Education / Malay issues

Arguments and excuses over Bahasa Malaysia

I am very much amused with the slightly acrimonious exchange between Khoo Kay Peng and Datuk Ahmad Rejal Arbee over the issue of national language.

It started off when Ahmad Rejal wrote about the inability of some citizens in this country who cannot speak or do not understand Bahasa Malaysia. He then summarised this observation by saying that the ability to converse in the national language is part of the national identity of every Malaysian. Lack of national identity equals lack of patriotism. In other words, those who love this country must also be proud of the national language. Simple as that.

Khoo Kay Peng retorted with some personal attack towards Ahmad Rejal (calling him mediocre, silly and ignorant) in his own blog which was picked up by The Malaysian Insider as well.

Naturally, the aggrieved Ahmad Rejal felt slighted and posted a comment in Kay Peng’s blog. The younger man was magnanimous enough to publish that comment and made a rebuttal of his own.

And today, the veteran editor made his final say on the matter which was shown once again in The Malaysian Insider.

My own opinion is simple. In order to cultivate a strong national identity and to foster better understanding and empathy between Malaysians, we must streamline our education system into ONE NATIONAL SCHOOL SYSTEM. The proponents for this policy calls it Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua.

We must do this so that we can prove to John Mallot that we can lessen the purported racism in Malaysia.

Below are the exchange between the two people I mentioned above.


In Berita Harian:

Rakyat patriotik patut bangga bertutur guna bahasa Melayu

RAKYAT bukan Melayu negara ini, khususnya yang berketurunan Cina begitu sensitif apabila ada pihak yang mempersoalkan semangat patriotisme mereka atau kesediaan mereka menjadi rakyat yang memiliki jati diri terhadap negara ini.

Lantaran itu, pernahkah mereka bertanya pada diri sendiri kenapa masih ada orang Melayu yang sangsi terhadap pendirian sesetengah daripada mereka. Saya hanya mahu ajukan satu persoalan saja.

Apakah semua mereka yang mengakui sebagai warga negara ini tahu apa itu jati diri sebagai rakyat Malaysia? Bolehkah sesetengah daripada mereka menunjukkan sikap bahawa mereka menerima sepenuhnya jati diri itu yang antaranya menerima bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan negara ini dan menghayatinya?

Kenapakah sehingga kini pun masih terdapat pelbagai puak yang sengaja memperlekehkan penggunaan bahasa Melayu hingga ada yang tidak langsung menunjukkan rasa menghormati kepada bahasa kebangsaan negara yang mereka sendiri akui sebagai tanah tumpah darah mereka?

Persoalannya ialah kenapa selepas 53 tahun merdeka pun masih ramai tidak mengambil kisah penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan negara ini? Sebagai warga negara yang taat setia, mereka sepatutnya berbangga dengan bahasa kebangsaan negara mereka sendiri.

Apa kesetiaannya kalau bahasa kebangsaan negara sendiri pun mereka tidak berusaha mempelajari dan menggunakannya. Bahasa Melayu yang mereka pelajari di sekolah Cina pun hanyalah untuk lulus peperiksaan saja. Selepas menduduki peperiksaan, mereka terus melupakannya dan langsung tidak bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu.

Maka itu, Kementerian Pelajaran patut mulai tahun ini menetapkan semua pelajar yang mengambil mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu diwajibkan lulus ujian lisan seperti ditetapkan untuk Bahasa Inggeris. Kalau mahu lulus Bahasa Inggeris, pelajar dikehendaki juga lulus ujian lisan bahasa Inggeris, kenapa ujian demikian tidak boleh diadakan untuk bahasa Melayu juga?
Kini ramai di antara mereka memberi alasan usaha kerajaan meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris untuk terus mengabaikan bahasa Melayu. Kenapa demikian? Penguasaan bahasa Inggeris tiada kena mengena dengan pengabaian bahasa Melayu.

Seperti yang pernah dinyatakan Prof Dr Teo Kok Seong dari Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA) UKM, bahawa bahasa adalah medium untuk meningkatkan perpaduan dan semangat nasionalisme.

“Bahasa Malaysia ialah bahasa kebangsaan kita dan diperkenalkan demikian ke persada dunia. Walaupun dalam masa sama kita pelajari bahasa Inggeris, ia bukanlah bertujuan mengetepikan bahasa Malaysia,” katanya.

Apakah keadaan ini yang menyebabkan akhbar Melayu hanya dibaca oleh orang Melayu saja? Edaran akhbar Melayu kepada orang bukan Melayu tidak sampai lima peratus pun dari jumlah keseluruhan edarannya dengan hanya dua peratus dibaca orang Cina dan tiga peratus orang India.

Apakah kesimpulan yang kita boleh buat dari perkembangan akhir-akhir ini hinggakan risalah iklan pelbagai barangan dan pembinaan rumah hanya diadakan dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Mandarin. Seperti juga sesetengah kopitiam yang dilanggan orang Melayu pun tidak menghormati bahasa Melayu dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dan Mandarin saja di kedai-kedai itu. Apakah mereka bukan beroperasi di Malaysia?

Apakah jati diri mereka sebagai rakyat negara ini? Salahkah kalau orang Melayu beranggapan bahawa ada orang Cina sememangnya tidak mahu mendaulatkan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan negara ini.

Kita tidak pula persoalkan malah jauh sekali mahu menyekat mereka mempelajari dan menggunakan bahasa ibunda mereka. Tetapi dalam mereka berterusan menggunakan bahasa ibunda tidakkah mereka boleh berusaha dan menunjukkan kesungguhan mahu mendaulatkan juga bahasa kebangsaan negara ini?

Apakah ini pun suatu kehendak yang melampau? Mereka ini begitu sensitif apabila semangat patriotisme mereka disangsikan tetapi sedikit pun tidak mahu berusaha mengguna dan faham bahasa Melayu?

Bilakah agaknya kita boleh mengharapkan keseluruhan rakyat keturunan Cina dan India akan bertutur dalam bahasa kebangsaan negara ini dalam perbualan harian mereka. Perkara ini adalah suatu kebiasaan di Indonesia yang mana rakyat berketurunan Cina akan bertutur bahasa Indonesia walaupun sesama orang Cina?

Kita sudah merdeka lebih 53 tahun. Apakah kita perlu menunggu 50 tahun lagi baru dapat mengharapkan hal ini akan berlaku? Tetapi kalau kita lihat dari pelbagai tindak tanduk sesetengah mereka, lagi 100 tahun pun tentunya akan ada rakyat negara ini yang masih tidak mahu mengiktiraf bahasa Melayu.

Mereka memberi alasan kononnya orang Melayu sendiri pun tidak bertutur bahasa Melayu. Ini sebenarnya tidak harus dijadikan alasan kerana sememangnya orang Melayu akan dapat bertutur bahasa Melayu pada bila-bila masa. Usaha kerajaan hendak menggalakkan bahasa Inggeris tidak seharusnya dijadikan alasan kenapa mereka tidak mahu mendaulatkan bahasa Melayu.

Buat masa ini pembelajaran bahasa Melayu sebagai subjek di sekolah Cina tidak diberikan penekanan. Mereka sebenarnya lebih mengutamakan bahasa Inggeris selain Mandarin. Sebab itulah guru yang mengajar bahasa Melayu dikehendaki juga tahu bertutur Mandarin. Anehnya syarat ini tidak pula dikenakan ke atas guru yang mengajar bahasa Inggeris. Mereka tidak perlu tahu berbahasa Mandarin. Kenapa guru bahasa Melayu didiskriminasikan demikian?

Inilah yang patut direnungi kalau mereka benar-benar cintakan negara ini sebagai tanah tumpah darah sendiri.

Rejal Arbee adalah Felo Kanan di UKM

Khoo Kay Peng’s remarked:

Ahmad Rejal Arbee and shallow thinking — Khoo Kay Peng

February 10, 2011

FEB 10 — Ex-editor Ahmad Rejal Arbee wrote in Umno-controlled Berita Harian on Friday that, after 53 years of independence, non-Malays should be proud of the national language if they were loyal citizens.

“They get so sensitive when their patriotism is doubted but make no effort to use and understand Malay,” the former Berita Harian group editor said.

“What loyalty is there if they do not try to learn and use their own national language?” he wrote, adding that what was learnt in Chinese vernacular schools was only to pass exams.

Ahmad Rejal said that there were non-Malays that did not care about and deliberately “belittled Malay” despite calling Malaysia their country.

Ahmad Rejal is naive to suggest that non-Malays are not patriotic because they do not use the Malay language in their daily conversation. For the record, Ahmad should refrain from making a sweeping statement.

Many non-Malays do speak fluently in the Malay language and take great interest in understanding the Malay culture. In fact, some Chinese dialects such as the Penang Hokkien had incorporated many Malay words; for example, tuala, batu, kuih, etc.

I studied both Malay literature and Malay language at the pre-university level and did remarkably well in both subjects. Will I be regarded as being more patriotic and enjoy better privileges from the Umno-led government?

To people like Ahmad Rejal, I am still a Chinese and a non-Bumiputera. It is also a fact that not many Malays speak the Chinese language or understand our culture. To forge a better cultural understanding, the effort must be reciprocated. How much does Ahmad understand the non-Malay culture?

It is also the duty of the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka to expand the use of the Malay language. The language must be developed to facilitate acquisition of knowledge and skills. How many educational books are being written or translated into Malay?

The Malay language too had evolved and is still evolving. It has absorbed many English words into the language, such as diskusi, institusi, kasyer, polis, eksploitasi, ekspres and thousands of other words and terms.

Ahmad should take note of this phenomenon we call “pencemaran bahasa”, or language pollution. Replacing the original Malay words with these English terms will ultimately spell an end of the language and create a “rojak” language.

Why blame the non-Malays when there are far greater threats to the Malay language? Are the Malays faring any better in the language in exams since Ahmad said that non-Malays are only interested in passing exams.

You cannot deny that it takes a certain level of proficiency in the language to pass exams and it is the only formal yardstick to measure mastery of a language.

If Ahmad wants us to be proud of this country, he should advise the government to respect all Malaysians as equals. He should give a leader such as Dr Mahathir Mohamad an earful for suggesting that this country belonged to only the Malays.

He should advise the government to curb corruption, abuse of power, disrespect for the federal constitution, protect the democratic system and focus on addressing real socio-economic issues.

The fact that Ahmad sounds so ignorant and silly in his accusation that non-Malays are not patriotic enough just because they use their mother tongue does not give me much hope that he understands the real issues.

He was just probably a mediocre editor who was more interested in form rather than substance

Ahmad Rejal gave his reply and Kay Peng’s answers to it:

Ahmad Rejal Arbee Responds

Ahmad Rejal or a reader who claims to be him responded to my post on his statement about loyalty and the use of Malay language:

A friend e-mailed me your half cock shoot from the hip comment about what I wrote.

Please read the whole article properly and not just bit and pieces of it. And don’t be crude about it. We can discuss this gentlemanly without bringing in unrelated things.

So what was the crux of what I wrote?

I questioned why is it that even after 53 years of independence there are still citizens of this country who can’t understand and speak the national language, the language of this country?

I am not questioning the whole of the Chinese who are citizens of this country. Only those who still can’t understand or converse in the language of the country which they call home.

Is that being an extremist?

I also questioned the propensity of some housing developers and products being advertised through flyers sent to homes including Malays homes and especially in Shah Alam where I reside and where the majority are Malays, only in English and Mandarin. What happened to Bahasa? Why such disrespect? Aren’t these companies operating in Malaysia where the language of the country is Bahasa? Is that asking too much?

So don’t cloud it with fact that Hokkien having some Malay words. So what about it? I am not questioning Hokkien but only question why can’t the language of the country be given the proper respect it deserves.

And don’t go about the Malays not knowing Mandarin either. Is Mandarin the National language of this country?

It is good for the Malays to also learn Mandarin but even if the majority of them do so, BM is still the language of this country and should be accorded the respect it deserves where every citizens can understand and be able to converse in the language. Is that too much to ask?

Can we go to France, Germany, Japan or Korea and not see the languages of those countries not used at all – not even a word – in the menus of their restaurants.
But this is going on in this country. Go the White House coffee in section 13 Shah Alam and look up its menu. Its only in English and Mandarin. Why this disrespect for BM. Yet most of the clientele of the shop are Malays.

These people have scant respect for the language of their own country. If you are loyal to this country then you should also be loyal to the language of the country.

I am not questioning those who know the language and are able to use it and understand it. But knowing alone is also not enough, but you must also be proud to use it.

And don’t cloud it with encouragement being made to learn English. Yes we should learn and be proficient in English. But does it mean that we don’t need to use BM or know and be able to speak it.

That is all what I wrote about my friend. Is that being extreme? And what has that got to do with Umno?

And try not to be insulting. It doesn’t show good breeding.

rejal arbee

If Ahmad Rejal is trying to be constructive, he should not use any race label indiscriminately. He claimed that there are citizens who can’t speak or understand the Malay language. The national secondary school system which adopted the Malay language as the sole medium of instruction was implemented in 1974. It is granted that those who finished their secondary school prior to 1974 may not be conversant in the Malay language.

Today, it is not possible for any Malaysian who has completed his/her six years of primary education, in both national or vernacular school, not to be able to understand or converse in the Malay language.

However, many of them (especially those above the age of 50) are able to converse and communicate in the language through socialisation with other Malays. In fact, it is not uncommon to find Malays being able to speak in Chinese dialects as a result of socialisation with their Chinese friends.

I would like to urge Ahmad to provide me with statistics of non-Malay citizens who are not able to speak or understand the language. I dare say that they belonged to the minority. If Ahmad hopes to see more people using the Malay language, he should sound more constructive and encouraging.

If Ahmad is trying to pick an issue with non-Malays not using the Malay language when socializing among themselves or with their family members, then I would say that he is just being discriminatory. Using one’s own mother tongue when conversing with family members and friends of the same ethnic origin does not mean that he/she is unpatriotic or disloyal to the nation.

Is it trendy for editors or columnists of Malay mainstream newspapers to use the non-Malays especially the Chinese as punching bags? Is Ahmad hoping to make an editorial comeback with his unwarranted and unfair criticism of non-Malays or Chinese?

If Ahmad is not pleased with some property developers, retailers or restaurants not using the Malay language, he should just limit his criticism to these companies or persons. By using the race label, he not only being racist but also an opportunist.

I pray that he does not turn into a race extremist. I hope his statement is made out of ignorance and a lack of understanding of non-Malay Malaysians.

Rejal made his final say with this:

Apabila usaha martabat bahasa Melayu dipersoal — Ahmad Rejal Arbee

February 10, 2011

10 FEB — Nampaknya apa yang saya bangkitkan minggu lalu mengenai ada sesetengah rakyat negara ini yang masih tidak boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu dan terus memperlekehkannya sudah menyentuh saraf otak seorang blogger dan membuatkannya begitu marah hingga menghina saya secara peribadi.

Blogger ini bernama Khoo Kay Peng, memetik sesetengah daripada apa yang saya tulis itu ke dalam bahasa Inggeris dan membuat perhitungannya sendiri kononnya saya sudah persoalkan patriotisme semua bukan Melayu kerana tidak berusaha untuk menggunakan dan memahami serta boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu.

Dia juga sengaja tidak hiraukan apa yang menjadi pokok persoalan saya, iaitu kenapa ada sesetengah pihak dalam negara ini tidak langsung menghormati bahasa Malaysia dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dan Mandarin saja dalam iklan dan risalah yang mereka edarkan kepada orang ramai.

Persoalan yang saya bangkitkan kenapa tuan punya atau pengurusan syarikat itu sengaja tidak menghormati langsung bahasa negara mereka dengan mengabaikan penggunaannya tidak pula dinyatakannya.

Dia sedikit pun tidak menyentuh persoalan pokok yang saya timbulkan itu seperti juga kenapa masih ada warga negara ini yang beria-ia kononnya mereka menyanjungi negara ini, tetapi tidak berusaha untuk memahami bahasa Melayu, apa lagi menggunakannya.

Baik juga jawapan saya kepada tulisannya itu sudah dimuatkan dalam blognya, walaupun ditohmahkan pula kesangsian apakah saya sendiri yang memberikan jawapan itu. Kenapa hal ini pun mahu diragui? Siapa pula yang hendak menulis kepada blognya menyamar sebagai saya?

Mengulas jawapan saya itu, dia minta pula saya nyatakan statistik warga negara ini yang tidak faham atau boleh bertutur bahasa itu. Sememangnya statistik demikian ini tidak ada sebab kaji selidik mengenainya tidak pernah dijalankan.

Bagaimanapun, seorang rakan berbangsa Cina pernah menyatakan kepada saya bahawa ramai juga lulusan sekolah Cina yang tidak boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu, walaupun selepas menjalani peperiksaan mendapatkan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).

Rakan saya itu menyatakan bahawa ada murid sekolah menengah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina mengambil mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu pun hanyalah kerana mahu lulus SPM saja.

Selesai persekolahan ada antara mereka tidak berusaha menggunakannya pun. Ini juga mungkin kerana tidak perlu kerana mereka hanya bergaul dengan sebangsa saja tidak dengan orang Melayu.

Apa pun lulus mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu pada peringkat SPM pun tidak semestinya membuktikan mereka boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu. Maka saya mengesyorkan Kementerian Pelajaran mensyaratkan semua murid perlu lulus lisan Bahasa Melayu untuk lulus mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu.

Bagaimanapun, Khoo mendakwa kononnya semua murid sekolah rendah baik dari sekolah kebangsaan mahu pun sekolah jenis kebangsaan sudah belajar bahasa Melayu selama enam tahun dan tentunya boleh faham dan boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu.

Katanya, hari ini tidak mungkin ada rakyat Malaysia yang sudah menghabiskan pelajaran rendahnya selama enam tahun baik di sekolah kebangsaan mahu pun sekolah jenis kebangsaan yang tidak boleh memahami atau tidak boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu.

Tentunya kenyataannya itu juga tidak disandarkan kepada statistik. Ada baiknya Kementerian Pelajaran mengadakan satu kaji selidik untuk mengetahui jumlah atau kadar peratusan warga negara ini yang tidak faham atau boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu.

Tanpa statistik itu pun, kita tahu masih ada dalam kalangan rakyat negara ini yang tidak faham atau boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu. Itulah sebabnya hingga sekarang ini pun jurubahasa Cina dan Tamil masih diperlukan di mahkamah dalam negara ini kerana masih ada rakyat negara ini yang tidak faham pertuduhan terhadap mereka yang dibuat dalam bahasa Melayu apabila dihadapkan ke mahkamah.

Jika benar semua rakyat negara ini tahu bahasa Melayu kenapa perlu diadakan jurubahasa di mahkamah? Mungkin mahkamah perlu mengkaji semula kenapa perlu diadakan jurubahasa Cina dan Tamil untuk warga negara sendiri.

Tetapi ini pun mungkin boleh diterima jika tidak wujud puak ekstrem dalam kalangan sesetengah daripada mereka yang berterusan memperlekehkan bahasa Melayu. Kenapa hingga hari ini ada kopitiam tidak mahu langsung menggunakan bahasa Melayu dalam kedainya baik dalam menu mahupun di papan tanda terpampang dalam kedai memberikan harga hidangan yang disediakannya? Lihat saja dua kedainya di Seksyen 13 dan Seksyen 7 di Shah Alam.

Ada yang cuba mempertahankan kopitiam ini kononnya tidak dikunjungi orang Melayu kerana tidak mempunyai sijil halal. Sama ada kedai itu mempunyai sijil halal yang diiktiraf atau tidak bukanlah persoalannya.

Jika tidak dikunjungi Melayu, apakah mereka bukan beroperasi dalam negara ini? Bagaimana pun kopitiam itu sememangnya mempunyai ramai pelanggan Melayu. Ini boleh dilihat sendiri.

Dalam hal ini apakah yang dilakukan Majlis Bandar Raya Shah Alam? Tidakkah pihak berkuasa boleh membuat tinjauan dan bertindak terhadap pengurusan yang bersikap begini biadap?

Khoo ini juga menimbulkan suatu perkara yang saya tidak sentuh pun, iaitu perbualan bukan Melayu sesama sanak saudara mereka sendiri dalam bahasa ibunda. Siapa pula hendak menyekat mereka menggunakan bahasa ibunda sendiri bila bertutur sesama adik-beradik? Jadi kenapa hal ini mahu ditimbulkan? Inilah apabila ada pihak yang cuba mahu menegakkan benang basah dan tidak mahu menerima kenyataan.

Selagi bahasa Melayu ini tidak diberikan tempat sewajarnya dan masih ada pihak yang berterusan memperlekehkannya, selagi itulah akan wujud kesangsian oleh sesetengah pihak terhadap sanjungan mereka itu kepada negara mereka sendiri. — Berita Harian


What are we waiting for?

114 thoughts on “Arguments and excuses over Bahasa Malaysia

  1. salam JMD,

    SEKALI LAGI saya so happen menulis artikel berkaitan isu Satu Sekolah , saya ulang ya – so happen, sebab saya post 1 jam lebih awal ,kot ada yang tuduh saya gatal nak ikut JMD. Tapi saya memang gatal nak letak link itu disini, dengan izin hehehehe.

    Ingat kes ahMoi sorang tu yang bawa mak dia ke balai polis tahun lepas dan mahukan pegawai polis itu bertutur omputeh kerana dia mengaku tidak fasih berbahasa Kebangsaan ….. ? Kes itu bagi menjawap kenyataan ahKhoo – “Today, it is not possible for any Malaysian who has completed his/her six years of primary education, in both national or vernacular school, not to be able to understand or converse in the Malay language.”

    Tak faham, tidak ada kemahuan untuk belajar memahami dan bodoh sombong.


  2. With the vernacular schools and automatic promotion until Form Five eventhough with UPSR (Primary 6) and PMR (Form 3), I would not be surprised that there are many who would not be able to communicate in BM. And due to politics, the OneSchool System is still a dream


  3. kenapa penulis tidak langsung menyebut Menteri / VIP / Ahli Koperat yang selalu memberi keyataan dalam bahasa Inggeris / Ada yang tidak pernah cakap Bahasa Malaysia pun. Sebab mengikut menteri bahasa Malaysia mungkin tak ada standard. kenapa tidak ada orang daam kesini tegu menteri. be Genlement la sikit. Bukti tengok sahaja di TV


    • saudara Walinongsari,

      Sila beri saya nama menteri/VIP yang masih tidak tahu dan tidak faham bahasa malaysia tersebut dan saya akan cuba bertanya mengapa mereka ini tidak tau berbahasa malaysia.

      Saya pernah dengar juga sesetengah menteri dan vip berbahasa Inggeris di dalam TV tetapi saya tahu secara peribadi, mereka juga fasih berbahasa malaysia.

      Terima kasih.


    • Nampaknya bukan dia tak faham BM tetapi sengaja hendak buat fasal. Bahasa Inggerisnya pun baik, tidak seperti lulusan sekolah Cina, tetapi pemikirannya sama dengan yang lulusan sekolah Cina.

      He says, “If Ahmad wants us to be proud of this country, he should advise the government to respect all Malaysians as equals.” Just look at this fellow. His feelings for the country is conditional upon the treatment by the Government, and not taking into consideration the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak. Equality in this country must take into account of that Special Position which has been agreed by his forefathers and for which he got citizenship. It is spelt out under Article 153 of the Constitution which was debated and approved by Parliament twice – once at Merdeka and another at the formation of Malaysia.

      He is so narrow minded and poorly educated (he may be a university graduate but still poorly educated because education is not just at the university) that he probably has not read what US President J.F Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”. He also has not read about what has been written in other blogs the expression that has existed in England and Europe for over a thousand years – “My country, right or wrong”. He probably only knows the saying, “When the going is tough, the disloyal get going” to Australia, NZ, Canada, etc.

      Yet he tried to chide Ahmad Rejal for questioning the patriotism of those who can’t speak BM now 53 years after Merdeka. Frankly, I don’t mind if he executes himself the only saying that he probably knows above.

      He does not respect the Constitution which stipulates BM as the National Language and the Sedition Act which protects the sensitive provisions of the Constitution e.g on the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumis. He is ultra kiasu, the kind who takes, takes and takes, without giving anything in return for the citizenship that he got. He’d probably say he gives by way of paying taxes, ignorant of the fact that even the miserable foreign laborer pays tax by way of a levy. Being poorly educated, one can expect him to be ignorant as well.

      So, what else can we expect of this possibly half-educated fellow? Sure we have to expect his ignorance of the history of the country. And he is angry at Tun Dr Mahathir “for suggesting that this country belonged to only the Malays.” Twisting TDM’s words also there. This Kay Peng is a dangerous fellow, a possible master twister.

      And he talks about corruption when his kind brought the concept which was prevalent in China since 2,000 years ago, started by the eunuchs who were palace servants who the Emperors came to rely upon when laziness and preoccupation with hundreds of concubines got the better of them during that period of Chinese history.

      Most of all, this Kay Peng chap has the cheek to talk about “disrespect for the federal constitution, protect the democratic system and focus on addressing real socio-economic issues.” The fellow has the gall to say those. Completely disregarding the fact that he himself has a blatant disrespect for the Constitution on the National Language and the Malay and Bumiputera Special Position.

      This fellow is incorrigible, isn’t he. He twists Ahmad Rejal’s arguments by saying “The fact that Ahmad sounds so ignorant and silly in his accusation that non-Malays are not patriotic enough just because they use their mother tongue does not give me much hope that he understands the real issues.” The bloke completely has no understanding of the real issues that Ahmad Rejal brought up, spinned it round and accused Ahmad Rejal “a mediocre editor who was more interested in form rather than substance”.

      In fact, Khoo Kay Peng has no substance at all. He argues on the basis of his sentiments instead of on the basis of the Constitution. As he has no respect for the Constitution of the country, he should really be looking for another country whose constitution he might respect.


  4. Memang sepatutnya Malaysia hanya memiliki satu sahaja sistem persekolahan dan pendidikan. Negara lain di dunia semua hanya ada satu saja sistem…tapi kite? Isu ini la yang menyukarkan proses integrasi 100% rakyat Malaysia.


    • itu la, suruh belajar bahasa malaysia tak nak paham. sekolah dan universiti pun tak boleh dibezakan.
      i put it up to you that you are lying. nanti aku taruk, terbaring kau.


      • UiTM sebuah sekolah ke, atau Universiti tak penting. Sekolah Cina sesiapa pun boleh masuk. Anak Presiden Perkasa pun boleh masuk. Tapi UiTM, orang Cina dan India boleh masuk tak??


        • saudara bodohpandai,

          Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua adalah untuk membolehkan semua pelajar dari peringkat sekolah rendah bertutur dengan fasih di dalam bahasa kebangsaan mereka. Ini sejajar dengan isi artikel di atas. Cuba fikir, takkan jika kita mulakan dengan membuka UITM, semua bangsa tiba tiba boleh fasih BM sedangkan ada antara mereka pergi ke sekolah vernakular di peringkat rendah dan menengah? Kita mau keharmonian dan keakraban antara kaum dipupuk sejak dari peringkat awal juga. Anak presiden Dong Zong dan saudara mara beliau pun boleh masuk sekolah satu aliran. Elok kan?

          Oleh itu, sila beri komen berdasarkan topik. Terima kasih.


        • contoh seorang lagi yang tidak faham bahasa malaysia… Universiti dengan sekolah pun tidak boleh dibezakan.. lepas dah salah, buat-buat tak kisah dan tak penting…

          saudara, sekolah kebangsaan pun semua boleh masuk. Anak Presiden Amerika Syarikat pun boleh masuk kalau mahu.

          ~ OnDaStreet


        • Sekolah kebangsaan semua orang boleh masuk, tapi dia tak mahu masuk, lagi mahu mengunci diri tak mahu masuk. Luasnya pintu sekolah kebangsaan sampai orang indon pun boleh masuk (dengan syarat tertentu). Tapi masih dia tak mahu masuk juga. Dah buka luas-luas, dia mahu kerajaan buka UiTM dulu, baru dia “fikir” nak masuk. Amat pelik sebab tiada siapa yang halang mereka dari masuk sekolah kebangsaan, lagak mereka sama seperti orang sawan yang duduk dalam reban ayam, orang suruh datang duduk rumah, dia tak mahu, sebaliknya suruh orang buat rumah baru dulu, baru dia mahu masuk rumah. Memang sawan.


  5. Kay Peng ni memang betul-betul bodoh sombong . Apabila di lihat isu ini bukannya disuruh berkomunikasi dengan bahasa melayu walaupun sesama keluarga dan bangsa cina secara amnya , nampaknya kay peng sednri tak faham bahasa melayu yg dikatakan Ahmad . Kenyataan Ahmad lebih kepada menguatkan penguasaan bahasa melayu jika mereka ini mengaku sebagai rakyat malaysia , banyak kejadian yg kita semua lalui bahwa ramai yg tak pandai bercakap malah amat lemah memahami bahasa melayu , janganlah kay peng ni jadi bodoh sombong dan pura-pura bodoh tak tahu .

    Mengenai bahasa cina pula , buat apa nak pelajarinya sebagaimana cadangan kay peng yg menempelak Melayu kononnya tidak pelajarinya dan gagal bersosial dengan rakan cina lain … kita bukan berada di Singapore mahupun China . Inilah isu utama yg dikatakan oleh saudara Ahmad .. hubungan dan pergaulan sosial antara kaum haruslah berteraskan kepada bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa rakyat Malaysia , dan jika golongan yg mengaku sebagai rakyat Malaysia haruslah wajib tahu berbahasa Melayu . Tak perlu Kay Peng jadi bodoh sombong dan menolak bahawa kononnya takde golongan minoriti ini yg tak tahu berbahasa melayu . Bukan sahaja isu di mahkahmah mahupun kejadian dibalai polis pada ketika dahulu tapi ketika banci dilakukan , petugas-petugas tak dapat menjalankan tugas kerana terlalu ramai yg tak tahu berbahasa Melayu.

    Sungguh memalukan ! yg memalukan ialah mereka ini mengaku rakyat malaysia .. yg lebih memalukan ialah kegagalan rakyat Malaysia yg kononnya tahu berbahasa melayu dan gagal memahami artikel sebenar oleh saudara Ahmad yg ditulis dalam bahasa melayu.


  6. Mr Jebat,

    I always find it strange when Malaysians of Indian, Chinese and Malay races meet overseas, they would readily speak BM. The moment they land at Subang (then) and KLIA (now) they would revert back to using English. Could this be a form of warped patriotism?

    There is no denying that Malaysia has and would continue to have 3 distinct cultures. It had been observed that the Chinese in Malaysia could be more culturally chinese than the chinese from HK, Taiwan and China. They have become all BANANAS – yellow on the outside but very white on the inside.

    Similarly the local Indians are more culturally Indians than their counterparts from India. Why so? Go debate this!

    It could be also true that the local Malays are losing or diluting their Melayuness, unless they lived abroad for a while.It would see to be true the assertion – you have to lose it before you could find it!!

    As the majority of Malays do not leave Malaysia, not even for a brief holiday abroad, the process of dilution of melayuness will be unstoppable.

    Interestingly it is being diluted by many foreign influences. It used to be hindustani and wild west movies, but now it is cantonese soaps and hip hop culture and music for some quarters. Some other quarters of the Malay community would be much more at ease in embracing all things arabisque.

    It had been observed that among international Muslim foreign students studying in England, those from Malaysia and Indonesia are even more into Islam than those from the Arab countries.

    The PRACTICAL issues raised by Datuk AHmad Rejal Arbee and Mr. Khoo Kay Peng may lie less on who should me more patriotic BUT more on on whose shoulders should the core culture of being MALAYSIAN rests!!

    The answer is pure and simple. It rests with the Malays. It may NOT come as a big surprise to many that the defining characteristics of being a Malaysian is the Malay culture. Need we ask who should best be the champions and activists for Malay culture?

    I have observed when Malaysian Chinese students participated in an International Students Conference in Taiwan with students from Taiwan, HK, Singapore, Thailand and indonesia, they readily performed the joget and wear traditional baju Melayu!!
    There Malaysian students delegation happened to be 100% Chinese. Not a single Malay student was there. At that time i thought this was most strange!!

    I think the single schooling system is a non-starter if the chinese were just told to do it. They will not. Apparently the kiasu phenomenon is as prevalent north of the causeway!!

    Just as with the chinese students performing malay cultural dances and singing Malay songs in Taiwan, chinese parents would and could be persuaded to support the one school system.

    The chinese students did what they did it to show that they have a country — Malaysia. They needed to display some degree of Malaysianess that to the audience.

    If they had performed some traditional chinese dance or songs, it would have demonstrated that they are as Chinese as the audience, but it would not have demonstrated that they have a country — their country was Malaysia.

    I saw in them, at those moments, they felt genuinely proud to be Malaysian!! The students even taught the audience simple BM like Selamat Pagi, Sila Makan, Terima Kaseh!!. Amazing!!.

    So when will the Chinese parents send their children to Sekolah Kebangsaan? When they saw the value of doing i.e. the much better future for their children far outweigh any perceived loss in terms of the watering down of the cultivation of their chineseness, their chinese language and their culture, among their children.

    If the SK schools teach BI as a medium of instruction, the chinese parents could be persuaded to send their children to SK schools. If the SK also offers Mandarin language classes, these same parents would be 150% sold.

    During the time when English was the medium of instructions in government schools,
    and our teachers graduated from Kirby and Brinsford Lodge, there was no questions among chinese parents as to which school their children would be attending. In fact I learnt that the community of both parents and children that chose the government schools, would not think those that attended chinese schools as their equals.

    This is all logical. Those that had chosen the government schools and were schooled in English could became doctors, nurses, accountants, engineers, business executives and government officers. The future for those who studied in the Chinese schools were of course less secure.

    If the SK and SMK could provide the same value proposition, the chinese parents would NOT need prodding. Nor do we need to remind them of their patriotism.

    Much like why our people buy Proton cars. I suspect it has less to do with patriotism. But more because it is the cheapest option and the reliability is not bad. Good value for money! We are al logical animals!

    Of course we cannot imagine our SK and SMK without any BM being used. For those who have just tasted their sweet PPSMI victory, any changes will have to be over their dead body.

    So we use all three languages – BM, BI as medium if instructions, and Mandarin as a language study. Don’t think this will burden the students. Their young minds can learn even more languages.

    The problems would be the teachers. Already those with English options would not teach history or any other subject. Unless of course they want to work in the Klang Valley. Then i guess they would agree to teach any subject that is not their OPTION just to get their plum postings!!

    The other questions is where are we going to get that may Mandarin teachers? The answer is already being practiced in China, since re creation of the communist nation in 1947 – teach mandarin using hanyu pinyin (a spelling system using roman alphabets). Thus we could create mandarin teachers in the ten of thousands per year. With this method we could develop enough teachers!

    Using three very different languages as medium of instructions would not earn Malaysia an entry in the Guiness Book of Records. Lebanon had earned that price some 40 to 50 years ago. Lebanese primary and secondary schools teach and learn in French, Arabic and English. YES three languages as their medium of instructions.

    For every one Lebanese living in Lebanon, there is another living abroad. Knowing English, French and Arabic made them relocatable to most parts of the world.

    They are much sought after teachers in the middle east. They are also as successful as businessmen in South America, particularly in Portuguese speaking Brazil and Spanish speaking Argentina. This proves that if one had learnt several languages when young, one could easily learn many other foreign languages as adults!!

    So hurry up. Perkasakan SK with BI and Mandarin. Single Schooling System will become a non-issue!!


    • Economist Kampong,

      A few short comments until time permits a longer discourse.

      Disagree with you vehemently “Single Schooling System will become a non-issue”. Tempted to use stronger words but decided to not even use the double exclamation marks !! that you use. Do read up in this blog, Demi Negara blog and Kempen SSS blog and many of the over 200 blogs displaying the SSS logo the posts and comments urging for SSS.

      DS Najib has said in Parliament and in his 1Malaysia blog that SSS “will be implemented when the rakyat wants it”. He has not responded to the Kempen SSS suggestion that referendum be used as the method to determine whether the rakyat wants it now or not.

      BI as a scond languague and more international than Mandarin can be “diperkasakan diSK”. Mandarin, although spoken by 1.3 billion people is not widespread in use globally. It may be taught as an elective subject in SK.

      The premise others use that Mandarin should be given greater attention because China is becoming the 2nd largest trading nation in the world is not valid. Otherwise we should have had Japanese schools in Malaysia when Japan was (still is?) the 2nd largest economy in the world.

      The Chinese students in Taiwan that you spoke about are the ones we must be proud of. Hopefully most Malaysian Chinese students overseas will emulate them. Malaysia would be a happier place to live in if they do.

      Will comment more on the many points you put out when time becomes available.


    • “Malays are losing or diluting their Melayuness, unless they lived abroad for a while” –

      I don’t understand what is meant by “Melayuness” there. If it referes to the so-called liberalism, I wish to point out that many of those who have been abroad and think or even claim themselves to be “liberal” are not liberal but are “pseudo-liberals”, meaning, pretending to be liberal when in fact they are not.

      I agree with the opinion that people cannot be liberal if they are not broad minded. And they cannot be broad minded if they do not see the need for leveling the playing field in this country in the educational and business fields.

      We must avoid another 13 May 1969 which erupted from the long-term cause of the huge discrepancy between the educational and economic advancement between the Malays, the majority in this country, and the Chinese who form 23% of the population.

      If “Melayuness” means subscribing to the racist opposition line of a so-called Malaysian Malaysia without due regard for the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak, it is a shallow perception of liberalism and must be condemned. Even the US has policies designed to assist the disadvantaged. Obama’s Health Care policy is one.


    • JMD,

      This may also be not directly concerning your topic of discussion but the comment above needs responding to further.

      Economist Kampong says, “As the majority of Malays do not leave Malaysia, not even for a brief holiday abroad, the process of dilution of melayuness will be unstoppable … Interestingly it is being diluted by many foreign influences. It used to be hindustani and wild west movies, but now it is cantonese soaps and hip hop culture and music for some quarters. Some other quarters of the Malay community would be much more at ease in embracing all things arabisque.”

      This is a very subjective opinion, not borne out by any academic research or scientific studies, and no authority has been quoted.

      With globalisation, all sorts of foreign influences seep into all countries exposed to the phenomenon. The Russians and the Chinese have even adopted capitalism, which for many decades had been anathema to communism. They still maintain the Communist Parties in their countries but capitalism and private ownership has been everywhere in those countries since decades ago.

      He has not stated how Hindustani and Wild West movies etc have affected “Malayness”. Neither has he stated how many Malays watch Chinese movies or how the cheap Hong Kong films depicting flying swordsmen have influenced the Malays.

      There may be some truth in some Malays “embracing all things arabisque” but he has not explained if that influence, perhaps seeping in through religion, is affecting the Malays adversely and, if so, in what ways.

      All told, his comment is based largely if not entirely on his personal opinion and, until his statements are explained and justified, they should be regarded as merely so. And that nothing derogatory should be construed from them.


    • Salam JMD,

      Dengan izin tuan dan Economist kampung, saya ingin copy paste sebahagian dari komen at 2:21am berkenaan pelajar bangsa cina yang mempersembahkan tarian Melayu diTaiwan sebagai sebahagian artikel diblog saya.

      Kabor je… tak bagi pun saya ambil dah hehehehe… btw, nice comment.


  7. bro, there is no excuse for any malaysian to be unable to speak bahasa malaysia. i agree 100% with satu sekolah untuk semua. abolish all chinese, tamil and religious schools. open boarding schools and mrsm to all races through quota system. expand it to ipt as well. all matriculation programs, public ipts, uitm and private ipts must be open to all races through quota system. what say you?


    • @ Anon feb 11 7.20am

      the 1School we’ve been talking about refers strictly to primary school system, not secondary schools of different academic streams (science / technical / vocational / religious / mixed daily secondary school etc.), not matriculation, not UiTM, IPTA/S or anything else beyond primary school.

      about religious primary-level school (sekolah rendah agama), it’s rather evening school or supplementary school where many Malay parents send their children to after official school hours (in which the children first attend national school session) to enrich the children’s religious knowledge. bear in your mind that the malays have already demonstrated their commitment towards national school at the 1st place. these religious primary-level school are just complementary schools, not exclusively vernacular schools like SJKC/SJKT. therefore i don’t think anyone should make sekolah rendah agama an issue at all.


  8. It is true that lack of national identity is lack of patriotism and that those who love this country must also be proud of the national language. In fact, a disregard for the National Language even reflects a lack of loyalty. And loyalty to the country must be the basis for citizenship.

    The US even entices volunteering to go to war like the Vietnam War and the Iraq War for permanent stay immigrants or Green Card holders to get citizenship fast.

    Yet patriotism like volunteering to go to war defending or promoting the country’s interests is actually one stage after loyaty. There must first be loyalty or obedience to all laws, especially the Constitution, the highest set of laws of the country, before patriotism or feeling of love to country emerges. Patriotism does not emerge when loyalty to country is not there.

    The National Language is spelt out loud and clear as Article 152 of the Constitution. The wording used there is “shall” i.e mandatory. No two-way about not using the National Language or having vernacular schools. What has been let be for over 50 years does not mean it is right. The fact that politicians have resorted to political expedience and vote-catching devices like allowing vernacular schools to continue and giving grants to Chinese schools does not negate the validity and sanctity of Article 152.

    How clearer need it be when the Constitution already states

    152. (1) The national language shall be the Malay language and shall be in such script as Parliament may by law provide:

    Provided that—

    (a) no person shall be prohibited or prevented from using (otherwise than for official purposes), or from teaching or learning, any other language; and

    (b) nothing in this Clause shall prejudice the right of the Federal Government or of any State Government to preserve and sustain the use and study of the language of any other community in the Federation.

    (6) In this Article, “official purpose” means any purpose of the Government, whether Federal or State, and includes any purpose of a public authority.other community in the Federation.

    (Clauses (2) to (5) refer to language to be used in Parliament, the Courts etc.)

    Note that under Clause (1)(b) the Government has the right to “to preserve and sustain the use and study of the language of any other community”, but it must not be encouraging varying sets of values, hopes and aspirations, and at the expense of long term racial harmony, unity and peace in the country.

    And loyalty should not be dependent upon the Government decision to merge the vernacular schools with the national schools, as urged by the Kempen SSS (Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua). Loyalty, and especially patriotism, is taking one’s own initiative to follow and abide by the main Clause – 152 (1) above.

    Having said the above, I must state that John Mallot’s perception of the situation in the country now is far from the truth and is merely a figment of his imagination. Or the licking of nasty propaganda put out by non-conformists in the country.


    • Postscript:

      My comment above is made in English so that people like Khoo Kay Peng will understand what loyalty and patriotism mean.

      Please excuse the form and kindly consider the substance.


  9. I wish it was that simple blogger Khoo Kay Peng. I studied Japanese for 5 years, with teachers imported from Japan no less. Passed my exam with flying colours.. BUT I will never put Japanese as a language that I’m fluent in my resume. Same thing with kids that studied Malay as a subject for 6 years but their school medium of instruction is not Malay, compounded by not having any Malay friends.. they can never claim to be fluent in Malay.

    I support 1 School for all coz I think racial segregation while the kids are still young is bad for the country. We should also open all public universities for all races. I think we should admit it.. living/schooling/working anywhere with only our own race to mingle with is not good for everybody. It promotes “katak bawah tempurung” mentality.


    • ” We should also open all public universities for all races. ”

      As a matter of fact, except UiTM, ALL our public universities are open to Malaysians of all races since day one. UiTM in the other hand, was established with a slightly different cause. Although UiTM has ~30,000 freshman intake annually, combined intake of all the other 19 public universities greatly outnumbers that of UiTM.

      The crux of the matter is about having a single unified PRIMARY school system and that’s what the 1School cause is about. If we even deny the opportunities for our kids to integrate from young age under a unified primary school system, then no talk about opening up secondary schools and certain universities to all.


  10. Saya akan tulis dalam dua bahasa supaya orang yang tak faham/tak teringin nak faham/memilih untuk berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggeris memahami komen saya:-

    Mulakan dengan Mesin ATM. Hadkan kepada Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris sahaja. Tetapi bahasa digunakan akan berdasarkan kepada jenis pengenalan diri digunakan semasa membuka akaun. Kalau guna nombor kad pengenalan, secara automatik akan menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia dalam semua transaksi ATM. Jika menggunakan nombor paspot, secara automatik akan menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris. Jika kad ATM daripada bank di luar Malaysia, secara automatik akan menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris. Dengan cara begini, semua rakyat Malaysia akan terpaksa memahami Bahasa Malaysia (walaupun sedikit) untuk mengeluarkan wang.

    (Now in English)

    I will comment in both Bahasa Malaysia and English so that people that does not understand/unwilling to learn/prefers to communicate in English understands it:

    Starts with ATM by limiting the languages available to only Bahasa Malaysia and English. The language designated for each bank’s customer is dependent on what type of identification used during registration. Should the customer use Malaysian Identity Card, Bahasa Malaysia will automatically chosen as transaction language. Should the customer use Passport, then English will be the transaction language. English will also be the language selected to be used by customer using foreign bank’s ATM Card. Should we apply this system, every Malaysia citizen will be forced to learn Bahasa Malaysia to withdraw money.

    (End of comment)

    I have to admit that the translation to English is not word to word translation, but then, if you need to read the English version of my comment, shame on you!


    • Mr Hitman

      I submit that the era of COMPULSION is not only over. It was never the Malaysian way. I further submit that the EITHER/OR scenarios, where people are asked to choose between A or B is also over.

      Today, thanks to rapid technological developments and globalized commercialization of it, and the resultant economics of abundance, we are endowed with many choices. The world of today and the future will always be based on being able to choose from a very wide range of options, i.e. A, and B, and C …… and finally Z.

      Freedom of choices is not only politically correct, it is also the only viable commercial imperative.

      BNM could have mandated that only BM is used. They have the legal capacity to do it. They had to approve even the locations at which ATM were to be situated. BUT to take away the choices once given — susah sikit lah.

      What we could do more of, however is to give BM its due respect and honour as our national language. Which means i should have penned this in BM.

      There is also the BM Act (Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan). The Act makes it an offense to use other than BM in any OFFICIAL function. Lately it is customary to see BI being used in official functions. I guess you can still get around it by using “dengan izin” as we hear used in Parliament all the time.

      Still, DBP should take a few exemplary cases to the courts for Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan violations. Beyond that — practice makes perfect. BM must occupy ever greater space in our officialdom.

      Good examples of BM mastery (YB Tan Seng Giau comes to mind) should be celebrated. We need to reward the desired behaviour. It is more effective and politically correct than to punish bad behavior. Let us use carrots and no sticks.


      • Economist Kampong,

        After 53 years still can’t communicate well in BM? After relaxing the language proficiency test for issue of citizenship certificates? And still use the carrots? You expect language proficiency after another half or full century? What do you do with Article 152? Just stare at it? Or grin and bear it? Never mind national unity? Forget about “Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa” and “Bahasa Menyatu Padukan Negara”?

        I have more questions for you. But suffice for the time being.


      • COMPULSION is necessary in certain situation, nothing is fixed in stone. If the majority (I mean real majority ~ 80 – 90% of population) wants it, then there is nothing that other people can do, no amount of sweet talking or threat of losing foreign fund (tactic being use nowadays to scare the majority), etc. There are few ways to gain that majority, one is for bumiputera to produce like rabits, and two for Chinese/Indian that are educated and liberal to step forward.


  11. How do you address Islamization in these Sekolah Kebangsaan? It is unavoidable when you equate Melayu sama dengan Islam dan Islam sama dengan Melayu?


    • Janise
      I strongly recommend you do not limit yourself to twitter protocol if you want to discuss serious concepts (and concerns – i presume) of islamization of SK, Malay = Islam, and Islam = Malay.

      I wish i could provide my inputs. But if only you could be a little specific. What is your DRIFT? What is bothering you?


    • Janice,

      Looks like somebody is a Islamic phobia. I heard about this rumor from non Malay fried that heard from a friend of a friend of a friend that SK teacher is preaching Islam to the non Muslim. All this while i was in SRK and SMK never once i saw these activities from teachers.If any it is an isolated case where an extremist trying to misuse the position to force students to convert to Islam (usually it can be easily identified because these extremist is PAS follower but now it is harder because they have disguised themselves as a liberal Muslims). A responsible teacher would never force non Muslim student or any student for that matter and since before i did not see such programs endorsed by government to convert non muslim students. Please state your proof of this Islamization in SK and Melayu harus Islam. Islam xsemestinya Melayu..


  12. Janice – islamic phobia? phobia of islam, phobia islam, islamophobia?

    Pilih lah mana satu atau betulkan, aku tak reti sangat bahasa inggeris.

    Bodoh tak mau di ajar, pandai pon tak mau belajar..


  13. The national anthem can be learnt. But for it to be felt is another thing.

    Aku selalu sebak bila menyanyi bahagian “Tanah tumpahnya darahku”

    The Malay language is one of the simplest to learn, if not the simplest. Sedih wei kalau tak tau. Takkan nak menyanyi kosong je. Macam burung kakak tua.

    And being a product of a public university, hearing Malaysians not able to sing the national anthem is not that foreign, to me at least. Our national anthem is created using the national language. Please learn the national language and feel it like I do. I hope no one is thinking of introducing Mandarin or Tamil versions of the anthem.

    This might slightly be off topic but yeah, hope you caught my uhh..drift


  14. Kir,

    Islamic phobia? Mungkin juga. Sebab setahu saya sekolah vernakular tidak menekan agama sangat. Kaum aku ni dan India, ada yang Buddha, Hindu atau Kristian. Jadi tak bolehlah utamakan satu agama.

    Saya adalah produk Sekolah Kebangsaan. Jadi isu ini dibangkitkan sebab ini adalah pengalaman yang dialami sendiri. Guru Add Maths cakap pasal Islam semasa mengajar. Apa mengenanya dengan topik pelajaran. Sampai pula dia perlekehkan agama lain. Tapi zaman saya tu, taklah kami politikkan isu ni. Kami anggap je cikgu ni ignorant (kelas saya banyak India dan Cina). Semangat dia ‘memperkasakan’ Islam, tak payahlah memperkecilkan agama-agama lain. Nak berdakwah pun ada caranya. Rasa saya Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w) taklah dakwah cam tu. Kalau nak cerita, banyak lagi. Boleh sembang dan minum kopi.

    Satu sekolah ni, idea bagus. Tapi kalau nak juga masukkan agama Islam dalam kurikulum ni, seperti sekolah kebangsaan sekarang, tak jalanlah Bang. Tapi kalau tak masuk pula, ibu-bapa Muslim tak setuju.

    Sepekara lagi, satu sekolah ni hanya untuk sekolah rendah je ke? Kenapa tak pulak sampai universiti? Kalau nak gaul tu biarlah sebati. 6 tahun sekolah rendah nak integrasikan rakyat? Lepas tu batang hidung Melayu pun tak nampak bila masuk sekolah menengah…tak payah ler tu. Sama je. Baik jangan buat. Kekadang, bukan saya tak nak bergaul dengan Melayu tapi dia orang kata say ni kafir, makan makanan tak halal. Tergelak juga say bila fikir orang melayu ni macam orang Jew ‘ the choosen people’. Banyak holier than thou kat sekolah.

    Kau pernah pergi Sabah Sarawak? Banyak lagi penduduk bumiputera kat sana tak tahu bahasa melayu. Nak tuduh juga mereka tak patriotik?

    Tapi since Kir tak faham Bahasa Inggeris dengan nakalnya saya kata ‘ It’s the Muslim that give Islam a bad name’.

    Sekularkan sekolah dan jauhkan dari pengaruh agama. Leave your faith at home. It’s personal.


    • Janice,

      I understand your phobia about Islam. We muslim also do not want others to influence our children’s faith too.

      But you really have to look this issue in a broader scope in order to appreciate its benefit. One bad isolated case isn’t enough.

      One school for all is the best way so far. You don’t start with a university because they’re already thick blooded with racial polarization. The change is hard and at this radical stage, it may propagate clashes which doom to fail.

      Small children knew nothing about violence. We put a pure heart Malay, a chinese and an indian children altogether, we know they will fight because they need a toy, purely because of it.

      It’s their oldschool parent which might see the other way round, but things will improve. The results can only be seen in a generation that’s why we shouls start now.


    • Janice, saya juga dari sekolah Kebangsaan. Tetapi guru-guru saya (yang bukan guru agama) tidak pernah menyebut atau menaikkan isu berkaitan Islam dalam kelas. Jadi mungkin apa yang berlaku dalam kelas anda adalah satu ‘isolated case’. Dalam hal ini, you cannot generalize that just because it happened in your school, it happened in ALL schools.

      Saya juga lahir, dibesarkan and menetap di Sarawak. Hujah anda di sini “Kau pernah pergi Sabah Sarawak? Banyak lagi penduduk bumiputera kat sana tak tahu bahasa melayu. Nak tuduh juga mereka tak patriotik?” adalah SANGAT, SANGAT menyakitkan hati saya. Tak tahu bahasa Melayu awak kata? Mungkin tidak bagi awak, tapi kami HEBAT BERBAHASA MALAYSIA. Tolonglah sikit. Periksa sebelum awak bercakap ya. Kami kalau berbahasa mungkin tak ada slang stylo orang Semenanjung Malaysia, tapi bahasa Malaysia kami formal and sempurna. Sampaikan bahasa tempatan kami (yang digunakan oleh hampir setiap penduduk tempatan di sini tidak kira kaum) dipanggil bahasa Melayu Sarawak dengan penambahan perkataan-perkataan dari penduduk setempat di sini, tapi pada asasnya memang sama.

      Please lah. tak pandai berbahasa Melayu konon. Insulting!


      • Oni,

        selalunya kalau masa 90an guru yg extrimist ni selalunya dari puak PAS. semua kat sekolah pun xkena. rumah haramkn TV etc. sekarang ni je diorng bertopengkn liberal..nk cari makan


      • Right at your face, Janice!

        See reply from Sarawakian themselves.

        Saya pun banyak jugak kawan Sabahan dan Sarawakian. Bahasa Malaysia mereka memang bagus dan sedap didengar… Ada yang memang bilamana berbahasa Malaysia tak tumpah seperti mana Bahasa Melayu yang ditutur oleh orang melayu semenanjung…Kesimpulannya mereka memang jauh lebih bagus dari “nons – kiasu chinese” yang nama sahaja duduk di semenanjung, dimana majoriti orang melayu menetap, tetapi B.Malaysia mereka mengalah kan Pendatang Bangladesh dan Pakistan!

        Buat malu sahaja. Bila orang panggil Pendatang, mulalah melompat terkinja kinja kepanasan tapi lihat lah pada Bahasa sendiri?

        mereka ini bukan apa sebenarnya….Ini semua kerana sentimen…sentimen anti Melayu!

        Kalau nak suruh berbahasa Orang putih tu, tak payah disuruh, mereka (this kiasu chinese) berebut rebut nak mengaplikasikannya. Jangankan bahasa, nama orang putih pun sanggup diadaptasi oleh mereka mereka ini dan sanggup diletak dihadapan nama Cina mereka…Contohnya si JANICE ni……

        Dia tak pakai nama XiJuan ke Ah Chong ke dan yang sejenis dengannya…mana ada kelas ye tak…Nama JANICE baru lah standard iye tak?


    • “Kau pernah pergi Sabah Sarawak? Banyak lagi penduduk bumiputera kat sana tak tahu bahasa melayu. Nak tuduh juga mereka tak patriotik?”

      Baru tadi aku dengar orang Serawak/Sabah bernama Ann memberi pendapat di radio dalam bahasa Melayu. Dia tak jawab salam DJ kerana dia kata dia bukan Islam. Tutur bahasa dia dalam bahasa Melayu amat senang didengar.

      Selama 18 tahun di rantau ini, aku tak pernah jumpa BumiPutra Sabah atau Serawak yang tak fasih berbahasa Melayu.

      Kau ni BumiPutra Sabah/Serawak ke?


  15. Pingback: Malaysia: National language and patriotism debate · Global Voices

  16. If the government has got no guts to dismantle the vernacular schools (gradually of course), then it should have the guts to do the alternative – stop all fundings (gradually too..of course)



    • The Kempen SSS people propose the “merging” of vernacular schools with the national schools. No need to physically dismantle the buildings and facilities or close down the vernacular schools, and no teachers or support staff need fear loss of jobs etc.

      As has been explained elsewhere, just have the change from Mandarin to BM as medium of instruction and the national school syllabus followed, Mandari and Tamil taught as elective subjects. Teacher re-training can be arranged, some adjustment in teachers be made during the transition period, pupil composition can also be adjusted as, when the character of all schools becomes one with the national schools, it no longer matters which schools parents send their children to.

      But all these depend on and should be based on the results of an in-depth, comprehensive and independent study on the existing systems of education (SK, SJKC, SJKT) that the Kempen SSS proposes and the recommendations the Study panel or committee would put out.



    • Jimizul

      The government (correct the regime) does not have the guts to do either. SO what do we do?

      I propose we the citizens have to think hard to achieve the objectives we desire by working within this constraint.

      Let us get creative. Let us create something worth while for ourselves. If others want to have this too, we can share. If not, it would be their loss. We have gained anyway because we would have created something valuable for ourselves.


  17. Pingback: Rakyat Sejati bukan Sekadar Kata Mulut Tanpa Hati, Jiwa & Raga « Kempen SSS

  18. Aku ada seorang rakan semasa kerja dulu. Dia anak kaum Cina dari Sabah. Dia boleh bertutur dengan baik dalam BM. Dia baru berumur 27 tahun. Dari perbualan aku dengan dia, aku dapati pergaulan amat penting dalam penguasan bahasa. Jika kita ada satu sistem sekolah menggunakan satu bahasa – bahasa Malaysia – kita akan dapati rakyat kita boleh bertutur dalam bahasa kebangsaan kita. Kita perlu mula awal di sekolah tadika atau rendah.
    Tentang semangat patriotik, aku berpendapat setelah bergaul dengan rakan-rakan dari kaum Cina, India, Iban dan Kadazan sepanjang umur aku – 56 tahun – mereka adalah patriotik.
    Tetapi mereka akan lebih semangat jika dasar kerajaan diubah – tiada lagi isu bumiputra – semua adalah sama setelah lebih 53 tahun kita merdeka.

    Rakyat kita adalah anak Malaysia jika mereka lahir sebelum merdeka. Jadi 1Malaysia perlu diamalkan BUKAN hanya tinggal cogankata.

    Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa


    • Sdr Bador,

      Perenggan 1 & 2 Sdr tu sedap dengar. Bagus.

      Perenggan 3 itu adalah berkaitan dengan Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak. Kita perlu berdasarkan kapada sejarah dan akui bahawa ada Kontrak Sosial terjalin dimasa Merdeka. Dimana pemimpin Melayu setuju bukan Melayu diberi hak kerakyatan, Melayu pulak dapat Kedudukan Istimewa mereka dimaktub didalam Perlembagaan.

      Sebenarnya Melayu tak dapat apa apa yang konkrit. Menteri Penjajahan British pun sahkan masa membincang Kemerdekaan Malaya diParlimen Britain ditahun 1956, bahawa kedudukan istimewa Melayu itu telah ada sediakala, “since day one”. Melayu dapat hanya perkara itu disemadikan diPerlembagaan negara.

      Tiap negara mesti ada teras kebudayaannya. DiUSA yang asalnya berbilang kaum pun, terasnya ialah kebudayaan Eropah Barat, agama (suatu unsur budaya) Kristian, nilai nilai hidup yang telah lama dipraktik diEngland, France, German, Holland dsbnya. Maka diMalaysia perlulah kebudayaannya berteraskan kapada budaya Melayu. Sebab sejarah Melayu dan Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu sudah ada dinegara ini “since day one”. Dengan yang demikian, Bahasa Melayu jadi bahasa perantaraan, malahan sudah dimeterikan didalam Perlembagaan sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan. Maka dari segi ini pun, perkara Bumiputera itu mesti berterusan.

      Tambah pula Melayu, yang majoriti dinegara ini, ketinggalan jauh dibelakang kaum Cina yang hanya 23% penduduk, dalam bidang pelajaran dan ekonomi. Sebab polisi kolonial British selama 80 tahun, hanya sediakan sekolah Melayu peringkat rendah 4 tahun dikampong, tetapi sediakan sekolah hingga peringkat menengah dan sekolah Inggeris dibandar dimana kebanyakan Cina tinggal.

      Dan sebab Melayu tidak berbudaya berniaga, mengambil untung dan risioko, budaya Melayu hanya berdasarkan berdagang secara tukaran barangan keperluan harian atau barter trade. British tolong dan galakkan kaum Cina berniaga dengan berbagai cara, tidak mengajar atau menggalakkan kaum Melayu buat demikian, malahan mahukan Melayu terus sebagai petani tanam padi dan penangkap ikan, “to look after food production in the country”, kata mereka.

      Sebab jangka masa panjang (long-term cause) pergaduhan kaum 13 Mei 1969 ialah kemunduran ekonomi dan pelajaran kaum Melayu, dan Dasar Ekonomi Baru telah dimulakan bagi mengurangkan jurang ketinggalan itu. Melayu/ Bumiputera sekarang ada hanya 18% kekayaan korporat dan masih jauh ketinggalan dilapanagn kerja kerja profesyional.

      Maka perlulah dasar untuk “leveling the playing field” diteruskan. Dan perlulah yang lain menerimanya sebab, antara lain, Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu itu telah tertera sebagai Perkara 153 diPerlembagaan sejak Malaya Merdeka ditahun 1957 dan Perkara 153 itu meliputi Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak apabila Malaysia ditubuhkan ditahun 1963. Demi kepentingan kesejahteraan negara, harmoni dan persepaduan jangka masa panjang.


  19. our education system should be above race and religion in order to curtail polarisation.
    all religious classes should be abolished and schools should be secular.
    malay, tamil, mandarin, hokkien, cantonese, iban, kadazan and arabic languages should be relegated to elective studies while english used as the main and neutral medium of instruction.
    all entrance to educational institution should be based on merit and same with work opportunities as teachers and lecturers. this should apply to promotions as well.

    the education system should produce winners that are recognised worldwide, and not “jaguh kampung”. we do not want the education system to produce more “sore losers” like those who went on a rampage of carnage and murderous mayhem, like what happened in may 13th 1969. we want it to produce champions, like misbun, chong wei and nicol in sports, fernandez in aviation, and many more in the field of science and technology, that the government has not recognised, including the dr in singapore who pioneered liver transplant by graft.
    shalom and may the sky father bless us all.


    • @ tempawan

      Right-minded Malaysians could see truckloads of hypocrisy embedded into your writing.

      1. “all religious classes should be abolished and schools should be secular.”

      Islamic education classes have been and shall stay exclusively for Muslim students only, there have never been and would never be any non-Muslim student forced or coerced to take the Islamic education subject. What harm have Islamic education classes done against non-Muslims? care to explain? Ironically, while advocating for expulsion of Islamic studies classes out from national schools, the likes of you have been silently pushing for expansion of Bible Knowledge classes all over Sabah and Sarawak (but referring to the 1991 and 2000 Census data, these two states have rather mixed composition and Christians are far from being a majority there) and even in the Peninsula if possible. now, that’s utter hypocrisy!

      2. “malay, tamil, mandarin, hokkien, cantonese, iban, kadazan and arabic languages should be relegated to elective studies while english used as the main and neutral medium of instruction.”

      As a matter of fact, Arabic, Iban, Kadazan, Mandarin, and Tamil have all been offered in national secondary schools as electives (as long as there’s adequate demand for those electives to be offered) although the offering is not that widely available in national primary schools and rural secondary schools (but I believe the efforts towards offering more of there language electives are underway, it should come to fruition once the 1School cause is accepted by those in power). In the other hand, the national language Bahasa Malaysia and the global lingua franca English are both core subjects and no one shall be exempted. Ironically, you’re pushing for English to be made the sole medium of instruction in national schools as if those vernacular schools which you subtly and silently support have been English-medium all this while! We already have partial English-medium instruction in national schools with English-medium Teaching of Science and Mathematics (PPSMI), yet the very persons now pushing for English-medium national schools (including you, faggot!) were part of the agitation that brought PPSMI into its abolishment all in favour of your vernacular mediums! That’s it, your another stench of hypocrisy. I wonder if human beings can be any more hypocrite than that!

      3. “all entrance to educational institution should be based on merit and same with work opportunities as teachers and lecturers. this should apply to promotions as well.”

      Employment in the public sector has been based on merit since day one, so does the promotion. Yet some applicants could speak neither Bahasa Malaysia nor English properly – apparently the only language they’re fluent in is their own mother tongue. Ultimately, many of them failed government job interviews partly because of this! In fact, entrance to public universities have been made berit-based effective from 2003 intake onwards. I wonder which separatist aspirant state you came from, that you didn’t know this? Yes, you are going to raise an issue about UiTM later but, eventhough UiTM intake is exclusively Bumiputera-only, it does never mean UiTM admits just any Malay or Bumiputera, let alone allowing the students to pass and graduate easily. Hopefully your third statement which I just dissected right here comes out more of your accidental ignorance rather than your another stench of hypocrisy.

      4. “we do not want the education system to produce more “sore losers” like those who went on a rampage of carnage and murderous mayhem, like what happened in may 13th 1969.”

      Still you have the cheek to talk May 13? Read this thoroughly:

      Click to access 13-may-1969-analysis-by-jmd.pdf

      and you should then (if your mind is not blocked by your utter hypocrisy) be able to see who were the “sore losers” that clearly instigated and started all the carnage all the way from as early as 1964. Which school those sore losers went to?

      You say “shalom”, I say “shame on you”.

      I can go on and on and on but I guess I pause here.


    • Yo temp

      You may describing the singapore system. Hey you know what, that system actually did not stop their brightest citizens from packing their bags for angmoh country. Lack of patriotism eh?

      Why English when Malaysia’s national language is Bahasa Malaysia? And who is this nameless sky father?


  20. dulu saya bersekolah di PP dimana Melayu Cina dan India bergaul mesra semasa di sekolah rendah, menengah dan kami masih lagi berinteraksi hingga sekarang.

    sekarang ini, saya tinggal di selangor dan saya dapati sekolah2 kbgsn berkurangan pelajar bangsa lain. mungking sbb saya tinggal di majoriti kawasan melayu tetapi dulu di kawasan yg penduduk nya majmuk, amat kurang pelajar bangsa bukan melayu. mungkin disebabkan berhampiran kawasan tersebut terdapat juga sekolah cina dan india.

    disini saya amat kasihan pada anak2 saya kerana tidak dpt bergaul dgn lain2 bangsa. melalui pengalaman saya, saya mudah dan dpt bergaul dgn pelbagai bangsa sehingga hari ini.

    maka pihak kerajaan haruslah bertindak tegas…bab pepatah english “sometimes we have to be cruel to be good”…..berani kerana benar…..


  21. My own opinion,

    I noticed that some comments with (regard to the SSS) has mixed up between “type of school” and “medium of teaching of the school”. An example; “if we want SSS, then other schools such as the religious school should be abolished not just the SJKT and SJKC etc.” Note: whatever that abolish means either pure abolishment or the absorption to Sekolah Kebangsaan

    This is similar to like saying all the science school and the vocational school should be abolished as well etc etc which is obviously out of topic.

    See the difference there?

    I personally think that the SSS main idea is to make our educational system to use our Bahasa Kebangsaan as the sole medium for teaching and therefore to some extent would help unite the Malaysians. This is the main problem with the highly segregated SJKT and SJKC which uses foreign languages as their medium of teaching. Note that most Islamic religious school (I dont know about other religious school) uses BM as their main medium of teaching. The Islamic one only teaches Arabic as a subject

    Now, somebody would counter me that those religious (whatever this religious maybe) school should open to whole Malaysian like sekolah kebangsaan. My answer to that is yes, they should. If the nons wanted to learn those religions and therefore wanted to join the school, then why not? Be my Guest.

    These specialized school such s religious/science/vocational etc shouldn’t be mixed with the SJKT and SJKC. They are different “cattle of fish”.

    The important thing here is that they should use our Bahasa Kebangsaan as their sole language of teachings.


  22. when bm was introduced as the main language of instruction, the nons embraced it without question in 1979/80. but then, they realised, the government prevented them from obtaining places at various institution of higher learning. this siuuation continued for years until the formation twinning programmes of foreign universities.
    by that time, the nons, have accepted their fate, and decided that there is no future in the education system for them.
    hence they enrol their children into private schools to learn english, or for the poorer ones, chinese or tamil schools.
    the generation of nons who spoke perfect malay are now investing to get their children out of the country, as the malay language in the end, was of no use to them. only race and religion mattered in this country.
    having said that, i am of the opinion that we should not force people to assimilate. since it was the government that forced the nons out, they should also embrace a multiple education system using multiple languages. the government already does this by ensuring the qualified bumis into ‘a’ level and US based examination system, thus rendering the local form six examination only for the desperate who have no other option.
    so friends, it was not the nons who abandoned the national language. it was forced upon them by the racial policies of the government.
    the term “sky father” is used as many are uneccessarily sensitive towards the usage of the words to describe “the creator”. i hope this term would not offend anybody.


    • “when bm was introduced as the main language of instruction, the nons embraced it without question ”

      Jangan kelentong lah… Dong Zong tu adalah satu cabang Cina yang “question” banyak perkara dan bahasa adalah antaranya. Aku nak tanya Cina, kenapa dengan mudah terima Inggeris? Tetapi tidak BM? Kenapa sesetengah Cina/India cakap Inggeris di rumah? tetapi tidak BM? BM adalah bahasa yang neutral yang dituturkan oleh pedagang-pedagang dari serata dunia dari empire Sri Vijaya lagi, sama taraf dengan B. Inggeris malah lebih tua. Atau mungkin sebab Cina/India benci Melayu dan apa yang berkaitan dengannya?


  23. Mr Tempawan

    I am smelling another excuse not to integrate with mainstream here.

    Hmm….you have narrated quite a story there…….

    However I am a bit confused with your logic when you say “the nons have accepted their fate, and decided that there is no future in the educational system (by this I guess you mean the sekolah kebangsaan system straight to the Public University?) hence they enroll their children in private school to learn English………..for the poorer one, chinese or tamil school.”

    First of all I assume that you are trying to argue that since the public university has been “restricted” to the nons (I will argue about this later)….they, the nons have to sent their children to the private school to learn english…this is presumably because they are planning to sent their kids at the English countries for higher education, and the SJKC, presumably because they are planning to sent them to the Greater China (Taiwan, China etc) and the SJKT because they are planning to sent them to the INDIA????

    First of all, I would like to state that the private school is not part of the issue. they are privately funded and does not use the public money therefore they can do whatever they like and this is significantly difference than SJKT and SJKC which is funded by the goverment. Therefore these two schools should have implemented the Bahasa Kebangsaan as the medium of teaching without a doubt.

    Secondly, Dont you know that you could apply to enter and be accepted in any of this foreign higher education institution (be it in England, Australia, India or China) so long that you pay them the fee with appropriate qualification, regardless of whether you are from Sekolah Kebangsaan or SJKC or SJKT??? So what is stopping you people from sending your kid to the sekolah kebangsaan beside the anti-malay sentimen???

    Further you said: ” they (the government) should also embrace a multiple education system using multiple languages. the government already does this by ensuring the qualified bumis into ‘a’ level and US based examination system, thus rendering the local form six examination only for the desperate who have no other option.”

    What the heck??? I think you are out of topic here. Dont you know that we are discussing about one school system with BM as teaching medium for the young generation??? We are not talking about the higher learning level where specialization begins. We want this SSS to be implemented to our young generation when they are still in sekolah rendah and in sekolah menengah. The title itself is self explanatory; SSS – Satu SEKOLAH untuk Semua….See….SEKOLAH bukan universiti atau matrikulasi atau Kolej!

    The more you people try to create excuse, the more you exposed your twisted logic.

    I’ll continue with the Public University issues later……..To be continue


  24. Tak rosak aqidah ke kalau kita orang bergaul dengan yang kafir? Kita ni bukannya perlukan mereka. Tak payah satu sekolah untuk semua. Lebih baik kita buat polisi yang susahkan mereka cari makan disini dan biar mereka berhirjah ke tempat lain. Biar Malaysia bumi Melayu sepenuhnya. Biar bahasa kita Malaysia kita punye sahaja, tak payah dok susah suruh sepet dan keling belajar. Biar je la. Mereka pun bukannya nak tinggal kat sini lama. Kebanyakkan akan migrasi ke negara lain. Kita mantapkan je sekolah melayu kita orang.


      • Sebenarnya ada perlu juga pendapat seperti “Din” di atas. Apa yang disebutkan oleh “Din” itulah yang diperlukan untuk mendapat SSS kerana apabila kita meletakan “bargain” yang tinggi, pihak yang satu lagi terpaksa juga meninggikan harga belian. Seperti proses jual beli, jika kita mahukan sesuatu harga dalam menjual, lebih baik kita letak harga pemula yang tinggi kerana kita tahu sebelah sana akan membuat tawaran. Jika harga pemula adalah rendah, adalah sukar untuk mendapatkan harga penutup yang baik. Kesilapan pribumi adalah dengan meletakkan harga yang rendah sejak dari awal iaitu dengan membenarkan sekolah vernakular itu sendiri. Kerana itu, SSS amat sukar dilaksanakan, melainkan orang pribumi menilai semula “harga” yang hendak ditawarkan.


    • Din,
      siapa yang sampaikan kepada anda boleh rosak aqidah kalau kita bergaul dengan yang kafir?

      setahu saya, islam tidak melarang kita bergaul dengan orang bukan Islam. Malah negara Islam pertama – Madinah pun terdapat orang Islam dan bukan Islam, dan sudah tentu terdapat interaksi antara orang Islam dan bukan Islam…

      Oleh itu, boleh saudara perjelaskan, kerana dalam komen-komen diatas pun ada yang salah faham tentang Islam.

      Terima kasih.

      ~ OnDaStreet


    • Salam JMD,

      Saya juga sokong saudara Din. Buatlah apa yang perlu. Kerajaan dan kakitangan semua pun orang Melayu, DBP pun Melayu.

      Cukuplah nak asyik tuduh orang Cina dan India tak mau belajar di SK, tentulah depa ada sebab tersendiri. Buatlah apa yang perlu. Kita dok tulis panjang lebar pun bukannya diaorang akan hantar anak2 depa ke SK esok.

      Tunggu apa lagi?


      • msleepyhead

        Din cakap tak payah SSS, lebih baik buat polisi yang susahkan mereka cari makan disini, biar mereka berhirjah ke tempat lain, mereka pun bukannya nak tinggal kat sini lama, kebanyakan akan migrasi ke negara lain.

        Saya tak faham maksud kamu tulis “Tunggu apa lagi?”

        Kamu cakap cukuplah asyik nak tuduh orang Cina dan India tak mau belajar di SK, tentulah depa ada sebab tersendiri. Saya tak faham apa “maksud tersendiri” mereka itu dan macam mana pendirian mereka dengan Perlembagaan fasal BM.

        Selagi pemimpin tak buat SSS, kita kena tulis panjang lebar. Saya fikir tak salah kalau kita kata siapa yang tak hormatkan Perlembagaan negara, mereka tak ta’at setia kapada negara. Saya setuju dengan yang kata Perlembagaan itu ialah ukuran ta’at setia dan tiap warga negara mesti patuhinya. Kalau tak, boleh cari negara lain yang mereka boleh ta’at setia.

        Bila dah lama sangat pemimpin tak buat SSS, kita tulis panjang lebar mintak ahli ahli parti tukar pemimpin pulak.


        • Tapi Halim, masalahnya nak tunggu sampai bila. Nak tunggu sampai referendum dihantar, atau mendapat suara ramai, semakin byk sekolah vernakular dibina dan diperkukuhkan. Makin lancang suara-suara persatuan ultra kiasu mintak bahasa vernakular diperkasakan. Rasanya kalau tunggu lagi, we’ll be at a point of no return. Kerajaan dan Najib sekarang ni kena perlu didesak betul2. Saya baca artikel dari Dr Ridhuan Tee ( memang saya iyakan apa yang dia kata, kerajaan kena tegas. sekarang ni orang kat internet je yang tegas, kerajaan pulak bagi duit berjuta2 untuk ‘memvenakular’kan sekolah.


      • Miss Sleepy n Din…

        Aku pun malas layan dah bab2 sekolah ni….sama je bahasa melayu ke cina ker..semua belajar ilmu yahudi…dah jadi pemimpin nanti amalkan ilmu yahudi jugak….bahasa berbeza ilmu sama,,,,,hehe

        Bab rosak akidah ni…….kene tanya diri sendiri…dah ada akidah ke? takut nak rosak. hehehe

        ISlam bukan keluar perut dah jadi…..
        Nabi dah umur 40 baru jadi….hehehe

        Maaf kalau terover…….cuma …jgn terlalu sebok berdebat..sampai lupa…nak mencari…sampai jumpa. Kerana ianya nyata….bukan waluhualam.


        • Ilmu itu milik Allah, bukan milik yahudi. Yahudi pun belajar dari ilmuan Islam juga suatu masa dulu. Kalau tiada akidah, maknanya tidak mengaku kewujudan Allah, biar banyak dosa, akidah mesti ada. Saudara bukan over, tapi lembab fikir.


          • f4689

            Aku lembab fikir? Tapi kau BODOH TAHAP GABAN.

            Ilmu Allah yang mana satu ooiiii………
            Yg katu belaja tu ilmu yahudi.

            Manusia dilahirkan ibu bapa tentu kan dia yahudi nasrani atau majusi………Tapi Islam kene cari sendiri….

            Aku rasa kau ni dilahirkan MAjusi………..panas jer…kene api…

            Lain kali jgn tunjuk bangus si sini……


          • f4689

            “Kalau tiada akidah, maknanya tidak mengaku kewujudan Allah, biar banyak dosa, akidah mesti ada”

            Kalau banyak dosa tu bermakna kau tak kenal ALLAH…… kenal allah takan berani buat DOSA.

            Kau org PAS cawangan mana? otak biul


    • din,
      bukan tak boleh buat. nanti satu pihak melayu buat, pihak melayu lain akan ambil kesempatan utk “batuan politik (politikal mileage)” mereka. Sekarang ni bila melayu cakap, “hidup melayu!!”, kene cakap dlm bilik air atau majlis tertutup atau niat sahaja. Sebab yg akan kata mereka ni rasis atau sifat kemelayuan terlampau adalah kaum mereka sendiri.
      dan bila org melayu rasa bahasa melayu perlu di mertabatkan dimana salah satu cara nya ialah melalui sekolah kebangsaan satu sistem, nanti ada melayu lain yg datang kata melayu ni rasis dan meminggirkan bahasa bangsa lain.
      cakap salah tak cakap salah.
      mungkin kerana kita satu masa dulu ramai dari kita orang laut dan orang miskin, maka peluang utk menjadi kaya ialah dengan menjatuhkan orang lain dan bukan dengan berkerja keras.
      mungkin kita tak pandai bahasa melayu dan bila terjemahkan bahasa arab dalam alquran maka ayat bertarabur dan makna dah lari.
      atau mungkin zaman dulu tuan guru yang mengajar kelas fardu ain dan motivasi terjemah kan sikit sikit ayat quran supaya lebih ramai orang kampung pergi kelas fardu ain dan tuan guru dapat la sedikit duit, dan pekerjaan tetap. akibatnya anak murid melayu mudah lupa bab bab yang awal. dan mungkin bila anak muri diajar secara bertilakki , bukan diajar bahasa melayu atau ilmu tapi bercerita pasal politik dan jiran jiran.


  25. We could also saved a lot of gov money which is actually rakyat money if all of our citizen speak our national language and speak it well. The gov employ a lot of Chinese and Indian language interpreters. The Chinese interpreter actually received more allowances if they’re able to speak local Chinese dialect like Hokkien and Cantonese. Basically rakyat money is being used to subsidize the language deficiency for some of our so called citizens. Bertuah punya orang!


  26. While we are here discussing, tulis panjang lebar,…

    Good news could be knocking on the door of Chinese education in the state soon.

    Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud met with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to discuss the problems faced by Chinese schools and the latter had promised to look into the matter.

    Taib said both he and Najib acknowledged the contribution of Chinese education towards nation-building.


    JOHOR BARU: The Government has never marginalised the Chinese vernacular schools in the country as claimed by the Opposition and will continue to provide financial assistance to them.

    Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong rubbished claims by the Opposition that the schools were not given priority by the Federal and state governments and the ministry.

    MUAR: The state government has agreed to allocate RM1mil to Chung Hwa High School to construct two four-storey buildings.

    Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said the state regarded the school as one of the prestigious Chinese independent schools which had produced many scholars and leaders.

    Tunggu apa lagi?


    • apa yang kita boleh buat, secara constructive? secara jujurnya saya tanya, selain daripada menyain petition SSS. Semakin banyak sekolah swasta akan dibina/ atau diswastakan di bumi Sarawak, semakin banyak sekolah aliran lain akan dibina. Nak vote untuk kerajaan, malangnya kerajaan juga kini yang terus galak membina atau menyokong sekolah-sekolah ini. Kalau sesiapa yang ada idea tolong lampirkan di sini sebab keadaan makin parah nampaknya. I second what msleepyhead said, Tunggu apa lagi?


    • Yang ini pun satu lagi. Apa maksud atau cadangan kamu?

      Jawapan saya: tunggu PRU13. Sementara itu, kita teruskan menulis panjang lebar dan selalu. Lepas iu, kita tulis bukan saja panjang lebar tapi juga dengan keras.

      Tak salah minta pemimpin ditukar sebab mereka tak buat SSS. Najib pun dah cakap diParlimen SSS akan dilaksanakan bila rakyat mahukannya. Ada orang kata dia pun cakap begitu diblog 1Malaysianya. Lepas PRU13, dia mesti adakan referendum menentukan sama ada rakyat mahukan SSS atau tidak.

      Kalau dia tak buat, kita gesakan supaya UMNO gantikan dia dengan orang yang mahu implementasikan SSS.


  27. Selamat Sejahtera Mr. JMD.
    This is my first time posting a comment in your blog. I’m an avid follower of your postings. I agree with some and disagree with some but I am a supporter of the Satu Sekolah untuk Semua initiative which you have been stressing on in most of your articles, due to this I have to say I agree with Datuk Ahmad’s statement.

    I am a Malaysian Chinese student currently studying at a private college and I have to say that a large number of non-Bumiputra students (in particularly the Chinese) have difficulty in conversing in the nation’s national language which is Bahasa Malaysia. Amongst the Chinese students that have difficulty in conversing in Bahasa Malaysia, the more prevalent ones are those that were educated in Chinese-medium schools.

    There are some truths in what Datuk Ahmad says about a majority of Chinese students studying Bahasa Malaysia just for the purpose of passing the SPM. This is especially true when one observes the way they converse in Bahasa Malaysia. A majority of them cannot construct a simple sentence without either stammering (to consider what term to use next) or simply pepper the sentence with either Mandarin or English. Once again I would like to note that this is especially prevalent amongst students from Chinese-medium schools.

    Those Chinese students from National schools however are not exactly scot-free either. Standards-wise they’re either as bad or worse compared to their Chinese-medium counterparts. Their inability to construct simple Bahasa Malaysia Baku is equally puzzling considering that their environment stresses on the usage of Bahasa Malaysia.

    I therefore agree on the Satu Sekolah untuk Semua initiative as well as that of Datuk Ahmad. In case anyone accuses me of hypocrisy and such, I am a product of a national type school however I am fluent orally as well as written Bahasa Malaysia, English and Mandarin.


  28. Now coming back to this issue of public university intake…..

    I simply cannot comprehend, why the nons felt of discrimination etc etc….

    It is noted that the public university intake principle was used to be based on 60% – bumiputra and 40% nons bumi.

    For those ungrateful nons who still shouting of racism and or discrimination, I would like to tell them; Please go and learn a bit more of MATH! High school level of Math would suffice. Hey, I thought you people (the nons) are genetically and mathematically more superior than the Bumi’s. Why on earth should I be giving you this advise?

    Anyway, let us go to the point; Based on the racial quota; for every places in the public university restricted to the nons there are 1.5 times more places restricted to the Bumi! Or in simple terms, for every nons that couldnt go to the public university, there are two more Bumi’s that couldnt go to the public university as well due to this racial quota.

    So if anything, it is the Bumiputra who should have felt disheartened. The racial quota although appears to be racist and unequal (if one were to look at the absolute numbers alone), is actually a fair and equal system!

    And now, with the private universities, twinning programs etc etc, the actual numbers of the Bumi’s vs non bumi’s that enter into the higher level education are even worsen.


    Beside your (the Nons) anti-Malay sentimen and your Greediness, Tamak Haloba attitude; I simply do not understand what the fuzz is all about???


  29. Continue from the public university issue….

    Given that the percentage of Malaysia population is 60% bumi and 40% nons….the racial quota has resulted in an equal and fair share of opportunity to enter the public university….

    Now, if we look at the numbers alone, of the amount of people based on race that did not get to enter our public university; this will result in approximately 1.5 times more Bumiputra not getting in the public university in comparison to the nons!

    So for every single nons that didnt get the chances to go to public university……They are plenty more Bumiputra that were denied from a place to the public university. So remember that.

    Dont just look at the sheer numbers that get into the university alone as this is in Malaysia context are very misleading, but look at the opposite as well.

    Now, I know that some of this greedy nons would counter me back saying that in this aspect; we shouldnt look on racial point of view in fact it should be purely based on meritocracy; i.e. like survival of the fittest (sound like the JUNGLE LAW to me which is more suitable to animal)? when as a matter of fact they have been bringing this issues up solely for their own racial benefit. This I shall discuss further later……if somebody bring this up.

    So I will repeat my question as before;

    Beside your (the Nons) anti-Malay sentimen and your Greediness, Tamak Haloba attitude; what the fuzz is all about???


  30. Tak payah kita orang bagi cuti tahun baru cina, Deepavali etc kepada mereka. Depa tak suka melayu, suruh je dia pinda. Kita negara Islam, tak payah sambut perayaan kafir. Saya saran kerajaan hanya benarkan perniagaan halal. Tak payah belajar Inggeris. Kita tak perlu kiasu macam Cina. Belajar BM susah tapi belajar BI cepat. Kita perkasakan penggunaan BM. Pelabur pun biar yang Islam sahaja yang boleh buat bisnes kat Malaysia. Kita tak perlu omputeh. Yang saya tak faham kenapa kita kata benci Sepet dan Keling, kita tak pulak boikot omputeh ni. Nak jilat jugak buntut omputeh ni cam Anwar Ibrahim. Melayu berbakat dan terbukti boleh mentadbir negara. Melayu perlu memainkan peranan penting untuk memertabatkan Islam. Saya setuju dengan pendapat Sepet/Keling Janice tu bahawa Melayu tu Islam, Islam tu Melayu. Eh kafir,nasib Cikgu kau berdakwah tanpa putar belit. Kau kafir, tak boleh masuk syurga. Dah la bodoh tak tahu BM. Nak tunjuk lagak pandai BI. Tak lakulah kat M’sia. Ibu bapa Melayu tidak patut digalakkan belajar BI. Ia hanya merendahkan maruah bahasa kebangsaan. Biar Melayu cakap dan hanya faham BM.


  31. Saudara Ikhwan,

    Guna bahasa melayu. Tak payah tulis BI. Univerisiti tempatan patut je bagi Melayu je. Yang bumiputra kat sabah dan sarawak tu banyak yang kafir. Tak payah buang tempat bagi mereka. Banyak yang tak reti cakap BM juga kat sana.

    Bergaul lama dengan kafir nanti terikut-ikut pulak mereka. Rosak akidah.


    • @ Din,

      kalau kamu tak reti bahasa inggeris jangan pula larang org lain menulis dlm bahasa inggeris. tok guru sesat mana ajar kamu kononnya brgaul dgn bukan muslim tu merosakkan aqidah? kononnya menggunakan bahasa asing tu menjadikan kurang kemelayuan? ok lah kamu mulakan dgn anak2 kamu sendiri, haramkan mereka guna dan belajar sebarang bahasa selain bahasa melayu. quran pun jgn baca dlm bahasa arab guna terjemahan bahasa melayu aje. bila diorang masuk U pula, assignments & final year projek gunakanlah bahasa melayu dgn segala istilah teknikal terjemahan yg kelakar dan tak masuk akal tu. interview cari kerja pun cakap 100% bahasa melayu. tengok kerja apa anak2 kamu boleh dapat nanti.


      • bila diorang masuk U pula, assignments & final year projek gunakanlah bahasa melayu dgn segala istilah teknikal terjemahan yg kelakar dan tak masuk akal tu. interview cari kerja pun cakap 100% bahasa melayu. tengok kerja apa anak2 kamu boleh dapat nanti.

        Jadi habis kenapa melenting bila Sepet dan Keling pandang rendah kepada BM bila Melayu pun cakap BM istilah teknikal jemahan tu KELAKAR dan TAK MASUK AKAL.


      • mengucap din. dalam alquran pn ada dinyatakan pelbagai bangsa dijadikan supaya kita berkenal kenalan. walaupun cikgu itu yahudi, kita masih boleh belajar dengan dia.


    • Saudara Din

      Saya hairan bagaimana saudara boleh mengeluarkan kenyataan seperti diatas?

      Mungkin anda hanya berjenaka atau menyindir dsb. Saya tidak faham

      Adakah kerana mereka kafir, maka kita perlu menidakkan peluang bagi mereka untuk melanjutkan pelajaran? Adakah ini yang disuruh oleh Islam?

      Bukankah Islam itu menyuruh kita berlaku adil?

      Tidak pernah pula saya mendengar Islam melarang kita bergaul dengan kafir.
      Tidak ada nas yang jelas melarang kita berbuat begitu jadi saya anggap saranan saudara ini hanya sebagai pendapat peribadi saudara.

      Tentang orang sabah dan sarawak – pendapat saya secara peribadi; Saya lihat ramai antara rakan rakan saya yang berasal dari sana yang fasih berbahasa kebangsaan. Mungkin pengalaman saya masih terlalu cetek dan masih tidak berjumpa dengan kebanyakan rakyat disana yang tidak fasih bahasa kebangsaan.



  32. Rakyat Malaysia tapi tak boleh bertutur dalam bahasa malaysia……..memang aneh. memang tak patriotk, memang bangsat…Malysian konon…poraaaaaah


  33. Dear JMD


    Haven’t been here for a long time. Looks like whether it’s school/uni/secondary school/special rights/quota/wealth distribution/religion/usage of Allah and anything that concerns the bumis and the nons, the debate will go on and on and honestly speaking, each will not give in to the other. But by going on the notion of democracy and the majority wins, I can see that what is being pushed by the bumis group will eventually takes place. It is the majority to be magnanimous to the minorities and this is so real in Malaysia.

    I just hope that when that day comes when SSS is fully implemented, the group that wanted it so much (the SSS group) and have provided noble reasons for it would remember to carry out the intended initiative to integrate the nons, to unite various races, to raise the level of BM language competency and not to use it as a platform to control and bully the nons.

    Many nons especially the chinese are punching bag for the malays when they can’t speak BM well and being accused as not patriotic. Is patriotism only confined to speaking the national language fluently?

    I was from SK/SMK and may not be able to speak BM as fluent as the malays but does that make me less patriotic than many polices/UMNO who can speak excellent BM and yet at the same time, their notoriety precede their good name.


    • Dear Friend of Jebat,

      Your writing exemplifies typical classical excuses of the nons when talking about Bahasa Kebangsaan issue.

      It has always amazed me, when somebody admittedly being non fluent in Bahasa Malaysia, have the audacity to call himself as being patriotic and furthermore called himself a Malaysian!

      Yes…Go ahead and blamed the fluent BM speaking Cops and politician etc etc…..As to me, I perceive the patriotism level of those people that you blame as no better than you are. This is clearly indicated by your level of Bahasa Kebangsaan.

      Why not compare to other millions of Malaysian, whose law abiding citizen, clean and furthermore fluent in his/her Bahasa Kebangsaan??? To those that have manage to masters their own mother tongue + BM …I sincerely give them a thousand salutes but for those so called MALAYSIANS that have even masters all languages in the world except their own Bahasa Kebangsaan; to them I would like to say; Go look yourself in the mirror, How dare you call yourself a Malaysians?

      Haven’t you heard a phrase; When comparing on good things, compare with the best for example achievement in Academics and the like. You dont compare yourself to the losers but you should have compared yourself to those who excel!

      Similarly in this case…..

      You should be ashamed of yourself!

      When you said about being patriotism and not having fluency in our Bahasa Kebangsaan, BM; It is similar like a person who claim to be muslim but never know how to pray! like a Christian claiming to be Christian but never read the Bible nor know about Jesus!

      It is illogical isnt it???


      • Well Ikhwan, feel good after getting a chance to bang and to re-iterate the point that when one is not fluent in BM is equated as being non-patriotic?

        If you mean many millions of Malaysians that I should compare myself with who can speak good BM but can’t really excel in the field of education / work, then better not to be compared to at all.

        It doesn’t matter whether you want to treat me as fellow Malaysian just because I am not fluent in BM (this is like when a Malay who renounced Islam and an outcast / not respected by his own fellow malays), as far as when I look into the mirror, I know I am a Malaysian.

        To give the analogy of one fluent in BM with a muslim/christian in their practice of religion is totally flawed. Better to be a muslim who hardly pray but have Allah in heart then one who pray 5 times but only god knows what is in his heart.

        To look at the matter in perspective and take a linear graph with the Y-Axis as fluency in BM and X-Axis as level of patriotism according to your logic. The more fluent you are in BM equals to more patriotic.

        I can’t in any way comprehend that logic because I don’t agree that one’s patriotism is just solely defined by how good is he in BM.


        • Mr fren’s of Jebat

          Good to see your reply….

          Full of misleading notion and a classic example of the nons response whenever issue of Bahasa Kebangsaan is brought about; just like the debate between Ahmad Reejal and Khoo as above.

          If I may response in Ahmad Reejal style:

          First of all……

          “Don’t cloud” my points with:

          1. One’s patriotism is just solely defined by how good is he in BM
          2. Comparing with millions of Malaysians who is fluent in BM but didnt excel in education or work
          3. That the correlation between fluency in BM and patriotism is in a positive linear relation.

          See folks!

          I am not sure whether your reply above was intended for me or not because I have not raised any of the points above!

          It appears that you also have deficiency in English as well not just BM.

          You should be ashamed of yourself!

          How much lower can you get yourself into? Twisting, turning and weaving lies with the facts to support your shallow thinking and perspective.

          Yes….The measures of patriotism is not just about speaking fluent in BM. But surely, one of the indicator of patriotism is the level of one’s Bahasa Kebangsaan knowledge.

          A commenter; Abu has clarified this further in his comments. Go read and please at least try to understand them!

          If I may make it clearer: Go compare yourself with those Malaysians that excel in education, work, law abiding citizens and furthermore fluent in his/her bahasa kebangsaan! This is the right comparison

          Perhaps you want to compare yourself with me? 1st class honours/distinction in foreign university? One of the directors of MNC in Australia? What else??? Mate, I tell you what….I take you on in any subject and any field. Bring it on!

          Moreover, you have the audacity to imply that I pointed on the “positive” linear correlation of BM fluency and patriotism….Would I be comparing your patriotism as similar to those corrupt BM fluent police and politician had I assumed such relation exist between BM and patriotism?

          And you said “Better to be a muslim who hardly pray but have Allah in heart then one who pray 5 times but only god knows what is in his heart.”

          Hahaha you must be kidding….How could one has Allah in his heart but not doing what Allah has instructed?

          Yes…indeed…. those that pray 5 times a day does not mean that he/she has Allah in his heart. Maybe…maybe not…. But mate…surely…not pray and has Allah in his heart???? You must be kidding!

          May be I could extend my analogy a bit further…..

          How could one say that he loves his wife/husband when he cheated on them???

          Similarly…..How could one say that he/she is Malaysian, love Malaysia when they couldnt even speak fluently in the national language after more than 50 years of merdeka????

          You try too hard to sound like an intelligent and honest citizen but the more you try to create excuse the more you exposed your twisted logic and mind.

          Hopefully you would be able to comprehend my response above.


        • if one is fluent in BM, and BM being the common language of the country, then one is able to communicate and understand each other better. And this simple concept is especially important in a multi-racial country such as ours. That we are able to mingle around and just COMMUNICATE IN A LANGUAGE WE BOTH UNDERSTAND. that if I, a BM-speaking person, go out with a bunch of Chinese friends, would still be able to talk and chat and laugh at their jokes because we would then understand each other. It would make for better understanding between the races. I’d have more friends with no language barrier because even if we have different religion, different race, different everything – WE STILL HAVE A COMMON LANGUAGE. This is why it’s important to be fluent in the national language.

          As to why people would question your patriotism if you hardly speak the language despite being Malaysian, isn’t it bloody obvious?? Kau takde kawan dari bangsa lain ke selain bangsa kau sendiri??? sampai bahasa Malaysia pun masih tak paham?? and if you don’t have friends of other races, then maybe you should ask yourself what’s your problem? Memilih kaum ke?


    • By the way, Mr Friend of jebat,

      Havent you read the content of this posting of JMD, about the debate between Ahmad Rejal and Khoo?

      I am truly surprised that you could consider yourself to post such a comment if you understand the content of this posting.


    • jebat’s fren,

      It’s the “principles” of democracy, old chap. Not the “notion” of, because the latter smacks of uncertainty whereas “principles” of democracy are rock soild, tested against time, trials and tribulations for thousands of years since the Greeks and the Romans of ancient times.

      However, it’s good that you accept that by the principles of democracy, the majority wins and that what is being pushed by the Bumiputeras will eventually take place. It is hoped that others who do not respect and live by the Constitution fully, including the BM and the Special Position Clauses, will realise so and not be confrontational. Because by being confrontational, there may be difficulty in the expression of magnanimity that you spoke about. May 13 has shown that, we must avoid its recurrence, have a united and cohesive Bangsa Malaysia and start the SSS.

      The SSS group have provided not only noble but also cogent and solid reasons for single-stream schooling. Just visit the Kempen SSS website for details – go to the Facts Sheet for a quick understanding of what they speak for and what they hope to achieve. Read also the Memo to the Minister of Education that they have drafted and note that the DPM/ MOE had decided at the last UMNO General Assembly that History will be a compulsory subject for all schools beginning from 2013.

      But I don’t understand why you could even think of anybody would “use it as a platform to control and bully the nons.” I hope it is not guilt conscience of any sort and that it has nothing to do with the Ghee Hins and Hai Sans bullying the Malays with their secret societies, thugs and gangsters since before the Larut Wars in the 1860s that led to the British intervention and colonial rule starting in 1874. Or with Lee Kuan Yew trying to bully the Malays, coined the so-called malaysian malaysia slogan subverting the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak. And Lim Kit Siang who later picked up the slogan and the irresponsible behaviour of DAP goons that sparked the race riots of 1969. And the attempts to question the sensitive provisions of the Constitution that are going on until now.

      Be reasonable, man, and not talk about “the chinese are punching bag for the malays”, especially when you raise the matter of magnanimity. You see, you people are doing it again and again. Enough with laughing at the Malays and the so-called tongkat, now you are implying that the Malays are punching-bag you. Be decent and responsible, Constitution-respecting and loyal, so that you’ll deserve the magnanimity the Malays have shown in the past.

      I’ll talk about loyalty and patriotism next time.


      • jebat’s fren,

        Now, about loyalty and patriotism –

        By dictionary definition, loyalty is “being true, faithful, to duty, love, or obligation (to); faithful in allegiance to sovereign, government or mother-country”.

        Faithful means no harbouring of feelings or sentiments for any other country but your own. Mother-country simply cannot be mainland China. Sovereign means the Yang di Pertuan Agong to whom those who applied for citizenship by registration were made to swear an oath of loyalty and allegiance before being registered as citizens. Duty means one’s duty as a citizen which is respecting, abiding by and adhering to the Constitution fully.

        Citizenship does bring responsibility. In USA, immigrants volunteer to go to the Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan Wars to prove their loyalty and get citizenship fast. And it cost them a life of convenience, pleasant times with family, the comforts of home life and risk their own lives for 2-3 years. In Malaysia they say citizenship was and is free. That’s why loyal Malaysians get passionate and hit out hard at those not showing their love, obligation and loyalty to the country they claim to be citizens of and displaying a lack of loyalty by not even wanting to speak the National Language and attending SK.

        Patriotism is “defending or being zealous for one’s country’s freedom or rights”.

        But loyalty must come first – before patriotism. Because how can one defend one’s country’s freedom or rights without being loyal to the country. Defending them includes a willingness to fight as a soldier and going to war if and when necessary. Would you be in the battle front with fellows who are not loyal to the country and who may be at your rear when the guns keep blazing around you?

        Would you, in the first place, be willing to fight for your country in times of war? Ask yourself that question and answer it sincerely and honestly.

        No such thing as saying give me what I want, then only I give what the country wants – loyalty. As US President J.F Kennedy famously said, “Ask not what the country can do for you – ask what you can do for the country”. The expression “My country right or wrong” has been in existence for many hundreds if not over a thousand years in England, France and elsewhere in Europe. Only the disloyal, treacherous and to-be-shot fellows would repeat in real life situations what the famous English playwright William Shakespeare said in stage plays, “My kingdom for a horse” – a willingness to sell one’s country for the money needed to abscond to Australia, Canada, etc.

        Patriotism is certainly not confined to only speaking the National Language fluently (note the capital N and L). Patriotism is the whole gamut of things citizens must do in the light of all those explained above. It has often been said that patriotism is not just paying tax. Because even the miserable foreign labourer also pays tax by way of a levi.

        Loyalty and patriotism is subjective. It cannot be measured by way of tax money paid or by not beating the traffic lights. But it certainly is based on fully respecting and abiding by the Constitution of the country. Loving the country lock, stock and barrel. Warts and all. It cannot be made conditional upon “non-notoriety” of leaders and politicians, whether UMNO, MCA, DAP, PKR, PAS or others. Btw, note that notoriety is not the exclusive “right” of UMNO. Even DAP and MCA are also not free from it.

        The Constitution, brader, the Constitution. Bahasa Kebangsaan, the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak, the quid pro quo citizenship right for the non-Malays. Been agreed by our forefathers and approved by Parliament twice. Respect the Constitution and live by it fully. Then one is loyal to the country. From it patriotism will emerge.


        • Brader

          Like I have mentioned, if this is how the majority wants it, then by all means continue with whatever that the majority feel that are important to them.

          We just have to find a way to go around it, with it and sail along. You (read majority) wanna retain bumiputera shares, insist everyone to be super fluent in BM, can’t use “Allah” word and anything that you feel justified or should be, we will just accept it. When we accept the reality doesn’t mean we have a respect for it.

          And to your question about going to war, I am more than willing last time but now, not anymore. My father used to be in the air force and if my dad was not having the country in heart, would he do so? Have you or your old man served in military before?

          I have come to a point just earn the money, pay the tax (knowing that my children won’t enjoy the benefit of going to local uni with mediocre result because of quota) and do what I want with the money.

          Label whatever name you want on me but life goes on and I know what I want and will achieve it.

          And when many nons are migrating or planning to do so, pause and think is it the entire fault lies with the nons or the govt is guilty of driving us to make such decision?

          brader, you have your right to think a certain way and so do I. So, there is no point of convincing me to think like Ikhwan or like you.

          If J.F Kennedy so happened to be living in Msia as a non and subject to the unthinkable discrimination, I am very sure he will think twice before saying “Ask not what the country can do for you – ask what you can do for the country” . He will most probably have led a big protest to demand for equal rights for everyone and be race blind.


          • Yeah Fren’s of Jebat…..

            If Mr J.F Kennedy so happen to be a president of Malaysia….he would not even think or utter the famous word “Ask not what the country can do for you – ask what you can do for the country” in the face of arrogant and selfish “nons” like you!

            Unlike the Malay, He would have given you a consecutive slap and a backhand slap right at your face and in no time revoke your citizenship and send you packing in tongkang to your beloved Tanah Besar of China!


          • Like I have mentioned, if this is how the majority wants it, then by all means continue with whatever that the majority feel that are important to them.

            We just have to find a way to go around it, with it and sail along. You (read majority) wanna retain bumiputera shares, insist everyone to be super fluent in BM, can’t use “Allah” word and anything that you feel justified or should be, we will just accept it. When we accept the reality doesn’t mean we have a respect for it.

            And to your question about going to war, I am more than willing last time but now, not anymore. My father used to be in the air force and if my dad was not having the country in heart, would he do so? Have you or your old man served in military before?

            I have come to a point just earn the money, pay the tax (knowing that my children won’t enjoy the benefit of going to local uni with mediocre result because of quota) and do what I want with the money.

            Label whatever name you want on me but life goes on and I know what I want and will achieve it.

            And when many nons are migrating or planning to do so, pause and think is it the entire fault lies with the nons or the govt is guilty of driving us to make such decision?

            brader, you have your right to think a certain way and so do I. So, there is no point of convincing me to think like Ikhwan or like you.

            If J.F Kennedy so happened to be living in Msia as a non and subject to the unthinkable discrimination, I am very sure he will think twice before saying “Ask not what the country can do for you – ask what you can do for the country” . He will most probably have led a big protest to demand for equal rights for everyone and be race blind.


            • The comment appearing under my name on February 27, 2011 at 8:33 pm above was not my comment – it was in fact a copy and paste of jebat’s fren’s comment that I had placed in the comment box as reference when attempting to respond to it point by point last night.

              Being outstation and using internet cafe facilities, I had technical difficulties and ended up pressing the Post Comment box before I could type out my own comment and deleting that jebat’s fren’s comment as I went along. Further access to the site became difficult after that, hence no comment of mine appeared, only the words of jebat’s fren showed up under my name.

              Will write the comment that I intended next time when free.


          • Fren’s of Jebat

            What do you actually mean with “……as a non and subject to the unthinkable discrimination….”

            What “unthinkable discrimination”?

            Getting 40% quota for the public university for your make up as 40% of the Malaysian population?

            Having more than 30% controlled over the Malaysian business while the 60% Bumi only asked for 30% and havent even achieved them?

            No Tahun Baru Cina holiday? Tak boleh ada itu Pesta Hantu??? Tak boleh main judi? tak boleh ada mistress? etc etc

            Ada macam apartheid white/black ke?
            Toilet, public facility lain lain…satu untuk bumi dan satu untuk nons???

            Tell me what the “unthinkable discrimination” really is???

            This ultrakiasu nons folk, can be characterised by their blatant use of the word “Rakyat” and overly exaggerating on everything!


        • Perhaps to close discussion in this post and move to the next one, I’d like to state as follows to jebat’s fren:

          Saying “whatever the majority wants” and yet you state “just have to find a way to go around it, with it and sail along”. Aren’t you being undemocratic there, fren? Ever heard that in a democracy, the minority follows the wishes of the majority? Remember, you already got citizenship and practically anything you wanna do. In Papua New Guinea (independent some 10 years after Malaysia), they resent even the nons doing retail business there, and in Fiji recently, the majority nons don’t even get to taste the political power they were supposed to get from general elections because, as has been pointed out, the Army grabbed power and ruled by decrees.

          On going to war, don’t understand why you were “more than willing last time but now, not anymore”. Even if you are, I don’t think I want to be around, especially in front of you in battle. Your choice of the name Jebat’s fren is in itself telling – as JMD has pointed out in he preamble to his web page, Jebat was a hero but chose the wrong way to persue what he believed was justice and ended up being bloody unjust, killing innocent people. Anyone following jebat, i.e jebat’s friend, wd be unjust, too.

          Wd you believe me if I tell you that my father was right in the front lines fighting the Indonesians during Confrontation, the undeclared war with Indonesia in 1962-3? Fighting fellow Malays because the Indonesians and the Malays in Malaysia belong to the same Malay stock or Rumpun Melayu that has been fully explained in the book, “Tamadun Alam Melayu”, published by the Historical Society of Malaysia. That’s patriotism for this country, Malaysia, old boy.

          “just earn the money, pay the tax” is selfishness and kiasuness. You sound DAP when saying “my children won’t enjoy the benefit of going to local uni with mediocre result because of quota”. Facts, m’boy, facts. State the facts, provide the figures, the data, the justification. Otherwise, you are just talking thru your nose.

          I won’t “Label whatever name you want on me” but wish to say I don’t mind it at all “when many nons are migrating or planning to do so”. I won’t even “pause and think is it the entire fault lies with the nons” and say that those who don’t respect the Constitution including the sensitive clauses on BM, Special Position of the Malays and the Bumis of Sabah and Sarawak, and on your citizenship right, are welcome to find another country where they can respect the Constitution and the government.

          Nobody is trying to convince you, brader. We just want to point out the stark facts and the realities of the situation in this country. Take it or leave it – as simple as that, upon reaching this point in the attempt to have a dialogue.

          I can gurantee you that “If J.F Kennedy so happened to be living in Msia as a non” he would not see your so-called “unthinkable discrimination” because he can read and understand the Constitution that was approved democratically by a freely elected Parliament of the country. He was President of the most democratic country, remember?

          He will definitely repeat what he told the erring Americans, “Ask not what the country can do for you – ask what you can do for the country”. He will smile sarcastically, might even frown upon the “big protest to demand for equal rights for everyone” he knows the Constitution has been existing for 53 years. Do remember that he was not “race blind”, old chap, because elements of the colour bar was still discernible in some sectors of American society when he was President and he hit out at those who kept asking for more, more and more like the nons here.

          Do read up, man, and don’t be blind towards the Parliament-approved Constitution. Take our citizenship right and the right to do business, keep your money etc and, if you still don’t like it or accept it, think about what has been said in here for people like that.


  34. Pingback: Identiti Malaysia – Di sana Malaysia, di sini China? « Kempen SSS

  35. Takpe, kita tak perlu pandang jauh, kita mana boleh ubah org, yang kita boleh ubah adalah diri sendiri,

    org melayu ni pelik sket, jumpe org indon dia cakap dialek indon, jumpe org cina or india dia cakap bm pelat sket or bahasa inggeris, ape kata lepas ni kalau jumpe local chinese/indian kita cakap bm spt yg kita cakap dgn org2 yg fasih dlm bm. Jgn pedulik kalau dia paham ke tak, ko taruh je la bm tu, biar dia usaha sket utk faham,

    Kalau dia tak paham ko sound je la depan muka dia, setel. Cakap bm proper depan diorang, jgn guna pelat2 india/cina/indon/bangla or whatever. Mulakan dgn diri sendiri, nak tunggu depa ni berubah sampai cucu aku berjanggut pun takkan jadi punye

    Aku paling tensen kalau tgk org melayu cakap ngan indon, kt negara sendiri tp guna slang indon tk pasal2, mengarut gile, takde identiti kebangsaan langsung, kalau org melayu pegi indon takde pulak org indon tu nak cakap cam org kelantan ke negori ka utara ka, dia taruh sama je cam dia cakap ngan mak bapak dia, ape dia pedulik ko paham ke tak

    Cuba ko pergi china, france or japan, ko ingat dia nak layan muka ko kalau cakap bahasa inggeris, jgn la harap


    • Aku pernah/selalu buat macam tu, tapi tengok Cina lah, kalau masa tu aku jadi customer, aku cakap BM je, Cina yang nak kan bisnes aku tu kena fasihlah. Tapi kalau aku nak kan bisnes diaorang aku cakap Inggeris lah. Kalau nak harap aku cakap Mandarin, aku pun tak mahu bisnes dia, bagi aku itu bukan orang Malaysia dah, walaupun IC cakap Malaysian. Tapi yang aku menyampah bila orang Melayu sendiri guna surat/email bahasa Inggeris dalam urusan, kita balas BM pun masih tetap Inggeris. Sekolah tak belajar menulis surat ke?


  36. siapa suruh bezakan dengan Bumiputra dan yang bukan bumiputra. Yang ini boleh pula? Lagi paksa yang bukan bumiputra berbahasa melayu ? Mana boleh macam ini. Semua kena ikut suka hati rakyat bumiputera sahaja ke? sebagai rakyat Malaysia, kami sudah setuju belajar di peringkat sekolah, tapi kalau nak gunakan sepanjang hari, maaflah, sebab apa sekalipun pun saya tak boleh lupakan bahasa ibunda. kalau tak nampak BM dalam menu tu, jangan support kedai tu lah, pergilah ke kedai yang ada BM dalam menu dia. sebagai seorang rakyat yang bukan bumiputra, saya tak teringin nak berbahasa melayu sebab kami sudah pun diperbezakan dari segi pelbagai aspek. If you think that Non-Bumi should feel great and very patriotic, then treat and give us the same rights and respects, then may be the One Language have the chances of becoming true. Dont simply force us !!


    • Anda perlu membaca lebih dan bercampur gaul lebih luas, Serena. Cuba baca sejarah negara ini dan fahamkan Perlembagaan negara.

      Pendatang mestilah bukan Bumiputra. Tidak boleh lari dari fakta sejarah. Tiada siapa paksa bukan Bumiputra berbahasa Melayu melainkan Perlembagaan negara yang telah diluluskan Parlimen yang diwakili oleh berbagai kaum ethnik dinegara ini. Semua rakyat mesti hormatkan dan patuhi Perlembagaan negara.

      Boleh “macam ini”. Sebab itu undang undang Perkara 152 Perlembagaan negara, Bahasa Malaysia dimandatkan sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan. Perlembagaan adalah undang undang tertinggi negara, semua undang undang lain berpunca darinya. Bukan “Semua kena ikut suka hati rakyat bumiputera sahaja”, tapi ikut undang undang dan suara majoriti yang tersergam diPerlembagaan dan lain lain itu.

      Yang orang sebutkan bukan “gunakan sepanjang hari”, tetapi dimasa urusan resmi dan bila bertutur dengan atau berhampiran rakyat yang berBahasa Malaysia. Kalau anda “sebagai seorang rakyat yang bukan bumiputra, saya tak teringin nak berbahasa melayu sebab kami sudah pun diperbezakan dari segi pelbagai aspek”, anda tidak hormatkan dan patuhi Perlembagaan. Jika langsung “tidak ingin”, anda perlu cari negara yang Perlembagaannya anda boleh hormati dan patuhi dan berhijrah kesana.

      Baca yang orang sudah tulis dokomen diatas – US Presiden Kennedy pun kata “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. Fahamkan apa maksud orang England dll yang sudah beratus tahun kata “My country, right or wrong”. Kalau tak faham sila beri tahu disini, boleh diterangkan lagi dengan panjang lebar. Anda pergi ke bulan, kebintang pun, takkan jumpa negara yang “perfect” – America pun tidak perfect.

      In Malaysia “sameness” and equality has to take into account Article 153 of the Constitution on the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras (natives) of Sabah and Sarawak. The Constitution gave immigrant races citizenship right (which they never had and were stateless all the while before) and they should be grateful for that. Don’t be ultra kiasu by saying “Give me what I want, then only I give what the country wants”. Respect for the Constitution and loyalty is not bargainable and is not an item of merchandise.
      If you think so, don’t blame the loyal Malaysians for criticizing hard on you.


    • Serena, kalau tak nak dibezakan boleh. saya setuju

      kita lupuskan taraf bumiputra. kita samakan semua kaum.
      sebab dah satu kaum kan? tak payah lah lagi ada sekolah cina atau tamil atau sekolah prebet. berbeza sangat tu.

      tak payahlah cakap bahasa ibunda. habis, awak cakap tak nak dibezakan, kan? apa guna lagi cakap bahasa ibunda, nanti awak BERBEZA SANGAT dengan orang lain?

      amacam, setuju? Ingat, saya hanya mengambil iktibar dari awak supaya kita tidak membezakan kaum 😉


  37. or…ask the malays to speak proper malay without mixing with English first … these days i hardly here the word Saya being used, but the word I instead in their sentences.. whose fault is this?


    • Hardly hear the word saya being used???

      Haiya lu ni manyak tengok itu filem cerekerama melayu kat tv3 la….

      kau ni bercampur dengan melayu mana?

      Hang pi kat kampung kampung tu……..ko takkan dengar sepatah pun…I you… I you…tu

      Datang kat ofis aku….dan ofis lama aku….takde pun cakap I…you…I you….tu


  38. Dear lovely Serena,
    You have been revealed!

    You know what…we can see you….KIASUNESS!!!

    Nampak sangat kau kiasu. mampus pi la depa nak cakap I U I U. tapi hang tau reti cakap BM tak? tak reti? umuq brapa? 20? 30? 40?
    bak main IC kita kasi revoke, tendang balik naik tongkang….


  39. Dasar dari negara malaysa pada mulanya adalah masih di dalam kubah kolonial inggris, bahkan Inggrislah yg sebenarnya ‘memiliki’ wilayah/tanah melayu(malaysia) ini. Britain goverment menggunakan manajemen yg se baik mungkin untuk dapat menjadikan wilayah malaysia ini menjadi sangat produktif untuk kegunaan pada negara mereka, dengan cara melakukan ‘manjemen pemisahan'(seperti di rwanda) ras cina dan india dibiarkan tumbuh untuk menjadi pekerja yg handal dan produktif, sedangkan ras melayu diberikan segala kemudahan (seperti suku aborigin di australia) hanya untuk menjaga keseimbangan. Ras cina dan india dibatasi kekuasaannya (dalam kursi2x politik) supaya mereka tidak terlalu berkuasa lantas memerintah/merdeka seperti singapura, sehingga ingris tdk kehilangan kekuasaan di atas tanah malaysia. Jadi Britain Goverment lah yg menciptakan kondisi seperti ini demi kepentingan rakyat dan bangsa Ingris sendiri -lihat bagaimana bahasa inggris makin dominan!-. Sebenarnya rakyat melayu terus-menerus dalam keadaan terpojok, tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak sadar. Tetapi selama rakyat melayu masih mengikuti aturan main dari ‘manajemen’ goverment inggris, maka mereka akan tetap stay sejahtera, tetapi dengan konsekuensi makin hari kehilangan indetitas mereka sendiri…


  40. Yes, it is very important for all Malaysians to use Bahasa Malaysia in everyday life. We had realized the unifying power of language long before our independence. Salam dari negeri jiran.


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