PAS leadership has become. Let’s keep on talking to them. Here and elsewhere.


Astound us with your intelligence!