Malay issues / Umno & Barisan Nasional

Siapa wajar kita pilih?

Pada bulan Mac 2009 nanti para perwakilan UMNO akan memilih calon-calon untuk menduduki kerusi-kerusi Presiden, Timbalan Presiden dan Majlis Tertinggi Umno bagi tempoh tiga tahun. Siapa yang wajar kita pilih untuk memikul tanggungjawab yang kita amanahkan itu?

Jika mereka yang kita pilih itu gagal melaksanakan amanah tersebut maka yang salahnya ialah kita kerana kita tidak bijak membuat pilihan. Ketepatan memilih menjadi kritikal kerana jawatan di peringkat MT UMNO, sehingga kini, biasanya akan memberi peluang kepada mereka untuk memegang jawatan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan; sebagai Perdana Menteri, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, menteri, timbalan menteri, Menteri Besar/Ketua Menteri dan sebagainya.

Menjadi bertambah kritikal lagi kerana merekalah yang akan memimpin parti untuk mencapai kemenangan dalam Pilihanraya Ke-13 nanti. Pilihanraya tersebut amat penting kerana ia akan menentukan survival UMNO. Lantas ia akan menentukan pula hidup matinya Melayu:

Pohon nyiur di tepi laut
Dimakan kumbang pucuknya layu
Kepada UMNO kita berpaut
UMNO tumbang hilanglah Melayu

Justeru apakah kriteria yang hendak kita gunakan? Diajukan sepuluh (10) kriteria berikut.

Kriteria pertama semestinyalah berjiwa Melayu kerana parti UMNO adalah berteraskan orang Melayu dan berjuang untuk kepentingan orang Melayu. Mereka hendaklah dilihat komited dan tegas memperjuangkan serta melindungi hak, kuasa, kepentingan dan maruah Melayu, selaras dengan Fasal 3.2 – 3.5, Perlembagaan UMNO.

Diperhatikan hak dan kuasa kita semakin terhakis, kepentingan semakin tercabar dan maruah kita terus menerus dihina. Justeru keadaan yang nazak dan terdesak ini menuntut pemimpin yang kental jiwa Melayunya untuk bangkit berjuang bagi meletakkan semula hak, kuasa dan maruah bangsanya di tempat asalnya yang hak.


Kriteria kedua ialah mesra dan berjiwa rakyat dan dilihat suka menolong rakyat serta sering mendampingi rakyat. Terbukti mereka telah banyak menolong ramai orang miskin dari segi perumahan, pekerjaan, pendidikan dan meningkatkan pendapatan mereka.

Kriteria ketiga ialah berwawasan yang jelas untuk memajukan bangsa Melayu, agama Islam dan negara Malaysia. Wawasan ini yang memandu ahli dan parti menuju destinasi yang dipersetujui bersama.

Kriteria keempat ialah berdedikasi, komited dan berprestasi yang gemilang bersandarkan jawatan yang pernah disandang, misalnya, menteri, timbalan menteri, Menteri Besar/Ketua Menteri. Terbukti jelas mereka telah mampu membawa kemajuan yang memberi manfaat kepada orang Melayu khasnya dan rakyat Malaysia amnya. Ia berupaya menjana aktiviti ekonomi, mewujudkan gunatenaga penuh (full employment), mengukuhkan pendapatan, membasmi kemiskinan dan merapatkan jurang pendapatan.

Pendek kata, UMNO memerlukan pemimpin yang mempunyai dua kemampuan – pemikir (a thinker) dan pelaksana (a doer).

Kriteria kelima pula ialah telus, mengamalkan urus tadbir yang baik (good governance) serta bertanggungjawab (accountable) kepada rakyat.

Kriteria keenam ialah baik budi pekerti, berakhlak mulia, berintegriti, bersopan, mengenang budi dan menghargai jasa orang, sejajar dengan tuntutan Fasal 20.8 (g), Perlembagaan UMNO.

Kriteria ketujuh ialah bijak dan berhemah. Kita mahu pemimpin yang matang dan pragmatik dalam menyusun langkah bagi kebaikan orang Melayu dan UMNO. Keutamaan kita adalah selaras dengan maksud pantun ini:

Pilih-pilih tempat mandi,
Pertama tasik kedua pantai
Pilih-pilih biar menjadi
Pertama BAIK kedua pandai.

Seterusnya kriteria kelapan ialah pemimpin yang berani berdepan dengan bukan Melayu yang mengutuk dan menghina parti, bangsa, pemimpin dan rajanya sendiri. Kita mahu pemimpin yang mampu berjuang mempertahankan wilayah negaranya sendiri. Kita mahu mereka yang dilihat berani dan tidak mudah tunduk kepada negara dan bangsa asing; selaras dengan semangat dengan Fasal 3.1, Perlembagaan UMNO.

Kriteria kesembilan ialah berpengalaman luas dalam parti, pentadbiran dan NGO; sudah masak dan matang – naik bertangga, turun berjinjang. Meningkat dengan kekuatan sendiri, bukan bersandar dengan mana-mana pihak. Di samping itu, kepimpinannya terbukti diiktiraf oleh masyarakat antarabangsa; yang demikian ia menjadi aset yang berguna kerana mampu meletakkan UMNO dan negara di persada global.

Kriteria terakhir ialah kesederhanaan dan boleh diterima oleh kaum-kaum lain kerana negara kita bermasyarakat majmuk. Kriteria ini selari dengan Fasal 3.6, Perlembagaan UMNO.

Untuk berkuasa melalui BN, UMNO memerlukan sokongan kaum dan parti-parti komponen yang lain. Justeru pemimpin UMNO perlulah dilihat tidak bersikap ekstrimis, turut menjaga kepentingan mereka tanpa perlu menggadaikan kepentingan kita sendiri!

Sama-samalah kita saksikan pada bulan Mac nanti sejauh mana bijaknya 3.4 juta ahli UMNO dan 2,560 ahli perwakilan dalam menentukan nasib 14.1 juta umat Melayu dan 27.7 juta penduduk Malaysia. Ingatlah harapan menggunung ahli UMNO dan rakyat Malaysia terhadap UMNO/pemimpin mereka:

Anak duri anak tenggiri
Dalam belanga bertemu jodoh
UMNO umpama payung negeri
Tempat rakyat tumpang berteduh.

Dengan rasa rendah diri, diharap intipati artikel ini sedikit sebanyak dapat dijadikan panduan kepada ahli-ahli Umno di mesyuarat Bahagian dan kepada para perwakilan di perhimpunan agung tahunan nanti. Sekian, terima kasih.

53 thoughts on “Siapa wajar kita pilih?

  1. JMD, who in your opinion fits this criteria currently?

    JMD : We have 5 months to carefully evaluate the past and current performance of the candidates. However, we do appreciate the thought that nobody is perfect. There are a few leaders that do fit most of the qualities above. Umno delegates must be aware of their rights and their heavy responsibility in choosing the right leaders. What is at stake is Malaysia, and its place in this world.


  2. Salam KMD,

    Semoga yang dipilih menjalankan tanggungjawab seamanah yang mungkin. Berpeganglah pada prinsip “Kuasa adalah amanah”.

    Kita sering mendengar dan melayan perjuangan hak minoriti sehingga pemimpin-pemimpin kita terlupa perjuangan hak majoriti (hak Melayu). Hak Melayu dikongsi sedikit demi sedikit atas dasar toleransi sehinggakan hak dan maruah Melayu diinjak-injak. Pemimpin UMNO harus sedar bahawa tanggungjawab yang diberikan oleh akar umbi adalah untuk melindungi hak dan maruah Melayu. Jika ini gagal, maka pemimpin tersebut tidak layak menjadi pemimpin Melayu.

    Pada berpendapat bahawa pemimpin UMNO perlu memberi fokus pada perjuangan hak majoriti. Berikut saya sarankan beberapa cadangan untuk diperjuangkan oleh pemimpin UMNO:

    1. Memperjuangkan semangat DEB dengan meletakkan target yang lebih tinggi, bukan setakat 30 % penguasaan. Mungkin mengikut pecahan kaum (Melayu/Bumiputra) iaitu 60 % penguasaan di semua sektor. Langkah kerajaan PAS di Kedah boleh dijadikan contoh. Meletakkan target kuota 50 % dalam hal pemilikan hartanah.

    2. Menzahirkan segala hak Melayu/Bumiputra berkaitan soal pendidikan tinggi. Semua pelajar Melayu/Bumiputra wajib diberikan segala kemudahan pembiayaan secara biasiswa, bukannya pinjaman, selari dengan statusnya sebagai Melayu/Bumiputra. Paling lekeh , memberikan biasiswa bagi pelajar Melayu/Bumiputra yang berlatarbelakang miskin. Contohi Brunei dalam menjaga segala keistimewaan hak peribuminya dalam bidang pendidikan.

    Harap saudara JMD dapat memberikan sedikit komen.

    JMD : Jika NEP dilaksanakan dengan elok dan mentaliti Melayu diubah agar lebih ‘robust’, kerajaan tidak perlu melaksanakan dasar dasar ekstrem sepertimana yang saudara cadangkan diatas. Yang penting disini adalah matlamat halatuju kedudukan Melayu. Apa sebenarnya yang kita hendak capai? Apakah kedudukan matlamat tersebut di dalam konteks Malaysia pelbagai kaum?

    Saudara mencadangkan langkah jangkamasa pendek yang drastik. Langkah langkah tersebut pernah digunapakai di negara negara lain seperti Zimbabwe sebagai contoh. Di Zimbabwe, tanah tanah milik kaum minoriti yang memegang kuasa ekonomi (kaum kulit putih) telah dirampas dan diberikan kepada kaum majoriti (kulit hitam). Kesannya amat molek dilihat kerana kaum majoriti mendapat pegangan ekuiti yang tinggi secara mendadak. Akan tetapi, oleh sebab pengisian yang kurang (‘hardware’ bagus, tapi ‘software’ yang tidak sempurna), kekayaan yang diperolehi cara sebegini tidak kekal lama. Kaum majoriti tersebut tidak dapat menjana ekonomi negara mereka kerana tidak ada pengalaman dan kecekalan sebenar untuk berjaya. Akibatnya, kadar inflasi di Zimbabwe naik berjuta juta peratus!

    Justeru, niat yang bagus tidak semestinya membawa perubahan yang baik. Lebih lebih lagi niat tersebut dilakukan tanpa kajian yang menyeluruh. Kita tidak mahu menuju kearah itu.

    Adalah penting juga bahawa, konsep adil sesama kaum juga perlu dipraktikkan. Dikhuatiri jika semua sektor perlu mempunyai kuota hingga 60%, maka peluang peluang yang tersedia ada yang terbuka kepada kaum kaum lain akan tertutup. Sebab itu, NEP walaupun mensasarkan objektif hanya 30%, yang lebih penting adalah perkembangan kek ekonomi yang lebih besar.

    Tidak guna meningkatkan sasaran kepada 60% jika kek ekonomi adalah stagnant atau makin mengecil. Jika kek ekonomi membesar, kaum Melayu akan mempunyai lebih banyak peluang untuk menceburi lebih banyak sektor, walaupun sasaran adalah hanya 30%. Kaum bukan Melayu juga tidak merasa terhimpit dengan kuota yang mengecil.

    Diingatkan lagi, Malaysia adalah negara berbilang kaum. Kerajaan mesti bersikap adil dan saksama ke atas semua kaum. Ini penting. Pimpinan Melayu, yang menjadi tunjang kepada kerajaan BN perlu peka kepada nasib kaum kaum lain. Dengan sendirinya Kerajaan Malaysia yang berteraskan parti Melayu mendapat sokongan dari semua lapisan rakyat.

    Saya telah sebutkan di atas, bahawa pengisian adalah penting. Pengisian yang cukup dari segi latihan, peluang perniagaan yang berkualiti dan semangat yang cekal untuk berjaya adalah lebih penting daripada terus menerus diberikan subsidi yang berlebihan dan ‘tongkat’ yang berterusan.

    Semangat NEP yang dipelopori di dalam Misi Nasional sejak tahun 1990 tidak semestinya berterusan selama lamanya. Untuk sekelian kalinya, apakah matlamat unggul untuk kaum Melayu?

    Untuk berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah dengan semua bangsa di dunia ini. Kita berharap jika kaum Melayu dikehendaki berdepan dengan ancaman ekonomi dari luar, kaum Melayu dapat menghadapinya dengan tabah dan tanpa rasa takut. Utamanya, Melayu boleh menghadapi segala cabaran dengan kepercayaan diri sendiri yang tinggi. Matlamat capaian 30% sebenarnya tidaklah sepenting yang difikir oleh semua.

    Kaum Melayu mesti sedar bahawa segala bantuan yang mereka terima selama ini sudah cukup bagus dan mereka mesti membuktikan bahawa mereka tidak mensia siakan segala rahmat yang mereka telah dapat selama ini.

    Melayu mesti rajin, berdisiplin, beramanah, berakhlak mulia dan berani. Jika sifat ini dipupuk sejak kecil, nescaya kaum Melayu akan berjaya tanpa banyak bantuan dari kerajaan. Umno mesti terapkan ciri ciri diatas agar survival Melayu terjamin. Jika ciri ciri tersebut sebati dengan masyarakat Melayu, bukan sahaja 60%, malah 80% pun bukan mustahil untuk dicapai.

    Saya berterima kasih dengan komen saudara di atas. Cadangan saudara boleh juga digunapakai. Tetapi perlu juga dibuat analisa ‘cost/benefit’ untuk jangka masa panjang.

    Saya boleh berceloteh mengenai perkara ini hingga malam 🙂 . Tapi saya agak kesuntukkan masa. Terima kasih.


  3. JMD,

    The urge for UMNO reform comes from the new echolon of malays. This Gen-X malays want leaders who are scandal-free, brave and firm. That is why Mukhriz is the first to clear the quota. Should Mukhriz go for president’s post, I would think that he will garner the same result.

    All are using “after receiving feedback from the grassroot” gig and to their dismay, nominations for them from the grassroots are puny. With the exclusion of a few, many who are going for the top posts have ‘issues’ still left unanswered to the grassroots and these issues, controversy, scandals will mark their unsuccessful bid for the posts.


  4. Saya berpendapat sesiapa sahaja yang terpilih sewajibnya memperjuangkan hak Melayu/Bumiputra dengan tegas & konsisten. Dalam hal ini kita boleh mengambil contoh DAP dalam memperjuangkan hak-hak minoriti yang pada hemat saya sangat tegas dan konsisten dalam perjuangan Malaysian Malaysianya walaupun pendekatan tersebut tidak popular bagi majoriti.

    Sesiapa sahaja pemimpin yang pada mulanya begitu tegas selalunya berubah rentak bila berada di tampuk kuasa. Inilah masalah yang dihadapi oleh kebanyakan pemimpin UMNO. Dan ini yang perlu diperbetulkan demi agama, bangsa dan tanah air. Pengundi Melayu mahukan pemimpin Melayu yang dapat berjuang dan menjaga hak Melayu dengan tegas, tidak kira sama ada memegang kuasa atau pun tidak dalam kerajaan.

    Tegas tidak bermaksud menidakkan hak kaum lain. Hak majoriti diperkasa hak monoriti dijaga. Tegas juga bukan bermaksud kita berpuas hati dengan target 30 %. Dan lebih parah merendahkan target 30 % tersebut. Pemimpin UMNO perlu meletakkan target yang lebih tinggi sebagaimana DAP meletakkan target “Malaysian Malaysia”. Target UMNO perlu ke arah Melayu/Bumiputra yang dominan dalam penguasaan ekonomi, politik & sosial. Target perlu ditetapkan setinggi mungkin.

    JMD : Terima kasih. Saya setuju dengan pengamatan saudara. Wlaubagaimanapun, target yang tinggi perlu di isi dengan kebolehan untuk sentiasa kekal ditahap tersebut. Jika tidak, kos-kos kosmetik (subsidi berlebihan) yang diperlukan untuk menampung target tersebut akan membenamkan ekonomi negara dalam jangka masa panjang.


  5. Tuan,
    Mohon tumpang satu dua pantun.

    Wangi harum si anak zapin,
    Wangi jati bersulam papan;
    Apa sifat kamu wahai pemimpin,
    Boleh diletak dibelakang dihadapan.

    Kayu jati bersulam papan,
    Besi khursani pati masyaikhi;
    Boleh diletak dibelakang dihadapan.
    Yang boleh digeruni mesti dikasihi.


  6. Salam JMD,
    Pemimpin yang berkualiti, bersifat negarawan dan paling utama berani telah hilang selepas era Tun Dr. Mahathir. Tabalnye Dato’ Seri Najib di harap dapat mengembalikan melayu dan Malaysia seperti apa yang pernah kita rasa dulu.

    Hidup Melayu dan Malaysia..!


  7. Salam JMD,

    Membaca posting saudara setiap kali benar-benar menyedarkan saya akan keistimewaan saudara. Saya tidak kenal saudara secara peribadi malah tidak penah pun melihat wajah saudara.

    Cuma saya berharap saudara akan menawar diri untuk bertanding jawatan dalam UMNO dan yakin bahawa saudara akan mendapat cukup mandat dalam apa-apa jawatan dalam UMNO.

    Terima kasih.

    JMD : Terima kasih di atas kepercayaan saudari terhadap saya. Saya bersyukur kerana telah mendapat pendidikan dan juga ruang untuk cuba berbakti kepada bangsa dan negara. Walaupun setakat ini, ianya hanya di cyberspace 🙂


  8. saye ader terdengar cerite dari bos saye yang mukhriz bertanding tak pakai duit..God bless him..and KJ akan kantoi sebab main duit kat machang..i hate rumors..dats y i come here for clarification..

    JMD : Mungkin juga. Apa kata saudara tanya beliau sendiri di blog beliau di



  9. Salam, JMD.
    Kriteria-kriteria pemilihan yang ideal tetapi realitinya ramai pemimpin-pemimpin dalam UMNO mungkin ‘gagal’ memenuhi markah mimimum 5/10. Hanya melayu yang boleh/sanggup jatuhkan melayu sendiri. JMD tertinggal kriteria asas iaitu kita perlukan pemimpin melayu yang beriman yang sebenar-benarnya tahu dan sedar setiap tindak tanduknya akan diperhitungkan di akhirat kelak. Bila diri dah berlandaskan lillahi Ta’ala, insya Allah ciri-ciri lain yang disebutkan akan mengikut. wallahu’alam. Saya bimbang tentang mentaliti majoriti orang melayu kita kini yang menyertai politik UMNO kerana mengejar kekayaan dan keseronokan/pengaruh duniawi. Malap sungguh masa depan bangsa kita di bumi sendiri.

    JMD : Terima kasih kerana memberi pandangan yang bernas. Walau bagaimana pun, jika nampak saja beriman, sembahyang tidak tinggal tetapi tidak mempraktikkan ciri ciri yang penting seperti yang terkandung di dalam artikel di atas, mungkin tak berkesan juga. Ramai juga ahli ahli Umno sebegini. Namun begitu, saya ada membuat sedikit tambahan pada artikel tersebut. Sila lihat komen dibawah juga. Terima kasih.


  10. Salam JMD,

    Bila dah start main pantun2 ni mulalah terdengar lagu fatwa pujangga 🙂 Isi yang bagus dan masa yang sesuai..

    Sebelum ada yang mula mempersoalkan kenapa tidak ada kriteria2 berlandaskan sunnah dan Quran, sayugia di ingati, semua yang tercatat adalah ciri2 yang sememangnya dituntut Islam ada pada seseorang pemimpin….rajin, berdisiplin, amanah, berakhlak mulia, mengenang budi, mesra. Biasalah orang kita ni kan ….

    Cuma mungkin perlu juga ditambah satu lagi – mempunyai ilmu ugama yang tinggi. Bukanlah perlu ketahap belajar ke Cairo, seorang alhafiz tapi mempunyai pendidikan ugama yang lengkap dan mempraktikkannya. Apa yang saya perhatikan :

    1- kalau bercakap hal politik, UMNO amat lantang. Bila ada kenduri kendara, orang UMNO cukup meriah. Tapi bila ada ceramah ugama …? Sembahyang subuh di masjid atau surau ….? dan yang paling best, (ni dikampung saya memang sering diperkatakan ) bila ada kematian…hilang orang UMNO ! Kalau orang UMNO yang mati, harap ke orang PAS jugalah yang uruskan… INI KENYATAAN !!
    2- jadi mesra dan bergaul rapat dengan masyarakat bukan hanya di kedai kopi atau melawat kampung tapi dalam aktiviti harian. Kalau alasan sibuk, takkan waktu subuh pun tak boleh ke surau ? Lebih bagus kalau mampu jadi imam, mengetuai majlis tahlil dan sebagainya.
    3- ikhlas dalam mendampingi rakyat dan menghulurkan bantuan. tak perlulah setiap kali turun padang kena ada rombongan , siap dengan pihak media. IKHLAS .. berjalan melawat rakyat bersendirian bila2 masa terluang. Bawa buku nota kecil, catatkan apa2 masalah rakyat dan followup dengan setiausaha. Tak perlu dihebohkan ! Rancangan BersamaMU TV3 sebenarnya punya kesan yang negatif pada wakil2 rakyat di tempat yang dilawati..kenapa tiada perhatian sebelumnya ?

    Mungkin agak kampung komen saya dan mungkin semua ini tidak penting untuk menjadi pemimpin UMNO tapi bila secara otomatik mereka juga menjadi pemimpin rakyat dengan memegang jawatan menteri, rakyat pula yang akan menilai mereka. Jadi rajin2lah belajar ugama, kalau malu, panggillah ustaz2 ke rumah. Belajar mengaji, baca doa dan sebagainya. Dengan mengamalkan semuanya dengan ikhlas, dengan sendiri anda akan memenuhi kebanyakan kriteria2 di atas.

    Last , saya nak cadangkan semasa Mesyuarat Agung nanti sebelum proses undi berjalan, setiap calon kena baca Quran. Bukan nak dengar sedap atau tak, tapi sekurang2nya tahu baca ! Kalau baca Quran pun tak betul, tak usah ceritalah yang lain ….

    JMD : Terima kasih!


  11. Puas sudah kutanam padi,
    Nenas juga ditanam orang;
    Puas sudah kutanam budi,
    Emas juga dipandang orang

    Saya tidak berpeluang mengundi bagi kali ini. Bagi mereka yang layak, harap gunakan peluang ini sebaik-baiknya untuk memilih pemimpin yang layak dan berkeliber. SELAMAT MENGUNDI

    Halia ini tanam-tanaman,
    Ke barat juga akan condongnya;
    Dunia ini pinjam-pinjaman,
    Akhirat juga akan sungguhnya.


  12. ***Pemimpin yang mesra rakyat, itulah yang amat dihargai..***

    Saya ingin imbas kembali kunjungan keluarga saya buat pertama kali kePWTC pada hari terbuka sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri yang telah diraikan oleh PM serta Menteri Menteri beragama Islam. Telah membangkit satu kesedaran mendalam kepada kami sekeluarga.

    Saya amat kagum melihat begitu ramai dari tiap golongan Rakyat, tidak kira bangsa, agama, lapisan tua, muda termasuk bayi bayi… Walaupun terpaksa berbaris panjang dan lama, terserlah wajah keriangan masing masing kerana ingin bertemu dan bersalaman dengan pemimpin pemimpin kita di hari yang mulia itu. (kecuali insiden kumpulan T-shirt Oren dan Hitam).

    Program program MESRA RAKYAT sedemikian dan juga seperti APOK perlu disemarakkan olih tiap pemimpin bagi merapatkan silatulrahim antara PEMIMPIN ATASAN dengan RAKYAT BIASA…


  13. Syabas JMD, bukan pasal posting kali ini adalah ‘superb’ tetapi sebab ianya mencerminkan keaslian semangat Melayu saudara yang selama ini berselindung di sebalik kehebatan bahasa inggeris!

    Your family must be proud of you.

    Azman Mohd Isa
    Shah Alam

    JMD : Haha. Bahasa Inggeris saya pun bukannya hebat sangat. Banyak juga kesilapan grammar dan sentence structure! 🙂 Walaubagaimanapun, terima kasih!


  14. Well, maybe the “ideal” candidate may not fit the “ideal” line-up…

    I believe at the moment, it is more important for UMNO to re-engineer the party and regain its strength and try to be more tranparent and strive to regain its status as “Pejuang Bangsa Melayu”…

    I think, UMNO today has lost its core fundamental struggle to uphold the malay development… It has been seen as a party that is more and more being used by its member to generate wealth and has since lost its edge as the “party” for the malays…

    Anyway Selamat Hari Raya… And may the best man win…..


  15. Tuan;
    Dah baca hampir semua tulisan tuan.
    Terjumpa coretan yang bermaksud jebatmustdie mungkin tiada lagi setelah matlamatnya tercapai.
    Akibatnya saya merasa semacam kehilangan.
    Sekarang tuan berkata ” … cuba berbakti kepada bangsa dan negara. Walaupun setakat ini, ianya hanya di cyberspace” ini bermaksud selagi bangsa dan negara wujud, bakti akan diteruskan.
    Akibatnya saya merasa lega. … terutama kerana 10 sifat di atas, kedua kerana ada harapan untuk anak cucu saya dan ketiga terjumpa pengganti TDM. Amiieen.

    JMD : Terima kasih.


  16. Salam JMD,

    I find your posting here touching. Especially the first criteria. The image that came across my mind when I read those lines was of Teresa Kok – pointing at the Jawi version of the road name, with that look on her face. Call me a whatever-ultra but I feel our dignity was being flushed down the toilet when someone like her could display such arrogance. This sort of thing were almost unheard of during TDM’s tenure as the PM, I believe.

    I bet you saw those photos of Tun Dr. M, MY & NTR at that open house hosted by Dato Rauf (who knows, you probably were there, eh?) A manifestation of Tun’s approval of NTR, perhaps?

    Anyhow, I really like the way you put your thoughts in Bahasa Melayu, especially the pantuns. Karam Singh Walia? Eat your heart out! 😉

    JMD : I have to admit, one of that pantun I took from Aziz Tapa – an Umno veteran from Melaka 🙂


  17. Salam JMD.

    Let’s just hope that whoever gets selected, he doesn’t get blinded with power.

    “”Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power…” -Abraham Lincoln


  18. @psytroopers
    tak segan ke? takde orang pon nak jawab engkau kecuali admin..

    it’s commentors like these who give us a bad name.

    but then again everyone’s entitled to their opinion


  19. It is undeniable that malays are stupid, incapable and lazy. Why don’t they just humbly admit the facts and repent and learn from other races especially Chinese?

    What is the point to argue here and wasting time again?

    From the first onwards we were merely telling the truths. It wasn’t us who think that way but their own Badawi as well.

    All malays should go and read the newspaper, even Badawi is ashamed of maintaining the NEP after 34 years of implementing it and these malay baboons are still asking for it.

    Even Badawi wanted them to compete on a level playing field.

    So what does all these tell the world? It sends a very clear message that it is malays themselves who are incapable and lazy and they don’t even want to admit it and make a change!

    That is the biggest shame of all.

    Can’t you see, it is all back to square one. Year in, year out, some talk for half an hour, some one, some two. Some sing, many belt out their most recent released ‘pantun’.

    After all. Malays are good at that. Suggestions after suggestions, some good, some impossible to realize.

    But, do you see any of these materialised? Hardly. Why, why and why???

    Because the malays can never change. Never! Why?

    The leaders forgot or were it they simply didn’t want to address and admit that the actual disease is the malays and the remedy itself is also, the malays. They can never change. What is it about the malays?

    Firstly as you all know, they are a lazy species. Since the beginning of time they have been like that. Even the encyclopedia called them as lazy people. I think those British with their accent tried to call them ‘malas’, and if you put ‘y’ in, it becomes ‘malays’.

    Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way.

    Malays are ungrateful lot. In reality, they just can’t live or open their minds for others. When Mahathir said that they are complacent, they put him in jail. When Mahathir encouraged them to learn English language, they got angry with him, saying it is a ‘bahasa penjajah’.

    When other races ‘maju’, they got angry with them too. That was why at the end of Mahathir his regime, he said this, “I have achieved greatness as a prime minister, but I only fail in one thing, changing the malays.”

    Well, nothing to be surprised about anyway since Mahathir is not really a malay, and I guess that was why the malays were angry with him.

    Drug abuse, hate, incest, liberal extremism (culture of miniskirts and gay marriages), murder, parochialism, racism, rape, religious fanaticism, snatch theft, spoilt-bratty behavior, tribalism, wife abuse, child abuse, all that is associated with the malay race.

    To them, malay is the biggest impediment towards building a truly Malaysian nation, and should be chucked into the dustbins of history.

    A genetically flawed race cannot be fixed by politically. Nature will take its course and globalization will put them out to pasture.

    What have we got now?

    Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

    Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this – Why can’t you just tell the malay peoples to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

    From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malays from Indonesia invaded it.

    Still so thick skin, don’t want to go back to Indonesia!

    JMD : I hesitate to approve this comment but nevertheless it is important to share this piece of garbage to all readers. Please do not over react after reading this comment. Anyway, some parts of this comment are exactly what the DAP had been screaming in their own ceramahs all these years. I must thank you for sharing this valuable insights on what some of the Chinese extremists are really thinking about the Malay people here. But next time please refrain yourself from dissing your fellow countrymen in this manner. Its people like you who are inciting racial hatred through these unfair, vile and atrocious accusations. Next time, comment like this will not deserve any place here. I shall not call you a stupid bigotic baboon, as that would really be an understatement.


  20. what’s with the racist remarks goodman?what the fcuk?u even managed to drag religion into it as well..nice..but why incite hatred among people with different religion and race when we all know it wont benefit any of the Malaysians?are you not a Malaysian?we are facing a delicate time handling delicate issues and u folks started rambling all this nonsense..normally i would start cursing and then bro jmd has to start editing my comment but i wont stoop to that saye berpuase enam..

    cukup la dengan mengatakan yang i can also say i’m superior than you beotch.

    but for the record i don’t hate the chinese..i have a lot of chinese friends..and yes they are, in general, very hardworking and brilliant… that’s why my company hire them and that’s why they all report to me..not directly tho..i have an assistant manager..they report to him..all 23 of other malays and indian oso laa..multiracial company what???i didnt go about my daily business saying im superior than them..butut aa kawan???

    JMD : Relax torres, dah la injured this week. Can’t play against Wigan this Saturday. Don’t aggravate yourself. It will upset the wound. Btw, you are one funny guy. I enjoyed all your comments.


  21. This chinese tells the malays to balik Indon. Some malays are telling the chinese to balik China. Some malays and chinese are telling the indians and the indian muslims to balik india.

    I was told by a chinese when he went to a chinese restaurant – in China, it was hard for him to get service by the waiters (who are indigenous, by the way). The waiters would just gather at a corner and chit chatting. So, what does that tell us? Go figure, mr. good man.

    When one is put under pressure or placed in a stiff competition, one shall not be lazy. It’s a matter of survival, kan?


  22. Dear JMD,

    I’ve started reading this blog just recently and I have practically read all your posts together with all the comments too. Well written I should say and I am very impressed. JMD, job well done. However, I can’t stand the comment made by this “stupid bigotic baboon” (and this is an understatment, most definitely). Good that you’ve actually decided to post his comment. At least we know that somebody is way too insecured that he needs to talk bad about others. I wish he knows what superiority is all about. Superiority is always about one being humble because they truly know who they are.

    I have to agree with you that people like him will create racial hatred. Enough is enough. You have been all neutral in your writings/ comments. He should notice that if he were to use just a liltle part of his brain.

    JMD, keeps on writting. This mind of mine needs a fresh air. Salam.

    JMD : Thank you babe for the commentary. And thank you for visiting this blog.


  23. Folks,

    You know what? I beg to differ fromTorres. Goodman’s comment is perhaps the best of all. I just WISH we have more comments like this here. Why don’t we read his writing carefully, ponder upon it, and take most, if not all, of his advice? I know I do, because the following thoughts are what I have affirmed myself to do right after reading it, should I ever have the chance and capability to implement them. Of course, these non-prejudicial thoughts of mine are only geared as a response to goodman’s excellent posting and would not have been so if it hadn’t been so. So here goes:-

    1. Malays are Stupid, incapable and lazy. Right, right, right. Therefore, we should have more people like Goodman doing some of the works for us. Why susah susah one? I pay 10 ringgit tax, Goodman’s father pays 100 ringgit tax. Then out of the 110 ringgit collected, I would propose to build a basketball park for Persatuan Anak Melayu Wilayah RIGHT in Sentul. See? I Luuurrrve Good Man, no matter which race he belongs to.

    2. We have maintained the NEP for what. 34 years now? Tell you what. Lets implement it another 34 years time. Or perhaps, indefinitely. (Seriously, Folks. Serious, serious serious! All this talk about crutches, bangsa subsidy etc etc are just that: talks. GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD THAT ITS JUST TALKS! YOU HAVE BEEN PSYCHOED INTO THINKING THAT ITS BAD WHEREAS IT ISN’T! And you know what they say about talks: Sticks and Stones…) Hey! We malay baboons can do what we want, commensurate with this country being called Tanah Melayu.

    3. Now for those not in agreement with no.2 above, we have a solution. This is also a solution to no 5 below. That is, THE OTHER MALAYSIANS, IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE CAN, IF THEY ARE NOT HAPPY WITH SAID COUNTRY, BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE IT and search for a better place elsewhere.

    4. I propose there be something called the “Reverse Patriotism Act” whereby the government:
    • Provides free legal advice or subsidize 100% on legal expenses pertaining to matters on emigration to another country from Malaysia.
    • Subsidize 30% on all moving expenses of said would-be emigres overseas including moving vans to ports of departure, or trains, or any other means of transportation.
    • Provide a certain amount of gratuitous monetary benefit to those wishing to emigrate, as a sign of gratitude from the part of the rest of the Malaysian people to the émigré in question along the following geopolitics:
    i. China RM150.00
    ii. Taiwan RM125.00
    iii. Hong Kong RM 115.00
    iv. Singapore RM1000.00
    v. Indonesia RM35.00
    vi. India RM36.00
    vii. Elsewhere RM32.00
    It should not be misconstrued that the amount given is an indication of how glad the government would want the émigré to go to that particular country although the government will promise not to sue any individuals who believe in that misconstrue. (And for those who complain of the MEAGRE amount these gratuities are, should bear in mind that they are just indications of how happy the nation is to let non-patriotics go. They are NOT meant to bleed the nation dry).

    • Provide the same kind of gratuitious monetary benefit to those directly under the care and providence of the person wishing to emigrate. A sample could be:-
    i. Wife of Émigré RM80.00
    ii. Children of émigré under 18 RM20.00
    iii. Children of émigré above 18 RM250.00

    A Special plan for bringing entire clans above the number of 50 people will be accorded a “Special Commendatory Status (SCS)” if the émigré in question can manage to persuade that entire clan to emigrate as well. If this number exceeds 100 people, then it will be accorded an “Honorary Gratitude Status (HGS)”. The “Lifetime Thankfulness Award Status (LTAS)”will be awarded to those emigrating with 500 or more clan members. The renumerations could be as follows:-
    SCS RM 25.00 per head
    HGS RM 30.00 per head
    LTAS RM 50.00 per head
    The clans with 1000 or more members will be provided a golden plaque, RM100 each per head and a special chartered Junk to bring the entire clan members to their destination of choice. The special award for THIS type would be termed as “OGWASHWCC Status”. It stands for “Oh God we are so happy we could cry Status”

    5. Sometimes in MalaysiaKini, one of the first things one sees upon entering that website are two big posters advertising for the services to people who would want to emigrate: to Australia, Singapore and other countries. Such posters should also not only be encouraged, but should be duplicated in all of the major national newspapers, TV stations, billboards and public walls. The government should bear the expenses of printing and putting up these posters. In fact poster makers should be given some quota systems with the proper remunerations depending on how many posters are posted or how many people have applied for emigration due to his reading of his poster.

    6. The following people shall have a first right of refusal in his application for emigrating. That is to say, the following people shall have preferred status and “accelerated application submissal (AAS)” in the emigration process:

    • Those who had a history of questioning the special rights of the bumiputra, in Malaysia. The more incidents this applicant had questioning this right, the more credits he shall have in his AAS points and thus the better is his chance to be granted an emigration
    • Those who had a history of trying to change names of streets, billboards, roadsigns etc from the native Bahasa Melayu to languages other than it or English, thereby making the integration of a unified Malaysian society more difficult, at least in the sense of language.
    • Those unable to prove to the authorities of possessing more than 1000 words of Bahasa Melayu, the national language especially as a result of early educations in ethnic schooling system that glorifies languages other than that of the national language at the expense of some other languages. Profanities, cursings, or hybrid chinese-malay or tamil-malay words referring to certain derogatory anatomical parts of a man or woman are NOT included in this 1000 word requirement.
    7. Get Dato’ Rustam Ali and the Malaccan government to issue a Datukship to James Tan, the emigration lawyer advertised in MalaysiaKini, for his services to the nation so far. If it can be verified that Dato’ Tan has increased his clients to 100 times that amount within the next 5 years, then a Tan Sriship should be due to him, or, if this number reaches 1000 times, a Tunship.

    And for instigating the idea in the first place, I propose too that some kind of Datukship be granted to Goodman too. Preferably, just behind Shah Rukh Khan.


    JMD : Thank you for the comment. I think it’s best we leave all this behind since we have made our points clear! This just shows that in Malaysia, there are racists running about freely. Although it is their prerogative (eventhough how wrong that is) to have any opinion they want, tolerance and tact is very important in dealing with each other. Other countries may not have this kind of social mix as they are quite homogemous. Here in Malaysia, we are multi religious and multi cultural and multi ethnicity too. Diversity should be turned into strength, not a weakness.


  24. My dear Goodman… “””When other races ‘maju’, they got angry with them too??”””

    When their children sat for their PMR, SPM…. Ayoyo… booo liouu loooo grumbling to me having to WORK SO HARD to cough up RM1500/month on daily tiusyen fees… results, like this…
    PMR/SPM…. A, B,C boo liau, the rest…. Kaput, BM, BI… hancur!!!
    Tough luck goodman, Please look around you… you are out of date lor….

    “””Why can’t you just tell the malay peoples to adopt Chinese culture which is superior? “”” Very funny indeed…. Everyday, mimpi mandi air terjun, nampak ular, any vehicle accident, first thing, open their NUMBERS BUKU TELEK, juggle the numbers.. TIKAM EKOR, TIKAM BOLA, SEGALANYA TIKAM … amat rajin. Then buy colourful paper money and spend hours and days making shapes out of them, not satisfied, buy huge paper condo, paper luxury cars and even huge paper Boeng 747… to burn them off … Need to WORK REAL HARD to bank in lots of money into “THE BANK OF HELL”… heheh POOR POOR Dreamy GOODMAN…

    ‘’’’Why don’t they just humbly admit the facts and repent and learn from other races especially Chinese?’’’’ Yearly IRD returns, very excellent, pintar juggle up their accounts, just enough show profit so long as IRD happy…. Aiyaaa??? That’s how YOU WANT TO TEACH US HOW TO get RICH ooo , JMD… may I suggest you come up with a special research article on this to alert the IRD… Its rampant yes agree GOODMAN???


  25. Salam JMD,

    Saya baca berulang kali komen goodman…trying to get a feel of this ‘good’ man.
    Dia sengaja nak kacau ketenangan disini.. did it on purpose. By the way, a good thing you posted it here, kita belajar menangani komen2 seperti itu, tak perlu cepat melatah. He expected the readers to retaliate, and reply in the same way…at the end, we be no different than him.

    At least goodman ada respek sama TDM.. kira ok la juga. i doubt he’s chinese.
    Apapun, takde hal la mamat tu. Jangan kita ikut rentak dia sudah. Keep it up JMD!


  26. Goodman wrote :

    Firstly as you all know, they are a lazy species. Since the beginning of time they have been like that. Even the encyclopedia called them as lazy people. I think those British with their accent tried to call them ‘malas’, and if you put ‘y’ in, it becomes ‘malays’.

    Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way.

    Personally, i’m extremely insulted by this comment. never did i disgrace chinese eventhough some of them are immorally corrupt, problem with Ah-Long, and not to mention having a lot of gambling problem. First, you insulted my race, then, my RELIGION. and seriously, i don’t have mercy on those who have insulted these two which matter most dear to me besides my family. but seriously, if you were in front of me eyes when you incited this kind of comment, i would not hesitate to slap you silly back to wherever country you or your forefathers came from.

    JMD : Provocateurs are everywhere. But it is just not worth the time and dignity to be too angered by a senseless comment like his. Our own tactful behaviors will show how civilised we are.

    ‘Ibarat tarik rambut dari tepung, rambut tidak putus dan tepung tidak berterabur’


  27. Dear Apocryphalist,

    Did you notice goodbaboon oso condemned a religion what does it mean?muslims are now allowed to convert to other religion with as low as rm150?buddhist can now become a hindu but for a small nominal fee of let say rm79.90?throw in a free piggyback ride up the stairs of batu caves while we’re at it..but maybe you’re trying a different strategy..i dun not good in reading between the be it as it may i still think racist is the lowest form of human being..but to say goodbaboon’s comment is the best..i doubt that.

    no prob jmd..u can rely on kunyit and keane to make kirkland work very hard this weekend..but u censored one whole paragraph and left just one sentence..demmit..

    p/s: smayang jumaat oi!!!!

    JMD : It moderated it because it was too funny to be published. Know the limits Torres.. 🙂


  28. thank you JMD for pointing out my weakness. i shall learn from now on to control my anger towards insulting comment like this. please accept my sincere apology for overreacting to goodman comment.

    Best Regards.

    JMD : Eh, no need to apologise to me… what is important we interact with each other here in a more beneficial and productive way.
    Thank you.


  29. Tch tch tch, Torres. And I take it you don’t agree with me also that we should knight Goodman with a dato’ship or emigration lawyer James Tan with a Tunship? Sighh…. nooooobody agrees with me.

    Feel sooo alone.
    Soooo alone.

    Rasa nak menangis ada gak kadang2 tu.




  30. Salam JMD,

    Mohon laluan untuk seorang dari kampung meluahkan perasaan..

    Artikel terbaru Tun ‘Pemilihan UMNO’ buat saya tersedar akan satu hakikat yang selama ini cuba dielakkan dari terluah dan dibincangkan secara terbuka. Kita disini boleh membincangkan dengan bersemangat sekali kriteria2 pemimpin, nama2 dan pencapaian mereka yang disenaraipendek dan sebagainya… tapi kenyataan yang amat pedih harus kita akui – Rasuah amat berleluasa dalam UMNO, bukan saja diterima malah akan di minta oleh para perwakilan ke Pemilihan nanti. Dan jika amalan ini tetap diteruskan pada pemilihan nanti…segala kriteria di atas bukan lagi menjadi keutamaan perwakilan.

    Sedih bila memikirkannya.Malah perkara rasuah ini sudah pun mula kedengaran sejak beberapa minggu lalu ketika masing2 mula mencongak menawarkan diri sebagai calon. UMNO…UMNO.. hampir semua pemimpin mengamalkannya (ini kepercayaan saya), dan ahli2 nya.. majoriti tidak punya masalah menerima rasuah. Mereka semua hipokrit dan inilah satu2nya sebab saya tidak menjadi ahli UMNO.

    Adakah pengundian nanti sulit? Mungkin ada bagusnya jika pengundian semasa pemilihan nanti adalah terbuka. Senaraikan calon2 pilihan setiap perwakilan (nama dan bahagian diwakili turut tercatit) untuk tatapan ahli. Mereka adalah wakil ahli2 UMNO dari cawangan masing2 dan membawa suara ahli. Jadi ahli2 perlu tahu pilihan wakil mereka adakah sama dengan pilihan mereka. Sekiranya lain, perwakilan perlulah menjawab pada ahli sebab2 mengubah pilihan pemimpin sebagaimana dipersetujui semasa pencalonan. Ia berbeza dengan PRU dimana rakyat mewakili diri masing2 makanya perlu dirahsiakan (yang ini pun saya tidak yakin rahsia).

    Satu lagi, mungkin ada baiknya setiap perwakilan membuat pengakuan bersumpah secara Islam bahawa mereka tidak dan tidak akan menerima rasuah dalam apa jua bentuk yang boleh mempengaruhi pilihan mereka. Lebih baik, semua yang bertanding juga bersumpah tidak memberi rasuah atau bala menimpa diri jika termakan sumpah. Berani ? Ini saja cara terbaik memastikan pemilihan nanti adalah telus, adil dan jujur.

    Pada ahli2 UMNO semua, saya mohon maaf sekiranya tuduhan saya salah terhadap anda. Tapi pada ahli2 UMNO yang saya pernah berkawan, saya tidak perlu mohon maaf.


  31. Salam,

    Merujuk kepada komen Shaifudin, apa yang kita perlu buat ialah selepas ini semua kita masuk sebagai ahli UMNO . Dengan itu, kita dapat berbuat sesuatu yang kritikal. Apa yang berlaku sekarang menyebabkan keperluan Melayu terpelajar untuk masuk semula UMNO yang selama ini kita tinggalkan kerana kita tidak punya keperluan untuk menjadi kaya sebegitu. Untuk makluman, ramai pelajar kita dan warganegara Malaysia di UK semakin pro kepada pemerintah ekoran dari apa yang berlaku sekarang ini. Keperluan untuk kita mempertahankan keamanan dari segala malapetaka yang mungkin berlaku sekiranya kita membiarkan kaum perasuah menguasai UMNO semakin disedari. Saya sendiri, sebaik pulang ke tanah air akan menjadi ahli UMNO insyaallah. Kita tak dapat melakukan sesuatu di luar parti pemerintah. Bukan semua orang boleh menjadi Tun yang berupaya menggerakkan mentaliti sebuah negara dari luar .

    Terima kasih


  32. Salaam,

    Based on the 10 criterias you hv listed above, who are your picks for No 1, 2, 3 VPs (well Ali Rustam is one it seems :), KP, Naib KP, KW, NKW, KPuteri, NKPuteri and the 25 MT?

    JMD : I should refrain myself from answering this question 🙂 But nevertheless, let me assure you that I honestly feel that any position should not be won uncontested. Remember how arrogant Khairy became after he won the deputy chief uncontested? Nevertheless, I can state here who I do not want. They are of course, KJ, Pak Lah himself, Zahid Hamidi, with due respect Azalina Othman (although she is a family friend), Mike Tyson, and several others in MT and Youth level.

    Thank you.


  33. Dear Blogger,

    Thank you JMD for showing us ‘goodman’ comments …. a very very good example …. DAP K9? hardcore to the max

    Ha ha ha …. wow really Apocryphalist ‘sarcasticm’ is that good ….

    and Torres … yup he’s funny …. and very active … Kops rule man … hope is it still sinning streak on saturday …

    goodman … what to say … you will see these kind of baboon in other ‘cetek pemikiran’ blog/website …
    this is a true blue Chinese chauvinist … only see his race/culture/smell/sh*t superior than other …. like Nazi and Zionist ideology ….

    i also think that he is a atheist … because if he HAD a religion … he won’t belittle others …. no religion ever teach/preach their follower that their race is superior …. even Judaism never mentioned that Jews is superior (they are called the chosen one but not the superior one) … only Zionist are selling race superiority ….

    Yup, his comment can really be seen as provocative but still it is really worth reading as I can conclude (my opinion) a couple of things about the likes of this few ‘goodman’

    1) coming from simple & straight forward racist. by reading the comment, we can dwell into a characteristic of a TRUE RACIST. For those who have the doubt on what is actually RACIST, this is the BEST example on JMD blog. Even the UMNO guys is not at the same level…. even UMNO policy itself is not at level …. UMNO don’t even want other races to adopt Malay cultures …. (maybe he has a good teacher LKS, KP or TK)
    2) we can assume the likes of ‘goodman’ doesn’t really opened to discussion and closed minded person …. with a single point on view (narrow) on how to look into thing and think differently …. hmm .. quite similar to PKR, DAP supporters (pinjam Jedyoong posting and )
    3) Malaysian, especially the young generation have to be aware of these people as they WILL definately try to brainwash them with their ideology and ‘disease’ ….

    aiyoo.. can come up with 3only lor … sleepy

    come la goodman …. i don’t think you ARE that STUPID to believe what you wrote? Unless you are blind and ignorant …oh yeah maybe because you keep reading CHINESE newspaper and speak CHINESE only that you are THAT ignorant ….. OOOOO maybe you think that you superior because you went to some ‘ceramah’ in a small tent by certain racist politikus and mesmerized by his/her speech that you can conclude that your race is superior …. grow up OLD MAN ….

    i believe that although most of Malaysian are politically divided, not many have the same thinking like you …..

    Maybe JMD or others, we should reply on his points. Not to ‘layan’ or ‘hentam’ him but maybe just a reminder on how should these kind of people be confronted point by point ….. of course in civilized manner ….

    Insulted, yes i am. …. hell if this guy lives in Indonesia and speak up like this … i bet he’ll lose his head because he is not worth it to be care … but hey luckily he lives in Malaysia ….. with Malay & Indian & Sarawakian & Sabahan …..

    But, cannot ‘tahan’ laaa …. my hand itchy

    ‘Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way’

    this is not cool man …. please do not drag religion into discussion like this … Islam or other religion never ever condone any wrong doing especially other human being …..

    ‘Drug abuse, hate, incest, liberal extremism (culture of miniskirts and gay marriages), murder, parochialism, racism, rape, religious fanaticism, snatch theft, spoilt-bratty behavior, tribalism, wife abuse, child abuse, all that is associated with the malay race.’

    give me a break man … the above happened in all races in every country … race is not pious by itself …. even chinese have the same problems … just open your bloody eyes Mr goodman and see that these are nothing to do with race ….

    i wonder if the chinese newspaper that ‘goodman’ have read for his entire life have ever wrote on these things … maybe to keep brainwash him that his race is ‘maksum’

    hahahaha who i’m kidding …. not one of mr goodman point is valid …. so why bother ….

    can i propose to JMD to make an blog entry specially dedicated to mr. goodman and have his comment as the main article …. as example to others of what a hardcore RACIST is really is ….

    aiyaaa … now i cannot sleep …. thinking how to make sure our kids won’t be like mr. goodman

    p/s: tomorrow going to Melaka … want to cuba try test mee goreng in front of Melaka penjara … or asam pedas kat bandar … hmmmmm lapar la pulak …

    JMD : Thank you for the comment.


  34. Hi Jebat,

    Are you planning to recruit from PAS?
    Like Husam Musa? Sounds like him…..Who else in UMNO? Ku Li?

    JMD : Husam Musa is a good leader with some potential. But why is he associating himself very closely to Anwar?


  35. JMD, tambah sikit.. hal goodman

    Take random samples, senang aje, mulakan bengkel2 workshop.. List down all their receipts submitted for claims by mana mana Jabatan Kerajaan yang menguna khidmat mereka, then buat surprise audit check… Mesti takder dalam rekod mereka.

    Lepas bengkel, then go for hardware shops… Lepas tu business import export.. supplies itu ini.. Nak khidmat, staff saya ramai pakar Audit.

    Dapat kutip hasil berbillion2 ringgit dari kegiatan KOTOR mereka ini… Apa kata goodman, want to join my audit team????


  36. Hi JMD,

    First time here. Very interesting blog and I like your writing. Clear and fair.

    Malacca achievement really impressed me. I thought Malacca is a ‘history state’. Well done DSMAR.

    I think DSMAR should keep doing what he does best. TPM post need someone with courage, aggressiveness, leadership skills and publicity which I can’t see any of these value in DSMAR. Anyway, is too late for him to make any diferrence. Unless he play money politics : )

    JMD : Rest assured, with the current situation plaguing Umno, most of Umno leaders are guilty of money politics. Some had even started dishing out monetary promises before they even announced their candidancy! 🙂

    Thank you for reading this blog ya!


  37. Salam JMD,

    Saudara agak senyap since ur last posting on DSMAR… ?

    Bila saja online, i will always come here first for any latest posting or comments, b4 surfing the other blogs and will always sign off from here.

    Banyak yang cerita hal paklah ‘serang’ TDM .. tapi rata2 bloggers serang paklah balik. Banyak juga cerita hal pemilihan UMNO bahagian2 dengan lebih tumpuan pada DM dan KJ. Komen/pertanyaan saya kali ini berkenaan pencalonan KJ.
    Sehingga kemarin 19/10 mengikut Utusan, KJ telah mendapat 37, cuma kurang 2 untuk melepasi kelayakan bertanding di PAU..takde masalah buat KJ.

    Apa yang saya herankan….majoriti info yang saya dapat dari para bloggers, hampir semua anti paklah/KJ. apalagi komen2 dari chedet.. tapi saya heran bagaimana hampir 40 bahagian boleh mencalonkan beliau ? Rasuah…? banyak tuh !! yalah, mungkin tak tercapai akal saya nak memikirkan berapa banyak perlu dibelanjakan KJ untuk sampai ke tahap ini..(akaun saya petang tadi cuma ada RM570 je.)

    Yang lebih saya herankan, betapa ramainya penyokong KJ !?? Dalam ramai2 duk kutuk paklah dan KJ, termasuk TDM sendiri, masih ramai ahli UMNO yang terpengaruh dan menyokong KJ ! Dan kalau rasuah adalah penyebabnya…..THIS IS SO SAD 😦 kerana ia menunjukkan betapa seriusnya UMNO di serang cancer rasuah.

    apapun, anxiously waiting for ur next article.. tak kiralah topik apapun, cerita saudara pergi memancing kat kolam ikan pun kira ok 🙂

    JMD : Thank you for visiting this blog yet again. I am honored to have a loyal reader like you. Sebenarnya saya amat sibuk sejak dua tiga hari ini. Minta maaf jika saya tidak mempunyai artikel artikel yang baru.


  38. Dearest JMD
    Thank you for printing goodman’s comments. It makes me emotionally off balance and angry at first. But after reading sacarstic responce from Apocryphatlist I calm down and manage to smile a little. There were very good comments from other visitors too on his write up. I am sure stupid people cannot write such clear, precise and sometimes humurous responce.
    After reading yours and your visitors’ comments in all your blogs (and Chedet’s blog too if you allow me) I feel we are blessed with so many level headed young people. Dare I say our country is in good hands.

    Thank you

    JMD : Thank you for the kind comments.


  39. Dear “good” man,

    My great great grandfather came from Acheh, Indonesia, My great great grandmother came from Mandailing, Thailand ke JMD?

    Well, it’s just too bad, they came and conquer this land before yours. So we grab first !.

    Since you really not satisfied and condemned we so-called stupid Malays, I think you should pack up. By the way, Airasia is very cheap nowadays. Singapore is the nearest.


  40. UMNO if it is sincere in being relevant should be moderate in all its action in this multi-racial and multi-religious country. If UMNO does not do a complete revamp with the cooperation of the other BN parties, its with ease the opposition will come into power in the coming l3th.General Election. The BN Government has to find ways to cure the wounds it has inflicted on the innocent rakyat who for voicing their grieviences are put under ISA. Even our Minister Zaid Ibrahim left the Government for the high-handedness of some, which has brought about disrepute to the BN. Every day blunders are being done by the BN (UMNO) Leaders. The Rakyat are losing their faith in the present Government. In the Malaysian Spirit, the PM should take immediate
    steps to nurse the wounds which were inflicted by the use of ISA on civilians. The Rakyat cannot be fooled by coming up with cock and bull stories for blunders committed as they (Rakyat) are getting all the lst.hand genuine news vide the various blogs. To gains the confidence of the Rakyat, the ISA should be repealed and those presently serving under the ISA (if the Govt.oes not have solid evidence to prove that they are terrorist) should be released.
    If the Govt. has the evidence to charge those ISA detainess, then take them to court and charge them. If this is done, the Rakyat would salute the Government and not using ISA on basic issues involving the grieviences of its citizens. Why should anyone want to take to the streets if a dialogue could be held between the Government and the Individual or parties concerned. If BN is seriously considering of winning the next General Election, then start now by rectifying all the flaws.
    Let the spirit of Goodwill which prevailed during the days of our Bapa Malaysia Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Tun Sambanthan and Tun Tan Siew Sin be the guiding factor for our present leaders to put things right with love amongst ourselves as Malaysians. We collectively (Malays,Chinese,Indians)
    fought with one voice and achieved our Independance-Merkeka. If only any one race would have objected to the British government then, we would not have got our Independance. This is a simple fact that cannot be erased from History. Let us as Malaysians safeguard our Beloved Country as Malaysians.
    Pro-Bapa Malaysia.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. There is a very tiny distortion of history in your comment actually. Or maybe, I view history differently from you. Yes, three communities rejected British rule which made our Independence a reality. But bear in mind, as a criteria to claim independence, the British made a frivolous condition for Umno at that time – get all three races to work together for independence (at that time this notion was conisdered frivolous and was given in order to complicate the effort of Umno for Tanah Melayu to gain independence).

    As proof that Umno can work together with the other two communities, Umno and the leaders of MCA and MIC thought about an idea which was very unique at that time – form a coalition to share the political responsibility. Thus, right before the 1955 general elections, Parti Perikatan was formed and they eventually won all election seats except one.

    Yes, true that all Malayans (Malays, Chinese, Indians) fought for Independence a couple of years before 1957. But the effort to gain independence began much earlier than that. MCA in its early years was leaning towards the aspiration of Kuomintang Party in China. It does not see Umno and its fight against Malayan Union as relevant to them.

    However, several years later, MCA and of course MIC realised that being in political alliances is vital to ensure their survival. I would say that it is purely a matter of political survival that expedited all three parties to join together. There is no doubt that if Umno succumbed to the more right wing calls of some of its radical leaders at that time in not joining forces with MCA and MIC, our independence will surely come eventually. But much later than 1957, and possibly with more bloodied struggle.

    You are right when you said there was much goodwill between the races. Probably because each one is thankful to the other to make independence possible. Umno thankful that MCA and MIC dropped their left wing approach and accept the position of the Malays, while MIC and MCA were thankful that Umno, being the biggest party at that time had coordinated the effort with the Malay rulers in granting citizenship to all the chinese and indians populace at that time.

    Wanted to write more but the bed is calling me. Thank you. 🙂


  41. Senang je….. semua pakatan parti politik bubar….Tubuh parti ikut bangsa….ramai-ramai bertanding dalam pilihan raya against every party. Lets rakyat decide…parti mana majoriti rules….if ada race yang not represented…nasiblah…dah terlalu minoriti…cannot civil war lak..sebab ini adil…this is what everybody nak…fair and square tanpa mengambil kira apa-apa condition walau naturally biased.
    …but actually dalam dunia ni…to be fair you kena biased…


  42. Dear Good Man,

    What the **** are you trying to say here??? Urs are the same as ours… shud u want to comment generally so i do think u shud also wrote about urs stupidity as well… what i learned is tat even ur great republican nation wont accept ur ancestor when we are shipping them back to the great land.
    It is not about ethnic anymore… just tat u are so blind with it tat u are looking down to everybody… i dare u to comment on Jewish, German and Indian in this site as well… Everything is about the person, the candidate u, urself voting for… the laziness the stupidity … everything come from the mentality and mind of themselves. even u are one hell good classic example of Stupid person… no sorry let me correct that… in my national language… BODOH.
    Even MCA also look stupid… seeing of what had happened from the last GE in this country the only clever person is the one who are taking advantages of all this clashes between ethnic…
    Again i think u owe us Malays an apologize. Also do hope in reality not in this virtual world, we do meet and come across.. there i really do want to hear it again all ur comment straight from ur mouth…


  43. Kepada Mr. goodman,

    DYMM Sultan Perak bertitah (Utusan Malaysia 6.11.2008)

    “Persekutuan Tanah Melayu masih wujud undang-undang – negara Malaysia adalah berteraskan kepada sejarah Melayu, evolusi politik Melayu dan nasionalisme Melayu yang hidup subur dalam kepulauan Melayu yang mempunyai sejarah kebudayaan Melayu.

    Faktor-faktor dan hakikat inilah yang melahirkan negeri-negeri Melayu, Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan akhirnya Malaysia”

    Sungguhpun zizi dan saya ada akar umbi kami daripada Indonesia, tetapi Indonesia itu daripada kepulauan Melayu. Nenek moyang kami telah berulang alik daripada Sumatra ke Tanah Melayu dari zaman dahulu lagi.


  44. Pingback: Mukadimah « Darah Tuah

  45. Salam Tuan Jebat,

    Saya masih baru di dalam penulisan blog. Saya selalu membaca tulisan tulisan tuan di sini dan saya rasa masanya sudah tiba untuk saya menceburkan diri dalam dunia ini kerana sebagai orang Melaka, saya akan mengambil contoh gaya penulisan tuan sebagai pedoman 🙂

    Saya juga minta izin untuk ‘cross reference’ kan artikel tuan ini ke dalam blog saya. Terima kasih.

    Oh ya, jika ada kelapangan sudi sudilah melawat blog saya yang tak seberapa ini >

    JMD : Thank you for commenting. Tidak jadi masalah pada saya. Selamat datang ke dunia blog! Selamat maju jaya.


  46. Pingback: Prestasi gemilang DAR « Darah Tuah


  48. Pingback: Arise PAS and Umno! «

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