Malay issues / Pakatan Rakyat

Nik Aziz dan kesinambungan kuasa politiknya

Kadang-kala buah fikiran Mursyidul Am Pas Nik Aziz amat mengelirukan umat Islam di Malaysia.

Paling tidak, ianya mengundang persoalan samada Nik Aziz berucap bagi pihak dan agenda umat Islam di sini, ataupun berucap demi untuk kepentingan politik beliau.

Sebulan yang lalu, Lee Kuan Yew melancarkan bukunya yang bertajuk, “Lee Kuan Yew: Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going”.

Salah satu ‘hard truth’ yang dibincangkan oleh bekas Perdana Menteri Singapura (yang secara tersiratnya masih berkuasa) adalah supaya umat Islam di Singapura  “tidak terlalu berpegang pada ajaran Islam bagi membantu proses integrasi dan pembangunan negara tersebut”.

Oleh kerana penulis belum membaca buku tersebut, tidak pasti bentuk  dan ajaran Islam yang mana satu Lee Kuan Yew pertikaikan yang boleh menghalang proses integrasi dan pembangunan Singapura.

Namun, banyak pihak yang merasakan bahawa Lee Kuan Yew telah menyelar dan menuduh agama Islam sebagai penghalang kepada keharmonian dan kemakmuran negara Singapura. Tidak ada yang lebih pedih untuk umat Islam jika agamanya dikatakan mengundang pelbagai masalah.

Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS, Nasarudin Hassan sendiri mengutuk keras Lee Kuan Yew dengan “menyifatkan tuduhan Kuan Yew bahawa Islam menjadi penghalang kepada integrasi dan pembangunan di Singapura tidak ubah seperti musuh yang melihat Islam dengan api dendam serta permusuhan berpanjangan”.

Diikuti pula oleh Setiausaha Agung Persatuan Ulama Malaysia (UM), Dr. Mohd. Roslan Mohd. Noor yang berkata, “kenyataan tersebut memperlihatkan bekas Perdana Menteri Singapura itu mempunyai sifat Islamofobia dan cuba mengajar orang Islam tentang agama mereka”.

Ini merupakan pandangan semulajadi dari pihak yang merasakan bahawa maruah Islam dan penganutnya tercabar oleh mereka yang tidak tahu menahu dengan ajaran dan cara hidup orang Islam secara amnya.

Walaubagaimanapun, Nik Aziz mengambil jalan yang berlawanan dengan pemikiran Islam kontemporari apabila beliau, tanpa provokasi oleh mana-mana pihak telah bukan sahaja  tidak mempertikaikan kenyataan Lee Kuan Yew malah telah memperlecehkan umat Islam di Malaysia dengan berkata sesetengah dari kita bangsa Melayu di sini telah menolak Islam dan mengambil perjuangan kebangsaan sebagai ganti kepada agama.

Beliau berkata : “Orang Melayu sini pun tolak Islam, tolak Islam ambil kebangsaan lebih teruk daripada Kuan Yew. Beliau cakap jangan pegang (Islam) kuat sangat, orang ini kata buang semua ambil kebangsaan, lebih teruk daripada Kuan Yew”.

Nik Aziz sebenarnya secara sinis menempelak Umno yang sememangnya mempunyai sejarah memperjuangkan semangat nasionalisme pada awal usianya dulu.

Dan secara tidak langsungnya menuduh bahawa Umno itu sudah keluar dari Islam dan menjadi kafir.

Penulis agak terkilan kerana Nik Aziz tergamak memperkatakan begitu dan memperlecehkan pencapaian umat Melayu Islam di negara ini.

Adakah hina sangat penganut dan perkembangan agama Islam di negara Malaysia berbanding perkembangan agama Islam di Singapura? Adakah jasa Lee Kuan Yew ke atas perkembangan syiar Islam di Singapura lebih besar dari jasa para pemimpin negara ini dari merdeka hingga sekarang?

Nik Aziz lupa adakah terdapat guru guru agama atau ustaz ustaz yang menjadi ahli politik di Singapura? Adakah seorang yang bernama Nik Aziz boleh diiktiraf menjadi menteri di Singapura?

Oleh kerana sistem sosio-politik dan Perlembagaan berteraskan dan menitik beratkan Islam lah yang membolehkan agama Islam berkembang dengan hebat di Malaysia.

Teguran Nik Aziz yang tidak kena tempat telah menyebabkan bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia (yang tersiratnya tidak mempunyai kuasa lagi) memberi hujah balas di halaman blog beliau.

Antara isi kandungannya berbunyi:

Kata Nik Aziz, “Melayu (di Malaysia) tolak Islam lebih teruk daripada Kwan Yew”. Ternampak Nik Aziz lebih utamakan peluang untuk memburuk musuh politiknya di Malaysia daripada mempertahankan serangan terhadap Islam dan penganutnya oleh Lee Kwan Yew. Nik Aziz anggap nasionalis Melayu lebih teruk ke-Islaman mereka.

Sebaliknya apakah yang dilakukan oleh PAS dan Nik Aziz? Hasil yang terbesar ialah memecahbelahkan orang Islam di negara ini. Penubuhan PAS itu sendiri berjaya memecahbelahkan orang Melayu Islam setelah mereka bersatu dalam UMNO untuk memperjuangkan nasib bangsa yang beragama Islam.

Inilah sumbangan Nik Aziz kepada Islam di Malaysia ini. Bahawa satu dari ajaran Islam yang penting ialah orang Islam itu bersaudara tidak dihirau oleh Nik Aziz.

Sesungguhnya Islam Nik Aziz lebih teruk dari Islam nasionalis. Beliau rela mempertahankan Lee Kuan Yew dengan menganggap cadangan Lee Kuan Yew supaya orang Islam Singapura tidak terlalu kuat berpegang kepada ajaran Islam adalah tidak seburuk dari Islam nasionalis Melayu.

Cadangan Lee Kuan Yew ini dianggap oleh Nik Aziz sebagai lebih baik dari segala-gala yang dilakukan oleh nasionalis Melayu di Malaysia. Bayangkan sahaja Islam di bawah pemerintahan Nik Aziz dengan Karpal, Kit Siang, Guan Eng. Jika pendapat rakan bukan Islam Nik Aziz menuntut supaya amalan ajaran Islam dilonggarkan, Nik Aziz mungkin bersetuju kerana Islam nasionalis lebih teruk daripada Lee Kuan Yew.

Pelik sekali bagi kita untuk mendalami isi fikiran Nik Aziz setelah membaca huraian ringkas dari Tun Mahathir. Adakah tidak ada semangat persaudaraan sesama Islam apabila berdepan dengan mereka yang memperkecilkan akidah Islam itu sendiri?

Perkara ini dikeruhkan lagi oleh jawaban balas Nik Aziz ke atas tulisan Tun Mahathir di atas. Bukan sahaja beliau tidak memperbetulkan Lee Kuan Yew, beliau cuba menegakkan benang basah dengan mengungkit perkara-perkara yang tidak berbangkit.

Perkara pokok yang sepatutnya dihuraikan oleh beliau ialah  mengapa beliau menganggap agama Islam di bawah pemerintahan Lee Kuan Yew lebih elok dari nasib agama Islam di Malaysia?

Bukankah perkara ini yang menjadi persoalannya? Nik Aziz kena menjawab mengapa beliau boleh berkata begitu. Ini juga menjadi asas kepada tanggapan Tun Mahathir bahawa Nik Aziz berkata begitu semata-mata demi memburukkan musuh politik beliau yakni orang Melayu Umno yang beragama Islam. Nik Aziz mesti menjawab persoalan begini.

Tetapi malangnya, beliau bukan sahaja tidak menjawabnya malah seluruh initipati jawaban balas Nik Aziz tersasar jauh dari menjawab persoalan pokok di atas.

Antara isi kandungannya:

Pertama saya ingin nyatakan kepada Tun Mahathir bahawa asas Islam tidak sama dengan nasionalisme. Di dalam ajaran nasionalisme, tidak pernah dinyatakan apakah tujuan hidup ini. Tidak pernah saya terdengar sepatah kata dari pimpinan UMNO yang menghuraikan berkenaan tujuan hidup seorang manusia di muka bumi.

Ingin saya bertanya kepada Tun Mahathir, apakah dasar perjuangan UMNO? Di celah manakah UMNO meletakkan Islam setelah dasar kebangsaan dijadikan sebagai dasar perjuangannya? Dari sudut praktikalnya, adakah perjuangan UMNO merupakan satu amal soleh?

Jika Tun Mahathir berkata bukti UMNO berjasa kepada Islam dengan membina masjid, maka Abdullah bin Ubay di zaman Rasulullah SAW lebih dahulu membina masjid yang dikenali sebagai Masjid Dhirar.

Jika Tun Mahathir menyatakan bahawa UMNO berjasa kepada Islam dengan membina sekolah agama, maka di Thailand juga wujud sekolah-sekolah agama. Bahkan jika Tun Mahathir berkata bahawa jasa UMNO ialah arak tidak dihidangkan di majlis rasmi kerajaan, maka apakah bezanya jika arak tetap diberikan lesen secara besar-besaran dan judi pula terus dinikmati sekalipun bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai Islam dan kemanusiaan.

Pertanyaan saya pula kepada Tun Mahathir, sebutkan apakah yang saya lakukan di Kelantan yang bertentangan dengan Islam. Jika tidak ada, maka untuk apa kami dilawan?

Akhir kata, saya akui Tun Mahathir seorang yang bijak, dan alangkah baiknya kebijaksanaannya digunakan untuk Islam. Nasihat saya kepada Tun Mahathir, sebelum terlambat marilah sama-sama berfikir untuk menempuhi hari pengadilan yang dijanjikan oleh Allah SWT.

Jika saya ditanya adakah saya telah mengajak Tun Mahathir dan rakan-rakan sealiran dengannya agar meninggalkan aliran nasionalis sekular dan menerima Islam yang syumul..

Nik Aziz mungkin tidak pandai membezakan antara agama dan ideologi politik. Islam dan nasionalisme bukannya berada di dalam kelas yang sama. Umat Islam boleh berfahaman kapitalis atau feudal atau pun  sosialis jika ianya tidak bercanggah dengan ajaran Islam.

Sebab itu ucapan beliau mengelirukan orang ramai. Sehinggakan jawaban balas beliau tidak sedikit pun menyentuh mengapa Islam di Singapura lebih baik dari Malaysia. Bahkan beliau mengutuk Umno dengan menyentuh hal hal yang tidak berkaitan langsung seperti Masjid Dhirar dan sekolah-sekolah agama di Thailand.

Bagi Nik Aziz, perkara pokok yang menjadi benih serangan beliau adalah – semangat nasionalisme dan perjuangan bangsa adalah ajaran sekular. Tidak kurang dari itu.

Bagai diberi bola tanggung, Tun Mahathir menjawab ‘nasihat’ Nik Aziz kepada beliau di dalam artikel bertarikh 16 Februari 2011. Para pembaca boleh mebacanya di sini. Ianya adalah antara artikel Tun yang paling banyak mendapat komen dan sambutan dalam tahun ini. Mungkin kerana isinya penuh dengan kenyataan-kenyataan yang pedas dan tepat mengenai sasaran.

Secara ringkasnya, Tun Mahathir mengatakan bahawa beliau “akui pengetahuan agama Nik Aziz dalam tetapi alangkah baiknya jika Nik Aziz berhenti daripada menyalahguna dan menyalah tafsir Islam demi kepentingan politik diri sendiri. Tidak ada sesiapa yang dapat lari daripada hari pengadilan yang dijanjikan oleh Allah s.w.t.. Justeru itu bertaqwalah kepada Allah s.w.t. dan hentikanlah mengeliru umat Islam di Malaysia kerana ingin menang pilihanraya”.

Oleh kerana sudah tersepit, Nik Aziz melenting dengan mengatakan bahawa beliau tidak pernah mengkafirkan orang Melayu yang menjadi ahli Umno di negara ini dan meminta bukti bilamasa beliau melakukan perkara tersebut.

Penulis tertawa mendengar Nik Aziz bertanya begitu.

Tun Mahathir membalas kenyataannya Nik Aziz dengan satu artikel yang hingga sekarang tidak dijawab oleh Nik Aziz secara keseluruhannya:

Dalam Utusan Malaysia 18hb Februari, 2011, Nik Aziz bertanya apa bukti dia mengkafir UMNO.

Allah Maha Kaya.

Kepada soalannya, dia sendiri menjawab, “Tolak agama ambil nasionalis, apa nama kerja ini”. Jadi nasionalis UMNO di dakwa oleh Nik Aziz menolak agama. Dan dia bertanya, “apa nama kerja ini”. Tolak agama bermakna kafir. Jadi Nik Aziz tuduh UMNO kafir.

Artikel penuh boleh dibaca di sini.

Penulis amat tertarik dengan permainan politik Nik Aziz. Sebagai Mursyidul Am PAS , kata-kata beliau sememangnya menjadi panduan kepada asas perjuangan PAS. Penulis lebih tertarik dengan ungkapan beliau tidak sampai seminggu lalu apabila beliau berkata semangat nasionalisme dan perjuangan bangsa adalah ajaran sekular.

Ini kerana baru baru ini, di dalam Konvensyen Nasional Pengupayaan Bangsa, PAS telah menjamin untuk memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu!

Antara resolusi yang dipersetujui adalah:

1. PAS tetap komited untuk melaksanakan agenda pengupayaan bangsa Melayu dan Bumiputera berteraskan prinsip-prinsip di atas;

2. PAS akan terus mempertahankan kedaulatan Raja-raja Melayu dan kepentingan bangsa Melayu dan Bumiputera seperti yang telah termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia;

3. PAS tetap beristiqamah untuk menghayati Islam sebagai satu cara hidup sesuai dengan kerangka perlembagaan Malaysia sebagai teras terpenting usaha mengupayakan Melayu;

4. PAS akan sentiasa memastikan seluruh kegiatan pembangunan bangsa Melayu berkiblatkan akhirat demi mencapai keredhaan Allah;

5. PAS tetap mengutamakan perjuangan untuk membela nasib rakyat terpinggir dan berpendapat rendah yang sebahagian besarnya adalah kaum Melayu dan Bumiputera;

Apa makna semua ini?

Adakah PAS sudah sekular? Adakah Nik Aziz menjilat ludah beliau semula? Adakah Pakatan Rakyat memperjuangkan bangsa masing masing? Penulis sememangnya keliru.

Setelah dibidas Tun Mahathir, Nik Aziz hanya berkata, beliau tidak pernah di minta untuk dilahirkan sebagai Melayu.

Itupun sudah dijawab oleh blogger Pure Shiite di sini.

Sekian terima kasih.

40 thoughts on “Nik Aziz dan kesinambungan kuasa politiknya

  1. salam JMD,

    Nik Aziz dan Pas bukannya tidak tahu perjuangan nasionalisma Melayu tidak sama dengan maksud nya seperti dalam kamus dimana pengertian dalam kamus memberi definasi yang umum / sejagat. Terdapat nilai tambahan kepada nasionalisma Melayu iaitu – Islam. Tapi Nik Aziz berkeras tidak mahu mengikitirafnya dan tetap menggunakan takrif kamus kerana jika tidak, perjuangan Pas pula yang dilihat sebagai tidak lengkap oleh orang Melayu.

    Sebab itu walau pun sudah berpuluh tahun pejuang nasionalis Melayu menegaskan perjuangan mereka adalah demi bangsa dan ugama, Nik Aziz tetap tidak mahu terima. Jadi tidak ada gunanya lagi kita cuba menerangkan kepada Nik Aziz kerana beliau sememangnya tahu tapi sengaja tidak mahu iktiraf.

    Tanpa disedari Nik Aziz dan Pas mengiktiraf pula perjuangan nasionalisma Hamas dalam membebaskan Palestin dari cengkaman rejim Israel. Ya, bagi saya perjuangan Hamas tidak jauh bezanya dengan nasionalisma Melayu. Mempertahankan hak rakyat Palestin di tanahair mereka. Ditakdirkan Hamas berjaya dalam membebaskan negara mereka, apakah mereka akan meneruskan perjuangan mereka hingga ke Tel Aviv ? Ke Eropah ? Ke Amerika ?

    Pas juga keliru apabila dalam Resolusi Konvensyen Melayu dinyatakan mereka menyokong sekolah vernakular demi meneruskan SAR, tidakkah itu juga seperti mengiktiraf perkauman ( dalam soal sekolah cina dan tamil ) ?


  2. jebatmustdie,

    It appears that these politicians have nothing better to do other than playing court jester. Whilst I am an advocate of Tun Mahathir, I believe he should just ignore ignorant politicians such as Nik Aziz. Nik Aziz on the other hand, should just stop playing the fool and think of ways to develop Kelantan while he is still in power. Have you visited Kelantan lately? They did develop KB but poorly I must say. Trees in KB were destroyed to give way to concrete buildings and orphanage is still lacking.

    At the end of the day, Tun Mahathir and Nik Aziz still read the same Al-Fatihah when they pray. The only diffference is that, one wears bush jacket and the other wears Serban. The age group that do really give a damn about what those two are saying are probably aged 36 and above. Those aged 35 and below don’t give a rats ass. Guess what, those aged 35 and below represents more than 50% of the population and in 10 years time, half of them will be in the workforce and contribute significantly to the economy. So, really, this whole debacle of who is more Islamic than the other will become irrelevant, or has it already become irrelevant. At least for me, who is 36 years old, I don’t give a monkeys about what they say and when I pray, there is no version of Nik Aziz Al-Fatihah or Tun Mahathir’s Al-Fatihah. Their debates, are entertaining nonetheless, and should only continue for entertainment value.

    What is important going forward is how Najib Razak is going to drive this nation forward cutting through all obstacles, be it political, religious or economic. I have my own views on some of the related matters such as obsolete politicians, Bumiputra voters, Kelantan, Najib Razak’s effirts, etc. Do share your views, Links are as below:


    * kopihangtuah


    • “those aged 35 and below represents more than 50% of the population … who is more Islamic than the other will become irrelevant, or has it already become irrelevant.”

      Brader, Malay unity is relevant and right now the issue of who is more Islamic has blocked that unity. We got to do something about it. At least keep talking about it so that Nicky Aziz who keeps talking about being more Islamic than others, and his followers, can hopefully see some of the nonsense he is talking about. What “Didn’t ask to be born a Malay” mengarut old man!


  3. JMD,

    Nicky Aziz is not someone that you can look up to for leadership. His words is just too confusing and the core problem here is that nobody understand what is Malay is all about in the constitution. Not even a Malay knows what is the definition of Malay in our constitution thus lead to the exclusiveness of UMNO. If the pak jangoat understand that Malay is defined by the religion, language and custom. There is no biological term for Malay in the Constitution. People like Ridhuan Tee understand this. We need more people like Ridhuan Tee so that Malay can flourish positively.


    • Malay in the Constitution – read the Constitution.

      Malay since thousands of years ago and the 350 million Rumpun Melayu that originated in the Malay Archipelago (Gugusan Pulau Pulau Melayu) and reached Madagascar, South Africa, Christmas Island Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands up to Hawaii, Cambodia, Vietnam and Taiwan –

      read the book “Tamadun Alam Melayu”, by Mohd Arof Ishak, published by The Historical Society of Malaysia, 2009.

      Distinctly Malay social entities still exist in Madagascar, South Africa, Cambodia and Vietnam (Champa Malays) right to this day.

      Nik Aziz is a Malay political animal. Wants Hudud but is willing to be humiliated by the DAP just to spite UMNO which he has variously “decreed” (and denied the “fatwas”, too) as kafir, tak masuk syurga, etc.

      Of course, there are many political animals in the world.


      • i beleive, the malays you refered to in pacific islands, including new zealand are actually polynesians, whose dna originated from the island of taiwan and are known as the alisan, the orang asli tribe of the island.

        the malays found in sri lanka, madagascar and south africa, were descendants of trouble makers in the dutch and british colonies of east indies, mainly in the malay archipelago.

        the most bizzare mystery is, why malays and polynesians did not thrive in australia, which is within sailing distance and huge and sparsely populated.


        • tempawan,

          Do read the book stated above – “Tamadun Alam Melayu” published by The Historical Society of Malaysia, 2009. An earlier book by the same author and publisher in 2007, is in English but not as comprehensive as the 2009 one. Both are available at the Historical Society’s 5-storey building opposite the Institute Jantung Negara, Jalan Tun Razak, KL.

          The book explains the scores of research and studies scientifically carried out since Captain Cook’s voyages in the 19th Century. He brought a qualified linguist with him who recorded the languages spoken in the areas mentioned and later compared them with languages in South America. He ruled out the influence of any South American civilization in the “Large Family of Malay Languages” in this region.

          Other qualified and experienced linguists, anthropologists, archaeologists, sociologists etc have, in the latter half of the 19th and in the 20th Century, scientifically carried out nore research and studies. They show that

          – the proto Malays (aboroginies of the Peninsular),
          – the deutero Malays (present day Malays, Indonesians, Filipinos etc),
          – the Malayo-Polynesians (of the Polynesian Islands) and
          – the Austronesians (including the Maoris of New Zealand)

          all belong to the same “Large Family of about 350 million Malays”.

          The theory that these people originated from Taiwan has been debunked. The consensus has for some time been that they originate from the Malay Archipelago (Gugusan Pulau Pulau Melayu) some 5,000 years ago.

          The Historical Society of Malaysia is a reputable organisation. It was established since British colonial times to provide views other than those written in the then commonly known Royal Asiatic Society which comprised of expatriates. The first President of the HSM was Dato Mahmud and committee members included British colonial officers sympathetic to the hopes and aspirations of Malays, like Tan Sri Mubin Sheppard, a Muslim convert who chose to stay in Malaya after independence and established the Muzium Negara .

          Recent and current membership (including of the Executive Committee) of the Historical Society includes prominent academics like History Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim, Malay Studies Professor Dato Mohd Taib Othman, History Professor Dato Zainal Abidin Wahid, Archaeologist Professor Dato Nik Hassan Shuhaimi who edited the Early History Volume of Encyclopedia of Malaysia.


          • Addendum:

            Royal Asiatic Society = Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, often referred to as JMBRAS, in various Volumes.


          • Addendum 2:

            The studies stated above say that all the natives of Sabah and Sarawak also belong to the “Large Family of Malays” or Rumpun Melayu. Religion and adat have set them apart from the definition of a Constitutional Malay, but the Special Position of the Malays in the Constitution of 1957 has been extended to and does cover them in the Constitution of 1963, at the formation of Malaysia.

            There definitely are similarities or common features in the languages spoken. They say the “Large Family of Malay Languages” number some 1,200, spread all over the Malay Archipelago and beyond.

            The classification into the “Large Family of 350 million Malays” was made by the experts based on linguistic, anthropological, sociological and archaeological findings.


            • can you then explain why orang asli, which are diverse in their languages as there are several distinct types, are described as “proto-malays” are not considered as bumiputras as desribed in the constitution?

              If I may add, recent studies have shown that north east asians otiginates from south east asia. but we must remember, there are two waves of human settlement from the “out of africa” theory, the first include tamils, the orang asli, papuans and aborogines. the malays are thought to be from the second wave.
              Plus, you forgot to add Surinam, as a place where some malay words are spoken, as prisoners from the dutch east indies were also exiled there, apart from madasgascar and south africa.
              as for polynesiansa,their dna are traced to alisans of taiwan. they are distinctly different from chinese in culture and language has some similarities with today’s spoken malay. the costume and culture, more like kadazan-dusun community.


              • tempawan,

                You don’t sound to be a linguist or an anthropologist to know much about the orang asli languages or ways of living, beliefs, customs and tradition when saying the orang asli “are diverse in their languages as there are several distinct types”. You don’t know enough history to realize that not much was known by the powers that be or the leaders of the major communities involved in the drafting of the Constitution at Merdeka time. Think about it and you woud find the explanation as to why the Orang Aslis are not included as Malays or Bumiputeras as defined in the Constitution.

                Note also that the Constitution states Islam as the official religion of the country and that the Islamic religion is one of the three important bases of the definition. All Orang Aslis who adopt the Islamic religion are treated as Malays although the Government does not have a policy of Islamizing the Orang Aslis. In fact, the Jabatan Orang Asli discourages all forms of missionary activities on the Orang Asli, though I personally know one Christian group has been trying to do it. Did somebody say “forcing one’s religion on others”? In this instance it was invitations to tea parties, lunches and pocket money for clothes to attend church in the nearest town.

                Btw, the books “Tamadun Alam Melayu” and “The Malay Civilization” published by The Historical Society of Malaysia became available only in 2009 and 2007 respectively.

                Have a perspective of the time frame and the waves or batches of migration during a span of some 5,000 years, of moving with their perahus fitted with outriggers, later with large ships even the size of ancient Roman galleons, in and out of the Malay Archipelago or Gugusan Pulau Pulau Melayu. You will then find it entirely plausible that those in Taiwan did originate from the Malay Archipelago, instead of the other way round.

                And can anybody rule out links in terms of racial origin between the Kadazan-dusuns and the Taiwanese alisans you referred to? After all, the Kadazans also belong to the Large Family of Malays or Rumpun Melayu and you said there are similarities between their costume and culture with those of the Taiwanese alisans.

                The “out-of Africa” theory has been so old that many findings, hypotheses and theories have come out since. You have not quoted authorities on your claim that “recent studies have shown that north east asians originates from south east asia”. Until there are other acceptable, credible or reliable studies, the scores of studies explained in the book published by the long-established and reputable Historical Society of Malaysia are the ones to go by. These have been vetted and cleared by professional and reputable historians, anthropologists, archaeologists etc, who are themselves Malaysian.

                No doubt there were forced labourers, prisoners and war conscripts brought by their masters to Surinam and elsewhere but, relatively, they are recent arrivees in the countries concerned. Those doing the research and studies explained in those books did not just pass by and talked to a few of the Malays in the countries concerned like tourists do. Those researchers stayed for weeks, months, even years, to do proper and scientifically conducted research and academically-based analyses of the facts they uncovered.


        • Tempayan,

          You have conveniently labelled those Madagascarian, African Malay as descendant of the TROUBLE MAKER during the Dutch-British colonization.

          Some of them have been made slaves captured and brought out by the Dutch and some are ousted (Buang Negeri) by those invaders due to their resistance for fighting for our Tanah Air. They are in the true Malaysian eyes; a Pejuang Negara not a Trouble Maker.

          Yes, those Bumiputra like Mat Salleh, Mat Kilau, Tok Janggut etc are the ones that fought for this country while your forefathers conveniently sit on the fence with no sense of belonging….no urge to rise and defense this beloved country. ..Continue doing their mining work with couldn’t careless attitude. This is totally understandable and is not perceive to be a problem as they are obviously a PENDATANG.

          The problem nowadays is that this people like this TEMPAYAN of their descendant, who was born in this country, admit that they are Malaysians and hold this country IC but act in every conceivable way like a PENDATANG!!!!


    • hazou,

      “Nicky Aziz is not someone that you can look up to for leadership” – Nicky Aziz ialah hanya jaguh kampung. Tak lain dan tak bukan. Tak boleh lebih dari itu. Tak boleh pandang atau fikir lebih jauh. Mana boleh. Pegang tangan Lee Kuan saja pun dah berlendir. Kalau bukan Islam, lepas tu dia tak mandi 3 hari, tak nak bekas LKY salam tu hilang dari tangannya.

      Mana dia faham fasal sejarah Melayu, definasi Melayu diPerlembagaan? Kalau faham sikit pun, dia tak peduli, boleh jual bangsa, pergi sebantal dengan Lim Kit Siang, tak kesah LKS cakap “Tidak, sampai bila bila” dan Karpal Singh cakap “Langkah mayat aku dulu” sebelom PAS boleh laksanakan Hukum Hudud.

      Sampai sanggup cakap dia tak mintak diperanakkan sebagai Melayu. Tak guna punya orang tua. Tak ada maruah bangsa. Tak ada darjat. Konon Islam tak mengirakan bangsa. Nabi Muhammad hormatkan Muslimin semua bangsa. Termasuk Yahudi yang mmeluk agama Islam. Tapi tak pernah kihanat bangsa Arab dia sendiri. Kita tak payah sebut Hadith pun semua orang dah tahu. Kalau teka saja pun, masuk akal. Jauh berbeza dari Nicky Aziz. Tahu ber”fatwa” saja. Kafirkan orang lain. Kata tak undi PAS tak masuk syurga. Atau sebagainya. Pulak cakap Tuhan pun mencarut. Dia mengarut. Sudak nyanyok punya orang tua.

      But I disagree with you that “the core problem here is that nobody understand what is Malay is all about in the constitution. Not even a Malay knows what is the definition of Malay in our constitution”. Surely that is not correct. Don’t understand what you mean “thus lead to the exclusiveness of UMNO ” and “There is no biological term for Malay in the Constitution”.

      I don’t understand what you mean by “People like Ridhuan Tee understand this”. I agree that “We need more people like Ridhuan Tee” but for the reason that he has the spirit of a Malay (he’s married to a Malay, habitually speaks the Malay language and pracitises the Malay custom and tradition). And he keeps trying to boost the morale of the Malays and advising them to be kiasu (keep protecting and demanding for our rights), in the face of the ultra kiasu others.

      But let’s hit out at the senile old man. Until his supporters realize that he in fact is senile, nyanyok and mengarut. And retire him out.


  4. Dear JMD,

    Talking about Nik Aziz…my short personal overview- Nobody should pay any attention to him. Why? What do you really expect from an old (and senile too) politician like him? He has been in politics for over 40 years, running around from end to end without hardly any success at national level (the most senior post is becoming a Menteri Besar). Apart from that??? Nil! He envys other politicians who have ‘made it’ in Umno. That’s why he hated Umno so much that he rules out any ‘peace talk’ between these two Malay-based parties. Again what do expect expect from someone who always consider himself non-Malay (maybe he should put “Islam” under the race column). That alone puts me off becoz “Allah telah menjadikan manusia itu berbangsa-bangsa…”

    Have we heard him talking about world’s politics and economy? Culture? Sports? Hardly. And this is the man that dreams of becoming a PM (simpang malaikat…)
    Is he qualified to lead the nation? I rest my case.


    • Betul ke orang tua tu mengharap jadi PM? Kalau betul, dah tak siuman dia. Bukan sahaja nyanyok, tapi juga tak siuman.

      Mana boleh. Anwar Al J….. pun kata Lim Kitty Siang calon DPM. Takkan Nicky tak tahu PAS dengan sendirinya langsong tak boleh bahu Putrajaya. Dalam PR pun depa tak hemahkan dia. Depa hulur tangan bersalam dengan dia, duduk ditepi dia, cakap sepatah dua, pastu masam muka macam limau sambal belacan! Tak caya, tengoklah kebanyakan gambar depa dengan Nicky.

      Saya setuju dengan pendapat dia hanya nakkan jawatan MB sampai mati. Banyak orang biasa diKelantan kuat agama. Apa saja dia cakap, ikut. Kalau sebut Hadith, tak payah sebut sahih ke tidak, semua diorang percaya. Tuhan mencarut pun mencarut lah. Kesian. Sampai ada yang pakai serban, berbaju Melayu dan kain pelekat baring atas jalan, halang RM Perak dahulu. Fanatik.

      Setuju, banyak pemuda pemudi sekarang tak main politik dia lagi dah. Depa condong kapada politik pemimpin PAS yang lain. Tapi Melayu PAS banyak yang masih hormat orang tua, walau pun sedar dia selau mengarut. Berdo’alah kita mudah mudahan Tuhan tunjukkan dia jalan yang benar bagi perpaduan Melayu dan gerakkan hati pemuda PAS supaya suarakan pertukaran Nicky dengan yang tak kata Tuhan mencarut.


  5. JMD,
    For me, TG Nik Aziz do have some qualities, but since PAS forming alliance with Pakatan Rakyat, he has shown more hatred rather than in spirit of improving things.

    I would like to quote what was printed in latest “Solusi” magazine for food for thought :

    “Berusaha Mencari Cahaya lebih baik daripada terus menyumpah kegelapan”

    Coz for now.. from the statement given by him (in relation to respond given to Lee Kuan Yew and Tun Mahathir) he is spitting hate rather than trying for greater good.

    Lee Kuan Yew’s Statement, Tun Mahathir’s and Nik Aziz “Islamic Version”

    ~ OnDaStreet


  6. i have to admit, lky is correct about his opinion of muslims inability to assimilate. in majority muslim community, is is very difficult to find houses of worship of a differing faith due to security concerns.
    anyone who were taught in ugama classes will know the ustad keeps reminding the faithful about mixing with kafirs and pagans and be misguided.
    Shah Alam,the newly built state capital in a muslim mojority area lacked houses of worship for any other faith except islam. Compare this with pj, another township built after independence at a time when religious and racial tolerance was more harmonius.
    the muslims should abide with the sunnah when making the azan, as during the time of the prophet, there were no loudspeakers, amplfiers and electricity, if indeed the prophet actually made such a call, as there are no specific details mentioned in the koran concerning this.
    the administration of a successful country puts justice and fairness on top of race and religion.based on this, malaysia is doomed to fail, as racial and reigious policies are top priorities.


    • tempawan

      If “malaysia is doomed to fail”, it’s because of people like you. You have to accept and respect the Constitution, the highest set of laws in the country, man. The Constitution clearly says that Islam is the official religion of the country. Take it or leave it, don’t you think so?

      No compromise on Islam being the official religion and others must respect that. No loud speakers during Prophet Muhammad’s time but there are air-conditioners to dullen the azan sound nowadays. You have to appreciate that so many problems in the country these days (partly due to people like you wanting more and more and me saying enough is enough) that some Muslims get exhausted at night and do need a loud call to prayers. And remember, the azan call sounds muzic to Muslim ears. You respect us first as Islam is the official religion of the country, then we’ll respect you where your requests are reasonable.

      The Malays/ Muslims have been so accomodating for so long all these while already. To the extent the Christians even want to use the term “Allah” when the word ‘Tuhan” already serves their purpose. In fact, it serves better the purpose of referring to the Trinity of God, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Allah is one and only one, not three. However, this matter is still at the Appeal Court and we should not debate this.

      You said, “the administration of a successful country puts justice and fairness on top of race and religion”. What justice and fairness are you talking, man? Go by the Constitution, la. He who does not respect or abide by the Constitution does not deserve to call himself a citizen.

      How else can one prove to be a citizen? Just by showing Mykad? A citizen must be loyal and patriotic to the country otherwise he should migrate. How to prove loyalty and patriotism? Cannot be just by paying tax and shouting I love Malaysia a thousand times. Respecting and living by the Constitution must be the basis and the measure of loyalty and patriotism to the country.

      Sorry if out of topic, JMD, but some comments need to be replied to.


    • dear tempayan,
      ” i have to admit, lky is correct about his opinion of muslims inability to assimilate.”

      care to clarify what you mean by ‘assimilate’ ? before i start jumping..


    • Aku tak tau hang ni muslim ke tidak, kalau bukan muslim ada hati pulak nak cakap pasal sunnah, piraahh…
      kang citer pasal perbezaan sunnah ngan bidaah plak hang pening kalau hang non muslim,
      abih tu zaman nabi naik unta, awat hang tak cakap je oi org islam, hangpa patut ikut stail nabi, kena naik unta la ni, mana bole naik kereta, jet dll…pandai la hang

      time azan pandai plak hang cakap mana boleh pakai speaker, pirah mangkuk ayun..

      kami ni yg muslim tak penah pon nak komen agama lain pasai apa ni pasai ape tuh pasai kami ada “lakum dinukum waliyadin”
      kamu dengan agama kamu, aku dengan agama aku

      untuk pulang paku buah keras, the chinese whom are majority buddhist, taoist and whatsoever, why dont they abide the teachings,
      no gambling, no cheating, no china doll brothel, no bribery, and all other negative stuff
      .most of the issues above are run by chinese, why dont cha start “surmon” cina tak sedar diri kat malaysia cukup cukup la tu…


      • the chinese community abide by their culture on freedom of faith. so although many are of buddhist/taoist/christians etc, many more do not subscribe to any religion, and many are also atheist.
        Chinese believe mankind should not impose their beliefs on others, and this has many similarities to the modern western states and nations with influence of chinese culture. But if you believe in the heavens, then best you control yourself in this world.

        mankind should not be obssesed with religion, what more, to make it “official”.religion is like a non-living thing. it cannot breathe, it cannot defend itself, it cannot speak and cannot make law. If you say you follow a certain religion because it is from “the sky father”, then best you prove it. As for me, i leave a passage for all to ponder upon.

        “…O people of the Book, let us come to a common understanding between us and between you; that 1) we serve none except God, and 2) that we do not set up anything with Him, and 3) that none of us takes each other as patrons besides God….” (Qur’an 3:64)

        and if many were to point out that the majority cannot be wrong in their religious beliefs, then maybe this will make you ponder even more.

        “If you obey the majority of people on earth, they will divert you from the path of the God. They only follow conjecture, and they only guess.”



        • Oi Mista tempawan fella

          U r twisting 1-2 Qur’anic sayings to suit your ends, aren’t you. How dare you.

          U can go to hell with your atheism, or, I read they say many Chinese practise three religions all at the same time – Connfucianism, Taoism and Buddhism brought to China from India. But don’t try to quote to us Qura’nic verses out of context.

          Read fully what the properly qualified and recognised translator and commentator of the Qur’an says, man – Abdullah Yusuf Ali, whose translation and commentaries are used by the Saudi Arabian Government, the custodian of Islamic interests, in the Qur’an their Embassy in KL gives out free to bona fide interested parties.

          In the modern world nobody wants to impose their views on others except you appear to want to mislead others by quoting Qur’anic verses out of context.


        • Tempawan watever you said in the first para is gibberish. you know why? because you are misdirecting. You didnt explain to Kir why chinese involve in gambling, prostitution, etc.. are you saying that since most chinese are atheist, they can involve in that vices?

          Brother.. dont talk nonsense. Where you take great efforst to condemn the malays, you were silent about your own race’s vices. You lamely tried to justify by telling us that ‘ chinese believe mankind should not impose their beliefs on others’.

          Crappy argument that one. Now go ahead and sermon your own race Tempawan! Your holier than thou attitude sickens me. Hypocritical loser like you dont really deserve to be heard cause what you are saying is pure bullshit. How long do we need to live with all these brothels, ah long menace etc?

          Before you want to give advice, make sure you are free from sins first.



        • oh yeah

          now which race created the eunuchs (human rights abuse)
          which race practise the one-child policy
          which race kill baby girls just to have baby boys
          which race put melamine in infant milk
          which race put mercury into canned food
          which race put lead into babies’ toys
          which race claim ONE marriage but has many secret wives
          so professor tempawan, are you still saying this race “believe mankind should not impose their beliefs on others”??


    • Mr Tempawan

      I have to admit as well….both you and LKY are incorrect, stupid and dumb!

      Muslim unable to “assimilate”????

      The question is “Assimilate” to what? with what?

      “assimilate” or tolerate???

      How many more temples, churches, tokong do you want? For every Masjid in every place you want your temple and churches as well?? Mau macam ni ka?? With your population make ups as merely ~40% and moreover those that truly practices are even a lot less;

      And by numbers alone, those temples including the illegal one exceed the amount of mosque. This is truly surprising considering that this is muslim majority country.

      Dont you see those big Batu Caves Hindu statue? Those big Buddhist statue in Kelantan? Not to mention those red boxes tokong in almost every chinese home and properties? Not enough??

      Look here in Australia you could hardly find any mosque at all in the city eventhough by percentage, the muslims are the one that have the highest usage of their worship place in comparison to the churches in every corner of the city but only a handful of those Christians uses them and even worse, that is normally in the weekend only. What about religious festive public holiday? You know what the answer is…., none except for the Christians.

      What about the Swiss that banned those minaret mosque due to not being in line with their identity???

      Is this what you mean by “assimilate”???

      With all this, You have the audacity to question the muslim about asimilation??

      Haven’t your “sky father” taught you about fairness??? Why should a temple be placed there in that Shah Alam whatever seksyen that is when those that will be using it is less than even 1% of that place population? Cant you put it somewhere else? There are plenty more empty places in Shah Alam!

      And by the way, why dont you non muslims “walk the talk”?

      Are you people (non muslim) able to “assimilate” with the mainstream here in Malaysia?

      If yes, then what is the fuzz with this “Allah” word when there is option to use Tuhan???

      If yes, then why is the hesitant to “mendaulatkan” our Bahasa Kebangsaan? and to abolish your highly counter productive to assimilation of Vernacular School?

      If yes, then why question about the fair quota of education and the economic to the Bumiputra???

      Now you tell me, who is unable to assimilate????

      The muslim????


    • hang nak kata Shah Alam je ke?
      Tak mau kata Rawang, Balakong, PJ, Kajang,Kepong, Jinjang….wak lu bai…
      Ko pegi tempat atas ko tengok la bersepah pondok kecik merah(macam jamban pon ada aku tengok) hang lagi nak komplen…


  7. Nik Aziz – pengtahuan agamanya mungkin mendalam, walau pun “fatwa”nya kafir mengkafir dan masuk tidak syurga dsbnya mencurigakannya. Yang nyata ialah pandangan politiknya singkat dan pendirian perpaduan Melayunya membenarkan bangsa Melayu dieksploitasi mereka yang cauvinis, rasis dan ultra kiasu.

    Singkat kerana dia nampak hanya setakat hendak memegang jawatannya sehingga mati dan melepaskan dendamnya terhadap UMNO. Pendirian keMelayuannya nampak dari hal dia sanggup diperkudakan DAP walau pun Lim Kit Siang kata “Never” dan Karpal Singh kata “Over my dead body” kapada Hukum Hudud yang dimahukannya.

    Setuju bahawa “Nik Aziz mengambil jalan yang berlawanan dengan pemikiran Islam kontemporari apabila beliau … bukan sahaja tidak mempertikaikan kenyataan Lee Kuan Yew (supaya umat Islam di Singapura “tidak terlalu berpegang pada ajaran Islam ..”), malah telah memperlecehkan umat Islam di Malaysia dengan berkata sesetengah dari kita bangsa Melayu di sini telah menolak Islam dan mengambil perjuangan kebangsaan sebagai ganti kepada agama.

    Saya keraguan jika Nik Aziz faham apa dia “kebangsaan” yang disebutnya bila berkata “(Kuan Yew) cakap jangan pegang (Islam) kuat sangat, orang ini (pemerintah Melayu Federal) kata buang semua ambil kebangsaan, lebih teruk daripada Kuan Yew”. Sebenarnya, dia nampak sudah nyanyok. Cakap apa saja dia suka, gunakan kata kata “buang semua (unsur unsur Islam)”. Ini contoh pemimpin politik longkang atau “gutter politics”.

    Saya hairan mengapa pemimpin pemimpin PAS lain biarkan dia melanda landa. Pada hal, seperti dimaalomkan JMD diatas, kata katanya kononnya semangat nasionalisme dan perjuangan bangsa adalah ajaran sekular tidak selari dengan pendirian resmi PAS di Konvensyen Nasional Pengupayaan Bangsa, yang telah menjamin memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu.

    Maka apa jenis maanusia dan apa jenis jawapan bila dikatakan, “Setelah dilibas Tun Mahathir, Nik Aziz hanya berkata, beliau tidak pernah di minta untuk dilahirkan sebagai Melayu.” Ini lagi tanda dia sudah nyanyok atau seorang maanusia yang tidak lansung layak menjadi pemimpin. Seorang yang tidak mengaku bangsa dan asal usulnya. Tidak ada pemimpin didunia ini yang tidak mengakui asal usulnya. Presiden Obama pun akui bapa dia seorang kulit hitam dari Afrika.

    Malangnya banyak penganut Nik Aziz hanya ikut sahaja atau diam kapada apa yang dia kata. Dengan lebih ramai gulungan pemuda yang terpelajar sejak kebelakangan ini, saya harap keadaan akan bertukar tidak lama dari sekarang.


  8. If nasionalis party is so bad why then there is islamist party?.
    why “party” too?.Democracies don’t have to imply “party” or do they?.
    Is islamist party possible?.if it is possible , should’t there be only one true islamist party?.Is islamist party shyria compliant.?Can we set that first before letting a body call itself “Islamist”….
    no we cannot do these things…because democracies is not own by a singular entity.
    Nasionalis party represented Muslim better since the failure of Islamist and the coming of western powers…..that is still a world fact.
    now the world power is rearranging ,what party will represent the Muslim ?.
    they can call them self islamist but it is not islam….instead they will has to shout ” don’t ask what islam can do for you …. ask what you can do for islam”.
    i take that as a believe…..not as subtitude to democracies.


  9. Tempawan is just trying to provoke us malay muslim readers. The topic of this blog entry by JMD is afterall about Nik Aziz.

    Tempawan is just trying to inject some misguiding facts, which he believes is true. Whatever his affiliation which is cleverly guised under the name ‘tempawan’ which may be confused for any race or religion actually. Very clever in using politically correct statements to present inflammatory arguments.

    I doubt he’s trying to seek any truth here, more of trying to sow some hatred, making us readers get angry over nothing. All his arguments are answered in all the other so-po or religious blogs.

    It is best we ignore him, friends. We have bigger agenda to discuss i.e malay unity.
    Please, someone start blogging on this instead.


  10. let us compare old nicky with dr mat’s legacy and then to bring in dirty harry into the picture later on.
    during the time of dr mat, the resource rich states populated by mostly bumis, becames the poorest staes in the nation. hence thecrral population of sarawak, sabah, terengganu and kelantan still live in poverty, while the oil and gas money end up in klang valley, building the twin towers, putrajaya, f1 circuit and not forgetting the expensive petronas philharmonic orchestra. in fact, the richest states in malaysia are all resource poor in terms of minerals and mining, but are rich due to trading and other economic activities.
    is it any wonder then, that singapore may overtake malaysia as the third largest economy in south east asia when the same thing is happening in malaysia? when dr mat became pm, our ringgit was at par with s$. when he retired, it was rm2.2 =S$1. And two countries that were once british colonies in the malay archipelago that opt out of the federation of malaysia, are now having similar standard of living as a develop state and pay less income tax per capita.
    conclusion. our economy was badly manage probably due to vast amount of wastage and cost overruns. and the victims are the rural bumi poor, who are denied a first class education and standard of living.
    but it is nice to see dr mat and dirty harry having a spat in their twilight years.


    • yo prof temp

      Dirty harry just admitted he was wrong about pinning the blame on islam over integration issues. I guess it’s ELECTION period that could have made him blurt out the RARE admission of being wrong. Votes are precious.

      Think hard – maybe he was also wrong over a lot of other issues, which will see the light of day once “he’s gone”.


    • Actually, you miss things by miles, Indonesian is thriving, Singapore’s port going to be replaced sooner or later and Chinese in Malaysia is decreasing (thank god). The whole of SEA will be as its original situation where the native rule the area like the time in Sri Vijaya and Malacca period. At that time, Malaysia can be the center of technology and Islamic finance due to influx of many Islamic scholars and fund that we started earlier than anyone else.


  11. @f4689
    based on present circumstances, singapore can only thrive. they do not produce any oil and gas, but they are building huge storage terminals underground as presently, they are a oil and gas processing hub. there are 5 huge refineries in singapore and market prices of refined petroleum products are cheaper there than anywhere else in the world outside of the gulf states. this has benefit their island as a port and airport as major ships and airlines make it a point to fill up their tanks there and why many are reluctant to relocate to klia or port klang despite marginally lower cost. even if we have the resouces, we have badly planned their usage to benefit our economy. why did petronas build a refinery in melaka/kertih when there is no port. it would be better to build them in port klang or kuantan.
    plus, singapore being a shipping hub, and any refinery/chemical plant built away from singapore, will have to pay mobilisation cost, while those in singapore does not have to shoulder this burden. in the cut throat business where margins are critical, we lose in terms of efficiency to the island state.
    dirt harry did not do all these. it was done by the british and old dirty harry had to do was to continue and enhance the same basic formula. the benefit gained by investing in singapore by chemical companies/oil and gas refineries / etc have reacched its optimum state and that is why shell and exxon-mobil and many more continue to expand their operations there. plus the availability of numerous shipbuilding repair facilities, compliment the oil and gas/chemical facilities.

    Indonesia, on the other hand, refuse to spend on infrastructure, thinking that it is a waste of money, and its privatisation of ports and highways are at a snail pace. so now, we have bottlenecks at ports and delay cost money. plus many of the payment for their resources, such as timber, coal and palm oil, are paid to subsidiaries based in singapore. so, nothing goes back to indonesia after resources are extracted.

    only way to bring all that money back, is to reform the economy. but that is never the strong point of the pribumis. to make a place successful is not to depend on natural resource, but to accumulate competencies and applying it.


  12. Tuan
    Pasal Nik Aziz tolong sikit saudara jangan hina ulama, NIK AZIZ BUKAN ULAMA TAPI AHLI POLITIK. Beliau ‘typical’ anak Kelantan yang masih dendam kerana PAS dipecat dari BN dahulu, lalu tidak sabar cari ‘Cina Buta” and found a willing DAP. Ahli PAS biasa siang malam doakan beliau letak jawatan sebagai Mursyidul Am, atau paling tidak diam terus. Pulau Melaka satu-satunya tempat di Malaysia yang gurunya ajar fiqah ahlulsunnah ‘selective’ sambil gendang politiknya di alun oleh dasar ‘vilayatul-faqih’ Khomeini- kalu tak susah sebab ulama ahlulsunnah tak boleh duduk kerusi politik, ni kan pula letak serban bawah punggung.

    Saya tak nampak beza Gaddafi, Taib Mahmood dan Nik Aziz- semua nak tongkat lagi dan menjadi LIABILITI pada rakyat.

    Perlu ambil tahu bahawa fatwa PAS boleh kerjasama dengan kapir – TAHALUL SI BAHALUL – tiada dapat restu SYARAK, dan pembohongan demi pembohongan kononnya ‘approved by Qardawi’.

    Mustahil Qardawi beri izin ‘Deoband brand of political Islam’, sans reason, sans tasauf.


  13. Pingback: The demise of PAS’ resoluteness | Jebat Must Die

  14. igt kerna mulut badan boleh binasa…xkiralah btul ke x ape yg korg cakap…
    tapi yg confirm Islam akn bangkit…xsemestinya melalui PAS tp ssh kalau nk cakap melalui UMNO…sbb skg UMNO dok sibuk pasal isu Melayu2…bkn ke sume dtg dari keturunan yg sme??…Melayu ke, Cina ke,..India ke??..knape kne rasis? xphm..


Astound us with your intelligence!