Socio-economy / Umno & Barisan Nasional

Prestasi Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam

Penulis Jebat Must Die lahir di Melaka. Oleh kerana darah kesetiaan Hang Tuah dan semangat menongkah arus si Jebat sedikit sebanyak mengalir di dalam setiap pixel-pixel yang terkandung di dalam blog ini, adalah tidak menghairankan jika artikel pada kali ini mengutarakan prestasi Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam di dalam mentadbir negeri Melaka sejak tahun 1999. Blog ini melihat Datuk Seri Ali Rustam, jika cukup pencalonannya untuk bertanding kerusi nombor 2 Umno, sebagai underdog di dalam perlumbaan tersebut.

Oleh kerana underdog ini amat berlainan sekali dengan underdog yang lagi satu, dan juga beliau datang dari negeri yang sama dengan penulis blog ini, eloklah jika kita mengamati penulisan di bawah yang diterbitkan di portal pada 18 Mac 2008;


Y.A.B. Datuk Seri Hj. Mohd Ali Bin Mohd Rustam telah menerajui Negeri Melaka sejak 2 Disember 1999. Dalam tempoh 2000 – 2007, banyak kemajuan dan perubahan yang pantas telah dapat dilihat. Pembangunan Negeri ini terangkum dalam Visi Melaka Maju 2010 yang telah beliau usahakan semenjak tahun 2000. Diakui bahawa beliau meneruskan kesinambungan usaha para pemimpin yang lebih awal. Walau bagaimanapun, beliau telah memacunya dengan lebih fokus dan pada tahap kelajuan yang lebih pantas lagi di bawah landskap k-ekonomi. Kesimpulan ini bersandarkan kepada beberapa fakta kukuh yang menunjukkan lonjakan kemajuan dalam satu tempoh masa yang sama.

Jadual 1: Pencapaian Melaka, 2000 – 2007 dan Sasaran 2010











Sasaran 2010


Pertumbuhan KDNK Memuaskan








6.6% @



KDNK Per Kapita Meningkat (RM)








24,090 @



Pendapatan Isi Rumah Sebulan Mengukuh (RM)

2,260 (1999)






Kadar Kemiskinan Menurun






(Feb. 08)



Jurang Pendapatan Semakin Rapat (Luar Bandar : Bandar)

1:1.47 (1999)





Kadar Pengangguran Bawah 2%












Kenaikan Kadar Inflasi Terkawal









Nota : @ – anggaran awal
Sumber : Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU), Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia, Direktorat Pelaksanaan Negeri (DPN), Pejabat Ketua Menteri Melaka.
Dalam tempoh lapan (8) tahun yang lalu, YAB Datuk Seri telah mempamerkan kecekapan luar biasa dalam mengemudikan ekonomi Negeri Melaka. Kejayaan beliau amat mengkagumkan kerana beliau mampu menguruskan tujuh (7) angkubah ekonomi utama atau seven major economic variables, yang selalunya berkonflik, sehingga dapat menghasilkan output mix yang positif dan memberangsangkan dalam satu tempoh masa yang sama. Output mix inilah yang dikatakan luar biasa dan mengkagumkan.
Angkubah pertama ialah pertumbuhan Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar (KDNK) atau Gross Domestic Product (GDP) yang memuaskan di mana dalam tempoh lapan tahun Melaka telah mencatatkan kadar pertumbuhan purata sebanyak 5.9% setahun, berbanding kadar pertumbuhan purata Malaysia sebanyak 5.5% setahun bagi tempoh yang sama. Pada tahun 2007, Melaka mencatatkan kadar pertumbuhan KDNK sebanyak 6.6%; satu pencapaian yang membanggakan memandangkan persekitaran geo-politik dunia yang tidak menentu dan ekonomi dunia mengalami pertumbuhan yang lebih perlahan. Sebagai contoh, pertumbuhan KDNK dunia hanyalah 5.2%, Britain 2.9%, USA 2.2%, Jepun 2.1% dan Perancis 1.8%. Pada tahun 2010, Melaka mensasarkan pencapaian kadar pertumbuhan purata sebanyak 7% setahun bagi membolehkannya mencapai status negeri maju.

Angkubah kedua ialah KDNK per kapita di mana Melaka telah mencatatkan peningkatan hampir 45% dalam tempoh yang sama, daripada RM16,670 seorang setahun pada tahun 2000 kepada RM24,090 seorang setahun pada tahun 2007. Sasaran Melaka untuk menjadi negeri maju pada tahun 2010 ialah RM26,000 seorang setahun. Berdasarkan prestasi ekonomi Melaka selama 8 tahun yang lalu, dijangka sasaran ini boleh dicapai.

Angkubah ketiga ialah purata pendapatan isi rumah bulanan yang bertambah kukuh iaitu meningkat sebanyak 51% dalam tempoh 1999 – 2007, daripada RM2,260 sebulan kepada RM3,421 sebulan. Berdasarkan prestasi ekonomi yang baik, nampaknya pendapatan isi rumah is on the right path untuk mencapai sasaran RM3,990 sebulan menjelang 2010.

Kenaikan pendapatan isi rumah bulanan ini telah membantu mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan, iaitu angkubah keempat, dalam tempoh yang sama. Kadar kemiskinan telah menurun daripada 5.7% kepada 1.8% dan telah mencapai kemiskinan sifar pada bulan Februari 2008; dua tahun lebih awal dari tarikh yang disasarkan (2010). Walau bagaimanapun, penurunan kadar kemiskinan ini tidaklah boleh dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang boleh berlaku dengan sendirinya ekoran daripada kenaikan pendapatan isi rumah itu kerana, di sesetengah negara, kenaikan kadar kemiskinan dan penglebaran jurang sosio-ekonomi boleh berlaku dalam persekitaran pendapatan yang meningkat. Fenomena ini terbukti apabila China dan Korea Selatan terus mencatatkan kadar kemiskinan yang lebih tinggi iaitu masing – masing sebanyak 10% dan 15%.

Pencapaian ini membawa kepada angkubah kelima di mana jurang pendapatan antara kaum dan antara bandar dan luar bandar telah dapat dikecilkan. Sebagai contoh, jurang antara bandar dan luar bandar telah dapat dirapatkan sebanyak 12.2% apabila pendapatan isi rumah bandar sebanyak RM1.47 pada tahun 1999 dapat dikurangkan kepada RM1.29 bagi setiap RM1 yang diperolehi oleh isi rumah luar bandar.

Sebaliknya di peringkat Malaysia, jurang pendapatan ini telah melebar sebanyak 8.2% apabila pendapatan isi rumah bandar telah menokok daripada RM1.95 kepada RM2.11 dalam tempoh yang sama bagi setiap RM1 yang diperolehi oleh isi rumah luar bandar. Komitmen kerajaan negeri ialah untuk terus merapatkan lagi jurang ini kepada RM1.17 menjelang 2010. Penyiasatan Pendapatan Isi Rumah yang sedang dilaksanakan oleh Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia dijangka akan dapat mengesahkan arah-aliran berkenaan.

Penggemblengan semua usaha tersebut telah menghasilkan kadar pengangguran yang terendah di Malaysia selama 3 tahun berturut-turut iaitu pada tahun 1999 – 2001 dan 2004 – 2006. Melaka juga telah mencatatkan kadar pengangguran terendah selama 10 suku tahun berturut-turut iaitu sejak suku tahun ketiga 2004 (Q3 2004). Kadar pengangguran Melaka yang rendah dan terkawal adalah hasil usaha Kerajaan Negeri menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi yang membuka pula banyak peluang pekerjaan.

Pada suku tahun ke-3 2007, kadar pengangguran Melaka, iaitu angkubah keenam, hanyalah 1.5% (terendah di Malaysia) berbanding 3.1% di peringkat Malaysia. Kadar pengangguran Melaka ini jauh di bawah threshold 4% yang ditetapkan oleh UN International Labour Organization sebagai guna tenaga penuh atau full employment. Kerajaan mempunyai keyakinan yang tinggi terhadap keupayaan mengekalkan kadar pengangguran di bawah 3% pada tahun 2010.

Sukalah ditekankan bahawa penurunan kadar pengangguran bukanlah suatu yang mesti berlaku dalam persekitaran ekonomi yang berkembang. Namun, Melaka berjaya mencatatkan kadar pengangguran yang rendah berbanding negara lain yang mencatatkan kadar pengangguran yang lebih tinggi seperti Jerman (8.6%), Itali (6.0%), Kanada (5.9%), Britain (5.3%) dan Amerika Syarikat (4.7%).

Dalam persekitaran ekonomi yang berkembang dan pendapatan isi rumah meningkat, biasanya kadar inflasi akan turut meningkat kerana faktor tarikan permintaan atau demand pull factor. Tetapi di Melaka, kenaikan kadar inflasi, iaitu angkubah ketujuh, adalah terkawal. Dalam tempoh 8 tahun ini, purata kadar inflasi tahunan hanyalah 2.4%. Dalam pada itu, Kerajaan Negeri telah berjaya mengurangkan tekanan inflasi ekoran daripada lonjakan harga minyak mentah di pasaran dunia sejak tahun 2005 yang mendorong harga bahan bakar dan tarif elektrik melompat pada tahun 2006.

Kenaikan kadar inflasi yang melambung kepada 5.9% pada bulan April 2006 telah berjaya diturunkan kepada 3.9% pada bulan Disember 2006; menjadikan kadar inflasi Melaka pada tahun 2006 adalah sebanyak 4.6%. Kenaikan kadar inflasi ini telah terus dapat diturunkan kepada 2.4% pada tahun 2007 iaitu hampir separuh di bawah paras 2006! Kadar tersebut jauh lebih rendah berbanding dengan Indonesia (13.2%), Iceland (6.8%), Thailand (5.1%), Ireland (3.9%), Nerw Zealand (3.8%) dan Korea Selatan (3.0%). Dijangka sasaran untuk mengekalkan kadar inflasi di bawah 3.0% pada tahun 2010 akan dapat dicapai.

Sesungguhnya pencapaian output mix berdasarkan tujuh angkubah ekonomi utama itu adalah satu yang menakjubkan dan meninggalkan “a deep imprint on economics” – setara dengan sifat tokoh ekonomi yang diharapkan oleh Alfred Nobel.

Disediakan oleh:

Direktorat Pelaksanaan Negeri Melaka


54 thoughts on “Prestasi Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam

  1. salam JMD,

    terlebih dahulu, saya ingin meminta maaf jika terlanjur kata.

    selalunya blog jmd amat witty, precise, concise dan entertaining. tetapi kali ini saya mendapati ianya terlalu teknikal. you lost me at “Angkubah pertama…”. bukannya nak kata kali ni tak menarik, cuma terlalu banyak teknikal terms dan peratus-peratus yang saya tak ambil pusing. wish you could just post the link, and put in your thoughts in your blog. saya buka blog JMD kerana ingin membaca buah fikiran tuan, bukannya ingin membaca artikel copy paste dari site lain.

    sekali lagi, maaf jika saudara tersinggung. teruskan usaha saudara memartabatkan bangsa dan negara yang tercinta.

    terima kasih.

    JMD : Eh, tak mengapa. Terima kasih kerana memberi komen. Angkubah itu bermaksud, variable. Economic variables. Memang teknikal. Tetapi tidaklah sukar sebenarnya. Cuma terdiri dari data data ekonomi yang simple sahaja. Akan tetapi, amat penting jika kita hendak jadikan benchmark di dalam mengukur kemajuan sesebuah negeri.

    Selangor seumpamanya, walaupun mahu menjadi negeri maju 2005, masih mempunyai penduduk di dalam linkungan kemiskinan tegar (hardcore poor). Melaka tidak.

    I think I can relate to people who see nothing but a bunch of numbers when they first read this article. They may feel flabbergasted reading all these. But for some other people, who worked with numbers (like yours truly), those economic data are as friendly as Hindraf supporters at Anwar’s open house. That is why, I feel that article speaks for itself.

    Probably my next posting will be different a bit. Thank you for visiting this blog ever so often.


  2. Salam JMD,

    I was right. You are a Malaccan. I have got some malaccan blood in me plus some minang, javanese and chinese.

    You’ve posted a lot of heavy stuff lately.
    Don’t get stressed out analysing these jokers. Already, the Governor of Malacca ( tho’ he’s not a malaccan) has bestowed a Datukship tittle to a Bollywood star. Beats me why the Malaccan Govt. approved of this, tho’ I’m a fan of this star.

    By the way my cousin and her family reside at Batu 2, Limbongan now.
    Used to visit my grandmother (nenek saudara actually) who lived there, when I was a kid. Her house was fronting the main road and beside it is the beautiful beach. Couldn’t see the beach now and neither is it beautiful.
    It’s been sometime since I’ve visited Malacca. Must do some Jejak Kasih one of these days.

    I won’t feel offended if you decide not to approve my comment. Coz I know I’ve gone off topic.
    How about some Light and Easy reading for a change.

    Selamat Eidul Fitri Al-Mubarak.
    Maaf if I seemed off beat.

    JMD : Hey! Another person from Melaka! Thanks for the comment 🙂


  3. Dear JMD

    There’s one new tourist attraction in Melaka in MITC area where the state government/state agencies spend millions of RM to “rear” “white elephants”. This white elephants farm in the form of buildings such as K-Inkubator, Institut Bioteknologi Melaka,Rumah Media Melaka and the latest coming to completion Bangunan Yayasan Melaka, are the brainchild of Datuk Mohd Ali Rustam.But pleazz, dont judge a state by the buildings with trendy names. You will find these buildings mostly vacant. Who knows one day Datuk Shah Rukh Khan could use one of these “white elephants” as the background prop for his latest bollywood movies.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. However, I am sure, as many other development and infrastructures that had been implemented and built in the past, they may take up some time before they are finally running at full capacity. Once upon a time, even Subang airport was considered as white elephant. What is more important is that the leaders and their successors must know how to utilise those infrastructures optimally. Thank you.


  4. Sorry to disappoint you JMD. I am not from Melaka, he he..
    but, the Yang Dipertua of Melaka’s cousin is staying 2 blocks away from my office (and he has a very nice car which i envy and who doesn’t!). I guess (as you said) some pixels of your blood somehow related to me too…he he he.

    My thinking is that Ali, ok la, Datuk Seri , is good with manipulating the economic DATA of melaka compared to economic of melaka.
    Just my thought.

    JMD : Haha. If you say so cam! 🙂

    Anyway, I doubt the data is manipulated as the figures are taken from the statistics department and the EPU.


  5. what can i say? i do support Ali Rustam and Ghaffar Baba but not Abu Zahar. hehe… anyway i’m with you for this one. Ali Rustam is underdog, and yet his wisdom in running my state is something remarkable. i was fascinated with what he did to the state recently. the most thing that really impressed me that when he turn that once garbage-ladden Sungai Melaka at old bus station around Kampung Morten to be highly attactive tourist attraction despite Kota Melaka once was govern by DAP ( Kubu kuat DAP ). Sungai Melaka even have venice-like ‘gondola’ for those who wanted to take a beautiful night glimpse around its riverbank.

    i have a lot of friends coming from different state commenting about Melaka people. they said Melaka people are too lavish when it came to their house. they said Melaka people are all rich and wealthy that they could afford to build a nice decorated house despite the fact that the Melaka people earn as much as other people in other state. i think it should be because cost of living at Melaka is cheaper compared to other states. i cannot justify this fact, but from my personal experience, this is really making a lot of sense. therefore, when you came with this article along with its facts and figure, it is somewhat justified why i can save a lot at Melaka compared when i work at other states. hehehe…

    For someone born, bred and schooled at Melaka, it is something that i’m really proud of. and having this blog, is up for another reason that i should be proud to be a Malaccan. Thanks mate!

    JMD : Well, I was just browsing through the state government’s website, doing something unrelated to blogging when I suddenly found this article posted in that website. I thought it would be useful for the readers to actually read about how Melaka had progressed under him. As you may know, he had been working under the public radar (possibly because he is not a cabinet minister), so I think it doesn’t hurt to just promote what he had been doing. As you may know, another good leader, Tan Sri Muhyiddin had been on the limelight all this while. So, Ali Rustam, at least should be given the chance to have his achievements known. Thank you for the comment.


  6. I’m an engineer. never learn economic or account but this one is really easy to understand and you right, Datuk Ali Rustam performance is superb.
    Can you compile Tan Sri Muyiddin performance during his tenureship as Johor MB, and Datuk Najib as well. Malaysian should learn to appreciate numbers, stat and science more.

    Sajuni, jokers is somebody like anuar ibrahim, who is spinning all the fact and figure and try to win credit from somebody else achievement. anuar, because of you I has to pay RM300 for my passport- I had to pay only RM90 in 87 to get my first passport.

    JMD : Haha. I knew this is coming! Well, if I find an article detailing TSMY and DSNTR’s performance as MBs of Johor and Pahang respectively, will gladly post it up here. Thank you.


  7. Had been following your blog recently.
    Fairly impressed with the way it’s written and especially being followed by links to old paper writings, facts etc. Makes your argument stronger which is great.

    Just a comment on this posting though.

    If a person talk to a statistician or a mathematician, he would say you could prove anything with facts and figures. You can make someone look good or look bad with statistics.

    Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam probably has a great team behind him and credit to himself for picking the team and executing his own plans for Melaka. I have heard his speech for going for the VP post and it failed to stimulate much hope and believe to me. Therefore, I would think if you’re talking about the person himself, it’s probably be more useful to mention his ideas and what has actually happened on the ground in terms of development that he has brought, unless it’s someone like Dr. M who (also in your previous posting) had shown how much he is involved in the detail planning and execution of his plans. Perhaps and no offence to anyone, that Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam’s backroom staff should be brought to national level and manage Malaysia as the numbers potrayed for Melaka is fairly impressive.

    JMD : Thank you for visiting this blog. A few people that I talk to in Melaka told me that Datuk Ali is quite passionate in eradicating poverty. Mostly because he came from poor family so I think he knows the feeling of being poor. Some Umno leaders cannot emphatise with poverty because they themselves came from well to do families.

    And yes, one must have a really good team to put through the planning and execute the action plans successfully.

    Thank you.


  8. Hi JMD,

    Are you endorsing Ali Rustam? Sounds like that as there are not much accompanying comments from your goodself.

    Being in KL, we dont really know the performance of candidates from other states as Media tends to be more KL Centric.

    Anyway, there’s still time before the nominations ends for you to provide a bit more indepth analysis.


    JMD : Hmm.. I don’t think I am in the position to endorse anyone right now 🙂 Just that Ali Rustam is from the state that I hailed from. I have met Ali Rustam a couple of times. But he does not know me nor does Muhyiddin Yassin. At least I can relate to the things Ali Rustam had done to the state.

    But I also have to qualify myself that I do not live in Melaka. I live in KL. Probably that makes me appreciate the transformation being done on Melaka. I can practically see the change everytime I go back there.

    Thank you.


  9. Askm JMD,
    I am too a thoroughbred Malaccan.

    Good attempty to sell our CM for the no.2 slot in UMNO. You admire Muhyiddin but you love our CM more.

    I don’t think it will help our CM though you used your good name and premium with very strong followers. UMNO members have made up their mind.

    Hang Kasturi

    JMD : Thank you Kasturi. I should have guessed you’re from Melaka too.


  10. Salam JMD,

    I am from melaka too!!

    sad to hear that wham kutuk the building that way.I think semua orang nak instant result and zero failures. Tanam togeh pun takes 3 days to harvest. Bagi la constructive suggestions if there are peopl who know better.

    tapi despite the so call gajah putih, he can achieve those miracles. don’t think any other world leader can achieve that output mix that well.

    tapi pasal kemiskinan tu memang betul. datuk ali memang akan suruh orang carik rumah orang miskin nak bantu repair rumah dll. dia tak harap orang miskin datang sendiri apply for bantuan.

    Tk JMD! Tak ramai bloggers dari melaka nampaknya..


  11. Salam JMD,

    surprise – i made in Melaka too ! Hang Tuah bawa balik Tun Teja ke Melaka, saya malasla, baik saya sendiri kawin dan menetap di pantai Timur ! 🙂

    JMD : Haha. Good for you! 🙂


  12. JMD, like the early comment, you lost me in the angkubahs. But I see the point.

    My mother is a Malaccan, so I am half Johorean and half Malaccan…but somewhow I have affinity for Malacca.

    During my stint as journalist, I’ve met Ali Rustam…and I must say he is pretty down to earth. Otherwise, I don’t know much about it.

    I am now conflicted…my Johore side wants Muhyiddin for no 2, and my Melaka side…..

    Awaiting your analysis on the Umno election especially the Youth chief position…right now Mukhriz got 41, and Khairi only half. People are waking up or what?

    JMD : Thank you for the comment.


  13. Salam jmd,
    Ese pun orang Melako tapi masuk kodahdan dok kek ko lumpo. Syok jugak baco blog sdr. Komen sikit jo. Kek Melako ni, lotak shapo pun boleh maju. Dari zaman Parameswara dulu pun dah maju. Bukan sobab Ali jo yang Melako naik. Maso cikgu dari Lor Gajah tu dulu pun Melako maju.Ese raso memang orang Melako pandai pandai, itu pasal Melako naik. Sapo sapo ponah dongar Ali cakap orang putih balik mesti buka dictionary, banyak perkataan baru yang kono check balik apo maknonyo. Paling baru, di kasinyo orang dari benuo koling datuk. Ese poi kodah, pueh kono tanyo apo hal kasi datok kek koling tu? Kalaulah Ali boleh monang, ramai orang bisu dibueknyo, tak tahu apo nak cakap. Anyway I really enjoy you story on Hang Jebat and Hang Tauh and the whole lot. PS, kek Melako ramai orang melayu ado namo atau golar koling termasuk orang kampung ese kek Masjid Tanah, jadi perkataan tu tak do maksud mengato orang India. Kek Masjid Tanah kalau bukak kamus perkataan India tak ado. Yang ado cumo tamil as in sekolah tamil.


    JMD : Orang Melaka, duduk Kedah dan di KL. Tapi cakap macam orang Negeri!? 🙂 Thank you for the comment.


  14. Saya melihat DS Ali sebagai seorang pejuang Bangsa Melayu yang konsisten, namun saya masih merasakan yang beliau belum cukup bersedia untuk mengambil alih ranking no 2 dalam pentadbiran Negara.


  15. Assalammualaikum ……..

    Sebenarnya fakta atas tu , memang dah ada kat simpang , hadapan Masjid Al Azim tu , tapi kadang kadang orang tak pandang pun , kerana mereka asyik cari iklan jualan murah aja , yang fakta fakta macam tu , mereka tak peduli pun ….

    DS Ali ni , kalau saya lah , mula mula dia pegang dulu , saya cukup suka kerana masa tu dia tak ada nak lawat negeri orang , maklum lom jadi Naib Presiden , semua solok gantau negeri ni , dia pergi , tapi bila dah jadi Naib , den nak jumpa pun susah , tapi , dia buat kerja juga , bangunkan negeri juga , cuma sejak dua menjak ni je dia nampak agak melatah sikit …. , al maklum dah lamo …..
    Den raso lah , tak yah lah DS Ali ni naik tinggi tu , nanti , susah , kalau dah tinggi , nak turun susah , tinggi tu kot gayat nanti …….


  16. dear jmd. i was born,breed,schooled and work in melaka. i kind of agree that Ali Rustam has a good team behind him in managing this state. the man himself…..u should listen to his speech…alamak..dissapointing. not a national level stuff la.

    JMD : Really? Maybe need to beef up his speech writing team too! 🙂


  17. Assalamualaikum JMD,

    Laa, Masjid Tanah majoriti cakap macam Negeri Sembilan, adat pun pakai Perpatih lagi, Luak Naning jadi ketua adat.

    By the way, Melaka ada tiga cara percakapan, Alor Gajah (including Masjid Tanah cakap macam Negeri Sembilan), Melaka Tengah yang cakap macam pagau, lahabau etc dan Jasin more towards Melayu Johor.

    Again, aku dari Solok Duku sebelah emak dan Solok Terubuk sebelah bapak.

    Kembali kepada Ali Rustam, bila masa lagi orang Melaka nak memegang kuasa, I heard he was trained by Rahim Tambi Chik, that why dia berkaliber.

    JMD : Ye tak ye juga. Lupa pula yang orang Melaka ada banyak loghat.


  18. kluangman..hawau kau!hehehe…

    for me to measure a guy’s performance is simple..the KPI..for instance..i’ve done my 3rd quarter KPI or PMS (performance measurement system) and i got 5..highest i’ve must have done something right..altho im not perfect..the company sees me as a rating 5 employee..u see that goodbaboon???n u say malay is lazy..demyuh!!sori terlari tajuk..

    btw seeing DS Ali’s 7 performance indicators is impressive enough..0% owang miskin kat melake ek?last time i went to melaka was to oversee the setting up of data centre in mitc a few months back..not bad..DS Ali is really driving the IT industry there..i don’t think other MB or CM from other states is THAT keen on ICT..terengganu pon ok la jugak..but melaka is the keenest..if tak percaye u can check with my counterparts in MDeC..

    JMD : Thanks for the info. Actually there are still poor people in Melaka. 0% means no more ‘hardcore poor’ (which I believe are people having less than rm400 of household income per month – need to reconfirm on the exact threshold). There are other states who have hardcore poor. But apparently, Melaka eradicated it by February 2008. Misi Nasional which was established in 1990 has the objective to eradicate hardcore poor by 2010.

    But of course, with the impending economic downturn soon, there will be people who will fall back again into this hardcore poor category. Therefore, it is imperative for DS Ali Rustam to monitor and importantly find ways to prevent this from happening.


  19. Interesting figures, and seems lots of Malaccans approve of him too. But to me he is too ultra-Melayu laah.. Heard him say recently that if he becomes deputy president, he would make sure that the govt would follow all UMNO supreme council decisions, instead of the party listening to the govt..
    Hah??!! Got me all riled up at that. If that is not extremist, racist, chauvinist, I dont know what is. What about reforms in UMNO? would never happen if he had anyting to do with it, I’m sure..

    JMD : Aiyoh Joe, why lah equate every decision from the Supreme Council as extremist, racist and chauvinist…! TDM in the 60’s were so distraught and ranted about the condition of the Malays back then that when he urged the government to focus more on the Malays, he was labelled as ultra Malay as well. His book, that was banned by Tunku, The Malay Dilemma solidified his reputation as an Ultra Malay.

    When he became DPM and PM, people saw what he really is, pro business and definitely pro Malaysians. He is more PM for all Malaysians than Pak Lah could ever hope for.

    But of course, rest assured, if Umno had learned its mistake, they will be circumspect in all their decisions. If not, you will be assured that most pro Umno bloggers out there will ensure that Umno as a whole will not become too extreme or stupid like recently.

    Thank you.


  20. Salam JMD

    Ni orang melaka gak nak nyampuk. DS Ali (dulu selalu tersasul panggil dia Rustam ) ni memang rajin.. rajin belajar.. dia bekerja sambil belajar PJJ di USM. tapi mcm sorang komentar tulis.. kalau dia beri speech.. hancussss…. DS Ali kena pegi belajau public spiking lagi.. hehehe…. sungguhpun dulu dia aktif dalam Majlis Gabungan Belia Melaka.

    Masa dolu-dolu tak laa sombong… sekarang ni tak tau laa pulak kan.. lama tak jumpa…..bila balik kampung pun.. tak laa dapat jumpa Ketua Menteri.. hehehe.. cuma yang tak best sekali.. bila SRK dapat datuk… pedih orang melaka


  21. Salam JMD,

    Selamat hari raya, moga belum terlambat. Saya mengikuti banyak tulisan anda, tahniah, penuh berisi dan fakta dan pandangan yang jernih.

    Melaka berbanding tahun2 90an sewaktu saya bersekolah disana memang jauh berbeza. Tahniah juga untuk warga kerja dan orang2 dihadapan dan dibelakang tabir yang menjalankan tugas dengan baik. Tak dinafikan kepala yang memimpin baik, akan membuahkan hasil dari anak2 buah yang baik juga.

    Selamat untuk anda JMD, saya akan terus mengikuti tulisan anda.


  22. JMD,

    I am not connected to Melaka so this is an outsider’s view. Before this, I never actually realized that Melaka was doing that well. Its either Ali is good or because the economy is small and therefore, the base is small and any movement will look significant, percentage-wise. Hope its not the latter.

    What I remember most about Melaka is Jebat / Tuah and company, a famosa, and that underaged girl. It seems that I missed quite a lot on what went on down there lately. Thanks for telling me that. It seems that they are still mass producing datuks too.

    On another note, you did the right thing by publishing Good Man’s comment. Its a timely reminder for the neo liberal malays on who is actually out there. Takkan melayu dok kena tipu memanjang.


  23. Salam JMD,
    1. At the moment, I think we need strong leadership more than anything else. We now know how much trouble does a weak leadership can cost us. But somehow, I can’t see DS Ali in this category of “strong leader”.

    2. BTW, I don’t think Melaka should have given Shah Rukh Khan the Datukship…hahaha!


  24. Hmmm, bapak den orang melako (sebatu), tapi banyak waris di sungai udang. So kiro orang kampung ko?

    Bak kato hang tuah;

    Takkan melayu hilang didunia

    Buat baik berpada-pada, buat jahat jangan sekail. Of course kalau nak huraikan last statement panjang ceritonyo.

    JMD : I’m somewhere near the famous ikan bakar.


  25. Salam,
    I used to study at ITM Melaka for two years. Being the 2nd batch intake (1985) for ITM Melaka made me proud as Malaccan eventhough I am Perakian. Staying at the hostel from kpg Tengkera to Tmn Cheng and end up at Kpg Lapan. Our Main campus is the old MARA building and enjoying playing rugby at Padang Bandar Hilir, the only place we spent our weekend.
    And what is Malacca now is as par as Kuala Lumpur. At least we should give credit to Ali Rustam for what he have done as compare during my tenure those day..
    Anyway Ali Rustam is the same with other UMNO leader, Mr Yes Men. He should have the courage like TS Muhyiddin and Mukhriz. Having the the same tone with this two guys will help him extra mileage to be top candidate for Naib Presiden beside the his good performance in managing Malacca.

    Masa untuk BERANI BERUBAH Datuk Seri…….


  26. I am not Malaccan but have been residing for 4 yrs there and bought my 1st property there.In 4 years, Melaka has transformed itself to a modern state in which weekends and public holidays is a horror for anyone of us to go out as its filled with Singaporeans! Amidst the “development” of Melaka, there’s still those who are hardcore poor in Melaka who has not been reached to. The MITC, the beautifying of Melaka (Ayer Keroh’s landscape) and flower pots in Jalan Bendahara definitely gives it a real homely feeling.
    He manage to make Melaka look fantastic. However, per capita income of the residents in Melaka is not really forthcoming. A large majority of them beyond the City are not even middle income earners! A lot of the industries in Sg Udang and beyond employ workers ( foreigners) instead of the residents there ( maybe the locals have the sickness of dignity of labour?)
    Rustam is not perfect ( after this whole fiasco of Datuk SRK), but then who is right? He could be singing “Tum Pase Air” ( its part of a hindi song) all the way to the no.2 spot in UMNO

    JMD : Haha. Nobody’s perfect anyway..!


  27. At the national level, we should be looking for leaders and not excellent managers or administrators. If you want to recruit a high performing manager or administrator you can find one easily, anytime. But an excellent manager/administrator does not mean he will be a good leader. Similarly, an oustanding mechanic does not qualify him to be an engineer. How are we to think big when when we prefer to use economic performance indicators at state level to judge whether one is going to be a decisive national and international leader. Then the polemic will never end. Someone would say what is so great administering or managing Malacca state which is only the size of a district in Selangor, Pahang, Johor or Sarawak.

    Malaysia badly need someone who has visionary and examplary leadership qualities to lead and steer the country to the next level. Malaysia has continuosly achieved more than 5% GDP growth for the last 5 years and other economic performance indicators are also commendable but yet everybody agrees Pak Lah is a weak leader. No doubt, TS Ali Rastam is a good manager/administrator but the issue is whether he is leadership material to lead the country as the 2nd most important man. Bear in mind that in this world without boundary, we are looking for someone who is not only knowledgeable in managing the country’s economy but also the aura to shine and outshine others at national and international level. We can only comment and make judgement but iit is the UMNO delegates that will decide. For the future of the country, hopefully they will make the right decision.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. Glad you point that out. Apart from economic indicators at state level, we also need to see his performance or contributions at national or perhaps the international level. For Tan Sri Muhyiddin, his contribution when he was the Minister of Youth and Sports, Agriculture, Domestic Trade and now, MITI should also be a yardstick for the delegates to decide. One may forget that he was also the Johor Menteri Besar from 1986 to 1995.

    For DS Ali, his performance as the Chairman of Dunia Melayu and also the Chairman of World Youth Foundation must be scrutinised too.


  28. Weird.. this posting is supposedly about DS Ali but somehow my friends are all busy saying that a blogger from melaka has made it to the “international” scene. In fact , they call me at night at said ” sapa ckp org melaka tak terrer!”.
    Again, congrats JMD. I heard you name was mentioned in mykmu forum too! and one of the comments was that the person regrets not discovering your blog earlier… WOOSHHH!!
    rocky also mentioned that he met you twice before. you are not actively involved in politics, are you? if you somewhere in kg cheras baru, i would gladly give you nomination!

    JMD : I’d rather work behind the scene than to be in the forefront. I am a very shy person 🙂 I just realised mykmu discussed about this blog in the forum. Such a great honor. Thank you.


  29. Apa yang diutarakan oleh saudara Jebatmustdie itu tepat dan menarik perhatian saya. Secara peribadi saya mengkagumi prestasi Ali Rustam semasa menjadi Ketua Menteri Melaka kerana beliau terbukti membawa banyak kemajuan.

    Saya bukanlah orang Melaka tetapi pernah berkelana di UiTM Alor Gajah Melaka dari 2002-2005. Saya lihat pembangunan semasa zaman beliau amat pesat sekali. Banyak perumahan, kedai-kedai perniagaan, jalan raya, jalan kampung, kemudahan dewan, sekolah, pasaraya dan sebagainya dibangunkan!

    Saya kagum dengan ketokohannya di Melaka.

    Namun, beliau dilihat tidak sesuai untuk jadi TPM,, sekadar Menteri @ Ketua Menteri memang sesuai untuknya! Saya harap Ali Rustam fikirkan balik hasrat nya, kerana untuk jadi TPM dan PM perlu ada karisma.


  30. Hi JMD,
    You are famous! (according to cam 7:27:44) At least I can say I “knew” you from way before the Hang Tuah story. Just don’t let it get to your head, ok, or KijangMas will have to dissect and unravel the Mystique of JMD. Oh you must read his blog. He is awesome.
    If cyber and real life were to overlap, it’s you and this KijangMas I would really like to meet.

    Eerrm, how to say this? Your current posting is, well, a tad heavy for me. No offence meant.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. But I must state here that this article is not entirely mine. I had stated in its introduction that this article was taken from here.


  31. JMD : I’d rather work behind the scene than to be in the forefront. I am a very shy person I just realised mykmu discussed about this blog in the forum. Such a great honor. Thank you.

    -JMD Bro, TDM also once a shy person. or better yet, a very shy person. he was so shy he did not have a lot of friends during his student day (Quoting from his betterhalf, Tun Dr.Siti Hasmah). his time was pretty much occupied with books and writings. but TDM did influence a lot of people esp. the Malays through his writings. plus, he read a lot of materials ranging from story books to more technical issues like economy and whatnot. so, i see a lot of resemblance between you and TDM during his early day. i, we, the fellow visitors of JMD blog hopefully one day you can be like TDM, but contesting on the right ticket of course! haha.. out of subject, what kind of materials did you read by the way? and for a month, i guess you could easily finish reading 10 thick books right?

    JMD : I’m somewhere near the famous ikan bakar.

    -ah, Umbai or Anjung Batu? it just 15 mins drive from my hometown. haha..

    JMD : Thank you for the kind words. But I assure you, I am no where near Tun’s calibre. Not in a thousand years! 🙂

    Right now, I am reading The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb. Quite a good read. 10 books in a month? At the risk of being called a bookworm, I have to admit rather embarrasingly that I often times did finish reading 10 books in a month. But that was long time ago. Now, time is quite limited. But I do read a couple of new books in a month.


  32. Salam JMD,

    I’m a Malaccan too with Bentan and Chinese mix (Laksamana Bentan was my great X7 grandfather, that’s what I was told). Regardless of the datas that you’ve posted, I tend not to agree with the notion that DSAR is a good leader. To me, a good leader is someone who is not only good in bringing up the economy but must also have the eye to differentiate what is right what is not. To award some Indian movie star a Datukship will only tells that the title is cheap! And SRK is a MURTAD. This shows to the world that we don’t care and we Malays are short sighted. I maybe wrong but this is crazy!

    And if DSAR is reading this blog; I just wanna say that I, together with a lot of my kampung boys DON’T approved the name changing of our kampung’s name from KG. SOLOK DUKU to Kg. Seri Tanjung! I love my kampung’s name and I will always refer it as Bt. 17, Kampung Solok Duku, Masjid Tanah, Melaka. Don’t you take it away from us….! If you insist, give to the folks near masjib hujung tanjung. They will like it. Not us…never!

    JMD : Thank you for commenting. I thought Datuk Ali had clarified why the Datukship was awarded? Anyway, I doubt he reads this blog 🙂 Why don’t you take this grievances up to his blog? Or better yet, go to the Pejabat Daerah Masjid Tanah and make a complaint.


  33. JMD,

    First time saya baca JMD punya posting tak habis….penatlah nak tengok figures tu…
    saya boleh ingat Ali Rustam atas dua perkara aje…..pertama dia cakap jangan lawat Kelantan dulu dan kedua yang latest pasal Datuk SRK…
    Tapi, tak dinafikan saya & famili memang enjoy pergi Melaka sebab rasa macam bandarnya nampak cantik, tersusun & bersih…credit must be given to him but not up to the extent of backing him up for the DP, he’s still got a lot to prove…cuba lagi next round lah…


    JMD : Haha. Mesti juling mata tengok banyak sangat nombor. Bagaimanapun, artikel tersebut, yang saya ambil dari portal kerajaan negeri Melaka amat menarik bagi saya. Terutama berkenaan pencapaian negeri Melaka dari aspek ekonomi. Terima kasih.


  34. melaka kecik je. kalau nak majukan x susah kan? kan?

    JMD : Perlis juga kecil. Negeri Sembilan pun begitu. Adakah mereka mempunyai ‘economic indicators’ seperti Melaka? Saiz sesebuah negeri tidak boleh dijadikan ukuran. Ada negeri yang besar tetapi tidak mempunyai prasarana dan pencapaian ekonomi yang mengkagumkan.

    Singapura juga kecil. Adakah kita hendak mengatakan bahawa Lee Luan Yew dan anaknya tak pernah susah hendak bangunkan Singapura? Terima kasih.


  35. Dear JMD,

    Have you heard? teresa gone mad!!! she is on ‘suing’ spree …..

    wow RM 30 (utusan/ISA) + 100 (utusan/cerpen) + 30 (UMNO Cheras) = RM 160 million man …. memang nak cepat kaya ….. but what do you expect, her god-father KS have ‘turun ilmu’ to her well ….

    I wish i can sue her instead
    i) because she cause havoc and embarrassment to Malaysian during the whole ‘Not Chinese but Malays girl squat’ saga … from hero then to zero ….
    ii) sue her on the Jawi saga
    iii) sue her on dog food saga
    iv) sue her on her lying2 saga

    somebody please let her taste her own medicine ….

    i wonder is the UMNO cheras have the ball to counter-sue Teresa …..

    although Utusan is not my cup of tea, i’ll be happy if they counter-sue and strip her until her panties :p …. maybe at that time, dog food wont be too bad after all ….

    funny ehh …. she is taking the advantages of our corrupted judiciary to make money …. i tot she did believe in the current judiciary ….

    arghh …. geram siot


    JMD : Teresa Kok is taking cue from her Singaporean counterparts. Sue while you can 🙂


  36. JMD,
    I think you (deliberately?) misunderstood what i said. OK lah, maybe i was being a bit too drama with the racist, extremist thing, but I did not say that UMNO supreme council decisions were racist etc. I meant that for your Ali Rustam fella.
    Come on lah.. you of all people should know the difference between party and govt. UMNO is only but one party in the BN coalition, which forms the govt. So why should UMNO supreme council decisions be followed wholesale by the govt? What about what the other BN parties think? Doesn’t it matter?
    Well it should matter unless of course UMNO views them as merely a rubber stamp for its decisions, which seems to be the case lately.
    Anyway, to your statement that pro UMNO bloggers will make sure that UMNO supreme council will not make stupid decisions, well with all due respect do they actually listen to you?
    If they did, wouldn’t there be nominations for Ku Li as president?
    Sorry to burst your bubble JMD, but UMNO still very much runs on money, not principles.

    JMD : I see. Maybe I did misunderstand what you said. In reality, it works like this – Relevant policies are discussed in Umno Supreme Council. If the policy needs to be discussed at a national level, they will discuss any issues in the BN committee meeting. If agreed, any implementation and execution will be deliberated in the ministerial cabinet meetings. Thus, political parties have influence over govt. decisions.

    Same goes if MCA has issues to discusss at the national level. It will then be discussed in the BN meeting.

    When I said pro umno bloggers, I did not mean myself. I was referring to pro umno bloggers whom are having close associations with the umno leaders. Big Dog for example, have a good relationship with Datuk Mukhriz. Rockybru has many friends among the Umno leaders. Any weaknesses will be aired in their blogs. As the result, these leaders will have their ears in the cyberspace and will know that they are being scrutinised 24/7.

    Yes, you are correct. Umno is run on money politics – like many other political parties in the world. I have known this fact since the day I have known Umno. We can only hope it does not become rampant. As you may know, a corrupt leader will sell his own race for money and power. Thank you.


  37. WTF is wrong with Malaysia???!@!!! I’m overseas and I just heard about Shah Rukh Khan getting a “Datuk” from the state of Malacca. What has he contributed to our country besides shooting some scenes in the country??Sh*t!!!I’m f’in pissed off!!And there goes all our tax money to people who dont even benefit us!!! JMD, please do us a favour..could you suggest to these bloody idiots that moving forward to give a “Datuk” ship they have to at least run a poll or consult the people if the incumbent really does deserves it!!!This is real shame..especially to the Kerajaan Negeri Malacca!!!

    JMD : Yes it is uncalled for. But I do not understand when you said – “our tax money is being given away to people that doesn’t give us any benefit.”

    Anyway, your suggestions is quite drastic. I do not think it will be agreed upon by any other states in Malaysia. If not, how else would Sultan Pahang give datukship to M Daud Kilau, Siti Nurhaliza, and some other artists 🙂


  38. roces.

    i hope the explaination by tdm on why melaka bestow the datukship to srk will help clear the air and make u understand.

    we have a big game this weekend jmd..good luck to us all.



  39. Torres,

    Couldn’t understand why only TDM could give us that sort of explanation. This is only a small matter but only he has the guts to explain to all of us without being afraid that many of his supporters will think otherwise. That is another leadership quality that nobody else has. Being able to communicate effectively and he also has the ability to explain difficult and trivial issues to us Malaysian people. He speaks his mind on this issue even when he does not support Ali Rustam.


  40. datuk Ali is a state material NOT for federal level . for Tim President Umno this is reserved for no 2 man for PutraJaya . this man must be very good with character and ideas , can articulate any issue economic,political ,international affair ,etc in both language bahasa malaysia and english. let put meritrocracy at work put the right man for the right job.


  41. Susah jugak nak jumpa blog orang melaka…tahniah..sebagai orang melaka memang saya berbangga ada pemimpin macam ds ali rustam…memang banyak perubahan yang telah beliau bawa..itupun dengan banyak pengorbanan, tapi tak semua orang sempurna…bagi saya kelemahan beliau bagi calon tpm hanylah kerana beliau tak pandai berucap..apa-apa hal pon semoga beliau berjaya…


  42. Hi JMD,

    Saya setuju dengan pendapat ramai. Kalau DSMAR nak jadi apa pun kena tengok dulu kebolehan diri. Kalau speaking tak boleh, susahlah kawan. Karisma itu penting. Jangan sampai pisang berbuah dua kali.

    Saya sendiri pun sebab tak lancar speaking, dapat tawaran jadi executive tak ambik sebab saya tak mau nanti org bawah gelak kat saya. Yang paling penting, jangan sampai pihak asing tak faham apa kita cakap.

    JMD : Sebab itu kita perlu berusaha untuk sentiasa membaiki kelemahan diri kita. Karisma juga tidak penting jika tidak tahu membuat kerja. Kalau hanya pandai bercakap berdegar degar tetapi kualiti kerja tidak memuaskan, maka seseoarang itu akan dilihat gagal di dalam kepimpinannya. Yang paling utama bagi peimimpin no 2 ialah bijak membuat kerja. Bukannya banyak bercakap. Banyak bercakap ini biasanya tugas orang no 1.

    Kita perlu juga melihat track record mereka yang bertanding. Apakah prestasi mereka yang lain bagus?

    Terima kasih.


  43. Yeah, the movement’s in motion with mass militant poetry
    Now check this out…

    In the right light, study becomes insight
    But the system that dissed us
    Teaches us to read and right

    So called facts are fraud
    They want us to allege and pledge
    And bow down to their God
    Lost the culture, the culture lost
    Spun our minds and through time
    Ignorance has taken over
    Yo, we gotta take the power back!
    Bam! Here’s the plan
    ******* Uncle Sam
    Step back, I know who I am
    Raise up your ear, I’ll drop the style and clear
    It’s the beats and the lyrics they fear
    The rage is relentless
    We need a movement with a quickness
    You are the witness of change
    And to counteract
    We gotta take the power back

    Yeah, we gotta take the power back
    We gotta take the power back

    The present curriculum
    I put my fist in ’em
    Eurocentric every last one of ’em
    See right through the red, white and blue disguise
    With lecture I puncture the structure of lies
    Installed in our minds and attempting
    To hold us back
    We’ve got to take it back
    Holes in our spirit causin’ tears and fears
    One-sided stories for years and years and years
    I’m inferior? Who’s inferior?
    Yeah, we need to check the interior
    Of the system that cares about only one culture
    And that is why
    We gotta take the power back

    Yeah, we gotta take the power back
    We gotta take the power back

    Hey yo check, we’re gonna have to break it, break it,
    break it down
    Awww shit!

    And like this…

    Come on, Bring it back the other way!

    The teacher stands in front of the class
    But the lesson plan he can’t recall
    The student’s eyes don’t perceive the lies
    Bouning off every ***** wall
    His composure is well kept
    I guess he fears playing the fool
    The complacent students sit and listen to some of that
    Bullshit that he learned in school

    Europe ain’t my rope to swing on
    Can’t learn a thing from it
    Yet we hang from it
    Gotta get it, gotta get it together then
    Like the ********* weathermen
    To expose and close the doors on those who try
    To strangle and mangle the truth
    ‘Cause the circle of hatred continues unless we react
    We gotta take the power back

    No more lies
    No more lies
    No more lies
    No more lies
    No more lies
    No more lies
    No more lies
    No more lies


  44. Saya memang gemar melihat komen2 dan ucapan DSAR.Beliau tidaklah berpidato/berkomen sehebat TDM or DSAI tetapi cara dia menyampaikan buah fikirannya amat saya kagumi.As a leader you must always know both side of the coin.DSAR comment on the Pig issue struck me because I seldom see this coming from UMNO leaders nowdays.Beliau cakap “janganlah kita jadikan isu ini isu politik dan saya akan bincang dengan semua yang terlibat” dalam erti kata lain take it out of context.Kalau penternak lembu buang bahan sisa binatang dalam sungai pun kita marah.Isu sekarang ialah pencemaran bukan agama.Lagipun,pengusaha2 ladang ternakan contribute kepada local economy directly via taxes,employment etc.

    Sikap adil dan rasional ini saya kagumi tetapi beliau mungkin kurang experience at international level and maybe the wise thing to do is request a transfer to the federal level like TSMY.Learning the rope more might do good as you said, experience comes from past bad judgment.

    Melaka berbeza 10 tahun dahulu semasa saya belajar di MRSM Jasin.Kini banyak infrastuktur asas yang telah di bina dan sistem pengangkutan awam bertambah baik.Janganlah kita bandingkan kemajuan Melaka dengan Kuala Lumpur.Saya berpuas hati dengan kemajuan negeri ini.Kepada yang kurang pengetahuan tentang development statistic senang sahaja,pergi melawat Melaka atau cari gambar2 daerah2 Melaka 10 tahun dahulu dan sekarang.Keputusan pilihanraya 2008 pun berseteju dengan kemajuan yang dibawa DSAR.Saya lihat ramai sahaja ketua negara2 maju tidah fasih bahasa Inggeris.Kalau tidak percaya,lihat sahaja persidangan PBB.Adakah kecekapan seseorang pemimpin dinilai melalui pertuturan didalam bahasa asing?Kalau semua pemimpin BN bawa kemajuan asas kepada negeri masing2,mungkin BN masih lagi memerintah seperti Melaka.


  45. Assalamu alaikum JMD

    The search for the Malaysia #2 boils down to the UMNO members recognizing what is needed to rejuvenate the country and then decide who is most suitable to undertake that responsibility. Kind of matching square pegs in square holes, I believe.

    As citizens of Malaysia we hope that these members have clear conscience as basis of decision making rather than be fueled by immediate gains. Looking by the recent developments in the UMNO Wanita, I trust that the former should prevail.

    Coming back to DSAR, the numbers speak for themselves. Some may argue of his lack of certain skills but I reiterate the fact that we should actually consider what is the priority for the country at this juncture and choose a leader that has the strongest quality to meet that need.

    The post of the Deputy Premier is no guarantee for the PM post, many would agree to that. The late Tun Ghaffar Baba had his share of whingeing detractors but at the end of the day it was his strengths that people relied on, and carried them out dutifuly he did.

    Square pegs into square holes, I say!



  46. Pingback: Datuk Ali Rustam - Jaguh Kampung atau juga Juara Global? « Hidup Tuah!

  47. 1 year to go to be on par with other OEDC country..shabas melaka…jgn jadi mcm selangor shok sendiri..anyway selamat maju jaya DAR,whatever people say…given kharisma and statistic i wil always choose statistic.cakap pandai aje tapi tak gune buat ape tgk ajele CM/MB PR…


  48. Salam,

    Saya setuju dengan tuan pengarang. Ali Rustam telah berjaya mempertahankan Melaka semasa gelombong tsunami PRU12. Kalau tidak kerana kecekapan pengurusan dan kewibawaan beliau Melaka pasti dah lama jatuh ke tangan pembangkang.

    Saya selalu melihat DSAR kerja kuat sampaikan pukul 3 pagi pagi pun masih melayan orang ramai yang datang ke kediaman rasmi beliau. Sampai terlentuk-lentuk mendengar masalah rakyat kerana tak nak hampakan mereka yang datang dr jauh yang dah tunggu berjam-jam.

    Setiap kali pilihanraya pun mmg dah terkenal yang DSAR akan dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjaga kawasan “hitam” yakni kawasan yang paling susah untuk dimenangi BN. Kredebility beliau untuk mempengaruhi pengundi serta menaikkan semangat jentera BN di sana amat diperlukan.

    Beliau pun selalu membuat lawatan ke luar negara dan berurusan dengan ramai pelabur luar negara untuk offer peluang perniagaan di Melaka. Rasanya masalah nak bertutur dalam BI tak menjadi masalah kerana sebagai KM beliau dan selalu buat trip2 untuk mencari pelabur asing untuk menjana ekonomi Melaka apatah lagi Malaysia.

    Saya yakin dengan kebolehan dan pengalaman YAB DSAR, beliau mampu memikul tanggungjawab sebagai Timbalan Presiden UMNO.

    Insyallah DSAR menang Timbalan Presiden UMNO.


  49. Assalamualaikum wbt.

    Alhamdulillah bersyukur kpd Allah swt kerana Melaka semakin maju, aman dan makmur. Saya sebagai rakyat Melaka berasa bangga hasil daripada kepimpinan DSAR yang bertungkus lumus membangunkan Melaka ke arah negeri maju. Pendapat saya Melaka, boleh dianggap sebagai benchmark dan negeri contoh di Malaysia. Ini kerana pelbagai prasarana, pembangunan dan ekonomi Melaka kian berkembang pesat dari semasa ke semasa. Realitinya kita boleh lihat boleh melihat sendiri perubahan berlaku sepanjang 10 tahun di bawah teraju DSAR. Secara purata keseluruhan yang kita boleh gambarkan melaka berada dikedudukan yang cemerlang meskipun masih lagi ada beberapa perkara yang perlu diambil berat dan diperkemaskan lagi. Usaha-usaha untuk menjadikan melaka negeri berprestasi tinggi ini tidak akan berjaya sekiranya kita semua tidak memberi kerjasama padu dan cambahan idea yang bernas serta kritikan yang positif bagi menentukan halatuju negeri Melaka dilandasan yang betul. Secara rumusannya daripada artikel JMD dan komen-komen pembaca, Melaka boleh dianggap sebagai negeri maju dan dibanggakan kita semua. kita sebagai rakyat perlu sentiasa memberi sokongan dan setia kepada pemimpin kita selagi mana pemimpin tersebut bertanggungjawab menjalankan amanah yang diberikan. Setiap kritikan pembaca perlulah positif untuk memberi nilai tambah setiap perkara yang dibangkitkan bukanlah menuding jari sedangkan 4 jari kita lagi menghala ke arah kita.


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