Malay issues / Tun Dr Mahathir

Malaysian Roadmap for the Malays

I will be on a break for the Merdeka holidays starting tonight – although I will drop by at the Sime Darby Convention Centre in Bukit Kiara tomorrow morning. Happy Merdeka everyone!

As a parting shot, here is an interview by Dr Mahathir on Utusan Malaysia in 2002, two weeks before he announced his resignation as President of Umno and Prime Minister of Malaysia. He was addressing the issues that were affecting the Malays at that time and how he was disappointed with the Malays’ mentality.

To me, this interview is THE GRAND PLAN for future Malay generation to follow. He had mapped out the course of actions for his successors to follow. Read each line and between the lines and we can see clearly the path the Malays should have taken. Implement them, and everything will be in order. If they had listened to his advice, refrained from doing what he thinks is destructive, then everything won’t be as messed up like right now.

In this interview, he was very frank, very sarcastic, very caring and very critical. He did not pull any punches. Did not even try to soothe the pampered feelings of the Malays. ‘Sayang anak tangan tangankan’ was the motto during that interview.

He had come to a level where however bitter the medicine he would prescribe to the people for their own good, they will take it without him losing any support. That to me, is a mark of a great statesman. He no longer is subjected to the rule of politics (where you appease people in order to gain power).

Compare that to other politicians – the incumbents or the usurpers. All are desperately trying to gain power by subjecting themselves to popularity contests without any inkling on what is really good for the country.


MINGGUAN: Datuk Seri telah menjadi Presiden UMNO selama 21 tahun, satu tempoh paling lama dibandingkan dengan presiden-presiden UMNO yang lain. Bagaimana Datuk Seri melihat orang Melayu selama 21 tahun Datuk Seri menjadi Presiden, dari mula-mula hingga sekarang.

DR. MAHATHIR: Ada juga kemajuan di kalangan orang Melayu. Tapi ada juga unsur-unsur negatif yang telah muncul dalam UMNO sendiri dan dalam masyarakat Melayu. Hakikatnya ialah kita tidak dapat mencapai matlamat kita iaitu Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB). Walaupun ada beberapa orang Melayu yang nampak berjaya baik dalam bidang perniagaan atau profesional, tetapi umumnya tidak ada banyak perubahan – baik dari segi sikap dan nilai-nilai yang dipegang oleh orang Melayu.

Apakah sikap dan unsur-unsur negatif di kalangan orang Melayu?

DR. MAHATHIR: Umpamanya, ramai yang suka mencari jalan mudah untuk menjayakan sesuatu, walaupun jalan yang mudah itu akan membawa akibat buruk dalam jangka panjang. Tidak ada yang serius untuk berusaha. Kita dapati di kalangan penuntut Melayu, walaupun jumlahnya ramai kerana jumlah orang Melayu juga telah meningkat, tetapi keinginan untuk mengejar ilmu agak berkurangan, terutama di kalangan penuntut lelaki.

Dalam bidang perniagaan ada yang betul-betul berusaha dan mencapai kejayaan tetapi lebih ramai yang hanya nampak peluang daripada lesen ataupun kontrak yang diberi oleh kerajaan untuk dijual kepada orang lain.

Datuk Seri menyebut tentang kegagalan mencapai matlamat DEB. Banyak mana yang dapat dicapai?

DR. MAHATHIR: Dulu kita capai sampai 20 peratus tetapi sekarang berkurangan hingga kepada 19 peratus. Daripada 19 peratus itu, 17 peratus adalah yang dimiliki oleh institusi-institusi bumiputera yang diurus oleh kerajaan, bumiputera sendiri cuma memiliki dua peratus. Bukan kerana kita tidak beri, kalau hendak dikira jumlah yang kita beri kepada bumiputera lebih daripada 30 peratus. Tetapi hampir semuanya dijual. Sebab itu kita tidak dapat mencapai matlamat. Sebab orang kita hendak cepat dapat duit. Kalau jual boleh dapat duit cepat. Kalau simpan, tidak merasa.

Apa yang tidak kena dengan orang Melayu? Kenapa mereka jadi begitu?

DR. MAHATHIR: Saya tidak tahu apa nak kata. Kita sudah kata berkali-kali, jangan buat perkara semacam itu, tetapi ada yang datang jumpa saya, minta lesen dan kontrak. Mereka kata, “Saya susah, bagilah pada saya peluang.” Tapi dia beri juga kepada orang lain.

Matlamat DEB gagal dicapai walaupun sesudah 30 tahun. Ertinya, dasar diskriminasi positif pun gagal mengubah orang Melayu. Jadi, apa yang perlu dibuat?

DR. MAHATHIR: Itu orang Melayu patut tanya pada diri mereka sendiri, apa yang patut mereka buat. Saya sudah tunjuk apa yang patut mereka buat, tapi mereka masih juga hendakkan tongkat, hendak subsidi, hendak diberi keistimewaan.

Datuk Seri, kalau kita tarik balik subsidi dan hak istimewa itu, apakah orang Melayu akan mengubah sikap mereka?

DR. MAHATHIR: Itu kita sudah kata, umpamanya kita hendak benarkan 10 peratus bukan Melayu ke dalam Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) dan program matrikulasi, itu pun orang kita tak sanggup. Kita hendak dikelilingi dengan satu kubu supaya orang lain tidak boleh masuk. Esok, kalau kita kena keluar dari kubu kita, kita tak boleh berperang dengan orang.

Apakah Datuk Seri rasa orang Melayu sudah bersedia untuk menghadapi persaingan tanpa perlindungan kerajaan?

DR. MAHATHIR: Belum bersedia. Sebab itu kalau kita masukkan 10 peratus pun mereka bersungut. Kita hendak kuota sana, kuota sini, kita juga hendak subsidi itu, subsidi ini.

Kita anggap, diberi layanan istimewa oleh kerajaan sebagai satu perkara yang mulia. Sebenarnya tidak mulia. Umpamanya, kalau di dalam negara, kita perlu diberi perlindungan sepanjang masa, keadaan kita samalah seperti orang Red Indian yang terpaksa dilindungi kerana begitu lemah dan ini akan menjadikan kita bertambah lemah.

Mengapa orang Melayu masih belum bersedia menghadapi perubahan?

DR. MAHATHIR: Saya nampak satu daripada masalahnya ialah politik. Ada orang apabila kita hendak buat perkara yang betul, maka mereka akan ancam melalui politik supaya jangan menyokong kerajaan.

Dalam politik demokrasi ini, begitulah. Bila kita hendak buat perkara yang betul, yang baik dan yang sakit sikit, ada orang berkata, ini sebahagian daripada isu politik.

Umpamanya sudah lama saya suruh orang kita belajar bahasa Inggeris, bukan (tujuan) hendak ganti bahasa Melayu, cuma hendak belajar bahasa Inggeris. Tetapi hal ini dijadikan isu yang cukup besar hingga kita tidak dapat laksanakan.

Hari ini, kita baru sedar bahawa bahasa Inggeris itu penting. Demikian juga dengan ilmu-ilmu lain yang saya sudah desak lama, lebih kurang 30 tahun dulu supaya belajar ilmu-ilmu lain itu, tetapi ada yang kata itu sekular, politik. Yang dahsyat sekali Pas. Pas tunggu saja bila kita buat sesuatu, ia jadikan isu supaya perkara yang baik ini tidak tercapai.

Siapa yang menentangnya?

DR. MAHATHIR: Sesetengah nasionalis bahasa Melayu. Orang ini ingat kalau kamu boleh bercakap Melayu dengan baik, sudah cukup, tidak tahu bahasa lain tidak mengapa. Ada juga segelintir dalam UMNO begitu. Jadi dia cari jalan mudah, maka tak perlulah dia belajar lebih.

Kena belajar Inggeris susah, lebih senang belajar dalam bahasa Melayu. Tapi, belajar dalam bahasa Melayu pun kita lihat budak-budak Cina boleh dapat kelulusan yang lebih baik. Dia berpidato dalam bahasa Melayu lebih baik daripada budak Melayu.

Tapi dalam hal ini Datuk Seri, bantahan dan rasa tidak senang nampaknya juga datang daripada kalangan UMNO sendiri.

DR. MAHATHIR: Yalah, dalam UMNO juga ada yang semacam itu, tapi mereka tidak jadikan itu sebagai isu untuk menghentam kerajaan, ataupun cuba menghakiskan sokongan kepada kerajaan. Mereka ini kritik kerana tidak faham tujuan sebenar kita membuat sesuatu.

Tentang mentaliti subsidi dan tongkat. Terdapat dua pandangan, satu pandangan mengatakan orang Melayu tidak berubah, tidak mahu kerja kuat kerana adanya tongkat itu. Jadi kalau kita hendak ubah orang Melayu, kita kena buang tongkat itu. Tetapi bila kita hendak membuangnya, mereka kata mereka tidak boleh bersaing tanpa tongkat. Bagaimana kita hendak pecahkan mentaliti ini?

DR. MAHATHIR: Sebenarnya orang Melayu mampu buat. Kita telah buktikan apabila orang Melayu sanggup buat sesuatu, dia dapat menguasai perkara itu sama ada dari segi menuntut ilmu atau membuat kerja dengan cekap dan sebagainya. Semuanya boleh, tetapi keinginan untuk berusaha bersungguh-sungguh amat kurang sekali.


DR. MAHATHIR: Saya tak tahu. Kita cuba tunjuk secara teladan. Kadang-kadang saya sudah tunjuk kita kerja kuat, bila balik dari luar negara, saya terus pergi pejabat – hendak tunjuk kerja kuat. Tetapi ada orang kata, Doktor bolehlah… itulah jawabnya.

Semua orang kagum melihat Datuk Seri bila balik pagi ini (Jumaat) boleh terus pergi kerja, tetapi mereka tidak ikut juga.

DR. MAHATHIR: Apa lagi… hendak tunjuk teladan sudah tunjuk, nak tunjuk ajar sudah ajar, marah sudah, menangis sudah, baca doa pun sudah. Semua saya dah buat.

Jadi apa yang silap dengan orang kita, Datuk Seri?

DR. MAHATHIR: Saya anggap itu sudah menjadi satu budaya bagi kita. Kalau kita lihat ke tapak projek, kita harus tanya pada diri kita, kenapa tidak ada seorang pun Melayu yang bekerja dalam projek pembinaan. Apakah orang Melayu berbeza dengan orang Jawa, orang Sumatera yang bekerja kuat di situ. Mereka kerja sampai malam. Takkan kerana kulit kita coklat seperti ini, maka kita tak boleh buat kerja.

Itu budaya kita. Kita tak tahu susah, hendak senang selalu. Kalau naik tinggi sedikit, sudah gayat. Kerja lama sikit – letih, lenguh sampai tak boleh tidur. Saya selalu pergi melawat ke tempat tapak projek, saya lihat ada orang Indonesia, orang Cina, orang India, tapi orang Melayu tidak ada. Kalau kita lihat di situ kita tidak tahu ini Malaysia, negara orang Melayu. Kita ingat ini negara asing.

Datuk Seri, adakah ini kerana orang Melayu masih dengan mentaliti lama, di mana cukup makan dan cukup pakai sudah memadai?

DR. MAHATHIR: Baiklah… kalau cukup makan, cukup pakai, jadi tak payahlah bising-bising lagi. Apa nak politik lagi. Tapi kita bising. Kita hendak itu dan ini.

Apakah Datuk Seri berpuas hati dengan kedudukan orang Melayu setakat ini?

DR. MAHATHIR: Tidak. Cuba kita `cabut’ orang Cina, apa akan jadi. Katalah kita ambil Kuala lumpur, semua yang milik Cina kita keluarkan termasuk rumah dan bangunan mereka, apa yang tinggal… Kampung Baru… itu saja.

Selepas 44 tahun kita merdeka kita cuma ada tempat di Kampung Baru saja. Yang ada bangunan tinggi-tinggi pun milik agensi kerajaan. Cuba fikirkan tentang itu.

Datuk Seri, cubalah kita buat perubahan drastik, kita cabut hak istimewa Melayu.

DR. MAHATHIR: Mereka akan menjerit. Mereka tidak dapat hak istimewa. Mereka anggap hak istimewa ini satu kemuliaan. Sebenarnya hak istimewa bukan sesuatu yang mulia. Kalau kita kena selalu pakai tongkat, bermakna kita daif. Antara orang yang kena pakai tongkat dengan orang berjalan tegak, yang mana kamu pandang tinggi? Orang yang pakai tongkat atau orang jalan tegak?

Tapi itu akan memerlukan satu pembaharuan minda.

DR. MAHATHIR: Itulah yang akan terjadi, kita akan adakan seminar, bengkel dan macam-macam. Semua bercakap, para intelek akan bercakap sepanjang masa. Mereka berdebat dan mengeluarkan idea yang menakjubkan, tetapi di bawah ia tidak ada apa-apa makna.

Bukan susah hendak kerja. Hendak kerja ada dan kita boleh beri, tetapi kita rela biar orang lain buat kerja kita.

Kita hendak dapat duit subsidi. Duit subsidi hasil daripada kerja orang lain. Duit itu bukan datang daripada kita. Kalau hendak tahu, lihat cukai pendapatan, banyak mana orang Melayu bayar, banyak mana orang lain bayar. Bermakna duit yang dapat kepada kerajaan yang kita keluarkan sebagai subsidi itu datang daripada orang lain. Sampai bila kita hendak bergantung kepada orang lain?

Hanya Datuk Seri yang boleh bercakap kepada orang Melayu secara berterus terang dalam soal ini. Tidakkah Datuk Seri mahu mengejutkan mereka sekali lagi untuk menyedarkan mereka?

DR. MAHATHIR: Saya sudah buat macam-macam, saya sudah pujuk, merayu, berdoa. Macam-macam saya sudah buat.

Ternyata orang Melayu masih menghadapi masalah besar. Boleh Datuk Seri sebutkan tiga saja masalah orang Melayu yang Datuk Seri anggap paling besar?

DR. MAHATHIR: Yang pertama, tidak sanggup untuk bekerja keras, tidak sanggup belajar bersungguh-sungguh. Tidak sanggup membuat sesuatu dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

Yang kedua, bila ada saja sesuatu perkara atau isu berlaku, kita sudah lupa tentang isu sebelum itu. Bila kita asyik tumpu pada isu itu maka kita berkelahi sesama sendiri. Ini balik kepada Melayu mudah lupa.

Yang ketiganya, apabila kita dapat sesuatu, kita tidak begitu menghargainya. Umpamanya kita dapat banyak bantuan subsidi, kalau diguna dengan baik kita akan dapat banyak untung, tetapi kita tidak gunakannya dengan baik.

Menjelang perhimpunan UMNO, orang Melayu sedang berdebat tentang soal penghapusan kuota universiti serta program matrikulasi dan MRSM dibuka kepada bukan Melayu. Ini satu isu yang betul-betul menyentuh hak istimewa Melayu. Kenapa Datuk Seri memilih waktu ini untuk melakukan perubahan ini?

DR. MAHATHIR: Saya tidak memilih masa. Saya lihat keadaan. Kalau keadaan memerlukan kita membuat tindakan, kita bertindak. Kita kata, kita perlu melakukan strategi, kalau kita buat begini, maka politik akan jadi begini. Kalau kita asyik fikir itu saja, bermakna kita tidak buat apa-apalah.

Perkara yang baik yang hendak kita buat, tidak ada yang popular. Kalau hendak jadi popular, apa saja orang minta, kita berilah. Kalau dia kata beri kuota 100 peratus kepadanya, kita beri. Kita boleh popular. Tetapi soalnya, baik atau tidak?

Perubahan ini (pembukaan MRSM dan Program Matrikulasi kepada bukan Melayu) adalah satu perubahan yang cukup besar, sebenarnya.

DR. MAHATHIR: Ini tidak besar, sedikit sangat.

Setidak-tidaknya itulah tanggapan di bawah sekarang. Sehingga bila keluar berita tentang perkara ini, pemimpin UMNO sendiri tidak dapat memberi jawapan.

DR. MAHATHIR: Kita sudah beri jawapan. Kita sudah terangkan kenapa kita buat. Di Malaysia terdapat 54 peratus Melayu, 26 peratus Cina, 10 peratus India, enam peratus bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak (empat peratus lain-lain), itu pecahan masyarakat kita. Tetapi kita hendak latih orang Melayu dalam keadaan terasing daripada semua ini.

Esok bila kita keluar, kita hendak masuk masyarakat itu kita tidak tahu dan tidak mampu. Kerana kita tak pernah lihat orang. Jadi kalau kita sukar hendak buat demikian – orang Melayu bila keluar dari institusi pelajaran maka dia akan terkapar-kapar, hendak cakap dengan orang pun tidak tahu. Kadang-kadang bila bercakap dengan orang lain tidak tahu bahasa pun, jadi akhirnya kita dapati penuntut yang lulus dari universiti – dapat ijazah tapi tidak dapat kerja.

Sekarang orang bertanya tentang mohon kerja, ditanya lulus dari mana. Mereka jawab lulus universiti di Malaysia. Ada yang kata, Melayu yang lulus di luar negara mungkin mendapat lebih peluang kerja daripada Melayu yang lulus dari universiti dalam negara. Kenapa? Kerana universiti dalam Malaysia ini, kaum-kaum sudah tidak bercampur gaul lagi.

Dalam universiti mereka tidak campur sama sekali, hendak bagi senang tidak bercampur ialah kita masukkan sikit soal agama. Kita hendak tidur dalam satu bilik asrama, tak boleh (campur kaum lain) sebab kita nak sembahyang, kita takut kotor. Kita cari jalan supaya kita diasingkan.

Semasa saya belajar di universiti, saya bercampur dengan Cina dan India. Saya masih Melayu dan pegangan Islam saya masih kuat.

Datuk Seri menggambarkan ini penyakit orang Melayu sekarang. Apakah dengan langkah drastik yang dibuat oleh kerajaan sekarang kita akan mengubah sikap orang Melayu?

DR. MAHATHIR: Saya tidak buat benda yang drastik, baru 10 peratus. Sedangkan dalam masyarakat kita 45 peratus terdiri daripada orang bukan Melayu. Kalau hendak ikut peratusan  sepatutnya 45 peratus. Tapi kita cuma masukkan 10 peratus dan kita sudah berasa takut. (JMD : TDM was testing the waters so to speak, to gauge the readiness of Malays’ mentality in the face of real competition in the future)

Sekarang timbul kebimbangan orang Melayu. Permulaannya 10 peratus Datuk Seri, tapi apa akan berlaku selepas ini? Keretakan sudah berlaku dan itu yang membimbangkan Melayu. Apa jawapan Datuk Seri kepada kebimbangan ini?

DR. MAHATHIR: Saya tak ada jawapan. Pada pendapat saya, kalau kita mampu bersaing dengan 10 peratus, kita akan mampu bersaing dengan 20 peratus dan 30 peratus. Tapi kalau kita kata dengan 10 peratus pun kita tidak berani, maka kita tak boleh bersaing sampai bila-bila.

Datuk Seri percaya orang Melayu sudah bersedia untuk bersaing tanpa perlindungan kerajaan?

DR. MAHATHIR: Kalau mereka tidak dicuba, sampai bila-bila pun kita tidak akan tahu.

Datuk Seri, apa akan jadi jika perubahan ini tidak berjalan dengan baik? Pada tahun ini semuanya nampak baik. Tetapi dalam pengajian-pengajian kritikal seperti perubatan, pelajar bumiputera masih tidak dapat memenuhi kuota. Bagaimana hendak tangani hal ini?

DR. MAHATHIR: Kalau kita tidak biasa susah, kita tidak kuat kerja. Kita senang, hendak masuk universiti ada tempat, semua kita ada. Yang hak orang lain pun kita hendak lagi, tapi dia tidak boleh masuk, bukan sebab sudah penuh.

Inilah masalah orang Melayu – tidak pernah susah, dapat dengan senang. Kalau susah sikit, dia menjerit. Bukan susah banyak, susah sikit saja. Tidak ada yang radikal, hanya 10 peratus.

Pada fikiran Datuk Seri, dengan perubahan ini sikap Melayu boleh diubah?

DR. MAHATHIR: Saya harap begitulah, saya tidak tahu macam mana lagi. Saya mungkin salah. (JMD : In that situation, was he right?)

Tentang pengajaran mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris. Apakah ia akan diteruskan dan tidak mungkin berpatah ke belakang semula?

DR. MAHATHIR: Sudah tentu, kalau kita semua tidak mahu, apa saya nak buat. Saya tak ada kuasa.

Tentu Datuk Seri sedar bahawa orang Melayu perlu dibuat keputusan untuk mereka dan dipimpin mereka.

DR. MAHATHIR: Jika saya buat keputusan untuk mereka dan memimpin mereka, sepatutnya sekarang saya sudah berjaya. Saya sudah buat keputusan, tetapi tidak jadi juga. Kita kata orang Melayu tidak ada peluang hendak berniaga, saya putuskan kita beri peluang kepada mereka. Kita ada lebih 30 dana untuk tolong orang Melayu. Tapi kalau dapat duit pun, dia tidak berniaga betul-betul.

Datuk Seri, kalau pengajaran bahasa Inggeris dalam dua subjek itu untuk Tahun Satu dimulakan tahun depan, ia akan mengambil 11 tahun untuk melihat hasilnya. Apakah kita ada masa 11 tahun?

DR. MAHATHIR: Tidak, kita mahu mulakan semua sekali secara serentak. Itu kalau saya. Saya ada cara saya. Kita akan adakan kursus seperti dua tiga mata pelajaran digabungkan untuk diajar secara serentak di Tahun Lima atau apa saja cara dia belajar untuk Tahun Lima dengan mencantumkan pelajaran (dua subjek itu) dari Tahun Satu, Dua, Tiga dan Empat secara serentak. Kita boleh buat, bukan mustahil sangat tetapi kita perlu kerja kuat, kita kena belajar.

Jadi semua pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris akan dilakukan secara serentak mulai tahun depan?

DR. MAHATHIR: Semua sekali. Saya boleh. Saya tahu bagaimana hendak melaksanakannya.

Tetapi Datuk Seri, ini suatu tindakan untuk kembali kepada aliran Inggeris sebenarnya.

DR. MAHATHIR: Tidak, tidak perlu sama sekali.

Apakah salah kalau kita wujudkan semula aliran Inggeris?

DR. MAHATHIR: Kalau begitu, mati langsung bahasa Melayu. Bahasa Melayu kita guna. Kita kena hidupkan bahasa Melayu. Identiti kita terikat kepada bahasa kita.

Selain mengajar Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris, kenapa tidak perkenalkan semula aliran Inggeris sebagai satu pilihan?

DR. MAHATHIR: Tak boleh. Kalau kita beri Inggeris sebagai satu pilihan bermakna orang Melayu tidak belajar bahasa Melayu. Nilai ekonominya akan jatuh. Orang ini akan tinggi nilai ekonominya dan orang ini tidak ada nilai, terutama dalam dunia sekarang yang mana orang Cina, Jepun, Perancis dan Jerman pun belajar bahasa Inggeris.

Kenyataannya, bahasa Inggeris menjadi lingua franca dan kita pula tidak mahu belajar. Kita tidak mahu belajar sebab kita orang Melayu.

Datuk Seri, terdapat sedikit kebimbangan di kalangan pegawai pelaksana tentang guru-guru yang akan mengajar dalam bahasa Inggeris tidak bersedia dan sebagainya. Itu kita baru bercakap bagi Tahun Satu, tetapi kalau Datuk Seri hendak laksanakan secara serentak, kita boleh bayangkan masalahnya.

DR. MAHATHIR: Kalau kita hendakkan sesuatu, kita perlu terus selesaikan masalah sepanjang masa. Bila kita menghadapi sesuatu masalah, kita tidak boleh kata inilah penyelesaiannya. Kalau kita laksanakan kita akan berjaya, tidak. Penyelesaian itu tidak sepenuhnya betul. Semasa kita melaksanakan, kita akan jumpa bermacam-macam masalah lagi.

Tugas kita ialah mengatasi masalah. Kita perlu teruskan. Begitulah cara kita menangani krisis kewangan. Tiap-tiap hari kita duduk berbincang bagaimana hendak mengatasi masalah.

Datuk Seri, apakah perubahan-perubahan yang berlaku dalam beberapa bulan ini yang orang Melayu anggap sebagai perubahan drastik, boleh dilihat sebagai petanda awal ke arah penghapusan hak istimewa orang Melayu?

DR. MAHATHIR: Pada saya, yang pertama, itu bukan langkah awal untuk menghapuskan hak istimewa orang Melayu. Yang kedua, saya anggap hak istimewa orang Melayu adalah satu tongkat. Dan kalau kita selalu guna tongkat, sampai bila pun kita tempang.

Dengan lain perkataan, akan sampai satu masa kelak di mana hak ini akan dihapuskan.

DR. MAHATHIR: Kalau kita sudah jadi kaya, boleh beli harta Cina dan orang lain semuanya, kita lebih pandai daripada Cina, kalau kita masuk dalam pertandingan kita menang, apa perlunya hak istimewa orang Melayu. Orang Cina di Malaysia tidak ada hak istimewa. Mereka menghadapi diskriminasi. Tetapi mereka lebih berjaya daripada kita.

Pada fikiran Datuk Seri, kenapa orang Melayu begitu bimbang akan kehilangan hak istimewa ini?

DR. MAHATHIR: Mereka tidak ada keyakinan. Sebab itu saya minta mereka lihat bagaimana (Datuk) Azhar Mansor belayar seorang diri keliling dunia. Bila orang Melayu jumpa dia, mereka tanya dia pakai ilmu apa, mereka ingat Azhar boleh dapat ilmu ajaib yang boleh bawa dia keliling dunia.

Jika tidak ada lagi hak istimewa Melayu, apakah kita kembali seperti Malayan Union yang UMNO tentang dahulu?

DR. MAHATHIR: Kita tentang Malayan Union dulu kerana mereka beri semua sama rata pada waktu orang Melayu cukup lemah. Dalam keadaan Melayu begitu lemah, mereka akan hilang semua. Sekarang bukan kita hendak beri semua. Kita cuma beri 10 peratus saja, supaya dengan itu orang Melayu dapat uji kebolehannya.

Saya ada bercakap dengan Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman (Kolej TAR), sebab apa tidak masukkan orang Melayu. Mereka kata ia terbuka, bila-bila masa mereka boleh masuk. Kita sediakan mereka biasiswa tetapi budak Melayu tidak mahu pergi ke Kolej TAR. Sebab apa, Cina banyak sangat dan mereka pandai-pandai pula. Tak ada permohonan Melayu ke Kolej TAR. Orang India ada juga mohon, tapi Melayu tidak mahu.

Pemuda UMNO ada membuat sedikit penyelidikan yang antara sebab Melayu tidak mahu belajar di IPTS kerana pertama tiada surau untuk bersembahyang dan satu lagi soal makanan, takut makanan yang dijual bukan halal.

DR. MAHATHIR: Kalau begitu tidak perlu pergi belajar ke luar negara. Kalau kita pergi England, takkan mereka sediakan surau di dalam Universiti Cambridge, di Universiti Nottingham. Boleh kita tentukan makanan semuanya disembelih, mereka tidak makan babi? Apa lagi alasan yang hendak kita beri?

Dasar 10 peratus kepada bukan bumiputera. Bolehkah Datuk Seri beri satu jaminan bahawa ia akan kekal 10 peratus?

DR. MAHATHIR: Bukan saya yang boleh beri jaminan. Ini untuk masa depan. Mengenai masa depan ini saya tidak tahu. Saya mungkin tiada lagi.

Apakah harapan Datuk Seri kepada ahli-ahli UMNO menjelang perhimpunan kali ini selepas Datuk Seri memimpin selama 21 tahun?

DR. MAHATHIR: Saya gagal (ketawa sinis). Saya gagal mencapai perkara yang lebih penting – bagaimana hendak mengubah orang Melayu. UMNO pun kadang-kadang menjadi rosak kerana terlampau berebut hendak dapatkan tempat sampai sanggup kalau tidak dapat tempat, bagi orang UMNO kalah.

Tidakkah itu satu kenyataan yang penuh kekecewaan?

DR. MAHATHIR: Tak tahulah… nak kata kecewa. Tapi saya bercakap berkenaan benda yang benar dan nyata. Saya tidak suka berselindung. Saya tidak suka menjadi begitu diplomatik. Saya kata apa yang saya fikir benar. Kalau orang kata tidak benar, tidak apalah. Tapi ini yang saya rasa dan lihat.

Katalah jam dapat diputar ke belakang dan Datuk Seri berada pada 28 Jun 1981, hari pertama Datuk Seri menjadi Presiden UMNO. Apa yang akan Datuk Seri lakukan?

Dr. Mahathir: Saya mahu jadi ahli biasa sahaja (sekali lagi ketawa sinis). Sebab saya tak boleh buat apa-apa (untuk mengubah orang Melayu).

40 thoughts on “Malaysian Roadmap for the Malays

  1. Unfortunately JMD, although this is the actual facts staring at us head on, no one is doing anything about it. This is the same fact that certain individuals are playing with to cause “chaos” to the system. Starting with the educational system is the first thing to a change but look at how our undergrads behave with even a suggestion of inclusion of non-bumis into local higher education establishments.
    We definitely need a stronger leader who can implement this. I am afraid to think about the future of the next generation if something is not done now.

    JMD : Thank you for the comment. By the way, I think the ex PM pre empted the MB of Selangor’s call to give 10% of UiTM place to non Malays. The MB’s suggestion was understandable but he also mentioned that the UiTM graduates are mostly underachievers. Now that should be the actual cause of discontentment among the UiTM students. It’s not good politics to unnecessarily cause the anger among the Malays, especially when it could become the fodder for the less intellectual Umno leaders to lambast you as being less Malay. You are no way the same level as TDM to say all that and not suffer any backlash 🙂 Especially when you are a fledgling MB for 5 months.

    Politicians here in multi racial Malaysia should be tactful when dealing with personal matters. You need to be cultured and having good leadership qualities. Not just shouting on top of your lungs with speeches taht lack substance.

    Thank you.


  2. Dear JMD,

    This is my 1st time writing a comment to your Blog. I knew about your Blog from I find it refreshing reading all your blogs/ideas/stories/ect.. and I like it that you gave your immediate attention to your commenter.

    Regards to your article today, what can I say, except Tun M has predicted it way before today? I always tell my husband that when Stevie G opens his 3rd eye, Liverpool will always win. He knew where to pass the ball without looking up. Therefore, I think Tun M has the 3rd eye because he sure can see clearer than any of us of what might happen to the future.

    I think it is not Melayu mudah lupa but Melayu cepat rakus. They want to be rich faster, want to be popular faster and always want the easy way out. Always give excuses which most of it does not make any sense and to add (which might make some Malays angry) they are also lazy.

    I am a Malay lady who used to be lazy. I too used to wanting to be rich fast. However, later on I see that it does not work that way. I might get the money but others, who took the opportunity that I have wasted, are getting richer and richer, I decide to change myself.

    Now with my own initiative I am a manager in an Asia Pacific regional office in city center.

    I am proud of myself for the changed that I have made and I hope my children will not be the earlier me but the later me.

    Lastly, I wish you a very meaningful Merdeka and Selamat berpuasa.

    p.s. Do not stop writing as yours and Tun M is a revelation.

    Thank you

    JMD : Thank you for reading this blog. And thank you for the comments. The analogy on Stevie G is quite amusing.

    You will never walk alone.


  3. Dear JMD,

    Kata-kata TDM ibarat mutiara yang tidak luput ditelan zaman. Bacalah Malay Dilemma, walaupun dah berpuluh tahun, ianya masih lagi relevan. Tidak ada siapa yang boleh menyelamatkan bangsa ini melainkan bangsa melayu sendiri. Memang Tuah ada berkata tak melayu hilang di dunia. Tetapi melayu apakah yang kita mahu? yang longlai, yang lemah, bertongkat dan tidak mampu berdikari? Fikir-fikirkanlah.



  4. Hi JMD,

    Found out about your blog yesterday from the Fisherman’s Wharf. I am not a Malay but i do have many Malay friends as well as Chinese and Indiian friends. I do agree with what TDM say but then again i do see a lot of hard working Malays too and yes then you see the mat REmpits. Then you see the Chinese working very hard, doing very well then a lot of them too are involve in immoral activities. Then you see the Indians lawyers, doctors and etc but then you see Indian gangtsterism on the rise. I feel our society has change so much in the chase for material wealth that we forgot our roots. I remember reciting and learning about the rukun negara in school. I feel this is so important as it is like the seed of education before the plant bloom. This education of rukun negara will inculcate the spirit of muhibah and patriotism amongs the multi-racial Malaysia. Today i ask students about the rukun negara and they ask me what is that or what am i talking about. Education is important and to master another language will work to one’s benefit but we also need Nationalism and a true Bangsa Malaysia moral education to plant the roots of muhibah amongs races in the country. When we can understand the essence and the meaning of Rukun Negara and politicising religion and race then learning English would not be a problem. Sadly TDM ‘was’ from UMNO and to me they used this to their own benefit at the expense of Muhibah.

    Thank you

    The Simple man

    JMD : Thank you for visiting this blog. Really appreciate it.


  5. bro jmd,

    just so u know. while me and my wife were in this car this morning otw to office, my wife said that yesterday maybank has appointed new COO and some other chief for one of maybank’s subsidiary named aseambankers. my wife said both of them are young. one is 36 and the other is 38. and they graduated from cambridge. and then she said, they are from BINA FIKIR…

    and i was like WHAT?!!! i was totally speechless to this. may be kj has a new plan? selling maybank to singapore? <—- i heard this plan before

    JMD : Maybank had appointed Danny Yusof to head Aseambankers. In turn, Binafikir whom he had founded together with Azman Mokhtar and Mohd Zainal Shaari will be absorbed into Aseambankers. Most of the staff in Binafikir had moved out from it anyway.

    Danny Yusof used to work in PWC together with MZS. Binafikir received a lot of projects from the government. One such project is being the consultant for RapidKL and Prasarana. Binafikir is being paid millions of ringgit to offer solutions on how to upgrade the public transportation since 2006.

    And the result is not that satisfying. I know Danny, although not too well. He is brilliant. Being the youngest ever director in PWC by 2001. But I always disagree with some of his consultation work with the government.


  6. HI JMD,

    My sentence wrongly wrote. I should be that ” When we can understand the essence and the true meaning of the Rukun Negara instead of politicising religion and race then learning ENglish would not be a problem.

    Thanks again.

    The Simple man.


  7. It’s easier to tackle individual mentality than group mentality. Individually Malays mentality have changed, they are many Malays who are great thinkers and doers. But, as a group… they become weak, protective and lack soul. This include our own political parties be it PAS or UMNO.

    Tun should add Melayu mudah lupa + mudah tamak + mudah dengki + mudah menghukum, and they do these things among themselves. When you do not allow the Malays to compete among all races fairly in Malaysia, they tend to compete among themselves using the weapon of lupa, tamak, dengki and menghukum.


  8. Salam JMD,

    Budaya Melayu, penyakit kita dan tak siapa boleh ubati melainkan kita sendiri. Bila cakap pasal negara, semua lihat pada orang lain, pemimpin misalnya tapi sebenarnya kejayaan dan kemajuan negara tanggungjawab setiap rakyat. Selagi kita tak berubah sikap, nasib juga tak akan berubah.
    Lucu bila melihat bangsa melayu mencerca DEB, yg kononnya tak berkesan langsung. Keistimewaan melayu satu kesilapan. pengagihan sama rata adalah cara terbaik untuk memajukan melayu. Emmm…..menarik.
    Tapi malangnya bila melayu berniaga masih mengharap ikhsan petronas, melukut pinjaman MARA dan sebagainya. Entahlah mungkin tak bersyukur atau tak mengenali diri sendiri. Perbagai kemudahan diberi kepada melayu tapi kita masih tak berubah. Sedih melihat apa yang berlaku…
    Mungkin bila melayu hilang kuasa pemerintahan baru kita celik mata, hati dan minda tentang apa sebenarnya yang kita pernah ada dan kehilangannya…



  9. Dear JMD,

    Yes, mentality is the key.

    I am a Malay, and when i read the interview somehow i can relate some to what have i gone thru from ‘budak hingusan’ to a graduate and now a manager.

    However, experience is the answer to all the above. We learned a lot by experiencing thus it would be our best tool to help us change our mentality.

    But different people have their own experience and their own way of thinking thus i won’t be surprise if many have been such as what TDM describe.

    For our younger Malay generation, in my opinion that it is not always true by mixing them between other races will help them. Even if the mentality is correct, the Malays will be more competitive among each other.

    I have been in MRSM 1995/96 in PC. We have healthy competition between ourselves thus when I look at my former non-malay colleagues in SJI, we are actually performing better in academics and co-cu. But maybe, we are ‘a fragment of bubbles in vast sea’ that doesn’t goes with the flow.

    Mixing between races will benefit us more in terms our social understanding and tolerance. By understanding each other, we can live peaceful and in harmony.

    Unless we truly believe in our capability to achieve greatness and understand our limits, I believe that the Malays mentality will remain as what it is.

    Salam Merdeka to All Malaysian
    Selamat Menyambut Ramadan Al-Mubarak



  10. Pingback: Amanat Dr M « Malaysia Kita

  11. Dear JMD,

    Appreciate if you could post in regards of the “Malaysia Baru: Senario Politik Masakini” forum or better some videos of the forum.

    Just my luck to miss that event this Saturday, really interested to know what is in discussion and also TDM speeches.

    JMD : Insya’allah. No promises though! 🙂


  12. salam,

    I agree with TDM sentiments all those years ago. Thanks for finding the article and refreshing our memories.

    One point I would like to call attention to. TDM mentioned how low the percentage of Malay students was applying for places in UniTAR. I wonder whether that percentage (zero, IINM) still holds until today?


  13. The only way to save the Malay is to destroy the race itself. Only the strong shall survive, if not, it was meant to be.
    Would I be in that predicament, nope i will not. I would ask all the malays stand up not only for their right to live but for their right to work hard to build a better future. AND for that you will need a strong Malay. if there’s none, then better not be.
    be just and fear not.






    4. KITA DENGAR PULA APA MASALAH PEMBANGKANG. aNWAR KRITIK pasal gementar Pak Lah. Tak ada apa yang dia hendak cakap. Benda buruk aje.

    5.banyak subsidi, kenaikan gaji, orang susah dibantu dan banyak elaun termasuk untuk nelayan.

    KITA MAHUKAN SEMUA FREE, PERCUMA. TAK PAYAH BUAT KERJA. biar bangla dan nepal kerja kita lihat sahaja, tapi hendak pakai kereta dan rumah besar….angan-angan Mat Jenin.


  15. Askm JMD,

    Every race has its unique characteristics. The Jews, though very small percentage in USA, controls the financial heart of the USA. Every Chinese wants to be a successful businessman.Big money is in business. Every Malay man wants to be a successful administrator, the Chief Secretary to the Government.

    When we weave these traits in the various races into a working social contract, then we have peace and harmony. This social contrat had been working very well until some fanatical elements in a certain race took drastic actions to destroy it, which resulted in 13th May Racial Riots.

    Post mortem why Racial Riots 13th May 1969 took place gave birth to the COTROVERSIAL(Now, not until TDM’s time) DEB. The Malay leaders suddenly woke up from their sleep to declare that their race also must have a share in the economic pie, not just in the administrative fields, armed forces, police, if the peace and harmony were to be maintained. Modify the social contract.

    I have a question . If no 13th May 1969, would we continue to enjoy the peace and harmony ?

    Hang Kasturi

    JMD : W’lam Kasturi. Thank you for the comments. Even if there is no 13th May, any kinds of extremism will destabilise the country.


  16. JMD,

    Masaalah besarnya antara rakyat (terutamanya orang Melayu) dengan TDM ialah kerana kita tak nampak apa yang dia nampak akan berlaku.

    Dulu ada tiga orang perempuan Melayu kena tangkap kat beauty pageant, sebagai orang Melayu Islam sentimen pertama kita adalah marah dengan TDM sebab beliau mengutuk cara JAIS (atau JAWI) bertindak. Bila difikirkan semula betul juga kata TDM, kenapa bertindak selepas kejadian berlaku (selepas bayar tiket dan menyaksikan pertunjukan bersama tetamu lain), dan bukan menasihati perempuan tersebut supaya mereka akan ditahan sekiranya melakukan catwalk. Walaupun beliau seringkali di label sebagai tidak Islamik tetapi tindakan beliau saya anggap sebagai yang paling konsisten dengan sifat seorang Islam yang sejati .

    Tun ni mempunyai fikiran yang sangat tajam yang saya rasa belum ada tandingan dikalangan pemimpin pemimpin yang lain dewasa ini.

    Terimakasih JMD atas posting yang menarik ni.


  17. Hi JMD,
    TDM was right about Kampung Baru then. Now, most of the business formally
    run by the Malays were sold to the Indons, take a stroll down Jln Chow Kit, see how many stalls still run by the Malays.



    In the previous days, BN used to be the leader of all party in Malaysia. It is abnormal for someone to choose other political party except BN in those days. BN represent multi-racial remarks, which represented by component parties, and their voice being heard for sure, even if the party only have 100,000 membership. This is how the system prosper Malaysia for almost 50 years. We are proud to have Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun VT Sambanthan as our forefathers, our beloved founding fathers of this valuable heritage.

    But today, this party are no longer supreme in Malaysian political arena. If we look back, during the past days BN was hard to lose in any general or by-election, as people have a full faith to upheld this coalition of all races based party. Nevertheless, BN is lucky to stay alive nowadays. The message given in the 08 march general election has pretty clear notification that this party are no longer be the rakyat’s favourite.

    They wanted changes in BN, they voted up silly dumb candidates to show their potest against the government of Barisan, and not because they support those candidates neither. You tell me how could a first-timer, became popular just because of he is the video recorder of VK Lingam drama, won against a senior MCA leader? correct me if im wrong. This is totally funny.


  19. JMD,

    As regards UiTM (since someone mentioned it here), it can choose either to cross breed or persist with its policy of continuous in-breeding. The answer is obvious. In this flat globalized world, in-breeding will assure UiTM a slow, but sure, death.



  20. Hi JMD,

    I fully agreed with TDM. The Malays wants it easy ways. I am in Tourism Business for almost 18 years now. We have no choice but to communicate in English Language. Most of my frontliners staff are non malays, reason being they are able to speak english language. I have tried many time to hire malays to be the frontliners. Told them how to important the english language in business. Send them for courses. I’m not saying all but most of the malays don’t take thing seriously. They do not have the fighting spirit, the tidak apa attitude is so thick in them. Very nice people but “Manja Sangat”. Perhaps governoment got to revise the DEB and have a deadline…..

    In Malaysia I am a Malay, but I am a Javanese + Chinese = Malaysian. Proud to have mix parentage. Both of them are hardworking people. They always advise us, don’t depend on the government to feed you!

    Happy National Day & Selamat Berpuasa!

    Queen B


  21. Hi JMD,
    One of my friends forwarded to me your article on PR – kill with a borrowed knife. I must admit that I am impressed with your ability to see issues through a non conventional perspective (like how you viewed Jebat heroism), and on top of that, you can write your views effectively. And your views jive with TDM’s.
    Your writing reflects intellectualism and yet they are not hopelessly incomprehensible like that of Farish or Bakri Musa.
    You have a deep and well analyzed understanding of the country’s history, you understood TDM on issues where dissed by many, and your articles show a certain degree of caliber in you. And from your writings i understand that you care for the poor and engage in charitable activities (hopefully not like those continuously promoted by politicians on MSM).

    From Dato’ Onn until recently TDM, it is sad that there are no longer capable leaders in sight to continue the struggle towards building this country into the respectable Malaysian nation that TDM had envisioned, with the Malay’s (or Bumiputra in general) harmonious and prosperous presence alongside other ethnics. The future with KJ at the helm of the country’s leadership, or with the opposition liberal politicians, is a frightening thought. Malaysia is doomed towards either a restless nation with the Bumiputra continuously struggling for privilege (with the upper level politically connected few living life comfortably), and the non-Bumiputra fighting for equal rights, or immediately towards the Malaysian Malaysia, with the Bumiputra left behind amidst competitive economy.

    The NEP had a noble intention. I was one of its product. But I agree that the execution was poor and manipulated. Yes, the NEP has created a sizeable middle income class consisted of Malays / Bumi in Malaysia (me inclusive), but it had not made us competitive and strong. We still lack that economic presence.

    We need a time-bound revisit of the policy and improve where it had lacked.
    We need a group of sincere leaders who understood history and are able to carry out and prolong the vision for the future of this nation. Not leaders who champion NEP because they want to exploit it to become richer and gain political support.

    JDM, you seem to have credible insights of what’s happening at the corporate and political scene. Your analytical sense is amazing. And your words are influential. The pen is mightier than the sword. Look how RPK has contributed indirectly to the recent polls. Which is to my opinion had served UMNO a rightful lesson for its arrogance. I hated when the ingrat politicians fired TDM for his comments on the PM. They are typical chameleons changing colors for political survival.

    I dont know if you already are, but you should be on the political scene. With writing you can share views and influence, but with politics, you can actually execute them. TDM also wrote his vision before he rose in politics. He finally got to execute them when he became PM.

    If you are from outside their circle, it must be hard for you to slip into the scene and rise. Not with the likes of KJ and his millions. But nothing is impossible. TDM did not become PM by bribing supporters. He had impressed Tun Razak with his capabilities and hard work.

    Your challenge is yet, the current PM is not Tun Razak. You should have a group of sincere faithfuls with the same motivation and caliber as you to propel you into the scene. And dont let money lose your focus once you are there, like what happened to one of our ex-DPM.
    How I would have wished TDM was 10 years younger to bring things back to order.

    Ok for now. Please give a thought. I will be your loyal reader from now. But I hope somebody will get your views executed, if not by you.

    JMD : Thank you amer for the kind remarks. It is indeed a very humbling experience when readers can really connect with my articles and understand what I had wanted to say. I blog largely due to the fact that I wanted to express my opinion on a particular issue. I had never imagined that this blog could muster quite a number of readers and commentators like today.

    Initially, I even wondered whether this blog will be read at all! 🙂

    I am involved in charitable activities yes but that does not mean I am an active philantropist. I help out when there is a need. That is why I could, to some degree empathise with the plights of the hardcore poor.

    My passion for history is only due to my fascination towards the subject. I just love history. From our own, to the Russian Romanovs and to the English history. I believe, history is good to gain some self relection. Be it on an individual or the whole society.

    However, there is one thing that had been troubling me. The absence of review on the Vision 2020. I don’t think there is any study on the progress of this policy. Are we in the correct path? Have we deviated? What is the success rate so far? Have we been successful or at least still developing all the 9 core focus of the Vision 2020? I do not want to see all of us, in 2020, finding excuses on why the vision failed to be achieved.

    Again, we did not look back in our history to learn from the spirit that was instilled back in 1990 (when the Vision idea was first mooted).

    As for your suggestions for me to be politically active, I would say, I am actually quite comfortable with what I am doing right now. I do feel that there are many more able, intelligent and progressive young leaders in the government and the political circles which are in tune with the current political landscape. There are quite a handful of leaders which I see can adapt to their surroundings and stay sincere with their original aspirations.

    But who knows, time can change any man. Maybe I will take up you suggestion when the time comes 🙂

    Thank you for taking your time to visit this blog. I really appreciate it.


  22. Hi,
    thanks for responding to my comment. Since you touched about Vision 2020, i felt like writing here again. I was a teenager when TDM promoted the idea. It was like THE plan to develop an aspiring developed nation composed of integrated, multi-ethnic society who would share the same, locally-bred values. Imagine Malaysia along side Japan, Korea and the western nations.

    The Vision wasn’t just planned with qualitative ambitions, it was also backed with growth forecast that must be maintained annually in order to reach the economic magnitude worthy of a developed nation. I guess the economic recession in 1997 had derailed us off-track. Since 97, our growth had averaged around 5%, and with the outlook of the global economy, I am afraid that on the economical front, we are bound to miss our objective.

    Not only we would not meet the initial target for the economy, we are also nowhere near to overcome the challenges on the social and technological front. Sadly, the government is not taking the initiative to conduct annual review of the vision. If we could not overcome all the 9 challenges, we could at least meet a few with adequate follow up.

    You seem to still hold dear with hope to V2020. My realistic version of the future in 2020 is bleak. I used to nurture hope for it. I studied hard with that vision in mind, hoping that i would be able to contribute towards that. After TDM resigned, and watching the current PM and his young lieutenants dismantle the bricks towards the nation’s holy grail piece by piece, I became pessimist. The current government is not going to pursue V2020, they have even replaced it with V2050, leaving V2020 in the oblivion of unpursued legacy. v2050 is stupid, an attempt to rebrand a great idea with a different signature. Even if an opposition takes over, they would not follow through v2020 as they would put in place their own program. The absence of continuity for a grand program frustrates me, especially when the successor is of the same party.

    In my imaginary personal perfect world, I conceive a future where we would achieve the 9 core focus. To achieve that, we would have to redo a social engineering from ground up. The state of our current society is beyond repair, I missed the bonding that I had in primary school when Siva and Chong were my best friends, and we had mutual respect for each others’ beliefs. Malays can become competitive if they can be brainwashed from young age the importance of hardwork, passion for knowledge, maths and moral values (render the moral values in the Islamic teaching visible and effectively understandable). We need a Minister of Education capable of understanding the shortcomings of our society model, and design a system that could really shape up a generation that would uphold the Rukun Negara. And of course, we need a PM that can lead. TDM was alone in his fight. He had no capable lieutenants to execute his vision.

    That felt good. Now I know how you feel when you express yourself on a blog. Happy Merdeka Day. It feels like a lame Merdeka we have this year. Unlike the old times, when Sudirman sang that motivating song.


    JMD : Thank you for elaborating my previous comment. Happy Merdeka to you too.


  23. Hi JMD,

    Thanks for the welcome. I think you are right. We should review the Vision 2020. To me its fantastic TDM as a leader of our nation at that time set a goal for us as a nation to be elevated to develope status by 2020. But i feel that being develope in infrastructure alone is not enough, our minds have to be develope too. For example if we travel to develope countries, we are able to see the value in the quality of life there. TDM is also right that education is the best way to get there. Somehow in our country, we seem to misplace that by thinking that if we build massive buildings and what nots means we are developed nation.
    I also think that the NEP should be reviewed too. I am not Malay or Bumi but am for the idea why the NEP was introduced. The intention was noble and as a person who believes that the weak must be given a helping hand i am for it. As i use to travel all over the country and i see lots of poor Malays, Kadazhans, Dayaks and others who come under Bumi umbrella. To me this is the right people the NEP should working for and not the rich and politically connected BUMIS. Now my thinking is that after so many years of the NEP, the new NEP if ther is one should be that reach out to all races that needs a helping hand in getting them forward. I believe this because there are a lot of poor Indians, Chinese and other races too. As we move forward as a nation, and i hope we do as i do not have any confidence in our present Gov’t and their leaders is that we help all Malaysians regardless of race and religion who needs a helping hand.

    Just my 2cents.

    The Simple man

    JMD : The new NEP is embodied in the Dasar Pembangunan Negara in 1990. Among the objectives are :

    1 ) Mengurang dan akhirnya menghapuskan keadaan ketidaksamaan dan ketidakseimbangan sosial dan ekonomi dalam negara untuk menggalakkan perkongsian secara lebih adil dan saksama faedah yang diperolehi daripada pembangunan ekonomi untuk semua rakyat Malaysia;

    2) Menggalak dan memperkukuhkan integrasi nasional dengan mengurangkan jurang ketidakseimbangan yang luas dalam pembangunan ekonomi di kalangan negeri¬negeri dan di antara kawasan bandar dan luar bandar;

    3) Membangunkan sebuah masyarakat yang progresif di mana semua rakyat menikmati kesejahteraan hidup yang tinggi, di samping mempunyai nilai-nilai sosial dan kerohanian yang positif serta menghayati perasaan bangga dan cintakan negara;


  24. Hi JMD

    Hows ur holiday so far….i see u still moderating n responding to comments..
    lots of new people around nice to see that your readership is growing n people generally are so surprised with the quality of your blog….almost full with admiration….most wish that they could write n dissect issues like you..

    Vision 2020….was it a vision for the year 2020 or Vision 20:20 as in a clear vision going forward….and the year 2020 came after??…..executing a vision requires multigenerational efforts to succeed….n yet not long after TDM departure… our current sleepy PM tries to put forward another vision for a longer term..aiyoo this is no difference than a newly appointed Central Bank Governor printing money so that he/she can have his signature on the bills…..

    A quick glance…at the budget….what u think of the 9B allocations to corridors? given the fact that most contracts are already ‘privately negotiated’…………i’m really worried about gov-guarantees being structured into these so call PFI deals….another PKFZ in the pipeline……potentially more holes in future budgets

    As always TDM is spot on way ahead of everyone…guess that what makes him a great leader……i surely miss him……of how he handled impromptu Q&A just amazing ….n luv the way he usually shrugs off question…with his “10 cent” face… n ends with a smile…….

    JMD i ask myself the question always… a Malay do I really want to ride on the potential benefits of NEP and the rights within the Constitution….i live n work in Jakarta for a number of years now…n can help but compare how we as a country had evolved with the NEP n of how the Indonesian Bumiputras have fared….i have to say alhamdullilah for the policies that were executed to assist the malays to have a firm footing……but once you are well established do you still want to ride on such a policy…..i can only speak for myself….but i sincerely feel like standing in line for unemployment benefits after getting a job….

    if i cud sum up TDM’s interview u posted……”ALIBABA Mentality”….n any form of License based business breeds inefficiencies n potential monopolistic behaviour…….mentally the malays as a community may not be ready to more towards true merit based system…although individuals are moving forward in the new globalised environment…….then again every snowflake in an avalance pleads not guilty….

    happy merdeka !!!….

    JMD : Vision 2020 is for Malaysia to achieve a develop nation status by the year 2020. In order to do that, an average of 7% to 8% of GDP growth needs to be achieved every year. Our GDP was affected in the currency crisis in late 90’s. But since we had achieved GDP growth of more than 8% since 1990 (some more than 9%), and with the assumption that the economy will bounce back in the new millenium, it will not be a wishful thinking that the vision will be achieved.

    Just follow the set plan (the 9 focus areas), then it will be achieved, insya’allah.

    Too bad, the leadership blundered all the way after the economy was back on track since 2003.

    As for the second part of your comment, I have this real life experience to tell you.

    In my final year studying in the UK in the 90’s, I applied for a scholarship/studying loan from a foundation belonged to an affluent family in KL. We were not connected to this family but the sum of RM30,000 was channelled directly to fund my tuition fees after my application was approved.

    Upon graduating, I made the effort to repay for the sums I borrowed. One of the owners of the foundation told me that I can pay any amount I see fit as his main intention in giving out the scholarship was for me to help others when I become successful in the future.

    His exact words were – “I helped you before because I want you to help other people when you’re successful.”

    I remember those words forever.

    It shows that when you have become successful due to hard work and government’s policy, do not forget others who is less fortunate.

    That person is Tan Sri Asmat Kamaludin. A great man who came to help me without even knowing who I was.


  25. Kebanyakan orang mampu untuk membuat komen mengenai diri mereka dan kepentingan mereka sendiri sahaja.

    Ilmu mengenai politik dan sains sosial meliputi seluruh aspek masyarakat. Masalah berkaitan dengan kononnya tidak keadilan diantara kaum tidaklah seberapa jika dibandingkan dengan masalah yang akan dihadapi 10 atau 15 tahun kehadapan sekiranya terdapat berjuta pemuda Melayu yang tiada mempunyai haluan masa depan.

    Semua harus faham yang mereka sekarang sedang menyokong keadilan didalam PR setelah BN tidak mampu membela nasib mereka. Dan mereka akan mencari haluan baru sekiranya PR juga tidak dapat membela nasib mereka.

    Sekiranya corak yang begini masih berterusan, maka tidak mustahil satu masa nanti mereka akan memberontak mengambil tindakan sendiri dengan mencorakkan politik Malaysia mengikut citarasa mereka dan mengetepikan semua yang telah ada sekarang. Revolusi.



    Hari ini negara kita menyambut kemerdekaannya yang ke-51.

    Kita bersyukur dengan nikmat kemerdekaan yang kita kecapi selama ini.

    Janganlah kita lupa kepada nama-nama pejuang kemerdekaan yang telah mengorbankan nyawa mereka dahulu demi memberikan kesenangan kepada kita semua.

    Tok Janggut, Tok Gajah, Datuk Maharajalela, Naning, Rosli Dobi, Leftenan Adnan, Kanang (masih hidup), dan bapa kemerdekaan kita, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

    Setelah sekian lama, kita hidup dalam keadaan aman dan damai. Tiada siapa mempersoalkan hak sesiapa. Tiada siapa merompak hak sesiapa.

    Tetapi hari ini kita sudah mula tidak tenang. Kita memberontak. Kita mula merasakan hak kita dirompak. Kita mula benci sesama sendiri. Amat malang ini berlaku kerana ia adalah mainan sesetengah ahli politik yang mahu merampas kuasa secara bacul.

    Ahli-ahli politik seperti ini lah yang mengakibatkan negara huru-hara. mereka ini telah mencipta suatu suasana untuk menggambarkan bangsa lain seperti jahat dan sebagainya.

    Jika di Pakistan atau di Filipina, ahli politik seperti Bhutto dan Akino ini sudah lama dibunuh.

    Tetapi terbukti di Malaysia, kita masih aman kerana ahli-ahli politik seperti ini masih boleh terus meneruskan agenda jahat mereka.

    Yang amat sedih, golongan muda dan tua termakan tipu daya mereka. Berbudayakan ikut-ikut, tanpa memikirkan secara waras, mereka taksub dengan pemimpin mereka. Alangkah sedihnya.

    Kita mesti menoleh sejarah, dan fahami matlamat penubuhan Malaysia. Mengapa hampir 50 tahun kita bisa hidup begini, sekarang tidak lagi?

    Adakah selepas 50 tahun, ia sudah tidak relevant? Adakah selepas 50 tahun, ia sudah menjadi suatu undang-undang yang lapuk? Janganlah begitu. Adillah kepada diri sendiri dan orang lain.

    Kita hidup didalam sebuah negara yang berbilang kaum, seharusnya kita menghormati antara satu sama lain dan elakkan dari membincangkan perkara yang sensitif.

    Marilah kita bermuhasabah seketika, menghayati erti kemerdekaan kita.


  27. very enlightening. while we are taking our comforts to ponder on what he has thought years ago, Tun Mahathir has seen what may come next when he spoke to students in one of the IPTA. what would happen to the Malays if the Chinese pack up and left Malaysia for good. di tampuk manakah Melayu akan wujud?

    we are too complacent. we need to work hard to be at par as our non-Malays counterpart. dengan 3% equity, is there possiblity to survive?



  28. aliimran,

    Being a former student in ITM back in the 90s, I have no objection to UiTM being opened to non bumi, but not to the expense of 10% or 20% Bumi students.

    I do not know how many students UiTM admit in an academic year, for the sake of argument, if UiTM admits 20,000 students a year, a reduction of 10% or 20% Bumi students for the sake of admitting corresponding figure of Non Bumis would mean, that many percentage of Bumis would be denied entry.

    Correct me if I am wrong, Khalid or Anwar are not proposing an increase of 10% or 20% in enrolment, but a reduction which would mean 2,000 or 4,000 Bumis are shut out.

    Taking into account that Bumiputras constitute the biggest number of poor as compared to the Non Bumis combined, such proposal would cause hardship to the poor Bumiputra.

    As to your gloomy prediction that UiTM will die a slow death due to “inbreeding” as you called it for not wanting to admit non Bumis, I see no justification in it. The number of students enrolled in UiTM has increased dramatically over the years and the number of unemployed UiTM graduates are small. UiTM has proven to be effective in providing quality education. It may not rank as the top university in the world, but it has achieved it’s intended social purpose.

    Many local universities are opened to all races and yet are they occupying the top spot in the world ?

    There are other ways to produce quality graduates and quality students without sacrificing intended social engineering policies.

    If the crushing of invisible barriers would in an instant produce good competition, lets take out other trade barriers and tariffs and allow foreign companies to operate freely and to tender direct for any Government projects and then tell me whether local companies can match the financial strength and expertise of foreign giants.

    Do that, you wont get competition but you will find our economy being at the mercy of foreign countries.

    When Thomas Friedman speak of flat earth and globalisation he speaks from someone who comes from the position of strength. The removal of State’s intervention policy in the economy does make sense to him as it would allow unhindered American economic presence worldwide.

    It does not augur well for local comapny who just got their toes wet in business. Then again, the US conducts massive subsidies in agriculture to help protect the US agro business back home, Japan puts up a 500% tariff on importation of rice to protect its rice business and the West imposes on Japan a further 50% importation of rice that Japan dont need to control price of rice. Airbus obtained massive subsidies from European States to challenge the global dominance of US Boeing.

    While the West speaks of globalisation, free trade and flat earth, what they really mean is that the rest of the world should open up to them but they can play by whaetever rules they choose to keep their constituents happy.

    JMD : Thank you Lekiu. I couldn’t agree more with your opinion on globalisation. It should work both ways when they say the free flow of capital coming in and out of a particular country.

    Hope you had a good Merdeka lunch by the way 🙂


  29. Lekiu,

    Thanks for the response.

    I didn’t ask UiTM to open up to the achievers of the whole world yet; I don’t think they are interested anyway. I’m talking about opening it to our fellow Malaysian Chinese and Indians. Even that, as of now, I don’t think many of them would be interested to join; this is the perception that I have after talking to many of them.

    I’m not anti UiTM, nor trying to undermine it. I understand it’s objectives, and I have high regards for the earlier batches of its graduates during Tan Sri Arshad Ayub.

    But UiTM has to move on, and get out of its self imposed tempurung.

    If you have to compete with fellow Malaysian Chinese and Indians at this early stages of your professional development, at the least you would know their strengths and weaknesses. And at least it would prepare you when you are competing with them in the real business world as Accountants, Lawyers, Engineers, Architect etc. The competition would raise your confidence levels, and you would not just relying on government’s or GLCs’ contracts, but you would chase the same business they are chasing, at least. You will learn to have courage swimming amongst the sharks.

    And I have yet to talk about us Melayu competing in the flat globalized world. But this is something inevitable. As much as your concerns of us amateurs playing golf against the likes of Tiger Wood in the real world of business, it will come to you, and to me, sooner or later. We have to play the game with them whether we like it or not sooner or later. And whether we like it or not we have to prepare for it, now.

    And for the Malaysian Chinese and Indians, they have started this much earlier; you jut go to Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangalore, San Francisco etc. And I’m just asking you to open up UiTM to them, so that you can know their mindset, as to how they are able to develop courage to compete with the best in the world, so that other Lekius of UiTM can learn a trick or two, to do the same, perhaps. And to survive in the flat globalized world, we should start with taking this very first step first.

    Lekiu, sometimes we fear fear itself. It could just be our own shadow.

    We cannot protect Melayu, or UiTM for that matter, with this invisible wall forever. One day, the wall will just collapse no matter how you try to hold it. Just look at the Berlin wall or the Chinese bamboo wall. And we better prepare for it now, not just by making the wall stronger or sturdier, but by making ourselves stronger and sturdier in all areas. And as a first step, UiTM has to look at the benefits and advantages of cross breading; and move on confidently into this flat and globalized world.



  30. JMD ..

    I think we have had enough with all this unhealthy political scenario nowadays. Is there any of any brave Malay among the nation whom should lead a new better set up to replace Pakatan and also BN (esp UMNO ; if they could not improvise themselves) .. ?

    well, like to know your opinion about that …

    salam ramadhan 1429H, salam merdeka 51.

    JMD : We shall probably see by end of October for any brave souls to show their mettle. But to have a new set up replace PR and BN? I sincerely doubt that. Thank you.


  31. Hi JMD

    Malaysian Vision is always great (as in Malaysian…..Guess wat indonesian came up with indonesia bisa…how original) but most of the time the execution is poor and most project end up being a real estate play for a select few…..

    i’ll give u one example…MultiMedia Super Corridor…….knowing full well that the evolution of technology makes location obsolete…our govt still went on with a grand project within a pre-set area of operation……..Take the Koreans for instance…they came to KL after Tun M declared to the world the setting up of MSC…the studies in depth what would be need for successfull execution…they went back to Seoul n came out with a proposal that all buildings equiped/connected with high speed fibre optics shall get tax benefits…..and walaaa……everyone invested to ensure that office buildings are up to the standard…n the content n technology began evolving with such a rapid pace…just look at where they are now……look at our so called MSC….there are some successes but not much…nothing major or ground breaking…in the end it could just be an outsourcing center competing with India….is that what we were aiming for..

    There r plenty that i could name..say the Biotechnology strategy …( We r home to one of the oldest rainforest in the world..imagine the number of plant species with the potential medicinal value……foreign scientist have been coming in for years to literally “steal” samples for futher studies abroad n once completed sell the goods at patent level prices to us….a simple project of mapping all species in Malaysia can address the future research requirement)

    All of these lead to potential leakages in our true potential to become a developed nation…..come on look at Singapore an economy with not a single drop of oil can build a developed nation by just trading n processing oil (this accounts to almost 30% of their GDP)…..not that i have much admiration for the little dot down south….they knew their geographical strength n capitalised on it….from all the trading ….they build the 3rd largest forex market…everything is just a natural evolution….

    Can we now “naturally” evolve to the targets of our vision? Can we along the way try to plug the leakages? Can we as a society evolve to be able to embrace n face the global competition head on?……

    Why dont we do simple things like say…take away 50% of what Singapore is doing (Oil Trading, Processing, refining etc) with our IDR project n develop an Shariah based Futures trading market in Oil n its derivatives…how much could this contribute to our GDP…..i believe in having simple n executable targets rather than Grand Impossible to Achieve Targets……


  32. Aliimran,

    I am not so much worried about the Malays being unable to compete with the Chinese and the Indians should UiTM be opened. To even believe that fear alone is the main reason for not wanting to open up is an insult to the capability of Bumis and giving fuel to the perception that we are intellectually inferior.

    As I have mentioned earlier, if it is a the risk of shutting out 10% or 20% Bumiputra students then I am strongly against it. If there is an increase on the amount of admission to cater for the non bumis, then I am all for opening it.

    I believe that ultimately affirmative action must be for the benefit of the least advantaged in society irregardless of race and religion. I would cause embarassment to my Jurisprudence lecturer if I believe the work of Rawls taught otherwise. Although on second thought, with the kind of argument I brought up, I have bent a little on Rawl’s theory.

    The opening up for competition’s sake is superfluous I think. I spent 4 years at ITM, bordering paranoia, worried whether I could go out there and compete against the non-bumis.

    I think it is not Them Against Us, it is us and them trying to survive. We all have to work within our strength. We all have to complement each other’s strength.

    To inculcate students to believe that they have to compete against another Malaysians on account of race or religion is just plain dumb. Students have to be encouraged to acquire knowledge based on the need for their own survival. If they fail to understand that imperative then they are seriously in trouble when they join the workforce.

    The more you tell the impressionable students it us Us Against Them, the more bigots you will let loose in the world. Fighting against each other in a small pond will not make us stronger, just make us plain stupid.

    I spent for 4 years at ITM from 90 to 94 worried whether I can compete or not against the “Other” and upon graduation, life took me into this amazing journey that I ended up investing money (and lost) in a Chinese dominated company and now I am embarking upon another possibly crazy investment with another Chinese, I spent that last 13 years travelling to places around the world with 2 wonderful Indian friends.

    Although I did learn some bitter truth about race relations, such as, having to pay more for supplies if I were to lead negotiations for procurement as opposed to having my chinese partners do it. My chinese partners came up with not so sophisticated argument about how the Govt discriminates against them which is why the suppliers think that I, as a Malay, should be penalised and pay 10 to 20% more.

    Once Malaysia signs the numerous Free Trade Agreements with other sovereign states, once invisible trade barriers are lifted, it is Us Malaysians against the World.

    For the time being corrective measures to ensure a more fair representation of races in the economy need to be administered. If you care to read the Malaysia Plan, the Government have done a commendable job in ensuring a fair representation of races in the market place.

    It is not perfect and the Non Bumis have made invaluable sacrifice to achieve the national objective but it has made race relations a bit more relaxed then in pre 1969.

    I was told by a client that Anwar while campaigning in Permatang Pauh before a gathering of chinese community apparently advised them not to hire UiTM graduates until UiTM open up to other races.

    I am at a loss to describe Anwar.

    When Van Gogh suspend logic while painting his beautiful work of art is awe inspiring, the public’s suspension of any rational thought and skepticism while listening to Anwar, foam frothing from his mouth with venom spiked speeches is just simply frightening.

    Milton wrote Paradise Lost several hundred years ago and the reader upon finishing the book would end up wanting to root for the Devil. The scholars of Milton says that it is precisely what Milton wanted to convey, that the Devil is attractive and beguilling and that Faith is very searching.

    Not that I am saying Anwar is the devil incarnate.

    Sorry Aliimran for disgressing. Cant help but saying somehting about Anwar and the public’s almost blind obedience to him. I suppose the same thing some people will say about my absolute faith in Tun Mahathir.

    Hmm.. politicians, you either love them or hate them.


  33. Lekiu,

    “I think it is not Them Against Us, it is us and them trying to survive. We all have to work within our strength. We all have to complement each other’s strength.”

    Of course it’s never the case of Us against Them or vice versa, and of course we have to work within our strength. But, it’s also very important for us to know where we stand in our own country, if not the world, vis a vis others that’s inevitably we see as our competitors, not in negative way, in every facets of our life. This is the reality of life.

    And does it really matter whether it’s 10%, 20% or 30%? importantly, we must increase opportunity for everybody and cease doing anything that’s bordering bigotry and racism, like what UiTM is practicing now.

    And where is the spirit of Bangsa Malaysia that we younger Malaysian should strive for? Do you do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you, and let this country fall again and again?

    Look, I’m all for NEP, in its original wording and in its original spirit, not in the manner manifested by the likes of AAB, KJ and the new ruling elite of UMNO. And I’m an UMNO member, though I’m not sure whether I’m proud of it now or not.

    “To inculcate students to believe that they have to compete against another Malaysians on account of race or religion is just plain dumb. Students have to be encouraged to acquire knowledge based on the need for their own survival. If they fail to understand that imperative then they are seriously in trouble when they join the workforce.”

    This is indeed a dumb argument. To survive we must compete, healthily and positively, not just with the Malaysian Chinese and Indians, but with everyone, be it our near neighbours or anybody in every corner of the world. It’s no more a choice, but it’s the way it is in today’s world. And the basic thing that we must do is to inculcate the healthy spirit of competitiveness in our young ones, something that UiTM naively refuses to do.

    “The more you tell the impressionable students it us Us Against Them, the more bigots you will let loose in the world. Fighting against each other in a small pond will not make us stronger, just make us plain stupid.”

    Bigots are created by unfortunate logic like you that UiTM is only for the Malays, or you open it up to other races “over my dead body” kind of mentality. Competitiveness is not a dirty word. A successful country is successful because its productive people is competitive, more competitive than the other, be they the Japanese, Silicon Valley/Bangalore engineers, Mainland Chinese manufacturers etc. And this is exactly what UiTM and screwed up logic like you are opposing.


    JMD : Dear Aliimran, I think you had misconstrued Lekiu’s statement. He did not say UiTM must never be opened to the non Malays. He was lamenting about the places the Malays had to give up should certain percentages of the seats be given up. Therefore, more places should be created so that the amount of placements the Malays should have gotten will not shrink.

    Just like in one pf the para in my previous article :-

    “Upholding the concept of ‘growing the economic pie’ without taking the rights of the non Malays, more schools and universities were built to cater for the growing numbers of Malay students. Building more schools and universities also ensured that the non Malays were not left behind when the Malay quotas was introduced in 1970. It would not make much sense if the quotas were enforced but the seats available for education remained the same.”

    It should also work both ways shouldn’t it?

    For another point of view on this UiTM issue, please reade here :

    Goodnight and have a good week ahead.


  34. Hmm, TunM and his wise words, cynical at times but still….and on another analogy it’s akin to a farmer tending to a precious tree, supplementing it with nutrients, taking care it has the right amount of water and that no other trees are shading it from the life-giving sunlight, but alas, not only does he find that after years of toiling, the tree does not get stronger, instead the other plants or shrubbery around it which was not even cared for grew with even much more vitality.


    Hope you had a great holiday JMD.

    JMD : Happy holidays to you too. If I may, I’d like to add something to that analogy of yours. To say that other plants/shrubbery around the faltering tree were not even cared for at all is quite wrong to my understanding. Obviously the environment surrounding them had been very friendly and conducive for them to grow. And grew they did, with much vitality.

    Yes I’m on holiday. Sneaking time here and there just to check my emails. Hope you had a great holiday with your family and friends 🙂


  35. Pingback: Jed Yoong » Blog Archive » Dr M In 2002: 10% Non-Bumis In MRSM, Fail To Change Malays, English For Science + Maths

  36. Assalammualaikum bro… selamat berpuasa kepada semua..

    Just to comment on Lekiu and Aliimran debates…

    One question… In UiTM now, even between Malays/Bumiputra themselves, they can’t compete or have the need to challange each other for academics result and knowledge, what are the chances that they will do it against other races?

    By opening it’s door to others, UiTM will defeat it establishment purposes. Nobody can change his fate but himself, that what is taught in Islam. You can have all the races in the world enrolled in UiTM but if the Malays there don’t want to change, what can you, me or the Government do?

    There are others university in Malaysia which allow all races into its fold but why must we picked on UiTM? If we want to open the door of UiTM for the sake of being fair, why don’t we start with disbanding or intergrating all race based school first? Afterall, what we teach the young ones at the early stage of their lives will be their guiding philosophy. So, let they be no more chinese and tamil school, then we can talk about One Country One Race.

    Some people are falling into the trap of politicians who harps around about racist and nepotism to bag support for their own political agendas.


  37. saudara JMD,

    saya dapat pautan entry ni dari Encik Ismail dan saya gembira tidak terlepas peluang membaca entry yang sangat menarik dan membuka minda ini.

    saya sudah baca buku Dr M iaitu Malay Dilemma dan bersetuju 100% dengan apa yang dikatakan beliau di dalam buku itu dan juga apa yang dikatakan belia seperti entry JMD.

    bagi saya, Dr M merupakan pemangkin negara, perintis ke arah kemajuan bangsa Melayu sendiri. tapi saya pun seperti beliau sangat pelik kenapa bangsa kita masih tidak mahu berubah. sekurang-kurangnya ada kemahuan untuk berubah dan mencuba untuk berubah. tapi malangnya tidak sama sekali.

    kita tengok saja dengan mat rempit. adakah bangsa lain terlibat dengan aktiviti tidak sihat ini? jika ada pun, boleh dibilang dengan jari yang ada di tangan. bila saya lalu di jalan-jalan yang menjadi kegemaran mat rempit, saya begitu sedih dan hampir menitiskan air mata melihat bangsa sendiri rosak akhlak dan tidak melakukan benda-benda yang berfaedah. jika bangsa lain boleh duduk rumah atau keluar melakukan aktiviti yang berfaedah, kenapa tidak bangsa melayu berkelakuan sedemikian rupa. jika bangsa lain boleh ke kelab hiburan di mana tidak membahayakan nyawa mampukah bangsa kita pergi ke kelab hiburan jika kerja pun tiada da wang pun harap duit ibu bapa? jangan fikir negatif bahawa pergi ke kelab mesti minum arak. tapi itu memang menjadi budaya pemikiran bangsa melayu juga. berfikiran negatif.

    kita lihat pula dari segi perniagaan. saya ambil contoh dalam sektor pembinaan. tidak perlu kita ambil contoh yang besar, cukup sekadar pembinaan ubahsuai rumah kita. adakah kita berani mempertaruhkan duit kita untuk kontraktor melayu? saya sendiri sudah kena dua kali ditipu kontraktor melayu. duit nak lebih, kerja tak siap. saya mengalami masalah perpaipan dan diminta membayar RM1,000 bagi kos pembaikan tetapi malangnya air masih bocor. bila saya persoalkan, saya pula dimarahi dan diminta membayar lebih. saya putus asa dan panggil kontraktor cina pula. saya dikanakan bayaran sebanyak RM200 dan segalanya baik selepas itu. Kemudiannya saya ada mengupah bangsa melayu juga untuk cat rumah. tetapi selepas menerima bayaran, lari entah ke mana. bangsa lain yang habiskan tetapi dengan bayaran yang lebih murah. jadi jika ini yang berlaku, adakah saya perlu mengharap melayu akan berubah dan saya tidak akan kena tipu lagi? mungkin tidak.

    kita lihat saja di sektor awam pula. tidak perlu pergi jauh. hanya lihat di ofis saya. apa yang saya dapati ialah bangsa melayu sangat malas. bila bangsa lain buat overtime mereka dikatakan gila duit atau mata duitan. bila melayu tak ada duit, cakap cina boleh la ada side income dan main fix deposit atau saham. melayu ada asb, penuh kah asb bangsa melayu? orang cina semua dah penuhkan asn mereka. cuba bayangkan asb dibuka kepada semua bangsa? apa akan jadi?

    banyak sektor awam yang memilih satu hari dalam seminggu untuk English day tetapi berapa kerat saja yang praktik bercakap dalam bahasa Inggeris? malang sekali.

    saya sedih sangat melihat bangsa saya sendiri semakin mundur dan menyalahkan serta menuding jari kepada orang lain tetapi tidak pada diri sendiri. saya harap ramai lagi pemimpin negara yang mempunyai ideologi dan pandangan yang membina seperti Dr M. wallahualam.


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