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Khutbah Jumaat untuk anda yang kononnya liberal

Update 19 January 2010: IKIM made their views HERE.

Update 12 January 2010: Please read two articles here and here. And cross reference with the article here which states why The Herald vehemently and arrogantly wanted to pursue this attempt.  Thank  you.

Original article: Khutbah Jumaat Masjid Negara pada 8 Januari 2010 dibaca oleh Imam Besar Masjid Negara. Beribu-ribu umat Islam berjemaah pada petang tersebut memahami akan intipati khutbah ini. Mengapa tidak kamu?


Para Jemaah dan Umat Islam Yang dirahmati Allah,

Subhanallah, Maha Suci Allah, pada hari Jumaat yang penuh berkat dan dalam masjid yang suci ini, marilah kita bersama-sama tingkatkan ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT  dengan bersungguh-sungguh melaksanakan segala perintah dan menjauhi segala larangan-Nya. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling baik di sisi tuhan ialah orang yang paling bertaqwa. Tajuk khutbah kita pada hari ini ialah “Akidah Benteng Kekuatan Ummah”.

Berdasarkan Rukun Islam yang pertama umat Islam wajib melafazkan perakuan keimanan mereka kepada Allah SWT dan Nabi Muhammad SAW secara tepat dan betul. Lafaz Lailahaillaah dan Muhammadur Rasulullah menunjukkan bahawa Allah SWT adalah tuhan dan Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah Nabi kita. Penggunaan lafaz Lailahaillaah adalah suatu bentuk perakuan kewujudan tuhan yang dinamakan Allah dan menafikan tuhan-tuhan selain-Nya.

Dalam sejarah perjuangan Rasulullah SAW dasar utama perjuangan baginda adalah menguatkan akidah yang mengambil masa selama 13 tahun di Makkah. Perjuangan menegakkan akidah yang berasaskan tiada tuhan melainkan Allah ini, bukan perkara mudah. Baginda terpaksa menjelaskan kepada masyarakat Musyrikin tentang konsep tuhan Yang Maha Esa itu. Persoalan besar timbul di sini ialah siapakah tuhan Yang Maha Esa itu.?

Firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Ikhlas ayat 1-4:

Maksudnya: “Katakanlah wahai Muhammad, tuhanku ialah Allah Yang maha Esa, Allah Yang menjadi tumpuan sekalian makhluk untuk memohon sebarang hajat, ia tidak beranak, dan ia pula tidak diperanakkan, dan tidak ada sesiapa pun yang setara dengan-Nya”.

Berdasarkan penjelasan surah al-Ikhlas ini maka mimbar ingin mengulangi sebagai orang Islam kita mesti yakin bahawa Allah mempunyai sifat-sifat Yang Maha Esa, Dia tidak beranak dan juga tidak pula diperanakkan serta tidak ada sesiapa pun yang setara dengan-Nya. Dengan itu, umat Islam wajib menolak segala bentuk atau konsep tuhan yang lain daripada Allah SWT. Ini merupakan syarat mutlak sahnya kepercayaan kita terhadap adanya tuhan dalam Islam.

Namun sejarah membuktikan bahawa manusia pada asalnya mentauhidkan Allah SWT tetapi terdapat di kalangan manusia telah terpesong menjadi sesat kerana terpengaruh dia’yah yang sentiasa dibayangi musuh Allah yakni syaitan dan hawa nafsu bahkan mereka mencipta pula pelbagai ajaran sehinggalah muncul agama yang pelbagai. Mereka terpesong sehingga menukar sifat Allah Yang Maha Esa itu sesuka hati mereka seperti mewujudkan tuhan yang pelbagai jantina, pokok besar sebagai tuhan, tuhan boleh makan dan minum dan manusia juga boleh menjadi tuhan. Malah mereka menyempitkan bidangkuasa tuhan itu. Berdasarkan identiti tuhan boleh bertukar ganti, maka konsep Allah Yang Maha Esa inilah yang membezakan akidah Islam dengan agama yang lain.

Ajaran Nabi dan Rasul misalnya sejak Nabi Adam, Nabi Nuh, Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Musa, Nabi Isa ’alaihimussalam dan Nabi Muhammad SAW telah berusaha meluruskan akidah manusia agar berterusan menyembah Allah Yang Maha Esa. Islam melalui pesuruh-Nya Nabi Muhammad SAW hadir untuk meluruskan kembali kesesatan agar kembali meng-esakan Allah SWT.

Firman Allah SWT dalam surah an-Nisaa’ ayat 171:

Maksudnya: “Wahai Ahli Kitab! Janganlah kamu melampui batas dalam perkara agama kamu, dan janganlah kamu mengatakan sesuatu terhadap Allah melainkan yang benar; sesungguhnya al-Masih Isa ibni Maryam itu hanya Pesuruh Allah, dan Kalimah Allah yang telah disampaikan-Nya kepada Maryam, dan roh daripada-Nya. Maka berimanlah kamu kepada Allah dan Rasul-rasul-Nya, dan janganlah kamu mengatakan: (Tuhan itu) tiga. Berhentilah, supaya menjadi kebaikan bagi kamu. Hanyasanya Allah ialah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Maha Suci Allah daripada mempunyai anak. Bagi Allah jualah segala yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi. Dan cukuplah Allah menjadi Pengawal (Yang Mentadbirkan sekalian makhlukNya).”

Mimbar mengakui bahawa terdapat kalimah Allah di dalam kitab suci yang diterjemah ke bahasa Arab. Kalimah ini wujud kerana sesetengah penganut samawi termasuk Kristian Arab seperti di Lubnan, Mesir dan lain-lain yang muncul sebelum kedatangan Islam meyakini konsep keesaan Allah. Ia berbeza sama sekali dengan konsep tiga dalam satu (iaitu tiga tuhan dalam satu) seperti mana pegangan doktrin kebanyakan penganut pada hari ini.

Oleh itu, mimbar mengingatkan jemaah dan umat Islam sekalian bahawa kita perlu melihat apa yang berlaku di sebalik penggunaan lafaz Allah yang diperjuangkan oleh pihak tertentu. Jika kita melihat dengan teliti isu ini ternyata terdapat perkaitan kuat dengan isu pluralisme iaitu konsep perjuangan semua agama adalah sama. Malah segelintir umat Islam menyokong perjuangan ini yang menubuhkan fahaman Islam Liberal. Para pendi’ayah Islam Liberal berusaha kuat untuk memperlekehkan dan melonggarkan nama-nama khas Islam atau istilah-istilah yang menjadi tunjang kekuatan Islam agar  akidah umat Islam mudah goyah dan rapuh.

Selain itu, dalam usaha mengelirukan umat Islam, mereka menterjemahkan Kitab Bible sebagai al-Kitab, al-Quran diterjemahkan sebagai Bacaan dan mencipta Qur’an baru Furqaanul Haq yang diterbitkan di Amerika Syarikat. Semuanya ini adalah agenda pendi’ayah-pendi’ayah dalam usaha mengelirukan dan melupuskan akidah umat Islam di dunia.

Jemaah dan Umat Islam Yang Dirahmati Allah,

Islam agama yang suci mempunyai standard piawaian hukum hakam atau peraturan tertentu dalam menjaga kesucian nama Allah dan kitab sucinya. Orang-orang Islam sendiri pun tertakluk kepada standard piawaian penjagaan kesucian nama Allah dan al-Quran. Kita amat bimbang pihak lain menyalahgunakan kalimah suci itu. Kita pernah mendengar dan membaca dalam laporan media cetak dan media elektronik bagaimana pihak–pihak tertentu memijak-mijak al-Quran, helaian al-Quran dimasukkan dalam lubang tandas, helaian al-Quran menjadi kertas pembungkus, dan nama-nama Allah ditulis di alas-alas selipar dan kasut serta dipijak-pijak.

Mimbar amat bimbang jika pihak–pihak terlibat menyalahgunakan penggunaan lafaz Allah dan mengambil kesempatan menghina agama lain,  maka dikhuatiri akan menimbulkan pertikaian agama dan mengancam keselamatan negara. Bagi mewujudkan suasana aman dan kehidupan harmoni yang telah wujud di negara ini, maka mimbar menyeru umat Islam dan rakyat di negara ini supaya mengelak daripada menimbulkan isu-isu sensitif dan kemarahan sesuatu agama dan kaum. Apatah lagi, penggunaan lafaz Allah telah ribuan dan beratus-ratus tahun telah digunakan oleh masyarakat Islam akar umbi di negara ini.

Dalam usaha memartabatkan Islam di negara ini, umat Islam hendaklah berpendirian selari dengan keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan kali ke-82 yang telah bersidang pada 5 hingga 7 Mei 2008. Kandungan keputusan itu yang berbunyi:

Muzakarah bersetuju memutuskan bahawa lafaz Allah merupakan kalimah suci yang khusus bagi agama dan umat Islam dan tidak boleh digunakan atau disamakan dengan agama-agama bukan Islam yang lain. Oleh itu, wajib bagi umat Islam menjaganya dengan cara yang terbaik dan sekiranya terdapat unusr-unsur penghinaan atau penyalahgunaan terhadap kalimah tersebut, maka ia perlu disekat mengikut peruntukan undang-undang yang telah termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan”.

Sehubungan itu, mimbar ingin menasihatkan semua pihak di negara ini agar dapat bertenang berhubung perkara ini dan memberi peluang perkara ini diselesaikan melalui proses perundangan.

Sidang jemaah dan umat Islam harus sedar bahawa cabaran yang dihadapi bukan sahaja penggunaan lafaz Allah, mungkin selepas ini akan timbul banyak lagi cabaran yang berniat mengugat kekuatan dan kesucian Islam di negara ini. Dalam usaha menghadapi cabaran yang mengugat akidah ini, maka mimbar menyeru umat Islam agar mendalami dan memperkuatkan akidah dalam keluarga sendiri agar dapat mengenalpasti siapakah Allah dan sifat-sifat sebenar Allah Yang Maha Esa. Oleh itu para penegak Islam dan ibu bapa perlu lebih peka, lebih perihatin dan lebih berusaha menanamkan ilmu tauhid dan akidah kepada anak-anak dan masyarakat Islam agar tidak terjebak dengan di’ayah sesat dalam pemahaman tentang Allah SWT.

Jemaah dan Umat Islam Yang Dirahmati Allah,

Keimpulannya, akidah menjadi benteng kekuatan ummah. Oleh itu, mimbar ingin menarik perhatian sidang jemaah sekalian berhubung dengan konsep ketuhanan dalam Islam iaitu:

Pertama: kalimah tauhid atau kalimah syahadah adalah ikrar peng-esaan tuhan yang maha Esa, tidak memadai dengan hanya menyatakan perakuan tetapi kita mesti membuktikan perbuatan dan tindak tanduk seharian selari dengan hukum Allah. Kadangkala kita marah pihak lain menghina Islam tetapi terdapat di kalangan kita pun tidak beramal dengan akidah dan syariat Islam.

Kedua: kalimah syahadah yang dijadikan asas akidah adalah kalimah paling selamat untuk mengelakkan dan memelihara kita terlibat dengan syirik.

Ketiga: al-Qur’an dan as-Sunnah dijadikan bahan rujukan mutlak untuk mengetahui dan memahami akan sifat-sifat Allah kerana maklumat-maklumatnya yang lebih lengkap, lebih konsisten dalam mempertahankan ciri-ciri kesejagatan Allah itu, dan

Keempat: mempertahankan konsep ketuhanan bermaksud mempertahankan pengertian mengesakan Allah yang sebenar oleh mereka yang mengaku beriman kepada Allah SWT.

Maksudnya: “Katakanlah: Wahai Ahli Kitab, marilah kepada satu kalimah yang sama antara kami dengan kamu, iaitu kita tidak menyembah melainkan Allah, dan kita tidak sekutukan dengan-Nya sesuatupun; dan jangan sebahagian dari kita mengambil sebahagian yang lain sebagai tuhan selain dari Allah. Kemudian jika mereka berpaling, maka katakanlah kepada mereka: Saksikanlah bahawa kami adalah orang Islam.”

( Surah Ali Imran:64)



Di akhir zaman ini, semua orang berlumba lumba untuk menunjukkan bahawa dirinya liberal. Apa yang boleh diliberalisasikan, tidak pula mempunyai batasan.  Bukan sahaja ekonomi atau kehidupan sosial dan moral, agama pun boleh diliberalisasikan. Asalkan membawa kepada lebih banyak manfaat dan sokongan. Tapi betulkah boleh mendapat manfaat dan sokongan? Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui. Kita sekadar tengok dan berdoa sahaja. Jika kita sebagai umat Islam menggalakkan umat bukan Islam menggunakan kalimah Allah untuk menyekutukan Allah, maka kita tidak berpegang kepada Surah Al Imran di atas. Terima kasih.

42 thoughts on “Khutbah Jumaat untuk anda yang kononnya liberal

  1. Sebagaimana Marina Mahathir berlumba-lumba dgn dirinya untuk menyatakan sesuatu dalam blognya sebaik sahaja dia mengetahui ada gereja dibakar:-

    Dan Marina Mahathir nampaknya sudah menganggap segolongan tertentu yang bertanggungjawab membakar gereja SEBELUM siasatan dapat dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti pihak yang bertanggungjawab.

    Apa kata kalau pihak yg bertanggungjawab itu adalah “musuh” kepada semua orang termasuk penganut kristian itu sendiri?

    Apa kata Marina Mahathir sekiranya tidak satupun org Muslim ataupun Org Melayu terbabit dlm insiden itu?

    Apa kata kalau ianya perancangan seseorang? Gereja di Sarawak pun katanya ada yg di bakar. Sarawak akan menghadapi pilihanraya tidak lama lagi? Ada individu yang semakin hampir dibicarakan atas tuduhan liwat setelah sekian lama berjaya ditangguhkan? Adakah ini kebetulan?

    Apa-apa pun, Marina Mahathir nampaknya berlumba lumba untuk menunjukkan bahawa dirinya liberal, tapi masih masih terlalu senget to the other side of divide. Dua kali lima!

    Kita dah lama tunggu Marina Mahathir buat petisyen membantah kejadian melemparkan kepala babi ke dalam surau/masjid, kalaulah dia tu liberal sangat.


    • @ Antu

      Kudos! You’re spot on. Everytime when a mosque got smeared with pork or pig’s parts during last couple of years, did these so-called “Muslim liberals” EVER equally speak up against it? Remember Paya Mengkuang, Melaka case?


  2. Before the Last Hour there will be commotions like pieces of a dark night in which a man will be a believer in the morning and an infidel in the evening, or a believer in the evening and infidel in the morning.

    (Abu Dawood)


  3. Salam Jebat,

    Saya terbaca article Marina dalam isu ini.
    in summary she expounds that we Muslims should not feel insecure when other religions decide to use Allah to refer to their Syirik god(s).

    I believe she missed the point.

    An example would be if she had a blind neighbour who had a good guide dog whom he loves very much.
    Upon hearing of Marina, his neighbour, has a great father, decides to call his dog by Marina’s father’s name.

    I do not think that Marina would suddenly be confused that she is no longer her father’s daughter if she protested to her neighbour not to use her father’s name to call his dog.
    Nor would I think it is unreasonable she would feel a bit awkward when her father, or brothers, come over when her neighbour calls his dog with her father’s name.
    I would also think she wouldn’t want her nice neighbour to tell her family that she consented to it.

    I don’t think she knows that this is an issue of Respect, not Insecurity.


  4. JMD,

    Please refrain from fuelling the fire further. As a Christian I don’t agree with using the Arabic term Allah by ANY non-Muslim. After all the issue is about the term in Malay and not in Arab, so Tuhan will suffice in the Christian literature in the Malay language.

    Let’s leave this issue and concentrate on more pressing matters like the hike in sugar, petrol, upgrading rural facilities, eradicating poverty, uniting all Malaysians within such diversity, stopping the spreading of lies to undermine the country’s security, alimony aid for Muslim women caught in divorce wrangles, reducing queues at hospitals, corruption by the big fishes, preventing tragedies related to hill development, wooing investors to Malaysia, etc etc. We have the Majlis Raja2, the dialogues between the religious leaders and the courts to settle this. Let’s leave this issue to them while all of us pray to God in our various ways and means that peace and stability will reign in our beloved land.


      • Naif,

        I’m telling JMD because all churches have called on the need to exercise restrain! You obviously do not even listen to the call of Yg DiPertuan Agung! What kind of a Malaysian are you? What happened to Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara? Don’t aggravate the situation further!


    • Job,

      I’m proud of your stand as a fellow Malaysian. But these people are talking about those not quite liberal or intellectual Malays/ Muslims who pretend to be so. Perhaps just for the glory of it, perhaps wanting to be noticed, at the expense of other Malays/ Muslims.

      So please let them deal with the likes of Marina Mahathir who talks about being “confident” and not get “confused” when she does not even know the level of education, the thinking and the kind of “confidence” the average Malay/ Muslim has.

      They are not really dwelling on the use of the word Allah so much as on those Malays/ Muslims who appear divorced from mainstream Malay feelings and sentiments.


      • Isa,

        Thank you.
        To me, it is unwise to condemn other people. We can only condemn their action, thoughts and behaviour. Let God be the judge when the day comes. As the saying in Malay goes, “Bila nak menunding ibu jaru tu, sedarlah empat jari lain yang menuding ke arah anda”. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion based on their own experience and judgement of the matter. Biar orang mengata kita, jangan la kita mengata orang!


  5. “They have taken their priests and rabbis as lords besides the God, as well as Christ the son of Mary. They were commanded not to serve, but the one God; there is no god except He, much too glorious to have partners”.

    Follow the imam if you want. Or ask God for guidance.

    The priest and ulemas are doing the opposite of this verse.

    2:104 O you who trust, do not say ‘be our shepherd’ (Ra’inaa), instead say ‘watch over us’ (Un-zur-naa) and be informed. And for those who disobey they deserved severe penalty.

    God decides, not the religious priests They are the true disbelievers and idol worshipers. They enslave men into religion. People nowadays serve their religion and abandon God.

    2:105 It is not the wishes of those who do not trust – from the people of the Book and also the pagans – that surely there is goodness which is transmitted upon you from your Lord. And God decides with His blessings to whomever He pleases and God possesses great bounty

    Do good works for the sake of God.

    2:112 Yes indeed – whoever is at peace, his focus is for God – they are most excellent. Surely for them the rewards by their Lord and there shall be no fear over them – and they will not grieve.

    You do not have to face Mecca or Jerusalem. Nor be in mosques to seek God.

    2:115 And to God belongs the East and the West – therefore wherever you are – God is right in front of you. Definitely God is omnipresent – all-knowing.


    JMD : Now why would we want to discard what the Imam is saying and listen to you instead? Learning religion without any guidance from learned ones is very dangerous. Next thing we’d know, you might not even recognise Rasulullah’s teachings.

    Below is the more complete ayat that you just simply plucked. The story behind it can be read here and here.

    Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) ayat-ayat keterangan yang jelas nyata (Al-Quran), dan tidak ada yang akan mengingkarinya melainkan orang-orang yang fasik.
    Patutkah (mereka ingkarkan ayat-ayat keterangan itu) dan patutkah tiap-tiap kali mereka mengikat perjanjian setia, dibuang dan dicabuli oleh segolongan dari mereka? Bahkan kebanyakan mereka tidak beriman.
    Dan apabila datang kepada mereka seorang Rasul dari sisi Allah (Nabi Muhammad s.a.w), yang mengesahkan apa yang ada pada mereka, sebahagian dari orang-orang yang telah diberikan Kitab itu melemparkan Kitab Allah ke belakang mereka, seolah-olah mereka tidak mengetahui (kebenarannya).
    Mereka (membelakangkan Kitab Allah) dan mengikut ajaran-ajaran sihir yang dibacakan oleh puak-puak Syaitan dalam masa pemerintahan Nabi Sulaiman, padahal Nabi Sulaiman tidak mengamalkan sihir yang menyebabkan kekufuran itu, akan tetapi puak-puak Syaitan itulah yang kafir (dengan amalan sihirnya); kerana merekalah yang mengajarkan manusia ilmu sihir dan apa yang diturunkan kepada dua malaikat: Harut dan Marut, di negeri Babil (Babylon), sedang mereka berdua tidak mengajar seseorang pun melainkan setelah mereka menasihatinya dengan berkata: “Sesungguhnya kami ini hanyalah cubaan (untuk menguji imanmu), oleh itu janganlah engkau menjadi kafir (dengan mempelajarinya)”. Dalam pada itu ada juga orang-orang mempelajari dari mereka berdua: ilmu sihir yang boleh menceraikan antara seorang suami dengan isterinya, padahal mereka tidak akan dapat sama sekali memberi mudarat (atau membahayakan) dengan sihir itu seseorang pun melainkan dengan izin Allah. Dan sebenarnya mereka mempelajari perkara yang hanya membahayakan mereka dan tidak memberi manfaat kepada mereka. Dan demi sesungguhnya mereka (kaum Yahudi itu) telahpun mengetahui bahawa sesiapa yang memilih ilmu sihir itu tidaklah lagi mendapat bahagian yang baik di akhirat. Demi sesungguhnya amat buruknya apa yang mereka pilih untuk diri mereka, kalaulah mereka mengetahui.
    Dan kalau sebenarnya mereka itu tetap beriman dan bertaqwa (nescaya mereka akan mendapat pahala); sesungguhnya pahala dari sisi Allah itu adalah lebih baik, kalau mereka mengetahui.
    Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu mengatakan: “raaina”, (ketika kamu berkata-kata dengan Nabi Muhammad), sebaliknya katakanlah: “unzurna”, dan dengarlah kamu (segala perintah dengan sebulat hati menerimanya); dan (ingatlah, bahawa) orang-orang kafir itu akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.
    Orang-orang kafir dari Ahli kitab, dan juga dari orang-orang musyrik, tidak suka kiranya diturunkan kepada kamu sedikit dari kebaikan (atau wahyu) dari Tuhan kamu Padahal Allah berhak menentukan rahmatNya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya; dan Allah (jualah Yang) mempunyai limpah kurnia yang amat besar.
    Apa sahaja ayat keterangan yang Kami mansukhkan (batalkan), atau yang Kami tinggalkan (atau tangguhkan), Kami datangkan ganti yang lebih baik daripadanya, atau yang sebanding dengannya. Tidakkah engkau mengetahui bahawasanya Allah Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu?
    Tidakkah engkau mengetahui bahawa sesungguhnya Allah Yang Menguasai segala alam langit dan bumi? Dan tiadalah bagi kamu selain Allah sesiapapun yang dapat melindungi dan yang dapat memberi pertolongan.
    Adakah kamu pula hendak meminta dari Rasul kamu sebagaimana diminta dari Nabi Musa (oleh kaumnya) dahulu? Dan sesiapa yang menukar iman dengan mengambil kekufuran, maka sesungguhnya ia telah sesat dari jalan yang lurus.
    Banyak di antara Ahli kitab (Yahudi dan Nasrani) suka kalaulah kiranya mereka dapat mengembalikan kamu menjadi kafir setelah kamu beriman, kerana dengki yang timbul dari diri mereka sendiri, sesudah nyata kepada mereka kebenaran (Nabi Muhammad s.a.w). Oleh itu, maafkanlah dan biarkanlah oleh kamu (akan mereka), sehingga Allah datangkan perintahNya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.

    Thank you.


    • @ JMD,

      by stating this :-

      JMD : Now why would we want to discard what the Imam is saying and listen to you instead? Learning religion without any guidance from learned ones is very dangerous. Next thing we’d know, you might not even recognise Rasulullah’s teachings.

      Actually you should discard the imam and read the kuran instead. But most of us do not understand old arabic. So we resort to translations. And this is the problem. We are then letting our fate be decided by translators.

      We all know fully well that Moses and Jesus failed in their quest. But what many do not know is, how sure are we that Muhammed succeeded in his quest to deliver God’s message intact to the masses?

      Why are there no instructions on prayer rituals in the kuran? God has already stated clearly that he does not want anything from us. Instead, God has stated quiet clearly, that it is us(mankind) that need Him, for our sustenance and guidance.

      Did the meccans understood God’s messages? Or did they manipulate the messages and converted the masses into their pagan religion? Just like what the jews and the christians(romans) did?

      Can you all see clearly, that those that follow the syariah law, are all failed states. That muslim majority countries, failed to allow freedom of worship? Church burning is rife in Nigeria, Indonesia(maluku and northern sulawesi), Pakistan (where even muslim Shia’s are violated).

      Yet, despite all these, we allow ourselves to pamper to the extremist amongst the muslim community who are forever making new demands.

      The days of burning witches and herectics alive has ended in the west. Instead, they embarked on a mission to understand God’s universe by observing and learning. And God, he teaches whom He wills. And due to this, they have progressed in mall faculties and allowed freedom of thoughts and faiths, and debate and discussion based on observations and experiments.

      We, on the other hand, decided to do the opposite and disallow freedom of thoughts and faith. And anyone with a differing view are considered as traitors, herctics or even kafirs. Some sultans in supporting the ban of the usage of the word “Allah” by the Christians, relfects on their mental ability as some state anthem has the “Allah” word and is still being sung by many non-muslims everyday.

      If the muslims in Malaysia feel that only they have the right to the usage of the”allah” word, then go ahead and patent it. The arabs of all dominions will surely reject this patent as the word had been used before the creation of the islamic religion, and is still being used by non-muslims the world over, including in Indonesia, our blood brothers.

      Like I said, the present govenrment had trasgress and is now considered as “zalim”, protecting the elites robbing and looting the country, while keeping the majority in the dark in terms of education and enlightenment.

      JMD : If you don’t believe in Rasul, you do not complete the 6 Rukun Iman. If you think the prayer rituals are petty and not worth doing, you can’t even call yourself a Muslim because you fail one of the 5 Rukun Islam. Therefore, you tell me what you are. Since you’re talking not from the Islamic perspective, why would the Muslims listen to you?

      Are you here to impose more blasphemies and promote heresy among Muslims? Thanks but no thanks.


      • I am here to promote tolerance, not narrow minded slavery of thoughts and feudal thinking.
        Even amongst muslims, there are many sects and opinions.
        The arabs in mecca were not angels as depicted by islamic religious scholars. They tried to kill Mohamed and he had to flee to Medinah.
        When Mohamed was victorious, the meccans did not humbly became muslims. They were stubborn and held to their pagan thoughts. Many of their practices can be seen during the Haj.
        What will JAIS do with the thought that there could be about 100000 Iranians in this country. Maybe some of Bahai faiths and some Shias. Put them in jail?
        Wake up brudder. Just because some do not pray and think like you, doesn’t mean you have the authority to deny their rights to their beleifs. If some people of the religion of islam convert to christianity after reading their books, what right have you to stop them from doing so?


        • I don’t think truthseeker is a Muslim. He appears to be out to disrupt and sow seeds of doubt among Muslims, having a go at the Government and the established order in the country.

          If he is really seeking the truth, he’ll not talk the way he does. He would enquire and seek the truth in humble ways. He is judgmental in many instances in the views he gives out above and, yes JMD, he is heretical, promoting blasphemies while appearing to be a Muslim.

          Look at his comments, for example:

          “God decides, not the religious priests They are the true disbelievers and idol worshipers. They enslave men into religion. People nowadays serve their religion and abandon God.

          You do not have to face Mecca or Jerusalem.

          We are then letting our fate be decided by translators.

          how sure are we that Muhammed succeeded in his quest to deliver God’s message intact to the masses?

          Why are there no instructions on prayer rituals in the kuran?

          we allow ourselves to pamper to the extremist amongst the muslim community who are forever making new demands.”


          Note that even the way he spells “Muhammed” and “kuran” is telling.

          He is not seeking the truth or asking by staing the above – he is putting out a stand, a lot of which is heretical to the Islamic faith and reflects ignorance, or rebellion againt traditional concepts or intolerance. Promoting tolerance my foot.

          He knows that even the Christian and Jewish teachings have undergone changes through thousands of years of history, that the Christians themselves have numerous sects – the Protestants alone have over 180 according to one count decades ago. He also tries to inject the Shi’ah views by saying Muslims do not have to face Mecca or Jerusalem.

          He has some other design than truth-seeking. His un-Islamic intent must be revealed so that readers become aware.

          He should read the blog called “Ridhuan Tee” owned by a PhD Senior Lecturer of Universiti Pertahanan Nasional (a regular contributor to Mingguan Malaysia newspaper) – the latest artcile lists out in quite some detail 14 demands made by non-Muslim religious groups that have largely been met by exploiting weak governments in the country. When he talks about “the extremist amongst the muslim community who are forever making new demands”, he does so through his nose.


          • @ Abu,

            the truth is, for every prophets sent, mankind mostly failed to understand the messages.

            religion is – of and by itself – a crime
            the Qur’an calls men not to religion but to live full lives
            today’s ‘Islam’ is an outgrowth of the pre-Islamic Arab tribal cults
            while ‘Islam’ is against idolatry the Arabs actually promote it

            The fate of the islamic religion is similar to those suffered by christianity and Judaism.
            While Prophet Mohamed dare not add anything that is not from “The God” into the Quran, the arabs created the hadith and the sunnahs to divert mankind into their religion as the verse below will confirm –

            “’Shall I seek other than God as a judge when He has sent down to you the Book fully detailed?’” Those to whom We have given the Book know it is sent down from your Lord with truth; so do not be of those who have doubt.” (The Message 6:114 )

            There is nothing religious about the Qur’an All that is required of mankind is to do good deeds and good works

            2:25 And deliver the good news to those who trust and to those who do the deeds of righteousness – Most certainly – for them is the garden – flowing from beneath it are rivers. Each of them is provided from it – from the fruits as provisions. They say, ‘this is exactly what was provided from before. And they were given with it which are similar’. And for them in it – mates who are cleansed – and they will abide therein forever.

            And a statement for those who take religion, prophets or anything else as partners for god :-

            2:21 O mankind, serve your Lord who created you and those before you so that you observe. 2:22 He is the one who made for you the earth widely spread – and He built the sky – and it descends from the sky water – thus it produces with it from the fruits as provisions for you. Therefore do not cause for God to be associated with anything – and you know.

            Three fundamental beliefs – Religion is irrelevant

            2:62 Indeed, those who trust, and those proclaimed to be guided, and the supporters and the Sobe’ans – any of them who trust God and the hereafter and do the deeds of virtuousness – thus for them the rewards by their Lord – and there shall be no fear over them – and they will not grieve.

            Think @ Abu,
            why must muslims defend islam?
            those who trust “Allah” knows that “The God” does not need our help in defending Him. But the religion of Islam, will require all those who serve their religion, to defend it. Because religion are all man created and big business, especially if your followers are all rich. It is a means to squeeze mankind financially for doing very little work.

            “GOD ALONE”

            As for the rukun imam and rukun islam etc :-


            “Abraham was a nation, humble to GOD, a monotheist; he was not of those who set-up partners. Thankful to what provisions he was provided; He selected him, and guided him to a Straight Path. And We have given him good in this world, and in the hereafter he is one of the upright. Then We inspired you: ‘follow the creed of Abraham, monotheism; he was not from those who set-up partners.” (16:120-123)

            “Say: ‘my Lord has guided me to a Straight Path, an upright religion, the creed of Abraham, monotheism; he was not from those who set-up partners’. ” (6:161)


            Here now is the LAW which all Submitters are to uphold and honor:

            “Say: ‘come let me recite to you what your Lord Has forbade for you:

            that you should not set-up anything with Him.

            And be kind to your parents;

            and do not kill your unborn children for fear of poverty, We provide for you and for them;

            and do not come near evil, what is openly of it, or secretly;

            and do not kill the soul which GOD Has forbidden, except in justice. That is what He enjoined you that you may comprehend’.

            ‘And do not come near the money of the orphan, except for what is best, until he reached his maturity;

            and give honestly full measure and weight equitably. We do not burden a soul except by what it can bear.

            And if you speak then be just even if against a relative;

            and with pledges made to GOD you shall observe. This He Has enjoined you that you may remember’.

            And this is *My path, a Straight One, so you shall follow it, and do not follow the other paths lest they divert you from His path. That is what He has enjoined you to that you may be righteous.” (6:151-153)



  6. Beb, masalah Melayu Islam sekarang ni dah parah sangat, mengucap panjang bila aku dengar ada yang mengaku dia Islam liberal, bertolak ansur kononnya, banyak benda yang kita boleh bertolak ansur tapi bab-bab akidah dan Ugama takkan nak bertolak ansur. Ni jenis Melayu yang belajar tinggi, bodohnya melantun-lantun. Banyak terpengaruh dengan barat.

    Kalau masa aku di Sabah dulu, Melayu/Bumiputera Islam minum arak mengalahkan kaum yang satu lagi, minum pun boleh siap menunjuk-nunjuk, sampai yang bukan Islam selalu tanya aku, kenapa aku tak minum, sebab dia nampak Melayu/Bumiputera lain selamba je minum. Bukan diaorang ni tak ada pegangan Ugama, ada, cuma dah terpengaruh je, sampai ada satu hari tu masa cuti good friday, aku ajak diaorang sembahyang Jumaat, selamba je diaorang beritau aku, “kau tak minum, boleh la beramal, aku minum, amalan 44 hari ditolak”

    Bayangkanlah Melayu/Bumiputera Islam yang dah “liberal” ni bila ugama lain nak menggunakan nama Allah? Bahaya tersesat ni mungkin akan bertambah parah.


    • Cicit Dang Rombeh,

      Fasal dia nak minum ke tidak itu perkara dia dengan Tuhan. Islam melarangnya, kita tak boleh galakkan, kalau boleh, nasihatkan, tapi jauh sekali ikut sama.

      Tapi yang lebih mudharat lagi ialah mereka yang mengabaikan kepentingan Melayu dan kepentingan Islam secara mahu mengkompromikan hak keistimewaan Melayu dan mengatakan jangan kisahlah Kristian nak gunakan kalimah “Allah”, Melayu/ Muslim boleh “confident” dan tidak “confused”. Itu bukan sahaja perkara dia dengan Tuhan tapi juga nyata memarahkan Melayu/ Muslim yang lain.

      Yang menyedihkan sangat ialah kita tak dapat nak nasihat atau tegurkan mereka yang “confident” dan tidak “confused” itu. Kita komen diblog mereka, ditolak, tidak diterbitkannya. Malu agaknya atau mungkin sombong bongkak.

      Orang saperti ini perlu kita pulaukan dan kejikan. Bukan Melayu/ Muslim memang suka dan menjunjung mereka kerana pendiriannya sesuai dengan tujuan politik mereka. Kita perlu keji sebanyak mana yang boleh, moga-moga dia sedar pendirian yang mengkhianat bangsanya sendiri itu.


      • Wan,
        Saya pun perasan perkara yang sama.
        Nampak gaya yang “kompiden” tak begitu confident dengan komen yang tak selari dengan mereka.


          • “menyatakan rasa marah” dengan “menunjukkan bahawa kita very offended” tu tak sama ke?

            kalau tak boleh tunjuk rasa marah, nak tunjuk apa? tunjuk suka pulak ke? menunjukkan rasa marah bukan bererti mengamuk, berdemonstrasi siang-malam atau merusuh membabi-buta.

            call a spade a spade ajelah…. tak perlu jadi hipokrit. sampai bila kita nak berlapik tak kena tempat sedangkan pihak di sebelah sana semakin angkuh menghentam setiap inci tentang kwjujudan kita?


  7. JMD,

    any comments on this, by BM?

    It Happened Under Your Watch, Najib

    JMD : What do you think Emma? Bakri Musa is not here in Malaysia to actually feel the resentment from some his Muslim counterparts ever since this legal case started a year ago. And to start his article with Najib’s outburst was truly unfortunate. Unfortunate because he did not hear what the Malaysian Insider’s reporter had asked Najib which in turn made Najib said – ‘do not accuse Umno of doing this’.

    That reporter alluded to the notion that Umno is behind the church attacks. Najib in turn lambasted the reporter for insinuating such scurrilous allegations. That reporter has no brains. If this was Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew would ask him where is the proof and throw a book to the report’s face (this really happened).

    And now, Bakri Musa taking the opportunity to criticise Najib for that?

    In the first place, this situation was started by the opposition-backed The Herald. Who dragged the name Allah into this?

    Who challenged the stipulated law? The Herald.

    It is fortunate that the Judge, who happened to be a stout Catholic, ruled in The Herald’s favor. Surprised?

    Lau Bee Lan has not right to DICTATE Islamic issues in the first place. It is not the court’s position to decide such things.

    The Opposition trying hard to pin the blame into Umno because it is convenient for them. They had been cajoling The Herald to pursue the case under the pretext of ‘freedom of speech’ and human rights for the past one year. Since when freedom of speech and human rights trounce religious affairs?

    Everything we do is bound by the parameters set by the religion. The name Allah to the Muslims is ordained in the Quran while the common noun ‘Allah’ hijacked by The Herald has never been acknowledged in their own bible. (I say common noun here because The Herald in their defence presentation, said that the Malay word for God is not tuhan but Allah. But in this case, the word tuhan for me is common noun. The name of their tuhan may be Eli, Elohim or Yahweh).

    And, since when Catholics here and anywhere in the world use Allah to call their God’s name? The Herald under Tan Sri Pakiam is so arrogant, lack of tolerance and insensitive to the feelings of the majority of Muslims here.

    What PAS is saying is irrelevant. They are trying hard to be attractive to their non Muslims supporters. To me, PAS has lost its soul. Many in Pakatan Rakyat do not agree with the court’s ruling. That show how demented the Pakatan Rakyat leadership is.

    Thank you.


    • @ JMD.
      The muslims have no jurisdiction over the word “Allah”. As it is reffered to as “The God”, the only God has the right over the name.
      If you have proof that God only allows muslim for the usage of the name “Allah”, then show it. Otherwise, be just and righteous, for you wil be judged by your deeds in the next life.

      * On why the Home Minister’s ban is illegal

      “The Applicant submits the 1st Respondent has failed to take into account one or more of the relevant considerations…

      1. The word “Allah” is the correct Bahasa Malaysia word for “God” and in the Bahasa Malaysia translation of the Bible, “God” is translated as “Allah” and “Lord” is translated as “Tuhan”;

      2. For 15 centuries, Christians and Muslims in Arabic-speaking countries have been using the word “Allah” in reference to the One God. The Catholic Church in Malaysia and Indonesia and the greater majority of other Christian denominations hold that “Allah” is the legitimate word for “God” in Bahasa Malaysia;

      3. The Malay language has been the lingua franca of many Catholic believers for several centuries especially those living in Melaka and Penang and their descendants in Peninsular Malaysia have practised a culture of speaking and praying in the Malay language;

      4. The word “God” has been translated as “Allah” in the “Istilah Agama Kristian Bahasa Inggeris ke Bahasa Malaysia” first published by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia in 1989;

      5. The Malay-Latin dictionary published in 1631 had translated “Deus” (the Latin word for God) as “Alla” as the Malay translation;

      6. The Christian usage of the word “Allah” predates Islam being the name of God in the old Arabic Bible as well as in the modern Arabic Bible used by Christians in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and other places in Asia, Africa, etc;

      7. In Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia, the word “Allah” has been used continuously in the printed edition of the Matthew’s Gospel in Malaysia in 1629, in the first complete Malay Bible in 1733 and in the second complete Malay Bible in 1879 until today in the Perjanjian Baru and the Alkitab;

      8. Munshi Abdullah who is considered the father of modern Malay literature had translated the Gospels into Malay in 1852 and he translated the word “God” as “Allah”;

      9. There was already a Bible translated into Bahasa Melayu in existence before 1957 which translation was carried out by the British and Foreign Bible Society where the word “Allah” was used;

      10. There was also already in existence a Prayer Book published in Singapore on 3.1.1905 where the word “Allah” was used;

      11. There was also a publication entitled “An Abridgment of the Christian Doctrine” published in 1895 where the word “Allah” was used.

      12. Anther publication entitled “Hikajat Elkaniset” published in 1874 also contains the word “Allah”

      13. The Bahasa Indonesia and the Bahasa Malaysia translations of the Holy Bible, which is the Holy Scriptures of Christians, have been used by the Christian natives of Peninsular Malaysia; Sabah and Sarawak for generations;

      14. The Bahasa Malaysia speaking Christian natives of Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah had always and have continuously the word “Allah” for generations and the word “Allah” is used in the Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesian translations of the Bible used throught Malaysia;

      15. At least for the last three decades the Bahasa Malaysia congregation of the Catholic Church have been freely using the Alkitab, the Bahasa Indonesia translation of the Holy Bible wherein the word “Allah appears;

      16. The said publication is a Catholic weekly as stated on the cover of the weekly and is intended for the dissemination of news and information on the Catholic Church in Malaysia and elsewhere and is not for sale or distribution outside the Church;

      17. The said publication is not made available to members of the public and in particular to persons professing the religion of Islam;

      18. The said publication contains nothing which is likely to cause public alarm and/or which touches on the sensitivities of the religion of Islam and in the fourteen years of the said publication there has never been any untoward incident arising from the Applicant’s use of the word “Allah” in the said publication;

      19. In any event the word “Allah” has been used by Christians in all countries where the Arabic language is used as well as in Indonesian/Malay language without any problems and/or breach of public order/ and/or sensitivity to persons professing the religion of Islam in these countries;

      20. Islam and the control and restriction of religious doctrine or belief among Muslims professing the religion of Islam is a state matter and the Federal Government has no jurisdiction over such matters of Islam save in the federal territories


      JMD : Even your first two sentences is erroneous. Please say that again to Buddhists and other religion besides Islam and you will be faced with bewildered look, or even smirks.

      Look, you are not a Muslim. I respect your opinion. But please do not quote the Quran as you please. Cherry picking surahs to suit your belief does not work. As a Muslim, first and foremost, you must believe in the 5 pillars of Islam and also the 6 rukun iman. Why on earth in your earlier comment would you quote Abraham’s teachings? Muslims follow the teachings of Muhammad S.A.W. Not Abraham. I am sure you are not that idiotic to recognise that.

      Quoting quranic verses but fail to understand its teachings is highly insensitive to muslims like myself. Lastly, you said God does not need anyone to defend Himself or does not need religion or guidance from imams or prophets to be closer to Him. Then why are you painstakingly trying to ‘guide’ people here to follow your version of the ‘correct’ path? Like you said before, He wills whom he has chosen right? Hence, why is there a need for you to waste your time ‘teaching’ us of your ‘correct’ path? He doesn’t need you to tell us all this.


      Thank you and that would be all.


  8. Maka, disebabkan hal2 seperti inilah maka Allah utuskan para Nabi dan Rasul…untuk menjerneh dan memurnikan kembali akidah manusia yang selalunya akan terpesong oleh ideologi2 ciptaan mereka sendiri.
    Setelah nabi Muhammad saw wafat mukjizatnya Allah kekalkan – AlQuranul Karim…kekal sebagai penunjuk buat mereka yg mahu beriman kepada Allah swt.
    Bagi yang menyokong penggunaan nama Allah oleh org kristian, dalam hal ini jelas mereka berpendirian seperti umat dizaman jahiliah…syirik kepada Allah…kerana bersetuju bahawa Allah yang Maha Esa adalah sama dengan Allah the Lord jesus….zaman jahiliah mereka juga memperakui Allah sbg Tuhan..disamping itu mereka juga memperakui LAtta dan Uzza tuhan mereka…bukankah itu jelas mensyirikkan Allah swt..!?
    Fatwa yg dikeluarkan oleh dr. harun din hujajah khutbah jumaat diatas adalah sangat jelas dan tegas pendiriannya sebab dalam hal AKIDAH, tidak ada sebarang bentuk keraguan dan syak…segalanya wajib jelas dan nyata.
    Bagi yg nak Liberal sangat tu…kebanyakkannya yg aku dah jumpa…sorry to say, majoritinya mengucap syahadahpun pelat lidahnya…arakpun diorang tonggang, berzina is ok as long hang tak sakit hati org lain…cuci dosa senang jer…ada duit lebih, pergi tawaf keliling kaabah 7x lg kompom, you are as pure as a new born…itulah yg banyak aku jumpa…the liberal muslims…!


  9. Wan,

    Aku memang setuju dengan pendapat kau tu, permasalahan paling besar ialah sikap compromised kita yang terlalu sangat, keadaan sekarang ni macam kita ni dah boleh di pijak, tendang dan diperlakukan sesuka hati, bila kita bersuara, kita dipanggil rasis, bila diaorang bersuara, kita dah tak boleh komen pulak.

    Bab diaorang minum tu memang antara dia dengan Tuhan, tapi kalau dah halal haram pun tak ambil peduli, suka mengikut apa yang bukan Islam buat, dan jika keadaan nama Allah ni berlanjutan, kau bayangkanlah betapa senangnya akidah terpesong.

    Arwah abah aku memang inilah yang paling dia risaukan dan aku faham kenapa dia risau sangat.

    Aku berdoa sikap orang kita ni berubah, jangan jadi pak arab, kat Saudi alimnya begitu bagus, kat Jeddah airport dah mula melencong ….


  10. Peristiwa 13 Mei 69 boleh diibaratkan seperti gunung berapi yang meletus setelah beberapa tahun sebelum itu menggelegak seperti pertikaian hak-hak keistimewaan bumiputera, rusuhan kaum di padang kota pulau Pinang etc.

    Ingat, peristiwa 13 Mei tersebut berlaku beberapa hari selepas PRU1969.

    Will history repeat itself immediately after PRU12/13?

    Are we so blind to see and do nothing to stop it? Is it unstoppable as a volcano is?

    Atau sudah tertulis dalam Lauhul Mahfuz.

    If then, get ready…


    • Iqra…let’s hope such a thing will not repeat itself becos if it does everbody loses…Malay, non-Malay and everybody…let’s work towards avoiding that please


    • What to do. Malays are sorelosers. Already talking about killing and mayhem, when in fact, the koran forbids the act :-

      So stay emotionally calm and be guided. How? by studying the koran intently.
      For the God (Allah), He choses towards Him whomever He wills, and He guides towards Him those who return.”

      best for malays to follow the path of Abraham, the monotheist :-

      “Abraham was a nation, humble to GOD, a monotheist; he was not of those who set-up partners. Thankful to what provisions he was provided; He selected him, and guided him to a Straight Path. And We have given him good in this world, and in the hereafter he is one of the upright. Then We inspired you: ‘follow the creed of Abraham, monotheism; he was not from those who set-up partners.” (16:120-123)


      Here now is the LAW which all Submitters are to uphold and honor:

      “Say: ‘come let me recite to you what your Lord Has forbade for you:

      that you should not set-up anything with Him.

      And be kind to your parents;

      and do not kill your unborn children for fear of poverty, We provide for you and for them;

      and do not come near evil, what is openly of it, or secretly;

      and do not kill the soul which GOD Has forbidden, except in justice. That is what He enjoined you that you may comprehend’.

      ‘And do not come near the money of the orphan, except for what is best, until he reached his maturity;

      and give honestly full measure and weight equitably. We do not burden a soul except by what it can bear.

      And if you speak then be just even if against a relative;

      and with pledges made to GOD you shall observe. This He Has enjoined you that you may remember’.

      And this is *My path, a Straight One, so you shall follow it, and do not follow the other paths lest they divert you from His path. That is what He has enjoined you to that you may be righteous.” (6:151-153)

      Defend justice and righteousness, not religion. That was the message in the Qu’ran, unles you want to be amongst those who rejects the message.


      • I’m pretty sure you have read the Surah Al-Ikhlas on the link provided by Jebat in previous post… or may be you choose to ignore that?


        • “Katakanlah (Mengakulah) bahawa Allah itu SATU.”
          “Penguasa yang sempurna pemerintahanNya.”
          “(DIA yang) tidak beranak dan tidak pula dilahirkan.”
          “Dan tiada yang sebanding denganNya.”

          “Say: He Is Allah, the ONE.”
          “The Master whose control is complete.”
          “He begets not, nor was He begotten.”
          “And there is none comparable to Him”.

          Of course this so-called “truthseeker” conveniently chooses to ignore Surah Al-Ikhlas to suir his/her bloody purpose.


      • truthseeker,

        It seems to me you are the one who is appearing intolerant here, with sudden lament of Malays being sore losers and accusing them talking about murder and mayhem and what not…


  11. Salam JMD,

    Looking at the bigger picture. Although the Malays are the majority in the country, but since this matter is about Islam, why not approach this from a neutral angle as there are also other non-Malay Muslims like saudara Tee for example.

    Wouldn’t that be a better approach? After all, the issue affects just as much Indian Muslims, Chinese Muslims, and other non-Malay Bumiputera Muslims.

    Just my two sens.

    Have a good weekend.


  12. the so called liberal muslims are saying all this “liberal” thing for selfish reasons, to feel good about themselves, to feel superior about themselves by distancing themselves from the Malay masses. In another word they are saying, look at me I am no longer think and act the way you people stupid kampung Malay do, I’m more educated, more intelligent and glow in the dark from the compliments from their so called more educated non Malay friends….this is another form of racism….all I can say to these people is stop being selfish and stop thinking of yourself and what your non malays are saying of you for once. grow up….


  13. I think at issue is the intent of the Herald in appropriating the word Allah when it is clear that tuhan is a more suitable and non contentious word in the Malay language for god. It is also argued that as Arab Christians has used the word Allah for god with no objections from Arab muslims, Malaysian muslims as such should similarly have no objection. Now as the word Allah is of Arabic origin and as the Herald has clearly no intent of using the Arabic language as a medium for its publications, its insistence on using it leads to suspicion of deceitful intent.
    It is also my understanding that using the name of god associated with other religions is not a fundamental aspect of Christianity otherwise the bible in Tamil or Hindi would have Siva or Vishnu or the myriads of Hindu gods as the name of god. Those circulated in Sri Lanka might than be presumed to have god called Buddha. Surely the freedom to practice religion in a multicultural context like Malaysia does not include the rights to injure or ride roughshod over the sensitivities of your brother Malaysians, what more the majority.


  14. salam,

    Orang katolik sebenarnya sudah mempunyai nama bagi tuhan mereka. nama tersebut adalah YHWH. Jadi kenapa orang catholic sibuk sangat nak guna nama Allah, nama yang maha suci dalam agama Islam. Mereka nak adopt nama Allah dan memberinya konsep triniti, kenapa?. Adalah tanggung jawab orang islam untuk memelihara kesucian nama Allah. Berbalik kenapa orang2 catholic tidak guna nama YHWH dalam bible terjemahan mereka?? Jawapanya mereka (catholic) sendiri dilarang menyebut atau menggunakan nama YHWH (nama tuhan mereka)kononnya bagi menjaga kesucian nama YHWH. Pelik sungguh mereka ini, berbeza dengan orang islam, yg digalakkan menyebut nama Allah dan memuji kesucian dan kebesaran nama Allah, tetapi mereka sebaliknya.

    menurut “Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, dated June 29 2008”
    rujuk website

    “By directive of the Holy Father, in accord with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, this congregation … deems it convenient to communicate to the bishops’ conferences … as regards the translation and the pronunciation, in a liturgical setting, of the divine name signified in the sacred Tetragrammaton,” said the letter signed by Cardinal Francis Arinze and Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, congregation prefect and secretary, respectively.

    The Tetragrammaton is YHWH, the four consonants of the ancient Hebrew name for God.

    “As an expression of the infinite greatness and majesty of God, it was held to be unpronounceable and hence was replaced during the reading of sacred Scripture by means of the use of an alternate name: ‘Adonai,’ which means ‘Lord,'”


    “Apart from a motive of a purely philological order, there is also that of remaining faithful to the church’s tradition, from the beginning, that the sacred Tetragrammaton was never pronounced in the Christian context nor translated into any of the languages into which the Bible was translated.”
    The two Vatican officials noted that “Liturgiam Authenticam,” the congregation’s 2001 document on liturgical translations, stated that “the name of almighty God expressed by the Hebrew Tetragrammaton and rendered in Latin by the word ‘Dominus,’ is to be rendered into any given vernacular by a word equivalent in meaning.”

    Ini mungkin juga bermakna semasa mubaligh catholic tiba di Borneo mungkin 400-500 tahun dulu, penduduk tempatan pada ketika itu adalah beragama Islam. Apakah kita nak biar sejarah hitam ini merebak di seluruh Malaysia. nama tuhan orang catholic adalah YHWH, tetapi mereka sendiri tidak dibenarkan mengguna nama tersebut, kerana Vatican bimbang nama tersebut tercemar. Apakah kita orang Islam diMalaysia nak biar paderi catholic kebebasan mencemar kesucian nama Allah??


  15. Liberal.. my ass.
    These so called Malay liberals got syirik heading their way.
    Send Pakiam to preach to them. Let see how they feel. They liberal, what !

    There is no compromise. Malay word for God is Tuhan. Orang bisu dan pekak pun tahu.

    What will Pakiam do if we ask to change the Rukunegara from “Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan” to “Kepercayaan Kepada Allah”. This I got no problem with.

    Pakiam’s suit should not have been allowed to be heard in court. Why allow it ? Liberal my ass.

    It is something good that only 10 churches were torched.
    This is how Islamic this country is. Remember that.


    • that too, so far there’s not a single lead pointing that a Muslim group is behind the arsons.

      kalau betullah gereja diserang oleh org Islam sebab marah dgn isu nama Allah, isu murtad etc., tentu bukan baru sekarang kejadian ini berlaku… logiknya sejak 4-5 tahun lepas lagi dah beratus gereja jadi sasaran. tapi itu tidak berlaku… umat Islam Malaysia masih rasional.


  16. Cuma ada 2 negara sahaja di dunia yang ada Perlembagaan Negaranya yang unik. Malaysia dan Maldives. Perlembagaan Malaysia mendefinasikan bangsa Melayu sebagi beragama Islam, begitu juga Perlembagaan Maldives definasikan Maldivian as Muslim.

    Peruntukan istemewa ini menjadi batu penghalang besar kepada pendakyah kristian dalam agenda sulit mereka di malaysia. Semakin masa berjalan semakin mereka tertekan.

    Realitinya sekarang populasi malaysia terdiri daripada Melayu (60%) dengan kadar kelahiran 4% setahun, dan bukan Melayu (40%) dengan kadar kelahiran cuma 2% setahun. Dianggarkan pada tahun 2030 Melayu menjadi semakin dominan dengan jumlah populasi 80% begitu juga agama Islam.

    Oleh itu pendakyah perlu pilih strategi paling drastik seawal dan secepat yang mungkin untuk mengkristiankan sebanyak mungkin orang melayu supaya definasi istemewa dalam perlembagaan boleh terlerai dan akhirnya walaupun bangsa Melayu nanti 80% tetapi pegangan agama mereka seimbang.

    Apakah ‘marketing’ nama Allah ini strategi drastik itu?


  17. Salam,

    I am no side to anybody… but, my opinion is like this… I do believe Allah in Islam and Allah in Christian is same… NO?

    The different thing is, Christians associate Nabi Isa with Allah and calling him God… which is syirik…

    So, if we reject Allah that we know ‘syirik’ed by the christians, i think we some sort of reject the Allah in Islam also…

    So am i losing my akidah? or am becoming a kafir?

    I think no…

    JMD : IMHO, you had the fundamentals of this issue wrong. The name of the God which the Christians in East Malaysia, the God in Bible according to the Catholic Church, which has a son, is not Allah. “Allah” was never mentioned in the original bible. But The Herald wanted to name this Christian God as Allah (where the name is very much similar to the God all Muslims pray to).

    Their excuse? Oh, “God” in Bahasa Malaysia is “Allah”. Which is totally a wrong translation..

    That is the issue here.

    We know that you are not losing your akidah. It is a different issue altogether. But to transgress on the sensitivities of Muslims just because The Herald do not know their BM well, is such an absurd motive, and malicious too. Thank you.


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