Anwar Ibrahim / Judiciary

What is going on, Karpal?

Due to limited ways in defending the indefensible, the defence team of Anwar Ibrahim, led by Karpal Singh, had begun to attack the credibility of the main witness – Saiful Bukhari.

The opening salvo is to paint a picture that Saiful is not a good muslim (as if that has any relevance to the facts of the trial).

Excerpts of yesterday’s trial can be read below:

Pada pemeriksaan balas itu juga, Karpal meminta penjelasan Mohd Saiful sama ada beliau merupakan seorang Islam yang baik, dan Mohd Saiful berkata beliau cuba untuk menjadi seorang Islam yang baik.

Mohd Saiful berkata semasa bekerja dengan Anwar, beliau jarang bersembahyang tetapi mulai insaf selepas membuat laporan polis berhubung kejadian liwat itu.

Katanya beliau tidak sembahyang selepas kejadian liwat.

Karpal: Kenapa anda tidak sembahyang hari itu (26 Jun 2008)?

Mohd Saiful: Mungkin kerana saya telah diliwat.

Karpal: Ada sembahyang pada 27 Jun?

Mohd Saiful: Ada sembahyang Jumaat.

Karpal: Ada mandi sebelum sembahyang?

Mohd Saiful : Ada mandi sedikit saja tapi tidak cuci habis.

Karpal: Bila sembahyang, mesti cuci betul-betul? Betul mandi junub diwajibkan?

Mohd Saiful :Ya.

Karpal: Jadi sembahyang anda pada 27 Jun 2008, adalah tidak sah?

Mohd Saiful: Ya.

Karpal: Jadi anda bukan seorang Islam yang baik.

By asking Saiful whether had he performed his mandi junub before he prayed had only shown us the fact that Karpal Singh has tacitly implied that Saiful had indeed involved in sexual relations with Anwar Ibrahim!

In the effort to attack the character of the witness, Karpal had leave an opening as wide as the grand canyon for the whole nation to surmise that Anwar has indeed buggered Saiful Bukhari.

What is up Karpal? Sabotaging your own client?

“Anwar Ibrahim mesti bertaubat!” we heard you said last time…


UPDATE 11 May 2010 – Due to the postponement of the trial again today, blogger Marahku had written an interesting opinion of the progress of the trial. Can be read HERE. At the end of the article, we can again ask – what is going on, Karpal?

Article by Syed Akbar Ali on the difference between consensual and non-consensual also begs the same question. Can be read HERE.

A blogger named Faisal asked us to think further. Please read his article HERE.

37 thoughts on “What is going on, Karpal?

  1. Just relax the story is yet to be unfolded. Whoever is going to bertaubat only GOD knows and for sure all of us must bertaubat!!! Lu tak caya ke?


  2. Dear JMD,
    Know the reason why Karpal asked Saiful the question. If Saiful had “mandi junub” then how the semen was still inside him. Of course he want to raised “Reasonable Doubt” regarding the matter. Then he was trying the assassinate Saiful’s character by implying that he lied about the medical report by Dr. Osman. The strategy is to make Saiful doubtful of what the answer he have given in the court.

    JMD : Does he even know how a mandi junub is done? I don’t know about him but I never heard any Muslim would clean their body to the extent cleaning their colons during a mandi junub. Thank you.


  3. halo uncle.

    karpal wants to prove that saiful is not a credible witness la.haiyo.basic la.nak attack pun fikir2 la dulu

    JMD : Halo adik, how many victims and witnesses we have in all the cases in all the world who did not perform their prayers? Did those courts expunge their testimonies based on their negligence in performing their religious duties? Like I said in this article, I don’t find any relevance to attack Saiful on whether he is a good muslim or not. Fikir fikirkan lah. Thank you.


  4. i saw in TV yesterday anwar discuss with a bunch of ‘superstar’ lawyers. i catch a glimpse of datuk param, karpal, and about 6-7 other lawyers together with anwar.

    and the best question they could ask the main witness is ‘anda mandi junub’?

    karpal is trying to attack the DNA evidence because if saiful says that he mandi junub and wash his anus before he reported to the police, then the DNA evidence could not be trace by the forensic team. so it is imposibble that the prosecution team have DNA evidence to presecute anwar. but saifull says that he did not wash his anus, and because of that, he could not perform prayers. the best karpal could get from this is that saiful is not a good muslim.

    ni memang kerja lawyer, if they cannot ask question which involved directly or related to the crime, then they will try to attack the witness credibility and hope the case is drop.

    no wonder anwar got like 12 lawyers.


  5. Haha. Karpal Singh played the wrong cards. I am surprised why Anwar used Karpal when since the very beginning he had many other top lawyers. Tiba-tiba Karpal came into the picture as lead counsel ?


  6. Setahu saya mandi junub wajib untuk keadaan seperti berikut:

    1. Berlaku persetubuhan (lelaki vs perempuan) iaitu bila masuknya zakar (hingga melepasi takuk) kedalam faraj.

    2. Terkeluar mani bagi lelaki.

    3. Selepas suci daripada haid dan nifas bagi wanita.

    4. Kalau Anwar yang roket saiful sampai memancutkan mani kedalam duburnya wajibkah brother Saiful mandi junub. Kerana dubur dan juga mulut bukan lah anggota sex yang dibenarkan islam.

    5. Kalau suami melepaskan mani semasa masturbasi di celah antara dua tetek, celah ketiak, di celah dua ponggong, kelengkang dan sebagainya wanita itu juga tidak dituntut supaya mandi junub.

    6. Seperkara lagi dalam hal mandi junub ni kita hanya di kehendaki mencuci setiap inci bahagian luar tubuh badan serta permukaan rongga seperti hidung, telinga (tidaklah disuruh sampai jolok kedalam). Malah mulut pun tak diwajibkan kumur (maaf kalau silap). Dalam faraj pun tak dituntut supaya dicuci macam cuci gelas selepas diguna untuk minum susu.

    Siapa yang ajar Karpal hukum ni yek? Mengelirukanlah.

    Mengarut lah dia ni. Kapal perlu belajar hal-hal Ugama Islam dari bukan Nik Aziz.


  7. I agree with JMD, mana ada orang mandi junub sampai basuh hingga ke colon? Maybe that is KS’ or AI’s style of mandi junub, tak tahulah pulak..

    Mandi junub is mandi biasa – hanya pastikan air rata di seluruh LUAR badan.. no need to korek2 or masukkan air di dalam rongga.


  8. Mona,
    Mandi junub you have to make sure that all the water reached all over your body, that’s why Muslim women had their hair soaked. Now Karpal changed his strategy for raising the issue “rela” and “tanpa kerelaan”.
    The strategy is simple, to make Saiful fade up with the questions, and then sooner or later Saiful will make a wrong statement then stress on the technical issue. 2 can play the game, the Attorney should call a Ustaz or Mufti to explained to Karpal what is a good muslim and a bad one. Probably then Kapral can quote something from Al-Quran.


  9. Bro

    Let me try and interpret these points about the bathing and consensual/non-consensual sex.

    It is unlikely that Saiful only “ada mandi sedikit saja tapi tidak cuci habis.” Would anyone bathe just a little and then not towel himself properly? Does not sound convincing especially if he maintains he did not go to the
    toilet or have a proper soap bath/shower and dry off for 3 consecutive days!!

    Before the trail he had claimed it was non-consensual and I believe that was the basis of his Koran swearing. If now he implies or claimed it was consensual in evidence given “in camera”, then clearly there is a contradiction.

    Karpal will then go for an impeachment that Saiful’s is lying and if the judge rules so, the SG’s case will fall apart. That’s where Karpal is heading for the moment.

    we are all of 1 race, the Human Race


  10. Bro…

    Actually Saiful should answer like this…. “Who are you to justify weather I am a good Muslim or not…as a muslim I belief only Allah has the authority to say so”

    Sorry my English. Thank you.


  11. Salam Bro,

    Lawak tahap CIFUT BABI.

    Mempersoalkan samada orang Islam yang baik ialah satu taktik memakan diri.

    Adakah Al Juburi suka bontot jantan tu orang Islam yang baik sebab dia suka bontot?

    Kalau Al Jub tu orang Islam yang baik, takkan sekali-kali meliwat dan jugak jadi balaci Yahudi untuk jual negara sendiri.


  12. Jebat,

    i think they (DSAI’s Defence) also tried that during the Sodomy I. Last time it was Azizan getting caught “khalwat” and thus they are implying that by committing (and convicted of) close proximity, an offense under Shariah Law, he’s not a credible witness (“saksi fasik” – committing sin).

    This is standard defense tactic – disputing the credibility of witness. Ask any trial lawyer (though this is the first defense has gone as far as equating not “mandi junub” therefore not performing solat as being unreliable witness ^_^ ).

    the point is: if they could, they would. hey, all is fair in love and war!


  13. target karpal ialah seboleh-bolehnya saiful basuh duburnya. kalau dah basuh dubur betul-betul macam mana ada air mani kat dalam dubur tu.ini merupakan satu strategi dalam pembelaan …. dah cuci pinggan mana ada lagi kekotoran … ini idea utamanya yang akan mempertikaikan bahawa sepecimen air mani seharusnya tidak ada dalam dubur… selari dengan idea tidak ada penetrasi dalam dubur . jadi buang kes .

    soalan yang boleh ditanyakan kepada anwar ibrahim selepas ini ialah

    1. dia mandi wajib tak pada 26 hb tu …( sebelum makan karipap ke lepas .. dah lupa )
    2. mesti dia tak mengaku dia mandi junub / wajib kerana kalau dia mandi itu menunjukkan ada kejadian liwat.

    3. kalau macam tu soal saiful tak mandi wajib merupakan perangkap terbesar kepada anwar walaupun tujuannnya adalah untuk menadi atau menggambarkan kurangnya keislaman saiful / kredibiliti

    4. bukan suatu keperluan kepada saiful untuk mandi wajib.

    5. kalau saiful mandi wajib … ia akan mengesahkan bahawa kejadian liwat telah berlaku .

    kiri kanan depan belakang menunjukkan masalah yang sama

    teori konspirasi
    – mengaitkan najib dll sebagai konspirator terbesar abad ini tak akan menyebabkan keluarnya air mani anwar ibrahim pada 26 hb tu …. ini idea utama
    – air mani keluar macam biasa kita tau..
    – umur air mani boleh dikaji melalui kajian klinikal jadi tau umur berapa air mani tu dipancutkan
    – air mani tak boleh keluar macam tu aja
    – adalah sesuatu kerja yang sangat sukar untuk mendapatkan air mani daripada anwar ibrahim … kecuali dia sendiri yang keluarkan … takkan kita boleh keluarkan air mani milik orang lain … kemudian pancutkan kat saiful … banyak susah itu kerja

    itu pendapat saya.


  14. The ruling politician and their henchmen shame the country.
    I cannot imagine how the legal defense team can do anything if the written testimony from saiful is not given to them. this is a first for any case.
    My perception of the legal system in Malaysia is at an all time low.

    A country that uphold justice and law and order, normally will gain investor’s confidence. hence countries like US, australia, canada, UK, Hong Kong and singapore will always be selected
    And maybe that is the reason why singapore was chosen by exxon and shell for thei largest petrochemical complex in the world, instead of malaysia or indonesia, despite singapore not having any mineral resource at all.
    For the opposition, not only do they have to defeat the ruling coalition, they will then face an uphill battle against the monarchy, who are pro BN, and the courts, before they can govenr the country. An impossible task in my mind.


  15. hmm..i have sumthing interesting to say..
    sy t’fikir…karpal seorg lawyer…
    npe die wt silap yg buduh itu…
    lme2 sy dpt ilham…
    mase die kate…
    “Jadi anda bukan seorang Islam yang baik.”..
    hmm..pd p’dpt sy…
    dgn kate mcm nie…
    die dpt tmbulkn keraguan hakim(rse2la)…..
    die(kapal) bleh wt gmbaran yg act mayb sepul nie mgkin mmg pelaku hbungan sejenis….or…gay….
    (sbb die bkn islam yg baik).
    n…die may b dh pnah wat liwat2 ngn sesiapa….
    n he can accuse anwar….
    act…ni la kpala lawyer…haha..
    ntah la…juz prediction je…
    _pray for justice_
    _hate sodomy_


    • Sorry to say this but those who are too lazy to spell (sms format) are so annoying. I normally skip reading their comments. Either they are lazy lot or have spelling problem. Not worth my time deciphering what they were trying to say 🙂
      Note – Common in pro PAS or Keadilan blogspots.



  16. An astute blogger,’aspadeaspade’ wrote a very wise commentary in Din Merican’s blog on a similar subject posted here. Below are his sharp observation on what actually happened, miles away in terms of quality and weight of argument in comparison to what has been written by deceitful and shameless UMNO Cybertroopers here in your attempt to mislead others .

    “Karpal is a seasoned trial lawyer and very clear that the whole case rest upon Saiful Bukhari. Only Saiful knew who and what was shoved up his dirty arse hole.

    According to the medical report, there was no sign of penetration and Saiful initially claimed it was a plastic bottle. Since Saiful has taken the moral high ground to make an Islamic Oath, he must be tested according to that Islamic yardstick. That’s what Karpal did and suceeded – that if the incident did happen, Saiful the Liar who tries to appear “warak” by performing Friday prayer had actually performed an invalid prayer because he was in a state of impurity.

    Indeed he was and indeed he is a LIAR that God had warned will be obliterated from the face of this earth!
    That compulsive Liar even tries to charade as a pious person by the two black marks that he scratched on his forehead to give that mark of perpetual prostration (tanda sujud di kepala) for his court appearance. It is amazing the theatrics that he puts on, he deserves an Oscar for this performance.

    This dirty arsehole story demeans and is a stain on the whole Malay race!”

    aspadeaspade – May 11, 2010 at 2:56 pm

    JMD : I find this very amusing. I think some may have missed the point.

    The point here, which aspadeaspade has missed is, if I was the Judge, I will ask only a simple question to Karpal –

    Why do you ask Saiful whether did he mandi junub or not after 26th June 2008? Are you saying he did have physical, sexual activity with Anwar Ibrahim? How did you know that he must mandi junub?

    Oh and by the way, judges won’t judge the case based on marks on the forehead or how pious one is.

    The spin made by aspadeaspade is quite desperate. And you call him as astute? I am sick of Anwar’s CYBERTROOPERS actually.

    Please copy paste my reply here in Din Merican’s blog since you have been so kind to alert us about that particular comment. Thank you.


    • Heh heh

      I know the reason why you are sick of UMNO cybertroopers.

      Listen up (actually read this carefully).

      THEY are, by far, more superior in terms of presenting facts and figures, and FINALLY offering excellently convincing alternative views in rebuttal to the PR cybertroopers’ traditional spin.

      You got punked.


  17. hahaha…rupa2nya ade ramai lg si bodoh yg percaya dgn saifool…

    malu weh, org2 UMNO / BN BERGANTUNG SEPENUHNYA pada jubur si saifool…Lubang Jubor saifool ni la penentu masa depan ahli2 UMNO / BN & anak2 cucu mereka…

    haha…memang si tolol!


    • hahaha…rupa2nya ade ramai lg si bodoh yg percaya dgn anuwar…

      malu weh, org2 PKR / PR BERGANTUNG SEPENUHNYA pada jubur si saifool,harap2 bersih…Lubang Jubor saifool yg bersih ni la penentu masa depan ahli2 PKR / PR & anak2 cucu mereka…

      haha…memang si tolol!


      • hahahaha

        ramai yang terlalu tolol harapkan anwar

        boleh ke dia bela nasib rakyat, sedangkan nasib sendiri tak tentu

        mungkin bersara dalam hotel penjara, kot


  18. Jebat,

    There is nothing ‘amusing’ for being insistent to remain ignorant, as you have evidently shown in your reply. The word pathetic might be the right word to say the least to describe your crooked mind and silly argument.

    You wrote,

    “The point here, which aspadeaspade has missed is, if I was the Judge, I will ask only a simple question to Karpal -Why do you ask Saiful whether did he mandi junub or not after 26th June 2008? Are you saying he did have physical, sexual activity with Anwar Ibrahim? How did you know that he must mandi junub?”

    By asking those questions, you choose to completely ignore the exact answer which has been wisely answered by aspadeaspade .

    Let me break your questions in parts to illustrate the core absurdity in your reply.

    You said, “If I was the judge, I will ask only a simple question to Karpal”

    There must be a good reason why you are not the judge but merely an UMNO stooge. God knows what kind of damage that will be inflicted to our already tainted judiciary system if more people like you with your crooked mind sit to decide on matters pertaining fairness and justice.

    Thank God for that.

    JMD : Sorry mate. Aspadeaspade never answered my questions.

    “If I were the judge” was only a figure of speech. You really believe I will become one? Get real mate. It was only a figure of speech. Thank you.


  19. Your inconsistency in your reply mirrored your fickle mind and hypocrisy.

    You wrote,“I will ask ONLY A SIMPLE QUESTION to Karpal”-actually consist not A question, but a series of different questions, which actually and obviously has been answered in aspadeaspade posting which I’ve copied above.

    Your questions are mixture of atleast two logical fallacies – “Argumentum ad nauseam”- to repeat again and again the same irrelevant question, ignoring the answer which has actually been unequivocally stated, and “Plurium interrogationum”- asking many questions at the same time in order to sideline the rebuttals that have actually been made.

    Your Q –“ Why do you ask Saiful whether did he mandi junub or not after 26th June 2008?” Already been answered by aspadeaspade, which you ignorantly ignored.

    Aspadeaspade wrote, “Since Saiful has taken the moral high ground to make an Islamic Oath, he must be tested according to that Islamic yardstick. That’s what Karpal did and succeeded – that if the incident did happen, Saiful the Liar who tries to appear “warak” by performing Friday prayer had actually performed an invalid prayer because he was in a state of impurity.”

    It is very clear that those questions were asked with the intention to illuminate to the judge, the court and the general public that Saiful IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH – thus NOT A CREDIBLE WITNESS thus A LIAR.

    It is palpably absurd of you to obstinately spin the news of the cross-examination by Karpal Singh- to imply that by asking whether Saiful perform his holy bath (mandi junub) indicates that the alleged offence did took place.

    JMD : You really do not have any more points to rebut my arguments now do you? If you think my questions are irrelevant, why don’t you answer them on behalf of Karpal since you sure knows how his mind works. Yes, why did Karpal ask Saiful whether ad he mandi junub? He asked, because he knows Saiful had sexual relations with Anwar. You are only looking at one side of the argument – to discredit his ‘warak’ personality.

    An advise to you; performing Friday prayers does not make Saiful a warak person. Ask any muslim out there and they will tell you that they don’t find him an alim or warak person. He is an average muslim to my eyes.

    Our objective here is to determine that Anwar did sodomise Saiful. Of which you yourself had tacitly agreed: you said – “that if the incident did happen, Saiful the Liar who tries to appear “warak” by performing Friday prayer had actually performed an invalid prayer because he was in a state of impurity.”

    And yes, he did perform his prayers although he is in a state of impurity. That is between him and God. Up to God to accept his prayers. It is certainly not up to you to judge whether his prayers are invalid or not. But one thing we all know, by trying to portray him as being ‘dirty’ while performing his prayers, Karpal inadvertently telling us all that the sodomy incident did happened!

    Every Muslim knows that mandi junub is only done once there is a sexual intercourse.

    That is the gist of my article which you and aspadeaspade trying very hard to spin it. Spinning it by saying that Saiful is not a warak person for failing to cleanse himself for prayers. What an absurd thing to do.

    Mate, if we want to judge him according to Islamic yardstick, the muslim judge would have thrown Anwar to jail. This is because, Saiful had made the Islamic Oath which Anwar did not.

    But the judge did not use this yardstick. Like I said earlier, the court will not judge the credibility of the witness just because he failed to perform any prayers. Piousness is not the measurement to be use here.

    Can you comprehend the issue now?


    • Actually JMD, your wrong there. If we measured it by the Islamic yardstick, Anwar still does not go to jail. In Islamic criminal procedure it is on the burden of the accuser to prove that the defendant (Anwar) did the crime. The evidence has to be “conclusive” before the judge can pass his decision. Yes taking an Islamic oath can absolve the defendant of the crime, but only in the cases where the the accuser has no evidence/witnesses. Since the prosecution has “evidence and witnesses”, the taking of an oath is not applicable.

      On another note if Saiful claimed that it was consensual, then why isn’t he on trial as well. Sodomy is illegal, whether or not it is consensual.

      JMD : Yes, that is why I said, the court will not judge this case using Islamic yardstick hence, Karpal’s effort to pin Saiful as unreligious will not succeed.

      Since Anwar has not take the stand, and Saiful has not yet finished with his counter questioning, plus, other witnesses and further evidence has not been called and submitted, I believe, there will be many more surprises to come.

      I think Saiful never claimed it was consensual. Syed Akbar Ali had wrote about this consensual/non consensual aspects. Please read it here.


  20. Saiful has clearly contradict himself by telling the whole world earlier through the court that he did not wash his ass nor clear his bowel for two days after the alleged forced sodomy took place. And the reason for that? As Saiful himself claimed, “untuk simpan bukti” meaning to keep the sperm dwelling in his arse for the next two days.

    Now Jebat, this is the actual amusing part. What Saiful is trying to say through his own words, that he is more afraid of losing those precious drops of semen rather than making a police report during those two critical days. If he is afraid of losing the ‘evident’ in his rectum, why didn’t he make a police report or medical check-up as soon as possible?

    Why was Saiful brave enough to Meet Najib first and not a doctor? Why?

    Saiful had more guts to jot down Musa Hassan’s private number while he ears dropping Najib’s conversation with his assistant without Najib’s knowledge or approval and Saiful went further to demonstrate his audacity by calling Musa Hassan to Musa’s annoyance.

    “Ketua Polis Negara minta saya tidak menghubunginya, beliau marah (dalam telefon) kerana beliau menganggap saya membuat panggilan palsu,” kata Saiful.

    Apabila peguam kanan pasukan Anwar bertanya dia menghubungi Ketua Polis Negara, Saiful berkata, “saya mahu memberitahu Ketua Polis Negara masalah saya.”

    Saiful berkata, dia terdengar Najib berbual dengan seorang yang tidak dikenalinya dan memberikan nombor Ketua Polis Negara kepada Najib.

    “Saya terdengar nombor itu, saya mencatitkannya,” katanya.
    You can refer to the rest of the story here

    Despite his quick, almost spy-like reaction, (perhaps he is indeed a spy ) Saiful seems uncertain and afraid to see a doctor. Disgustingly Saiful was unconcern at all to clean his own ass.

    Think careful. Think really hard. Does Saiful’s statement make any sense?

    JMD : All this has been explained by Saiful in his testimony so far. He had been sodomised by Anwar repeatedly. After he could not bear it any longer, he came to see Najib on the 24th since this issue will be a national issue and his life will change if he expose it. Najib asked him to mull it over. On the 26th, he was sodomised again (and for the last time) by Anwar. He explained that he had to consult several people after the final sodomy took place. He even had to consult an ustaz to ask for his wisdom on what is to be done,

    Finally, on the 28th, he made the police report. You can speculate anything you want. Truth is, you are not in his shoes to guess what was the best course of action to be made if you were him. Saiful was brave enough to meet Najib because he wasn’t sodomised on the 24th.


  21. Now try to ponder on this from another different angle. Silly Saiful was actually more afraid of losing those alleged precious drops of semen in his ass (as he reasoned, to preserve the evidence) from someone he confessedly idolized but was not afraid and worried at all of the possibility of being contracted with sexual related diseases!

    How more stupid and ridiculous he can be?

    From the stories and records in many cases of rape, most of the victim will tell you that the first thing that occurred in their mind after being rape was to clean their body and private parts. It is either they themselves clean their own body or they rush to the nearest hospital or clinic for assistance.

    Psychologist and psychiatrist will also tell you that the victim tends to feel extremely dirty, nauseating and disgusting feeling about themselves-the sense of horrible filth have been thrown to them, physically and emotionally.

    The victim will normally feel very worried of contracting diseases, some of them took shower repeatedly, and some spend hours in the bathroom trying their best to clean their body.

    Now Saiful after being questioned by Karpal suddenly remembered that he did take a bath and went for Friday prayers. Saiful in the same breath confessed that he did not clean himself properly. Which one is which? Did he clean himself or not?

    JMD : Like I said before, all of us are not in his shoes. He wanted justice. We all know that in teh case of rape victims, we told the public not to wash themselves in order to preserve he evidence. Right? Same case here. But Saiful took longer time because his sodomiser is Anwar. He needs to consult people before he made the police report. If it was you who raped him, I am sure he will straight away report you because you are a nobody. That was just an example. Please do not get so upset.


  22. For the right minded people who can reason and think clearly, Saiful’s statement actually raised more doubt to his credibility than his former boss, Anwar, in spite of your vain attempt to spin the story.

    As a Muslim and someone who portrays himself to be bold (the oath circus in the Mosque) Saiful should know that it is forbidden (haram) to even enter a Mosque, what more to perform a prayer, without first taking the holy bath (Mandi Junub)

    Every Muslim knows ‘mandi junub’ requires strict cleanliness – clean water must flow and cover every inch of your skin and body, while ensuring that any stain or dirt on your body must first be clean before you perform your prayers to Allah.

    That is a very basic and elementary knowledge in Islam. The subject of cleanliness is the first thing all young Muslim learn before we proceed to learn on how to pray, fast, perform hajj etc.

    From Saiful’s self contradictory statement, Saiful now told the court that he took a shower without cleaning his stinking ass!

    What Saiful is trying to say in other words that he is more afraid of losing those precious liquid in his rectum rather than afraid of performing false and invalid prayer to Allah on which he is consciously aware off but nevertheless deliberately proceed– a clear disrespect and mockery to the law of Islam.

    If this same character can show disrespect to the simple law of Islam in his own private conduct (his unclean Friday prayers) the same pattern of character might have, or almost certainly have been applied in his highly publicized ‘grandiose’ sham oath.

    JMD : I have no doubt about his credibility. You yourself strengthen this claim that Anwar sodomise him by profusely going over and over about this issue that Saiful is not clean when performing his prayers. Why was he not clean in the first place? Because he was sodomised by Anwar!

    This is a trial about Anwar’s sodomy. Not about Saiful’s mandi junub. So what if he is afraid of losing that ‘precious liquid’. What is more important here is, Anwar buggered the boy!

    Have a nice day.


  23. This is what Karpal, as a skillful, sharp and season lawyer has succeeded – to establish reasonable doubt that Saiful’s statement is itself self-contradictory, illogical and unreliable, thus his claims and allegation cannot be trusted.

    In your delusional daydream of being a judge you asked, “How did you know that he must mandi junub?”

    What point exactly are you trying to impart here? That a kafir like Karpal Singh should not and could not have known about the practice of mandi junub? And if he did, there must be something wrong that he still remain a kafir and therefore should not be trusted since he already ‘discovered’ the secret of Islam? What is exactly your point?

    You wrote,

    “Oh and by the way, judges won’t judge the case based on marks on the forehead or how pious one is.”

    Ah, another classic logical fallacy – The straw man fallacy.

    Your pompously fake nonchalant “oh and by the way” sissy tone before shooting another silly argument cannot actually hide the fallacy and absurdity in your argument.

    aspadeaspade clearly did not say or meant that the judge might judge Saiful based “on marks on the forehead or pious one is”.

    What aspadeaspade was trying to say was Saiful potrays himself to the public that he is pious or ‘warak’ whereby, observing through his own contradicting statement it is clearly he is not.

    Mischevous attempt like this to divert the argument by giving a rebuttal on none existence premise only works among fools – which is obviously prevalent among your devious comrades in UMNO cybertroopers.

    Finally, to summarize your complete idiocy, a clear manifestation of ’Freudian slip’, when you wrote,

    ”The spin made by aspadeaspade is quite desperate. And you call him as astute? I am sick of Anwar’s CYBERTROOPERS actually.”

    Through your own crooked logical system that by asking Saiful if he did perform his mandi junub, Karpal is reaffirming that the alleged sodomy did happen, what you are saying actually implies that you are indeed an UMNO’s Cybertrooper!

    Instead of denying, you accused aspadeaspade of being Anwar’s cybertrooper? Cehh.

    Jebat, you can continue as hard as you can to fools other through your writings.

    Kau tulislah secantik mana pun.

    kalau dan tolol tu tolol jugak. 

    JMD : Karpal is skillful and sharp? From the looks of it, Karpal had nailed Anwar to the sodomy case.

    And you want to defend Karpal by criticising me about his knowledge regarding mandi junub? I did not ask him about what knowledge he has about mandi junub. I ask him on how he’d know that Saiful MUST mandi junub?

    Clearly he knows that Saiful had sexual intercourse.

    In your desperation, you went completely off the mark and venture into all this kafir and secret of Islam thingy. Hahaha. Quite funny.

    And you began to scrape the bottom of the barrel by saying I made a freudian slip. Do you even know what is a freudian slip?

    I said “I am sick of Anwar’s CYBERTROOPERS actually”. Yes I am. I did not say, I am sick of Anwar’s CYBERTROOPERS TOO.

    See the difference?

    Do you know what is the glaring characteristic of a cybertrooper? Writing multiple comments over and over again hoping to ‘menegakkan benang yang basah’ in websites not agreeing with their own opinion.

    Thank you for all the 6 comments you made. Must be soooo satisfying huh?


    • The basis of the Islamic oath is to declare that you ARE indeed telling the truth.

      The penalty of telling a lie is enormous.

      Simply put, only the truth sayers DARE to perform the Islamic oath.

      The liars will never dare.


  24. Well Karpal himself is not a good Sikh! Notice that he does not wear a turban like all good Sikhs do. Now please don’t judge another person when you yourself are not that good!


  25. Hey SOUC ( sick of UMNO cybertroopers)

    Avoid trying to impress with big bombastic words that you yourself do not undersand. You failed miserably.

    Ponder on these SIMPLE facts:

    #1 Karpal said, “Anwar harus bertaubat”

    #2 Anwar ran to the Turkish embassy afraid of arrest

    #3 Anwar claimed of a murder threat against him

    #4 Saiful had made the Islamic Oath in a mosque

    #5 Anwar gave excuses for not doing so


  26. Pingback: Here comes Anwar Ibrahim’s alibi! «

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