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Perbezaan antara imuniti Raja dan Lese Majeste

Berita menarik di dalam Utusan Malaysia hari ini:

ALOR SETAR 6 Mac. — Persatuan Kerabat Diraja Kedah (PKDK) akan meminta Persidangan Majlis Raja-Raja supaya menuntut semula imuniti raja agar pihak tertentu tidak mempersenda Raja-Raja Melayu yang merupakan tonggak dan payung kepada kekuatan orang Melayu.

Yang Dipertuanya Datuk Tengku Zainol Rashid Tengku Yahya berkata desakan itu akan dibuat selepas satu perhimpunan besar-besaran di Kuala Lumpur melibatkan 250 NGO bagi menyatakan taat setia kepada raja-raja Melayu tidak lama lagi.

“Kalau imuniti raja-raja dikembalikan, isu persenda Raja-Raja Melayu tak mungkin timbul,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis pelepasan peserta Mencari Harta Karun anjuran PKDK di sini hari ini Sultan Kedah Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah melepaskan 45 kereta yang menyertai acara itu dari Alor Setar ke Haadyai. Pada acara itu, Tengku Zainol Rashid mengetuai lebih 100 peserta untuk melafazkan ikrar taat setia kepada Raja-Raja Melayu.

Tengku Zainol Rashid juga memberi amaran kepada ahli politik yang cuba membangkitkan isu kedaulatan raja-raja dalam agenda mereka.

“Sekiranya mereka buat lagi, kita akan cari jalan untuk mereka hentikannya,” katanya. — Bernama

Datuk Tengku Zainol Rashid bercadang agar Majlis Raja-Raja menuntut untuk mengembalikan kuasa imuniti Raja-Raja Melayu.

Datuk, kuasa imuniti yang mana satu yang telah hilang dan yang mana satu yang perlu dikembalikan?

Adakah peruntukkan Mahkamah Khas yang boleh membawa Raja Raja Melayu kemuka pengadilan sekiranya mereka telah melakukan sesuatu jenayah peribadi ini yang perlu dimansuhkan?

Akta yang dipinda dalam tahun 1993 membolehkan ahli ahli Dewan Rakyat dan Parlimen untuk menegur (di dalam ruang peradaban yang sopan) Raja Raja JIKA melakukan kesilapan. Seperkara lagi yang dipinda adalah hak Raja Raja Melayu untuk mengampunkan diri sendiri jika telah melakukan sesuatu jenayah. Adakah ini yang ingin dikembalikan?

Dengan pemansuhan kekebalan Raja-Raja daripada tindakan undang-undang, kecuali ketika menjalankan tugas rasminya, adalah dipercayai Raja tidak akan melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan yang boleh didakwa di mahkamah. Dengan ini, Raja akan dihormati rakyat.

Tujuan sebenar pindaan-pindaan ini bukan kerana Kerajaan ataupun rakyat ingin mengheret Raja-Raja ke mahkamah dengan sewenang-wenangnya. Tujuannya ialah supaya Raja-Raja akan menghindarkan diri daripada melakukan perbuatan yang boleh mengakibatkan tindakan undang-undang. Oleh itu, Raja akan lebih dihormati.

Oleh itu, saya dengan perasaan rendah hati merasakan bahawa Datuk Tengku telah tersilap fakta. Pernyataan agar kuasa Raja Raja Melayu perlu dikembalikan adalah ternyata sedikit serong. Yang sepatutnya diperkatakan adalah, Undang Undang Melindungi Kehormatan Raja-Raja perlu diwujudkan di dalam Sistem Perlembagaan Malaysia.

Undang-undang tersebut (lese majeste) belum lagi wujud di sini. Walaubagaimanapun, ianya sudah termaktub di negara-negara beraja yang lain seperti Thailand, Brunei dan Belanda.

Ketiadaan undang-undang inilah yang telah menyebabkan pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab di dalam pakatan pembangkang mempersenda dan mengutuk Raja-Raja Melayu sesuka hati tanpa mengenal batasan tatasusila yang normal.

Mungkin undang-undang ini yang Datuk sepatutnya memperjuangkan. Undang-undang inilah yang akan diguna pakai jika ada sesetengah pihak mempersendakan kemuliaan dan kehormatan Raja-Raja Melayu. Bukannya memperjuangkan untuk mengembalikan kuasa imuniti Raja Raja untuk melakukan sesuka hati.

Sekian terima kasih.

46 thoughts on “Perbezaan antara imuniti Raja dan Lese Majeste

  1. JMD,

    Setuju dengan pendapat anda. Dato juga terkeliru atau sengaja terkeliru.

    Tuanku semua perlu satu undang-undang agar tidak dipersendakan sesuka hati oleh rakyat yang mempunyai sifat dan perangai Pakatanrisma.

    Undang Undang Melindungi Kehormatan Raja-Raja perlu diadakan secepat mungkin.


  2. JMD,

    Agreed. Leste majeste is something that we need here to prevent wholesale insult against the royal institution. However if they act in their own personal capacity as not as a Sultan, Raja or Agong that tantamounts to breaking the nation’s laws then they should and could be brought to trial in the special courts.


  3. JMD,

    Yes i agreed with Datuk Tengku Zainol, The Royal Family must be in solidstate especially in a coutry like Malaysia. So there wont be any `kurangajar/biadap` or `kacang lupakan kulit` or `melepas anjing tersepit` or `lupa daratan` people around.
    If i m not mistaken The Malay Sultanate was ruling Kepulauan Melayu for almost 600 years. DUALAT TUANKU


  4. Good response to the YM Tunku’s request.
    If we’ve learnt anything these past 12 months, no one should be in absolute control (or lack of control). Checks and balances do exist post-constitutional ammendments (pertaining to the royals’ immunity). With a in check, the country should be on the right track.

    Restoring their immunity would create another monster in future. We have seen new monsters emerge this past year or so with the so-called liberal pakatan rakyat types behaving like the power hungry jakuns they are. Belittling our last defense against gila-talak type politicians. But does that mean we need to give absolute powers to the monarchy. Do we need to resurrect an old monster?

    If we’ve learnt anything these past 12 odd months or so, it is that no organ of government should be given absolute or too much power. What ever ammendments made in 1993 are to protect us and the system as it stands. The royals should be in a position to depose a puppet MB or an MB which it feels does not have the majority of the house. The royals should have the authority to appoint a leader whom they feel have the backing of the majority of the house. But it does not mean that they need to be excused from pubishment and judgement should they disgrace themselves and the royal houses they serve.

    Your suggestion to table a law to curb the unnecessary abuse hurled towards our royals in performing their duties is timely and would hinder such abuses, be it verbal or legal, towards the monarchy by the anti-Melayu, anti-Islam, anti-NEP pakatan types.



  5. JMD,
    Sorry if you think I am nitpicking but there seem to be a typing error in your post.
    The word is lese majeste.
    Here is the quote from
    Lèse majesté (French expression, from the Latin Laesa maiestas or Laesae maiestatis (crimen), (crime of) injury to the Majesty; in English, also lese majesty or leze majesty) is the crime of violating majesty, an offense against the dignity of a reigning sovereign or against a state.


    JMD : Thank you for the correction.


  6. Terima kasih atas huraian saudara JMD dan komentar daripada Aduhai Sayang dan Shah. Bahkan jika diteliti pindaan Perlembagaan pada 1993 dahulu sebenarnya tiada pun imuniti Raja-raja Melayu yang dilucutkan, seperti yang JMD sendiri jelaskan dalam artikel di atas.

    Yang menghairankan saya ialah, kenapa tiba-tiba saja orang-orang kerabat pula, seperti Tg Zainol Rashid ini, yang berlebih senduk dari kuah?


  7. JMD,

    Saya setuju dengan pendapat anda supaya undang-undang untuk memelihara kehormatan Raja-Raja diwujudkan. Saya rasa memang Dato’ Tengku Zainol Rashid tersilap kalau dia meminta ‘total immunity’ dikembalikan.

    Isu sekarang ialah berkenaan kebiadapan sesetengah pihak keatas institusi Raja-Raja Melayu bukannya berkenaan kekebalan Raja-Raja jika bertindak dengan kapasiti peribadi dalam kes sivil atau jenayah.

    Hari ini saya merasa bangga dan terharu mendengar ucapan DYMM Sultan Selangor semasa merasmikan masjid di PJ. Saya harap orang-orang Melayu terutamanya penyokong-penyokong PR yang liberal ataupun yang dah lupa supaya memahami keluhan rasa hati Tuanku itu.

    Daulat Tuanku! Say NO to the republicans…….


  8. Saudara JMD

    Saya bersetuju dengan pendirian yang dikemukakan saudara. Pindaan perlembagaan 1993 meletakkan Raja-Raja pada kedudukan yang lebih baik dari sudut mempertahankan kedaulatan dan maruah mereka kerana mereka sendiri akan menyedari had kekebalan sebagi raja dan juga individu.

    Keadaan masa kini tidak menyekat Raja-Raja melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab mengikut undang-undang dan peraturan-peraturan yang sedia ada dan juga yang berlandaskan peruntukan perlembagaan negara kita.

    Yang kita perlukan amat sangat ekoran kebiadaban sesetengah pihak adalah undang-undang yang akan mencegah perlakuan yang tidak diingini terhadap Raja-Raja kita. Mengembalikan kekebalan seperti yang wujud sebelum 1993 bukanlah jawaban kepada kemelut ini. Saya mengalu-alukan undang undang yang akan mengenakan tindakan yang setimpal terhadap mereka yang kini terlepas dari sebarang “sanction” akibat perbuatan mereka mepersenda kemuliaan dan kehormatan Raja-Raja Melayu.



  9. Whatever is laid out by JMD is correct and there is no cause for any argument by those who can think rationally.

    In my opinion, the Sultans were stripped-off their abusive power only, by the previous competent government. Basically, they could be charged for committing a criminal act. Other than this, the royalty rules supreme above anyone else for all matters.

    It is ridiculous for the subjects to think that the royalties should not be shown respect and could be abused. The mob who recently acted like barbarians towards the royalties should be rounded up and given free board and lodging in Pudu. Ironically and presumably, this same mob is now instigating that the royalties be given back the full power, pre-Tun era. If the royalties were given back the good old day- privilege to just kill anyone as and when they like, the mob, showing no respect for them the other day, would be dead by now. I think the other-wise dead cows have to thank Tun Dr Mahatir for the good he had done for all Malaysians in Malaysia.

    The royalties will also have to thank our ex-Prime Minister profusely, if they want to see their position intact. Otherwise, we will soon see in this country the likes of Raja gopal, Raja ratnam, Raja singam, raja pakau, raja botol and raja whiskey, etc, in Malaysia and no more Raja Johor, Raja Kedah and Raja Perak, etc.


  10. Dear JMD

    At first glance I want to disagree with you. Because to me Ugama Islam (the one that is based on rukun Islam and rukun Iman, not the one that is politiced), Raja dan bangsa Melayu adalah paling utama dan perlu dijunjungi dan dipertahankan.

    Tetapi satelah membaca hujah saudara seterusnyanya, apa yang saudara cadangkan, saya rasa ia teramat bijak. Undangan-undangan yang melidungi kerhormatan Raja amat lah perlu. Somehow everybody seemed to forget this and take things for granted. Remember we are not a homogenous society. Some people love to make this country a republic with a truly puppet president.

    What you suggest should make previous law more complete and balanced

    Thank you JMD



  11. I dont think we need new sets of laws, like lese majeste, for the protection of the monarchy. The laws of defamation and sedition are adequate for the purpose it is intended.

    The best protection the monarchy could get is to ensure that it acts responsibly and with greater compassion for the people.

    There are royal houses that have brought disrepute to the system by selling honorific titles, by not being able to emphatise with the lots of the marginalised and downtrodden, by spending lavish amount of monies on useless celebrations.

    The monarchy needs to revamp its image in order to keep up with the times and for the system to remain acceptable and resected by the people.

    Resorting to laws alone to augment the fragile respect some people have towards the monarchy may not be the best option.

    Laws relating to lese majeste are always coupled with frightening penal punishment that does not do well in reversing the respect or disrespect the offender has towards the monarchy.

    There are times that I have deep reservation on the need to have a class of blue blood that lives beyond the shadow of the law, but as the number of times I circled the sun increases, my hostitlity towards them have considerably subsided due in part to them being amenable to the reforms brought forth by Mahathir and to their attitude, as shown by the Royal houses in Selangor and Perak, in their restrain when it comes to public expenditure and their timely call for responsible behaviour on the part of politicians at times when peace is at its most fragile.

    The roles that the monarchs have played in quiet effectiveness in ensuring peace in handling the transition of powers from BN led Government to Pakatan led Government have led me to believe that these royal houses can play a significant role in Malaysia.

    It is of bad taste that Pakatan are calling one of the most eminent former Judge in Malaysia as “corrupted” merely because he decided against them.

    It is also ironic that after their stunning “victory” in GE 12, Anwar, ever the sly politician he is, called for the legal immunity of the royals to be restored but with one decision that went against them, they resort to taking the palace to Court and blaming it on Mahathir that reformed the laws that opened the recourse.

    But as you could testify, trying to have an adult discussion with Pakatan supporters is very testing.

    Again, my hats off to you Jebat for doing what most of us mortals are not able to do, maintain a well balanced research blog, maintaing discipline and tonnes of perseverance in replying to some hurtful comments and threading topics that most of us try and steer away from discussion in public, like NEP and the use of the name Allah in Bible.

    If only Khir Toyo, Khairy and Mukhiz could be magnanimous enough in clearing the path for you to take the mantle of UMNO Youth. You have articulated your thoughts much better than the three of them. Had they have a blog, I doubt that their standards will be anywhere near yours.

    With that amount of accolades thrown by a single blogger like me to you would cause Andipool, Azmi and Anti Tuah to vomit blood and with that in mind, I bid you good day Sir.

    JMD : Thank you Lekiu for the comments. Like I had written earlier, the Pakatan Rakyat are confused about their own political struggle. Ex Journalist Shamsul Yunus wrote a few funny artciles that lambasted the PR leaders :




    Thank you.


  12. I salute u jebat. i think your writing almost perfect.

    anyway Jebat, pls apologize, saya nak tukar tajuk sikit…

    i am looking sesiapa ; blogger ke, columnist ker, especially you jebat, becoz you are the best, buat analysis mengenai samada Orang Melayu sekarang willing to let go NEP.

    Mungkin kerajaan ada data mengenai ni, tapi mungkin ia tidak didedahkan disebabkan kepentingan politik.

    Persoalan saya adalah,
    1) adakah orang melayu sekarang malu dengan wujudnya NEP ini?
    2) adakah orang melayu sekarang sudah cukup maju maka NEP tidak diperlukan?
    3) Adakah mana2 items dalam NEP itu perlukan review, adjustment atau abolish terus?
    4) Adakah majoriti orang melayu sekarang merasakan mereka harus bersaing dalam keadaan dan persekitaran yg adil?
    5) Kalau NEP masih diperlukan, sampai bila ia harus dipertahankan?
    6) Andaikata NEP itu dihapuskan, adakah peluang ia diaktifkan semula dimasa akan datang?

    mungkin banyak lagi isu pasal NEP ini yg memerlukan analysis. Based on my little knowledge ni, itu aje persoalan yg dapat dipikirkan.

    terima kasih Jebat.

    JMD : Minta maaf, saya tidak mempunyai capaian yang luas untuk melakukan analisa yang mendalam mengenai NEP. Walaubagaimanapun kita telah membincangkan hal ini di dalam:



    Saya juga meminta agar saudara menambah satu soalan – adakah kaum bukan Melayu tidak mendapat sebarang faedah dari polisi NEP?

    Untuk bacaan tambahan, sila baca :



  13. Kalau bukan melayu yang pelihara sanctity Institusi Raja-Raja Melayu, sapa lagi? Orang2 melayu faham dan sedar tak bahawa selama ni ada kaum dalam negara yang bermisi untuk menjatuhkan institusi bumiputra dan Raja-Raja, dan jadikan negara ini sebagai republik? Tak sedar atau sengaja tak nak mengaku sedar kerana telah sekongkol.
    Pepatah melayu “kalau tak pecah riong masa nak dapat sagu nya”. Sememang ini yang dialkukan oleh kaum yang nak pecahbelahkan melayu dan Raja-Raja. Mereka ini gunakan seorang pemimpin (sapa? tak kan tak perasan kut, yang tak kisah buat apa2 ajer asalkan dapat sanjungan) melayu untuk pecah riong. Nanti bila riong dah pecah, mereka akan dapat nikmati segala-gala nya. Apabila ini berlaku, melayun dah TERPINGGIR, hilang semua kuasa politik, ekonomi dan lain-lain. Orang2 melayu sedar tak? Masih nak ikut dan sokong pemimpin pendusta, penderhaka, pengkhianat tu??????? Korang kena laknat Tuhan lah nampak nyer.

    JMD : Mungkin juga jika perkara itu terjadi, hendak memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu pun tidak mungkin boleh dilakukan? Terima kasih.


  14. Emm, immune in term of what? If Raja or Sultan done wrong, i can’t tolerate. I love my Sultan of Kedah n he potrays a good examples. Raja and Sultans also must maintain to get respect of rakyat by showing good examples. Why afraid of law if u’re not the one who broke it? Or maybe the kerabats want to get immune also due to personal interest. Who knows? I do agree there must be law to those who want to against Raja or Sultans provided the Raja or Sultans is right lah.

    Daulat Tuanku!

    A typical kampung malay


  15. Kalau ada beribu undang TETAPI perlaksanaan tak ada… nak buat apa?

    Undang yang ada pun Peguan Negara tak tau nak buat apa?
    Kena gempaq dengan al-Jubb sikit terus ketaq tak tau nak buat apa…. lepas tu PM pulak buat arahan… kebenda ni? Perundangan diperkotak-katikkan.

    Lantik aje Peguam Negara yang baru… kan bercambah yang layak… lantik Peguam Negara yang ada teloq dan berani buat kerja without FEAR and FAVOR!


  16. JMD,

    for your forgetful mind, the UMNO are more disrespectful when it comes to respecting the Malay Rulers.

    i see all your supporters and cult followers straight away jump onto the bandwagons to cheer you and exalt you higher than the Royalty.

    How come Yang Dipertuanya Datuk Tengku Zainol Rashid Tengku Yahya didn’t come out to condemn the UMNO when they protested against Agong’s choice? wow…….i would assume he wasn’t in touch with blogs and internet yet at that time.

    this is so typical of UMNO hiding behind Raja- Raja and ketuanan melayu when it comes to attacking others. how many UMNO cabinet ministers pray 5 times a week and shun liquor?

    and how about you , JMD? do you drink? and the fella supporters of JMD, do you all drink? watch as Allah sees your heart.

    answer simple question and i would know whether you whole bunch of hypocrites or not.

    JMD : Sigh. I have explained this so many times. Read this too:

    As for the rest of your comments, I am very much amused with it. Go ask your Pakatan Rakyat leaders too ya.

    Again, who died and appoint you as the moral guardian of JMD?

    I feel that you are somewhat envious. Me, higher than Royalty? What if I am a Royalty? You want to say Ampun Tuanku now? 🙂

    The thing is, you do not know me my friend. Nor do I know you. And guess what, I do not need to know about you too. What is important are your arguments about the isue at hand. If you are against it, please provide relevant and logical explanations so that we can discuss them in a more positive way. If not, then you may wish to refrain from writing something that may not be useful to others.

    Therefore, all this personal questions are not valid anyway. What is important is the writing. Thank you.

    p.s.: by the way, I am not a member of any royal household. And one more thing, if readers are positive about what I wrote, it’s not because they are cult followers or blind supporters. They are in agreement with the reasoning and the issues that I had provided. That is all.


    • I would have thought the issue is whether there is a need for laws regarding lese majeste,. Most have argued in favour and some have disagreed.

      You can’t seriously believe that laws like lese majeste can only be passed if sultans that behave like saints.


  17. i am also curious, how many Raja-Raja melayu follows strictly the Islam teachings? since Sultan is the Head of Islam for the state, right? correct me if i am wrong, not too pro in laws and constitutions yet….still learning everyday…

    1. Do they drink alcohol?
    2. Do they gamble?

    JMD, let me know if you have insider information…..

    JMD : Of course I have insider’s information but I do not have any evidence to prove it. Let me know if you have one. By the way, you must be a bit confused about lese majeste here. It is also the respect for the INSTITUTION okay?

    Let me know if you have any insider information about Pakatan Rakyat leaders who did not pray 5 times a day, gamble, and drink alcohol. I heard a PR MP also run a prostitution syndicate in Selangor. But, who cares right? No proof whatsoever anyway.

    Why is it, I have to explain things at the most basic level here? Is the ability to think a difficult thing for you?

    Do you know why sometimes my replies to you are ridiculous?


  18. Lekiu said, “the best protection the monarchy could get is to ensure that it acts responsibly…”

    Agree with u Lekiu but I think you also knows that such “bast case scenario” is at best, rare. For instance, you said it youself: “It is of bad taste that Pakatan are calling one of the most eminent former Judge in Malaysia as “corrupted” merely because he decided against them.”

    In other words, “Acting responsibly” is very subjective and if you give it to politicians like Anwar, “acting responsibly” means any act beneficial to them. We saw how a “responsible act” became an”irresponsible act” in the last few month alone in the eyes of the same politician. We could not afford to have vague rules/guides knowing what desperate people are capable of.

    Give it to politicians and they would be able to argue and make a robbery to look like a responsible act! Imagine what a lawyer-politician is capable of.

    JMD : Thank you Jean for your thoughts.


    • I would have thought that acting responsibly is ensuring you have enough evidence to prove of disprove your allegation.

      In the absence of evidence, calling Sultan Azlan corrupted merely because he decides against Pakatan’s interest seem to me irresponsible. That is not subjective.


  19. Jangan lupa ‘NATANG’ – org UMNO patut dikenakan tindakan dulu. Termasuk AAB dan konco-konco nya.


    BTW, kita belum dapat penjelasan dari Sultan Perak lagi. Agaknya bila pula Sultan Perak akan buat kenyataan ?

    JMD : Yes, luckily, AAB is no longer the PM this April.

    About Sultan Perak, beats me. Anyway, he already made an explanation the moment Nizar lost his position as the MB. He made the proper explanation in which he followed the State Constitution. What more to explain?

    All this harping on the Sultan is clearly ruining the image of the monarchy itself. They made the decision already, so the PM must be strong enough to act on it. If he is weak, then by all means, change the PM.

    Thank you.


    • I suppose because of his training as a Judge, Sultan Azlan will never come out with a tell all as to what and why he decided in the way he did.

      He lets his conscience rule his decision. Call him whatever names you wish when it comes to the decision he has made, he doesnt feel a need to defend a decision he has decided according to his good conscience.


  20. Salam, JMD

    Betul! Betul! Betul! kata upin & ipin.

    Kata Jean pun betul, bagi kat ahli2 politik undang2 yang sedia ada ni susah nak kawteem hal2 yang specific,dia orang pandai putar belitkan- banyak loyar burok dari yang baru.

    Like your suggestion we need a specific law to handle this specific matter.
    Dear JMD I am not a lawman, a lawyer or anybody who stays near Law’s house so my knowledge about this is limited. I hope somebody can enlighten me about this;
    Do parliment need 2/3 majority to enact a new law or a simple majority will suffice.
    From my limited understanding when come to amending constitution they definitely need a 2/3 majority but not any law.

    JMD : I am not clear about this, to me any new Act can be passed in Parliament if they have 50% vote. But you have to ask Lawyer Kampung about this. 🙂


  21. JMD
    if you are royalty, i am more than glad to invite you for teh tarik. what an honor to have teh tarik with a royalty .

    oh btw, i really don’t care whether PR or BN leaders who gamble, on liquor and don’t pray. the above 3 don’t disqualify one to lead the country, my view.
    but if UMNO leaders want to shout about following islam teachings and sound as if they are demi-god, please have them to do it first before sounding the trumpet.

    do you know why it is so difficult for you to explain? let me tell you why..

    1. i am not your cult follower without brain
    2. you will try to justify what you write even though it contradicts. sounds like an oxymoron..
    3. keep on emphasizing “is about what is written and not about the writer”. pls, don’t be hypocrite. do what you preach. if you can’t do it, don’t even preach it. want me to explain hypocrisy?

    why not you challenge your cult followers to think instead of “yeah, jmd spot on”, “you are the best writer”, yeah this and that ….. not that i don’t think you are a good writer, i think you write well and did your homework before writing. but that does not mean everything you write is correct ….

    JMD : First off, I do not force you to be a follower of this blog. Nor have I ever forced anybody to do that. Did I ever force anyone to believe whatever I said? I am writing my own opinion. What you think about it is not my business. If you disagree, then say why and provide rational and logical arguments so that we can discuss about it further. Why is it so hard for you to comprehend this? Anybody can say their piece (provided it is done without any obscenities).

    Friend, are you confused? I am not an Umno leader. I am just a blogger. Why did you say I must practise what I preach? Are you damn sure that I gamble and do not pray 5 times a day? Are you psychic? I doubt it. Therefore, stop asking personal questions because it is not important. You know why it is not important? Because it is a futile effort. If I say I perform prayers 5 times a day.. or if you say you go to your temple or church religiously and did some welfare work, we just have to take it as the truth. So what next? Nothing. See how irrelevant your line of personal questions is?

    Jebat’s fren, do you understand what I am saying?

    Your argument about hypocrisy is indeed valid. But throw it to the Umno leaders who in my mind are mostly a bunch of hypocrites. Same goes to the leaders in PR.

    But you see, MY OPINION here is to have a law of lese majeste in this country. Do you agree with that notion? Or are you against it? Or do you have some other options. That is all.

    Why do I need to challenge people to think anyway? The readers are indeed people who can think. If not, they will go to Malaysia Today and fill the commentary section.

    On that note, I do not see you challenge any of what the Pakatan Rakyat leaders are saying. Are you their cult follower? 🙂

    Thank you.


    • He said,
      1. i am not your cult follower without brain

      You ask,
      Are you their cult follower?

      I answer,
      Yes he is…with brain of course…but useless brain…


  22. JMD,

    Lese Majeste is a french term in origin, adapted from the old latin. A country which does not believe in monachy for a long while now. The french even beheaded their last absolute monarchy and the boy regent died tortured and miserable in prison.

    How ironic?

    What’s wrong with the term ‘derhaka’.
    You used a term from an origin which reserved terrible fate for their monarchy. Could that itself be lese majeste, Jebat?.

    Another irony?


    JMD : I used a specific term – ‘Undang Undang Melindungi Kehormatan Raja Raja’ based on the laws against lese majeste available in other Kingdoms. Lese Majeste by itself simply means ‘injury to majesty’ but I guess you already knew that. If I had failed to convey to you the essence of what I had written, then I apologise. Thank you.


  23. Below is an exerp from a comment by a legal practisioner in his Blog;

    “No action, civil or criminal, shall be instituted against the Yang di Pertuan Agong or the Ruler of a State in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by him “IN HIS PERSONAL CAPACITY” except with the consent of the Attorney General personally.”.

    NOTE: Only in his personal capacity, no actions, civil or criminal can be instituted; but in his official capacity he may be subjected to the court’s action.

    As such, the appointment of the MB by the Sultan may be challenge in the court…. ”

    Rather than looking back at the 1993 Ammenments that actually did not reduce the status of The Rulers, but only renders the DYMMs from infallible status to human status, the above needs serious looking into.

    Is it true that The Rulers can be challenge in Court on account of his acts in OFFICIAL capacity?

    This is very grave indeed. If DYMM can be challenge in Court when acting on official capacity, the 1993 Ammendments is really just a kitten in comparison to this loophole..

    JMD : Please refer to this . Thank you.


  24. Dear JMD,

    I am inexplicably stuck in a task that I am doing and after laboring for a few hours decided to add on to an interesting topic.

    Let’s forget about this issue for a short while and go back to the basics. The basics where everyone agrees. In the Rukunegara we have Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan. Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara. Keluhuran Perlembagaan. Kedaulatan Undang-undang. Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan.

    Can’t we just get back to our Rukunegara. Find out our similarities rather than continuing to extol on our differences. If anyone say they do not believe or subscribe to the Rukunegara. Then I sincerely believe that they have no place among decent law abiding Malaysians.

    Each time the media keep on highlighting the comments or criticisms of the thousands that have taken the streets. The thousands are but minorities against the millions that is the Malaysian population. I have said it time and time again to both sides of the fence. There are people in Malaysia (and there are many) who are truly and actually apolitical who are aghast and very disturbed by developments in the country.

    The call by some lawmakers not to cooperate with the Police is irresponsible and should be condemned by the majority. We keep on saying and highlighting this person have done this or that person have done that but in any court of law we need proof and evidence. Where is the proof and where is the evidence? Even in Islamic courts allegations without proof is tantamount to fitnah. And the punishment for fitnah is severe. Same goes for libel and slander as it is a crime against the person.

    Next point. If you do have proof and evidence where did you obtain it? Is it admissible in court and can it be proved beyond reasonable doubt as to its authenticity. That it was not concocted or fabricated. 10000 people saying and repeating the same thing does not make something right or true. What it does make is that there is now 10000 or 100000 of people that is involved and party to fitnah.

    Even if it is true without proper forum where the other party can defend themselves it is tantamount to Mengumpat which is also just as severe. What am I saying here? Please stop, think and reflect for a while whether we want to be a party to Fitnah and Mengumpat, a crime against the person where no amount of praying or going to Mekah for Hajj or Umrah is able to cleanse you of this sin as it is crime against the person. Only the person themselves can forgive you for the sin or crime. Knowing this I took a step back and stopped involving myself in matters that amount to Fitnah or Mengumpat as only the people involved and Allah knows what really transpired.

    Just check our temper, our anger, take a deep breath and go back to basics. I read somewhere that mentioned the following adage, Anger is Foolishness and Rage is Madness, or something to that effect. All religion advocates peace and if that still brings differences, go back to our Rukunegara.

    Leave the so called leaders to their own devices and I seriously implore everyone to reject leaders that advocates violence, lawlessness and common human decency. We need a rallying point whereby we can put our differences aside, be it royalist or republican, and so forth.

    Don’t wait for blood to spill, disaster to strike before we realise our folly. Before we realise our foolishness.

    I reiterate my statement here. Let’s look at our similarities rather than continuing to debate on our differences.

    Good evening JMD,

    JMD : A very timely comment Shah. I enjoy reading it. Thank you.


  25. Salam kepada semua umat Islam, tak kira orang UMNO, PR atau atas pagar.. Baca, faham dan renung2 kan lah..

    Imam Abu Ja’afar ath-Thahawi rahimahullah berkata:

    “Kita tidak membolehkan memberontak (membelot) terhadap para imam (pemimpin muslim) dan para penguasa walau pun mereka melakukan kezaliman. Kita tidak menyumpahi (memaki hamun) mereka dan tidak berlepas diri dengan tidak taat kepada mereka. Kita berkeyakinan bahawa mentaati mereka sepanjang dalam ketaatan kepada Allah adalah wajib, selama mana mereka tidak memerintahkan melakukan maksiat. Kita tetap mendoakan kebaikan untuk mereka supaya mereka dikurniakan dengan kebaikan sama ada dari segi fizikal atau pun rohani.”

    Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda:

    “Sesiapa yang mentaatiku bererti dia mentaati Allah. Sesiapa yang menderhakaiku bererti dia menderhakai Allah. Sesiapa yang mentaati pemimpin, bererti dia mentaatiku. Sesiapa yang menderhakai pemimpinnya, bererti menderhakaiku.” (Hadis Riwayat al-Bukhari, no. 2957)

    “Seseorang muslim wajib mendengar dan taat, sama ada suka atau pun tidak. Melainkan apabila dia diperintah untuk melakukan maksiat. Bila dia diperintahkan untuk melakukan maksiat, tidak ada lagi istilah mendengar dan taat (dalam urusan maksiat tersebut.” (Hadis Riwayat al-Bukhari, no. 2955)

    Dari Auf bin Malik radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda: “Sebaik-baik pemimpin kamu adalah yang kamu cintai dan mereka mencintai kamu, kamu mendoakan mereka dan mereka mendoakan kamu. Sejahat-jahat pemimpin kamu adalah yang kamu benci dan mereka membenci kamu, yang kamu menyumpahinya dan mereka menyumpahi kamu.” Kami bertanya: “Wahai Rasulullah, adakah ketika itu kami boleh memerangi mereka dengan pedang?” Beliau menjawab: “Tidak, selama mereka masih menunaikan solat bersama-sama kamu. Ingatlah, sesiapa yang melihat pemimpinnya melakukan kemasiatan, hendaklah dia membenci kemaksiatannya itu, namun janganlah dia berlepas diri dari mentaatinya”.” (Hadis Riwayat Muslim, no. 1855)

    Dalam persoalan prinsip ini, imam Abil ‘Izz al-Hanafi mensyarahkan perkataan imam Abu Ja’afar ath-Thahawi di atas dengan katanya:

    “Ada pun kewajiban untuk mentaati mereka (bukan dalam persoalan maksiat) walau pun mereka melakukan kezaliman adalah sesuatu yang disyari’atkan, kerana keluar dari ketaatan kepada mereka (pemerintah/penguasa) akan melahirkan kerosakan yang belipat kali ganda dibandingkan dengan kezaliman mereka sendiri. Malah, bersabar terhadap kezaliman mereka dapat meleburkan dosa-dosa dan dapat melipat gandakan pahala. Kerana Alla tidak akan menaikkan penguasa ke atas diri kita melainkan disebabkan oleh kerosakan amal perbuatan kita juga. Ganjaran itu bergantung kepada amal perbuatan. Maka, hendaklah kita bersungguh-sungguh memohon keampunan, bertaubat, dan memperbaiki amal-amal perbuatan.

    Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman:

    “Dan apa sahaja musibah yang menimpa kamu, maka adalah disebabkan oleh perbuatan tangan kamu sendiri, dan Allah memaafkan sebahagian besar (dari kesalahan-kesalahan).” (Surah asy-Syura, 42: 30)

    “Dan demikianlah Kami jadikan sebahagian orang-orang yang zalim itu menjadi teman bagi sebahagian yang lain disebabkan apa yang mereka usahakan.” (Surah al-An’am, 6: 129)

    (Dengan ini) apabila rakyat ingin selamat dari kezaliman para pemimpin mereka, hendaklah mereka meninggalkan kezaliman itu juga.” (Rujuk: Tahzib Syarh ath-Thahawiyah, jil. 2, m/s. 199-200, Pustaka at-Tibyan)

    Syaikh al-Albani rahimahullah turut mengulas perkataan imam Abu Ja’afar ath-Thahawi dan syarah oleh imam Abil ‘Izz di atas dengan perkataannya:

    “Dengan itu, jelaslah bagaimana cara menghilangkan kezaliman yang dilakukan oleh para penguasa yang satu kulit dan satu bahasa dengan kita. Caranya, kaum muslimin (umat Islam) mestilah bertaubat kepada Allah, memurnikan aqidah, dan mendidik diri serta keluarga mereka dengan pendidikan Islam secara benar. Perkara tersebut adalah sebagai usaha dengan berpandukan kepada firman Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berikut:

    “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sehinggalah mereka sendiri yang mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka.” (Surah ar-Ra’d, 7: 11)

    Bertepatan dengan perkara persebut, ada seorang da’i (pendakwah) di zaman kita ini berkata, “Tegakkanlah daulah Islam di dalam hati-hati kamu, maka daulah Islam itu pun kemudiannya akan tertegak di atas muka bumi”.

    Jadi, di dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut bukanlah dengan kaedah-kaedah seperti yang diguna-pakai sebahagian orang, iaitu dengan memberontak dan memerangi penguasa. Kerana, perkara tersebut di samping termasuk ke dalam bentuk bid’ah, ia juga bertentangan dengan nash-nash syar’i yang mana memerintahkan kita untuk mengadakan perubahan pada masyarakat dengan cara yang baik. Dalam persoalan ini, kita juga perlu memehami sebuah prinsip:

    “Sesungguhnya Allah pasti menolong orang yang menolong (agama)-Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Kuat lagi Maha Perkasa.” (Surah al-Hajj, 22: 40) (Rujuk: Syarah dan Taqliq Syaikh al-Albani ke atas Aqidah ath-Thahawiyah)

    Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal rahimahullah berkata:

    “Sesiapa yang keluar (dari ketaatan) terhadap seorang pemimpin dari para pemimpin kaum muslimin, padahal manusia telah bersatu dan mengakui kepimpinan baginya dengan cara apapun, sama ada dengan redha atau dengan kemenangan (dalam perperangan), maka sesungguhnya orang tersebut telah memecah-belah kesatuan kaum musilmin dan menyelisihi pesanan-pesanan dari Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam dan apabila ia mati dalam keádaan demikian maka matinya seperti mati jahiliyah. Tidak halal memerangi penguasa (pemerintah) dan keluar dari ketaatan kepadanya disebabkan seseorang. Sesiapa yang melakukan perkara yang seperti itu maka dia adalah seorang mubtadi’ (pelaku bid’ah) yang bukan di atas Sunnah dan jalan (yang lurus). (Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ushulus Sunnah, no. 33 dan 34)

    Imam al-Barbahari rahimahullah turut menjelaskan:

    “Jika kamu melihat orang yang berdoa keburukan kepada pemimpin, ketahuilah bahawa ia termasuk salah seorang pengikut hawa nafsu, namun bila kamu melihat orang yang berdoa untuk kebaikan seseorang pemimpin, ketahuilah bahawa ia tergolong sebagai seorang ahli sunnah, insyaAllah.

    Fudhail bin Iyadh berkata, “Jika aku mempunyai doa yang baik yang makbul, maka semuanya akan aku persembahkan (pohonkan) untuk pemerintah.” Ia ditanya, “Wahai Abu Ali, jelaskan maksud ucapan tersebut?” Beliau berkata, “Bila doa itu hanya aku tujukan untuk diriku, tidak lebih hanya bermanfaat untuk diriku, namun bila aku pohonkan untuk pemimpin dan ternyata para pemimpin berubah menjadi baik, maka semua orang dan negara merasakan manfaat dan kebaikan.” (Dikeluarkan oleh Abu Nu’aim dalam “al-Hilyah” (8/91) dari jalan Mardawaih as-Shabigh dan sanad Abu Nu’aim adalah sahih)

    Kita diperintahkan untuk mendoakan mereka dengan kebaikan bukannya keburukan, walau pun dia seorang pemimpin yang zalim lagi jahat kerana kezaliman dan kejahatan akan kembali kepada diri mereka sendiri sementara bila mereka (pemimpin) menjadi baik maka mereka dan seluruh kaum muslimin akan merasakannya.” (Imam al-Barbahari, Syarhus Sunnah, Tahqiq Syaikh Khalid bin Qasim al-Roddadiy, Edisi Terjemahan Terbitan Dar El-Hijrah, Cet. Pertama, 1423H/2002M, m/s. 83-84)

    Adab Jika Mahu Menasihati Penguasa/Pemimpin

    Telah berkata Ibnul Asir: “Nasihat ialah suatu ungkapan daripada sepotong ayat iaitu berkehendakkan kebaikan kepada yang dinasihatkan baginya, dan tidak mungkin diungkapkan dari makna ini bersama makna yang lain. Asal makna nasihat dalam bahasa ialah suci.” (Dinukil dari Dr. Khalid al-Anbariy, Sistem Politik Islam, m/s. 212-213)

    Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda:

    “Sesiapa yang ingin menasihati pemimpin dalam sesuatu perkara, maka janganlah disebarkan (didedahkan) secara terang-terangan, akan tetapi peganglah tangannya dan ajaklah dia berbincang dengan diam-diam. Jika dia menerima, maka itulah yang diharapkan, jika tidak, maka sesungguhnya dia telah menunaikan kewajipannya”. (Riwayat Ibn Abi ‘Asim, al-Sunnah. Sanadnya sahih, sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh Syaikh al-Albani ketika mentahqiq kitab as-sunnah, m/s. 507)

    Berkenaan hadis ini, Syaikh al-Albani menyatakan bahawa ini adalah kaedah sebenar dalam menasihati para pemimpin secara sembunyi (rahsia – pen.), apabila orang yang menasihati melaksanakan cara begini, maka dia sudah pun melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya dan tidak lagi bertanggungjawab selepas itu. (Dr. Khalid Ali al-Anbariy, Sistem Politik Islam, m/s. 220)

    Ibnu Nahhas rahimahullah berkata:

    “Saat yang amat tepat untuk menasihati pemimpin adalah di saat sepi dari pihak ketiga. Ini lebih baik daripada bersuara secara terbuka di hadapan media massa, bahkan menyuarakan dan menasihati pemimpin lebih mulia secara rahsia tanpa ada liputan pihak yang ketiga.” (Lihat: Tanbihul Ghafilin ‘An A’malul Jahilin wa Tahzirus Salikin Min Af’alil Halikin)

    Imam asy-Syaukani rahimahullah berkata:

    “Orang yang menyedari sebahagian permasalahan tentang kesalahan pemimpin, hendaklah dia menasihatinya, jangan menyebarkannya di hadapan orang ramai (umum). Tetapi hendaklah dia berbincang secara empat mata di dalam rangka menasihatinya, tidak merendahkan atau menjatuhkan maruah dan martabatnya, pent.) serta tidak memperlekehkannya sebagaimana yang terdapat di dalam hadis”. (Lihat: Sail al-Jarrar 4/556. Dinukil dari: Abu Farouq Rasul Dahri, Sikap Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah Terhadap Pemerintah)

    “Dalam masalah menegur penguasa (pemimpin), pendapat yang benar ialah melakukannya secara individu, bukan di khalayak umum. Adalah amat baik jika tegurannya secara rahsia atau menasihatinya dengan cara sembunyi-sembunyi, tanpa ada pihak yang ketiga”. (Lihat: Tanbihul Ghafilin ‘An A’malul Jahilin wa Tahzirus Salikin Min Af’alil Halikin)

    Imam Ibnu Rejab al-Hanbali rahimahullah berkata:

    “Ada pun nasihat untuk para pemimpin kaum Muslimin maka ia adalah cintakan kebaikan untuk mereka, petunjuk untuk mereka dan keadilan mereka, menyukai sokongan rakyat ke atas mereka, membenci perpecahan umat kepada mereka, mematuhi ajaran agama, suka memuliakan mereka kerana mentaati Allah, membantu mereka dalam kebenaran, taat kepada mereka dalam perkara yang haq, marah kepada orang yang membelot dari mereka, dan cinta kepada usaha mereka di alam urusan berbuat taat kepada Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla. Membantu mereka dengan kebenaran, menyedarkan mereka dengan lemah lembut, mengelakkan daripada menentang mereka dan mendoakan kejayaan (kebaikan) untuk mereka.” (Rujuk: Jami’ al-‘Ulum wa al-Hikam, m/s. 172 dan 173, Darul Falah)

    Memuliakan Pemerintah

    Daripada Abu Bakar radhiyallahu ‘anhu, katanya:

    “Aku mendengar Nabi bersabda: “Sultan adalah bayangan Allah di bumi, sesiapa yang memuliakannya, maka Allah akan memuliakannya dan sesiapa yang menghinakannya, maka Allah akan menghinakannya”.” (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, 5/42. Dinilai hasan oleh al-Albani di dalam Silsilah al-Ahadis ash-Shahihah, 5/376)

    Dr. Khalid Ali al-Anbariy berkata:

    “Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam telah mewajibkan ke atas umat ini menghormati dan memuliakan para pemimpin. Pada waktu yang sama, baginda melarang mencaci mereka dan menyebut kekurangan serta kelemahan mereka kerana yang demikian itu menyebabkan berlakunya kebencian rakyat kepada mereka mereka bahkan juga akan membawa kepada kejahatan, kerosakan, kederhakaan, dan permusuhan.

    Dalam perkara ini, berkatalah Sahl bin Abdullah at-Tastari: “Manusia sentiasa dalam keadaan baik selama mana mereka menghormati sultan dan ulama, maka sekiranya mereka menghormati kedua-duanya ini, Allah memeberi kebaikan kepada kehidupan dunia dan akhirat mereka dan sekiranya mereka menghina kedua-duanya, Allah akan merosakkan kehidupan dunia dan akhirat mereka”.” (Sistem Politik Islam, m/s. 215)

    JMD : Terima kasih Tuan Putera.


  26. So, we have “lese majeste” for the royals but are they any “lese” for the constitution?

    Maybe, a “lese constitiun”?

    No, I am not being funny.

    JMD : 🙂 You can refer to Shah’s latest comment above.


    • What was he trying to say?

      JMD : He said, one have to respect the Rukunegara. In it, there is – Keluhuran Perlembagaan and KEdaulatan Undang Undang.

      Thus, respect the laws of the lands and this include the Constitution. Thank you.


      • Ya, I can dig that.

        We respect the Rukunegara.

        But from what I read, the Consititution says …. blah blah blah and even our x PM also said … blah blah blah, so why are we having this situation?

        Please enlighten, if you can?

        JMD : This is where we have the courts to decide. The constitution is there as the law. Any cases will be tried according to the Constitution and to a certain extent, any preceding cases.

        On one side, you have a group initially saying it is legal and then turned 180 degrees saying it is not. On the other side, is one group saying it is within the legal means to do so. The courts will then have to decide. Thank you.


        • But we have separation of powers, executive, legislature & judiciary.

          If things that are legislature in nature, as in Perak, is send to the judiciary for deliberation, then, we will not have separation of power. The judiciary may be seen as having a hand in running the legislature, which, was never the intention of the drafters of the constitution in the first place. There are arguments, that the judiciary, if follows strictly the path of separation of powers, does not have the right to even hear the cases.

          Please enlighten?

          JMD : To me its simple, the executive drafts the law, the legislative approves the law while the judiciary APPLIES the law. Separation of powers means check and balance within the government. Thank you.


  27. bukan semua sultan berperangai baik spt sultan selangor atau perak. Nasib warganegara kelantan
    ( bukan rakyat- kami bukan hamba abdi) yang telah diperkudakan oleh raja perempuan ( sultan sebenar kelantan). Kerajaan pas hanya menjadi pak turut. Projek perumahan, kuari-kuari, perusahaan2 dan perniagaan diangkut borong kepada orang cina yang hanya 5% drpd penduduk. betulkan raja kelantan menjadi pelindung bangsa melayu. 1 kes seorang melayu hampir 95% dapat memiliki sebuah kuari telah dipotong oleh kuasa raja lalu diberi kpd taukeh cina, betulkah mereka berdua penaung agama islam seorang berjambul 4 tingkat seorang lagi sembahyang jumaat pukul 3 petang.
    saya telah mengundi pas dlm beberapa pilihanraya. Tapi terpikir jgk puak2 pas ni bodoh ke tak jujur atau tak ada prinsip bila mahathir nak kurangkan kuasa raja diaoranglah melalak kat airport sambut raja. sekarang siapa susah. gambar raja sebesar-besarnya depan SUk dah macam berhala, komen sikit nik aziz tak ke syirik benda tu.
    kalu nak buat benda baik pakat sokonglah tak kiralah parti mana2 nak buat asalkan utk kepentingan rakyat. ni tak tahulah suka menaguk d air keroh untung2 raja masuk pas.
    Dalam pemerintahan islam sebenar ( zaman rasulullah lah) mana ada raja2 atau sultan2 ni. Tak tahulah kepala manusia ni yang dirasuk syaitan ni suka sangat menyembah tak kiralah sesama manusia pun nak sembah. sikit2 menyembah daulat, duli yang maha mulialah .. eh bodoh duli tu maksudnya debua d tapak kaki… MAHA hanya boleh digunakan utk Allah. fikirlah sendiri.



    JMD : I am fine thank you. Your blog is publishing new articles almost everyday. Very productive indeed. Keep it up. Don’t get addicted though 🙂


  29. Saudara JMD,

    Saya benar2 berharap komen saya di atas dapat di baca dan di fahami oleh semua pihak.. Cukuplah dengan kacau-bilau selama ini.. Marilah kita sama2 bermuhasabah diri masing2 seperti kata YB Ibrahim Ali – Pasir Mas semalam. Ayuh semua!


    • Dear JMD
      Allow me to reply Putera. Great comment. But when i read isa on March 11,2009, rality sets in. if what he wrote is true how can chinese respects royalties. They can be bought. This is not the first story.


  30. akhirnya dalam dunia ini akan tinggal 4 ekor raja sahaja….Raja Diamond, Raja Spade, Raja Kelawar dan Raja Lekuk…. ‘

    JMD : In the 60’s, Tunku Abdul Rahman said the exact thing you are parroting right now. Thank you.


  31. Lese Majeste laws is needed in Malaysia…. please…. ini kerna sudah terlalu ramai rakyat malaysia yang tidak mengenal umur, jantina, dan juga bangsa sewenang-wenangnya menghina Kedaulatan Raja/Sultan dalam Malaysia ini…


Astound us with your intelligence!