Malay issues / Racism / Umno & Barisan Nasional

Di sini bumi ku pijak, di sini langit ku junjung!

Saya minta maaf kerana sudah lebih seminggu tidak menulis di dalam blog ini. Apabila pulang dari Jakarta dua hari lalu, perkara pertama yang dibuat ialah, membaca semula berita berita tempatan yang dipaparkan di dalam internet dan juga membaca blog blog pilihan.

Saya merasa terpanggil untuk mengetengahkan satu isu yang amat mendukacitakan saya. Apatah lagi apabila para pembaca sememangnya sudah tahu mengenai pendirian saya mengenai perkara ini.

Tidak lain tidak bukan, ia adalah isu perlekehan kaum lain terhadap kaum Melayu.

Semenjak kemenangan besar parti chauvinist cina di peringkat persekutuan, bertubi tubi para pemimpin dan ahli ahli parti tersebut memperkecilkan kaum melayu, raja raja melayu dan juga agama dan adat budaya kaum melayu. Yang terakhir, mereka merendah rendahkan martabat bahasa kebangsaan sendiri iaitu bahasa Melayu.

Apabila mereka melemparkan tuduhan bahawa para pemimpin Melayulah yang bersifat rasis dan ultra Melayu, mereka tidak sedar yang merekalah sebenarnya dalang kepada semaraknya isu perkauman di Malaysia.

Saya lihat, para chauvinist ini suka benar mengeluarkan kenyataan mengenai perkauman. Tidak ada perkara lain yang terhambur dari mulut mereka.

Tidak putus putus isu isu kaum dibangkitkan. Dan yang terbaru, isu kemenangan Barack Obama di Amerika Syarikat juga dikaitkan dengan isu perkauman di Malaysia. Mengapa ini terjadi? Mengapa warna kulit dijadikan bahan politik mereka semua ini? Jika kita sendiri tidak mahu dianggap rasis, maka warna kulit President Amerika Syarikat tidak patut dijadikan bahan untuk menegangkan suasana. 

Rejal Arbee menulis di dalam The Sun;

I find Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam’s description of Barack Obama’s election as the 44th President of the United States (“Obama an important lesson in national unity”, Nov 7) as being remarkable for an African-American and that it could be a lesson for Malaysia as intriguing.

Yes, it could be a lesson for us only if the various races are willing to replicate what the latter day immigrants and the minority groups in America are willing to do, ie become Americans adhering to the American way adopting its customs, language and way of life. What it means is that the latter day immigrants are willing to forgo their own dispositions to assimilate into the American way of life.

This American way is based on the Anglo-Saxon customs and norms that were brought by the original immigrants, the Pilgrim Fathers as well as the continental Europeans with their Anglo-Saxon way of life.

Malaysia is obviously very different from America. Its formation is based on an understanding of give and take where the minority immigrants were given citizenship status by the majority group under the Jus Soli principle just before we gained our independence.

In exchange the minority groups recognise the special rights of the original inhabitants of the country just as their rights are also recognised.

Thus each of the minority nationalities like the Chinese and the Indians continue with their own practices and customs and there was as such no melting pot as in America.

Selang tidak sampai beberapa minggu setelah Datuk Ong Tee Kiat menang di dalam perebutan jawatan Presiden MCA, beliau dengan lantangnya menyatakan pendapatnya mengenai kemenangan Barack Obama di Amerika Syarikat.

Apabila saya membaca mengenai kenyataan Datuk Ong Tee Kiat (ketika di Jakarta baru-baru ini), naluri saya terpanggil untuk menyimpulkan semua perkara di atas seperti yang tertera di bawah;

Pada prinsipnya, seruan Datuk Ong Tee Keat supaya rakyat Malaysia menghapuskan sikap perkauman adalah dialu-alukan. Seruan beliau diilhamkan oleh perubahan di Amerika Syarikat. Malangnya, beliau memberikan contoh kepada kontroversi perlantikan pemangku Pengurus Besar PKNS.

Sebenarnya contoh ini mempamerkan sikap kecinaan beliau yang tebal.

Kredibiliti dan keikhlasan beliau sebagai pemimpin kaum Cina pasti dikagumi oleh semua rakyat, termasuk orang Melayu jika beliau telah memberikan contoh toleransi dan tolak ansur kaum Melayu kepada kaum Cina dan India dan sekaligus menyeru kaumnya dan kaum India supaya mempercepatkan proses asimilasi dengan masyarakat Melayu.

Kaum Cina di Malaysia sekarang nampaknya lebih Cina daripada orang Cina di Singapura, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina. Malah mereka lebih Cina dari orang Cina di China sendiri.

Juga jelas lebih tebal kecinaan mereka berbanding sikap datuk nenek mereka yang datang ke Tanah Melayu dulu.

Sikap ini dan sikap ‘beri sejengkal nak sedepa’, ‘kacang lupakan kulit’ dan ‘menangguk di air keruh’, amat membimbangkan bangsa Melayu.

Jika Datuk Ong dan semua pemimpin yang lain benar benar ikhlas dan jujur ke arah membentuk satu negara, satu bangsa, satu budaya, satu bahasa, satu wawasan, satu halatuju dan sebagainya maka bermulalah dari hari ini mereka bersuara mengenai aspirasi dan kebimbangan kaum lain dan pemimpin yang lain pula menjuarai aspirasi dan kebimbangan kaum selain dari kaum mereka sendiri.

Pada mulanya, saya fikir akan merasa keseorangan di dalam menghuraikan isu tersebut. Apatah lagi apabila saya merasa yang Datuk Ong Tee Keat telah memperli kaum Melayu. Saya tahu, saya akan mendapat pelbagai reaksi dari pihak pihak tertentu.

Akan tetapi, apabila sesudah sampai di Kuala Lumpur, saya mendapat tahu bahawa ramai yang sependapat dengan saya. 

Dua hari lepas, Tun Dr Mahathir telah bersuara mengenai kewujudan seorang Perdana Menteri berbangsa Malaysia dan juga isu mengenai Sekolah Wawasan. Bagi beliau, bangsa seseorang Perdana Menteri tidak penting. Yang penting adalah penerimaan seseorang Perdana Menteri oleh majoriti rakyat Malaysia.

Ini merupakan cabaran kepada Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh dan mereka yang sewaktu dengannya. Tidak guna menyebarkan api perkauman dengan menempelak keadaan politik dalaman Malaysia. Cermin diri sendiri dahulu sebelum hendak bercita cita meneruskan idea menempatkan seseorang dari mereka sebagai Perdana Menteri.

Jika hendak berbahasa Melayu pun masih terencat, malah suka pula memperlekehkan apa sahaja yang bersangkutan dengan Melayu, saya rasa cita cita mereka ini bagai mimpi disiang hari. Inikan pula cuba hendak berkurang ajar dengan pemimpin dan raja raja Melayu.     

Adalah menjadi satu trend bagi pihak pembangkang untuk sentiasa mencerca kerajaan dalam semua aspek. Akan tetapi, ini akan lebih mendatangkan keburukan dari kebaikan. Lebih lebih lagi jika apa yang ditimbulkan hanyalah berkisar dengan isu perkauman.

Datuk Mukhriz membangkitkan hal ini di dalam temuramah beliau dengan Syed Akbar Ali baru baru ini;

“Often they just say things without maturity and without thinking of the consequences. Yes they should keep the ruling party on its toes but not try to score points at every turn. To them everything becomes a super hot, blown out of proportion issue. And they are making it very difficult to work with them.”

Walau bagaimanapun, ahli wakil rakyat dari PKR kini juga telah menyuarakan pandangan beliau yang mirip kepada pandangan peribadi saya dan juga para pemimpin Melayu yang lain.

Nik Nazmi berkata;

A strong sense of national identity as well as appreciation of our diverse roots by all Malaysians – both Malays and non-Malays – are crucial to reducing our racial chauvinism. We need leaders who understand the historic compromise we achieved in forging our Independence, both by understanding the historical narrative of the country as well as the rights of the non-Malay communities. At the end of the day, we need Malays to fight for non-Malays and non-Malays to fight for Malays. That, to me, is better than having a non-Malay PM.

Bangsa Malaysia hanya boleh wujud jika semua pihak mempunyai satu titik persamaan. Apakah titik persamaan itu? Selain dari keadilan (bukan kesamarataan) di dalam pegangan ekonomi negara, Bangsa Malaysia mesti berkebolehan bertutur secara selesa di dalam satu bahasa. Sebab itu, Bahasa Melayu diangkat menjadi bahasa kebangsaan. Status Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan bermaksud, ia adalah lebih tinggi dari bahasa bahasa lain.

Ini adalah realiti yang mesti diterima oleh semua rakyat Malaysia.

79 thoughts on “Di sini bumi ku pijak, di sini langit ku junjung!

  1. Tuan
    Just abolish govt funded vernacuar schools.
    After 50 years of independence you are saying that people can’t speak Malay?
    It’s not like the 50s…
    Anyway the “new” immigrants from China are sending their kiddies to Chinese schools and the problem will just be perpetuated, just allow them to go to national schools, like in the US….UK….

    JMD : I do not think this idea will receive good response from the chinese and the indian communities here. How do we go about explaining this to the Suqiu and Dong Jiao Zong groups?

    We do realise the urgent need to have one factor that unify the whole nation. Closing down vernacular schools may be a good idea to achieve this goal. But, apart from abolishing those schools, the national schooling system that we have now must be perfected. It must not be seen ‘too Islamic’ for the non Muslims and must be adequately liberalised so that the teaching methods be as robust and current for the whole society.


  2. Kijangmas wrote an extremely well argued entry entitled “Racial Polarisation and the Forging of Bangsa Malaysia”. Brilliant stuff.

    If only the Malays in the Opposition wake up from their peaceful slumber and realise that they have been played out.

    In their hatred for Badawi, they have decided to bakar kelambu.

    JMD : True. And hopefully readers will read the comment section as well.

    Link here:


  3. Salam, JMD.

    A Malay fighting for non-Malays? Ada.. ada… Nama dia Anwar Ibrahim. Dia kata “I’m not only a leader for the Malays but also a leader for the Chinese and the Indians”. Jumpa orang cina sembang Kung-Fu Tze, jumpa orang india, sembang kama sutra (kot?), jumpa John London, sembang Shakespeare. Tapi bila tulisan Jawi pada papan tandanama jalan diperlekehkan oleh wanita itu (takut pulak saya disaman karang..), dia diam saja.


  4. Salam JMD;

    Jika Datuk Ong Tee Kiat pun yang (kononnya) sepertiduran dan sepermandian, rakan seiring sejalan dalam BN, maseh berselera untuk memperli kaum Malayu, apatah lagi Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh dan mereka yang seacuan dengannya; tentu sekali mereka belum mampu atau layak menjadi ‘Obama kepada Negara Malaysia’ melalui acuan ‘satu negara, satu bangsa, satu budaya, satu bahasa, satu wawasan, satu halatuju dan sebagainya’, kerana mereka memperjuangkan kepelbagaian bukan kesamaan.

    Namun demikian, walaupun belum menampilkan diri sekarang, ramai, yang tidak rela, azam dan usaha mereka untuk mengkesinambungkan kedaulatan Melayu dan Raja-Raja Melayu, terhenti begitu sahaja semata-mata kerana petualang-petualang seperti di atas.

    Kami rakyat biasa tetap menaruh keyakinan bahawa kami akan sentiasa diiringi oleh pejuang-pejuang dalam pelbagai medan di pelbagai lapisan perjuangan … CheDet, JMD, Deminegara dan lain sebagainya (yang menunggu masa untuk timbul) tentunya mempunyai medan dan lapisannya perjuangan masing-masing tetapi halatuju yang sama dan masing-masing mempunyai pengikut yang keseragaman dengan yang diikutinya.

    Kami yakin. Pandulah.

    Terima kasih.

    JMD : Terima kasih. Saya sudah melayari blog saudara. Any reasons on why you chose Tam Dalyell as the namesake of your blog?


  5. cukup lah tipu melayu

    siapa yang menghaprakan bahasa melayu kalau bukan mahathir

    sekarang ni pun muhyidin tak habis2 speaking english walaupun wartawan tanya dalam BM

    bodoh punya menteri, tak nak martabatkan bahasa melayu sendiri

    JMD : Komen jenis apa ni saudara? Memang apa yang dilakukan oleh Tun Mahathir buruk semua ya? Kalau mahu jadi seorang ‘monoglot’, silakan. 🙂

    Translating English to Bahasa Melayu

    Sebelum itu, apabila saudara berkata mereka tidak mahu memartabatkan bahasa melayu sendiri, apa maksud saudara? Apa sebenarnya maksud ‘memartabatkan’ bahasa Melayu mengikut pengertian saudara sendiri? Boleh tolong huraikan? Terima kasih.

    Nota: Saudara Ajip juga pernah memberi komen di dalam bahasa Inggeris sebelum ini. Tiada siapa pun yang berkata saudara tidak memartabatkan bahasa Melayu ketika itu.


  6. ramai telah melayari laman blog chedet, kijangmas, jebat must die, rocky bru dan lain2

    jika semua bloggers menulis dalam bahasa malaysia, mungkin disatu hari nanti bahasa malaysia akan menjadi bahasa yg menyatukan rakyat terutama golongan muda

    ini dapat dilihat apabila pembaca meminta peralihan bahasa kpd bahasa inggeris kerana mereka ingin tahu isi kandungan tulisan

    pemikiran para bloggers yg bernas akan mendapat sambutan yg baik


  7. Terima kasih JMD kerana menulis artikel ini.

    Chedet, jebatmustdie dan deminegara @kijangmas adalah bukti keagungan intelektual Melayu. Ketinggian bahasa dan pemikiran dalam coretan kalian tidak dapat ditandingi oleh mana-mana penulis di negara ini, walaupun apabila ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris. Semoga kalian akan menjadi pencetus kepada berpuluh lagi intelektual melayu tulin yang akan memperjuangkan hak bangsa, bukan kepentingan individu.

    Sejarah menunjukkan bahawa Melayu hilang kuasa kerana perebutan kuasa. Hingga ke hari ini, Melayu asyik berbalah untuk merebut kuasa. Melayu sanggup berkompromi untuk mendapatkan kuasa. Hari ini sifat mementingkan kuasa masih menebal dalam hati Melayu. Biar bersepakat dengan bakal bangsa penjajah, biar menaburkan wang, biar menikam belakang saudara sendiri, asalkan mendapat nikmat berkuasa walaupun dengan kuasa yang terhad, kerana kuasa yang sebenar telahpun diserahkan kepada mereka yang telah berbudi.

    Kerajaan yang lemah dan berkepentingan peribadi telah meliutkan kekuatan tunjang etnik majoriti di bumi Malaysia. Perlukah kita mengutuk pemimpin-pemimpin yang terlibat dan kuncu-kuncu mereka? Mungkin ya, paling kurang sehingga mereka dapat diganti dengan pemimpin yang lebih jujur dan berwibawa. Matlamat ini sudah hampir selesai. Melihat perkembangan sosio-politik terkini negara ini dari sudut positif, mungkin ada hikmah di sebalik kehadiran peneraju interim yang lemah.

    Rakyat berbilang kaum di tanah air ini telah menikmati suasana ekonomi yang stabil dan hubungan toleransi yang harmoni antara kaum di bawah pemerintahan kerajaan sehingga tahun 2004. Sehingga sekarang hubungan baik antara kaum masih kelihatan di majlis-majlis rumah terbuka, namun di sebalik hakikat ini yang ketara di peringkat rakyat jelata, suara-suara menuntut hak masih dilaungkan oleh pemimpim-pemimpin politik bukan Melayu. Mungkin keadaan harmoni yang kita rasakan selama ini menyembunyikan suatu hakikat yang tersembunyi: masyarakat bukan Bumiputera tidak berpuas hati dengan cara DEB dilaksanakan. DEB mempunyai matlamat yang murni, iaitu untuk memastikan keseimbangan dalam pengagihan ekonomi antara kaum supaya negara dapat membangun tanpa menyebabkan jurang ekonomi antara kaum melebar dengan lebih ketara. Selepas pelaksanaan DEB, kaum Melayu merangkul peratus tertinggi dalam lingkungan pendapat keluarga di bawah RM1000. Kaum Cina pula menduduki tempat pertama dalam lingkungan pendapatan keluarga melebihi RM20k. Walaupun komposisi Melayu dan Bumiputera melebihi 60% di negara ini. Di manakah silapnya?

    Mereka meminta hak atas dasar liberalisasi sedangkan di belakang tabir, mereka tidak berganjak dalam hal mengekalkan identiti pendidikan kaum masing-masing, memperlekehkan kedudukan Bahasa Melayu yang sudahpun termaktub di dalam perlembagaan, dan mempertikaikan titah raja-raja yang mempunyai sejarah keturunan pemerintah Tanah Melayu. Mengapa ini terjadi dan mengapa mereka seperti semakin hampir untuk mendapat apa yang mereka hendakkan? Kita sedang menyaksikan ciri-ciri yang diwarisi daripada budaya Melayu yang mewarnai tanah ini sejak beratus tahun dikupas untuk digantikan dengan kulit baru seperti yang berlaku pada Patani dan Singapura. Malaysia indah dengan slogan Truly Asia tetapi ini tidak bermakna hak yang sudah termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan perlu dipertikaikan!

    Haruskah kaum minoriti yang kuat bekerja dipersalahkan? Ya, kerana mereka (walaupun bukan semua) tidak bertoleransi untuk menghormati hak-hak sensitif masyarakat Melayu dan tidak mendidik anak-anak mereka dengan nilai Rukun Negara Malaysia. Namun, pesalah terbesar dalam hal ini adalah kaum Melayu sendiri, kerana mereka gagal memperkasakan kedudukan mereka di tanah air sendiri. Mereka telah diberi tongkat mendapat anjakan untuk terus berusaha mencipta dan merebut peluang namun tongkat ini digunakan untuk menjadi kaya dengan cepat, bukan untuk membina kekuatan diri dan kekuatan kaum sendiri. Majoriti anak-anak Melayu lebih suka berala-kadar dalam menimba ilmu berbanding dengan anak-anak Cina yang berusaha bersungguh-sunguh untuk belajar mendapatkan keputusan terbaik. Anak-anak Cina yang belajar di luar negara dibiayai oleh ibubapa mereka sendiri.

    Jika Malaysia ingin menjadi sebuah negara yang maju, di mana prejudis antara kaum dapat dihapuskan, penyelesaiannya hanyalah satu. Melayu perlu kuat dalam ilmu, dan kuat dalam ekonomi. Lebih jauh daripada konsep DEB yang patut membantu mereka untuk mendapat sedikit anjakan, satu rancangan mesti diwujudkan untuk membasuh minda (brainwash) kaum ini supaya menjadi kaum yang berdaya saing seperti kaum Cina. Rancangan ini perlu bermula dari generasi segar, dan apabila komposisi kaum menjadi stabil dari segi ekonomi dan intelektual, maka visi Bangsa Malaysia yang diimpikan dapat dicapai. Semua kaum akan dapat hidup dalam harmoni di bawah lembayung Yang di-Pertuan Agong, dan Bahasa Melayu boleh kembali menjadi lingua-franca pusat ilmu nusantara, walaupun rakyat ini berupaya berdwi-bahasa. Tidak dilupakan juga kaum India yang menjadi komposisi kaum ketiga terbesar dan juga etnik-etnik lain, kepentingan mereka tidak harus tenggelam dalam proses ‘social reengineering’ ini.


    p.s. JMD, keep it up. You are one of the evidence that shows an exceptional Malay intellectual actually does exist. Kijangmas is another. An of course, Mahathir Mohamad, although there are opponents to this opinion but I know deep in their soul they acknowledge the extraordinary grey matter of the grand fellow. Allahyarham Ahmad Benan Omar is another one too. There are more out there but they do not make themselves heard.

    JMD : Thank you for the kind remark. Such a big compliment to receive. But I would like to state here that I am nowhere near Adlan Benan’s intellectual level. He was so much more. And thank you for the comment you had written. It does reflect my very own sentiment.


  8. Yes I agreed with you. Who to blame , I guess its not the non malays , its the malays leadership, they had given too much tooo much of face and compromising. Example where in this world can you find schools of many origins. wow!!! Time will tell. “Telajak Perahu boleh Tarik Balik, Telajak Perbuatan Buruk Padanya”. So we have to face the consequences now before its too late. I am talkin about this issue for 20 yeats and now I found someone anyway and I’ll bring this matter up.


  9. The day that we can call ourselves as Malaysian, instead of Malaysian Indian or Malaysian Chinese, would be the day we can even think about having a non-Malay PM. And I don’t see that day coming anytime soon.

    Tahu tak Jebat, ada ramai lagi penduduk bukan Melayu yang tak boleh cakap Melayu. Antara yang boleh cakap pun, ada pulak mereka yang tak fasih. Kadang-kadang sakit telinga dengar bahasa yang kucar kacir. Pegi pasar pun, bahasa lebih teruk dari bahasa pasar.

    But then, there are still few of us dreaming of becoming a Malaysian race…a lot more to do…a lot more to be done. I hope these politicians shut up and do their job. We put them there. We didn’t put them there to create issues, we put them there to take care and solve issues. Rascals!

    JMD : Rascals indeed! Thanks for the comment Mr Rakesh.


  10. I couldn’t agree more with TDM on the sekolah wawasan issue. I always thought that racial polarisation in Malaysia owes much to the existence of vernacular schools. Why have them at all?
    But my Chinese friends tell me it is not just for Mandarin language proficiency that they send their kids to Chinese schools, but it now also has much to do with the poor standard of education in our national schools. Not to mention the sometimes extreme ‘Melayuness’ of our national schools that my friends say is discomfiting if not downright disturbing. Example: Ayat Quran all over the staffroom. That is normal for us Malays, but apparently not to the non-Malays. Maybe I can understand that, cos my father used to be very disturbed by the crucifix on my sister’s Convent school badge. He used to break it and my sister would cry cos it made her feel odd in school.
    The issue is complex and sensitive, and I don’t see the Chinese educationists backing down on vernacular schools for national unity or whatever.
    Any thoughts?

    JMD : I agree with you on this one. I had replied to Jed on this same issue above. Our education system must be revamped so that it has the quality not only to produce good Malaysians but also Malaysians that are resilient enough to face any local or foreign challenges in the future. Education must start from the teachers themselves and this will trickle down to the teaching methods imposed on our children.


  11. Banyak pihak mengambil contoh tentang kemenangan Obama sebagai seorang Kulit Hitam yg menjadi Presiden.Pemimpin drp Bangsa Cina dan India terlalu celupar bila membicarakan tentang Bangsa Malaysia.
    Senang cakap;
    Obama tidak dilihat sebagi Orang Kulit Hitam kerana :-
    Tidak berupaya bertutur Bahasa Negro
    Cara hidup spt Mat Salleh yg menjadi penduduk majoriti Amerika
    Tidak mengamalkan agama nenek moyangnya
    Mendapat pendidikan asas yahudi

    Jadi jika pemimpin Cina dan India nak jadi macam Obama;
    perlu segera bertindak:-
    Bertutur bahasa melayu
    Mengamalkan cara hidup melayu
    Mendapat pendidikan asas agama islam
    Tukar nama, tiada lagi nama keturunan dan seumpamanya

    Kerana Orang Melayu Penduduk Asal Tanah Melayu.
    Maka Bangsa Malaysia mesti berakar umbi Orang Melayu sebagaimana Bangsa Amerika berakar umbi Orang Putih.

    Baru tadi saya melihat perbarisan pelajar beruniform sekolah dari segenap daerah berkumpul di bandar ini.KESEMUANYA BANGSA MELAYU.Inilah sebahagian drp cara hidup masyarakan Melayu yg amat cintakan Tanah Air sendir.Mana perginya Pelajar Cina dan India ?.Konon ingin memperjuangkan Bangsa Malaysia tetapi langsung tidak menunjukkan ciri ciri kehidupan Bangsa Malaysia.

    ..Hang Jebat, sekali beliau menghunus kerisnya, tidak sekali kali menyarungnya kembali melainkan tepat sasaran nya


  12. Akum, saya bersependapat dengan artikel ini. Memang telah diduga pekara isu perkauman ini menjadi isu yang “panas”. Apalagi bila dieksploitasi oleh mereka yang hanya tahu cakap kosong. Tujuan mereka bukan lain tetapi menghina Melayu, Islam dan Raja-raja melayu tetapi lebih menyedihkan apabila kita orang Melayu hanya mampu duduk diam tanpa bertindak. Zaid Ibrahim dengan lebih sempoi menyokong mereka secara terbuka, apakah dia lupa siapa dia dan atas dasar apa dia dapat menikmati kekayaan dia?


  13. Hello JMD.
    Finally you are back! TQ for writing.
    Actually since in U (I did Science Education) I knew the stand of educationists. they do want one school for all. no vernacular school! baru boleh jadi satu bangsa malaysia.
    Now … more than 20 years on, makin parah hubungan antara kaum because of vernacular school. apa tidaknya dari budak-budak tu kecil lagi dah diajar pandangan serong mereka. I won’t tell you of some of the lies they told the young ones. some of it… menjengkelkan. hasilnya mereka tak bergaul dengan orang lain. just keep to themselves. cakap cina sesama mereka.
    saya pernah menghadiri majlis anugerah kecermelangan untuk UPSR, PMR, SPM dan STPM. majoriti penerima anugerah adalah bangsa Melayu dan bumiputera Malaysia Timur. fenomena ini juga saya lihat semasa majlis anugerah kecermerlangan sekolah menengah anak saya.
    ada sekolah vernacular yang tidak mencapai separuh pun kelulusan. Bukan cakap pasal 7A (sekolah vernakular ada 7 subjek) tapi samada lulus UPSR atau tidak, sedangkan soalan BM dan BI mereka lebih senang. which is shocking! diaorang selalu menwar-warkan bahawa sekolah mereka lagi baik dari sekolah kebangsaan. kenyataannya sekolah kebangsaan jauh lebih baik dari sekolah vernacular.
    ada yang cakap sekolah cina baik matematiknya. dari pengalaman sendiri, anak-anak saya yang bersekolah di sekolah kebangsaan sentiasa mendapat A tidak kira UPSR, PMR, SPM berbanding sepupu-sepupu mereka yang bersekolah di sekolah cina. kalau BM dan BI jangan cakaplah. penguasaan tahap minima. akhirnya ada ipar saya yang tidak menghantar anaknya ke sekolah cina. syukur alhamdulillah, anaknya mendapat 5A untuk UPSR yang baru ini.
    saya tak tau kenapa ada antara pemimpin-pemimpin cina suka anak-anak bangsa mereka tidak cemerlang. mungkin orang-orang yang tidak cemerlang ini sedang digilap untuk menjadi kuli mereka untuk bekerja dengan mereka bila pelajar habis belajar. sistem pelajaran adalah sebenarnya satu sistem dari Prussia bagi menghasilkan askar yang mendengar arahan. mungkin sekolah cina adalah kilang beberapa orang cina yang berkuasa untuk mendapatkan buruh murah. saya harap orang-orang cina boleh berfikir sendiri. bukan berharap pada pemimpin mereka yang mungkin mementingkan diri saja. saya teringat seseorang pernah berkata, i will vote for a leader who will show me that i am powerful (i am responsible for my life) NOT someone who wants to champion everything for me(i am a victim, i need help!).
    I guess when this children grow up they will resent the malays more for their hardships. then this so called leaders will have the ammunition to fan their hatred some more! i do hope this will stop soon!
    what we the bumiputera can do is to be bigger, better in all aspects! we do have the number. kalau semua kita yang bumiputera teguh dalam semua bidang, kita boleh mengurangkan pergantungan kepada bangsa lain. I don’t want to come to that. i do like other people/race too. sebab banyak yang kita boleh belajar dari sesama kita. juga sebab saya percaya kita sama-sama makhluk yang dicipta Tuhan, tiada yang lebih baik dari yang lagi satu. itu sebab Tuhan mencipta pelbagai bangsa supaya kita saling mengenal.
    tapi kalau dilayan kami, bangsa melayu ,seperti kami buruk sangat… jaga kau. kami akan menjadi bangsa yang lagi tinggi dan besar. kami sudah buktikan dalam bidang pelajaran! kini bidang yang lain pula akan kami kuasai!
    Jadi apa tunggu lagi kaum melayu/bumiputera? jangan rasa rendah diri dan membiarkan beberapa orang yang celupar mengutuk anda. jawap dengan kejayaan anda!! anda mampu!!!


  14. Utk makluman pembaca blog ini dan pengendali nya, surat asal Dato Rejal Arbee telah di-edit oleh Sun (mungkin terlalu panjang gamaknya) maka diperturunkan di sini dgn izin Dato Rejal.

    Harap maklum.


    My letter to the Sun

    I find Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam’s description of Barrack Obama’s election as the 44th President of the United States as being remarkable for an African-American (the Sun Fri Nov 9th) and that it could be a lesson for Malaysia as intriguing.

    Yes it could be a lesson for us only if the various races are willing to replicate what the latter day immigrants and the minority groups in America are willing to do, ie become Americans adhering to the American way adopting its customs, language and way of life. What it means is that the latter day immigrants are willing to forgo their own dispositions to assimilate into the American way of life.

    This American way is based on the Anglo-Saxon customs and norms that were brought by the original immigrants, the Pilgrims Fathers as well as the continental Europeans with their Anglo Saxon way of life.

    So I have a simple question to Navaratnam. Would Malaysians be willing to assimilate into the Malaysian way as what all the Americans are wont to do? Looking at the situation with each of the minority groups proud of their heritage and ways, I guess not.

    So Malaysia is obviously very much different from America. Its formation is based on an understanding of give and take where the minority immigrants were given wholesale citizenship status by the majority group under the Jus Soli principle just before we gained our independence. In exchange the minority groups recognize the special rights of the original inhabitants of the country just as their rights are also recognised.

    Thus each of the minority nationalities like the Chinese and the Indians continue with their own practices and customs and there was as such no melting pot as in America where the minority groups were willing to forgo their ways by accepting and adopting the customs of the majority as the basis for the American way.

    People forget that this country is part of the Malay Archipelago which runs from Southern Thailand in the north to Indonesia in the west and south and the Philippines in the East. There were already then Malay empires like the Srivijaya, the Majapahit and the Melaka Sultanate years before the intrusion of the colonial powers, the British, the Dutch, the Portuguese and the Spaniards. Thus the fact that some of the Malays in Malaysia being immigrants from Indonesia is of no significance for historically the Malays as seafarers had always moved and settled from one area of the archipelago to another area within the archipelago.

    Its only when the colonial powers began to demarcate the archipelago into their domains and as their colonies that problems of nationality arises. So there is no question that the Malay way of life should form the basis of the Malaysian culture if there were to be a melting pot. But this is not to be as the minority groups are not willing to assimilate and the Malays had not forced them to. Thus until today the Chinese and Tamils continue with their way of life unimpeded. Even their schools, the Chinese and the Tamil schools continues to flourish.

    And perhaps because of this even acceptance of Bahasa Melayu as the national and official language is constantly being chipped at. Thus when the government decide to give prominence to the learning of English considering it being the universal language certain groups conveniently used that to downgrade usage of Bahasa Melayu.

    Thus even road signs that have for ages been only in Bahasa is being questioned with road names now being put up in Chinese as well as Tamil in George Town and parts of Taman Seputih in Kuala Lumpur. And this was done on the excuse of making it convenient to tourists who do not understand Bahasa or English to be able to read the road signs. (I wonder how many tourists can’t read the romanised Bahasa road signs). How convenient some people can be when they want to question what has already been accepted and entrenched in the Federal Constitution.

    So Navaratnam conveniently forgot to mention how different the US is from Malaysia in so far as acceptance of the American lifestyle and way of life by all who think of themselves as Americans. But can we say the same for Malaysians of Chinese and Indian origins? Even the question of language is still not fully accepted let alone the Malay culture and ways of life.

    Shah Alam
    9th Nov 2008

    JMD : Thank you D. Zin.


  15. JMD,

    Saya amat bersetuju dengan ulasan ini. Sememangnya selepas berkuasa dibeberapa negeri, DAP, PKR malahan PAS telah memainkan sentimen perkauman.

    PAS pula seolah olah tiada arah tuju dalam isu bahasa dan bangsa ini. Agaknya PAS inginkan bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kebangsaan atau pun PAS inginkan seorang berketurunan dari Arab Saudi yg jadi PM. Ternyata PAS terkedu dalam isu bahasa dan bangsa ini. Dgn berdiam diri, rakan sekutu PAS, PKR dan DAP sedang manaikkan suhu api perkauman.

    Bagi BN, selagi dibawah kepimpinan Pak Lah, ternyata terserlah kurang bijaksana dalam menangani isu perkauman yg semakin menjadi jadi ini. Pak Lah sebagai Ketua Negara hanya dapat memberi amaran tanpa dapat menjelaskan maksud serta sejarah perkauman di Malaysia.

    Perihal ini telah dilihat oleh Tun Dr Mahathir yang sanggup berterusan menerima kritikan kaum2 lain dengan menganjurkan forum ‘Bangsa Malaysia’

    Tun Dr Mahathir dengan penuh semangat, dengan pengetahuan yang super telah mengulas hampir kesemua isu isu perkauman yg dibangkitkan oleh PKR dan DAP. Paling penting soalan yang dilontar oleh Tun kepada mereka tentu saja menyedarkan semua bangsa Melayu bahawa mereka sedang dipermainkan dan kaum kaum lain perlu sedar mereka semakin sombong dan angkuh.


  16. It absolutely correct, all malaysian should put Bahasa in the top.
    How mlaysian malaysia should look like? Using bahasa rojak? campur curry and some spegetti and mee watan?


  17. Saudara JMD,

    Pada pendapat saya, jln yg terbaik utk memartabatkan bahasa melayu, ialah dgn org melayu sendiri mempelajari bahasa asing (cth: bahasa cina). Selagi kita tidak mengerti apa yg diperkatakan org cini dibelakang kita, selagi itulah kita akan ada rasa kurang senagn terhadap kaum ini. Pada ketika ini, saya merasakan majoriti kaum cina ini mempunyai persepsi terhadap orang melayu seperti didalam lagu kontroversi oleh Namewee, penuntut Malaysia di Taiwan di suatu ketika dulu. Seperti juga persepsi org melayu terhadap kaum cina.

    Sekadar pendapat

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. Saya rasa adalah lebih baik jika mereka yang minoriti mempelajari, menghayati dan berbicara di dalam bahasa kebangsaan. Bukan sebaliknya. Dengan cara itu, barulah masalah persepsi ini akan selesai. Mungkin bukan sekarang, tapi mungkin 20 tahun akan datang.

    Terima kasih.


  18. Bagus JMD. Saya memang terasa gelak membaca hujah saudara. Pemikiran saudara di tahap calon pilihan mu. Berpandangan dekat dan insular.

    Kalau kata setuju, memang saya setuju. Terdapat terlalu banyak fakta yang membuktikan pendapat saudara.

    Tetapi setelah menjadikan isu kebiadapaan’ orang tu’ sebagai tonjak perjuangan saudara, apakah pendekatan yang seterusnya?

    Sila huraikan. Dan cubalah idea yang original. Jangan asyik nak ciplak je.

    Kalau tidak posting ini hanya membakar hati orang Melayu dan menyebabkan sakit jantung kepada mereka yang berdarah tinggi.

    JMD : Untuk pengetahuan Saudara Wenger Khairy, hati Melayu sudah lama terbakar akibat ketidaktahuan Pak Lah menangani masalah dalaman Malaysia sejak mula berkuasa. Beliau hanya lebih tahu mendengar nasihat nasihat salah dari para penasihat dan kaum keluarganya sahaja. Sebab itu, BN kalah teruk di PRU12 yang lepas. Memang hati Melayu sudah terbakar lama kerana para pemimpin Umno yang diketuai oleh Pak Lah dan para pembodeknya tidak tahu bagaimana hendak menangkis serangan pihak pembangkang dan juga dari rakyat yang tidak berpuas hati.

    Akibatnya, 4 lagi negeri dan wilayah persekutuan jatuh ke pakatan kerajaan yang suka memperlekeh melayu.

    Tidak payahlah hendak berkata bahawa blog ini tidak original. Blog ini sudah lama menghuraikan apa yang BN dan Umno perlu buat untuk menang di pilihanraya akan datang. Pendekatan ini mungkin berguna di masa hadapan.



    Terdapat 32 artikel di dalam link link di atas. Sila baca kesemuanya, terutama sekali :




    Terima kasih kerana bersetuju dengan penulisan saya. Semoga saudara Wenger Khairy dapat juga memberi pendekatan yang lebih berpandangan jauh dan tidak insular di masa yang terdekat ini.


  19. JMD
    AKu orang melayu , bumi ku pijak semenjak azali dan yang ku tahu dari atok aku langit ku ini juga langit melayu.
    Maaf JMD,
    kadangkala kata kata tak berguna utk mereka ini yang pandai berbahasa dan pandai bermain kata kata.
    tak kira la melayu cina atau india. Yang lebih sedih mereka berbangsa melayu mementingkan diri sendiri dan sanggup menggadai maruah bangsa utk sesuap nasi. Melayu yahudi, melayu cina, melayu india,.. hmmm.. dengan Pak Lah yang tak tahu hujung pangkal dan menantu nya macam sial. Anaknya pulak asyik nak gadai apa saja yang tercapai yang ada dibumi melayu ini.
    Aku rasa org macam ni, hujung keris sahaja, selesainya,


  20. Salam Dato’,

    Saya menyokong konsep bangsa Malaysia yang dibawa TDM. Memang benar tiada sekolah vernakular di US.Kakak saya terpaksa mengajar anak2 dia adat resam yang elok dan bahasa kaum penetap kerana takut anak2 menghadapi masalah asimilasi ketika bergaul dengan masyarakat setempat.Anak orang Cina,India,Arab,Europeans,Afrika dll semua bertutur dalam bahasa masyarakat penetap awal.Di UK walaupun penduduk India,Pakistan dan Cina significant, mereka semua bertutur dalam bahasa penduduk asal.Tiada sekolah vernakular dan tiada siapa yang mahu sistem ini.

    Adakah benar sistem sekolah vernakular lebih bagus dari sistem sekolah biasa?Saya yakin Program Khas Pendidikan (PKP) di MRSM elit terbukti kejayaannya dan patut diperkenalkan di sekolah kebangsaan yang sesuai.Semasa saya bekerja di salah satu Accountancy Big 4 di Malaysia,ramai dari golongan Cina yang tidak fasih bertutur Bahasa Inggeris dan sesetengahnya lagi teruk dari para pelajar Melayu IPTA.Pemikiran mereka juga tidak kreatif dan sepandai para pelajar IPTA.Kemudian mereka gemar memaki/bercakap buruk dlm Bahasa Cina.Mereka lupa yang ramai pelajar IPTA wajib ambil bahasa ke-3.Saya sendiri pun dulu bapa hantar belajar bahasa Cina sementara menunggu result SPM.

    Nisbah kaum melayu kepada kaum lain pula 1:5.Sedangkan kebanyakan fees diterima ialah dari syarikat2 GLC.Kalau benar sistem meritokrasi digunakan,saya yakin nisbah ini sepatutnya 1:1.Pelajar2 melayu ramai yang pintar baik yang pulang dari luar atau dalam negara terutamanya pelajar program ekspress akaun ITM Shah Alam.Saya tahu kerana rakan2 yang bijak dari MRSM/SBP yang memperolehi CGPA 3.5+ dan result SPM cemerlang sahaja diterima masuk ke program ini.Mereka habis kursus professional sebelum saya pulang dengan ijazah sahaja.Ini membuktikan mereka memang sangat pintar kerana dapat belajar dalam masa yang singkat.Malangnya, ramai yang tidak dapat bekerja di Big 4 dan MNC kerana mereka ini dilahirkan sebagai Melayu.Ada iklan jawatan kosong yang menulis Mandarin speaking candidates only.Saya hairan kerana jika di UK atau US, syarikat itu boleh disaman kerana itu dikira sebagai diskriminasi.Yang menghairankan saya,kenapa syarikat MNC majoriti kaum Cina?MNC ialah Multi National Companies bukan ‘Single’ National Companies.Alasan yang sering diutarakan ialah graduan IPTA tidak berkualiti.Kalau dah Direktor,CEO,COO,CFO,CIO,GM,HR,HOD dan semua pekerja Cina tidak payah la keluarkan alasan bukan2 yang memedihkan telinga sahaja.

    Siapa yang racist sekarang?Alasan syarikat senang sahaja,kami banyak berususan dengan syarikat yang dimana pekerjanya majoriti kaum Cina.Apa kena mengena kaum majoriti pekerja?Kalau begitu,tidaklah salah jika bahasa kaum majoriti dijadikan bahasa kebangsaan.Itu memang lumrah alam.Permintaan kaum bukan melayu ibarat seorang lelaki yang bertanya kepada Tuhan mengapa dia tidak boleh mengandung.Mereka ini mahu negara Malaysia jadi Republik satu hari nanti.Habis kalau adat resam Melayu dikatakan mundur dan tidak relevan,ape bezanya adat resam kaum lain yang hebat ini.Siapa kata Malaysia tidak boleh maju tanpa kaum lain?Cuba mereka keluar bercuti dan tinggalkan hasil kekayaan yang datang dari bumi Malaysia.Kekurangan tenaga kerja boleh diatasi dalam masa yang singkat sahaja kerana ramai penganggur professional di negara barat sekarang.Saya benci apabila mereka sering kata kaum Melayu lemah.Siapa dulu yang jadi majoriti semasa zaman kegemilangan Melaka.Siapa yang buka pintu di Sungai Melaka yang membolehkan Portugis masuk?Ini ditulis dalam buku sejarah bukan hearsay.

    Kontrak social dan Agama dijadikan bahan lawak dan dipandang ringan.PAS & PKR buat apa?Tidak mengapa kalau hidup ikut telunjuk kaum kafir?Hindraf cakap kerajaan BN didalangi puak Islam yang radikal.Melakukan pembunuhan etnik.Ini ditulis didalam Memorundum yang dihantar ke British.Fakta bertulis yang diedar secara terbuka kepada orang awam.Saya lihat sendiri.Fitnah diwaktu siang yang terang.Paling kurang buatlah teguran secara terbuka kerana lidah jangan dibiar keras apabila melihat kemungkaran.Saya yakin media utama akan buat coverage jika perkara itu perkara yang penting.Orang Melayu pula yang taksub dengan cerita-cerita pembangkang menjerit makhal sakti makhal sakti.Siap calon HINDRAF yang tuduh orang Melayu bunuh orang India menang jadi wakil rakyat.Jangan jadi kaun jahiliah sangat.Pergi cari kebenaran sebelum percaya apa2 perkara.

    Masalah sekarang ialah ketirisan bukan NEP itu sendiri.Tanpa NEP saya dan ramai lagi tidak ada peluang untuk belajar tinggi kerana majoriti kaum Melayu adalah pekerja kerajaan atau tidak memegang jawatan tinggi di syarikat swasta dan MNC.Contohnya bapa saya yang tidak dapat menyambung pelajaran kerana tidak mampu membeli tiket keretapi ke Kuala Lumpur.Yang ambil rasuah segelintir sahaja.Ini boleh diubah melalui top to bottom approach.Sistem patronage juga perlu ditukar.Biar semua procument melalui sistem open tender.Senang.Semua boleh tengok.Tak payah la nak fitnah memfitnah.Semua hearsay.Mana bukti konkrit?Kalau ada pun jangan risau,sepandai pandai tupai melompat jatuh ke tanah akhirnya.Dunia ini ibarat roda, satu hari anda diatas satu hari anda dibawah.

    Melayu professional muda sekarang ramai yang menyokong pembangkang.Ramai yang tidak mengenang budi.Ramai yang tertipu.Ramai yang enteng pemikirannya.Kalau nak protes sekali cukuplah.Bantahan anda dah berjaya.Semua sistem rekaan manusia ada kelemahannya.Tugas kita untuk memperbaikinya bukan kritik sahaja macam sesetengah orang.Janganlah sampai bakar kelambu dan buang terus.Ingatlah sejarah selalu berulang.Liberalisasi selalunya membawa kemudaratan jika tidak dikawal dan terbukti dibanyak negara.Politik ada batasnya.Janganlah sampai merosakkan segala yang baik di bumi Malaysia yang telah dibina oleh ibu bapa dan atuk nenek kita.

    Semua kaum di Malaysia mahukan kebahagiaan bukan harta yang melimpah kecuali segelintir kecil.


  21. Mr JMD,
    Yes you can say anything you wish. You are right. Say if you are the PM, what are the onething to do to bring these 3 races together as a Malaysian despite their religion ? To be a Real Malaysian and to be proud of the MELAYU.

    JMD : First and foremost on the top list would be educating the children on history. The history of Malaysia from its ancient civilisations to Malaysia of current times and also Malaysia and its way forward.

    That is vital. Sincerely speaking, what we have now cannot be repaired in mere months. What we had shed in the aftermath of 2004 general elections all the way to post 2008 general election cannot be undone with a mere stroke of a magic wand.

    I believe it will be a difficult way ahead. A new mother policy need to be drawn up by think tanks and national councils in order to forge a stronger Malaysia. A nation that can weather through to tough times without disintegrating at the slightest challenge. A nation that can move onwards through the most trying of times.

    A policy that Malaysia will embark in order to be in the correct path and perform step by step action plans so that this nation of ours will be resilient enough to become a developed country in the near future.

    Currently, I am working on a concept paper of this national policy for a particular entity. Having a busy time indeed! 🙂


  22. In truth, your blog and Tun Mahathir’s blog are the only two I read. I find that your writings and Mahathir’s writings are most based on facts and are more “levelheaded” as well as more polite. Kudos on that.

    Two views on the current article.

    I noted the comment by saudara Ajip. This is one of the reasons why it’s hard to converse with people in Bahasa Melayu and why BM is being looked down at. The level currently being used are more brash/kasar unlike 15-20 years ago where bersopan santun is the theme of our race. Malays are to be blamed as well, as we can see there are a lot of poor proliferation of other languages in BM especially from Arabic and English. It’s only recently that I’ve heard the word “bajet” being used more than “belanjawan” or “sukses” more than “kejayaan”. Not to mention the loads of arabic words being use ie “nur” instead of “cahaya” and everything being name in arabic. Have you noted the way malays talk in BM recently? I’ve noted more Malays talking Malay like a chinese when talking to chinese, ie “macam tu la” etc and if you notice when they talk with indonesians, our Malaysian BM is being talked like Indonesian accents. I’m sure readers will agree with this or if you don’t, you’re probably in denial. Just switch on the tv and see. Just look at the way people talk and see how “kasar” and unfinessed BM has gotten. Have people forgotten to use “saya”, “anda” and “pergi” instead of “kau”, “aku” and “belah”. I remember once I played Innuendo’s version of Belaian Jiwa to an Italian colleague and she said it’s a beautiful language and I was quietly proud. I came back to Malaysia and I saw the interactions on TV, and it all came crumbling down again.

    The second comment is indeed on what JMD said about Chinese being more chinese than people from singapore, china etc. Indeed, I was watching the opening of Beijing Olympics overseas with a few colleagues (Chinese malaysian). They were the ones more concern that the Chinese does well in the opening ceremony “to show the world chinese can cut it at the top performed at a big event”. I was a bit saddened when the Malaysian contigent came out, the was hardly a whimper and they can barely remember anything about SUKOM ’98. Where exactly are their loyalties one starts to ponder?

    The Malays themselves are much the same. The malays are trying to be more arab than the arabs. We have so many rules that I noted we are more strict than the arabs in Islam. Our own culture and budaya are being sacrificed. In the old days, religion is something that we hold close to our hearts and mind but nowadays it seems it’s something we wear on sleeves and appearance. Do you notice how many rape cases involves “guru agama” and all these people are in jubah and serban and sporting long beards etc.

    At the the present, Malaysian Malaysia are still a faraway dream. Just ask the person on the street “who are you?” and see the answers, it will be “I’m melayu”, “I’m Chinese”, “I’m Indian”. None will say “I’m Malaysian”. Contrast that to americans. The african american will say “I’m American”. The whites, chinese, indian in America will all say “I’m American.”

    Apologies for the long comments, but I think that we all just need to wake up to the reality and look at ourselves as well (and that goes to all races in Malaysia).

    Thank you.


  23. Salaam JMD

    Kali aku tulis dalam Bahasa Melayu.

    Hati aku panas baca artikel tuan. Api di hati orang Melayu hanya boleh dipadamkan dengan darah!

    Jangan main-main wahai bangsa penumpang!!

    Kamu lupa sejarah?

    JMD : Wah.. marah nampak 🙂 Perlu di ingat, yang mengapikan situasi adalah sesetengah pemimpin chauvinist yang terlampau lancang dalam kata kata mereka. Majoriti antara kita rakyat Malaysia tidaklah mempunyai pemikiran yang sama. Akan tetapi, faktor pengaruh tidak boleh dianggap enteng. Sebab itu, kita mesti sentiasa berwaspada supaya tidak ada elemen elemen melampau cuba meracuni pemikiran sekelian rakyat.

    Terima kasih.


  24. Pembentukkan sebuah bangsa malaysia yang bersatu padu tanpa mengira kaum dan agama nampaknya masih terlalu jauh untuk berlaku. Jurang antara kaum makin terpisah. Di manakah silapnya?


  25. Kebenaran tentang “Dimana Bumi Dipijak Disitu Langit Dijunjung”.

    Milik siapa Bumi ini? Kalau bukan mereka yang 85% menguasai ekonominya. Orang Melayu lemah kerana pejuang bangsa telah melantik diri mereka menjadi kerajaan. Oleh itu mereka terpaksa berlaku adil kepada semua rakyat Malaysia dan terpaksa mengenepikan perjuangan Melayu mereka.

    Begitu juga Raja-Raja Negeri. Mereka cuma Raja Melayu yang terpaksa berlaku adil kepada rakyat termaksuk mereka yang bukan Melayu. Hakikatnya pejuang Melayu tidak ujud lagi sekarang. Dengan itu secara tidak langsung Melayu menjadi macam Lembu tiada bimbingan.



  26. Salam JMD,

    Welcome back. Saya amat setuju bahawa idea PM orang bukan Melayu memang idea agak tak masuk akal kerana keadaan di Malaysia amat berbeza dengan Amerika. Namun, saudara-saudari sekalian janganlah marah sangat dengan Ong Tee Keat dan MCA kerana dia orang cuba menjalankan tangungjawabnya. Apa guna MCA dalam BN kalau bukan untuk menperjuangkan kepentingan kaum Cina? MCA mengalami kekalahan teruk di PRU12 yang lepas kerana selama ini mereka dilihat sebagai ‘Yes Man’ sahaja. Sandiwara MCA ini adalah perlu untuk mengembalikan sokongan kaum Cina kepada MCA yang juga akan membawa kebaikan kepada BN.

    Mengenai konsep Bangsa Malaysia, saya rasa sepatutnya kaum Melayu harus menolak sekolah vernakular sejak dari tahun 1957 dan proses asimilasi harus bermula dari tahun 1957. Sudah terlambat sekarang. Kalau masih bertekad untuk menjayakan konsep Bangsa Malaysia, hmmm…agak susah sebab agama-agama yang diamalkan oleh rakyat Malaysia menjadi penghalang utama. Susah…



  27. Salam JMD,

    Sorry about the posting riduculing your call for UMNO and BN to wise up as a ‘school child’s fantasy’. I think it is not appropriate, and I do apologise.

    But I have read 20 of your articles. Here are the snippets.

    The tag was UMNO and BN. 12 articles in English (60%) and 9 articles in B. Melayu (40%). Of these 20 articles, spread over the last 240+ days, a frequency of 1 article every 3 weeks with UMNO BN tag ,in 15 out of the 20 articles (75%) you have criticized UMNO. In the 5 arcticles which you did not criticize UMNO, in 2 out of 5, you had criticized the Chinese. In the remaining 3, in 1 you had criticized UMNO, in another you reproduced the economic stats from Melaka and yet in another you had set out your criteria for choosing the right UMNO leader.

    Of your criticism, the solution you saw fit was a partnership of Tengku Razeilgh and TDM. You first mentioned this on 15-Sep under the title – “The Real UMNO warlords.’

    I go back to my main point. On your first posting – the one man independent panel review, you had mentioned a whole host of problem. That was about 6 months ago. I can tell you our problems have doubled since the last 6 months.

    So I stand by my point. You have got me all riled up because of these problems with the Chinese, so whats the solution?

    If you feel TR is the solution, then your solution is not going to work. Its 2 months now, TR has only one nomination. One. Is the solution UMNO? 75% of the time you are in disagreement with UMNO. Obviously the UMNO in reality is different from the UMNO in mythology.

    It so easy to point out problems. I can do it. My infant son can do it.

    Here is my attempt to point out the problems. I just need 2 articles.


    Problem is not racial. Its economic. Racial problem has, will and forever shall be there in Malaysia. But if the economy is strong, then people don’t pay attention.

    JMD : What are you trying to say here? Did you even read all the articles and the comments? Did you not read ‘Umno Perlu Berwajah Baru’? Of course we know the problem is economic. Or specifically, Pak Lah’s inability to handle the Malaysian economy and its development program. From this outset, grievances surfaced.

    Like Tun Mahathir mentioned in his blog today, criticisms of BN (or rather Umno’s racist policy) was unheard of prior to the PRU12 (except for the highly racist Hindraf memorandum – whom I believe drawn first blood).

    But similar to the situation we had in 1969 and 1987, when the strongest party in the government was weakened through the lost of votes in general election or because of party infighting, the extremist force outside the government will show their hands and began to create racial tension in the hope of capturing the ‘Malay’ government.
    Mr Wenger Khairy, unfortunately you did not give out any solutions in both of the articles you written above. I congratulate you on the success to point out the problem in just 2 articles while I may have incessantly tried to point out my opinion in 32 articles. As you can see, I am not trying to compete with you on who has the best analysis.

    I have made my reviews on the current malaise of Umno since 2004 and I had meticulously pointed out the action plans needed to be done by the party as soon as possible.

    I implore you to read the rest of my articles as well. Possibly you may find what you need there. There is no need for you to feel animosity towards any of my writings as I believe we do share a common trait. A mutual dislike towards KJ. If my reading is wrong here, I do apologise.

    As for my opinion that TR is good for the party, I stand by my views as of that time. But since a week in politics is a lifetime while events and political affiliation can change in a split second, we may find the need to review our position from time to time.

    As for TR, he made a wrong choice of strategy to win the nominations. However, I do believe that TR is very apt in economics and could bring Malaysia to a better economic standing than Datuk Najib. This is my honest opinion anyway. Other people may disagree.

    Thank you for the comment and thank you for visiting this blog.


  28. Pingback: sabahdaily » Di sini bumi ku pijak, di sini langit ku junjung!

  29. Salaam JMD,

    GREAT that you wrote on this particular issue. I always wanted to touch on it.. “di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung”.. just don’t have enuff focus to sit still and write it down.

    You had done a beladi good job. Keep up the good work and congrats on your 100th article and the 222,222 km on the odometer.


    JMD : Thank you Tun Teja.


  30. Salam JMD

    Money it’s a crime
    Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie
    Money so they say
    Is the root of all evil today
    But if you ask for a rise it’s no surprise that they’re
    giving none away

    Roger Waters – 1973 /

    p/s – sori pasal komen tak original


  31. Sebenarnya golongan yg kena diskriminasi di Malaysia ini adalah Melayu.

    Jadi saya sakit hati bila ada pemimpin Melayu yg sgt2 ambil berat dgn masalah org Cina atau India.

    Macam kata tukang komen di atas, org Cina, walaupun bangang berbahasa melayu & Inggeris, dapat juga kerja di MNC. Walaupun tanpa ijazah atau pengalaman kerja, Cina2 ini diambil kerja walaupun tak layak.

    Budak2 Melayu, walaupun ada kelayakan dan pengalaman, hanya diberikan kerja lekeh saja. Sebab nak isi kuota.

    Ini kenyataan.

    Diskriminasi gaji juga wujud. Gaji mereka ada yg 2 kali ganda gaji kita walaupun jawatannya di bawah kita org Melayu ini.

    Ini melalui pengalaman saya.

    Dan sejak 10 tahun kebelakangan ini, mereka makin kurang ajar dgn iklan2 kerja mereka. “Mandarin speaking only” menjadi perkara wajib utk sesetengah kerja. Atau iklan mereka sengaja diletak dlm bahasa Cina.

    Inikah cara org2 Cina mengenang budi org2 Melayu yg memberikan mereka hak2 :-

    1) Kerakyatan
    2) Mengundi
    3) Berniaga
    4) Pendidikan sendiri
    5) Bahasa
    6) Ketenteraman mengamalkan budaya

    Jangan dijolok sarang tebuan. Padah akibatnya!


  32. One fine example of the argument demonstrating that the Malays can be the very cause for their own demise. Presumably ‘Wenger J Khairy’ is a malay judging by his subtle support towards Paklah and family. This breed of people would do anything to gain political power. They could not take a step back and listen for a second to valuate if a proposition would be beneficial to the larger community. No, they would rather throw in negative, not even constructive, premature remarks.

    I would like to add one more remark for our malaysian commentors.
    Cuba elakkan ye daripada menggunakan perkataan negro untuk melambangkan bangsa kulit hitam. Ini kerana perkataan ini dianggap negatif pada mereka dan dikaitkan dengan sejarah perhambaan. Di eropah dan di amerika, bangsa mereka dipanggil ‘blacks’ atau ‘bangsa berkulit hitam’, dan bukan ‘N’. Semoga satu hari jika para pembaca berkesempatan singgah ke benua lain, saudara-saudari akan ingat tentang nasihat saya untuk mengelak salah faham.

    Some of these basic interaction ethics between communities may be lacking in our school syllabus. A point to ponder for our educationists.


  33. Dulu, kerana semangat BN, UMNO terpaksa memberi laluan kepada MIC ataupun MCA meletakkan calun bukan Melayu di kawasan-kawasan yang kekadang majoritinya di dominasi oleh orang Melayu. Kerapkali UMNO bersunguh mempertahankan calun bukan Melayu di kawasan yang majoritinya pengundi Melayu.

    Sebagai contoh kawasan Sungai Siput di mana presiden MIC selama itu memenangi kerusi berkenaan atas belas ikhsan pengundi Melayu, Presiden MCA ketika ini juga menang kerana pengundi Melayu Ampamg Jaya. Orang Melayu sanggup bertelingkah sesama Melayu untuk memenangkan orang yang langsung tidak mengenang budi ini. Lihatlah apa yang mereka balas kepada kita setelah selama ini kita mempertahankan mereka? Ini baharu dua contoh sahaja. Anda lihatlah di sekeliling kita betapa ramainya lagi orang-orang yang langsung tidak mengenang budi ini.

    Sehubungan dengan itu ahli-ahli UMNO, selaras dengan keadaan semasa, diharap akan mempertahankan SEMUA kawasan yang didominasi oleh orang Melayu untuk menurunkan calon-calon Melayu daripada UMNO sahaja. Tiada kompromi lagi kini kerana orang Melayu telah kerapkali diperlekeh, walaupun mereka mengundi orang-orang yang lupa daratan ini.

    Masa untuk berkompromi telah TAMAT !!


  34. tak mau cakap pasal politik. bukan takut tapi tak tahu. cuma diva nak sedarkan perpecahan dalam malaysia bukan kerana bangsa melayu, china, atau india, tetapi kerana pemimpin politik. khususnya pemimpin yang cuba memenangi hati dan undi bangsanya. politik kotor pemimpin malaysia…..


  35. Saya rasa orang melayu cakap banyak pun tak guna..Kaum Cina ni selagi depa tak berkuasa ATAU Malaysia tak jadi macam Singapura depa takkan puas hati punya..cakap Malaysian Malaysia berdegang tapi suruh cakap bahasa malaysia banyak lak alasannya..

    Berdegang-degang puak cina ni cakap pasal PM BERBANGSA CINA. Tapi puak cina ni tak pulak mempertikaikan kenapa orang Melayu tak dapat nak jadi Ketua Menteri Penang walaupun satu ketika UMNO ada lebih banyak kerusi?…lepas tu macam mana kerajaan Penang meminggirkan Melayu dgn cara halus bina rumah mahal-mahal dll..ha bab ni tau depa kata ‘pasai cina majoliti maaa’…NAMPAK SANGAT PUAK NI HIPOKRIT

    Kaum Cina nak cakap meritokrasi….apa bagus/pandai sangat ke mereka ni?..terbaru exco perak berbangsa cina tak tau apa itu MIDA, dan si Ngeh (a’la Teresa di Perak) terkedu bila wartawan tanya soalan..apa bagus sangat ke macam tu?…itu belum lagi interview Loh Gwo Burne yg ada dalam You tube (cari sendiri kalau rajin)…aku rasa depa ni bukan buat kerja tapi asyik gila nak rampas kuasa kat Malaysia ni….di Loh ni mmg confirm tak buat kerja pasal aku dok dalam kawasan dia…


    JMD : Marah sungguh orang utara ni ye 🙂 Terima kasih kerana memberi komen. Maaf kerana telah membuat sedikit perubahan di dalam komen saudara.


  36. JMD,

    I have written on this (Bahasa Malaysia and Bangsa Malaysia) recently as well. The problem is that people are getting emotional at every turn and you often hear words like ‘ rakyat is matured’, “voters are matured’, ‘delegates are matured’ and in the General Elections’ Malaysians are matured’.

    These are often uttered by our leaders from all political parties and you know what, the rakyat believes them as everyone (BN, Opposition and analysts) are saying the same thing.

    The fact is Malaysians are generally emotional and when they become emotional, they can’t think rationally. This is certainly not an example of maturity. Their (all races) inferiority complex makes things worse and everyone wants to hide behind their won race and rights.

    Having different schools in the same compound met with outright rejection from extremist education groups and political parties, what more getting everyone to go the same same school.

    Like you mentioned apart from Bahasa Malaysia, Sekolah Kebangsaan can also be the ‘titikpertemuan’ for young Malaysian of all races.


    JMD : Thank you for the comment. Your point of views is always welcomed.


  37. Sori to say – bukan beri betis nak paha tapi kami mau semuanya, bila PM dari bukan Melayu baru kami puas hati. Lu tengok di USA, penduduk kulit hitam hanya 13% dari pengundi TAPI Obama boleh jadi Presiden ke44 USA… jadi ini tidak mustahil diMalaysia. Kami hanya perlu banyak Melayu saperti ANWAR & ZAID…kahkahkah

    Hanya Melayu yang boleh menjatuhkan Melayu……berbaiklah dengan jiran anda!


  38. Salam JMD

    Much have been said about the failure of Bahasa Malaysia as the uniting language of Malaysian….most blame the vernacular schools but i beg to differ…..i think the blame is on us who keeps on utilising the English Language as a medium of communication in all the major aspect of our daily lives..vernacular schools is an unfortunate social illness which have translated itself into the commercial strategies of bookstores in malaysia

    perhaps it is time for us to monitor this more accurately to see how big the “problem” is….


  39. walaopun ini isu sensitif, tapi mmg ni adelah 1 post yg bagus dan benar2 belaka…bagus2 xramai yang sanggup buat

    Obama Malaysia?Yelah tu…belum dapat power besar lagi dah perli2 hina2 Melayu, kalau dapat?


  40. JMD,

    Guess who’s back, back again, JMD’s back, tell your friends (sung to that Eminem tune).. haha.. great comeback article!

    Think we all know education is the route to unification and societal integration.

    Vernacular schools were most likely the results of one of the higher level political backwater deals amongst the different component parties to garner support for their particular parties, which of course is race based and therefore Chinese for MCA and Tamil for MIC. UMNO most likely agreed to it as part of the give and take as evidenced by the placated communities. I may be wrong, but that’s my take on it.

    Now, we see the effect of this, and even if 20 years ago, they had wanted to introduce serious third language options, be it Tamil, Arabic or Mandarin, the race based political parties would likely not allow that under the guise of protecting their community’s identity when in actual fact its more of protecting their own political survival, for what would MCA stand for if not for ‘community issues’ like vernacular schools.

    So we’ve all been had, really.

    The fact is lots of non-Malays from the 70s generation have studied in national type schools, where BM is the medium of instruction, and myself being one of them had no difficulty learning science and maths, or any subject for that matter, in BM, for at the end of the day it’s just the medium of instruction. Switching to English in uni for the courses were not as tough for me personally as a lot of the English words had been incorporated into BM by then. Sofistikated, telekomunikasi, bajet, ekonomi, sains, geografi, dilema, and the list goes on. And I too witnessed the kids from vernacular schools struggling in both English and BM courses, but still they stuck it through, their work ethics and probably forced rote learning that they picked up helped them. At least the national school kids were ok as the courses are usually a mix of BM and English. And then of course, there are those who are apt at languages, no matter what type of school they went to. There are lots of people like me, proficient only in BM and English and lousy at our third language. What do you make of us?

    Anyway, what I would like to bring to the table is ‘magnanimity’. For I think, the people in charge could have done so much better. You guys have led for 50 odd years, and are still in charge and most likely will be. Come on, you are the majority, 60% ? Going on seventy and possibly even more in years to come. What you wrote here, is right as it comes from your heart but please also do not forget the people of Borneo, who too have a culture of their own.

    Back to the subject, where I think you guys could have been magnanimous, some might call it populist but…, anyways, here’re my two sens.

    1. Offer third language options at national type schools – Jawi, Arab, Tamil, Chinese, according to local student demands. Offer, as in a proper subject, not the once every Saturday for two hours like they had when I was in SK. Please do it before someone else does. Beat them at their own game.

    2. Put Chinese, Tamil, Arabic road name signage in tourist spots. Some may call it playing to the gallery, but so what, remember, you are the majority, you’re in power, what have you got to lose. I know, it sounds cliched but it should have been done instead of letting the opposition guys do it. And this is not on every road, but just those that are befitting like if in some parts of Melaka, maybe in Portuguese, with some historical info. If its apt, in other parts Dutch? Chinese? Tamil? Arabic? If that’s what the people want, why not give it to them, you don’t have to make it big, a small font size will suffice. Just add to the BM one. There are already so many Kedai Kopi Huat Loong or something like that with the Chinese scripts displayed prominently at the front of their shop. It probably would have been too much pride to do it now that they have done it. But do keep in mind for it in the future when things have quietened down.

    3. You already have been magnanimous to grant citizenship, do a few more populist moves. Help poor non-bumi kids, give them scholarships, be it at SK, SM or even uni levels. By poor, I refer to the hardcore poor, not those middle income families, living in terraces with two cars parked outside and kids who go for tuition everyday after school. Publicize them or not, but they will certainly terhutang budi, and repay in every way possible when they grow up. Contributing back to society.

    You are the majority, do not be afraid of the minority, use them. Yeah, you heard me right, use them, at the end of the day, people just want a peaceful living. Give them a chance to do what they are good at but let them do it for the country. Not school them and then allow them to work for some foreign MNCs which just contributes to another’s intellectual property and coffers. Case in point- Nestle, IBM, Intel, Motorola… Forget about brain drain and the brain gain, why pay more, salvage these guys first.

    Sorry for the long comment, but just felt that, time again, you guys always go into the threatened, cobra-like mode, and be on the defensive saying you’re under attack and losing your rights or special positions. You OWN the country, you ARE running the country, so stop playing the victim and start acting like the boss.

    And stop all the infighting and get your house in order, but that’s another story! 😀

    JMD : Thank you for the comment! A breath of fresh air I might say. Msleepyhead, if only we could take this to Messrs Lim and Karpal too!

    Your second last para also touches on the crux of the matter. That is was imperative to have the 3 sensitive issues (race, religion, language) of a multiracial country be handled with extreme due care and like you said, magnanimity.

    Thank you.


  41. JMD,

    Kesalahan misti diletakkan kepada pemimpin melayu dlm kerajaan dan pembangkang juga orang orang melayu. Lihat sahaja temuduga di tv pemimpin pemimpin melayu tidak berapa fasih bertutur bahasa melayu mereka bertutur dlm bahasa pasar dan bahasa jalanan .
    Orang orang melayu pun sama bertutur dlm bahasa yg diselang selikan dgn bahasa Inggeris yg juga tidak betul yg banyak nya perkataan yg kedengaran . Dengar sahaja idola melayu artis artis ditemuduga ditv atau radio bahasa melayu mereka bertaburan dgn bahasa Inggeris yg lintang pukang.
    Kalau dari segi mutu kepimpinan pemimpin melayu kurang jati diri cepat mengalah dan apolegetik . Pemimpin melayu juga selalu menukar perinsip untuk menjadi popular terutama bila dibawah tekanan . Pemimpin melayu juga kurang bijak dlm artikulasi mereka , kurang berfikir dan tidak membuat analisa terperinci
    bagi setiap issue issue yg hendak diperbincangkan .
    Lihat kpd MCA the rightist chinese , DAP the leftist chine dan Gerakan the middle
    mana dia arah politik melayu . PAS lebih dari arab , Adil lebih kpd tamil dan UMNO apa dia??


  42. Mr. JMD, I really appreciated your articles, but Im 1/2 blind man., cannt finish reading anyway I quite understand your objective and I would like to make a comment about the situation as I was born 6 years before Merdeka.
    The reality of the past and present.
    The actual fact is that THE UMNO WERE NOT LOOKING AFTER THE MALAYS majority now. Well during colonial before Merdeka many malays were in Town n living better live, but now mostly in the kampong getting bad to worst. Thier Lands taken, Property sold . Adat istiadat fading away, where`s the inang, zapin, joget & so on – culture & tradition gone. The moral wow !!! with mat rampage, pusat seranti etc. I know we like to sit in the Kopi Kedai but not now. KK pun bungkus. What are they to be proud of their Leaders xpecially UMNO – not even one SCHOOL to educate the Malaysian people and not taking care of the Malays – no club, no persatuan, no assoctation – nothing. Eventhough Im a 1/2 malay I would like to see we live in prestige and intergrity. The British made the Malay Reservation well for the malays, Todi shop for the Indian, licence opium store for the Chinese, one english school for all races that includes me. The British take proper care of ROYAL families, sungguh baik dan ramai melayu kaya raya maruah pun tip top, not even hard labour I mean kuli . Sekarang kita lihat kebanyakan sudah jadi miskin sanggup buat apa saja nak hidup…,, kebanyakan Pemimpin2, Penguasa2, Broker2 yang boleh dijual beli…….Lebih lagi LKNP. The UMNO is very busy looking after the MCA, Gerakan, MIC, PPP who really take care of their communities well. After 35 yrs I came back to my hometown and found everything changes not for good sudah tukarmilik. Someone brave to make history and something must be done to stop these harass.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment.

    Umno does not protect the Malay’s dignity anymore


  43. Assalamualaikum Bro……..

    Obama’s victory has given some kind of stage-light episode in Malaysian politics…….is America the only country of reference? Don’t all this so called Leaders of present Malaysian politics dig what had the past leaders of all the races done so far to bring this country of what it is now. The slave emancipation or to be more precise the Blacks in America was legally been freed in 1863 from slavery when Abraham Lincoln the sixteenth President of the United States has taken such brawl steps in the effort of Uniting the country calling it the Americans.

    Now Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America. What a history since 1776 the day it declared its Independence that the blacks has given so much of their life too the establishment of the whites. Hundred of years had the black fought for their presence in the United States of America as part of the societies. Not to mention how they are been treated but they are been brought into the country not merely a slave but as slave to everything.

    By becoming the first black President of the United States of America in such an atrocious history of black mankind to reach upon is something very dearly paid for by their forefathers upon forefathers. And it takes many hundred years in getting that recognition.

    Has the initial generation comers of this BolehLand face such atrocious act in getting the kind of recognition from the Malays as what Obama’s forefathers upon forefathers has to swallow? Do we see any Ghee Hin and Hai San sort of cabal of Obama’s forefathers of forefathers in trying to place themselves or status in controlling especially the country economy?

    It is so much of simplicity looking at the end result of somebody else victory especially the victory of the non-class-type of majority peoples. However are we suppose to blind ourselves that the moments this black took office he has to rely on the Caucasian in setting up his team of administration.

    We in Malaya than Malaysia had done that since the day we Celebrate Independence. We had done the sharing of powers since the very beginning of this country knew what democracy is. Yet USA need one long history to recognised it but many now educated malaysian still couldn’t read its own history but very good with others history!!!

    Do the Malay’s need many-many hundred years to recognize others existence with all the atrocities such as a nation that everybody is proud and like to refers too?

    Histories never lie but people in the making of history always lie.

    Yeap! Bumi tidak sahaja ku injak dan junjung, akan ku tentas jika bumi ni dicalar hanya kerana nafsu mereka menggila.

    Wassalam Bro…


  44. Salam JMD,

    Hope you have not taken offense. My style is very much like that of Tim Russert in Meet The Press. There is no animosity, just the ‘grandstanding’ we bloggers sometimes engage in.

    Now as to TR being an ideal candidate , you are not alone. Many people feel that he has the ‘pedigree’ to restore dignity to the office of Prime Minister.

    But alas he did not.

    You are spot on , I have yet to offer a solution. Yet – actually I do have one which is a “Work-In-Progress” project called KJ version 2.0. In it, I outline the answers a politician should give on several very hot issues in order of their importance, whether short term, medium term.

    The issues are
    1. Ahmad Ismail – Saint or Sinner?
    2. NEP – full steam ahead or pull the handbrake?
    3. Its the economy,…….
    4. Crime – when is it safe to leave your house.

    Well, I can’t really reveal my answers, because I challenged the YB from Rembau to organise a discussion with Tun Dr. Mahatir, but I have yet to see any movement on that front.

    So until that happens, I am keeping mum.

    Wenger J Khairy

    JMD : No worries mate. No hard feelings too. Can’t wait to hear from you regarding the issues you listed above. Shall wait patiently for it. Thank you for commenting.


  45. Assalammualaikum Semua,

    Saya berpendapat komen yg tersiar disini rata-rata terdiri dari golongan terpelajar.Pemikiran yg bernas drp perut yang kenyang.Maksud saya mereka yg mempunyai pendapatan bulanan yg memuaskan.Saya hanyalah seorang melayu yg masih menonggang sebuah motor lama , kais bulan makan bulan.tak pandai mencari pendapatan kedua utk keperluan hidup.Tapi memang peka terhadap kerakusan bangsa cina.

    Apa lagi yg dia orang nak, saya tak nampak 30% penguasaan ekonomi orang melayu, hampir kesemua kedai di bandar ,cina miliki , dari zaman sekolah sehingga lah umur hampir sebaruh abad ini, ramai pelajar melayu dah jadi doktor, jurutera dsbgnya tapi bandar, taman perumahan baru, semua rumah kedai di monopoli oleh bangsa cina.

    Terus terang saya katakan, saya tidak gah dgn pembangunan di Putrajaya, KLCC, seumpamanya, kerana apa nak dimegahkan kalau perniagaan tsb yg hampir kesemuanya dikendalikan olen kaum cina.di taman perumahan baru pun susah nak cari peniaga melayu melainkan gerai makan.

    Kaum cina ini memang menyedari tapi masih mendesak kerana pemimpin melayu cerdik pandai ini banyak sangat “berlapik” bila bercakap.

    Kini isu Ladang ternakan babi pula timbul.kenapa nak buat di tempat yg majoritinya orang melayu, dah hampir 50 tahun merdeka tapi masih buta perut dgn adab budaya melayu.kita tak perlu selindung lagi semata mata nak jaga hati atau kepentingan kaum lain.cukup lah.Pemimipin masyarakat melayu di melaka terlalu berhati hati bila bercakap tentang menjaga perpaduan bila isu babi ini dibangkitkan.

    Kita guna perkataan “kinzir” kerana nak jaga hati kaum cina, kita tukar istilah pendatang haram ke pendatang tanpa izin , pemimpin melayu pula berkias dan berlapik bila bertutur.Saya dapati kaum cina tak peduli itu semua.mengapa orang melayu saja yg sibuk nak jaga perpaduan; kita yg sangat bimbang takut-takut berlakunya pergaduhan.Apa kah kita yg benar benar rugi bila ini terjadi ?

    Kenapa tiada pemimpin melayu yg lepas cakap supaya kaum cina pula rasa bimbang akan wujudnya pergaduhan; pergaduhan yg boleh menggugat perniagaan mereka yg rata-ratanya pelanggannya terdiri dari orang Melayu ?

    kaum cina tahu perkara ini tidak akan berlaku kerana orang melayu adalah orang islam .orang islam akan tetap berlembut selagi tiada kekerasan ke atas mereka.

    Tulisan keintelektuan bukan pendorong amuknya Jebat atau bangkitnya Mat Kilau, tapi perasan benci yg meluap-luap ..


  46. Hm, kalau nak cakap pasal bahasa melayu.. masalahnye sekarang ni bahasa melayu sendiri dah di cemar dengan perkataan inggeris yang di melayu kan.

    Kenapa nak guna perkataan “rasis”, sedangkan bole je guna perkataan “perkauman.

    Atau “fi” utk “bayaran”?
    Atau “Bajet” utk “belanjawan”?

    Cogankata RTM (badan penyiaran kerajaan sendiri) “saluran infotainment anda”: memalukan!!! Perkataan Infotainment itu, tidak wujud dalam bahasa inggeris.

    Menginggeriskan bahasa melayu bukan melambangkan permodenan sesuatu kaum.

    Macammana nak mengharapkan kaum lain mengguna kan bahasa melayu dengan betul, sedangkan bahasa melayu sekarang di perkotak katikkan dengan bahasa inggeris? Oleh orang melayu sendiri?

    Saya sendiri tertanya2, adakah Dewan Bahasa Pustaka tiada fungsi sekarang?

    Adala lebih patut, sebelum kita menunding jari dan menyalahkan kaum lain dengan penyalah gunaan bahasa, kite kena tengok diri sendiri dahulu.

    Bahasa menunjukkan bangsa.



  47. Dear JMD,

    Banyak blog saya baca berkenaan isu sekolah ni, boleh buat kesimpulan bahawa ramai blogger menyalahkan bangsa cina dan india yg tegas mempertahankan bahasa dan budaya mereka walaupun mereka dah lama jadi warganegara Malaysia. Ada juga yg menyalahkan TDM (pada eranya) yg tidak tegas untuk menghapuskan sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan menyerapkan murid cina dan india ke sekolah kebangsaan.

    Pada pendapat saya kita boleh menyalahkan sesiapa sahaja, tapi apakah cadangan @ idea kita untuk mengatasi masalah ini? Apakah daya dan usaha kita untuk mengatasi masalah ini? Ya betul ia terletak pada pemimpin, tapi sedikit sebanyak, peranan rakyat juga penting.

    Saya agak bersetuju dengan mysleepyhead berkenaan cadangan no 1, malah sebelum dia lagi saya sudah utarakan cadangan ini di blog Rocky dan DS Khir Toyo. Penting untuk kita menaiktaraf standard sekolah kebangsaan dan salah satu idea bernas ialah sekolah kebangsaan harus mewajibkan pelajar mengambil bahasa tambahan ketiga (Mandarin, Arab atau Tamil).

    Habis tamat zaman sekolah dan universiti baru saya nampak kesan dan akibat dari pengasingan sekolah ini. Melayu generasi saya jelas ketinggalan dari segi kemahiran bahasa tambahan. Di kala bangsa cina dan india boleh bertutur 3-4 bahasa, majoriti bangsa melayu hanya dapat bertutur 2 bahasa sahaja. Itupun, bahasa inggeris tidaklah semantap mana. Jadi bagaimanakah kami orang melayu hendak bersaing dan maju di alam pekerjaan dan perniagaan? Saya sungguh kesal dan kecewa, tapi apakan daya. Kini saya mencuba mengambil kelas mempelajari bahasa ketiga (itupun bergantung pada keadaan kewangan dan masa), tapi pandangan saya, ia sudah terlewat. Kadang-kadang saya terfikir adakah ini sabotaj pemimpin kita?

    Kini saya tidak mahu anak saya mengalami nasib yg sama, tapi saya tidak mahu hantar anak saya ke sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina @ india kerana sekolah jenis kebangsaan ada juga kelemahannya (yg saya tidak mahu nyatakan disini). Jadi terpaksalah saya hantar dia ke kelas tambahan bahasa. Tapi jelasnya usaha ini memerlukan duit dan jesteru menimbulkan dilemma. Di zaman ekonomi tak menentu kini, setiap sen adalah berharga.

    Tidak perlu untuk hapuskan sekolah jenis kebangsaan lagi, ia pasti memakan masa. Ia juga pasti menimbulkan isu dan tentangan dari pertubuhan cina dan india. Tapi seharusnya dari sekarang amat penting sekolah kebangsaan mempunyai wawasan untuk jadi lebih kompetitif. Kompetitif maksud saya adalah dari segi silibus pelajaran dan kewajipan mahir bahasa ketiga.



  48. Salam JMD,

    been away for the past few days, sure missed lots of action going on here !

    100% Melayu akan berjuang mempertahankan bangsa, mungkin ada minoriti yang punya cara yang agak berbeza tapi niat mereka tetap sama. Dan ramai juga bertindak atas kepentingan sendiri tapi mereka sama sekali tidak berniat menjatuhkan bangsa sendiri, walaupun kesan tindakan itu ternyata memberi impak negatif kepada bangsa Melayu. Tidak ada orang Melayu yang terang2 mengaku ‘aku akan menjahanamkan bangsa aku sendiri’.

    Semua luahan dan semangat yang dilaungkan di atas saya percaya ada pada setiap orang Melayu. Mungkin lebih pada ahli2 UMNO kerana ramai dari mereka percaya hanya ahli2 UMNO saja yang memperjuangkan Melayu. Dan kerana mereka lebih pandai bercakap tentang hal2 perjuangan Melayu, mereka merasakan mereka lebih punya hak menjadi pahlawan mempertahankan bangsa Melayu.

    Fine ! saya boleh terima dan saya akan menyanjungi tuan2 ahli UMNO sekiranya benar bagai dikata. Tapi dimanakah Melayu sekarang ?? Sekiranya ahli2 UMNO yang mengaku sebagai pejuang bangsa tulen masih ingin mendabik dada, dengarkan ini – ANDALAH SEBENARNYA PENGKHIANAT BANGSA MASA MODEN !

    Dengan segala macam pengkhianatan bangsa yang telah dilakukan , (walaupun tanpa niat sebegitu, tapi itulah yang telah terjadi) selama 5 tahun pemerintahan paklah, anda ahli2 UMNO semua diam, merelakan semuanya. Padahal anda punya kuasa untuk mengubahnya. Semasa kempen pencalonan yang baru berakhir yang telah di cop sebagai paling dicemari politik wang, mereka yang menerima sogokan itu adalah PENGKHIANAT BANGSA, walaupun mereka tidak punya niat begitu. Pada PAU nanti, ramailah perwakilan dan calon akan mengulangi perbuatan khianat yang sama. Tapi masing2 masih percaya merekalah pejuang bangsa Melayu, berucap berapi2 hal perjuangan bangsa tapi tidak sedar merekalah pengkhianat yang bertopengkan pejuang !

    Apapun, tidak ada ‘sudah terlambat’. Anda (ahli UMNO) masih mampu melakukan perubahan positif kearah keutuhan bangsa. Saya akan mula respek UMNO semula sekiranya dapat melakukan perkara pertama ini dulu – memaksa paklah melepaskan semua jawatan semasa PAU disember ini, bukannya setelah (seperti kata TDM) penangguhan yang tidak berasas.

    janganlah menjadi pengkhianat (secara tidak sedar) kepada bangsa sendiri yang kononnya anda perjuangkan.


  49. A friend of mine went to Sg Wang the other day and went into this store that was selling women clothing. She picked up several items and went to the counter. She asked if there were any discounts for her, which is typical Malaysian. The girl at the counter then asked a lady whom my friend assumed and later found out was the owner of the shop. They conversed in their own language. They never thought my friend would understand what they were talking. Thing is, my friend understood every word.

    Well, to cut a long story short, the owner told the counter girl not to give any discounts because my friend does not belong to their race. My friend exploded and spoke to them in their own language. The two of them and several people in the shop who was from the same race as the shop owner had a shock of their life. The shop owner was begging her for forgiveness and my friend went on and on in their language what she thought of them, essentially telling her to go to hell etc…Everyone was shocked because she didn’t look like them at all and yet she spoke their language perfectly. The shop owner was on the verge of crying and obviously shaken. After several more tongue lashings, my friend went off leaving a number of people shocked 🙂

    After what she told me, I am taking up Mandarin 🙂


  50. Dear JMD

    the chinese, selalu cakap derang penyumbang cukai utama, tapi derang lupa petronas penyumbang sebanyak 40% for dana negara, anyway kalao chinese migrate anywhere pon, derang kena jugakla bayar cukai mana boley nak duduk free jerla… kalau boley duduk free kat australia ke, amerika ke, kanada ke.. insya-Allah.. mari kita migrate ramai2.. haha..

    isu melayu pendatang dari indonesia, nak tergelak saya dengar, indonesia & malaysia adalah daripada kepulauan melayu yang same cuma terbahagi kepada 2 buah negara jer, sooo automate… argument tak valid!!!

    sebenarnya, ape yang merisaukan bagi orang melayu bukannya sangat hak2 keistimewaan kita, tapi sebab hak keistimewaan nie dapat menjamin Agama islam kita terbela, adalah wajib bagi setiap ummat islam untuk membela agama-Nya walau dengan darah sekalipon… (im peminat zulkiflee nordin!!)

    on PKR, even im not pkr fan , tapi jangan lupa sebab ada yang berani berubahlah kerajaan badawi hampir tumbang dan hasilnya satu malaysia nikmatie, so dalam benci ada sayang juga…..

    on mukriz, his speech macam “cut & paste” speech jer, no originality, && tak minatla with this excuse ” my father forbid me to get involve in politic while he is still in the gov” .. well, a true leader will never allow his dad to tell what he should or shouldn`t do… && he should build his own credibility without being to dependent on his family background… itulah namanya tanggungjawab kepada rakyat!!!


    JMD : Thank you for the comment. I am not sure what was the reason you could deduce that his speech was lioke a ‘cut and paste’ speech. However, I would give you the benefit of the doubt and will take it as it is. For I for one, would like to believe that you were sincere in your assessment towards him (perhaps you had noticed that his speech are plagiarised from someone else’s speech. Wallahu’alam).

    However, I would like to highlight the benefits of not involved in politics while his father was the Prime Minister. Much benefits can be derived from it. And many disadvantages could arise from the involvement of an immediate family member of a Prime Minister in politics.

    I could have not said it more appropriately in my writings more than 4.5 years ago :-

    “Truthfully, given 5 more years, he can be truly an experienced and pragmatic leader of the youth but not now. Not when he is only 28 and just the private secretary of his father-in-law or some sort. Not when his father-in-law is still the PM! What if he eventually be voted as the deputy leader of UMNO Youth? Any mistakes that he made will have an impact to the PM. Whether he likes it or not. Any stupid remarks or less than smart comments or actions will be deemed as getting the nod from the PM. I don’t know what are the political ploys of the UMNO members but by following the herd in nominating Khairy is not a very good decision. My advice to Khairy is to stay away from the political limelight for the moment in order not to bring further problems in the future or else the opposition and the doomsayers will have a field day.”

    And I was correct. Whatever KJ did, Pak Lah got the blame. When the son in law practices corruption, the father in law got the blame. Thus, BN lost so many seats in the last general election.

    TDM had given a good advice to his children which eventually will spare them the harrowing criticism that KJ had received (and rightly so too) now.

    If KJ had listened to the voice of reason 4.5 years ago, he will surely get the nominations easily and possibly win the post uncontested. But alas, people remember the damage he and his family members had done to the country.

    Please do not forget what all of us had said since 2005 about Pak Lah’s administration back then.

    Thank you.


  51. kalau menurut dalam rencana saudara, ahli-ahli politik berketurunan cina bukannya mahu akan satu bangsa malaysia, yang berbicara satu bahasa, memperjuangkan satu negara.

    definisi bangsa malaysia, di mata mereka ini adalah apabila semua bertutur dan berperlakuan sebagai bangsa cina. mungkin dengan itu baru mereka akan berpuas hati dan menganggap keadilan sudah dicapai.


  52. power dek… ramai yang komen blog u. tahniah

    tersukan tegakkan apa yang kita percaya. fikir dengan otak kita. jangan biar lee kuan yew atau anuar ibrahim yang fikir kat kita… kita ikut buta tuli… tak mau


  53. JMD,
    Below is a posting from Malaysia-today, and I decided to post on your blog to see what type of feed back it generates:-

    Dear Tun Mahathir,

    I think you under-estimate the will of the Rakyat to dismantle racialism. In this era of global competition and high technology – for how long can UMNO shield the Malays from the reality of a free market?

    You cannot hide the shortcomings of the Malays. No one stops the Malays from acquiring technology. You yourself sent thousands of Malays to study overseas. Yet where are the returns on your investment in them?

    Think of Proton – shouldn’t your Malay engineers work double hard to improve their products like the Japanese? Malaysia has lots of flora and fauna. Shouldn’t the Malays dive into Biotechnology on account of Malaysia’s flora and fauna? Yet where are the Malay scientists etc? For how long can you evade the shortcomings of the Malays?

    You see – Malaysia is not unique in this matter. The whole Muslim world faces the same problem. Muslims simply do NOT do enough to chase after and acquire technology! Indeed – there are no industrialized Muslim countries except possibly – Malaysia!!

    The NEP and Ketuanan Melayu has been around a long time. The Malays should have used the opportunity they had wisely. Sadly – your own UMNO abused it! Now the Rakyat wants an end to racialism.

    So yes – you are right. The Malaysian Malay is going to suffer because they no longer have the crutch. But that’s Malaysia’s problem.

    What I hope is that you and other Malaysian politicians had better not demonise Singapore in the process. You and others better not look down on Singapore Malays.

    We Singapore Malays can hold our head high and proudly so. Because we achieve on merit and not quota. It’s a real achievement.

    Well – it’s your country and not mine. I think that you first have to deal with the reality of Pakatan Rakyat…..

    Best Regards
    Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad

    Syed Alwi bin Ahmad

    Dr. Syed Alwi Ahmad teaches Applied Physics and Applied Physics Lab. at the Centre for American Education in Singapore. His focus is on Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity. His thesis on black-holes and quantum fields has been published in various conference proceedings. Dr. Syed holds a Ph.D Physics from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. He obtained his B.Sc from the National University of Singapore.

    JMD : Thank you for this copy pasted article from Malaysiakini. The opposition parties love this kind of article that is purportedly criticising a great Malay leader. That is why it received so much prominence within the blogosphere and was copy pasted in several other blogs which are anti Umno.

    I like to read Dr Syed Alwi’s writings. I think his mind is quite profound. And I do agree with most of his opinions. Below are a couple of articles I read a few years ago which I had agree upon.

    The article above which Dr Alwi had written was based on the assumption that Pakatan Rakyat advocates liberalisation of communal politics prior to the general election in March 2008. This is not true at all.

    As I rememebred correctly, the calls of racism was unheard of prior to the run up of PRU12. What was more prominent was the anguish we Malaysians felt for Pak Lah, his family members, the half past six cabinet members which do not know how to handle the economy and the blatant wastage and corruption within the government. Can we agree on this? Thank you.

    The Dr is very correct when he said that ‘You cannot hide the shortcomings of the Malays’. This is very true. Not only TDM did not hide the shortcomings of the Malays, he in fact had pushed them to shed the crippling mentality Malays in general has and should acquire knowledge in order to better themselves in all areas. Can we agree on this too?

    The engineers in Proton do have to work doubly hard in order for Proton as a whole to be at par with other good car producing companies. TDM is not evading the shortcomings of the Malays. When did he ever suppress them? In fact, I reckon if he could, he would go and meet each potential Malays and plead to them to be the best in everything that they do.

    As for his notion on the NEP, I couldn’t agree more. All the abuses Umno in recent years had done really one of the cause for the lost in the last general election. Many were sick in the stomach seeing only close family members of the PM became rich overnight.

    Sad to say, Dr Alwi got it wrong on racialism. The rakyat did not want an end of racialism. Yes, we abhor racists and bigots. We have them in both end of the political spectrum. What the rakyat wanted is to see the end of a highly inefficient, deeply ineffective, corrupt and extremely stupid government.

    And like what the dr said, the Malaysian Malays will suffer once the crutch is removed, and he aptly said that it is Malaysia’s problem, not his. So let us solve it without his help.

    Dr Syed Alwi might not have a doctorate in history. Because if he would look back, he could see that less than 200 years ago, Singapore belonged to Johor.

    And I do not think anyone is demonising the Singaporean Malays or even look down on them. But we need to realise what the Malays had lost – a land as big as Melaka and strategically positioned in SEA.

    It is his right to say that Malays in Malaysia should not demonise the Malays in Singapore. I honestly feel that we do not. What I think the Malay leaders are propagating is, if the Malays in Malaysia is not careful then what the Singaporean Malays had in the past, which they will not have again in a very, very long time might befallen to us here too.

    Some may not realise this but Singapore was lost due to bribery. Stamford Raffles bribed the Johor Sultan (Raja Hussein) and gave him $500 a month in exchange to the control of the island. Just like what the late Tun Razak had said, “Melayu ni kalau terlibat rasuah, bukan sahaja tanah, bahkan bangsa sendiri pun dia jual”.

    And we see this bit by bit since 2004. Except that in place of Sir Stamford Raffles, we have the Singapore government, having the opportunity to gain parts of Johor through Iskandar Malaysia.

    So you see, the people in Malaysia should learn something from this. Because, once you lost something valuable, it is near impossible to get it back.

    This is true since when even Dr Alwi’s own PM, Hsien Loong said that Singapore is not ready to have a non Chinese PM in a long, long time.

    Yes, the Singaporean Malays can hold their head up high, but obviously not that high in politics. Any Malays hold important ministry portfolios in the Singaporean government? Even with having PHDs and double degrees did not help the Malays there to be ministers, even if they were to base it on merit.

    And that is the reality of the situation there.

    What TDM had said is very true on the situation of the Malays here – stop the crutch mentality and work hard to better themselves. And Dr Alwi was also criticising Umno in the very same way TDM was criticising it – stop all the abuse of power and corruption. But why did all the pro Pakatan Rakyat highlighting this article as if TDM was being racist?

    Well the answer is, only those who are racist kept sensationalising racism issues even when the original issues were about different thing altogether. And as well all know, the modus operandi of DAP and PKR is to criticise everything a Malay leader would say or do and twist them with some racial undertone.

    Thank you.


  54. Interesting read and i think it takes a lot of guts to write it as it is. I wanted to write a note in my facebook about this but never had the guts to do it, for I am worried that it would hurt the feelings of my non-Malay friends, may be I am too soft. I wish they would have stopped after the Royal Council issued the statement that everybody should stop questioning the Malay rights, guess I am wrong..

    Where did it all go wrong? Let me rephrase that, when did it all start to go wrong? There is only one answer for that.. Pak Lah’s lackadaisical attitude and his hallucinated administration style. I would call it management by magic, do nothing, hoping that problem will solve by itself. Let everybody run rampant in the name of liberalisation, freedom of speech.. pretty lame excuse for being lazy. He is a disgrace to the Malay community. And I don’t think he realise the magnitude of the damage he has caused as he counts the day of the hand-over. If not he would not have left the country for a few days with the wife for a visit to Tashkent, I mean no disrespect to the country, but I am pretty sure there are more urgent matters that need to be attended to in our beloved country during the precious time that he requested for the power transition delay.

    Huge huge responsibility being the head of the country, and he, of all the people with all the knowledge and Islamic fundamental upbringing should have known. I am really dissappointed to say the least, he failed miserably. For the weak leader has caused an uproar of discontent, and more importantly split amongst the Malays. I have no idea that a ‘no contest’ is an upmost paramout for unity, an idea rigidly uphold no matter what, for what? no other than self interest! We need a healthy contest, a respected leader who can change and pave the way for better Malays, Non-Malays and Malaysia.

    We define Malays in our Constitution, distinguish non-Malays, respect the rights of all citizens to live in the country, the right to practice relegions we believe, the right to preserve our own differing culture, and when the Non-Malays starts to question the Malay rights, raising the issue of fair and equitable, can we just keep quite. You would expect some backlash for sure, and we are branded, stereotype and called a lot of names, racists.

    Sedarlah orang-orang Melayu, sedarlah dari diulik mimpi-mimpi, duit mainan dunia, sogokan yang tak seberapa, duit yang haram yang hanya last for few days, diperkudakan, diperhambakan di bumi sendiri. Tidak ada orang yang boleh mengubah nasib orang Melayu selain dari orang Melayu sendiri. Jika Presiden MCA nak memperjuangkan nasib bangsa mereka di bumi Malaysia, kenapa tidak kita membuka mata dan perjuangkan nasib bangsa kita!!

    Budaya orang Melayu penuh sopan santun lembut, lenggok budi bahasa, cakap beralas, tapi kita bukan mudah lupa!! we are not soft (like Pak Lah)!! I cannot understand why we would want to mention and stereotype ‘Melayu Mudah Lupa’.. bermain dibibir even pemimpin UMNO sendiri.

    The questioning of Malay rights would not just go away, yes, do not deny it, you non-Malays are questioning it, by whatever disguise, and we only have one answer for that!! as stated in this JMD article. Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia!!


  55. Salam JMD,

    I hear you talking about Singapore. The real thing that our children dont read in History. Let me make it short. Penang too was from the Sultan of Kedah and this happened during the father of Tunku Abdol Rahman ( at that time Sultan Of Kedah) who sold it to Sir Francis Light. Like father like son. This is the only time where you can return Penang back the ruled of the Sultan Of Kedah. It s possible. Do something man before it is too late………….
    Best Regards


  56. Askm JMD,

    It has been accepted by now that the Malay race is very sick. You, A Kadir Jasin and Chedet, amongst others, have successfully diagnosed the disease.The symptoms have been clearly identified.

    Just like treating a patient, we then must prescribe the medication to cure the disease. The disease afflicting the Malays NOW is caused by a special strain of bacteria or virus, metaphorically speaking.

    So,we need to prescribe a new regime of medication. The old prescription is no longer working.

    To the other races, if the Malays are sick and not cured, they will also be affected and cannot live in peace, even though they are economically strong.
    As it is , the Malays are already associated with many social problems . e.g. drug abuse, mat rempit.

    The basic medication is THE SOCIAL CONTRACT. So the Malay leaders must NOW revise the Social Contract instead of defending the old one, written in 1957 in the form of the Federal Constitution together with conventions attaching to its implementation. Innovate a new one with amendments, giving it a new life to suit the current situation.

    To the other races, please be realistic about life. Under the old Social Contract, are they not getting better all this time, from 1957 till to date ?
    If there are social unrests, breach of public order, rise in crimes, can we all live in peace ? Instead of attacking, help the Malay leaders to revise the Social Conract so that the Malays can be cured and the country can continue to prosper.

    Hang Kasturi


  57. Askm JMD,
    I would like to respond to Kijangemas article entitled “Racial Polarisation and the Forging of Bangsa Malaysia ” vide your blog. I agree with Lekiu that it is a brilliant article. Can Kijang emas book it ?

    My first reaction after reading this artice : we must put the blame squarely on the shoulders of our founding fathers of Malaya and then Malaysia for the sorry state of affairs we are in now!! We cannot praise them if we agree with the opinions of Kijangemas.

    There is the Social Contract cast in the form of Federal Constitution and the laws, policies, conventions attaching to it when we gain our Independence in Aug 57. Remember the underlying spirit in our Federal Constitution : Unity in Diversity when it was drwan up in 1957 ?

    So why blame the subsequent generations after Dato ‘ Onn, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Tan Cheng Lock ,etc. We are just following ‘ORDERS ‘ . Things worked very well up to a certain time table because the various races had strong leaders who kept their rakyats obedient to these “ORDERS” as contained in the Federal Constitution. There was in the main racial harmony, except blemished by 13th May 69 Racial Riots, economic prosperity, political stability , etc.

    But all this changed after the GE 12 :08-03-2008. The weak leadership within BN, especially UMNO, caused the disintegration of the social fibres that have been keeping the various races “UNITED” due to the adherence of the spirit as contained in the Federal Constitution. The Unity vaporised due to the onslaught by the demands of the various races for their own interests in violation of this constitutional spirit.

    I propose that the Malay leaders must now sit down with the other leaders of the other races and revise the Social Contract. There is no point defending it now. Revisit the sentiments when the founding fathers crafted the Federal Constitution guided by the British.They may not be relevant any longer. Different factors will have to be taken into consideration now. Draw up a new Social Contract to suit the present political reality.

    Remember the very important role the Malay leaders played when the Federal Constitution was drawn up ? They are the main protaganists and beneficiaries even for the current time .

    What is the main vehicle for the Malays ? Of course UMNO .

    My thoughts about UMNO before this comment are relevant.

    Hang Kasturi


  58. Salam…..
    A very simple formula i assumed about race.
    To be a Raayat Malaysia, we have to be a malay . not a chinese , not an Indian , not a matsaleh ,
    So jadi la melayu and follow the malays custom and tradition and thats the real Bangsa Malaysia. e.g. Kalantan. Trenganu, Kedah…
    For the Malays take care of your pristige and dignity not critising them.
    Look after your people, take care of them sincerely, do business with them trust them, yang kaya tolong yang miskin dlm perniagaan, … if you dont help them who s going to help you….


  59. It’s disheartening to read some of the comments here that hint at aggression against the non-Malays. Comments like …

    “Api di hati orang Melayu hanya boleh dipadamkan dengan darah!”

    “Aku rasa org macam ni, hujung keris sahaja, selesainya.”

    … and other veiled threats of physical harm. Come on. Is that the only solution that you can think of? To inflict injury and violence against people who have so far done nothing of that sort to you (despite all the ‘questioning of rights’ and ‘ungratefulness’ that is mostly thrown around the pro-Malay blogosphere and right-wing media which is only vocal in nature and never physical)? Are you going to justify it by saying that you have tolerated the non-Malays for far too long and now the only way to set things straight is to use cause bloodshed? Seriously? In the 21st century? How will that reflect on the Malays? Your religion? The use of violence against non-violence? One can only hope that the above statements represent only a select enclave in the Malay community.

    As msleepyhead pointed out, the Malays still represent the majority of the racial composition of the country as well as the race with the most political clout. There is no reason for the Malays to feel victimised and intimidated by all these perceived threats from the non-Malays. I am sure if all of us tone our racial posturing down and sit down to discuss this without any hidden agendas, we’ll find a way out.

    But that won’t happen if people continue talking about extinguishing fire with blood.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. Remeber, moderation is the key guys…


  60. orang melayu memang telah banyak bertolak ansur dalam semua perkara.mereka sabar bagi peluang pada pendatang china dan india untuk hidup bebas merompak harta tanah melayu menipu,merasuah macam-macam lagi. mereka membolot semua hak dan kepunyaan melayu hinggakan masjid pun mereka nak rampas.seperti d pulau pinang dan bekas masjid lama sebelah velodrom cheras sudah di rompak dan di jadikan bangunan.tan sri elias omar telah bekukan projek di atas tapak masjid itu tetapi selepas beliau bersara projek itu di luluskan.bukti dan dokumen tentang masjid itu telah di serahkan pada jakim sehingga sekarang tak dengar berita.sekarang mereka nak rampas negara kita pula.mungkin bagi kita perkara itu
    susah tetapi tak mustahil.kalau boleh mereka mahu segala-galanya dan orang melayu jadi kuli mereka seumur hidup dan menghuni rumah setinggan selamanya.

    sifat perkauman cina ini sangat tebal dan jahat,mereka hanya berlainan parti politik tetapi dasarnya mereka bersatu.dalam satu mesyuarat koporat cina di pulau pinang,salah satu agenda beli semua tanah orang melayu walau pun mahal dan halau mereka dari pulau ini.mereka tak sedar yang pengawal keselamatan dalam bilik itu ada seorang melayu yg berkulit hitam,pada sangkaan mereka ia orang hindu.akhir-akhir ini mereka terlalu melampau dalam menghina orang melayu dan agama islam.macamana nak ajar mereka kita kena buat seperti thailand/indonesia.boikot semua kedai mereka kecuali yang terpaksa atau perlu sahaja.tangkap semua PATI dan banyak lagi cara boleh buat.

    lagi satu india/hindraf itu pun perkauman menjaja di seluruh dunia yang kita bunuh mereka setiap hari.robohkan kuil mereka yg macam cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan setiap minggu.mereka hindraf patut di dakwa atas dasar pengkhianat harus di penjara seumur hidup ini termasuk namewee yang biadap.

    satu lagi golongan mamak,mereka juga mengamalkan dasar perkauman.mamak yg perkauman terdiri dari mereka yg 100% india.cakap tamil di rumah dan dalam mesyuarat umno.yg ada darah melayu telah mengamalkan cara hidup melayu ,mereka ini lain dari mamak purist.mungkin ramai tidak percaya tapi tanyalah pada orang pulau pinang mereka lebih tahu.mereka pandang hina pada orang melayu mereka mencerca orang melayu dalam bahasa tamil.pernah nampakah mamak masuk membeli di kedai melayu?mereka berbaik dgn orang melayu apabila ada pergaduhan orang hindu dan mamak.masa itu baru nampak mereka pakai kopiah/baju melayu.

    orang-orang cina,india,mamak yang bersifat perkauman,tak tahu berbahasa melayu,benci pada orang melayu tak harus tinggal di malaysia.PULANGLAH KE TANAH AIR KAMU YG TERCINTA KAMI TAK MAHU KAMU TINGGAL DISINI.untuk tinggal disini kena ikut adab dan budaya sini TANAH MELAYU.


  61. Pingback: They demand this, they demand that… « Jebat Must Die

  62. Pingback: Manglish, Chinglish and Inglish of Malaysians « On da street

  63. Hi JMD,
    I have just read your article again and all the comments.

    I like RR and sleepyhead’s comment most.

    I am a product of the national school – after the switch to Malay media. Being from not too good family background my English is not of the highest standard. However my family has done well ( due to hard work and presevalent) and I would say that we are proud to be Malaysian.

    I never sent my children to chinese school. However they are no longer in the national school. The reason : your reply to jed and the comment by one of your commentator. I resist pulling the children out but in the end I did. However all my children has Malay tuition. They will continue to do so until they have at least reached the pmr tingkatan 3 standard.

    Read about the policy/ unit you are doing for certain entity. May I suggest that the study of history subject be reviewed. If I remember correctly our history syllabus involve memories of dates and events. My apologies if it has since been changed. History lesson for my children is : things/we are what it/we is/are now because of what happen certain time ago and so for …..


    P.S. I really miss the time when TDM got the majority with the support of Malaysian.

    JMD : Thank you for the suggestion Su. Really appreciate it.


  64. JMD,

    I have just read today’s paper on the math and science issue.

    The way I see it, the best policy is to let the Chinese school have their lessons in Chinese. But the national school should have it in English. This way if it is well managed what hsppened in the 70s will happen again. The Chinese school will die a natural death. There is no need to be confrontational.

    However politically, it might be difficult cos there are also some who wants the national school to use BM only. So why not have the national school runs classes with both stream, let the parents choose which class their children should go to. Make this option compulsory even when there is only one student opping for English in M & S. Let the demand determine the supply. Eventually the parents who are really concern with the welfare of their children will win the day.



  65. *I propose that the Malay leaders must now sit down with the other leaders of the other races and revise the Social Contract. *

    easy to say, but perhaps not so easy to accomplish. my take is that it was not common to find a confluence of events that made possible even the first social contract. it is, if not actually unique in the world, quite rare. even if malay leaders were to decide to do this, who is there to speak to? how will such a new contract be agreed without malays losing our language, sultan, historical claims to the land, protection of our religion?

    how will we avoid ending up like singapore, where their history starts with stamford raffles and their schoolchildren, even and especially the malay ones (like my cousins – God love them but it is what it is), have no idea that the island was inhabited before that, was under the johor-riau sultanate and before that was under other kingships, was settled by the orang laut and orang seletar? that their mer-lion story is a fake legend, but that they have a real legend of singapura dilanggar todak, which is obscure probably because it refers quite obviously to the malay period and involves a hero who was a clever malay boy.

    in order to revamp the status quo as proposed by hang kasturi, we need to be extremely lucky, twice. right now i see no signs that such a fortuitous convergence of leaders and events will happen again. not too long ago i overheard extremely racist utterances by a chinese couple between them, in english, in public, in subang parade, about a malay family they passed. i’m not going to repeat what i heard. suffice to say that if what JMD allows to be posted here is what readers can think of without really pulling punches, what i heard was a lot worse that what i have come across related in comments at this website.

    so, until such luck strikes us again, the realistic way is the pragmatic way, which would be to work with what we have. i think it is very important that we not prematurely give away things. even if we wait i’m sure malays will still be open to negotiating and compromising – it seems we are so generous with things and have been so for a long while already. that makes it all the more important that we have the discipline to wait until we have such allies who will be fair enough to give to us what should be ours in fairness even if we accidentally offer it by mistake.

    i’ve just come back from sabah, where everyone there whether with a malay, kadazan or chinese face all spoke fluent malay with a sabah accent (dare i say it, more fluent that many klang valley malays), and a restaurant owner who is chinese has a family who spoke *among themselves* in real bilingual fashion – using malay (completely local accent) and chinese. who celebrated his birthday with all his clientele who happened to dine there that night, and the birthday song was sung in malay. in the peninsular, if a chinese speaks malay like a native, it’s fairly safe to assume he or she is from the northern east coast, a baba from melaka, or has gone to school in RMC or something like that. interestingly, indians generally do so much better mastering languages. generally it’s difficult to find indians today who have the indian accent of the earlier generations.


  66. Pingback: Membina Tamadun Bangsa Malaysia perlu ada titik permulaannya «

  67. alah, kalau bagi biasiswa, adakah students2 tu akan balik malaysia dan bekerja sebagai malaysians?

    demand ja byk, tp hati/tujuan tak betul.

    12As pun tadak gunanya.


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