Anwar Ibrahim / Pakatan Rakyat

The crybabies of Pakatan Rakyat

I was confused watching the unfolding of events for the past few days. What I saw was unexpected. Never in the history of Malaysia, I had seen this kind of scenes…

a) Abusive languages and acts being hurled towards the Malay Sultans, after being encouraged by Malay opposition leaders

b) Hypocrisy of the Pakatan Rakyat leaders with regards to their relationship with the Malaysian monarchy

c) Perak Malays disrespecting their own Sultan only because a DAP state government lost power

Derhaka kepada Sultan

By all means, if you want to correct the Sultans, please do so. Even the Four Righteous Caliphs wanted the people to correct them if they made any mistakes.

But to hurl abusive language and pelt stones to his majesty’s car, plus showing him the ‘finger’, is not the mark of sane human beings. Is there any sane people in Pakatan Rakyat right now? I doubt it.

Their irrational behaviour shows one thing only. Their inability to handle power. Once they had tasted it, it is very hard to let it go. Is this the kind of power hungry and dishonest people you want as leaders? Were there riots when state governments fell from BN hands to Pakatan Rakyat?

Nama saja Islam tapi tidak mahu mempercayai Qada’ dan Qadar.

Too bad people like Anwar Ibrahim, Haris Ibrahim and Mohd Nizar actually encourage this type of behaviour. Malays inviting the people to show disrespect to the Sultans? A treasonous  act indeed.

Those three people (along with the Pakatan Rakyat leaders), would have been thrown in the gallows if Malaysia was Thailand.

(I wonder what Sultan Kelantan is feeling right now when Nik Aziz was silent concerning the blatant rudeness towards the palace? Silence often means condoning)

Hypocritical Pakatan Rakyat

Karpal Singh, who had vehemently disagreed with Anwar’s Project 916, was quiet when the Bota Assembly man crossed over to Pakatan Rakyat earlier.

I expected he would make an announcement chiding MB Perak (Nazir) and Anwar for accepting the froggie into PKR’s fold. But he, and the rest of the like minded people were very quiet. It shows a lot about the level of sincerity of these politicians. I thought Karpal Singh has some redeemable character. But alas, no. He is still the contemptible politican that we know of.

This incident showed how insincere Karpal was when he called for the enactment of anti hopping law all this while. There are a lot of insincere politicians out there. Do not fall for the biggest hypocrite of them all.

Few commentators had gave comments saying it is Umno’s fault that Sultan Azlan is ridiculed. Typical of any Pakatan Rakyat supporters (and leaders), they will blame everyone else except themselves. My dear children, every mature human beings are given the ability to choose.

Did Umno put a gun on your head and force you to show the ‘finger’ and throw stones onto cars? Was Umno the one who organised the demonstrations that Friday afternoon? You have the choice NOT to throw stones. NOT to throw vile insults. NOT to riot. NOT to ridicule and throw profanities to the Sultan either.  He knows about the law better than anyone else who can write blogs here. In fact, he is more experienced than anyone who is reading this piece. If you think Tun Salleh Abas is experienced, Sultan Azlan is far more senior and wiser than him. So Anwar Ibrahim and other stooges in Pakatan Rakyat, who are you to question him that way?

In fact, as I recalled, was it not Anwar Ibrahim who had insisted to empower the monarchy back in November 2008? He even said:

“Maknanya, Raja yang tunduk kepada prinsip perlembagaan dan undang-undang, tetapi kemuliaan dan darjat Raja-raja harus dipelihara,” katanya ketika menyampaikan ucapan di penghujung kongres nasional kelima PKR petang tadi.

Tahu pula hendak memuliakan raja. Tetapi apabila keputusan tidak berpihak kepadanya, dimalukan pula raja sebegitu rupa.

Boy, does he need more mirrors to look at his reflection. Why are we still taking this hooligan seriously? A political animal of this level should never become the Prime Minister. Malaysia does not need the mess it will have to endure should he become our leader. If we think Pak Lah is a flip flop, wait till we see what Anwar Ibrahim has in store for us.

Malays disrespecting their own Sultan

Manusia paling bodoh ialah mereka yang berdemonstrasi dan baring di tengah jalan menghalang kereta Raja Muda Perak sambil mengibar bendera Palestin. Apa mereka hendak capai dengan melakukan perkara sebegitu? Buat malu tujuh keturunan sahaja. Menghina raja sendiri hanya kerana Nga Kor Ming dan Ngeh Koo Ham hilang kuasa? Orang Islam PAS sendiri menghina ketua Islam negeri hanya kerana Karpal Singh berkata Sultan Azlan tersilap? Wahai orang orang yang hendak naik roket untuk sampai ke bulan, Karpal Singh bukannya maksum.

Saya tidak faham mengapa ahli ahli PAS mengagung-agungkan Karpal Singh. Apabila Umno berkata hukum hudud tidak sesuai digunakan di negara ini, berebut rebut mereka melabelkan Umno itu kafir. Apabila Karpal Singh menempelak PAS dan Anwar Ibrahim dengan berkata ia akan menentang hukum hudud, berlumba lumba mereka memujuk Karpal Singh dengan berkata betul,  ianya memang sukar untuk dilaksanakan.

Nah, apabila Karpal Singh dan Lim Kit Siang sudah berkata Sultan Azlan tidak adil dan tersilap, berhempas pulas ahli-ahli PAS mengherdik dan mencaci raja mereka sendiri. Presiden PAS hanya duduk diam kaku melihat gelagat ahli ahli partinya sendiri.

Saya rasa, elok sahaja Karpal Singh jadi Presiden PAS. Orang PAS lebih hormat dia dari hormat Sultan. Lebih hormat DAP dari hormat ketua rasmi agama Islam negeri. Hadi Awang pula cuma tahu hendak membodek DAP sahaja.

Pada mereka yang mengibarkan bendera Palestin dan berani baring di atas jalan ketika berhadapan dengan raja sendiri, elok jugalah Malaysia menghantar mereka semua ini ke Gaza untuk membantu pejuang Hamas di sana. Itu lebih afdal dari menjadi kurang ajar kepada raja sesama Islam mereka sendiri.

Kepada 400 orang yang berdemonstrasi petang Jumaat lalu dan menunjukkan perangai biadap kepada Sultan, tolong sediakan nama dan nombor kad pengenalan masing-masing ke pihak berkuasa. Kita boleh menghantar ‘pejuang berani mati’ ini ke bumi Palestin.

Selamat pergi dan selamat pulang PAS.


122 thoughts on “The crybabies of Pakatan Rakyat

  1. JMD,

    For now, I will only say “Bravo” to what you write.

    A very good piece. Right-thinking and peace-loving people must support your views.

    Best wishes.


  2. Memang pelik. Kenapa PAS sanggup berbaik-baik dengan DAP ? Apa sebenarnya niat mereka? Bukan kah lebih baik jika mereka cuba berbaik-baik dengan UMNO? UMNO pun cubalah ambil hati PAS sikit. Kan kita ni umat Islam (although PAS’ do think they are ”holier-than-thou”)

    I cringed when I saw the antics of those PKR people tergolek-golek on the road. Macam orang tak ada ugama. So un-Muslim like. You’re right JMD – malu tujuh keturunan! Oh noes! I hope none of my relatives were there. My late father is Perakian you see.

    I suspect those people yang terlentang, terbaring, tertonggek, tersembam and tergolek tengah jalan tu are those people from the Ayah Pin et al sect kot.

    If it wasn’t so embarrassing, I would have thought it was a joke!


  3. Salam JMD,

    Nizar & pendokong PR sudah pergi terlalu jauh. Segala tindakan mereka tidak lagi mencerminkan akujanji yang pernah dikatakan oleh YB Yusmadi, kononnya semua YB dan pemimpin PR akan menjunjung tinggi institusi Beraja. Amat malang apabila Sultan menggunakan kuasa dalam lingkungan undang2, dimaki hamun oleh pemimpin & penyokong PR. Dan tindakan Karpal mahu menyaman seakan memperlihatkan keangkuhannya untuk memperlihatkan kehebatan di kalangan para pengundinya. Malangnya, mereka2 yg sanggup berbaring ini tidak pula mempertahankan Sultan mereka itu sendiri yang merupakan Ketua Kerajaan Perak dan Ketua Agama Islam di Perak. Sudah nampak jelas melalui perbezaan tersebut, mereka terlalu obses.

    Terima kasih,

    Dengan izin:


  4. “It is said that power corrupts, but actually it’s more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.” David Brin (1950 – )

    You asked, “Is there any sane people in Pakatan Rakyat right now? I doubt it.”

    I doubt it too. The sane ones would have left PKR a long time ago. The psychos are the ones that are left. They are a bunch of power-hungry primitive samsengs – from the stone age!

    As always, a great post JMD!


  5. Saya tidak sabar menunggu arahan dari Panglima ATM agar membantu pihak Polis dalam menanggani isu orang-orang bahalol ini yang tak tahu bila nak berhenti berpolitik gila babi ini kalau selama ini depa kata Polis ganas tunggu la kalau tentera pulak yang ambil alih menjaga ketenteraman awam ini. Tak habis-habis nak buat kacau menyusahkan orang awam . Sultan pun hangpa kata ikut suka hati sabarlah sikit tunggu la PRU ke13, 3000 kalau ada pun jumlah bahalol-bahalol yang tunjuk perasan hari jumaat itu hari tak mewakili berjuta lagi orang Perak.


  6. Hello Jebat. All this is very sian. But even Dr M has said that the only way to remove Nizar is via a vote in the state assembly. Dunno why they are pelting the Sultan’s car, etc. Maybe they are kinda frustrated. 😦


  7. I have never forgotten what Nik Aziz said a long time ago.. that UMNO adalah musuh ketat/musuh tradisi/musuh sejati PAS. It is not for lack of trying on UMNO’ s part to berbaik-baik with PAS (dah cuba berbagai approaches many times over, over the years, that much I know). It’s just that UMNO is viewed with such contempt by PAS that mending bridges is well nigh impossible, not with the current crop of leaders at the helm.

    I was born and brought up in Dungun Terengganu where the animosity between UMNO and PAS tak pernah reda from then until now. My late grandmother, bless her soul, used to go campaigning for Perikatan those early days in the 1960s.. masuk kampung PAS, she was spat upon by the AS women. Di maki, dihamun, diludah. Seteruk2 UMNO, tak pernah hina orang macam ni.

    I pray for the day when Muslims from both divides – UMNO and PAS – can unite and work together towards nation-building. Amat memalukan…. how they call themselves Muslim yg kononnya berpegang pada agama Islam tapi enggan berkerjasama sesama Islam, instead sanggup bersekongkol dengan munafikin and al-kafirun.

    Menghina and mencerca Sultan…. Kemana perginya peradaban kita sebagai seorang Muslim? Don’t give me all that Raja adil Raja di sembah…. crap, memadai to say I am ashamed to the core of my being tengok their antics..

    Anak Pak Megat Kuala Kangsar


  8. Dulu-dulu, saya memang penyokong kuat Anwar. Oh Anwar, memang berapi bila dia berhujah. Terpegung dan terpukau dibuatnya. Memang Anwar mempunyai anugerah untuk bercakap, memujuk dan memperdaya (Kesian Dr). Kami sokong dan buat saja apa yang disuruh. Semacam dipukau. Tapi nasib baik, saya terjaga dari tidur yang begitu lena sekali.

    Sebenarnya Anwar bukan ikhlas nak tegakan keadilan. Dia hanya nak kejar cita-cita nak jadi PM. Caranya tak kisah. Fitnah pun OK. Tipu pun OK. Raayat jadi lebih susah pun OK. Melayu tersungkur pun OK. Guna negara asing bantu dia gulingkan Kerajaan OK. Negara huru hara pun OK (Dalam kes di Perak ni – Dalangnya memang beliau). Agaknya kalau disuruh tukar ugama pun OK, agaknyalah. Dosa belakang kira. Bak kata semuanya OKlah. Asalkan dia boleh dapat jadi PM. Bolehkah kita rakyat Malaysia terima dia jadi PM. PO DA.

    Ingat nak sokong PAS. Tapi kebelakangan ini nampaknya, PAS pun lebih kurang macam Anwar. Kini pada PAS semuanya OK. Hudud tak boleh diterima, kata Karpal Singh. Itu pun OK kata PAS. Memang tidak masuk akal langsung bila orang PR disuruh bergolek dijalan. PAS kata OK, PAS akan buat, DAP tak perlu buat.

    Sampai titah Tuanku yang lebih arif tentang undang-undang dari kebanyakan rakyat itu pun dia nak tentang. Hanya disebabkan tekanan dari Karpal Singh PAS sanggup langgar prinsip asas Penubuhannya. Bayangkan betapa Tuanku sayang dan menghormati kedua-dua MB dan Timbalannya. Belum pun ada jasa dah bagi Dato agar bersemangat mereka berkhidmat. Tapi apabila Tuanku suruh letak jawatan sebab beliau tidak lagi mendapat kepercayaan majoriti rakyat Perak, kedua-duanya ingkar dan menderhaka pula kepada Tuanku. Tidak cukup dengan keingkarannya beliau mengajak semua orang untuk menentang Tuanku. Memang biadap.

    Oh ya, saya nak ingatkan Sdr Mohd Nizar, kalau pun PR menang dalam PRU 13 di Perak, DAP tak akan lepaskan jawatan MB kepada PAS lagi. Mereka terlepas pandang iaitu jawatan MB Perak perlu disandang oleh orang Melayu. Saya percaya untuk PRU 13 kalau DAP menang (kalau) dah ada orangnya tak lain tak bukan ialah Raja Paling Kotor(RPK)atau si Aziz bodoh tu lah. Jadi tak payahlah jadi barua DAP. Sedarlah sikit.

    Saya sokong cadangan supaya kesemua penderhaka dilucutkan gelaran Dato mereka. There are more deserving rakyat than this PENDERHAKA. LUCUTKAN KURNIAAN YANG TELAH DIBERIKAN KEPADA PENDERHAKA, PEMBELOT DAN PENGKHIANAT BANGSA INI. OH TERLUPA TERMASUK YANG PENIPU SEKALI. Mahkahmah perlu jatuhkah hukuman keras kepada pengasut termasuk Karpal Singh yang mempersendakan titah Tuanku.

    Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuank


  9. This is what you get if the opposition leader himself is a non-member of his parties and ex-convict of power abuse, corruption and sodomy.

    He is also facing trial for sodomy II.


  10. JMD,

    You called what happened as qada dan qadar and you may perhaps be right. Interestingly enough these sordid episode happened in the State where the Monarch is the most respected Judge in the history of the country.

    Perhaps the Almighty wanted to expose the real colours of these people who claim to champion all that is sacred and holy. We now know what kind of people they are and what they actually represent. Too bad some of people refuse to see it that way.

    I didnt know that these people resorted to “bergolek atas jalan”. It was in the news that Nizar has left it to Karpal whether to sue or not. It is very strange that he cannot make up his mind on what he wants and leave it to someone else to decide.


  11. pendek cerita, you are just trying to glorify the monarchy with your assertion that ‘malays disrespecting their sultan’. sultan itu manusia biasa, bezanya lebih bernasib baik dilahirkan sebagai anak raja. such pompous ass kissing post.

    wrong is wrong. i do not condone the abuse and insults by the angry netizens/citizens either but you seems to put these monarchs high on pedestal. terlalu mengagung-agungkan sultan, for what? if he’s wrong, he is bound to incite hatred and scorn among his people. raja adil disembah, raja bodoh disanggah. no? he is reaping what he sowed.

    everywhere, people like you focusing too much on the ‘kebiadapan terhadap sultan’ instead of his action. and went to justify his decision as fair, he knows it all, mentioning he was the lord president, bla bla bla.. such wise ruler would not make mistake. well, he did! else, people would not get angry, simple and easy way to look at it.

    JMD : There is nothing in it for me to glorify the monarchy like how you said it. They are indeed only humans. But the the institution of monarchy is sacred in the Constitution. Ridiculing and trying to physically injure a monarch is treasonous. Especially when the decisions made from royalty arguably has its own merits.

    Since you yourself do not condone the abusive activities of the Pakatan Rakyat vile supporters, you are only left with your notion that the Sultan was erroneous in his decision.

    Your premise comes from the fact that you had believed the Pakatan leaders are right. Since you are not a legal expert yourself with zero experience as Lord President, you banked your arguments only based on what the parties with vested interest are saying.

    Thus, you yourself could be wrong in your assessment since there are two sides of the coin. How do you justify the many assertions from other legal experts that the Sultan had acted within the legal jurisdiction?

    Barbie, this article is about the obscene behaviors of the Pakatan Rakyat against the monarchy. It is inexcusable.

    Thank you.


  12. oh i am so sick of reading ‘Tuanku yang lebih arif tentang undang-undang dari kebanyakan rakyat’ assertion. please, he’s a normal human being, he may be wrong. think.

    JMD : As a normal human being, you could be wrong as well Barbie. Breathe in, breathe out, think and reflect.


  13. My Views

    Tun M started the derhaka pada raja thing in 83,88 and worst in 92 where the BN-controlled mass media bashed the royalty. But the Malays in Umno were loyal to the PM. I am an aspiring Sufi and I believe in Kingdom instead of a republic.

    The image of the royalty improved after Pak Lah took over. What transpired in Perak last week was a very good opportunity for Raja Azlan, the most respected raja I presume, to win back the hearts and respect of the people to the royalty, at least back to pre-Tun M days.

    But what Raja Azlan did surprised all right-thinking rakyat and mark a new beginning to the fall of monarchy in Malaysia. All this chaos and derhaka thing could have been avoided. I shed tears when I saw the videos at masjid Ubudiah, the Malays are hurling abusive words at the royalty and Malay police firing tear gas at Malays revolting against the Malay king.

    All my Malay friends are now apparently frustrated with Raja Azlan’s decision. I see this as a “red wind” which started by the French Revoution blowing this way now to mark a beginning of the end of monarchy here, following Ethiopia, Iraq, Iran, etc.

    A hundred years ago there were over 200 kings in this world but now there are less than forty only. The red wind is akin to the viles of Satan. But here, the “red wind” is ironically started by a respected member of the royalty itself.

    I am no politician and try my best not to take sides, but I am looking at the scenario holistically.

    Think: The end of Monarchy here will mark the end of Ketuanan Melayu.

    JMD : All right thinking Malaysians? You could be wrong there. The beginning of the fall of monarchy is when the Pakatan Rakyat do not know how to manage the monarchy. Their leaders are bereft of their senses. Do they not know that by acting the way they did, they will destraoy all the goodwill they will have with the monarchy in the future. State and federal government needs the monarchy in order to function properly. Monarchy is part of the Constitution. It is part of the check and balance system of the nation. To destroy the relationship with the monarchy by burning the bridge will prove to be a bane for all future Pakatan Rakyat leaders.
    Their inability to think far ahead than their power hungry brains really amaze me.
    I believe you were too young or too naive or too brainwashed by the Pakatan Rakyat’s propaganda to believe that TDM had started the ‘derhaka’ with monarchy.
    It was completely different issue. Certainly not because the monarchy had sacked a power hungry Menteri Besar at that time.
    I truly respect TDM because setting up a Special Court so that the monarchy can be on trial for any of their crime is in fact THE BIGGEST legacy that he had left us.
    It was a revolution that not many had contemplated deeply. He had actually curtailed the immunity of the monarchy (at that time, there were numerous cases of monarchy misbehaving themselves towards the public – you might not remember what those were) so that they can be tried in a special court. A vehicle to dispense justice for the people for any travesty committed by a royalty.
    Can you imagine anywhere else in history where a revolution like this was not followed by bloody revolution?
    Many lives were lost before Magna Carta can be put in place back in 13th century England. King Charles I and many if his supporters were beheaded before proper Parliament was set up in London. Streets in Paris was filled with blood and dead bodies before the monarchy was abolished and King Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine.
    But in Malaysia, the monarchy’s power was controlled further through a peaceful and more importantly, dengan cara beradab.
    Unfortunately, Anwar Ibrahim, through some twisted political expediency, tried to empower the monarchy more last November. How sad indeed! Even with limited powers, Sultan Azlan had drove a knife through the heart of Pakatan Rakyat’s fantasy! Now, the same people are asking to abolish the monarchy?! Be consistent. If not, people will lose their trust.
    I agree with your last sentence. You should blame Pakatan Rakyat for that. Thank you.


  14. Saya teringat semasa kecil2 dulu melihat budak2 perempuan main masak sambil memegang anak patung. Bermain-main dan berimaginasi seperti ibu-ibu mereka.

    Tidak beza jika kita lihat Nizar, bekas MB Perak, dan bekas ahli-ahli EXCO bermesyuarat di rumah rasmi MB (rumah rasmi yang Nizar tak mahu serah kembali!!). Bermain-main seolah-olah mereka masih MB dan EXCO negeri Perak. Kesian amat sangat kepada mereka ini, memulas otak membuat keputusan “mesyuarat EXCO” dan mengharap jabatan kerajaan negeri akan angkat dan laksana keputusan penting tersebut. Kelakar, kasihan…..mereka masih lagi dalam alam mimpi atau alam “denial” yang amat teruk sekali. Kalau di diamkan lama-lama, rasa-rasa nya mereka semua (MB dan bekas EXCO) boleh dirumahkan di satu ward khas di Tanjung Rambutan. Di sini mereka boleh bersidang setiap hari (hospital boleh sediakan satu bilik khas).

    Walaubagaimanapun, amat sedikit mereka-mereka dalam PR akan membaca blog seperti ini. Mereka lebih taksub membaca dari blog-blog oleh orang-orang mereka sahaja. Itu pasal otak mereka semua dah kena racun yang kow-kow punya. Pada mereka berita atau tulisan dari pihak lain semua nya palsu dan karut. Walaupun didedahkan kekarutan dan penipuan pemimpin mereka, khusus nya AI, racun yang telah sebati dalam otak-otak pengikut tersebut tidak akan berubah. Percaya lah….


  15. Dear JMD
    It has been a long time but I never fail to follow your blog, to read your excellent thought. An excellent write up as always.Thank you for the blog roll. I find it useful sometimes.

    I found those Malay Adun that now declares themselves indepedent of PKR are true Malay warriors. May be they have enough of “sandiwara”and they do not want to see their State being plundered by the minority any more. They prefer to be friendly to UMNO so togather they can protect their beloved State from being used and abused by these minority groups (remember it took three of them to beat UMNO – two Malay base and one chinese base parties). Now the picture is correct. The majority, Malay, runs the State.This is fair.

    JMD, with your permission,
    to Puteri Kamalia,
    I was born in Dungun, Trengganu too. I went to Dungun English School, the first batch. My family are all UMNO supporters. The candidates and the supporters of PAS were normally from outside but settle in Dungun. At that time we have a huge open cast, iron mining company, EMMCo (Ltd). It attracted all sort of people to come to Dungun. And there was one woman named Khatijah Sidek, who was a PAS candidate.She came once every five years to be reelected to the Parliament. She won handsdown everytime. I did not now what she promised the people because her spechees were mostly in Arabic. For me I still do not know why she was elected every time, that is until she was too ill to come for the nomination and election. I heard she died a poor woman.

    JMD, do you think Najib is the Hang Tuah that come back to finish Jebat and bring respect to our Sultans and peace and properity to our people.


    JMD : Najib has to be more strongwilled, more consistent, more tactful, more assertive and much more cunning in order to be perform whatever we wish him for. Thank you.


  16. I’m more inclined towards the opposition party. But I believe what you wrote was correct too – that Sultan must be respected. The 916 frog project ‘initiated’ by Anwar, eventually got backfired.

    Though I think that it isn’t good for politicians to hop, speaking about political integrity as people vote for you for the ideology you uphold in your party.

    Some said ‘tindakan Nizar derhaka’, some claimed ‘tindakan Nizar bukan derhaka, tapi pertahan perlembagaan’ and DAP’s Karpal Singh even thought of suing the Sultan. Despite my political inclination, I think both sides did what they believed ‘proper and fair’ from their own perspective. Nizar did ‘derhaka’, but he stayed disobeying Sultan’s words because he chose to believe in people’s power of vote and participatory democracy, it’s just unlucky that he acted a bit late, and Barisan Nasional is now the majority.

    So since ‘nasi sudah jadi bubur’, even if I am a big supporter for DAP or PKR, I hope Barisan Nasional will do good in Perak.

    And I also hope all Malaysians will be friendlier to each other, and do not let politics segregate us as one big family.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. Like you, I also hope BN will perform well in Perak.


  17. Apakah perasaan penderhaka penderhaka PR (yang kebanyakkan nya orang Melayu) berbaring di jalanraya sambil membawa bendera Palestine? Selain itu mereka memaki, menghamun dan membuat perkara perkara yang bukan dalam adat tatatertib orang Melayu/Islam. Nampak sangat lah mereka ini bodoh. Keluar saja masjid terus berdemonstrasi. Demonstrasi untuk apa ya? Demonstrasi untuk terus diputarbelitkan, ditipu dan diperbodohkan oleh DAP dan Anwar. Sampai bila mereka mereka ini mahu sedar yang mereka hanyalah diperalatkan? Sampai semua tanah negeri Perak diberi percuma 999 tahun pada orang orang bukan Melayu.

    STUPID FOOLS. For Tuhan’s sake, wake up lah !!!!

    ps……as for me, PAS is not a Muslim party anymore. Yes, JMD, they should put Karpal as their leader. The ‘fatwa’ by Nik Aziz with regards to UMNO, sickens me. It is ok to be with the ‘kafirs’ but not with fellow Muslims. If PAS thinks that it is more Muslim than UMNO, it can fly kite. PAS has actually become a ‘Pak Turut’ party on the way to being a ‘terrorist’ party.


  18. Salam Jebat,

    PR memang sudah terlalu angkuh dan sombong. Mereka sepatutnya berbaik-baik dengan sultan, memperbaiki kesilapan BN yang lalu, membentuk kerajaan yang kukuh dan belajar mengambil hati pengundi BN yang lain untuk memastikan kejayaan pada GE akan datang. Tapi atas kebodohan mereka, apa yang dilakukan hanyalah provokasi, hipokrasi dan absolute madness apabila berkuasa.

    Kerajaan PR tumbang di Perak atas kesilapan mereka sendiri. Kurangnya pengalaman memerintah, terutamanya oleh pasangan Ngeh-Nga dan kebaculan Nazir sebagai boneka mereka menyebabkan policy negeri banyak memihak kepada satu kaum sahaja. Nak tolong pun biarlah berperingkat, tak le sultan murka sangat. Pasal tanah hal sensitif, mana boleh suka-suka bagi pada pihak tertentu. Kalau ADUN PR lompat itu adalah disebabkan kesilapan mereka memilih individual yang bermasalah sebagai ahli. Jika ikatan kuat takkan mudah terlerai ditengah jalan. You pay peanuts you will get monkeys. Tolong jangan salahkan orang lain. Kalau betul Datuk Najib sogok duit, buktikanlah. Kalau Karpal berani saman sultan, buktikan Najip beri rasuah dan ke mahkamah. Apa susah. Bohonglah kalau PR tak rasuah!

    PAS oh PAS, sedih tengok mereka tapi Bro gua betul-betul setuju hantar mereka pi kat GAZA, kalau teringin sangat nak merasa penindasan. Nazir tu baru je kena letak jawatan, tapi masih ADUN lagi, gaji pun jalan dan duduk kat rumah menteri basar lagi. Apa yang teraniayanya? Dia tersilap langkah sebab kurang pengalaman dalam politik, biasalah. Anggaplah satu proses pembelajaran bukan berdemo dijalanan. Tak ingin ada pemerintah seperti ini.
    PAS memeng hipokrit. Masa di KT sebuk pasal pengundi hantulah, SPR kerja malam pun dia sangsi. Bila dah menang tak bising pulak pasal pengundi hantu. Tak rela diperintah orang ynag berserban, tapi hati hitam penuh syak wasangka. Keadilan hanya ada jika mereka menang kalau kalah menyusahkan orang, berdemo di jalan.

    DSAI…..tak berbaloi nak cerita. Apa yang tinggal untuk beliau adalah pity.



  19. Dear Jebat.

    Come to think of it, Nizar’s action really case kacang lupakan kulit. Wasn’t he bestowed his Dato’s title by the Sultan of Perak, out of recognition by the Sultan to his CEO of the state? Similarly, Ngeh, who got the title from the Sultan, had it conferred upon most probably in recognition of the fact that DAP commands the majority in the self-styled alliance… While we are at that, what about the Kedah MB? He got his title soon after becoming MB… If this is the case of the Monarchy to giving due regards to their respective CEOs, I don’t what is.

    Now, after all that had happened in Perak, has the Sultan revoked the titles? May be he will, may be he won’t. But I am sad to see that the Sultan has graciously postponed his jubilee celebration just because of the situation. If Sultan Azlan is callous towards the people’s feelings, he would have gone on and have the ceremony, but does Pakatan Rakyat realise this? If this is one royal who is insensitive to the people’s feelings, as the crybabies had put it, then I do not want to see their definition of a royal who is sensitive.

    Perhaps these crybabies should remember this peribahasa – Orang memberi, kita merasa, orang berbudi, kita berbahasa.

    Thank you and have a nice day.


  20. good writings JMD.
    Sadly org kuala kangsar pun tak buat rusuhan. Orang luar pulak sibuk. Latest news karpal wants Anwar out. Now the PR is all over the place. Let see what happened to PAS. Kalau org bukan melayu sokong PAS, amboi, kopiah dia org terus jadi tarbus. Lupa dunia, lupa segala nya. Lepas ni kalau DAP tinggal kan PAS, aku nak tengok mana pergi org yg baring tengah jalan tu. Pergi baring depan Karpal punya kereta la. Pelik tapi benar, kerana bangsa palestine, bangsa arab, org DAP dan org berdubur, PAS sanggup syahid. Kerana Melayu islam dan khalifah Islam (sultan) mereka sanggup tolak Allah. Pelik. tsk tsk tsk.


  21. Salam JMD

    Segala apa yang terjadi nie amatlah menyedihkan.
    Yang lebih sedih lagi ia lah mereka orang MELAYU dan beragama ISLAM.
    Very sad indeed.

    Saya masuk ke laman web penyokong PR,
    persoalan yang saya kemukakan..
    Berapa ramai penyokong dan ahli DAP…
    1. Bawa anak anak mereka berdemonstrasi
    2. Berbaring tengah jalan
    3. Menghina sultan begitu cara
    4. Kena pemedih mata.
    ..untuk mempertahankan jawatan ex EXCO-EXCO mereka
    and .. i am still waiting for the answer…


    P/S : Bukan intention nak hina sesiapa, but the fact is selama ini, yang saya jumpa berbaring tengah jalan ialah anjing dan lembu. Anjing akan lari bila kita datang… but LEMBU??… a’aahh..i think you guys know better!!


  22. Dear JMD,

    i read the Perak site, utterly despicable … the ppl who done this should be ‘mobbed’ to ‘liang lahad’

    Tak sangka yang ader jugak ‘manusia’ yang sanggup menghina Sultan mcm tu sekali …

    kepada yang berkenaan menghina Sultan tu … kalau korang ader TELUR, pegi jumpa HRH sendiri cakap kat depan muke HRH bende2 tu … tgklaa korang sempat ke tak kuar dari tempat tu … jgn kata polis/tentera …. org biasa mcm aku ni pun tak bagi ko kuar ngan dua2 kaki ko cecah tanah … ntah2 due2 kaki tu dah masuk jubur ….

    tolongla …. semua org ader agama … mana ade agama yang menghalalkan seseorg tu mencerca dan memaki seseorg yang lain ….. tak kire org biasa ker, politikus ker atau Sultan …. mana pegi OTAK dan AKAL korang haaaaa !!!!

    konon memperjuangkan hak2 melayu laaa … abis tu mempertahankan maruah Sultan tu bukan ker salah satu perjuangan hak kite kan …..

    Sapa2 yang tulis ‘sultan zalim patut disanggah’ tu pun … tunjukkan bukti yang Sultan Perak tu ZALIM …. setakat tak memenuhi citarasa / kehendak / perut pemimpin2 korang tu yang kapir dan sonsang tu … takpayah laaaaaa … kalau 100 org yang kata HRH zalim …. ni sejuta penduduk Malaysia yang cakap TIDAK …. korang tu PERASAN jer ….

    maaf JMD, geram sgt ni ….. tak sangka ader penyokong2 PR ni tak ber’AKAL’ … kalau ader pun …. kat dlm punggung die ….




  23. Hi JMD

    We only hope that all Malays think like you.

    The behaviour of those who demonstrated against the Sultan is akin to a man with more than one father. (Loosely translated into the Malay vernacular: anak haram,) The master-mind and party leaders behind this obviously make it appear they have more than ten fathers each. (Loosely translated into the Malay vernacular: anak haram terbesar sekali) Such a barbaric act had never taken place in Malaysia.

    If the non-Malays of non-Islamic origin performed this very shameful act against the Highness Sultan, very likely it is not totally unexpected but for the Malays who claimed to be Muslims such an act is worse than the behaviour of pariah dogs, loitering about the streets of Malaysia.

    It surprised me that the government has not enacted any provision of the laws of the country to arrest Anwar Ibrahim & Company. It is agreed that to keep silent means such an act of hooliganism is condoned by the relevant authorities. When Anwar Ibrahim is given the chance to become the leader of Malaysia, all demonstrators would be put behind bars, overnight. From what we can observe, very likely outside forces have a role to install a man with ten fathers to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Otherwise, how could the law-abiding Malaysians behave like mongrels or syaitan.

    Anwar Ibrahim is now riding on a tiger’s back and if the Malaysians from all walks of like are not careful, he will be the tiger to maul of the peace-loving Malaysians. To trust Anwar Ibrahim is likened to seeing a blue moon.

    It is hoped that those morons, leaders and followers who demonstrated against the Highness Sultan would grow some brain before Malaysia falls into the wrong hands. If they cannot grow brains, let us pray that they make an attempt to read JMD’s blog and start thinking.

    It is imperative that all Malaysians look over their shoulders to see what had happened to all the countries around, which were one time peaceful. Once an idiot was elected to become a leader, forget about living in peace. If you think you want to share the same experience then vote for the devil in disguise or a puppet on a string. Look at Anwar Ibrahim and his comrades and measure all their words and promises closely, you will then discover that if these people show no respect for the Highness Sultan, how on earth will they show respect to the rakyat of Malaysia, when these villains govern Malaysia.

    May God bless you JMD for bringing to the attention of the masses about the vulgarity of those who demonstrated against our Royal Highness? It is hoped all Malaysians will take notice and heed your wake-up call before it is too late.


  24. Rahsia besar sudah terbongkar. Rupa-rupanya mereka hanya berniat menggunakan pengaruh Anwar Ibrahim untuk memenangi pilihanraya. Andaikata PRU13 dimenangi Pakatan Rakyat mereka akan tendang Anwar keluar dari Pakatan. Tapi Allah tunjukkan kepada kita lebih awal hari ini. Terlajak perahu boleh diundur. Terlajak kata terbongkar rahsia.


  25. Very nice, sir.

    Most of the Monarchy have read the book ” Melayu Islam Beraja”.
    The onus is for the Sultan to ACT fast, nip the problems from its bud.
    It is the Sultans’ God given responsibility to ensure that religion must always take precedence over politics.

    Failure to do that will invite problems like what we are seeing now.

    God is great !!!


  26. Wah..bestnya ulasan-ulasan yang dibuat oleh kesemuanya “8 responses”
    diatas termasuk JMD. Tahniah dan tahniah sekalian kerana pandangan yang bernas dan bersemangat menentang penderhaka penderhaka Pakatan Rakyat. Saya ceritakan pada emak saya tentang komen diatas dimana orang orang PAS tergolek golek dan terlentang lentang diatas jalan raya menunjuk perasaan. Berdekah dekah ketawa nya dia …geli dan jijik dengan perangai bodoh PAS. Macam ini nak tubuh kerajaan perangai macam samseng jalanan. Betul tak ada kelas jadi pemimpin Islam. Bikin malu kaum saja. Tiada tempat bagi mereka yang derhaka pada sultannya kalau mereka benar benar rakyat Perak. Kata orang tua tua biar mati anak jangan mati adat. DAULAT TUANKU.


  27. 1. Very well said JMD. At first, I feel worried that I didn’t heard anything from you. Most of Malaysian speak the same tone, but they don’t express it via cyberspace.

    2. Saya merasa amat teruja dengan gesaan supaya orang-orang Pas yang berdemontrasi menawarkan diri untuk berjihad ke Palestin. Semoga mereka menyahut cabaran ini.


  28. Rotlf about sending the pejuang berani mati to bumi palestin!
    Actually the biggest loser in this defection game was DAP because they got the most seats (if not for the State law, would have led Perak) yet it was the PAS people yang berani mati at KK.
    Eh, JMD, now you’ve got to tarik balik sikit what you said about Karpal. The Lion of Gelugor sedang mengamuk. He chewed the great DSA. Even Lim and Junior kena juga.
    Whatever, I think Karpal has been quite consistent on this anti-hopping game.
    Hope to hear your take on this soon.
    Thank you

    JMD : What Karpal had said is reminiscent to what had been repeated before. Many times the unofficial coalitions of the opposition had broken up right after each general election, just to be united again a couple of months prior to one.

    To me, it is just a ‘sandiwara’ by Karpal Singh just to maintain his credibility. Probably a case of a little too late (he was silent when Nasarudin broke rank and jumped to PKR earlier). Nevertheless, it is interesting to see how PAS manage this problem.

    Pakatan Rakyat, for all its perceived splendour is still an registered political party. Its foundation is shaky to begin with.

    Thank you.


  29. salam tuan Jebat,

    mereka (pendemonstrasi) menjerit “LAILAHAILALLAH!!” ketika berdemonstrasi seolah-olah tindakan Sultan membelakangi hukum Allah. saya sebagai seorang Melayu Muslim malaysia berasa amat malu dengan tindakan mereka ni. pakcik-pakcik pakai serban, pakai kopiah, baju melayu, jubah, baru lepas solat jumaat, berdemonstrasi depan pemimpin seolah-olah pemimpin itu bernama Ariel Sharon, baru lepas membunuh beratus-ratus orang Perak…

    what makes them think God is on their side? what makes them think God is on PAS’s side? mereka menganggap mereka lebih alim dan wara’ dari orang lain sehingga apa yang mereka rasa betul dan Tuhan sentiasa merahmati mereka walau apa jua yang melanda. “the enemy of my enemy is my friend. even tough my friend is a kafir, my enemy is a fellow muslim.” atas sebab ini, mereka sanggup bersekongkol dengan DAP.

    ini semua terjadi apabila mereka semua BESAR KEPALA. tidak mahu mengaku salah. tidak mahu mengaku orang yang tidak memakai serban kadang-kala lebih alim dari mereka. tidak mengiktiraf pimpinan sultan dan ulama’ yang lebih berpandangan jauh, lebih terbuka mindanya.

    on another note, Karpal Singh dah cakap ‘seriously thinking’ about keluarkan DAP dari Pakatan Rakyat. harap JMD dapat terangkan apakah akibat yang akan terjadi sekiranya ini berlaku? apa akan berlaku dengan kawasan yang dikuasai PR (selangor, penang, perak, dan lagi 2 tuh).

    terima kasih.

    JMD : I do not think DAP will extricate themselves from this loose coalition. All three parties need each other.

    On another note, someone in Pakatan Rakyat should as their leaders why is Pakatan Rakyat not a registered political party. It proved to be a problem when certain issues crop up (the delay concerning the appointment of MB Nizar in March last year was an example).

    My argument for this is simple. Lack of sincerity among them. When MCA, UMNO, MIC etc had no 2nd thoughts in working together and solidifying their cooperation under one official and registered political party, the opposition parties found it hard to deliberate on this next logical step to make.

    This is because their idealogies are world’s apart. Plus, they are only cooperating out of mutual hatred towards the BN. Not because they are serious in taking care of the rakyat. Is that a strong basis for cooperation? Certainly not.

    Pakatan Rakyat will never be established. It is a joke. Even to get a common logo will prove to be difficult for them. And people expect these bunch of politicians to lead Malaysians in the future?

    Thank you.


  30. For now you are right. Do try a recall why, how and what make the raykat react ?
    Was it the Malay or the Sultan himself. ? Giving credit to the wrong doer is a great

    JMD : Who reacted? The rakyat? Ah, you mean the Pakatan Rakyat supporters nationwide. Please do not condone the unscrupulous reaction of the Pakatan Rakyat leaders. The organisers of the riot last Friday afternoon need to be identified. Trying to injure royalties by throwing stones at them is a gigantic mistake. The Pakatan Rakyat leaders should be hold responsible for instigating a few hundred people (plus some Indonesian illigal immigrants) to cause bodily harm.

    Thank you.


  31. Dear JMD,

    The actions of PR’s supporters in Kuala Kangsar is unforgivable. After all the hardwork that PAS have made to show that they are synomous with Islam and that no one is more Islamic then them, they continue to confound belief when they fail to adhere to one of the adages of Islam, Kesabaran adalah sebahagian dari Iman. Time and again they have acted in a berserk and irrational manner that I am truly ashamed as a Muslim that they are trying to present themselves as truly Islam?

    I have been involved in many campaigns etc where many times where this so-called people that represents Islam have shouted abuse, vehemence and foul language at the members and supporters of BN and UMNO. Each time we are told to SABAR, SABAR. Biarkan, biarkan. We from BN and UMNO that is seemingly not Islamic enough seems to have better self control and patience. Some readers may not believe it but that is a fact that I have experienced personally.

    I recalled the stories when BN lost in Terengganu. The moment it was made known that BN lost, PAS supporters stopped official cars on the streets and took away the keys. They stormed the offices and just literally kicked out people that resembled BN supporters or BN officials. Did we hear the same thing happened when BN lost in Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Penang? I am not sure here but I do not think so.

    The actions of PR is loathsome. I will not even dignify them with that name. Let us call a spade a spade. The loose coalition of PAS, DAP and PKR is loathsome. They have managed to hoodwink the general public with their so called high moral values.

    Malaysia is not privileged nor fortunate enough to have a credible and believable opposition or a real alternative party. Instead what we have is a motley crew of wannabes, havebeens and notsurewhatiwannabes With this group can we expect anything less then what they demonstrated in Perak?

    I say leave them be and allow them to continue to shoot themselves in the foot. We don’t even have to provide the bullets. They will do it themselves.
    As I expect it is just a matter of time before they will collapse like a house of cards. With the utter disregard they have for authority should we still regard them? The only thing we should be worried about now is the loss of trust and respect for BN and UMNO for some of our fellow Malaysians. Work on that. We have commented enough on the disrespect and disregard they have to our Royal Institution, the Malay bastion. Leave them be towards self destruction while we continue to work hard at uniting the people and ensuring the respect towards our Royal Institution.


  32. Nak di jadikan cerita..

    Now Karpal and Abg Nuar are not in a good term because the sudden change of mind made by Abg Nuar (as he always does) igniting Karpal anger and “murka” with him. The Pakatan Rojak all agree to sue DYMM Sultan of perak but this proposal was rejected by the great leader at the last moment when Karpal already held a press conference to announce his “courageous” action like in Hindi or Tamil movies.

    Now Karpal said that Abg Nuar can get lost as he is not fit to lead the Pakatan Rojak anymore. Is this the last of Pakatan Rojak? Will they file for divorce? Who will be put to be blame and get “talak 3”?… Kita lihat siapa yang kena….


  33. Dear JMD,

    Nik Aziz has gone senile. Hadi has gone crazy. These 2 idiots are trying to bring Gaza to Malaysia and paint UMNO as zionist. Those who hurled abuse at the sultan are the product of PAS’s hate politics.

    I’m not surprised by the whole incident. PAS, despite their name was never an Islamic party!!!!!

    Thanks bro JMD. Keep on writing.


  34. JMD

    I’m really disappointed. I was hoping the Sultan would decide to let the people choose again. Afterall, to me that’s the safest route. Now, he’s not seen to be impartial anymore and to give the benefit of a doubt to the three ADUNs who a few months ago had also declared to him to support the previous MB Nizar, seems a bit odd to me. But I guess you’re not going to comment on this, afterall the guy is an ex lord president and now a sultan so he must be closed to infallible … oooh I better stop now, I must be closed to being derhaka to you.

    Now I understand why you called yourself Jebat Must Die, no matter what, Sultan is right so Hang Tuah must kill Jebat even when all Jebat did was to honour Tuah himself. I guess we malays are taught and raised as such but I hope to change that and raise my children to fight injustice to anyone – non malay, non muslim, non pretty, non clever and non rich.

    JMD : Did you not read this article properly? I said :

    <em>”By all means, if you want to correct the Sultans, please do so. Even the Four Righteous Caliphs wanted the people to correct them if they made any mistakes.

    But to hurl abusive language and pelt stones to his majesty’s car, plus showing him the ‘finger’, is not the mark of sane human beings. Is there any sane people in Pakatan Rakyat right now? I doubt it.”

    I am not interested whether the Sultan is impartial or not. I do not know what he was thinking. And neither do you. Afterall, he had acted accroding to the State Constitution. It was within his jurisdiction. If Pakatan Rakyat feel aggrieved, then can take the matter to court. But what did they do instead? Their supporters acted like hooligans while the leaders acted like a baby who had lost its toy. Throwing tantrums here and there. If it was Sultan Iskandar of Johor, MB Nizar plus the Ngeh and Ngar cousins will be summoned to the palace and be given a tight slap each (although through the establishment of Special Court back in the 90’s, we may not see that happened). But I digress.

    You doubt that he is impartial but Tapai, it was not about being impartial. Politics is beneath him. He acted within his powers as a Sultan to choose what is best for Perak. And he had decided within the ambit of the state Constitution. Even RPK recognised this. Have you read his latest article on what happened behind the scene there? Interesting indeed (although I always take what RPK had written with a pinch of salt).

    Thank you.


  35. this is my first time here, looking for the blog that give support to our Government, as a Perak citizen, I am so sad with what happen especially the crazy act towards Sultan Perak, Tuanku Azlan. yeah, people like Nizar is a man who cant accept reality, his period is over, not reach even one year, so just step down. may ALLAH bless our country and our good leaders.


  36. Puteri Kamaliah / JMD,

    Dah babitkan orang teranung ni tak tahan sikit. Zaman-zaman 60an, 70an, 80an dan 90an memanglah orang orang UMNO kena ludah dengan orang PAS. Sekarang sudah tidak perlu sebab orang orang UMNO meludah sesama sendiri antara kem Mat said dan Kem Derih Jusuh. Nak tahu kenapa? silalah tanya Wang Mokhtar.
    Jikalau dok tahu tanya, boleh buat perbandingan: Tun M jadi PM selama 22 tahun, bagaimana Malaysia berubah? Wang Mokhtar jadi MB selama 25 tahun, bagaimana Teranung berubah?
    Separuh golongan muda Teranung kini menyokong PAS, bapa dan ibu mereka dulu semua penyokong UMNO asalnya. Separuh lagi golongan muda sudah mati kerana dadah….

    Jadi sebenarnya tidak payah tanya. …sudah gaharu cendana pula, sudah tahu bertanya pula….

    JMD : Ya, cantas mencantas adalah salah satu di antara penyakit Umno yang mesti diubati. Terima kasih.


  37. Masuk bab Teranung ni rasa teruja pula….

    Saya tidak hendak komen berkenaan Sultan Perak kerana saya bernaung di bawah Sultan Terengganu.
    Mungkinkah kita lupa kata kata keramat berkenaan kesultanan Melayu “Raja yang adil Raja disembah, Raja Zalim Raja disanggah”. Saya tidak tahulah di negeri-negeri yang lain tetapi Raja kami setakat ini amatlah disembah rakyat.

    Mungkin keadilan baginda amatlah dirasai. Tidak lama dahulu, Baginda berjaya menyedari bahawa calon Menteri Besar sebenarnya tidak mempunyai sokongan majoriti ahli-ahli dewan rakyat. Lagipun Menteri Besar yang asal agak karut tindakan tindakannya dahulu. Masjid sungguh besar dibina di pulau yang tidak bermukim, biasanya Masjid dibuat daripada kayu dan bata, yang ini dibuat daripada kaca kristal, mahal sungguhlah rakyat kena tampung, nak guna untuk Jumaat, tak ada orang pulah ork?…… Musim hujan sepatutnya rakyat bersedia menghadapi banjir, diajaknya menonton Mat-mat Saleh berlumba perahu dan kapal layar, menang dapat Piala Tengkujuh.

    Agaknya mendengar rintihan rakyat, maka Bagindapun pilihlah yang lain. Yang baru dipilih ini, tidak tahulah baik atau tidaknya lagi tetapi agaklah adil yang tidak baik dibuang dahulu.

    Yang baru dipilih ini pun daripada UMNO lah jugak tetapi derhaka jugalah golongan yang menyokong Menteri Besar yang terdahulu itu. Perkataan kesat yang bukan untuk manusiapun dibuatnya sepanduk….Sekoyong-koyong Perdana Menteri (UMNO juga) membuat kenyataan yang Baginda dah melanggar undang-undang. Kalau ikut Perdan Menteri, pilihan itu hak dia, Baginda Sultan tukang lantik sahaja. Padahal yang Baginda tahu Baginda mesti buat keputusan untuk rakyat. Yang rakyat tak suka, buang dulu. Sekoyong-koyong balik barisan Adun UMNO menyokong pilihan baru Baginda ini…..Betul dan Adil tindakan Baginda sebab yang baru ini Majoriti Adun sokong, yang lama itu, dua kerat sahaja sokong. Satu kerat tiga Adun di Terengganu, satu kerat lagi Perdana Menteri dan ehem ehem ehem…

    Macam UMNO meniru pelan katak Anwar Ibrahim, mungkinkah PAS meniru balik aksi derhaka UMNO? Atau mungkin semuapun tiru UMNO sebab Anwar Ibrahim ini bancuhan UMNO lah juga….entahlah

    JMD : Terima kasih kerana saudara telah dapat melihat sendiri kesan akibat menderhaka kepada Sultan. Perbuatan Anwar Ibrahim, Nizar (Sultan Perak) dan Pak Lah (kes ‘natang’ Sultan Mizan) amatlah memedihkan hati.

    Pemimpin seperti mereka ini harus diganti dengan kadar segera. Memang tepat dan bagus sekali apabila ada Sultan yang mendengar rintihan rakyat. Apabila berlaku ketidakadilan terhadap kaum Melayu di bawah kerajaan DAP Perak, maka Sultan juga pedih hati melihat tindak tanduk keangkuhan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat tersebut.

    Rusuhan yang berlaku di Perak tempoh hari di dalangi oleh mereka yang kecewa dan yang tidak percaya kepada kuasa Allah. Kita hanya merancang tetapi Allah yang menentukan. Kesabaran adalah sebahagian dari iman. Saya percaya para pengundi yang mengundi Umno dan MCA (kesemuanya 28 kerusi) di Perak bergembira kerana Kerajaan yang lebih adil sudah dibentuk.

    Terima kasih.


  38. Pingback: Raja Adil & Raja Zalim « On da street

  39. a’kum,

    Just to let U know that I copied and uploaded this article in my FB,
    hope U wouldn’t mind, and sorry for not asking for your permission earlier


    JMD : No problem and thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Wassalam.


  40. Dear Jebat.

    Just a thought that I had and did some research. Perhaps these crybabies should relook at the figures before talking about the tide turning against BN. You have to pardon the rather crude statistics as I did not compare it to past election results.

    These are the facts for the Perak state in the 12th General Election

    1. Electoral turnout – 848,229 or 71% of the 1,196,110 registered voters.
    2. Barisan secured 404,106 or 47.64% of the votes cast.
    3. Umno elected representatives secured 243,891 or 63.7% of votes cast in favour of BN and 28.76% of total cast during the 12th General Election in Perak.
    4. DAP secured 188,484 votes or 22.2%.
    5. PAS secured 135,034 votes or 15.92%.
    6. PKR secured 120,065 votes or 14.22%.

    They want to talk about figures, what about these figures? These crybabies should consider themselves fortunate that the Malaysian Electoral System is based on First Past Post. Had it been proportionate representation, well, the numbers speak for themselves. By the way, when the numbers are tallied, they would not add up to total votes cast. The missing votes were spoilt votes.

    JMD : Thank you for the data. First Past the Post here means whoever gets the majority, wins the election. That is why, Perak had difficulties getting a Menteri Besar back in March last year because UMNO had the biggest number of seats in the state (27 seats). MB Nizar was sworn in a week late. This is because Sultan Azlan had looked into the Constitution and see that BN should rule the state because it has 28 seats (1 from MCA) while the most seats opposition has as a single party was the DAP (with 18 seats). Note that Pakatan Rakyat is not a registered political party, therefore it is not legal to appoint them to rule the state.
    In his wisdom, the Sultan called ALL the opposition party ADUNs and directed them to sign an agreement that they will cooperate with each other. This pseudo-official Pakatan Rakyat was born because Sultan Mizan wanted to follow the law.
    With that agreement, the Pakatan Rakyat state government was born. The Sultan is entitled not to give consent to this flimsy coalition of opposition parties, but he had acted ‘ultra vires’ in trying to be fair to the people (much to the chagrin of Umno back then). The absence of riots and act of treason by Umno back then showed how mature that political party was.
    Anyway, when the law stated that a new government must takeover should the current one lost its majority (due to its own shaky foundation), then the Sultan had acted within his powers to elect a new one.
    Thank you.


  41. JMD,

    The PR leaders were certainly blameable for not reining in their supporters, not restraining them from aggressive and absolutely rude behaviour towards the Sultan, not advising them on peaceful and ruly expression of thoughts and sentiments. They must have anticipated rallies, if not planned and organised a rushed-up demonstration themselves.

    Even if the demonstration was spontaneous, the leaders could have visited the site and tried to cool down the crowd. By letting the mayhem go on, they appeared to have subscribed to the old Communist dictum “never mind what they say about you, as long as they say something about you”, to get their message across. Nizar announced restraint but only much later than expected, to the extent that his motive for doing so became suspicious – he was trying to placate the Sultan into giving him the audience sought.

    But then again, what can we expect from these so-called leaders. The voters of PRU 12 had voted wrongly in Perak. Time for a serious re-think. Indeed some of the vocal ones have expressed in blogs etc that they are now ready to pangkah the alternative.

    One often wonders what kind of people PR supporters, especially the Kuala Kangsar demonstrators, really are. One gets an idea of them from the kinds of statements they make in blogs like MT, LKS, etc, the “Malaysian Malaysia” kind who dream of a Singapore in Malaysia – figuratively speaking, that is – not realising that they will never get what they want even if they live in that city state. And PAS members and supporters of a different breed. Those who even the indomitable Nik Aziz is unable to effectively advise, he preferring to keep silent in KB anyway, much to the chagrin surely of the Sultan of Kelantan.

    One cannot expect a sense of decency, of responsible behaviour, of respect for the Sultan from these riff raffs (a terminology I think made popular by Sakmongkol) because they are the kind who object to almost anything Malay. But one can expect them from the members and supporters of PAS, the Malays themselves. That these were not evident – in fact the opposite were – during the KK demonstration, shows the need for their leaders to conduct civic courses for both the two kinds of them. If not, the Police should – in jail or elsewhere.

    I agree with and support fully the statements you made about the PR leaders and about respect for the Sultan in your very well written article.

    Best wishes.


  42. Salam buat JMD dan pembaca,
    Harap ada sesiapa, mungkin “Barbie” dan “Moideen” boleh jelaskan beberapa perkara.

    Pertama – Apakah relevannya isu di Perak dengan Palastine? Kenapa perlu BN disamakan dengan zionis? Kenapa pula perlu membawa bendera Palastine sebagai tanda protes? PR itu wakil kerajaan Palastine kah atau Kerajaan PR Perak itu sebahagian Kerajaan Palastine? Apakah hak kamu menyamakan saudara semuslim yang berada di pihak BN sebagai Zionis? Oh ya, kita juga bukan berperang seperti puak Syiah dan Sunni di zaman Saidina Ali.

    Kedua – penggunaan prosa klasik “Raja Adil Raja Disembah, Raja Zalim Raja Disanggah” pada saya telah digunakan dalam konteks berbeza dengan penggunaan asal prosa tersebut. Dengan izin,

    Raja Adil & Raja Zalim

    Perhatikan konteks penggunaan prosa klasik itu dengan takrifan isu semasa. Berbeza bukan? Jebat gunakannya kerana Tuah dihukum bunuh hanya disebabkan fitnah. Laksamana Bentan gunakannya kerana marah dengan Sultan Mahmud Shah II menghukum bunuh isterinya, Dang Anum kerana makan buah nangka Taman DiRaja. Keduanya kerana Sultan bertindak menghukum bunuh kerana tidak berfikir panjang dan keputusannya lebih kepada isu berkaitan diri mereka sendiri. Akan tetapi, dalam kes Sultan Perak ini, keputusannya bukan untuk dirinya sendiri. Keputusan baginda dibuat untuk kepentingan rakyat. Dan penggunaan perkataan “Rakyat” bukan milik mutlak Pakatan Rakyat. Sebagaimana yang telah dinyatakan JMD dalam komen balas, Institusi Raja bertindak sebagai pengimbang kuasa parti politik yang memenangi majoriti.


    JMD : Thank you Ondastreet. Due to many more comments that need to be looked into, this blog will take a rest for dinner and will come back after midnight. Hopefully 🙂 Thank you.


  43. JMD,

    Protesting is one thing, but to be disrespectful is another. What is interesting is that we can see that not all Malays are alike, so are Chinese, Indians and the other races.

    Why is everything linked to race and religion in this country? Can’t it be about a certain group of people protesting in a vulgar manner towards the monarchy.

    On the MB’s defiance, it is only natural he go down with at least a bit of a fight, it’s probably not that he doesn’t want to, even if he has given up, the PR will not allow him to, kind of damned if he did, damned if he don’t.

    The precedent that has been set is now it’s ok to quit your party and become an independents that favors a certain party. Now that it’s been proven it can be done and the rulers, or one ruler is ok with it, pkr should thank umno for showing the way, and start doing a federal equivalent, that’s if they still have the numbers that they kept harping about last year.

    And isn’t it strange the spotlight is not focused on the three new independents on their motives for the change in status, surely a press release or something on why they had a change of heart, like the inadequacies of PR will be a great public relations boost for the BN.

    JMD : Thank you as always Msleepyhead. It is unfortunate that from the riot, we can see it was mostly the Malays that had succumbed to their irrationality and went berserked over issues that they themselves are confused. Hence, this article was focussing on that. Never had we seen blatant disregard of propriety towards the Monarchy.

    But fortunately, many Malaysians regardless race or religion are condemning those awful acts of Pakatan Rakyat supporters. Incidentally, we can take heart that many Malaysians see the Monarchy as an institution that needs to be respected, or in other words, there are limits for criticisms. Naturally, it transcends across the spectrum within our society. The Monarchy is part of Malaysia and criticising the monarchy in THAT KIND OF WAY is a sign of weakness from the opposition and not very Malaysian.

    Thank you.


  44. JMD,

    The Sultan of Perak decided in favour of Nizar as MB despite the fact that DAP held the bigger number of seats. I suppose there were a lot of jockeying for the MB seat and in the end, for reasons best known to HRH, Nizar was appointed ahead of candidates from DAP.

    Ungrateful now it seems that Nizar has brazenly defy the instruction of HRH.



    Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Roslan Shaharudin. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman.

    Dari kacamata politik, biarlah kekosongan kerusi Parlimen di Perak ini dapat menyelesaikan kekusutan di Perak. Siapa yang rakyat pilih, kita serah kepada rakyat Perak. Bukan Pakatan “Rakyat” yang tentukan.



  46. Ramai disini secara terang menyalahkan Pakatan dan penyokongnya. Saya akui perbuatan penyokong Pakatan dilihat amat pelik dan huru-hara bermula Jumaat lalu. Tetapi dalam sehari dua yang lepas penyokong kerajaan Barisan juga dilihat turun ke jalanan untuk menunjuk perasaan. Penyokong Pakatan menunjuk perasaan dengan laungan bubarkan DUN dan penyokong kerajaan Barisan dengan Daulat Tuanku. Sama sahaja mereka turun ke jalanan untuk menunjuk perasaan, cuma bezanya satu pihak agresif dan satu pihak lagi tidak. Tetapi hakikatnya kedua-dua pihak kini mempunyai penyokong mereka dijalanan menunjuk perasaan. Dengan kata lain demonstrasi. Ini semua menurut saya, Najiblah puncanya. Memilih untuk berbeda kerana tercetusnya huru dan hara ini adalah disebabkan tumbangnya kerajaan Pakatan Perak secara paksaan melalui pintu belakang. Secara tegasnya idea ini cuma terkandung dalam retorik Anwar, tetapi malangnya dicedok dan diamalkan oleh Najib. Persoalan saya cuma kenapa perlu tergesa menerima pelompat dan tergesa juga untuk mengambil alih kuasa di Perak? Barisan masih bermandat penuh di Perseketuan, dengan kuasa yang ada buatlah kerja agar rakyat lima negeri ini dapat dipujuk semula. Kenapa tidak sabar? Jika ada pun pelompat yang menyatakan sokongan ikhlas, lakukan sahaja di sidang DUN yang sahihlah MB Pakatan akan terlucut. Penyokong kedua pihak adalah rakyat, bermakna sekarang rakyat juga bertelagah sesama sendiri. Maka, dimana kebaikannya untuk rakyat di Perak seluruhnya jika Barisan mengambil alih sesegera begini. Benar kata JMD, rakyat ada pilihan untuk tidak membaling batu atau untuk tidak berdemo, tetapi pemimpin juga ada pilihan untuk memilih apa yang terbaik untuk rakyat mereka. Apakah kini rakyat Perak sudah dapat yang terbaik melalui pilihan yang dibuat pemimpin UMNO/BN terutama Najib? Kita bakal tahu tidak lama lagi melalui keputusan PRK parlimen Bukit Gantang.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. I believe, to a certain extent, you cannot say that all the demonstrations from both sides are due to Najib’s doing.
    Its cause and effect concept. From every action, there’s a reaction. One side is disrespectful to the Sultan while the other is defending the monarchy’s honour. If there was no riot to begin with, if one side are mature enough not to cause any indignity towards the monarchy, there will surely be no raction from the other side.
    One thing I would like to point out here, not all who are pro Monarchy are Umno members. The ones that are opposing the actions by the Pakatan Rakyat supporters could be the next person that you meet.
    Also, the Perak state government did not fall by force. And certainly not through the backdoor. In reality, 4 Aduns became independent due to their own grouses towards the PR leadership. BN took the opportunity presented before them and hold an audience with the Sultan. Do not worry Satwa, I am also one of the many people do not agree with what the BN had done (see my previous article). Too much politicking will be involved in the near future that will make everyone lose focus on the economy. PR is also guilty of this. Anwar Ibrahim lah orang pertama yang terkinja kinja dan tergesa gesa untuk menerima pelompat parti dari Bota padahal, kerajaan negeri Perak ketika itu mempunyai mandat penuh. Kenapa tidak sabar? Kenapa bergiat cergas berpolitik hingga tidak memusatkan tumpuan di dalam ekonomi? Anwar tidak pernah membuat sebarang ulasan mengenai ekonomi dalam masa terdekat sebelum ini. Apa cadangan beliau dalam menghadapi krisis ekonomi ini? Saya kira dalam hal ini, Anwar lah pesalah pertama. Karpal Singh juga turut membidas Anwar disebabkan perkara ini.
    Terima kasih.


  47. Jebat,

    I can agree with you that you don’t have to be uncivilized to put your message across. I’m apolitical and have a few questions that may perhaps answer certain lingering doubts:

    a) Those four crossovers. Two from PKR, both under charges of corruption. One even admitted having sex with a prostitute and if reported correctly, nonchalantly said ‘orang nak bagi kita ambik aja’. Then there’s that DAP lady who was reportedly sulking by being passed as an EXCO. Lastly, our friend the Bota guy, when he jumped to PKR clearly was unhappy with UMNO but eight days later recanted thus establishing something like a world record for katak jumping. In all four, there’s a case to be made about the character and credibility of each katak. (sorry but a katak is a katak, does not matter an inch if he jumps to BN or PR). Now as an electorate should I blame for harboring a mite of suspicion on these kataks? Since many of the posters freely proclaim it is unIslamic to go against the Sultan, should the same be directed to those who freely admitted committing sins? Shouldn’t the Bota guy be fully disciplined for breaching party’s code when he jumped the first time? If I am an UMNO supporter, my logical question would be ‘ Are we that desperate that we eschew accountability and characters beyond reproach for political expediency?’ By failing to address this, I fear UMNO again fails to grasp the ramifications from the last GE results. Mahathir and Razaleigh alluded this in their observations and since Mahathir is seen by many as a wise leader why didn’t Najib act accordingly? I’m worried if Najib doesn’t comprehend this.

    b) What guarantee there’ll be no repeat of a crossover this time around favoring PR? Please don’t tell me that this is an impossibility. If there’s a truism it is that saying ” Give me a sanctified whore and I’ll give you an honest politician’. The BN hold on Perak is tenuous, slimmer than slim. Will we have another swearing in? A dissolution? Legal people is fond of saying ‘a precedent has been set’. Since a precedent has been set, logically speaking in the event of another katak-crossing, another swearing in. Now, if the Sultan decides, no let’s go for an election, the logical reaction would be ‘Why didn’t we do that initially?’. So perhaps the Sultan did err.

    Whatever is this, my personal feeling is that the sultan should be given the benefits of doubt. A learned guy, well qualified in matters that are Greek to most of us. We can’t really blame him for the kind of crappy politicians that we voted in. Jebat, your thoughts please, especially my seemingly random musing on crappy politicians from both sides.


    JMD : I could be wrong but the man that had sex with a prostitute and nonchalantly said -‘Seks itu sedekah’ is not the a PKR Adun. It was actually Zul Hassan, a councillor in Perak Tengah Distict Office. The 2 Aduns are Jamaluddin and Osman. My views regarding this whole issue has been made known in the last article. Please have a read. There will be severe ramifications out of this. To me, the Sultan had acted within the ambit of the state constitution. Politics is beneath him as the monarchy will not be actively involved in it. Their priority is the continuation of the state government. Perak needs its government all the time. My guess is (and this is purely an assumption), the Sultan did not want Perak to be embroiled in too much politicking coming from both sides. He had received comfort after holding audience with all 31 ADUNs and decided that a majority government can be formed immediately. We do not know what had transpired between the Sultan and the 3 Aduns that had become independent. I would love to be a fly in the wall at that time. However, I am sure the Sultan had enough fact and confidence to make an informed decision after that meeting. Much like how the Sultan made his decision last March after meeting all the Aduns from the loose coalition now called Pakatan Rakyat. Remember, he made that decision based on solid promises by each of the Adun that they will not break ranks in the future. Or else, the government could have fallen to Umno. Basically, the Sultan was entrusted to make an extremely important decision. It is easy to pass judgement on him just because we are not in his shoes. You are right when you are giving him the benefit of the doubt. All the insults hurled at him should not have happened. I blame certain Pakatan Rakyat bloggers and leaders for encouranging this act of disrespect towards the Monarchy.
    What will happen in the near future will be an interesting thing to watch. Both sides could lose. Thank you.


  48. JMD,

    Yang bergolek depan kereta rasmi Raja Nazrin tu rasanya orang Palestin kot sebab dia kibar bendera Palestin…….memalukan sungguh! Yang bukan Melayu tun tak tunjuk perangai macam tu walaupun depa yang lebih rugi bila kerajaan PR Perak jatuh.

    Saya cadangkan adun-adun PAS Perak supaya join kerajaan BN Perak…..barulah best. YB Dato’ Seri Nizar eloklah merafak sembah menjunjung duli kepada Paduka Seri Sultan Perak memohon maaf atas kebiadapan beliau dan penyokong-penyokongnya.


  49. Assalammualaikum JMD,

    After 4:00pm Friday, Perak has a new MB and new management team. As you said that PR is crying over spilled milk. They and their bandits bloggers conveniently blamed Najub, UMNO, HRH Sultan Azlan, sun and moon on the fate that befall them.

    Everybody is at fault except YBs from Pakatan.

    Again, to reiterate your view that those who were demonstrating were Malays, but most of them are not local Malays but imported Malays from other states. What they did was unforgivable. However, the real blame must be put at their leaders who the previous night might have put ideas in their heads on what to do. To lie on the road and pelted the HRH Raja Muda Car with stones is really a behavior unbecoming of a peace loving Malaysians.

    Puteri Kamaliah wrote : “I was born and brought up in Dungun Terengganu where the animosity between UMNO and PAS tak pernah reda from then until now. My late grandmother, bless her soul, used to go campaigning for Perikatan those early days in the 1960s.. masuk kampung PAS, she was spat upon by the AS women. Di maki, dihamun, diludah. Seteruk2 UMNO, tak pernah hina orang macam ni.”

    On this note, similar things happened to my mother aobut ten years ago during the reformasi days. She was shun like a leper in her khariah just because she chose to support the government. Since then, I’ve vowed to never support anything that have Anwar Ibrahim’s signature in it.

    Regards and Wassalam

    Shah Alam


  50. Sallam bro JMD..been a long time…first time tengok bro bleached emotional..hehehehe…

    If PKR to form do they expect the rakyat to respect them when they themselves don’t have any decency to respect the monarch?

    Show some positive attitude la yang rakyat bley respek and maybe u can get some sympathy votes in PRU13…ni buat cara samseng tahik kucing dok riot pastu kater seme rakyat sokong..

    Helllo???gua tak sokong tau..jangan nak auta lebey…cakap tanak jatuh…muke cam but*oh..

    Kalu kowang nak tau ni seme tektik mengelirukan pihak kawan dan lawan bang nuar menjelang kes Return of the Peliwat tak lamer lagik..die maner kesah…bia owang marah sultan…owang pon lupe kes tale pungkoq die..

    Bro…bakal2 calon pemilihan umno xde komen ape2 ke?now is a good time for us to hear their thoughts and see their character in defending the monarch institution..jangan diowang guling2 depan bang nuar sudah..kang tau2 jer dah kene doggy..berak berdiri trus…

    Lastly..wat a game last weekend eh?seb baik rafa kasik gua main last minit…YNWA!


  51. Salam JMD,

    Walau apapun pegangan politik masing2 – demonstrasi ganas, perbuatan menghina Sultan tidak dapat dimaafkan. Tidak adakah jalan lain yang lebih bermaruah bagi mereka yang merasakan diri tertindas? Pasti ada !

    Bukan saya memihak kepada Umno, komen2 saya banyak yang menghentam pemimpin2 Umno. Malah PRK KT baru ni pun saya undi PAS walaupun saya bukan ahli Pas. ( takpelah ngaku pun, sebab saya percaya undi bukan rahsia ) Tapi saya memilih berdasarkan pemahaman melalui pengalaman saya sendiri dan yang paling penting, pemilihan saya atas kehendak saya sendiri bukannya berdasarkan ketaksuban kepada parti ataupun pemimpin. Kita ada akal… maka gunakanlah akal !

    Tapi saya tidak dapat menerima dengan akal yang waras bagaimana orang Melayu, yang kebanyakannya ahli Pas, sepertinya rela diri diperbodohkan pemimpin2 yang nyata mempergunakan mereka untuk kepentingan sendiri. Dan kepentingan sendiri pemimpin2 itu pastinya tidak sama dengan apa yang dilaungkan sebagai pembakar semangat kepada ahli2 Pas tersebut.

    Izinkan saya tukar ‘ahli2 Pas’ itu kepada ‘orang2 Melayu’. Sedih, sungguh sedih sekali melihat orang2 Melayu di perbodohkan sebegitu rupa. Berguling dijalan….bawa bendera Palestin….tunjuk isyarat lucah… baling batu… Pasti ada satu bentuk insentif yang amat kuat untuk mereka berkelakuan demikian. Dan dari apa yang saya kenal dengan orang2 Melayu yang sewaktu dengan mereka, tidak lain tidak bukan ianya pasti JIHAD !

    Inilah sebahagian dari bentuk minda orang Melayu yang ada sekarang. Ramai lagi yang ada diluar sana yang punya set minda yang sama. Lupakanlah politik buat sementara, letakkan diri kita sebagai anak Melayu dulu, dan fikirkan – Beginikah caranya Melayu hendak maju ? hendak bersatu ?

    Saya harap para pemimpin Melayu, tak kiralah dari fahaman politik mana pun, tolonglah lihat apa yang terjadi ini dari perspektif bangsa kita. Dan lakukanlah sesuatu…atas nama bangsa dan ugama Islam, bukannya atas nama politik masing2, kerana jangka panjang, kita juga yang rugi nanti.

    Saudara JMD, pernah saya kata dulu, sepertinya saya rasa akan kehilangan sesuatu bila saya makin exposed dengan politik… inilah dia. Sedih kerana maruah dan survival bangsa Melayu menjadi terhakis dek perjuangan ‘politik personal ‘ para pemimpin Melayu sendiri. Mungkin bahasa dan ayat saya tidak tepat, tapi saya rasa saudara faham.

    Oya, walaupun di KT parti yang saya pilih menang, tidak sekelumit pun rasa bangga timbul… cuma sedih dengan apa yang telah terjadi.


  52. Saudara Jebat,

    Saya ingin merakamkan perasaan terkilan saya tentang apa yang berlaku pada masa ini di Perak. Sebagai seorang anak Perak dan juga penyokong UMNO saya berpendapat parti UMNO juga tidak boleh lari dari hakikat bahawa kita juga bersalah dalam hal ini. Disebabkan desakan politik, kita telah mempertaruhkan maruah dan kredibiliti kita apabila kita bersekongkol dengan pak lompat dari PKR yang kita tahu tidak menunjukkan nilai dan ciri yang kita nobatkan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin kita. Masa berkempen dahulu kita beriya-iya memperjelaskan kepada masyarakat betapa bersungguhnya barisan kepimpinan parti dalam memperbaharui UMNO supaya cekap, bersih dan amanah melalui Islam Hadhari. Saya tahu alasan yang diberikan ialah mereka yang lompat dari PKR tidak menyertai UMNO, tapi timbul pula persoalan kenapa bersekongkol dengan mereka yang sendirinya mengaku telah melakukan zina. Saudara Jebat mungkin tidak berapa peka dalam hal ini, maklumlah duduk dibandar besar perkara sebegini mungkin perkara biasa tapi kami yang duduk dikampung perkara seperti ini perlu diperjelaskan kepada masyarakat. Sebagai parti yang cuba menegakkan syiar Islam agak janggal untuk kita perjelaskan apa yang telah kita lakukan. Rakan seangkatan berkata terima saja, ini namanya RealPolitik. Saya kurang arif tentang RealPolitik tapi ianya bermaksud menjual maruah agama, tidak keterlaluan jika saya kata, ini politik ala Yahudi. Dan kita sendiri tahu apa yang dijanjikan oleh Allah kepada Yahudi laknatullah.

    Apakah ini yang dinamakan dilemma kemenangan? Saya gembira kita dapat semula berkuasa tapi terasa dukacita jika inilah satunya cara untuk berkuasa.

    Saya hanya ahli biasa, mungkin luahan saya ini akan diperlekehkan. Tak mengapa, Allah saja yang mengadili, kita semua hanya hambanya. Mohon maaf jika menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu, bahasa yang dikotak-katikkan oleh bangsa sendiri.


    JMD : Islam Hadhari? 🙂 Bagaimana hendak mengetengahkan konsep Islam Hadhari jika pelopornya sendiri bergelumang dengan masalah korupsi, nepotisma dan cronisma?

    Saya hampir pasti bahawa penzina yang diperkatakan bukannya Adun tersebut. Beliau adalah Zul Hassan, pegawai dari pejabat daerah Perak Tengah.

    Lagi satu, saya tidak faham mengapa saudara perlu meminta maaf jika menulis di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Jangan jadi apologetik mengenai bahasa sendiri. Jangan ikut rentak sesetengah Melayu yang bersekongkol di dalam usaha memperlekeh bahasa Melayu!

    Walaubagaimanapun, saya berbangga kerana walaupun saudara tinggal di kampung, teknologi IT yang sedia ada di sana membolehkan saudara memberi komen di sini. Terima kasih kerana membaca blog ini! Bolehlah mempromosikannya kepada orang orang kampung di sana… 🙂


  53. Well put writing. However it is not reflecting reality. When people hit the streets like that, i shows that people are angry with what is happening. All revolutions has witnessed people hitting the street and expressing anger. What they did might be wrong, but these are the subjects of the Malays raja’s… and these subjects feel betrayed by their Sultan.

    Perakians have always had high regards for their Sultan, and it must have hurt them very much that the Sultan made an unconstitutional decision as such. Yes they were rude, yes they behaved badly, but then again when people feel betrayed thats how they react. Just as a Palestinian how much he hates Israel, and you would pretty much get the same reaction.

    When the French revolution happened, the people did not have mercy for their royals, they pretty much expressed anger just like how the Pakatan supporters did. Recently in Spain, and Greece the students hit the street violently, why? because to them this was the only way to fight the state apparatus.

    I am sure the police and FRU were not very kind to them as well, hence they react with such anger. In their mind they were fighting a giant, and the Sultan who was suppose to protect them has joined the giant in bullying them. If the Sultan had dissolved the parliament, i am sure the Malays would have praised their Sultan.

    Its easy to discredit what they did in Kuala Kangsar, but it takes a lot more then superficial thinking in understanding why it happened. The war that is going on in Perak, is not a simple one… Its one of class, its between the aristocrats and the proletariats. I am sure non of the people who were rolling on the road were people from the higher income group. They were definitely laymen, who had to work hard everyday, who feel the effects of corruptions, and definitely long for a better life then what they struggle in today.

    Why has BN given them the reason to rebel against them to such an extend? Why do the people feel betrayed to such an extend? Why do people hate BN so much? This is the question that we should ask ourself instead of hurling degrading connotations towards them. The Perak crisis is a social phenomenon, perhaps even a revolution in the making.

    As for what the Sultan did, it is clear that the Sultan made an unconstitutional decision. If one were to remember the Stephen Kalong Ninkang case, it was decided then that the non confidence must be depicted in the Dewan and not by other means. Even Raja Azlan himself wrote In his 2004 book Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance : “Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted that the Yang diPertuan Agong would not withhold his consent to a request for the dissolution of Parliament. His role is purely formal.”

    The people are weak compared to the state, and when bullied, they revolt by means they think is justified.

    JMD : Your only contention here is, the Sultan made an unconstitutional decision. Why? Because a no confidence vote was not performed in the State Assembly (not Parliament – that is the Federal Constitution you just cited). I hesitate to embark on legality of the decision since this article is not about whether the Sultan had acted correctly or not (this article is about the travesty done by Pakatan Rakyat supporters and leaders). However I shall indulge you in this potentially fruitless discussion.
    Tok Janggut, the State Assembly stipulated:

    “If the Mentri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the Legislative Assembly, then unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council”.

    The manner in which we determine how the Menteri Besar had lost the confidence of the majority is not stipulated in the State Constitution. It is silent on this matter (unless you can show me there exist a sub para detailing how this should be done). Either way, the vote of no confidence could either be determined through the State Assembly, or through an affirmation by a group of ADUN that had lost confidence in the Menteri Besar in front of the Sultan.

    Now, just like what RPK had written in his article, Nizar was not quick enough to pre-empt the ADUNs effort to show the Sultan that they had lost confidence of the Menteri Besar. The 3 Aduns had declared themselves as independents and the BN leaders (along with the 3 Aduns) presented themselves in front of the Sultan that they now (then) have the majority to form a new government.

    Upon knowing that 31 Aduns are meeting the Sultan, Nizar made a huge mistake to announce the dissolution of the State Assembly PRIOR having the consent from the Sultan!

    He supposed to immediately meet the Sultan the moment the ADUNs became incontactable. But he acted too slow. In fact, he had nearly a week to meet the Sultan and acquire the much needed consent. By announcing the dissolution of the state assembly without getting the consent is a clear case of – belum duduk sudah berlunjur and kaduk naik junjung.

    Tok Janggut, even if you feel betrayed by the Sultan, it does not give you the right to cause bodily harm on them (by throwing stones to their cars etc). Try as you may, that can never be justified. It is also sad that you as a Perakian (I should think so, eventhough you live in KL) fell pray to the political ploys of the insidious Pakatan Rakyat. Many Malays who had been brainwashed in PR do not understand the raja melayu concept. It is the final bastion of what constitute the Malays. If you had openly ridiculed your own Sultan in the manner that we had seen last week, what kind of message are we giving out to the world? That now it is okay for everyone to show callous behavior to our Monarchy? Mind you did the students on the streets of Spain and Greece purportedly trying to cause bodily harm to their Kings? You cited the French Revolution. Then, other people can cite Thailand and England as well. In those countries, their current laws prohibit even the slightest rude behaviour towards their monarchy. And I thought the Malays are ‘lemah lembut’ orangnya. Nampaknya orang Melayu juga lemah lembut di otak dan tidak mampu berfikiran jauh. Betulkah begitu? Ingat, jika Melayu sendiri hendak kurang ajar pada Sultan mereka, orang lain akan melakukan lebih teruk lagi. Like I said earlier, jika hendak menegur raja sendiri, ada caranya. Bukan dengan bertindak sedemikian rupa. Keris yang digunakan untuk menikam Sultan mungkin akan menikam diri seluruh Bangsa.

    Terima kasih.


  54. Salam JMD,

    Tertinggal sikit lagi supaya tak disalahfaham komen terdahulu saya. Orang2 Melayu yang saya kaitkan dengan ‘sedih’ saya itu bukan saja merujuk kepada mereka yang berdemo di kk. senang cerita, ia termasuk juga pemimpin2 politik dari Umno, Pas dan Pkr.

    Demi kemenangan yang kononnya atas nama bangsa dan negara, mereka sanggup menikam saudara sebangsa. Apa yang penting – AKU MENANG !
    Makanya komen2 ekstrem yang berbau perkauman sebelum ini, yang mengutuk teruk Melayu, kalau direnung dengan fikiran terbuka…..entahla

    Saya cuma pandai komen je.. nak beri cadangan tak tercapai dek akal. Mungkin satu kongres Melayu terdiri dari pemimpin dan cerdik pandai Melayu patut diadakan, secara TERTUTUP (Pemimpin itu tidak semestinya ahli politik) untuk membincangkan survival dan maruah bangsa Melayu dan hala tujunya. Terimakasih.


  55. Sial punye jebat must die… komen pro pakatan dia padam!!! biar masuk yang pro BN ja…

    JMD : Wahai Harimau Tua @ Tok Janggut (IP addresses are the same so I can safely say I am addressing the same person), tidak payahla hendak berlagak hero di sini. Baru komen pukul 10.45pm tadi, tak sampai 4 jam sudah mahu melalak tak tentu pasal. Saya tidak ada banyak masa untuk melayan karenah begini. Blog ini bukan seperti blog pro pakatan rakyat yang suka menapis komen yang tidak sama dengan citarasa politik mereka. Sudah beribu ribu komen (last count – approx. 3500 comments since this blog started) saya terima. Bukan semuanya pro BN. Kamu bukan ahli pakatan rakyat pertama yang membuat komen di sini. Apa, kamu fikir laptop saya ini melekat di pinggang 24/7 ke? Harap bersabar. Jika ikut sangat perangai pemimpin pakatan rakyat kamu, mungkin akan hilang iman. Kerana, sifat sabar itu sebahagian dari iman..betul? Diharap kamu tidak sampai berbaring di tengah jalan tadi kerana hilang sifat sabar untuk melihat komen kamu di sini.

    Terima kasih.


  56. Orang melayu dalam PAS dan orang melayu dalam PKR adalah terbodoh , tersombong, tersesat….

    Kalau orang sesat yang tahu dia sesat…boleh bertanya….

    Kalau orang sesat yang tak tahu dia sebenranya sesat…..jadilah ia manusia SOMBONG, BODOH, BONGKAK, takda akal….dan manusia yang mati…jiwanya.

    kesian orang-orang melayu yang lain……jadi mangsa tak bersalah…


  57. tah pahape laa pkr ngan babun2 pkr cam tok janggut a.k.a harimau tue kutuk tak sedor la die mentaliti produk bang nuar…but come to think of it..kalu ngan sultan sendiri bley kuang hajau…ni kan pulak ngan tuan punye blog..takpe jmd..abaikan si lahanat ittew..kalu die guling depan kete kasik langgor jer…pastu reverse..pastu langgor balik…



  58. i would say the sultan should dissolve the state assembly and let the people decide who they want to be in the government. after all it is the people who cast their vote and get the representative they want to be in the government.


  59. sedih sebab tgk dorg buat perangai macam tu. berkopiah/berserban pulak tu. lain kali kalau nak buat, buang dulu kopiah/ serban n janggut tu. memalukan Islam.
    Xde dalam sejarah Nabi S.A.W ajar orang islam buat perangai macam tu.
    ISLAM, MELAYU, PAS. skang ni orang cakap sume tu same. tapi kebenarannye jauh sekali.
    Islam adalah agama
    Melayu adalah bangsa
    PAS adalah Parti politik
    langsung xde persamaan. yang ada cuma kaitan orang melayu kebanyakannya beragama islam, Pas pulak di kuasai oleh orang melayu yang beragama islam.
    bila dorg guling², baling², terjerit terlolong, orang bukan islam akan berkata.
    “mengapa begitu bodoh orang islam ni”. sedangkan kebenarannya jauh sekali. kerana yang guling², baling², terjerit terlolong tu bukan orang islam tetapi orang melayu. Jika mereka orang islam mereka tidak akan melakukan perkara sedemikian rupa. sebab itulah saya harap jika mereka nak lakukan sekali lagi, buang lah segala serban/kopiah, dan janggut tu. tindakan itu memalukan islam dan junjungan besar kita kerana berserban dan berjanggut itu sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W.


  60. Tok Janggut,

    Surely equating the French Revolution with your own struggle is a little bit of an over exaggeration ! If you are displeased with the decision of HRH, the legal recourse is still open to you.

    Nizar is a political novice and could not read the political situation which led him to make untimely decisions.

    It would appear that all events must be decided in favour of Pakatan, failing which either the Monarchy is being bullied/bought over, the judiciary is corrupt, the country is not democratic, fascist, the police are UMNO dogs etc.

    As JMD aptly put it, stop being a crybaby.

    JMD : Thank you Lekiu.


  61. Maka tersebutlah kisah sebuah ceritera di pagi jumaat 6 Feb 2009 mengenai Syeikh Tut,
    Tut..Tut..(Bunyi sms dari Nokia 3210 nya)
    Maka syeikh Tut seorang penyokong PAS yang baru nak diulit mimpi selepas solat subuh pun dikejutkan dengan bunyi SMS tersebut..syeikh Tut pun membacanya..

    “From:Al-Juburi “Marilah saudara seislamku kita hari ini selepas solat Jumaat di Masjid Ubaidullah Kuala Kangsar untuk berdemonstrasi…” tak sempat nak baca habis sms tersebut apabila terbaca sahaja perkataan “demonstrasi” maka Syeikh Tut pun bingkas mengambil bendera palestine dan memakai muffler polka dot hitam putih dan terus memandu kereta Ford escortnya dari New Castle menuju ke Kuala Kangsar….
    Sesudahnya solat jumaat itu maka Syeikh Tut pun terus menyertai demonstrasi sambil mengibarkan bendera palestine dengan begitu bersemangat…
    Maka ditanya oleh syeikh-syeikh lain yang turut berdemo, “Kenapa ente membawa bendera palestine?”
    maka Syeikh Tut menjawab: ” Masya-allah..Bukankan kita sedang berdemo mengenai palestine?”
    Maka sesudahnya syeikh Tut mengetahui bahawa demo tersebut adalah mengenai kerajaan PR telah tumbang di Perak, maka Syeikh Tut pun dalam keadaan terseNgeh-seNgeh dan terNgaNga sedar bahawa dia sudah pun tersilap event.., maka Syeikh Tut pun teruslah pengsan di hadapan kereta DYMM Raja Nazrin Shah, dan gambarnya pengsan sebab malu tersilap membawa bendera pun terpampanglah di hadapan semua akhbar utama keesokkan harinya..
    Sekian, Thayiibbb….

    Moral of the story:
    1-Baca sms sampai habis, sekarang ni orang hantar sms panjang-panjang, jadi pakai le Nokia E90.
    2-Tengok betul-betul bendera yang korang nak bawak pergi demonstrasi tu..
    3-baca la paper dan tengok news tentang isu-isu semasa..orang dah tak demo mengenai Palestine lagi bro…


  62. Nizar’s appointment as MB of Perak was with “perkenan” of Sultan of Perak. Therefore, when he was asked by the Sultan to vacate his MB’s post because he has lost the majority support he has to accede to it. Refusing would tantamount to being “derhaka”. I fully support.

    However, for academic arguement, would someone else who questions Perak Sultan’s decision is considered a traitor? What if the politician is a non Perakian. He might be a Johorean, Selangorean or Penangite. Can he be labeled a traitor since the Sultan of Perak jurisiction is only for the state of Perak. Please be mindful that I strongly disagreed with Karpal Singh’s action of attempting to question Sultan of Perak’s decision in court.

    Probably a legal mind would help to resolve this doubt.


  63. Hi JMD,

    1. Anwar dan pak turutnya (termasuk Nik Aziz dan Haji Awang) hendaklah insaf bahawa kejatuhan kerajaan PR di Perak dan kritikan tajam Karpal thdpnya membuktikan Allah swt membayar ‘tunai’ bg segala dosa ‘muhalazahnya’.

    2. Kita semua memohon kpd Sultan Perak supaya menarik balik darjah yg telah dikurniakan kpd Nizar dan mantan exconya.

    3. gazetkan Nizar dan karpal sbg persona non grata di Perak.

    Tk. Darah Tuah.


  64. Salam..Media arus perdanatermasuk ahbarnya yang menbuat fitnah dan provoksi melampaui batas tanpa memikirkan akibatnya sanggup dikuda oleh Gorombolan yang terdesak semakin Hebat, pintar menfitnah, licik, meperompak, penipu, menbuat jenayah, menbunuh Demokrasi dan menbelakangi undang2 budaya timur.Kepada DYMM Sultan2, raja2 melayu dan Yang Dipertua. Sejak 1998 lagi (bahkan sebelum itu pun lagi ) sampai le ke sekarang ni apa kah sumbangan, perlindungan, keadilan yang sudah diambil oleh 9 raja2 Melayu ini keatas nasib orang2 Melayu? Bagitahu, apa yang mereka dah buat sebagai pelindung Agama. Apa yang nampak hanya lah setakat mengistharkan tarikh mula puasa, hari raya dan memberi darjah kebesaran (bersepah-sepah bagi award,,mungkin dah jadi world record kut.) spt Tan Sri, Dato Seri, Dato..etc, mengalah kan Great Britian (lord, duke, sir etc).Ironi nya Negara dan Negeri hanya sekangkang kera, rakyatnya hanya 27 juta orang (termasuk imigran) Raja sampai 9 orang..ditambah dengan Yang DiPertua lagaknya lebih dari Raja tapi orang Melayu bertambah teruk*(sungguh hairan, SIAM hanya ada satu raja tapi dapat menyelasai masaalah politik Thailand dan sentiasa mengutama kan rakyat lebih daripada mana2 ahli politik. Sebab itu rakyat nya menghormati beliau).
    Belambak anak2 Melayu jadi murtad, murahnya maruah anak perempuan Melayu kalah kan pelacur (pegile check kat youtube) dan anak2 lelaki melayu lebih ramai yang jadi separuh jantan dan separuh perempuan,,, lembik, lembab, layu and lazy macam pondan tak ada tulang belakang. Soalan nya kenapa tiap2 kali ada masalah orang2 Melayu masih LAGI mencari raja2 Melayu YANG JELAS2 LEMBIK ,KAKU, BISU DAN LAYU yang tidak ambil pusing dan peduli pun keatas rakyat nya. Tapi orang Melayu masih tak nampak2 usaha yang sia2 ini.Maafkan Saya jika kata2 ini salah dan melampau, kerana semangat Jebat ini hadir tanpa diundang


  65. JMD,

    Didn’t know you can crack some jokes too (to Harimau Tua’s comments)

    My take on this is similar to yours. What comes to my mind is Nizar’s agreement to adhere to Sultan’s decision (after he met Sultan and proposed for the desolution of the state assembly), whatever the decision may be and his defiance soon being told to quit. That’s the real flip flop and defiance, or in a way derhaka. They honestly believed that the Sultan will agree with them without looking at the state constitution and consulting with those in the know. Ini bukan sebarang Sultan atau Sultan zaman dulu..

    Also quite glarringly, the demonstration was in a bad taste. To pre-empt, Anwar issued a statement asking supporters to remain calm but warned police not to provoke the rakyat. That’s his style, he can forsee who they want to blame before anything happens, even though their leaders are the ones who instigates their supporters. What is there to provoke if people don’t go to the streets?, even that right after Friday prayers, how distasteful. This reminds me of friday demos at KLCC and Masjid Jamek in 1998.

    JMD : Thank you Balan.


  66. JMD’s reply to Tok Janggut above should make the old man see that talking about a revolution, a French revolution, is out of place, even dangerous.

    He has to accept and respect the constitution, the institution of monarchy that is enshrined in the constitution, and that there are other ways of expressing dissent.

    For goodness sake, as JMD has said elsewhere, when, after various discussions, issues are resolved and decisions are made by the majority, those disagreeing have to follow the majority decision. That’s simple parliamentary democracy, Tok Janggut. The role of the Sultan was decided by the majority and you have respect that as a loyal citizen.


  67. Tok Janggut

    Respect the Sultan because his place and role is written in the Constitution.

    If you don’t respect the Constituion, you are not loyal, and you are not welcome in this country.

    You can try living in US and see whether the Police there don’t whack unruly demonstrators to control crowds and the like. They don’t have Sultans there and claim to be the most democratic in the world. Have you heard of Guantanamo detention?

    Very basic proof of loyalty is respect for the Constitution, for the law.
    The Constitution is the highest form of law.


  68. “Tak kan Melayu Hilang di dunia” kata Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat Tak faham maksud Hang Tuah berkata begitu. Sungguh pun Hang Tuah difitnah dan di hukum Sultan tapi dia tak MENDERHARKA.
    Tapi Hang Jebat kata Hang Tuah bacul, jadi Hang Jebat Menderhaka atas nama keadilan, memporak-perandakan kerajaan dan rakyat.
    That AI is the modern day Jebat never understood the malayness of a malay, Hang Tuah did what he did then not because he loved the King so much but he love the unity of his race more, without unity his race will be wipe out from this world. The people in PKR and PAS never understood this thats why they behave like Jebat.


  69. Bukan Pak Turut,

    I dont think it is fair to blame the monarchy for the social troubles that plagued the nation and I dont think that the best way to help these troubled youth would be outright condemnation. Social issues are complex and that every nation on earth grapples with the same problem when it comes to restless youths.

    Taking into account the limits of power imposed by the Constitution on the Sultans, the exercise of their powers are pretty much curbed. I wouldnt go to the extent of suggesting, as you have suggested, that they are useless. I would like to believe that after the Constitutional Crisis, they have been almost well behaved. They have performed their role quietly, without much fanfare and at difficult times they have done what should be done. Very much so taht I think, they performed their role admirably after GE12.

    I prefer the status quo, that they remain there as a symbol and that the real powers are vested with the people. This is after all, a government of the people, for the people and by the people.

    We all have one or two things that we disagree when it comes to the monarchy, but to heap all troubles and blame them or to ask them to abdicate just because we disagree with one or two of their decisions would not be fair on them.

    As they say, making decisions are difficult but the fact that a decision was made shows that these HRHs have not abdicated their responsibilities. It is only in hindsight that we understood what is right and what is wrong.

    History can be very cruel at times.

    JMD : Thank you Lekiu and point well said.


  70. Dear JMD’
    today is my first visit to your blogsphere, your writings angle are very interesting, infact I just link your site to my reading list.
    I’ve written few postings about AI in my blog. I think one entry you should read if you have the time is AN-WAR OR ANU-AR !!!! part2 @

    regards TATZ

    JMD : Thank you for dropping by. Will read your blog soon.


  71. Reading the comments, I suppose it is hard for some people to understand why the Sultan of Perak decided not to call for election. They believe that they have a right to choose, which I am sorry to tell you, you dont!

    What they dont understand is that the system of democracy we embrace, the representative democracy, practically disengages the electors once the elected representative is voted into power. Most modern states embraces this type of democracy.

    The particpatory democracy espoused by the Greeks requires the citizens to get involved with basically every decision making process of the state.

    Theoretically, it sounds enticing but since we all are to wrapped up in our own affairs and to have to deal with every issue of the State would be time consuming and exhausting, most moden States have chosen not to adopt particpatory democracy.

    In a representative democracy, it is assumed that the elected representative will utilise their best judgment to decide on a whole range of issues even if it goes against what most of the electors want. As the theory goes, if you are unhappy with their judgment call, you vote them out at the next election.

    Based on the above premise, perhaps HRH is right after all. The voters have put these “frogs” in office, you have to live with what you people have voted.


  72. Terima kasih untuk komen balas pada 16:27:36 walaupun sekadar soalan dibalas soalan. Anwar pesalah pertama tidak bermaksud pesalah kedua Najib tidak salah pula. Mungkinkah kini ada yang tidak rela Anwar menjadi pemimpin tetapi menghalalkan jelmaan Anwar didalam Najib yang hampir pasti memimpin negara ini?

    JMD : Setuju. Anwar pesalah pertama, dan Najib mengambil peluang yang ada untuk menjadi pesalah kedua (dari segi lompat parti). Namun, Anwar juga bersalah di dalam menyemai benih provokasi yang menyebabkan tercetusnya rusuhan tempoh hari. Jika beliau bersifat matang, Sultan tidak mungkin dihina sebegitu rupa. Terima kasih.


  73. Salam JMD,

    Artikel yang menarik seperti selalu..Melihat saudara menulis dengan baik membuatkan saya cemburu dengan kebolehan saudara. Bagaimana saudara mengolah sesuatu idea memang hebat. Teruskan menulis..

    Yang saya peliknya, bukankah Nizar ini pengetahuan Islam nya luas. Bukankah salah satu rukun Iman itu percaya kepada Qada’ dan Qadar Nya. Kalau begitu bukankah patut dia terima situasi sekarang sebagai Qada’ dan Qadar Nya. Bukankah patut kalau dia terima ini sebagai satu ujian dari Allah S.W.T. Sebagai seorang pemimpin, Nizar juga sepatutnya mengawal penyokongnya daripada mencetuskan ketegangan di Perak. Apa yang Nizar buat sekarang hanya memecah-belahkan perpaduan masyarakat di sana saja. Saya rasa ini berat kalau kita lihat dari sudut Islam. Entahle. Harap Nizar bermuhasabah.

    Marilah kita sama-sama bermuhasabah dan berdoa mendapat petunjuk dan hidayah Nya..


  74. During the height of the local reformasi movement, i’ve viewed a vcd of the police investigation on Anwar Ibrahim which included interviews with the victims and that main witness whathisname? sukma something something. I wonder where we can get it again.

    JMD : Search in Youtube please. Thank you.


  75. JMD,

    Saya tak faham la kenapa ada orang tuduh Sultan Perak membuat keputusan yang tidak mengikut perlembagaan. Apakah kerana Baginda tidak memperkenankan pembubaran DUN, maka baginda dikata bertindak zalim dan membelakangi rakyat negeri Perak?

    Dia orang ni tak faham ke bahawa YB Nizar sudah hilang sokongan majoriti di DUN bilamana 3 ADUN telah keluar dari PR dan jadi bebas manakala ADUN Bota kembali menyertai UMNO. Sultan Perak tidak mampu nak perkenankan permintaan YB Nizar ni lagi memandangkan, sebagai minoriti YB Nizar sudah hilang hak untuk menuntut DUN Perak dibubarkan.

    Tindakan PR membuat tuntutan mahkamah bagi membatalkan keputusan SPR tidak mengisytiharkan kerusi DUN Behrang dan Changkat Jering itu kosong pun hanya helah politik saja sebab kaedah membuat surat perletakan jawatan tanpa tarikh ini sudah diputuskan mahkamah sebagai tidak sah dan tidak mengikut perlembagaan.
    Mereka mempergunakan mahkamah untuk helah politik. Mereka ingat Sultan Perak tu bodoh?

    Sultan Perak terpaksa meminta YB Nizar melepaskan jawatan sebagai Menteri Besar kerana baginda tahu, kalau tidak ada arahan keras sebegini, YB Nizar akan terus menipu rakyat dan mempergunakan mahkamah untuk terus kekal sebagai MB.
    (Tengoklah sekarang, walaupun dah dapat arahan dari Sultan pun, dia boleh menderhaka inikan pulak kalau tidak ada apa-apa arahan dikeluarkan dulu)

    Siapa yang tidak ikut perlembagaan sekarang?


  76. One of the best things about this blog is the comment (of course, you writing is THE best thing here) and how you respond to them, especially the ones picking a fight. Some really made me laugh (hadda suppress them being in office, so I teared instead).

    But coming to the situation, one this is for sure. PR is breaking up. True colour coming out. The worst of Malaysians are being shown.

    Sometimes I wish we could revert back to full monarchy. At least the Agong or the Sultan look at us like their own children. Not these battling, bumbling, moronic, selfish politicians who treat the rakyat like dirt, instead of treating us like their employer as they should.

    Great job, JMD. As always.

    JMD : Thank you Rakesh and God bless.


  77. A’madudin,

    For your information, in DSAI’s first sodomy trial the victim Azizan was not subjected to any medical examination and therefore they can’t produce any medical report at the trial proper.
    They made a mockery of the trial when the polis witnes said that he has vast experience in examining sodomy victims. The other ridiculous thing was Sukma and Munawar didn’t lodge any polis report against the sodomiser like what a rape victim will do for the polis to act. But they were arbitrarily detained under the ISA and tortured to extract a confession from them that they were sodomised by DSAI. This trial made Malaysia a laughing stock in the eyes of the international community.


  78. Try to tangle the Sultan with Gamuda business is the lowest method these opposition done to discredit the him . Any issue will be created with their korek,korek,korek motto.

    I am speechless now .

    Adam B


  79. Kesian kat sultan sekarang ni. Ni semua orang melayu Islam punya pasal jugak. kita dah 50 tahun merdeka dan diperintah oleh parti melayu Islam terbesar.

    Tentang kekuasaan raja-raja, pemimpin-pemimpin dari parti ni juga yang sentap. Jadi berterima kasihlah Karpal kepada mereka kerana raja boleh didakwa di mahkamah.

    Berduyun-duyun penyokong parti itu mempertahankan sultan dan menentang penderhaka walaupun parti itu jugalah yang menyebabkan sultan hilang banyak kuasa.

    Ketika hendak disembelih kuasa raja-raja melayu, diburuk-burukkanlah raja-raja dengan skandal-skandal supaya rakyat merestui proses menjadikan raja sebagai boneka kuasa eksekutif. Siapakah sebenarnya si Jebat itu???

    JMD : Sebelum kita menulis dengan lebih jauh, bolehkah saudara tolong senaraikan dengan terperinci, apa maksud saudara bahawa Sultan hilang banyak kuasa?

    Apa pula pandangan saudara bahawa raja boleh tidak mendengar nasihat menteri besar dan perdana menteri (seperti kes Nizar, Idris Jusoh dan Shahidan Kassim)? Insiden insiden tersebut telah menunjukkan bahawa raja bukan boneka eksekutif malah mereka mempunyai kuasa di bawah rang undang undang untuk menidakkan pilihan dan keputusan ketua kerajaan. Oleh itu, kuasa Raja jenis apakah yang hilang seperti yang saudara maksudkan tadi?

    Terima kasih.


  80. Come to think eh,
    Have you ever wondered why so many Muslim Malays followed ayah pin? even though his teaching is completely deviates from the true Islam. And I heard that one of his many wives got a degree from Al-Azhar (if not mistaken). Which means that those who follow him are not necessarily ignorant of Islamic teaching. So it is not that hard to explain the actions of the PAS people. They are obsessed with their leaders and their leaders (may be not all) are obsessed with the idea that ” i am holier than thou”. Power is actually intoxicating. Once you tasted it, it is hard to let go.


  81. That is the future thinking and outlook of the future generation. Nothing can stop that change of mindset. Blame no body!!!
    GPMG!!! Panglima ATM and his soldiers will not be able to do anything, history has shown and you can see many around the world. The awakening giant in the rakyat is too costly for the military to meddle and only a fool general who will take the bite offered by the politicians to go against the rakyat.
    Go back to constitution and PM must be firm enough and the federal leader that created the whole confusion must be taken to task – whether you as PM likes it or not.
    A lesson for the leaders, berfikir sebelum bertindak and jangan jadi penakut setelah melakukan nya terus berselindung di belakang kuasa dan bangsa dikudakan nya, We will never progress if we allow such leader to remain in power, never never, so wake up Malaysians.

    JMD : I am curious to know how did your contention about the inability of Panglima ATM to do anything came about… Which past of our history has that shown? Thank you.


  82. hehehe torres, nice header …. i almost screaming when you scored .. almost wake up my daughter and almost ‘makan selipar’ org rumah :p …

    anyway, of course i’m emo … i am truly a believer of Rukun Negara … thus when the sacred symbol of Malaysia was ridiculed and disgraced by the fanatic, idiotic, uncivilized, double-headed and blinded baboons (i can go on and on) .. it really make my blood boiling … and bro, i am not that easy to get angry …

    what i can see it that these PR people are giving bloody stupid excuses to justify their ‘ke-derhaka-an’ … stupid, derhaka is derhaka … what else to say?

    they even questioning on why do we ‘sembah’ Sultan instead of Allah … how narrow-minded these people can be … did they think that other people that are not supportive of PR to be SO IDIOTIC to actually ‘sembah’ Sultan … if that is the case, why do they ‘pooja’ si-Anwar and RPK until every shit that are coming of those 2 was swallowed ‘slurpingly’ …. no brainer …

    i am pissed of by the PR supporter nowadays … almost Hindraf-like and perasan that they are the voice of rakyat or the majority …

    WAKE UP FOOLS … yes YOU PR FULL-of-ANTICS … look and mingle around with other people … don’t be so close with your small fanatics groups … dont poison your tiny brains with PKR/DAP/PAS props … nanti otak tak berkembang … venture further outside … yes yes you can do it … one step at a time … dont be afraid, nobody will ‘makan’ you …

    then you can see that
    you are not the only VOICE of RAKYAT … !!!
    you are NOT the MAJORITY … !!!
    you are NOT representing ME … !!!

    even if don’t believe in BN/UMNO please please go out of your box and see what PR is doing …

    right now,if there is no choice, i will choose lesser of the 2 evils … amazingly, it looks like BN is the lesser evil compare to PR … (in fact with the prospect of PakLah will be out soon and KJ was keep in toes by Mukhriz and Toyo … hopefully UMNO will get better … but Najib have to be ruthless to control UMNO and other BN components … but please dont C4 everybody ok Najib)

    KOMPOM PR13 ni … aku PASTI UNDI PARTI YANG BUKAN PKR, DAP dan PAS … parti KUNCI pun jadi laaa …

    p/s: my predictions on Karpal is that he will be slowly isolated in DAP & PR to his outburst … and RPK will come out with another article to glorified Anwar again after his remarks … maybe after Anwar gave him his dues this month kot??? :p

    p/s2: i tot that Sultan is ‘kebal’ when exercising his official duties, and to even place a lawsuit against the Sultan required Special Courts … not normal court … unless Karpal claimed that the Sultan have abuse the power then the Sultan can be tried at the Special Court … if he just making decision based on his best course of action within the state constitution that it wouldnt be an abuse of power right? … correct if i’m wrong … law is not my cup of tea … anyway HRH have 3 options within state constitution and HRH chose the most appropriate option based on his jurisdiction and current situation in Perak with rakyat in mind (not only PR people duh !!!!)… it is not that he chose outside the state constitution …
    p/s3: maybe we need bigger mirror for the PKR/DAP/PAS … not only for Anwar laaa … nanti yang lain jeles …


    JMD : Thank you so much for the comment.


  83. JMD,

    Have you notice how intolerant politicians from Pakatan can be ? Despite claiming to champion freedom of thought and action, they seem not able to tolerate dissenting views.

    Disagree with them, they will hurl abuse and allege that you are corrupted or trying to stifle democracy.

    In trying to curry favour with the monarchy, they suggested that the royals be restored with immunity. When the Sultan of Perak made a decision that went against them, they say it is their democratic right to sue. They are imitating Pak Lah quite well.

    Now Guan Eng is blaming Tun for stripping the royals of immunity from legal proceeding and by his twisted logic, Tun is to be blame if Karpal decided to sue the Sultan of Perak. Sincerity is not exactly their strong points it would appear.

    Their George Bush motto, you’re either against me or with me should scare the living daylights of anyone exercising a bit of skepticism.

    JMD : Yes Lekiu.Their attitude is based on extreme insecurity. Plus, they themselves are confused about their own struggle. To them, it’s all about achieving power – by whatever means. Even if that will compromise their own party’s objectives. That is why they are having difficulties reconciling their differences. When that happens, in order to maintain their political agenda, they had become ridiculous.

    Thank you.


  84. JMD,
    I have one question I pick-up from my blog posting maybe you could share with your visitors.
    WHAT IF 1998 NEVER HAPPENED?( but everythings else are the same)
    * The great Commonwealth Games never took place here.
    * The famous accident on the night of 31st Aug. never took place-
    Lady Di not Mrs Dodi.
    Camilla not the Duchess of Cornwall.
    * AI was never sacked ( all the dark secrets about him was never revealed)
    AI is the celebrated PM now.
    What will happened to TDM, DSAB, DSN, KJ, Karpal, LKS, RPK, JMD and many more.
    Maybe some if not all in the ISA.
    for sure Malaysian blogger will never see the lights of the day.
    What will happened to us all?


  85. Dear JMD,
    My sympathy goes to another crybaby of pakatan but she is just another


    1. I don’t quite remember who said these to me once,” Don’t built your house on a hill but if you must or wanted so much to, never disturb the spirit of the hill, never offend them. To live on a hill you must always be aware and sensitive towards your surrounding (Peka dan Perihatin). To live on a high ground you must have a moral high ground les something bad might befall you.”
    2. Being human as we all are, we easily succumbed to worldly greed and temptations and always cry for sympathies when tragedies befell us. We will always blamed others including God (as in Act Of God) but seldom blame ourselves.
    3. Look at what happened on a number of Bukits(hills) recently, the famous one Bukit Antarabangsa followed by Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau and the latest one Bukit Telanjang ( oops sorry! Bukit Lanjan) and what about events that happened on Bukit Candan, who got the most of the blamed for all these? BN, the King and GOD of course.
    4. Let us take the most recent one, Bukit Lanjan; When news broke out about the Queen of the Bukit was caught naked on camera, fast and furious came the blame and all fingers pointed toward BN; Awkward isn’t it because the truth is if one finger pointed towards others four will be pointing back at self.
    5. Sympathies and sympathisers outpouring for her. She is not guilty of any crime of course but everyone overlooked about morality, we are living in Malaysia not US or UK with our own morality code not theirs.
    6. She chose to live on the hill therefore she became a public figure, every little things she do and did are public’s;even behind closed doors are measured.
    7. With her own admissioned, ” I WISH TO STATE THAT I AM NOT ASHAMED OF MY SEXUALITY AS A WOMAN AND A SINGLE PERSON. I HAVE BROKE NO LAW. I STAND BY THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE IN A DEMOCRACY THAT EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO PRIVACY.” I guess she never realised that she is living in Malaysia and Asia for that matter where sex outside marriage is a BIG NO NO.
    8. To all her supporters especially all the Makciks in Tudungs and Pakciks with Ketayaps on think again; are you going to say to your children that its okay to have sex outside marriages but don’t do it in public ( who want to do it in public anyway).
    9. To the Drama Queen,” Cry baby cry, I’ll cry a River for you but sorry morality still counts.”

    p.s My theory is all this is just another drama created by the great director AI(unfortunately Eli have to be the fallguy/gal) to reverse the anger of rakyat toward pakatan because of the KEDERHAKAAN to the Sultan and to shift all the anger to BN in facing all the Bukits by-elections. I am not surprise if he knew all along about the photos, just keeping it wrapped as a trump card and to use it at an opportune to his advantage. What say you

    JMD : A good angle to ponder. Thank you.


  86. En JDM,aku cabar kau tutup blog ni kalau PR menang di 2 Bukit (mungkin 3 Bukit)…sebab klau PR menang,blog kau ni dah x releven…suara majoriti dah pasti betul dan benar…suara majoriti dah pasti betul & tak salah…ade berani? kalau tak berani,jgn berlagak nak jadi ‘Hang Tuah’….hehehehe

    JMD : Wah, sedapnya bahasa… takde salam, takde mukadimah, terus saja nak mencabar orang? Belum jadi majoriti lagi sudah suruh orang tutup mulut? Walaupun Pakatan Rakyat hanya memenangi -+80 kerusi di Parlimen sudah berani berkata bahawa orang lain tidak relevan? Tidak pernah pula saya menyuruh blog Pakatan Rakyat tutup blog mereka apabila gagal mendapat undi majoriti tahun lepas.

    Typical of any Pakatan Rakyat supporters lacking ideas to add into the discussion and had to resort themselves with unsubstantive challenges.

    To Azmi, BELIEVE ME, it will be a pleasure for me to stop writing in this blog. It is not even the most important thing in my life. Why would I crack my head writing something that may not be beneficial to anyone? This is just a form of release for me Azmi. If you do not like this blog, then just stop reading it. Nobody force you to come here. And I certainly will not force you to believe whatever I say here.

    If the current majority have the same mind as yours, many of the pro Pakatan Rakyat blogs will not be operational now.

    When you start to have at least half a brain to post a decent and substantive comment, then we will gladly discuss your thoughts here. For now, I may have to disappoint you a bit. Do come again. Thank you.


  87. Pelik betul setengah orang macam Azmi. Sebelum PRU12, BN menang landslide pada 2004. Tak pulak orang kata Pembangkang tak relevan.

    Untung rugi nasib parti politik berubah-ubah. Macam Tun pernah kata dulu, sekali air bah sekali pantai berubah.

    Tak semestinya kalau PKR menang, suara lain yang tak bersetuju patut diam. Bukan ke itu yang diperjuangkan oleh orang Pakatan, hak bersuara ?


  88. hahaha…marah nampak? rilek la,jgn la melenting…org BN slalu camni ke, cepat melatah….ala,jgn la bg mcm2 alasan…ko mmg x brani sahut cabaran…BN mmg pengecut,sbb tu la rampas Perak dgn cara pengecut…betul? kalau BN yakin dpt kepercayaan majoriti rakyat Perak,buat la pilihanraya…kenapa nk guna Sultan? Jawapannya: Bn tau dia x bleh menang…hahahaha

    JMD : Please do not flatter yourself mate. This blog had faced much much tougher comments before. I hesitate to ask you to look into the laws that the Sultan had used in making his decision two weeks ago. This is because, I do not think you are open to listen to differing points of views. Thank you and have a good day.


  89. Azmi,

    Manusia pengecut tu contohnya macam engkau lah. Cuma reti kutuk dan provoke tapi satu point pun tak ada. Pointless. Ramai lagi komentator yg menentang pendirian blog nih tapi diorang masih beradab dan ada point (of course more often than not, JMD always manage to rebut their points). Tapi kau? Habuk pun tarak. JMD approve komen kau yg ntah apa2 tu pun dah kira bertuah.

    JMD suruh kau baca peruntukan undang2 yg dijadikan panduan oleh Sultan Perak dalam membuat keputusan baginda. Kalau kau baca baru kau faham. Takde la nak membangkang membuta tuli. Faham?!


  90. JMD,
    You are right about this AZMI, masuk rumah orang tak bersalam dah tu nak menegking pulak.
    Dia bukan kurang ajar, kesian kan dia kerana dia kurang diajar atau kurang belajar. Dia masih sesat terpengaruh sangat dengan ajaran sesat ketuanya si AI.
    Rasanya dia bukan tahu sangat mengenai perjuangan memertabatkan bangsa, hanya terikut-ikut laungan perjuangan palsu menegakkan kepentingan individu. Orang2 macam ni lah yang dikatakan menang laga kampung tergadai. Ini lah yang terjadi kat Perak selepas PRU 12, kalau tak di sedarkan takut nanti kita semua melukut di tepi gantang, merempat di tanahair sendiri, orang lain makan daging kita jilat tulang je.
    Kata Karpal Anwar patut bertobat. Hai Sang AZmi renung-renungkan lah disebalik kata-kata Karpal tu, yang kita ada sekarang hanyalah kuasa politik; kalau tak bersatu masih berpecah-pecah itu pun kan hilang tergadai lah kampung.


  91. Buat Saudara azmi,
    Saya kurang faham dengan cabaran saudara untuk tuan punya blog menutup blognya jika UMNO kalah. Saya juga kurang faham dengan provokasi saudara – “marah nampak”, “pengecut”. Saya mengandaikan bahawa anda adalah penyokong pakatan. Jika ya, saya makin kurang faham, kerana pemimpin de facto anda sendiri, DSAI cuba menjuarai kebebasan bersuara. Antaranya – .

    Jadi, saudara azmi, boleh jelaskan apakah rasional cabaran saudara untuk JMD menutup blognya? Hairan, tuan rumah kena halau dengan pelawat yang lalu lalang.

    Seterusnya saudara azmi, jika mencabar, mesti ada taruhannya. Apakah taruhan saudara? Jika tiada, mana-mana 3 Abdul pun boleh kata “Ini tidak adil!”. Oh ya..dalam erti kata lain, apakah anda cuba mengadaptasi Tuan Saddiq Segaraga atau Tuan Penasihat Misai Kontot?

    Saudara azmi, anda memang buat saya ketawa tidak henti..JMD, kena bagitahu Husin Lempoyang ni…


  92. ramainye yg marah…hehehe…tak sabar aku nak tgk korg semua marah dgn kemenangan PR di 2 bukit nanti…haha

    JMD : Tiada siapa dari BN yang akan marah jika BN kalah. Mereka semua bukannya seperti pengikut Pakatan Rakyat yang hanya tahu menyalahkan orang lain jika berlaku kekalahan/pergolakan.

    I alway believe that in order to be a strong coalition, we need to strengthen our team first. A strong team will concentrate on solidifying their team first while a weak leadership will lamabst everyone around them should calamity happens.

    That is why, this blog always try its best to give constructive criticisms with regards to Umno and Barisan Nasional. We do not demean ourselves to blame others if we sufferes losses.

    When KT went to PAS, we come out with several options to further improve BN’s chances in the future.

    Please read here.

    That was one of the article that stated on things to be done. There are about a dozen more which was written in the past.

    No. We have never resorted to ‘marah-marah’ when we lost a by election. We look inward to find our weaknesses and try to rectify them. Surely the pathetic behavior of ‘marah-marah’ and blaming others (pengundi hantu, SPR etc) belong solely to Pakatan Rakyat.

    Thank you.


  93. Salam sejahtera JMD.
    Another thought provoking article! Thank you for sharing your views.

    Been reading all the comments as usual. Enjoy them very much. Some are funny and some are yikes!

    But JMD, please dont response and wasting your time to stupid challenge like that Azmi thingie. He is so typical of PKR and PAS. Foul mouth and walnut brain!



  94. Pingback: Confusion in addressing their political survival « Jebat Must Die

  95. hahahaha…panas ke hati korg semua? blog ni ramai follower? aku tgk org yg sama je komen ulang kali…aku xtau la nape ade lg org yg membabi buta sokong BN…korg ni semua asik bc Berita Hairan & Utusan Meloya byk sgt…aku nk korg semua tgk website ni & tgk video tu…korg still percaya BN dpt sokongan lg? Penyokong BN dah jd kumpulan minoriti skrg ni…HAHAHAHAHA

    JMD : I refuse to be sucked in into this childish commentary. If you believe in that voting via sms poll (a non empirical and non substantive poll by the way), then by all means, please continue to do so. Wishing you good fortune in your future undertakings. Bye.


  96. Si Azmi ni percaya sangat dengan undian online dan SMS. Menunjukkan yg dia ni tak reti perfikir panjang sikit (or he hasn’t got a well-functioning brain). Setakat undi SMS tu, seorang saja pun boleh beri 5 undi kalau ada 5 handphone, tak pun dia boleh bedal handphone kawan2 dia yg tak minat nak undi. Undian online pun sama. Ada poll yg membolehkan user yg sama undi berkali-kali dari komputer/IP address yg sama. Penyokong PR banyak pakai taktik ni bila buka poll. Taktik lama daa…


  97. SALAM JMD !!
    I think these floodings of dungus the like of AZMI was my mistake. Sorry bro.

    I gave the link in the their FORUM to the said in TOPIC,

    The Name Allah: Quid Pro Quo on the Christian Community

    trying to get them to understand the issue about the usage of the Word ALLAH in the Injil.

    Was trying to get them to come together at least in one certain issue. Futile effort i assume.

    But then still, at least they now know the are OTHER RAKYATs too.


  98. Averge joe,kalau org PR bleh undi 5 kali,org BN pun bleh undi 5 kali…so,keputusan undi tu kira adil…otak average joe ade problem ke? alasan x munasabah…so,undi ape yg ko percaya? Undi pengundi hantu? hahaha… hmmm,kau dpt fikir dgn bernas ke? kalau ya,ape komen kau dgn video pengakuan Mahathir tentang kes 1998 Anwar dulu (bleh tgk kat youtube)? so,kau nak sokong lg BN yg salahguna kuasa & menggunakan polis,SPRM dan sebagainya utk kepntingan sendiri? kau nak sokong lagi BN yg sanggup buat sumpah laknat (saiful) palsu? tak takut balasan Allah ke?


  99. Quote :

    hahahaha…panas ke hati korg semua? blog ni ramai follower? aku tgk org yg sama je komen ulang kali…aku xtau la nape ade lg org yg membabi buta sokong BN…korg ni semua asik bc Berita Hairan & Utusan Meloya byk sgt…aku nk korg semua tgk website ni & tgk video tu…korg still percaya BN dpt sokongan lg? Penyokong BN dah jd kumpulan minoriti skrg ni…HAHAHAHAHA

    Azmi.. saudara ni nampak sangat kebudak-budakan, masih lagi tak faham liku mana yang tajam, siku mana yang busuk. Kalau penyokong UMNO membabi buta takpe.. asalkan tak membabikan diri sendiri dan membutakan mata sendiri pada kesilapan diri sendiri. Kalau nak tanya panas ke hati orang lain, rasanya hati saudara sendiri yang mendidih sebab bermacam-macam cara yang dibuat tapi UMNO atau pun orang-orang yang menyokong UMNO tak terjerat dgn kerenah saudara.

    Sebenarnya kami memang tengok segala website segala youtube segala video.. termasuklah video-video ketua saudara.

    Kalau tak mahu percaya BN masih dapat sokongan.. tak kisah.. takde siapa pun yang letak pistol atau pisau ditengkuk supaya percaya. Tak siapa pun suruh terlentang ditengah jalan minta orang berhenti supaya sokong BN.


    • hehehe …caya la diana

      ayat yang kat bawah tu best …

      agaknya kalau motto baru PR ialah …

      Gemilang, Terlentang dan Ikut ‘belakang’ …. sesuai tu …

      anyway, En Azmi … funny man ….

      bengong tapi funny …..

      aku heran laaa naper En. Azmi ni suka pakai guna video pakai TDM tu … boleh pulak percaya bulat2 ….. sbb org PKR/PR buat ….

      kalau camtukan … kenapa die takleh percaya video yang org2 buat pasal anwar tu ??? oooooo sebab org BN buat yer …

      habis tu kenapa nak suruh kiteorg nak percaya video tu … kiteorg bukan org PKR/PR ….

      kalau la blog tu yang dok angkat punggung PKR/PR tinggi2 buat online survey … dah sah2 la penyokong2 dieorg yang vote …

      lagi satu En. Azmi, jgn nak perasan laaa yang PKR/PR tu dah jadi majority … tolong la kuar sekejap jer ari kelompok2 fanatik anda dan keluar jumpa rakyat2 yang lain .. dengar dan lihat sendiri kalau tak percaya yang PKR/PR anda bukan majority …

      jgn selalu baca blog2 fanatik PR ker BN ker … baca yang blog2 yang memberi hujah2 dari sudut yang lain …. bukakan perspektif utk menerima pandangan org lain …

      jgn taksub sgt … kadang2 ade org yang tgk penyokong PKR/PR ni terlalu taksub sampai tak boleh nak dibawa berbincang … tak terbuka utk menerima kritikan dan tak boleh menerima pandangan atau kepercayaan org lain …

      tapi percaya la en. Azmi, bahawasanya ader rakyat2 yang bukan penyokong BN/UMNO yang TIDAK akan menyokong PKR/PR lagi sbb mata2 rakyat ini telah melihat, telinga2 rakyat ini telah mendengar, dan otak2 rakyat meng’interpret’ tingkah laku, percakapan dan perancangan PKR/PR yang MEMALUKAN & HIPOKRIT ….




  100. Averge joe,kalau org PR bleh undi 5 kali,org BN pun bleh undi 5 kali…so,keputusan undi tu kira adil…otak average joe ade problem ke? alasan x munasabah…so,undi ape yg ko percaya? Undi pengundi hantu?
    Penyokong PR saja yg selalu buka pollster bodoh macam tu. Penyokong UMNO (bukan tak ada) jarang sangat buat macam tu, lagipun bukan cara penyokong sebenar UMNO utk bergantung kepada online/SMS pollster bodoh macam yg penyokong PR selalu bergantung. Penyokong BN bukan macam penyokong bodoh PR yg tak ada kerja selain memanjangkan bil handphone (atau perabih kredit SMS) dengan undi 10 kali dalam pollster yg sama. Tambah2 pollster bodoh yg penyokong PR buat. Lagi lah orang tak layan selain penyokong2 bodoh PR saja.

    hahaha… hmmm,kau dpt fikir dgn bernas ke? kalau ya,ape komen kau dgn video pengakuan Mahathir tentang kes 1998 Anwar dulu (bleh tgk kat youtube)?
    pengakuan apa ke benda nya? video tu memang semua orang tengok. itu maknanya otak kamu yg bermasalah. educate yourself on sarcasm first. org yg bodoh memang akan ambil bulat2 apa yg Mahathir kata. tak reti nak read between the lines. macam kau lah. padahal itu sebenarnya sindiran. rajin-rajin lah kau godek video2 di youtube tu (alang2 penyokong bodoh PR macam kau memang takde kerja kan? – kalau kerja di jabatan kerajaan pun guna internet kerajaan masuk forum kutuk kerajaan – tak malu!), LAGI banyak video-video yg melondehkan pemimpin2 PR yg korang puja sangat tu.

    so,kau nak sokong lg BN yg salahguna kuasa & menggunakan polis,SPRM dan sebagainya utk kepntingan sendiri? kau nak sokong lagi BN yg sanggup buat sumpah laknat (saiful) palsu? tak takut balasan Allah ke?
    CERMIN diri kau sendiri dulu sebelum tanya orang takut atau tidak pada balasan Allah. tak sampai setahun Nizar pujaan kau tu dah hilang kuasa, kalau nak ikutkan itu bukan balasan Allah jugak ke?

    penyokong2 totok PR yg bodoh2 belaka ini tak habis2 dengan sikap “holier-than-thou”. ingat, kamu bukan tuhan dan bukan juga malaikat. bukan nabi bukan wali. (sedangkan rasul kita pun Allah tak pernah beri dia kuasa utk ukur iman orang lain!) mengkur iman manusia adalah hak mutlak Allah, bukan hak kamu!


    • mat azmi … ni poll yang kat TV3 tu ker?

      bukan kena bayar ker? tak silap 0.50 satu sms …

      errr … buat aper buat poll? buat aper bayar duit utk vote poll yang tak ade hasil tu? setahu saya, org2 taksub jer dok perabih duit die main2 sms ni …

      alaaa … mcm AF 1,2,3,4,5, XXXX

      kalau la poll tu free (maksud die takde charge) … mungkin ramai gaks nak vote … tapi kalau ramai yang berpikiran mcm saya … lebih baik 5posen tu saya isi minyak moto saya …. lagi masyuk ….

      logik lagi kalu vote kat blog or internet ni …. free maaa

      agaknyer sebab en. azmi ni otak dolphin la dan kaya raya sangat la dpt meng-vote pakai duit2 ni ….

      lagi satu saya heran laaa …. kalau undi yang sebenar2nya pun org PKR/PR bole persoalkan … kenapa vote tv yang takde hasil selain menambah perasan syok sendiri ni yang bole awak percaya ??

      ni dah pesen mcm org Ammmmerika punya pikiran ni ….




  101. aku kesian kat korg semua…taraf otak korg lg rendah dari lembu…x dpt menilai mane yg baik mane yg buruk…xpe,kite tunggu la result pilihanraya di 3 bukit tu nanti…aku x sabar nak gelakkan korg sebenarnye…hahahahahaha…..tunggu………….

    JMD : Ya, ya, you dah cakap banyak kali dah. Kami faham. Jangan lupa semak daftar pengundi dan jangan lupa bawa IC bila keluar mengundi nanti. Terima kasih.


    • Biarkan die JMD,

      Biler die dah abis modal nak berhujah … pesen die mula mengutuk la …

      kata org otak lembu laaa … berkhutbah laaa mcm org ni semua bodoh tak tau agama …

      mcm la die tu pandai sangat … otak dolphin kot !!!

      manusia berakal dan beradab tau camne nak berinteraksi secara professional dan sopan … tapi die ni agak nyer kategori manusia yang bukan manusia kot … hmmm

      kekadangkan kalau baca balik ayat2 die tu mcm script lak ….

      sekali baca mcm nak marah … dua kali baca mcm nak ketawa … tiga kali baca rase kesian pulak ….

      nak buat camne ….

      tapi kite dah tau kan camne org2 ni berpikir … so buat aper nak layan … dah terbukti kaum2 ni tak leh ajak berbincang … taksub sgt




  102. wah sedara azmi mengamuk bagaikan lembu mengamuk.. takpe.. kan ada perhimpunan 46 lembu.. encik azmi kita ikut samakan.. yang tu tak macam otak lembu.. cuma guna lembu saja…

    insyaAllah.. kami menggunakan akal manusia bila terima result pilihanraya.. tu sebab kami tak berarak menggunakan lembu.. kalau nak gelak.. sekarang pun encik azmi boleh gelak.. kami tak marah pun.. kami seronok kalau orang ketawa.. awet muda…

    kami hanya berserah pada Allah s.w.t. pada DIA kami berdoa, dan kami pun akan berarak juga dengan memuji nama Allah s.w.t dan Muhammad s.a.w. pada 9/3 nanti, kami tak bawak lembu.


  103. Gelihati baca tulisan Azmi ni. menunjukkan kedangkalan pemikirannya. dari tulisannya boleh diagak tahap umurnya, mungkin belum mencapai umur boleh mengundi. undi by sms? lima kali pun tak pe? get real! ini undi pilihanrayalah bukan cari pemenang akademi penyanyi. ada duit banyak boleh menang?

    lagi satu yang mendedahkan umurnya adalah nak cabar-cabar orang tak pasal-pasal. macam budak-budak, main kat taman permainan. lepas tu bila marah panggil orang lain ‘Lembu’. hehehe. tapi bila fikir balik…Anuar punya perangai pun macam tu. umur dia dah lebih 60 tahun tapi macam budak-budak. bila tak dapat apa dia nak (jadi PM) mula nak berdemonstrasi. pernah tengok budak bawah lima tahun kat supermarket bila minta ibubapa belikan apa mereka mahu tapi ditolak? macam itulah penyokong PKR dan pemimpinnya. kalau tak percaya tengok semula gambar kejadian di Perak setelah kejatuhan kerajaan PKR. sama macam budak yang tak dibelikan mainannya.

    ingat dia pandai sangat tapi bila dia banyak kali muncul, lagi banyak peluang melihat kebodohannya. hehehe… aku tau aku bukanlah pandai sangat tapi sekarang aku tau, ada orang lagi teruk dari aku…hehehe…

    tapi itulah contoh orang-orang di sekeliling Anwar. law of attraction. tengok siapa kawan-kawannya dan orang sekelilingnya. name calling (lembu, celaka… perkataan ini tak sanggup diucapkan pada sesiapa oleh orang yang waras tapi pada mereka ni biasa aje keluarnya perkataan macam ni. tak tau hormat langsung!), sex scandals (anuar sendiri dan yang terbaru eli wong), holier than thou, tin kosong, lidah bercabang… what else?

    JMD keep on writing. love your blog. tempat berkumpul orang yang waras dan boleh berfikir. satu tempat orang yang beradap dan boleh berbincang berkumpul walau ada pendapat antara kita ada yang berlainan. kadang-kadang sesuatu isu tu, aku tau ada sesuatu yang perlu diperkatakan mengenainya tapi tak tau nak mengutarakan pendapat tapi bila tuan tulis jadilah… ‘saya setuju seperti yang JMD tuliskan tu.’

    azmi, ingat orang yang biasa komen saja yang baca ke? aku selalu dok baca dan tak komen apa-apa kat sini. ramai juga orang lain buat macam tu. dalam lima puluh kali baca, mungkin tiga kali komen. itupun setelah fikir panjang-panjang. sebenarnya sebab tak mau nampak bodoh (JMD pandai tulis, some of the commentators here are also good and spot on.) macam yang azmi buat banyak kali tu!

    to eli wong and those like her. there is a reason for the marriage institution to exist. boleh bawa kereta tanpa lesen? boleh berniaga tanpa lesen? memang boleh kalau nak. but is it right? sebagai manusia itu adalah asas untuk menjadi ahli dalam sesuatu masyarakat. ada kesedaran dan tanggungjawap untuk mendapatkan lesen dalam membuat sesuatu yang penting.

    mula-mula tahu pasal kes ni, saya fikir…”bak pi lah dia nak buat apa.” In an instant a question arise in me, “Is that so?” it made me sit and think. after thinking about it, i do think it’s wrong. how do we want to explain to the younger generation what she did? do we have to have two different standards? I have teenage children. how am i going to explain this to them? that it’s okay to do what she did outside of wedlock? eli wong, how are you going to explain to your nephews and nieces (if you have them) what you did? to the people who stood with her in the PC and stood by her championing her cause, still think it’s not wrong?

    to those who is so afraid to get married, was it less painful when the relationship ended? i don’t think so. if you’re hurt, you’ll feel the pain. no lesser than those who were married.

    sorilah JMB. melalut benda lain pulak. have a productive day and God Bless.

    JMD : Terima kasih kerana berkunjung di sini. Dipersilakan memberi lebih banyak komen untuk kita membaca bersama di masa akan datang.


  104. oh abg azmi… bantulah kami yang otak macam lembu ni.. bimbinglah kami.. pandu lah kami ke arah jalan yang benar..

    oh.. we want justice… oh RPK, oh anwar


  105. Salam! saudara Azmi rasanya kau ni salah masuk blogsphere
    kat JMD ni adalah tempat perbincangan beradab, bukan tempat maki orang.
    Kalau nak cakap pasal tengok video yang tak ada hujung pangkal pegilah panggil budak2 PAS dan PKR, budak DAP tak payahlah sebab dia orang tak layan orang macam kau ni. Duduk berkumpul ramai2 lepas tu kutuk UMNO dan BN dan gelak kuat2 dan puas2 sampai tanak nak tergadai pun tak sedar.
    Kalau nak sakit hati tunggulah kat JMD ni, kalau nak lagi sakit hati sambil tengok video kau lawat lah-
    mungkin lepas tu baru kau sedar diri betapa meluatnya orang kat PKR.


  106. JMD,
    Saya suka baca ur blog dan analisa2 nya amat bertepatan. Saya ada print dan bincangkan fakta2 dgn rakan2. Harap JMD tak kisah.
    Keep up the good writing…


  107. I don’t see anyone condemning UMNO or BN when they called the Sultan of terengganu “Natang”?

    Why all these now?

    Suddenly, PR refusing to follow Sultan’s order to step down is now endangering the relationship between the monarchy and the future state government (if PR will win in the future?)

    which is more derhaka: Calling a Sultan animal or refusing to follow Sultan’s order (but not against the law of constituition)

    I believe that PR has shown facts and evidences that the Sultan’s acts are illegal. and it is not against the law to sue the Sultan in court. (Want to blame, blame Mahathir). Where are the facts and evidences from UMNO/ BN then? whats the result of consulting the English QC? or they just went there for vacations?

    is this a Pro-BN blog? If yes, I would excuse myself now.

    JMD : We have dealt with this ‘natang’ issue before. Please feel free to look it in this blog. If you cannot find the proper discussion about this, do not hesitate to ask me. I will certainly help. Thank you.

    Please note that due to the ‘natang’ incident,the relationship between Pak Lah and the Agong turned sour. It’s good that he is leaving. No?

    By the way, the Sultan did not do anything illegal there. It is all in the constitution. It is within his powers to appoint an MB. The court will certainly drop the case since the Sultan cannot be charged if it is done in his official capacity (blame Mahathir for what?)

    It is good that you manage to peel yourself from the pro opposition blogs and read different point of views from your usual diet. Hence, you may find that there are facts and evidence that counter the opposition’s views.


  108. Gossip yang saya dengar dari orang-orang Perak kini ialah kenapa Nizar tu Pak Turut DAP. Rupanya isteri Nizar seorang mualaf dan bersaudara dengan salah seorang DAP kanan. Oleh itu kerana sayang bini, Nizar turut cakap DAP.


Astound us with your intelligence!