
Behind the formation of Malaysia

We thought our previous article was clear enough on the importance of 31st August as the date where Malaysia achieved it’s independence.

It is important not only as a platform to unite the various people in Malaysia but also as the focal point of our own spirit of patriotism. In other words, the seeds of patriotism should be conceived from one exact date of our independence.

But some felt otherwise and opined that Malaysia should only be recognised from 1963, not 1957. In that sense, whatever country we had in those early 6 years was irrelevant. Is this reasonable? Yes, you can celebrate 16th September but why must you ridicule 31st August?

Some argued that Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak should owe no gratitude at all to Malaya (at that time). They reasoned that they were already an independent state and that this country was established solely due to their own freewill when they joined to form Malaysia. But the fact of the matter is, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak couldn’t even achieve independence without the help of the Federal Government of Malaya especially through the main driving force behind its formation – Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Singapore, Sabah and especially Sarawak were under the British rule up to the formation of Malaysia in 1963.

Please read Tunku’s own writings below on the background story behind the formation of Malaysia. Maybe then people will understand the value of 31st August 1957 over this entire region.

Taken from his book ‘Political Awakening’, we hope people will be awakened to the fact that petty arguments over which date is more important could never replace the insurmountable force of a united country and its unified people.

Chapter 14


The year 1959 was one of the most successful and delightful years in the history of Malaya. Everything seemed to go well for the nation. So well it was that I as a leader of the party and the Government had a foreboding that something might go wrong because the year was much too good to be true. I declared myself ‘the happiest Prime Minister in the world’. Money poured into the country, business boomed, new industries grew up, and there was complete peace and harmony in the country.

And curiously enough it was a year which we could say was almost free of serious crimes, our fame spread abroad, and we made many new friends, and enhanced our reputation, so much so that the people in our neighboring States of Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei made contacts with us with the request to join the Federation of Malaya. After all, according to them, the administration of all these States was run by the same British administration. Therefore it was easy, and only natural for these States to merge with Malaya.

On May 27, 1961, I was invited by the Foreign Press Association to a lunch in Singapore, and in the course of my speech I mentioned the need for the merger of these States – Singapore, Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei – with Malaya, little thinking that what I had to say would be given worldwide publicity. On June 3, 1961, the Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, made a speech in support of my proposal to form the new State which would include Singapore, the Borneo States and Brunei.

In October 1961, the Malayan Parliament supported unanimously my proposal to form Malaysia. Umno at its meeting on November 4, 1961 in Kuala Lumpur agreed with the formation of the new State of Malaysia (Melayu Raya). This led me to London where I had a profitable discussion with the British Prime Minister who declared his support for the formation of Malaysia.

He suggested, however, that before we could make an official decision we had to ascertain the views of the people living in these territories of Singapore, Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei. A commission would be appointed by both governments to ascertain the views of the people. Britain should be allowed to continue to maintain its defense base in Singapore.

As a step towards a merger, Sabah formed Usno (United Sabah National Organisation) under the leadership of Tun Datu Mustapha Datu Harun. Usno represented the people of all races and tribes living in Sabah. The Sultan of Brunei, Sir Omar Saifuddin, came to Kuala Lumpur to tell me how pleased he was that Malaysia was to be formed, and I could expect Brunei to be the first to join in. Me Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore was all the time behind this move because Britain would not give Singapore freedom except with Malaysia. Sarawak on the whole was most enthusiastic., but the people had internal problems. There were many communists in Sarawak, and there were some members in the Chinese community who preferred to remain under British rule. But it was agreed that we should not rush inot this new Malaysia concept without having first a referendum to ascertain the views of all the people.

In July, 1961 the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association held a meeting in Singapore to discuss the formation of Malaysia. At this meeting Sabah and Sarawak proposed that a solidarity consultative committee be formed immediately to discuss Malaysia. Prominent members of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association consisting of the representatives of all the States of Malaya, the Borneo States, Singapore and Brunei were appointed.

This committee would take into account of every point raised at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and would make sure that the Malaysia plan which had risen so suddenly would not go wrong. This committee met four times in Jesselton, Kuching, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. At all these meetings the committee submitted their report on the progress of the Malaysia plan from the respective States. In general all the States supported Malaysia, and proposed that the need for the formation of Malaysia and their support should be widely publicized.

A memorandum was put up in Singapore on February 3, 1962 signed by the chairman of this committee, (Tun) Ahmad Fuad (Donald Stephens). Brunei was represented by Datuk Setia Pengiran Ali as observer. The Sabah representative was (Tun) O.K.K. Datu Mustapha Datu Harun; Sarawak: Teo Cheng Hoe; the Federation of Malaya: Khir Johari; and Singapore: Lee Kuan Yew.

On January 16, 1962 the British and the Malayan Governments agreed to appoint a commission headed by Lord Cobbold to investigate the wishes of the people of Sabah and Sarawak, and prepare the constitution of Malaysia. The two States promptly issued a white paper for the benefit of the Cobold Commission so that it would understand beforehand the feeling of the people of these two States with regard to Malaysia.

The Cobold Commission took two months to carry out their work, and they received many thousands of letters from associations, from tribes, from individuals and political parties, from workers’ unions, religious organizations, and members of councils/assemblies. Everybody who wished to offer their opinion either for or against Malaysia, was invited to send in their letters to this Cobold Commission. In June 1962 the commission submitted their report, favouring Malaysia. As a result of the unanimous support, a delegation of representatives from the States of Singapore, Sarawak and British North Borneo were invited to meet the British Government’s representative, at a conference with Lord Landowne, the Minister for the Colonies, as the chairman, and Tun Abdul Razak as a deputy.

30 thoughts on “Behind the formation of Malaysia

  1. Jebat Must Go for Raya Holiday….drive safely… 🙂

    perhaps u can dig up the docs on the reason of actual 16 days delay…..as the original planned date was 31st Aug to coincide with our independence…and the Borneo state actually got their independence from British Govt on 31st Aug..

    BTW..raya almost coming I guess the dream of “buka puasa” bersama in the spirit of Malay Unity did not materialize..

    “teruntuk semua nya diri ini hanyalah manusia biasa
    yang tak luput dari segala khilaf dan dosa serta prasangka
    di penghujung bulan yang penuh berkah ini
    saya selaku pembuat onar serta kesalahan
    memohon maaf atas segala perilaku, ucapan, tingkah laku serta prasangka yang disengaja maupun ngga
    semoga amal ibadah kita di bulan yang penuh berkah ini diterima oleh Nya dan semoga kita kembali di pertemukan dengan bulan yang penuh berkah ini.
    Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin to Sdr JMD yg di hormati


    JMD : Thank you SatD and Selamat Hari Raya to you too!


    • You should all read Singapore Lee Kuan Yew’s book – Singapore Story . Malaysia was the idea of of LKY , not Tunku. LKY wanted to fight against the communist in Singapore and he wanted to merge with Malaya , but was turned down by Tunku because the sheer number of Singapore Chinese will make Malay the minority . So , it was LKY, who thought of a proposal including Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei into the merger so that the balance of racial power will be acceptable to tunku to take Singapore into the merger .

      Please read the 18, 20 points of the Malaysia Agreement and the exit of Singapore in 1965 . Know the true history of Sarawak and Sabah and know the Date of Malaysia formation is 16th September 1963 and this is HISTORICAL FACT !

      31st August is Malaya Independence day, Not Malaysia National Day and you all should not fool the whole world anymore ! I am a Sarawakian and we know the history of formation of Malaysia


  2. Dear Sir,

    “””In that sense, whatever country we had in those early 6 years was irrelevant

    My reply: Who says it is irrelevant? Nobody is saying that the formation of the Federation of Malaya is unimportant. What I am trying to say is this, Federation of Malaya is Federation of Malaya, and Malaysia is Malaysia. The definition of the Article 2 of the Federation of Malaya Constitution define what Malaya is and Article 2 (1) of Malaysia defines what Malaysia is.

    “””Yes, you can celebrate 16th September but why must you ridicule 31st August?

    My reply: Again, everyone recognized that 31st August is the independence date for the Federation of Malaya. Nobody denies this.

    “””But the fact of the matter is, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak couldn’t even achieve independence without the help of the Federal Government of Malaya especially through the main driving force behind its formation – Tunku Abdul Rahman.

    My answer: My dear sir, Brunei does not need Malaya to achieve independence.

    There are 53 commonwealth countries in the world. How many achieve independence with the help of Malaya my dear Sir?

    These 53 commonwealth nations represents what was once the vast British empire. And all of them are independence today. To say that without Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah would still be colonized till today is an unbelievable overestimation of Malaya itself.

    Without Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah would eventually achieve independence just like other 53 commonwealth nations around the world. These 2 states would probably achieve later than 1963, there is no argument on that but whether it is 5 years later or 10 years later, it is irrelevant.

    For example, Brunei achieve independence in 1984, much later than Sarawak and Sabah is. But does it matter when it’s per capita income exceeds the people of Sarawak and Sabah who become independence much earlier? Does it matter when their currency is rated higher than Ringgit?

    Yes, we can argue that Brunei is prosperous due to its fuel resources. But please bear in mind sir, that Sarawak and Sabah also share these resources, in which 95% of it is channeled to the Federal Government through Petronas.

    And from your postings on Tunku writing;

    “In October 1961, the Malayan Parliament supported unanimously my proposal to form Malaysia. Umno at its meeting on November 4, 1961 in Kuala Lumpur agreed with the formation of the new State of Malaysia (Melayu Raya). This led me to London where I had a profitable discussion with the British Prime Minister who declared his support for the formation of Malaysia.”

    Dear sir, keywords are “proposal to form Malaysia”, “formation of the new State of Malaysia”, “formation of Malaysia”.

    Please sir, isn’t it a bit obvious that in 1961, Malaysia does not exist yet and was still being discussed and proposal has just been tabled?

    And lastly sir, when Tunku said “of my speech I mentioned the need for the merger of these States – Singapore, Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei – with Malaya,”, is Tunku’s phrase of the word ‘merger’ a ‘misnomer’ too?

    JMD : I think this discussion is superfluous already. If you accept the fact that 31st August is the independence day and do not deny the date, then why the fuss? Nobody is denying that 16th September is the day Malaysia was formed either. I surely did not say that. 31st August is our independence day while 16th September is the day Malaysia as it is now was formed. Please do not mix up the two. 16th September is not the day anyone achieved independence in the first place. It has always been 31st August. I am criticising people who feels that 31st August should not be celebrated at all.

    As for Brunei, if you put the extra time to read Tunku’s book, especially Chapter 15, you will understand that Brunei did need Malaya to achieve independence. In fact, the then Sultan of Brunei was nearly overthrown by the leader of opposition Parti Rakyat of Brunei (Azahari) if not for the quick response of Malayan police force. The rebellion was quashed and the leader escaped to Indonesia. In fact, without the intervention of Malaya, Sarawak would have been merged with Kalimantan and become a part of Indonesia. This was a fact because Sukarno made a claim to the UN at that time. Only through the strong negotiations by Tun Abdul Razak in Manila did the UN secretary-general decided to send a committee to ascertain the feeling of the Sarawakian. This is stated in Tunku’s book. Also read the link SatD had provided above and you will know that Sarawak was already infested with communists and Sukarno was planning something to derail any efforts of Sarawak joining Malaysia. The rest is history.

    And if Brunei decided to be part of British colony and not wanting to gain independence sooner, then it is up to them. They can let their colonial masters suck dry their natural resources all the way to 1984 without even lifting a finger.

    Your opinion about Commonwealth countries etc are just ‘guesstimates’ and conjectures from your part. Facts and history can never replace conjectures. What if Sarawak, deciding not to join Malaya, was ruled by a dictator instead? What if Azahari was successful in combining the whole of Borneo with him as the first President? All these are irrelevant my dear Nizam. Brunei’s oil will run out in 10 to 20 years time. With 95% of its revenue came from this natural resource, how will they cope in the next few decades?

    About the word merger, yes I do think it is a misnomer and the word ‘join’ is more appropriate. For instance, syrup and milk merged together, it becomes sirap bandung. You could no longer see the characteristis of each separate entity after the merger. A merger may be appropriate in the case of South Vietnam and North Vietnam merging together to form Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Whereas all 50 states in the US joined in to be the USA. Each state, like Sarawak and Sabah, retains the borderlines and distinct characteristic of a separate state. They just bandied together to form a country. That is all. But hey! This is just my opinion.

    Thank you.


    • indonesia as no right to claim sarawak. It was never under dutch territory, like west papua.
      If there was a claim on sarawak, brunei should have that right, provided the people of sarawak did not want independence in the first place.

      malaya, sabah and sarawak joined a newly formed entity called malaysia. Reason why sabah and sarawak was enthusiastic about malaysia is becasue, together with singapore, they have about 40% of the seats in parliament. hence, no race/religion will be a majority.

      this would have been a positive development. Unfortunately, until today, Malaysia is still stuck in racial and religious politics of the majority. The rest gets to eat the crumbs.

      Ketuanan people like JMD will never understand this. If he thinks the enrollment into higher educational institution is fair, then allow other races to finance and build their own universities instead of the twin sytem being impemented now with overseas institution. i bet these private universities will be on the top 20 in the times higher education top universities list.And they will have more research done instead of the focus on tongkat ali and their lecturers probably can’t be bothered with titles but will be satisfied with sharing knowledge with their students.


      • its people like you who never understands what ketuanan melayu really means.

        the biggest mistake tunku abdul rahman made was giving the 1 million citizenship to the foreign workers in malaysia. that was a big big mistake!.

        look at the offsprings of those foreign workers nowadays! they all backfires!


        • KalianSawi is part of Malaysia that backfired. If Indians and Chinese are ‘foreign workers’, so are ‘Malays’ immigrants.

          There was no ‘Malay’ race. It evolved to become so. Ask any Malay around and many of them would say that they’re grandfathers are from Jawa, Arab, Sulawesi, are Bugis, Minangkabau… ALL our Prime Ministers are of mixed-ethnicities.

          What ketuanan Melayu? If the Orang Asli are kind enough to let us all share the land that they inhabited without any ‘ketuanan Orang Asli’, what right does all of us have to talk about ketuanan anything besides ‘Malaysian’?

          Even so, the word ‘Ketuanan’ is so kolot. No ethnicity is better than another. By agreeing with ‘Ketuanan’ is agreeing with British colonialism who thought they were better than everyone else; agreeing with the same colonialism that brought so much division and under-development to our society which co-existed nicely (baba-nonya/chetti) before the British came.

          JMD : The fact that you provoked the Malays by saying there is no malay race shows how insensitive you are. I have asked many Malays and all of them have grandfathers and great, great grandfathers from this land. Why are you so seditious? Thank you.


    • Hello Jebat…

      Malaysia doesnt exist before 1963…… that is a fact….. Sarawak before 1946 ia an independent State recognised by the US, British, Belgium and other Great Powers in 1888. The Fact is the formation of Malaysia to included North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak is to solved the issues of race balance with the entry of Singapore. Tunku call it the “Singapore Problem”. An extra 1.8 Million Chinese will upset the balance of power in a united Malaya (Malaya and Singapore). It not much about giving the Borneo territories independent. They will be independent eventual becouse this is the agreement between Britain and America. Eventually all British protectorates and crown colony’s gain independent between 1946 to 1970. Brunei is the last protectorate to gain total independent in 1985… that is becouse the sultan of brunei himself the late Seri Begawan (the father of the present sultan) wish British to stay. well tiny sultanate with less then 300,000 people….. so dont just simply said that sarawak sabah will not gain independent without Mlaysia. check ur history sources and make sure no chovinism in it……
      anyway…. regarding Brunei oil reserve…. u are really not up to date my frenz….. the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Badawi last act as PM is to give 2 block of offshore oil discovery in Limbang to Brunei… Say it containt almost 15 billion barrel of oil and 4 trillion meter cubic of Gas without even consult the people of Sarawak…… so Thank to the longsited of Federal leader in Putra Jaya, Brunei had another 70 years of oli and gas production…. and for Sarawak…. hmmmm recent oil and gas discoveries in MIRI and an unannounce oil and gas discoveries in Balingian and Mukah by RH Petrogas worth hmmmmm says largest in SEA….. Is Good the state government keep in secret… wonder why…..? last 48 year where to the oil and gas revenue go? PutRa Jaya? Twin Tower? Big Highway, Infrastruture in West Malaysia?
      Did you know that after the 1955 federal election, the Malayan Federal Government almost bankrupt? no i guess….. During the early 50 and 60…. the world had surplus tin and rubber stockpile due to WWII. in 1958 USA alone exported 8 million ton of Rubber and Britain 5 mil ton…. the price of tin and rubber slump badly….. guess what… hey it is Malaya chief cash crops and product….. before 1980 malaysia is a agriculture country, that a fact…. Malaya in 1957-1963- agriculture country…. 1985- chief income in Malaysia economy is oil and gas…. 80% of KDNK…. Oil and Gas – 70% from the backward State of Sarawak. so in 1963 after Malaysia was formed….. where to get cash to build infrastructure so Mahathir can attract foreign invester in the 1980 onward — answer oil and gas money…. biggest producer of gas in thye world… well guess what SARAWAK again….. 48 years in Malaysia- 2nd poorest state in Malaysia….. So please check ur fact and be gratefull….. maybe is a high time for Sarawakian and Sabahan rethink their position in the Federation of Malaysia…..

      for British Borneo territories to become part of Indonesia…. hmmmmmm u really astound me with ur guessing…… British will never allowed it…. British is a victor in WWII remember….. while The Netherland is conquer by Germany and liberated by British and American forces in Dec 1944….. You think Sukarno dare to go all out and attack British territorries…. fighting a bankrupt Holland is another thing but fight Britain is entirely different story especialloy with American backing….. read world history…. and read independent and neutral sources not confine ur history knowledge with malaysia spm and stpm text book…..Try to Read “From Malayan Union To Singapore Separation by Mohd Noordin Sopiee. Cheer…


  3. To you it may be petty but for us it is important. The fact that Malaysia was formed on the 16 Sept 1963 remains. The least the Fed Gov can do and you can do is to acknowledge and recognize that Malaysia was form on that date. I as Sabahan feel insulted by the gov and your denial.


    JMD : Since when did the Fed Gov did not acknowledge and recognize Malaysia Day? It is stated in history books for all sundry to see. I think you feeling insulted is misplaced. When did I ever deny Malaysia Day is September 16th? Why the sudden hatred? Please do not mixed up between the two days – one is independence day, the other is Malaysia day. The fact is, nobody became independent on 16th september. You even wrote that Sabah and Sarawak became independent on 31st August. Why, why so much hatred? I do feel that independence day is much more important than 16th September. And this is my opinion. Without independence day in 1957 and the
    I find it distasteful when I see people pooh-poohed the 31st August date as if it meant nothing to them. That is the gist of my previous article and this one. Please also read On Da Street’s reply to you in the previous article. Thank you


    • Problem is, some people are more interested in what politicians have to say (and believe them) rather than acquiring real facts and use their brain before joining the unnecessary hype.

      Only Fools Rush In.


    • maybe u should continue to celebrate 31 august 1957 no problem ….. maybe we sarawakian and sabahan will think a different date perhaps…. new independent day ??? We gain independent in 16 sept 1963…. tell me why should i celebrate 31 aug 1957 as my independent day while my state is still under direct British rule thanks to the stupid vyner brooke……..?


  4. Salam JMD,

    I’m disgusted & appalled by the theatrics of a few PR leaders and PR Bloggers.

    31/08/1957 should be celebrated as Independence Day without a shadow of a doubt.

    I know getting Sabahans and Sarawakians votes are crucial for the next GE but there must be a limit to where you go.

    Unification is not an easy process and integration or assimilation is harder in my personal view.

    It took a few years to unify all Malaysian states but the integration process I reckon is a never ending story.

    Why plant seeds of hatred implying as if the West Malaysians leaders are bias and not giving 16/09/1963 any significance?

    We will be a laughing stock if we had 2 Independence Days. How many public holidays do we need? Is it worth the celebration expenses to be bourne? Just 2 weeks difference maa.

    Please let common sense prevail and not emotional tribal feelings.

    If Sabahans and Sarawakians feel they are left behind then blame the respective state leaders.

    BN did not appoint them to lead their states but they are elected by their party members which are locals.

    Please do not come out with lies that the Federal Gov is not helping enough.

    Ask Cahaya Mata Sarawak (CMS) how many billions they have received?

    Go and look with YOUR OWN EYES (Google it) the O&G industry in East Malaysia.

    The infrastructures and facilities are better than East Malaysia.

    Look at the ripple effects it had on the local areas.

    Have you ever asked how much the skilled labourers earn after coming back from the oil rigs?

    No less than net after tax RM6K for 2 months of work which everything is paid for. Roof over their kepala and food on the table served.

    Most of them are Sabahans and Sarawakians my friend Tombiruo.

    Have you visited all the states in West Malaysia?

    You think every state is like Selangor and KL?

    How many poor people had their lives alleviated by the BN Gov?

    I know there can be plenty of improvements but can the PR offer political stability if they come to power in East Malaysia?

    Have you read the history of Sabah during the riot period? What did the Opposition do when they came to power? They held the state for how many terms? Talking ideals will not run the country. Sabah for Sabahans. They need to mature. Heck PR don’t even have a coalition yet.

    If most of the Pro 16/09 are just people who like to comment after reading Pro PR Blogs, than I rest my case.


  5. Dear Sir, First and foremost Selamat Hari Raya.

    Let me get back straight to the point

    “”16th September is not the day anyone achieved independence in the first place.

    My answer: Sarawak and Sabah do achieve independence on that date. 31st is not in fact, independence date for Sarawak and Sabah.

    “”I am criticising people who feels that 31st August should not be celebrated at all.

    My answer: Who feels 31st should not celebrated at all? I think that only exists in your mind. I am no fan on Anwar but I could not recall anything from his suggesting not to celerate 31st at all.

    “””In fact, the then Sultan of Brunei was nearly overthrown by the leader of opposition Parti Rakyat of Brunei (Azahari) if not for the quick response of Malayan police force.

    My answer: It was the British who act quickly to quash the revolution. In 1962, the Malayan police force is constricted to the Penisular only. The British still rule Sabah and Sarawak. It was the British marines who fought with the rebels in Limbang and the Gurkhas in Seria and other places in Brunei.

    Malayan police force? Please get your facts straight.

    “””What if Sarawak, deciding not to join Malaya, was ruled by a dictator instead? What if Azahari was successful in combining the whole of Borneo with him as the first President?

    My Answer: You said “what if”, which means it is based on your assumptions.

    But let me humor you a bit. Brunei is an absolute monarchy which is dictactorial in nature. Singapore, although claiming to be a democratic country, is and still being held firmly with an iron grip by PAP.

    Both countries are ruled by ditactorship, in different form ofcourse. But citizens in both countries enjoy better per capita GNP, and both countries’ citizens enjoys higher income per capita.

    And both countries currencies is rated higher than Malaysian Ringgit.

    Yes, it might be that Sarawak be ruled by a dictator, but that does not mean its citizens would not enjoy a good life. Based on Brunei and Singapore experience alone, I would say that although it might be ruled by a dictactor, the people would enjoy a better life than those in Malaya.

    “”Also read the link SatD had provided above and you will know that Sarawak was already infested with communists and Sukarno was planning something to derail any efforts of Sarawak joining Malaysia.

    My answer: There are views that Sukarno started the Ganyang Malaysia campaign to shift the attention from Indonesian crisis.

    But lets put it this way, say that Sarawak is not interested to merge with Malaya and Sukarno is going all the way in confrontation with the British, who rule Sarawak at that time.

    Are we are going to forget the fact that in 1965, Suharto begin to take control of Indonesia and by 1967, Sukarno was overthrown? And Suharto being a pro western, withdraw any anti Malaysia campaign and the Confrontation ended.

    Sukarno was not long in the office. And the capabilities of the Indonesian Army at his time is very low that it is well known the paratroopers parachuted in Sarawak has to ask for food from the villagers.

    If Sarawak and Sabah did not merge with Malaya, by 1966 the confrontation would have ended and the locals could have negotiated for independence from the British.

    And last but not least;

    “””Your opinion about Commonwealth countries etc are just ‘guesstimates’ and conjectures from your part.

    My answer: Then I suggest you read about the post Churchill administration, right after WW2. First is the loan from the US, indicating a severe post war financial crisis. And in which it is a clear indication that the colonial rule from Britain is no longer sustainable.
    Admittedly financial is not the only reason for them to give independence to the colonized land. One of others is the shattered image when they were driven out by the Japanese forces during the early period of WW2.

    And although, Churchill return as Prime Minister in 1951, he was unable to put a stop the call for independence for the ruled territory. And has resulted in the independence of the what is known now as the Commonwealth Nations.

    Malaya profited from this, and in 1957 gain its independence. And I meant what I meant, without Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah would too eventually gain its independence. Sukarno is no hindrance, as he was disposed in 1967.

    And in conclusion, Sarawak and Sabah does not need Malaya for its independence. Your statement is not based on facts and made just to belittle Malaysian Day.

    You have a lot in common with Anwar Ibrahim my dear sir, although you may not realize it. You accuse him of belittling Independence Day and yet here you are trying to conjure up fairy tales on how Sarawak and Sabah should be grateful to Malaya for 16th September and how Malaysian Day does not deserve an equal place as Independence Day.

    Lastly, Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim readers.


  6. And if I might add, I agree with tombiruo. He as a Sabahan, and me as a Sarawakian.

    I too, feel insulted by your efforts to belittle Malaysian Day. You sir, even said that to put Malaysian Day on par as Independence Day is an act of treason.

    No wonder, with this kind of arrogance, UMNO lost additional 4 states in Penisular. And now you want to turn to us to show your arrogance?

    I don’t even like the local PKR leaders here and was happy when the young leaders in UMNO call for a change in mindset and leadership, although I might not agree with what certain pro Mukhriz are doing.

    But if this is what young and new leadership in UMNO means, then I feel so sorry for you. I have this feeling that somewhat in not to distant future, UMNO will lose the Federal Government as well.


  7. Since when did the Fed Gov did not acknowledge and recognize Malaysia Day? It is stated in history books for all sundry to see… If the gov really recognize Malaysia Day then why was it not celebrated officially? Does my comment show my hatred? I don’t think so, I only feel insulted by your insistence that Independent day is more important than Malaysia day. I’m not pooh poohing that 31st August 1957 is not important. It is important to Fed of Malaya, for Malaysia 16th Sept is more important. No wonder in my visit to Semenanjung, I was greeted with “Welcome to Malaysia” greeting as if Sabah was not part of Malaysia. This shows that some of our people do not know history, even for an educated, high rankgking gov. official. Insulting.

    As for DingDong comment.. you are assuming that I’m supporting PR. You are wrong my friend. I have done my tertiary edu at Malaya (1983-1986), specifically at the state of Perlis. No, I cannot claim to have visited all state in Malaya but I know that it would be hard to find graveled road in Perlis even in 1983. Compare that with road in Sabah even now.

    I can’t understand why Malaysia Day not celebrated at national level? Malaysia did not exist on 31/08/1957 so how come Malaysia celebrate its independence on that day? Which day we should celebrate Malaysia Day or Malaya independence day?

    As I said before Malaya is(Was?) not Malaysia


  8. malaya needs sabah and sarawak so that the new entity ‘malaysia’ has more bumiputra population than nonmalay rather than only malaya merged with singapore where nonmalaya will be the majority

    primary school dropout knew this

    all your points to defend malaya are only to cover the fact that umno afraid to lose power to nonmly

    brunei only independent in 1984 but a lot richer than malaysia. sarawah and sabah if still remain as separate entity (not with malaya) also would be like brunei. rich and properous. have enough natural resources to feed our own but with malaya, sabah and sarawak need to feed malaya (95%) and bone leftover for sabah and sarawak

    JMD : Even after what Tunku said in the 2nd paragraph, there are people like you who tries to negate what the people then were saying. Since you were not there in 1963 and have no inkling of what’s going on at that time, how certain are you that all primary school dropouts knew that your version is the correct one?

    By the way, p[lease show us proof that all the revenue generated in Malaysia comes mostly from Sarawak and Sabah. Give us numbers. Give us the statistics. Approximately RM525b was received as revenue by the federal government from 2004 to 2008. Please show us how much was this come from Sabah and Sarawak. If you cannot, then please stop shooting from the hip.

    Oh by the way, I am getting tired of all these complaints that ‘oh gee, if Sarawak and Sabah not in Malaysia, we would fared better and prosperous!’

    All these suppositions are crappy kind of excuses. Who is this leader that will make all of you prosperous? Taib Mahmud? Pairin Kitingan?


    When Brunei’s oil reserve be gone in 10 years time, we shall see how their currency going to fare in the real world.

    Anyway, please stop all the fantasy because trying to argue against fact, using all this fantasy just show that you do not have much substance.

    You can’t even substantiate all this ‘Sarawak give more revenue than other states’ yet, you want to bulldoze your argument as if you’re the only one with an opinion!

    You should be proud to be in Malaysia. What is the fuss? Everyone acknowledges Malaysia day. Why can’t you acknowledge Independence day of the whole nation? You want differing dates of independence day? You want us to be the only nation with 3 different independence days? We are already the laughing stock among the world and you want to make it worse? How stupid can you be?

    By the way, to those who is screaming and kicking saying Sarawak achieved independence on 16th September, 1963, please read this.

    Please get this into your thick heads, the day Malaysia is formed is different kind of celebration than independence day. 31st August is our independence day while 16th September is the day Malaysia is formed. Being formed and being independent is different set of situation.

    We want Malaysians to celebrate 31st August as their independence day (regardless what date each state achieved theirs). We celebrate 16th September as the day Malaysia is formed.

    Whoever don’t understand this, get someone to translate this for you.

    And what is this I see a comment about Penan girls? Sarawakian timber loggers rape Penan girls and yet it is the federal government in Kuala Lumpur as well as the police gets the blame?

    Castrate all those horny Sarawakian timber loggers and all matters be settled. What a comment. Sarawakians rape their own girls, we in Semenanjung gets the blame? Please be more objective next time.

    All this trolling must stop. I will put an end to all these verbal defecation of a discussion board.

    This includes you Sputjam. I expect better quality comments.




  9. “”Approximately RM525b was received as revenue by the federal government from 2004 to 2008. Please show us how much was this come from Sabah and Sarawak. If you cannot, then please stop shooting from the hip.

    First question: Does this revenue includes Oil and Gas revenue? Please do highlight. I don’t know this but lets assume it is.

    As per oil & gas revenue from Sarawak and Sabah, for the year 2008, Sarawak receive RM 1.1 billion in royalty while Sabah RM600 million or so.

    So royalty for Sabah and Sarawak is approximately RM1.7 billion for the year 2008. The royalty itself accounts for 5% of the total revenue, which means total revenue for oil and gas in Sabah and Sarawak is RM 1.7 billion x 20 which is RM34 billion.

    From your link in EPU, total revenue for Malaysia in 2008 is RM125 billion. So from both states, oil and gas contributed to 27.2% or slightly more than 1/4 of the total revenue for Malaysia.

    That is for oil & gas sector alone. As for other sectors in Sabah and Sarawak like timber, palm oil, tourism and etc, that should make the contribution more. I don’t have the figures, can find out later if anyone is asking for it.

    But my guess is from both states, since both are rich in natural resources, the total contribution could add 10-15% to the 27.2% from oil and gas sector, making it around 37%-42%.

    But I suppose for more than 1/4 of Malaysian revenue, the Feds still see unfit to give one extra public holiday on 16th Sept.

    JMD : Firstly, you said ‘You sir, even said that to put Malaysian Day on par as Independence Day is an act of treason’.

    Are you dyslexic? Where and when did I say that? Please copy paste the exact words that made you think I said this and re-read it again whether it is the same meaning with what you accuse me of.

    I stand with my earlier statement – whoever ridicules Independence Day and do not accept 31st August as our nation’s independence day and to completely disown it, is a traitor in my books. The date is a symbolic date. The date every Malaysian should take to their heart that we achieved independence from our colonial masters through the sacrifices of our forefathers. We celebrate that sacrifice on our Independence Day. Just like the Americans, it doesn’t matter if we have differing dates of Independence; ONE date should be celebrated. If people can accept this, then I do not have any problem with it. The issue now is, some people wanted to create divisive politics by politicizing the date of our Independence. How? By saying that “Oh, 31st August is not important..we shouldn’t celebrate it… it is Malaysia Day which is more important’.

    See? Two different context being lump together as one just to belittle our forefathers’ efforts. “Bangsa yang mulia adalah bangsa yang menghargai jasa para pemimpin mereka yang terdahulu”. If you want to diminish the efforts of those who went to London and gain the independence of Malaya from the British, then you are not fit to be a Malaysian.

    I repeat here, 16th September is the day Malaysia was FORMED. Can you comprehend this? Like I said, yes, we celebrate Malaysia Day. We acknowledge it.

    If you want an extra holiday, then I have no problem with it. After all, we are all lazy people anyway. Why don’t we have a nationwide Nuzul Quran holiday? Or Isra’ Mikraj holiday across the country? More holidays the merrier.

    Alas, all this arguments just because you want an extra holiday? Tell me, if the Federal Government (consisting people from Sabah and Sarawak too mind you), gives extra holiday to people in Semenanjung on the 16th (because people in East Malaysia are already sitting at home during this day), will people go out in droves and start supporting the government?

    I doubt it. Why? Because it is not about getting that extra one day holiday. The deeper argument is, those opposition just wanted to gain support from East Malaysians like yourself by being unpatriotic and dissing your own country this way. Hence, you will vote for them next general elections.

    But how dare this people say that we should forget 31st August and deem it as unimportant, just to gain votes!?

    There is no need to argue about numbers like how you desperately trying to show above. Give us the statistics. Not assumptions. Give us the relevant links to support your hypothesis. Not just ‘my guess is’ kind of arguments. I can easily dismantle your argument by asking, who do you think pay more taxes to the government? Companies and people residing in West Malaysia, or those in Sabah and Sarawak? And to think that Sarawak receives more budget allocation than Terengganu (who have oil resources as well) in terms of the development of education. Does this bothers Terengganu people? Of course! But did they resort to become unpatriotic and criticise Sarawak as getting too much cake? No they do not. They see Sarawak as part of Malaysia. And Malaysians need to help each other. After all, we are all part of one country.

    If you want to be selfish, then Tunku Abdul Rahman should have left Sarawak in the mercy of a communists resurgence or the power hungry Sukarno back then. Mind you, if Malaya hadn’t interfered, Indonesia would have stronger claim over Sarawak – afterall like you said, the British was eager to let go Sarawak to just anybody.

    By the way, please do not label this blog as Umno blog. I have criticised Umno to a point that even the opposition had used some of the articles as reference. I do not represent the ‘young and new leadership in UMNO’ like how you stated in your previous comment. I am not even an Umno Youth leader! How confused can you be?

    This is not about Umno or BN. They are not my concern when writing this article. I am writing as a citizen of Malaysia who is aghast to the fact that some people are trying to pit some Malaysians against each other. If you do not wish to be part of the Rukunegara, then so be it. Doesn’t matter if you are a Melayu, Iban, Cina or Indian or Bajau, doesn’t matter if you live in a dilapidated squatter house in remote Gua Musang or in Daro, Sarawak or in the plush homes of Damansara Heights; if you do not love this country as it is and its history, I can help you fill in the migration forms. Good riddance!

    Thank you.


  10. Bravo Jebat!

    The more I read these comments from this ‘no matter what i am anti establishment and anti bn commenters”, the more they are exposing to the world the kind of intelligence they have. Always shoot, but no bullet.


  11. Salam JMD

    Hari Malaysia cuti awam 2010 – Najib
    Dua hari kebangsaan secara berkembar.WTH.

    If PR politics wins in the next GE I think we shall be reading a headline that goes something like Republic of Borneo in a few years time.Power up for grabs in any state.We want independence from federal govt.There will be 14 new states I reckon.

    All the hardwork and co operation from 1963 will remain as history.I hate PKR for pitting one malaysian against another.Yes there are benefits in having a 2 party system but there must be a limit.Going gungho and sowing seed of hatred is a menang jadi arang kalah jadi abu concept.

    People in Borneo should vote out any leader that is incompetent.Dalam setandan pisang takan semuanya busuk.Not all PR leaders are angels and not all BN leaders are corrupt.But make sure the replacement leader is a better one who can bring stability and development.Not leaders which prefers hosting ceramah every other week. only.


  12. Apalah yang berbalah tak tentu arah ni ? Semua rakyat Malaysia yang pergi sekolah tahu 31 Aug 57 hari Merdeka; 16 Sep 63 hari Malaysia walaupun dah cicir satu negeri. Emak aku tak pernah pergi sekolah, tapi dia tahu pasal ni. Cerita lama ni tak payah sebut-sebut lagi; dah jadi sejarah. Betul pepatah Melayu, “Rumah siap, pahat berbunyi”. Indah Bahasa Melayu ni. Renovation contractor memnag selalu nak betul.

    Jebat betul, ada rakyat Malaysia tak dapat nak menghayati Rukunegara. Apa sebab, ambil cermin tengok sendiri. Kalau translate to English, Mandarin, Tamil dll pun, boleh jadi ada juga yang tak dapat nak mengahayati Rukunegara. Padahal kena sebut tiap-tiap kali perhimpunan sekolah. Tak ikhlas agaknya.

    Facts remain undeniably facts. Malaysia today are made up of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak. We have made progressed in our own mould. There cannot be in any other different ways. Why go back on this “what if” and “had this be” hypothesis ? It’s unproductive. Move on. We have what we have. We may or may not have what we could have had. Don’t dwell in theories and hypothesis when there are facts.

    The British left a legacy; a well divided Malaya. Communists were almost everywhere. Our fathers fought them together, with fighting spirit and not with money. First, we had to have peace. Only after that we could have many others. This had worked to our benefit, had it not?

    Now that we have the country to our own, some say Malaya and Malaysia were built from Chinese capitalists monies macam ada orang Sabah, Sarawak cakap their state revenues finance the federal budget. Is it true Jebat ? Bring on a story to rebut this. I’d like to read.

    We have given so much over many hundred years. Not only that, we were cast aside and deprived. If the British didn’t come and took land’s wealth away, it would still probably be there in 1957 or 1963 came, whatever year one wishes. And we wouldn’t have seen this land receiving newcomers in large numbers. Had this be the case, we might have been a few decades backward than we are today. But that’s ok, then we could live with our sultans, bendaharas, temenggongs, laksamanas, shahbandars and penghulus. And perhaps we wouldn’t have Proton Sagas on our roads today, one would have to take perahu to Pulau Pinang and there would be only a handful of Chinese in Pulau Pinang. But why make this deduction ?

    Even with the coming and leaving of the British, we were still fine. We have a beautiful multiethnic society. We know this but we seldom say it. But our visitors say it. So this 1Malaysia thing is nothing new. We have had it all along. But we Malaysians have to be reminded by it.

    This is ourageously sad for a country when a Prime Minister has to appeal to its citizens to subscribe, and there those in this forum thinking they have been ripped off by the Malaysian Government.


  13. dear sir,

    i’m stdnt..my lecturer gve me asgmnt about formation of malaysia..saya tak cukup bahan to fnish da asgmnt..can u help me..?


  14. Please make right all history fact..namely, the representative for Sarawak should not be a TEO family.

    Sarawak: Teo Cheng Hoe;

    It should be: Datuk Yeo Cheng Hoe.

    Thank you.


  15. Suffice to say, the excerpt you took from Tunku Abdul Rahman’s book makes him sound very strange.

    I’m also reading a book titled ‘The Borneo Response to Malaysia (1961 – 1963) written by James Ongkili in 1967.

    The Tunku makes it sound as though Malaya was doing swimmingly in 1959 in spite of the Emergency ordinance in 1960? North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei came chasing after Malaya to form Malaysia? Then why was the United Front declaration drawn out in 1961 to oppose TAR’s Malaysia proposal?

    Ongkili writes:

    “The first and immediate response of Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah to Tengku Abdul Rahman’s proposal for a federation of Malaysia was one of outright rejection of the whole idea. From May to December 1961, this reactive feeling prevailed in northern Borneo. There were several reasons for this angry attitude on the part of the Borneans, one of them being the lack of proper political understanding.”

    – Ongkili, James (1967) A. The Borneo Response to Malaysia 1961 – 1963, p. 23

    TAR was desperate to get Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei in because he was afraid of the 1.25million Chinese people in Singapore. Not necessarily the threat of communism, which later, became his main draw to attract the three Borneon territories although Sarawak was the only state that actually had a communist threat.

    ‘Bapa Merdeka’s Malaysia proposal was rejected in the first place because the three Borneon territories wanted to establish strong relations amongst themselves before joining Malaysia first but TAR continued to pressure them, which is why Brunei pulled out. They didn’t need Malaya in spite of being a British colony. They were emancipated in 1984 whereas Sabah was emancipated in 1963. Brunei is still far wealthier than its neighbour.

    The turn around came when Malaya and Singapore baited North Borneo and Sarawak with its wealth and infrastructure, promising them same as well as their rights via the 20 and 18 Point agreement. Most of these promises were broken. The relationship bitterly became more beneficial to the West rather than the East.

    31st of August 1957 will always be a special day for Malaya, the same way that the 31st of August 1963 and the 23rd of July 1963 is special to Sabah and Sarawak respectively. Perhaps your opinions of Malaysia Day have changed by now but the promise of Malaysia has contributed greatly to the sorrow of Borneo-Malaysia.

    “My people feel that if North Borneo joins Malaya now as a state, it would in fact mean that North Borneo would become not a state but a colony of the Federation of Malaya. As I have said before, these fears are genuine. Not actually fear or suspicion of the sincerity of Malaya to take us on as an equal partner but more the fear that by virtue of our status as a British colony we would automatically become a second-class state or a colony of Malaya.”

    – Donald Stephens at the Foreign Correspondents’ Association of South-East Asia in Singapore, 1961


    • Yes Nadira, the Emergency was coming towards an end. More and more urban and rural areas had been declared as white areas and free from communists threats as the latter were forced to retreat into the jungles.

      Yes there were some reluctance by some people in Sabah and Sarawak prior to the formation. That was why the referendum was sent to gauge the sentiment from the people which caused the declaration to be delayed to 16th September 1963 instead of 31st August 1963.

      I guess after the declaration, James Ongkili was happy with the formation of Malaysia as he actively participated in state and national level politics and became Law Minister at Federal level.

      Donald Stephens converted to Islam and changed his name to Fuad Stephens and I believe his reservations back in 1961 dissipated and he became one of the more important figure that pushed for the merger of Sabah into Malaysia. Good job by Tunku Abdul Rahman to be able to pacify the fears of his East Malaysian leaders. Tun Fuad Stephens became 1st Chief Minister of Sabah and Governor in the later years. You see, I don’t think people in Sabah feel that they are not part of Malaysia or feel that they are just a colony of Kuala Lumpur. Unless certain quarters want them to feel that way and feed them with misdirected fallacies so to create hatred and give them votes. IMHO.

      Thank you.

      Thank you.


  16. Pingback: Sejarah Ringkas Negeri Sabah

  17. Since Sabah had became independence on August 31, 1963, in favor of the people in Sabah, why on earth the Philippines still wants to claim back this once independence country and becomes a colony of Philippines ?


  18. Pingback: The Formation Of Malaysia 16th Sept 1963 | syahmisivsulphurite

  19. As quoted by the late Pehin Sri Adenan Satem(Sarawak’s 5th Chief Minister)during the Perasmian Penutupan Seminar Sejarah Sarawak:”On 22nd July we were given self-governance by the British.Local government under Stephen Kalong Ningkan,and TYT Tun Abang Openg was already formed.And the next step after self-governance is independence.We would habe gained independence on our own.”


Astound us with your intelligence!